Template: debconf/language Type: string Description: Debconf's language Template: test/info Type: title Description: cdebconf test suite Description-de.UTF-8: cdebconf-Prüfung und einige andere Wörter Template: test/title Type: title Description: Testing cdebconf Template: test/title-2 Type: title Description: Testing cdebconf, squared Template: test/boolean Type: boolean Default: true Description: Enter a boolean value This is the prompt for a boolean-type question Template: test/boolean-no-default Type: boolean Description: Enter a boolean value This is the prompt for a boolean-type question with no default Template: test/multiselect Type: multiselect Default: bar, baz Choices: foo, bar, baz, quux Description: Select one or more options This is the prompt for a multiselect-type question Template: test/note Type: note Description: Read this note This is the prompt for a note Template: test/password Type: password Description: Enter a password This is the prompt for a password-type question Template: test/select Type: select Default: foo bar Choices-C: foo bar (C), baz quux (C), foo baz (C), bar quux (C), moo cow (C), alpha (C), beta (C), gamma (C), delta (C), epsilon (C), unidentified-next-one, ${EXTRA} Choices: foo bar, baz quux, foo baz, bar quux, moo cow, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, i don't remember what the next one is, ${EXTRA-TRANS} Description: Select one option This is the prompt for a select-type question Template: test/string Type: string Description: Enter a string This is the prompt for a string-type question Template: test/text Type: text Description: Enter some text This is the prompt for a text-type question Template: test/text-subst Type: text Description: Enter some text - subst test This is the prompt for a text-type question. ${TEXT}