# Never change d-i's crontab with `crontab -e`. Instead, edit # ~d-i/trunk/scripts/etc/cron/crontab, and run `make` # in that directory (or install that file by hand). Also, please # `svn commit` any non-temporary changes you make. MAILTO=bubulle,kibi DI=/home/d-i/trunk WWW=/srv/d-i.debian.org/www DAILY_IMAGES_DIR=/srv/d-i.debian.org/www/daily-images DAILY_LOGS_DIR=/home/d-i/daily-build-logs.git 00 1 * * * cd $DI/scripts; svn -q up; ./daily-build-aggregator $WWW/daily-images/build-logs ; ~/bin/push-www 05 * * * * cd $DI/scripts; svn -q up; ./daily-build-manager sync-logs $DAILY_IMAGES_DIR $DAILY_LOGS_DIR; cd $DAILY_LOGS_DIR; git push -q origin HEAD 10 0 */10 * * cd $DI/scripts; svn -q up; ./daily-build-manager clean-old-logs $DAILY_LOGS_DIR 40 0 * * * cd $DI/scripts; svn -q up; ./daily-build-manager clean-old-images $DAILY_IMAGES_DIR 45 * * * * cd $DI/scripts; svn -q up; ./daily-build-overview $DAILY_LOGS_DIR $DAILY_IMAGES_DIR 18 1 * * * nice -n 19 $HOME/bin/generate_l10n-stats ; ~/bin/push-www 18 3 * * * $HOME/bin/d-i_spellcheck ; ~/bin/push-www 55 3 * * * for i in `cat $HOME/.websec-txt/lang-mail-cvs.cfg|grep -E -v "^\#" | grep -E -v "^$" | awk '{print $1}' `; do $DI/scripts/l10n/websec/websec-txt-all $i ; done 0 22 * * * cd $DI; mr -q up ; nice -n 19 $DI/scripts/l10n/l10n-sync --levels=6 --online --commit $DI 0 23 * * * cd $DI/manual && svn -q up ; cd build && destination=$WWW/manual ./build.sh >/dev/null ; ~/bin/push-www # Let the last */4 entry call push-www: 10 */4 * * * cd $DI; mr -q up; cd scripts; ./git-summary > $WWW/git-summary.html 15 */4 * * * cd $DI; ./scripts/l10n/scan-trans > $WWW/translations.txt 30 */4 * * * cd $DI/scripts; mr -q up; ./kernel-summary $WWW/kernel-summary.html 45 */4 * * * cd $DI/scripts; ./www-static.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 55 */4 * * * cd $DI; mr -q up ; cd $DI/scripts/testing-summary; svn -q up; ./gen-summary /srv/mirrors/debian > $WWW/testing-summary.html ; ~/bin/push-www 0 5,11,17,23 * * * cd $DI/scripts; mr -q up; ./dose4udebs-wrapper /srv/mirrors/debian dose.tmp $WWW/dose ; ~/bin/push-www