Most clients can be written quite simply with shell or Perl. Shell-script based clients ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shell-script based debconf clients should source the confmodule support library, /usr/share/debconf/confmodule by default. Use of the shell confmodule library is described in the debconf documentation. Perl based clients ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /* to be added, need to modify */ C based clients ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ libdebconf has some simple support functions for C based clients; the API is pretty simple: #include struct debconfclient *client = debconfclient_new(); client->command(client, "INPUT", "low", "foo/bar", NULL); myvar = client->value; (or myvar = client->ret(client); ) /* ... */ debconfclient_delete(client); the command method takes a NULL-terminated list of arguments to pass to the confmodule. The result is stored in client->value; File descriptors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cdebconf opens some additional fds for the confmodule. Actually they are: - 4: original stdin, defined as DEBCONF_OLD_STDIN_FD - 5: original stdout, defined as DEBCONF_OLD_STDOUT_FD Packages which want to call a console application may use them.