Template: partman-nbd/text/configure_nbd Type: text # :sl4: _Description: Configure the Network Block Device Template: partman-nbd/mainmenu Type: select Choices-C: connect, disconnect, finish Choices: ${CHOICES} # :sl4: _Description: NBD configuration action: There are currently ${NUMBER} devices connected. Template: partman-nbd/server Type: string # :sl4: _Description: Network Block Device server: Please enter the host name or the IP address of the system running nbd-server. Template: partman-nbd/name Type: string # :sl4: _Description: Name for NBD export Please enter the NBD export name needed to access nbd-server. The name entered here should match an existing export on the server. Template: partman-nbd/device Type: select Choices: ${CHOICES} # :sl4: _Description: Network Block Device device node: Please select the NBD device node that you wish to connect or disconnect. Template: partman-nbd/error/noserver Type: error # :sl4: _Description: Failed to connect to the NBD server Connecting to the nbd-server failed. Please ensure that the host and the export name which you entered are correct, that the nbd-server process is running on that host, that the network is configured correctly, and retry. Template: partman-nbd/error/nodev Type: error # :sl4: _Description: No more Network Block Device nodes left Either all available NBD device nodes are in use or something went wrong with the detection of the device nodes. . No more NBD device nodes can be configured until a configured one is disconnected. Template: partman-nbd/error/noconnected Type: error # :sl4: _Description: No connected Network Block Device nodes were found There are currently no Network Block Device nodes connected to any server. As such, you can't disconnect any of them. Template: partman-nbd/menu/connect Type: text # :sl4: # Menu entry # Use infinite form _Description: Connect a Network Block Device Template: partman-nbd/menu/disconnect Type: text # :sl4: # Menu entry # Use infinite form _Description: Disconnect a Network Block Device Template: partman-nbd/menu/finish Type: text # :sl4: # Menu entry # Use infinite form _Description: Finish and return to the partitioner