Template: partman-md/text/device Type: text # :sl3: _Description: Software RAID device Template: partman-md/text/configure_md Type: text # :sl3: _Description: Configure software RAID Template: partman-md/text/in_use Type: text # :sl3: # What is "in use" is a partition _Description: In use by software RAID device ${DEVICE} Template: partman-md/nomd Type: error # :sl3: _Description: Software RAID not available The current kernel doesn't seem to support software RAID (MD) devices. This should be solved by loading the necessary modules. Template: partman-md/mainmenu Type: select Choices-C: create, delete, finish # Note to translators : Please keep your translations of the choices # below a 65 columns limit (which means 65 characters # in single-byte languages) # :sl3: __Choices: Create MD device, Delete MD device, Finish # :sl3: _Description: Software RAID configuration actions This is the software RAID (or MD, "multiple device") configuration menu. . Please select one of the proposed actions to configure software RAID. Template: partman-md/createmain Type: select Choices: RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, RAID6, RAID10 # :sl3: _Description: Software RAID device type: Please choose the type of the software RAID device to be created. Template: partman-md/noparts Type: error # :sl3: _Description: No RAID partitions available No unused partitions of the type "Linux RAID Autodetect" are available. Please create such a partition, or delete an already used software RAID device to free its partitions. . If you have such partitions, they might contain actual file systems, and are therefore not available for use by this configuration utility. Template: partman-md/raid0devs Type: multiselect Choices: ${PARTITIONS} # :sl3: _Description: Active devices for the RAID0 array: You have chosen to create a RAID0 array. Please choose the active devices in this array. Template: partman-md/raiddevcount Type: string # :sl3: _Description: Number of active devices for the RAID${LEVEL} array: The RAID${LEVEL} array will consist of both active and spare devices. The active devices are those used, while the spare devices will only be used if one or more of the active devices fail. A minimum of ${MINIMUM} active devices is required. . NOTE: this setting cannot be changed later. Template: partman-md/raiddevs Type: multiselect Choices: ${PARTITIONS} # :sl3: _Description: Active devices for the RAID${LEVEL} array: You have chosen to create a RAID${LEVEL} array with ${COUNT} active devices. . Please choose which partitions are active devices. You must select exactly ${COUNT} partitions. Template: partman-md/raidsparecount Type: string # :sl3: _Description: Number of spare devices for the RAID${LEVEL} array: Template: partman-md/raidsparedevs Type: multiselect Choices: ${PARTITIONS} # :sl3: _Description: Spare devices for the RAID${LEVEL} array: You have chosen to create a RAID${LEVEL} array with ${COUNT} spare devices. . Please choose which partitions will be used as spare devices. You may choose up to ${COUNT} partitions. If you choose less than ${COUNT} devices, the remaining partitions will be added to the array as "missing". You will be able to add them to the array later. Template: partman-md/notenoughparts Type: error # :sl3: _Description: Not enough RAID partitions available There are not enough RAID partitions available for your selected configuration. You have ${NUM_PART} RAID partitions available but your configuration requires ${REQUIRED} partitions. Template: partman-md/raid10layout Type: string Default: n2 # :sl3: _Description: Layout of the RAID10 array: The layout must be n, o, or f (arrangement of the copies) followed by a number (number of copies of each chunk). The number must be smaller or equal to the number of active devices. . The letter is the arrangement of the copies: n - near copies: Multiple copies of one data block are at similar offsets in different devices. f - far copies: Multiple copies have very different offsets o - offset copies: Rather than the chunks being duplicated within a stripe, whole stripes are duplicated but are rotated by one device so duplicate blocks are on different devices. . NOTE: this setting cannot be changed later. Template: partman-md/deletemenu Type: select Choices: ${DEVICES} # :sl3: _Description: Software RAID device to be deleted: Deleting a software RAID device will stop it and clear the superblock of all its components. . Please note this will not immediately allow you to reuse the partitions or devices in a new software RAID device. The array will however be unusable after the deletion. . If you select a device for deletion, you will get some information about it and you will be given the option of aborting this operation. Template: partman-md/delete_no_md Type: error # :sl3: _Description: No software RAID devices available No software RAID devices are available for deletion. Template: partman-md/deleteverify Type: boolean Default: false # :sl3: #flag:translate!:4 _Description: Really delete this software RAID device? Please confirm whether you really want to delete the following software RAID device: . Device: ${DEVICE} Type: ${TYPE} Component devices: . ${DEVICES} Template: partman-md/deletefailed Type: error # :sl3: _Description: Failed to delete the software RAID device There was an error deleting the software RAID device. It may be in use. Template: partman-md/confirm Type: boolean Default: false # :sl3: #flag:translate!:4 _Description: Write the changes to the storage devices and configure RAID? Before RAID can be configured, the changes have to be written to the storage devices. These changes cannot be undone. . When RAID is configured, no additional changes to the partitions in the disks containing physical volumes are allowed. Please convince yourself that you are satisfied with the current partitioning scheme in these disks. . ${ITEMS} Template: partman-md/confirm_nochanges Type: boolean Default: false # :sl3: _Description: Keep current partition layout and configure RAID? When RAID is configured, no additional changes to the partitions in the disks containing physical volumes are allowed. Please convince yourself that you are satisfied with the current partitioning scheme in these disks. Template: partman-md/commit_failed Type: error # :sl3: _Description: RAID configuration failure An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. . RAID configuration has been aborted. Template: partman/method_long/raid Type: text # :sl3: _Description: physical volume for RAID Template: partman/method_short/raid Type: text # :sl3: _Description: raid Template: partman-md/device_remove_md Type: boolean Default: false # :sl3: _Description: Remove existing software RAID partitions? The selected device contains partitions used for software RAID devices. The following devices and partitions are about to be removed: . Software RAID devices about to be removed: ${REMOVED_DEVICES} . Partitions used by these RAID devices: ${REMOVED_PARTITIONS} . Note that this will also permanently erase any data currently on the software RAID devices.