README for translators of the debian-edu-bookworm-manual -------------------------------------------- Before you start: ----------------- Basic information about Salsa (the host where our Git repository is located) and Git is available at To commit your translations you need to be a member of the Salsa project 'Debian Edu'. Then check out the debian-edu-doc source using ssh access: $ git clone If you only want to translate, you need to check out only a few files from Git (which can be done anonymously). Please file a bug against the debian-edu-doc package and attach the compressed PO file to the bugreport, for already existing bug reports,see: For instructions on how to submit bugs, see: You can check out the debian-edu-doc source anonymously with the following command (you need to have the git package installed for this to work): $ git clone Then edit the file documentation/debian-edu-bookworm-manual.$CC.po (replacing $CC with your language code). There are many tools for translating available, e.g. Lokalize or Poedit. Then you either commit the file directly to Git (if you have the rights to do so) or add the file to the bugreport. To update your local copy of the repository use the following command inside the debian-edu-doc directory: $ git pull Install the build dependencies of the package plus some extra packages (which are needed for working on the translations, the package itself builds fine without them): sudo apt build-dep debian-edu-doc sudo apt install po4a texlive-latex-recommended texlive-latex-extra \ texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-extra dblatex wget libxml2-utils Please note: pdflatex depends on ($texlive-packages | $tetex-packages) - we need the texlive packages. For the following commands it's assumed you're in the current directory: debian-edu-doc/documentation/debian-edu-bookworm How to start a translation -------------------------- Simply copy the POT file as a PO file: $ cp debian-edu-bookworm-manual.pot debian-edu-bookworm-manual.da.po # create a new Danish PO file $ git add debian-edu-bookworm-manual.da.po # add it to the VCS $ vi debian-edu-bookworm-manual.da.po # better use Lokalize or Poedit $ LINGUA=da make xml # check the build and rewrap the PO file $ git commit debian-edu-bookworm-manual.da.po # commit the new translation for the first time $ git push # update the remote repository How to update the translations ------------------------------ Update the translations every time before you start translating some new strings: $ git pull # update from the VCS, maybe someone else translated # something or the English source was updated $ vi debian-edu-bookworm-manual.da.po # again, better use Lokalize or Poedit $ LINGUA=da make xml # check the build and rewrap the PO file $ git diff debian-edu-bookworm-manual.da.po # check the differences from the previous file $ git commit debian-edu-bookworm-manual.da.po # commit changes to your local repository $ git push # update the remote repository How to build the HTML, PDF and EPUB versions. --------------------------------------------- $ make html pdf epub # build all versions for all translations. Even faster for a single language, e.g. Danish: $ LINGUA=da make html # build only the Danish translation in HTML. You can also build the PDF: $ LINGUA=da make pdf # build only the Danish translation in PDF. The English pictures will be used for this test build, but localized images will be used during the actual build process (if they exist). Build the EPUB, too: $ LINGUA=da make epub # build only the Danish translation in PDF. Existing localized images will replace English ones. Cleaning up after having checked that things are okay: $ make clean Translating notes ----------------- Don't translate URLs - be careful: some wiki-URLs might be harder to notice they are URLs. To "translate" images, add them to the VCS into the images/$CC/ directory, where $CC is your language. They will be picked up automatically. If you spot errors in the English version or see how it could be improved, please do contribute to the English version too. Just edit the wiki at - a user account is needed to edit these pages, so you will probably need to create a wiki user first (via the login link). If you cannot commit your work to the VCS directly, please file a bug against the debian-edu-doc package, see Compress the PO file using gzip and attach the file to the bugreport. Instructions how to submit bugs are available at -- Holger Levsen,, last updated: 2020-08-23