To: Subject: obsolete conffiles (policy 10.7.3): Package: Version: Severity: important User: Usertags: piuparts Hi, during a test with piuparts I noticed your package has obsolete conffiles. To see the policy statement, 10.7.3: "[...] Obsolete configuration files without local changes should be removed by the package during upgrade.[11]" [11] The dpkg-maintscript-helper tool, available from the dpkg package, can help for this task. Quotes from manpage: " [...] If the conffile has not been shipped for several versions, and you are now modifying the maintainer scripts to clean up the obsolete file, prior-version should be based on the version of the package that you are now preparing, not the first version of the package that lacked the conffile. This applies to all other actions in the same way. For example, for a conffile removed in version 2.0-1 of a package, prior-version should be set to 2.0-1~. This will cause the conffile to be removed even if the user rebuilt the previous version 1.0-1 as 1.0-1local1. Or a package switching a path from a symlink (shipped in version 1.0-1) to a directory (shipped in version 2.0-1), but only performing the actual switch in the maintainer scripts in version 3.0-1, should set prior-version to 3.0-1~. [...] " The debian/deb_package.maintscript file should look like this: rm_conffile /path/to/the/obsolete_conffile X.X-X~ Please read the manpage for details. Attached you will find a compressed log file. To find the line in the log file look for "OBSOLETE CONFFILE". Here are the line(s) in package_version_log_file: OBSOLETE CONFFILE /path/to/file REGISTERED BY srptools See also There may be false positives, e.g. if a conffile was converted to a maintainer script managed configuration file. cheers,