Coding style/standards ---------------------- This is another one of those "object-oriented" C programs. Each "class" is associated with one program file, which defines a data-structure and a set of methods that operate on that structure. All the methods take the class data structure as the first parameter. The exception to this is the _new method, which is the constructor for the class. It takes whatever initialization parameters are needed, and returns a pointer to a class structure. The destructor, if one exists, is canonically named class_delete. Macros are used for various convenience things, and follow the naming convention of their C++ or perl counterparts. In general the code follows the following conventions: - variables and functions are lower-case. multi-word identifiers are joined by underbars (like_this). - tabs are 4 spaces. Avoid using ^I - braces are always on a line by itself, and line up with the controlling block construct. - in general, keep things consistent with the surrounding code