Releasing new upstream versions ------------------------------- IMPORTANT: This needs to be done whenever the "upstream version" is incremented in debian/changelog! debian-edu-artwork is a non-native package, that means whenever files outside the debian director are changed or if the upstream version is incremented, one needs to release a new upstream version, which includes building a proper orig.tar.gz. To do so, commit your changes to git and use the new-upstream-version target in debian/rules: debian/rules new-upstream-version This will create an upstream source tarball in the parent directory. After that, build as usual: debuild -uc -us -S pbuilder --build debian-edu-artwork_VERSION.dsc Getting existing orig.tar.gz: ----------------------------- If you don't have the orig.tar.gz file which was used to build the package previously, use "apt-get source debian-edu-artwork" to get it. Building from git ----------------- To build from git, a few files need to be generated. Use this command to bootstrap the source automake -c -a autoreconf (This is actually not accurate anymore, someone committed all autogenerated files to git. But this nicely documents whats needed to do when and friends are changed.)