--- layout: blog week: 113 published: 2017-06-27 16:06:57 --- Here's what happened in the [Reproducible Builds](https://reproducible-builds.org) effort between Sunday June 18 and Saturday June 24 2017: Upcoming and Past events ------------------------ Our [next IRC meeting is scheduled for the 6th of July](http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/reproducible-builds/Week-of-Mon-20170529/008785.html) at 17:00 UTC with this [agenda](https://pad.riseup.net/p/reproducible-irc-meeting-10) currently: 1. Introductions 2. Reproducible Builds Summit update 3. NMU campaign for buster 4. Press release: Debian is doing Reproducible Builds for Buster 5. Reproducible Builds Branding & Logo 6. should we become an SPI member 7. Next meeting 8. Any other business On June 19th, Chris Lamb presented at [LinuxCon China 2017](https://www.lfasiallc.com/linuxcon-containercon-cloudopen-china) on Reproducible Builds. On June 23rd, Vagrant Cascadian held a Reproducible Builds question and answer session at [Open Source Bridge](http://opensourcebridge.org/y2017). Reproducible work in other projects ----------------------------------- LEDE: [firmware-utils](https://git.lede-project.org/?p=source.git;a=commit;h=c47a1a3527d988b637c1daee573cbe0170ef73c6) and [mtd-utils/mkfs.jffs2](https://git.lede-project.org/?p=source.git;a=commit;h=b5aaafe9a36031149fa52bd07aa4a339e226c23c) now honor [SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH](https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/). Toolchain development and fixes ------------------------------- There was discussion on [#782654](https://bugs.debian.org/782654) about packaging bazel for Debian. Dan Kegel wrote a patch to [use `ar` determinitiscally](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/14860) for Homebrew, a package manager for MacOS. Dan Kegel worked on using `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` and other reproduciblity fixes [in fpm](https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm/pull/1360), a multi platform package builder. The Fedora Haskell team [disabled parallel builds](https://github.com/fedora-haskell/ghc-rpm-macros/commit/331f527a6d82c555f08fd5134a6b5cf27b2cf828) to achieve reproducible builds. Bernhard M. Wiedemann submitted many patches upstream: * Sorting file lists: * [python setuptools](https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/pull/1068) * [cpython tarfile/zipfile](https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/2263) * [lyx](http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/10711) * [dpdk](http://dpdk.org/dev/patchwork/patch/25633/) * [perl Alien::SDL](https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=119888) * [gtk-doc](https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=784177), no fix yet * Use date from `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`: * [uwsgi](https://github.com/unbit/uwsgi/pull/1561) * [recode](https://github.com/pinard/Recode/pull/11) * [perl Glib](https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=122140) Packages fixed and bugs filed ----------------------------- Patches submitted upstream: * Bernhard M. Wiedemann * [samba](https://github.com/samba-team/samba/pull/87), sorting file lists * [open-mpi](https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi/pull/3755), merged, sorting file lists * [virtualbox](https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/16854), incomplete fix, use `gzip -n` * [xen/etherboot](https://lists.xen.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2017-06/msg02583.html), [xen/mini-os](https://lists.xen.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2017-06/msg02610.html), use `gzip -n` * [nautilus-dropbox](https://github.com/dropbox/nautilus-dropbox/pull/31), drop date * [samba](https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba-technical/2017-June/121302.html), use date from `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`. Other patches filed in Debian: * Adrian Bunk: * [#865577](https://bugs.debian.org/865577) filed against [cloud-init](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/cloud-init). * [#865813](https://bugs.debian.org/865813) filed against [jumpnbump](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/jumpnbump). * Chris Lamb: * [#865554](https://bugs.debian.org/865554) filed against [janus](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/janus). * [#865623](https://bugs.debian.org/865623) filed against [cracklib2](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/cracklib2). * [#865751](https://bugs.debian.org/865751) filed against [nfstrace](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/nfstrace). * [#865753](https://bugs.debian.org/865753) filed against [tigervnc](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/tigervnc). Reviews of unreproducible packages ---------------------------------- 573 package reviews have been added, 154 have been updated and 9 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about [identified issues](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_issues.html). 1 issue type has been updated: - [random_order_of_pdf_ids_generated_by_latex](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/issues/unstable/random_order_of_pdf_ids_generated_by_latex_issue.html), added the name of the function that possibly causes this issue. Weekly QA work -------------- During our reproducibility testing, FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: - Adrian Bunk (98) diffoscope development ---------------------- [Version 83](https://tracker.debian.org/news/847786) was uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb. It also moved the previous changes from experimental (to where they were uploaded) to unstable. It included [contributions](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/diffoscope/commits/83) from previous weeks. You can read about these changes in our previous weeks' posts, or view [the changelog](http://changelogs.debian.net/diffoscope#83) directly ([raw form](http://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs/main/d/diffoscope/diffoscope_83_changelog)). We plan to maintain a backport of this and future versions in stretch-backports. Ximin Luo also worked on better `html-dir` output for very very large diffs such as those for GCC. So far, this includes unreleased work on a ``PartialString`` data structure which will form a core part of a new and more intelligent recursive display algorithm. strip-nondeterminism development -------------------------------- [Versions 0.035-1](https://tracker.debian.org/news/848221) was uploaded to unstable from experimental by Chris Lamb. It included [contributions](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/strip-nondeterminism/commits/debian/0.035-1) from: - Bernhard M. Wiedemann - Add CPIO handler and test case. - Chris Lamb - Packaging improvements. Later in the week Mattia Rizzolo uploaded [0.035-2](https://tracker.debian.org/news/850832) with [some improvements]( https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/strip-nondeterminism/commits/debian/0.035-2) to the [autopkgtest](https://ci.debian.net/doc/file.TUTORIAL.html) and to the general packaging. We currently don't plan to maintain a backport in stretch-backports like we did for jessie-backports. Please speak up if you think otherwise. reproducible-website development -------------------------------- - Chris Lamb: - Add OpenEmbedded to projects page after a discussion at LinuxCon China. - Update some metadata for existing talks. - Add 13 missing talks. tests.reproducible-builds.org ----------------------------- - Alexander 'lynxis' Couzens - LEDE: do a quick `sha256sum` before calling diffoscope. The LEDE build consists of 1000 packages, using diffoscope to detect whether two packages are identical takes 3 seconds in average, while calling `sha256sum` on those small packages takes less than a second, so this reduces the runtime from 3h to 2h (roughly). For Debian package builds this is neglectable, as each build takes several minutes anyway, thus adding 3 seconds to each build doesn't matter much. - LEDE/OpenWrt: move `toolchain.html` creation to remote node, as this is were the toolchain is build. - LEDE: remove debugging output for images. - LEDE: fixup HTML creation for toolchain, build path, downloaded software and GIT commit used. - Mattia 'mapreri' Rizzolo: - Debian: introduce Buster. - Debian: explain how to migrate from squid3 (in jessie) to squid (in stretch). - Holger 'h01ger' Levsen: - Debian: - Add jenkins jobs to create schroots and configure pbuilder for Buster. - Add Buster to README/about jenkins.d.n. - Teach jessie and ubuntu 16.04 systems how to debootstrap Buster. - Only update indexes and pkg_sets every 30min as the jobs almost run for 15 min now that we test four suites (compared to three before). - Create HTML dashboard, live status and dd-list pages less often. - (Almost) stop scheduling old packages in stretch, new versions will still be scheduled and tested as usual. - Increase scheduling limits, especially for untested, new and depwait packages. - Replace Stretch with Buster in the repository comparison page. - Only keep build_service logs for a day, not three. - Add check for hanging mounts to node health checks. - Add check for haveged to node health checks. - Disable ntp.service on hosts running in the future, needed on stretch. - Install amd64 kernels on all i386 systems. There is a performance issue with i386 kernels, for which a bug should be filed. Installing the amd64 kernel is a sufficient workaround, but it breaks our 32/64 bit kernel variation on i386. - LEDE, OpenWrt: Fix up links and split TODO list. - Upgrade i386 systems (used for Debian) and `pb3+4-amd64` (used for coreboot, LEDE, OpenWrt, NetBSD, Fedora and Arch Linux tests) to Stretch - jenkins: use java 8 as required by jenkins >= 2.60.1 Misc. ----- This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Holger Levsen, Bernhard M. Wiedemann, Mattia Rizzolo, Chris Lamb & reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.