--- layout: blog week: 93 published: 2017-02-11 12:02:20 --- Here's what happened in the [Reproducible Builds](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds) effort between Sunday January 29 and Saturday February 4 2017: Media coverage -------------- Dennis Gilmore and Holger Levsen presented "Reproducible Builds and Fedora" ([Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8oEg0p6QLE), [Slides](http://reproducible.alioth.debian.org/presentations/2017-01-27-devconf.cz-reproducible-builds+fedora.pdf)) at [Devconf.cz](https://devconf.cz/) on February 27th 2017. On February 1st, [stretch/armhf](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/testing/index_suite_armhf_stats.html) reached 90% reproducible packages in our test framework, so that now all four tested architectures are ≥ 90% reproducible in stretch. Yay! For armhf this means 22472 reproducible source packages (in main); for amd64, arm64 and i386 these figures are 23363, 23062 and 22607 respectively. Chris Lamb [appeared on the Changelog podcast](https://changelog.com/podcast/237) to talk about reproducible builds: Holger Levsen pitched Reproducible Builds and our need for a [logo](https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/Logo) in the "Open Source Design" room at FOSDEM 2017 ([Video](https://video.fosdem.org/2017/AW1.121/osd_pitch_your_project.mp4), 09:36 - 12:00). Upcoming Events --------------- - [The Reproducible Build Zoo](https://openiotelcna2017.sched.com/event/9Iu4/the-reproducible-build-zoo-vagrant-cascadian-aikidev-llc) will be presented by Vagrant Cascadian at the Embedded Linux Conference in Portland, Oregon, February 22nd. - [Introduction to Reproducible Builds](https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/15x/presentations/introduction-reproducible-builds) will be presented by Vagrant Cascadian at Scale15x in Pasadena, California, March 5th. - Verifying Software Freedom with Reproducible Builds will be presented by Vagrant Cascadian at [Libreplanet2017](https://www.libreplanet.org/2017/) in Boston, March 25th-26th. Reproducible work in other projects ----------------------------------- We learned that the "slightly more secure" [Heads firmware](https://github.com/osresearch/heads) (a Coreboot payload) [is now reproducibly built regardless of host system or build directory](https://twitter.com/qrs/status/826060202042494976/photo/1). A picture says more than a thousand words: [reproducible heads build on two machines](/blog/images/reproducible-heads-firmware-20170131.jpg) Docker started [preliminary work](https://github.com/docker/docker/pull/30611) on making image builds reproducible. Toolchain development and fixes ------------------------------- Ximin Luo continued to write [code and test cases](https://github.com/infinity0/rb-prefix-map) for the `BUILD_PATH_PREFIX_MAP` environment variable. He also did extensive research on cross-platform and cross-language issues with environment variables, filesystem paths, and character encodings, and started preparing a draft specification document to describe all of this. Chris Lamb asked CPython to implement an environment variable [PYTHONREVERSEDICTKEYORDER](http://bugs.python.org/issue29431) to add an an option to reverse iteration order of items in a `dict`. However this was rejected because they are planning to formally fix this order in the next language version. Bernhard Wiedemann and Florian Festi [added support](https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/pull/143) for our `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` environment variable, to the RPM Package Manager. James McCoy uploaded [devscripts](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/devscripts) 2.17.1 with a change from Guillem Jover for `dscverify(1)`, adding support for .buildinfo files. (Closes: [#852801](https://bugs.debian.org/852801)) Piotr Ożarowski uploaded [dh-python](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/dh-python) 2.20170125 with a change from Chris Lamb for a patch to fix [#835805](https://bugs.debian.org/835805). Chris Lamb added documentation to diffoscope, strip-nondeterminism, disorderfs, reprotest and trydiffoscope about uploading signed tarballs when releasing. He also added a link to these on our website's [tools page](https://reproducible-builds.org/tools/). Packages reviewed and bugs filed -------------------------------- Bugs filed: * "Z. Ren": * [#854293](https://bugs.debian.org/854293) filed against [manpages-tr](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/manpages-tr). * [#854294](https://bugs.debian.org/854294) filed against [regina-rexx](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/regina-rexx). * Chris Lamb: * [#853039](https://bugs.debian.org/853039) filed against [fontypython](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/fontypython). * [#853912](https://bugs.debian.org/853912) filed against [python-testfixtures](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/python-testfixtures), merged upstream as [PR #56](https://github.com/Simplistix/testfixtures/pull/56). * [#854111](https://bugs.debian.org/854111) filed against [aprx](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/aprx). * [#854112](https://bugs.debian.org/854112) filed against [pnmixer](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/pnmixer). * Reiner Herrmann: * [#854145](https://bugs.debian.org/854145) filed against [daemontools](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/daemontools). * [#854146](https://bugs.debian.org/854146) filed against [diploma](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/diploma). Reviews of unreproducible packages ---------------------------------- 83 package reviews have been added, 86 have been updated and 276 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about [identified issues](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_issues.html). 2 issue types have been updated: - [captures_build_path_via_assert](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/issues/unstable/captures_build_path_via_assert_issue.html) - [randomness_in_documentation_generated_by_epydoc](https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/issues/unstable/randomness_in_documentation_generated_by_epydoc_issue.html) Weekly QA work -------------- During our reproducibility testing, the following FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: - Chris Lamb (6) diffoscope development ---------------------- Work on the next version (71) continued in git this week: - Mattia Rizzolo: - Override a lintian warning. - Chris Lamb: - Update and consolidate documentation - Many test additions and improvements - Various code quality and software architecture improvements - anthraxx: - Update arch package, cdrkit -> cdrtools. reproducible-website development -------------------------------- Daniel Shahaf added more notes on our "[How to chair a meeting](https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/reproducible-website.git/tree/how-to-chair-a-meeting.md)" document. tests.reproducible-builds.org ----------------------- Holger unblacklisted [pspp](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/pspp) and [tiledarray](https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/tiledarray). If you think further packages should also be unblacklisted (possibly only on some architectures), please tell us. Misc. ----- This week's edition was written by Ximin Luo, Holger Levsen and Chris Lamb & reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.