To: Subject: prompts user without following Debian Configuration Management Specification Package: Version: Severity: serious User: Usertags: piuparts Hi, during a test with piuparts I noticed your package prompts the user badly. Prompting in maintainer scripts must be done by communicating through a program such as debconf which conforms to the Debian Configuration Management Specification, version 2 or higher. Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 3.9.1 (Prompting in maintainer scripts) for details. Quoting from ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ 3.9.1 Prompting in maintainer scripts ] Package maintainer scripts may prompt the user if necessary. Prompting must be done by communicating through a program, such as debconf, which conforms to the Debian Configuration Management Specification, version 2 or higher. Packages which are essential, or which are dependencies of essential packages, may fall back on another prompting method if no such interface is available when they are executed. The Debian Configuration Management Specification is included in the debconf_specification files in the debian-policy package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the attached log (scroll to the bottom...): And as it's not possible to set two usertags at the same time, this also should to be done: User: Usertags: read-in-maintainer-script cheers,