############################################################## # ALTERNATE CHARACTER SET OF THE LINUX CONSOLE DRIVER ############################################################## # The symbols defined in terminfo(5) do not always correspond to what # actually the Linux console driver prints. The comments on lines # starting with unicode give the definitions by terminfo(5) and the # comment on the following line describes the actual meaning of the # unicode symbol. U+00a3 # UK pound sign # U+00a3: POUND SIGN U+2193 # arrow pointing down # U+2193: DOWNWARDS ARROW U+25C0 # arrow pointing left # U+25C0: BLACK LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE U+25B6 # arrow pointing right # U+25B6: BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE U+2191 # arrow pointing up # U+2191: UPWARDS ARROW U+2591 # board of squares # U+2591: LIGHT SHADE U+25A0 # bullet # U+25A0: BLACK SQUARE U+2592 # checker board (stipple) # U+2592: MEDIUM SHADE U+00B0 # degree symbol # U+00B0: DEGREE SIGN U+2666 # diamond # U+2666: BLACK DIAMOND SUIT U+2265 # greater-than-or-equal-to # U+2265: GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO U+03C0 # greek pi # U+03C0: GREEK SMALL LETTER PI U+2500 # horizontal line # U+2500: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL U+256C # lantern symbol # U+256C: BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL U+253C # large plus or crossover # U+253C: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL U+2264 # less-than-or-equal-to # U+2264: LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO U+2514 # lower left corner # U+2514: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT U+2518 # lower right corner # U+2518: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT U+256A # not-equal # U+256A: BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND HORIZONTAL DOUBLE U+00B1 # plus/minus # U+00B1: PLUS-MINUS SIGN U+007E # scan line 1 # U+007E: TILDE U+2500 # scan line 3 # U+2500: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL U+2500 # scan line 7 # U+2500: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL U+005F # scan line 9 # U+005F: LOW LINE U+2588 # solid square block # U+2588: FULL BLOCK U+252C # tee pointing down # U+252C: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND HORIZONTAL U+2524 # tee pointing left # U+2524: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND LEFT U+251C # tee pointing right # U+251C: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT U+2534 # tee pointing up # U+2534: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL U+250C # upper left corner # U+250C: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT U+2510 # upper right corner # U+2510: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT U+2502 # vertical line # U+2502: BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL