To: Subject: fails to purge - command (deluser|adduser) in postrm not found Package: Version: Severity: serious User: Usertags: piuparts Hi, during a test with piuparts I noticed your package failed to purge due to a command not found. According to policy 7.2 you cannot rely on the depends being available during purge, only the essential packages are available for sure. The fix should be easy: your package is using adduser or deluser from the adduser package, which is only priority important. Using useradd or userdel from the passwd package (priority required) should fix this problem. There is ongoing discussion how to handle system users on package removal, see Consensus seems to be not to remove system users (to avoid reusing UIDs which could grant access to the wrong files) but to "lock" them (where "locking"/"unlocking" is not yet precisely defined). Until that has been decided it should be sufficient to have the postrm script ignore any errors from deluser: deluser ... || true From the attached log (scroll to the bottom...): cheers,