--- layout: blog week: 91 published: 2017-01-29 18:01:03 --- What happened in the [Reproducible Builds](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds) effort between Sunday January 15 and Saturday January 21 2017: Media Coverage -------------- - Valerie Young presented *Reproducible Builds for a Better Future* ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nMVfmZL8zk)) at [linux.conf.au 2017](https://www.linux.conf.au/). - Chris Lamb presented *Reproducible Builds: Two years in the trenches* ([video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooJXRBf72M0)) at [linux.conf.au 2017](https://www.linux.conf.au/). Upcoming Events --------------- - [The Reproducible Build Zoo](https://openiotelcna2017.sched.com/event/9Iu4/the-reproducible-build-zoo-vagrant-cascadian-aikidev-llc) will be presented by Vagrant Cascadian at the Embedded Linux Conference in Portland, Oregon, February 22nd. - Dennis Gilmore and Holger Levsen will present on "Reproducible Builds and Fedora" at [Devconf.cz](https://devconf.cz/) on February 27th. - [Introduction to Reproducible Builds](https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/15x/presentations/introduction-reproducible-builds) will be presented by Vagrant Cascadian at Scale15x in Pasadena, California, March 5th. - Verifying Software Freedom with Reproducible Builds will be presented by Vagrant Cascadian at [Libreplanet2017](https://www.libreplanet.org/2017/) in Boston, March 25th-26th. Toolchain development and fixes ------------------------------- Ximin Luo [continued work](https://github.com/infinity0/rb-prefix-map) on data formats, code, and test cases for `SOURCE_PREFIX_MAP`. He also continued to [talk with the rustc team](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/38322) on the topic. Chris Lamb [submitted a patch](https://github.com/smcameron/wordwarvi/pull/5) to implement `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` for wordwarvi, a game which gave extra points to people who built it from source within one hour. This fixes Debian [#786593](https://bugs.debian.org/786593). [Launchpad bug 1657704](https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1657704) was filed for them to start accepting buildinfo files. Bugs filed ---------- - Chris Lamb: - [#851809](https://bugs.debian.org/851809) filed against [mono](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/mono). - Daniel Shahaf: - [#851764](https://bugs.debian.org/851764) filed against [hhsuite](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/hhsuite). Reviews of unreproducible packages ---------------------------------- 10 package reviews have been added, 149 have been updated and 153 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about [identified issues](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_issues.html). 2 issue types have been updated: * [ftbfs_due_to_jenkins_semaphore_setup](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/issues/unstable/ftbfs_due_to_jenkins_semaphore_setup_issue.html) * [clilibs_line_order](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/issues/unstable/clilibs_line_order_issue.html) Weekly QA work -------------- During our reproducibility testing, the following FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: - Chris Lamb (3) - Ondřej Kobližek (1) diffoscope development ---------------------- diffoscope 69 was uploaded to unstable by Chris Lamb. It included [contributions](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/diffoscope/commits/69) from: - Maria Glukhova: - Bug fixes: [#850055](https://bugs.debian.org/850055), [#850501](https://bugs.debian.org/850501). - Improve comparison of APK files: [#850502](https://bugs.debian.org/850502). - Add comparison of image metadata: [#849395](https://bugs.debian.org/849395). - Chris Lamb: - Many bug fixes: [#849411](https://bugs.debian.org/849411), [#850485](https://bugs.debian.org/850485), [#850807](https://bugs.debian.org/850807), [#850850](https://bugs.debian.org/850850), [#851588](https://bugs.debian.org/851588). - Add comparison of ICO files: [#850730](https://bugs.debian.org/850730). - Optimisations: disable profiling unless needed, and pre-compile regexes. - Many code quality improvements. - Mattia Rizzolo: - Deduplicate code for recognising file types based on `RE_FILE_TYPE` and `RE_FILE_EXTENSION`. - Improve code quality in tests. Further development continued in Git, and will be released as version 70 next week: - Chris Lamb: - Add tests for `--html-dir` output and improve code quality elsewhere in tests. - Add markdown and reStructuredText output, as well as tests for these. - Improve software architecture of presenters. - Fix error-checking in the Haskell comparator. - James Clarke: - Haskell comparator: properly extract version from interface files. - Mattia Rizzolo: - Improve some documentation. - Brett Smith: - Improve documentation including `--help` output. reproducible-builds.org website development ------------------------------------------- - Brett Smith: - berlin2016: List Conservancy consistently as a participant. - Chris Lamb: - Add Valerie's talk to resources page. - Daniel Shahaf: - Improved the "How to chair a meeting" section. tests.reproducible-builds.org ----------------------- - Holger added `arm64` to https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_variations.html - Mattia improved our process for building [the performance page](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_performance.html) so that stats for new architectures are computed correctly without manual intervention. - Holger enhanced the build node maintenance scripts to correctly detect if `/dev/shm` is mounted incorrectly (due to [#851427](https://bugs.debian.org/851427)) and deployed an `/etc/rc.local` startup script to all systems which works around it. As a result, [jenkins_semaphore_setup_issue](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/issues/unstable/jenkins_semaphore_setup_issue_issue.html) should be obsolete. - Mattia improved the diskspace monitoring visible at [our munin page](https://jenkins.debian.net/munin) for the 44 nodes we're currently running. - Holger added 6GB more RAM to `jenkins.debian.net`, for a total of 64GB RAM, to better cope with the new jobs due to `arm64. As usual, thanks to [profitbricks.com](http://profitbricks.com) for the hardware resources enabling this work. Misc. ----- This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Vagrant Cascadian, Holger Levsen & Chris Lamb and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.