Lintian - Static Debian package analysis tool ============================================= Lintian is a static analysis tool for finding many bugs, policy violations and other issues in Debian based packages. It can process binary Debian packages (.deb), micro/installer packages (.udeb), Debian source packages (.dsc) and (to a limited degree) the "buildinfo" and "changes" files. Running Lintian =============== Running Lintian is as simple as invoking $ lintian path/to/pkg_version_arch.changes Alternatively, you can pass Lintian binary/udeb or dsc files directly instead of the .changes file. Lintian is designed to work directly from the source tree (simply use "frontend/lintian" itself). For information about command options, please run lintian (or lintian-info) with "--help". Alternatively, you can also read the manpages lintian(1) and lintian-info(1). Advice / Tips and Tricks ------------------------ If there is a tag you are not familiar with, you can use "--info" or lintian-info to get more information: $ lintian-info -t no-version-field If you want to enable all tags, simply use the "Evil and pedantic" mnemonic: $ lintian -EvIL +pedantic path/to/pkg_version_arch.changes You may want to drop the "-v", which may make Lintian more verbose than you would like. Also, keep in mind that "-E" enables "experimental" tags and "-L +pedantic" enables some very pedantic tags. Lintian is not always right! Static analysis involves a trade-off between "accuracy" and CPU/memory usage. Furthermore, in some cases, certain packages trigger a corner case where the Debian Policy gives more leeway than Lintian does. If you have installed Lintian via the "lintian" Debian package, you can find the Lintian User's Manual in: $ sensible-browser /usr/share/doc/lintian/lintian.html # or in txt format $ zless /usr/share/doc/lintian/lintian.txt.gz Compiling Lintian ================= Lintian is written in pure Perl and therefore does not require any "building" at all. Consequently, Lintian currently does not have a build system. Instead it relies on its Debian build system (implemented in debian/rules) and debhelper. Thus, on Debian-based systems, installing the build dependencies (see debian/control) and running: $ dpkg-buildpackage will provide you with a "lintian" Debian package. So far there has been little work in providing a stand-alone build system as Lintian requires a fair share of "Debian specific" tools and libraries, including the "Dpkg" and "AptPkg" Perl modules. We are willing to accept and maintain a stand-alone build system for Lintian. Where not intrusive, we may also be willing to accept alternative dependencies for "Debian specific" libraries/tools. Developing/Patching Lintian =========================== If you are interested in developing patches for Lintian or just writing your own Lintian checks, please review []( Feedback ======== Please file bugs against the "lintian" package in the Debian Bug Tracker. We recommend using reportbug(1) for filing bugs, but in its absence you send a [mail to the BTS][bts-report-bug]. Any comments, critics, or suggestions about Lintian or related topics are highly appreciated by the authors! Please contact . Thanks! Please note that all data submitted to the Debian Bug Tracker and the address will be available to the general public. Should you be aware of a severe non-disclosed security issue in Lintian, then please contact the [Debian Security Team][report-security-issue] instead. [bts-report-bug]: [report-security-issue]: