8.3. 更多閱讀資訊

The Debian web site contains a large quantity of documentation about Debian. In particular, see the Debian GNU/Linux FAQ and the Debian Reference. An index of more Debian documentation is available from the Debian Documentation Project. The Debian community is self-supporting; to subscribe to one or more of the Debian mailing lists, see the Mail List Subscription page. Last, but not least, the Debian Mailing List Archives contain a wealth of information on Debian.

如果您想查閱某個程式的更詳細資料,應該先試試 man 程式名稱,或者 info 程式名稱

/usr/share/doc 目錄裡有很多有用的文件,特別是 /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/usr/share/doc/FAQ 裡有很多值得一讀的文章。如果您想回報臭蟲報告,請先查閱這些文件: /usr/share/doc/debian/bug*。針對某個程式,其有關於 Debian 的內容可以查閱文件: /usr/share/doc/(package name)/README.Debian