#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Otavio Salvador # This file is licensed on GPLv3 CROSSBUILD_BLACKLIST="s390-netdevice partitioner" source=`grep Source debian/control | sed 's,.*: ,,g'` # Set the architecture to use for the build pkg_arch=`grep Architecture debian/control | head -n 1 | sed 's,.*: ,,g'` sys_arch=`dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH` if echo "$pkg_arch" | grep -q "$sys_arch"; then pkg_arch="$sys_arch" else pkg_arch=`echo $pkg_arch | cut -f 1 -d\ | sed "s,-any$,-$sys_arch,g"` if [ "$pkg_arch" = "any" ] || [ "$pkg_arch" = "all" ] || [ "$pkg_arch" = "linux-$sys_arch" ]; then pkg_arch="$sys_arch" fi if [ "$pkg_arch" != "$sys_arch" ] && echo "$CROSSBUILD_BLACKLIST" | grep -q "$source"; then echo "ERROR: '$source' package is unsafe for crossbuilding." exit 1 fi fi # Check build-depends if ! dpkg-checkbuilddeps; then exit 1 fi # Handle translations l10n_changes="$(mktemp --tmpdir l10n-changes.XXXXXX)" cleanup () { rm -f "$l10n_changes" } trap cleanup EXIT HUP INT QUIT TERM `dirname $0`/l10n/output-l10n-changes -d . 2> /dev/null > "$l10n_changes" if [ "`cat "$l10n_changes"`" = "Cannot find the PO directory!" ]; then > "$l10n_changes" fi while read line; do if [ "$line" = "[ Updated translations ]" ]; then continue fi log=`echo "$line" | cut -c 3-` DEBFULLNAME="Updated translations" dch -t --release-heuristic changelog "$log" done < "$l10n_changes" # "release" the version dch -r "" # build, check and upload version="$(dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Version:/ { print $2 }')" debuild -a$pkg_arch -I if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then if grep -q "E: .* udeb: binary-from-other-architecture .*" "../${source}_${version#*:}_${pkg_arch}.build"; then echo "ERROR: this package is unsafe for crossbuilding." else read -n 1 -s -p "Are you sure you want to commit, upload and push the package [yN]? " reply echo if [ "$reply" = y ] || [ "$reply" = Y ]; then if debsign -a$pkg_arch; then git add debian/changelog if debcommit --release; then if git push origin && git push origin $version; then if debrelease -a$pkg_arch; then exit 0 else echo "Failed to upload the package." exit 1 fi else echo "Failed to push changes to origin. Package won't be uploaded. Exiting..." exit 1 fi else echo "Failed to run debcommit --release, exiting..." exit 1 fi else echo "Failed to sign the package, exiting..." exit 1 fi else echo "Nothing has been commited or pushed. Package built fine though." exit 0 fi fi fi git checkout debian/changelog exit 1