Template: s390-netdevice/choose_networktype Type: select Choices-C: ctc, qeth, iucv, virtio # Note to translators : Please keep your translations of the choices # below a 65 columns limit (which means 65 characters # in single-byte languages) including the initial path # :sl5: __Choices: ctc: Channel to Channel (CTC) or ESCON connection, qeth: OSA-Express in QDIO mode / HiperSockets, iucv: Inter-User Communication Vehicle - available for VM guests only, virtio: KVM VirtIO # :sl5: _Description: Network device type: Please choose the type of your primary network interface that you will need for installing the Debian system (via NFS or HTTP). Only the listed devices are supported. Template: s390-netdevice/ctc/choose_read Type: select Choices: ${choices} # :sl5: _Description: CTC read device: The following device numbers might belong to CTC or ESCON connections. Template: s390-netdevice/ctc/choose_write Type: select Choices: ${choices} # :sl5: _Description: CTC write device: The following device numbers might belong to CTC or ESCON connections. Template: s390-netdevice/ctc/confirm Type: boolean Default: true # :sl5: _Description: Do you accept this configuration? The configured parameters are: read channel = ${device_read} write channel = ${device_write} protocol = ${protocol} Template: s390-netdevice/ctc/no Type: error # :sl5: _Description: No CTC or ESCON connections Please make sure that you have set them up correctly. Template: s390-netdevice/ctc/protocol Type: select Choices: S/390 (0), Linux (1), OS/390 (3) Default: S/390 (0) # :sl5: _Description: Protocol for this connection: Template: s390-netdevice/qeth/choose Type: select Choices: ${choices} # :sl5: _Description: Device: Please select the OSA-Express QDIO / HiperSockets device. Template: s390-netdevice/qeth/confirm Type: boolean Default: true # :sl5: _Description: Do you accept this configuration? The configured parameters are: channels = ${device0}, ${device1}, ${device2} port = ${port} layer2 = ${layer2} Template: s390-netdevice/qeth/no Type: error # :sl5: _Description: No OSA-Express QDIO cards / HiperSockets No OSA-Express QDIO cards / HiperSockets were detected. If you are running VM please make sure that your card is attached to this guest. Template: s390-netdevice/qeth/port Type: string Default: 0 # :sl5: _Description: Port: Please enter a relative port for this connection. Template: s390-netdevice/qeth/layer2 Type: boolean Default: false # :sl5: _Description: Use this device in layer2 mode? By default OSA-Express cards use layer3 mode. In that mode LLC headers are removed from incoming IPv4 packets. Using the card in layer2 mode will make it keep the MAC addresses of IPv4 packets. Template: s390-netdevice/iucv/confirm Type: boolean Default: true # :sl5: _Description: Do you accept this configuration? The configured parameter is: peer = ${peer} Template: s390-netdevice/iucv/peer Type: string # :sl5: _Description: VM peer: Please enter the name of the VM peer you want to connect to. . If you want to connect to multiple peers, separate the names by colons, e.g. tcpip:linux1. . The standard TCP/IP server name on VM is TCPIP; on VIF it's $TCPIP. Note: IUCV must be enabled in the VM user directory for this driver to work and it must be set up on both ends of the communication. Template: debian-installer/s390-netdevice/title Type: text # Main menu item # Translators: keep below 55 columns # :sl5: _Description: Configure the network device