[Unit] Description=Busybox syslogd system logging daemon Documentation=man:syslogd(1) # Can use remote-fs.target and network.target as dependencies, # to put logs to a remote filesystem or to log over network. # For a small stand-alone system it is usually not needed. #After=remote-fs.target #After=network.target # We're socket-activated from /run/systemd/journald/syslog, # See https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/syslog for details. Requires=syslog.socket [Service] Environment=SYSLOG_OPTS= EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/busybox-syslogd Type=simple ExecStart=/sbin/syslogd -n $SYSLOG_OPTS Restart=on-failure # make logfiles root:adm, mode 0640 by default Group=adm UMask=0026 # To avoid looping by our own messages. This makes our own errors invisible. StandardOutput=null [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Alias=syslog.service Also=busybox-klogd.service