How to chair a meeting ====================== Meetings are run using meetbot: [quick reference](, [manual](, [logs]( Using meetbot requires no special permissions. 0. At the end of Meeting N-1, its meeting summary and the date of Meeting N were posted, and the pad for Meeting N was created. 2. Three days before the meeting, post a call for agenda items (to be added to the pad). Use the previous email as a template. 3. One day before the meeting, post a date reminder. Use the previous email as a template. 4. On meeting day, one hour before the meeting: - Post an IRC reminder. - Ensure meetbot is joined on the meeting channel. - Review the agenda and plan time. 5. At meeting time: - Call the meeting to order on the hour (sharp), using `#startmeeting Reproducible Builds Meeting #N`. - Call the topics off the agenda. - Have discussions that take too long move to the mailing list. - Use `#endmeeting` to terminate the meeting. 6. After the meeting: - Create the Meeting N+1 pad. Confirm the date of that meeting (default: two weeks after the meeting that just ended). - Post the meeting summary email to `rb-general@`. Use the previous email as a template. - Add any `#help` items from the meeting summary to [tasks.git][tasks.git]. - Update the /topic of #reproducible-builds with the date of Meeting N+1. - Have somebody volunteer to chair Meeting N+1. - Point them to this file. [tasks.git]: