[DEFAULT] # these are needed always flags-base = # default exceptions --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts # pejacevic's slaves are doing everything relevant on a ramdisk anyway --no-eatmydata # allow starting database servers --allow-database # default flags, only warning on leftover files flags-default = %(flags-base)s --warn-on-leftovers-after-purge # default flags for --merged-usr tests flags-merged-usr = %(flags-default)s # test in --merged-usr environment --merged-usr # these exist unowned and empty in an initial --merged-usr environment -i /usr/lib32/ -i /usr/libx32/ # like default flags, but failing on leftover files flags-leftovers = %(flags-base)s # restrict to problems in the package being tested --warn-on-others # perform some additional cleanup --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-leftovers # aliases for the definitions below flags-start-testing = %(flags-start-trixie)s flags-end-testing = %(flags-end-trixie)s flags-start-stable = %(flags-start-bookworm)s flags-end-stable = %(flags-end-bookworm)s flags-start-oldstable = %(flags-start-bullseye)s flags-end-oldstable = %(flags-end-bullseye)s flags-start-oldoldstable = %(flags-start-buster)s flags-end-oldoldstable = %(flags-end-buster)s # common flags for tests starting in trixie flags-start-trixie = # no flags needed # common flags for tests ending in trixie flags-end-trixie = # no flags needed # common flags for tests starting in bookworm flags-start-bookworm = # no flags needed # common flags for tests ending in bookworm flags-end-bookworm = # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=994388#80 --warn-on-usr-move fail # common flags for tests starting in bullseye flags-start-bullseye = # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=994388#80 --warn-on-usr-move fail # common flags for tests ending in bullseye flags-end-bullseye = # no flags needed # common flags for tests starting in buster flags-start-buster = # debsums failures won't be fixed in buster, mostly related to # oldstyle packaging of aspell dictionaries --warn-on-debsums-errors # common flags for tests ending in buster flags-end-buster = # no flags needed # common flags for tests starting in stretch flags-start-stretch = # stretch needs non-/usr-merged systems --no-merged-usr # common flags for tests ending in stretch flags-end-stretch = # see #604807: --skip-logrotatefiles-test # debsums failures won't be fixed in stretch, mostly related to # oldstyle packaging of aspell dictionaries --warn-on-debsums-errors # common flags for tests starting in jessie flags-start-jessie = # jessie needs non-/usr-merged systems --no-merged-usr # common flags for tests ending in jessie flags-end-jessie = # extra fake-essential packages for successfully purging in jessie --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-jessie # see #604807: --skip-logrotatefiles-test # debsums failures won't be fixed in jessie, mostly related to # obsolete/renamed conffiles that moved to different packages --warn-on-debsums-errors # won't be fixed in jessie --warn-on-install-over-symlink # common flags for tests starting in wheezy flags-start-wheezy = # wheezy needs non-/usr-merged systems --no-merged-usr # common flags for tests ending in wheezy flags-end-wheezy = # extra fake-essential packages for successfully purging in wheezy --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-wheezy # see #604807: --skip-logrotatefiles-test # debsums failures won't be fixed in wheezy --warn-on-debsums-errors # won't be fixed in wheezy --warn-on-install-over-symlink # common flags for tests starting in squeeze flags-start-squeeze = # squeeze needs non-/usr-merged systems --no-merged-usr # up to squeeze a non-empty /etc/shells was shipped, actually installing # and removing a shell would remove its entry from /etc/shells -i /etc/shells # common flags for tests ending in squeeze flags-end-squeeze = # extra fake-essential packages for successfully purging in squeeze --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-squeeze # see #604807: --skip-logrotatefiles-test # squeeze has been archived --warn-on-debsums-errors --warn-on-install-over-symlink # common flags for tests starting in lenny flags-start-lenny = # lenny needs non-/usr-merged systems --no-merged-usr # dpkg --force-unsafe-io was added in squeeze --dpkg-noforce-unsafe-io # up to squeeze a non-empty /etc/shells was shipped, actually installing # and removing a shell would remove its entry from /etc/shells -i /etc/shells # common flags for testing for broken symlinks flags-broken-symlinks = %(flags-default)s --fail-on-broken-symlinks --install-recommends --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-broken-symlinks # --fake-essential-packages libjs-sphinxdoc # ignore intentionally broken symlinks -i :/usr/lib/libcxx/test/std/experimental/filesystem/Inputs/static_test_env/bad_symlink -i :/usr/share/gocode/src/github.com/Masterminds/glide/testdata/path/x/vendor -i :/usr/share/gocode/src/github.com/constabulary/gb/internal/fileutils/_testdata/copyfile/a/rick -i :/usr/share/gocode/src/github.com/hashicorp/atlas-go/archive/test-fixtures/archive-symlink/link/link -i :/usr/share/gocode/src/github.com/prometheus/procfs/fixtures/26231/exe -i :/usr/share/gocode/src/github.com/prometheus/procfs/fixtures/26231/ns/mnt -i :/usr/share/gocode/src/github.com/prometheus/procfs/fixtures/26231/ns/net -i :/usr/share/gocode/src/github.com/prometheus/procfs/fixtures/26232/cwd -i :/usr/share/gocode/src/github.com/prometheus/procfs/fixtures/26232/root # ignore broken symlinks -i :/etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service # civicrm-common, #857601, wontfix, /usr/share/civicrm/packages/OpenFlashChart/open-flash-chart.swf -> ../../../../local/open-flash-chart.swf -i :/usr/share/civicrm/packages/OpenFlashChart/open-flash-chart.swf # musescore-common, #910145, wontfix, /usr/share/mscore-2.3/sound/{sf2,sfz} -> ../../sounds/{sf2,sfz} -I :/usr/share/mscore3?-.*/sound/sf[2z] # mender-client, #915680, /var/lib/mender -> /data/mender -i :/var/lib/mender # ignore broken symlinks (patterns) -I :/etc/.*/supervise -I /usr/include/python2\.7_d/.*\.h -I /usr/include/python3\..dm/.*\.h -I /usr/include/python3\..dm/cpython -I /usr/include/python3\..dm/internal -I :/usr/lib/jvm/java-.*-openjdk-.*/src\.zip -I :/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/.*/common -I :/usr/share/man/man1/(.*-)?python.*-config\.1\.gz # ignore broken symlinks (third party game data) -I :/usr/lib/openjk/Jedi(Academy|Outcast)/base/assets.\.pk3 -I :/usr/lib/rtcw/main/.*\.(cfg|pk3) [global] basetgz-sections = tarball/sid tarball/trixie tarball/bookworm tarball/bullseye tarball/buster sections = experimental sid2experimental sid sid-strict sid-nodoc sid-merged-usr sid-broken-symlinks testing2sid trixie trixie-rcmd bookworm bookworm-rcmd bullseye bullseye-rcmd bullseye-security bullseye-pu # bullseye-next bullseye2next stable2sid stable22sid buster buster-rcmd buster-security buster-pu # buster-next buster2next stretch2buster stretch2Xbuster stretch2buster-rcmd stretch2Xbuster-rcmd stretch2bpo2buster stretch2bpo stretch stretch-rcmd stretch-security stretch-pu # stretch-next stretch2next oldstable222sid oldstable22testing jessie2stretch jessie2Xstretch jessie2stretch-rcmd jessie2Xstretch-rcmd jessie-lts2stretch jessie2bpo2stretch jessie2bpo # jessie-lts jessie2lts jessie jessie-rcmd jessie-security wheezy2jessie-lts wheezy2jessie wheezy2jessie-rcmd wheezy2bpo2jessie # wheezy-lts wheezy2lts wheezy wheezy-security squeeze2wheezy-lts squeeze2wheezy squeeze2bpo-sloppy squeeze2bpo2wheezy squeeze2squeeze-lts squeeze lenny2squeeze testing-suite = trixie mirror = @MIRROR@ master-host = pejacevic.debian.org master-user = piupartsm bts-from = piuparts-devel@alioth-lists.debian.net master-command = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/share/piuparts/piuparts-master piuparts-command = sudo env PYTHONPATH=%(PYTHONPATH)s timeout -s INT -k 5m 80m /srv/piuparts.debian.org/sbin/piuparts PYTHONPATH = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/lib/python3/dist-packages master-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/master slave-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/slave basetgz-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/slave/basetgz output-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/htdocs backup-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/backup tmpdir = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/tmp doc-root = / chroot-meta-directory = /srv/piuparts.debian.org/slave/refchroot chroot-meta-auto = reference-chroot-metadata.dat components = main arch = @ARCH@ area = main # the slave-count setting is for the slave(s) slave-count = 4 slave-flush-interval = 1800 # 3600s = 1h idle-sleep = 3600 max-tgz-age = 0 max-reserved = 100 # rescheduling settings reschedule-old-count = 250 reschedule-old-days = 90 expire-old-days = +30 reschedule-fail-count = 50 reschedule-fail-days = 10 expire-fail-days = +5 reschedule-untestable-days = 1 [tarball/sid] piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s distro = None upgrade-test-distros = sid # 3 days (60*60*24*3) max-tgz-age = 259200 [tarball/trixie] piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-trixie)s distro = None upgrade-test-distros = trixie # 1 week (60*60*24*7) max-tgz-age = 604800 [tarball/bookworm] piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bookworm)s distro = None upgrade-test-distros = bookworm # 1 month (60*60*24*30) max-tgz-age = 2592000 [tarball/bullseye] piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bullseye)s distro = None upgrade-test-distros = bullseye # 1 month (60*60*24*30) max-tgz-age = 2592000 [tarball/buster] piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-buster)s distro = None upgrade-test-distros = buster # 1 month (60*60*24*30) max-tgz-age = 2592000 [experimental] precedence = 3 piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s distro = experimental depends-sections = sid [sid2experimental] precedence = 3 piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s depends-sections = sid distro = experimental upgrade-test-distros = sid experimental [sid] precedence = 1 piuparts-flags = --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-log-alternatives %(flags-default)s distro = sid reschedule-fail-days = 2 expire-fail-days = +2 # we want packages in sid being retested sooner reschedule-old-count = 666 reschedule-old-days = 66 [sid-strict] precedence = 5 description = + Followed by another installation test. Also fails if there are leftover files after purge. piuparts-flags = --install-remove-install %(flags-leftovers)s # Once there are no packages left which leave files on purge behind, # --pedantic-purge-test should be added distro = sid [sid-nodoc] precedence = 7 description = + Testing without files in /usr/share/doc. piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-no-usr-share-doc distro = sid [sid-merged-usr] precedence = 5 description = + In --merged-usr environment. json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-merged-usr)s distro = sid reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [sid-broken-symlinks] precedence = 9 description = + Failing on broken symlinks. json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-broken-symlinks)s distro = sid [testing2sid] precedence = 2 piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s distro = testing upgrade-test-distros = testing sid reschedule-old-count = 0 [stable2sid] precedence = 4 description = + Find possible issues before the package migrates to testing. piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stable)s distro = stable upgrade-test-distros = stable sid [stable22sid] precedence = 5 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stable)s distro = stable upgrade-test-distros = stable testing sid [oldstable222sid] precedence = 6 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-oldstable)s distro = oldstable upgrade-test-distros = oldstable stable testing sid [oldstable22testing] precedence = 7 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-oldstable)s %(flags-end-testing)s distro = oldstable upgrade-test-distros = oldstable stable testing [trixie] precedence = 3 piuparts-flags = --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-log-alternatives %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-trixie)s %(flags-end-trixie)s distro = trixie [trixie-rcmd] precedence = 5 json-sections = none description = + With recommended packages. piuparts-flags = --install-recommends %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-trixie)s %(flags-end-trixie)s distro = trixie [bookworm] precedence = 4 piuparts-flags = --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-log-alternatives %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bookworm)s %(flags-end-bookworm)s distro = bookworm [bookworm-rcmd] precedence = 6 json-sections = none description = + With recommended packages. piuparts-flags = --install-recommends %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bookworm)s %(flags-end-bookworm)s distro = bookworm [bookworm-security] precedence = 2 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bookworm)s %(flags-end-bookworm)s depends-sections = bookworm distro = bookworm-security [bookworm-pu] precedence = 3 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bookworm)s %(flags-end-bookworm)s depends-sections = bookworm distro = bookworm-proposed-updates [bookworm-next] precedence = 3 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bookworm)s %(flags-end-bookworm)s distro = bookworm-next [bookworm2next] precedence = 3 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bookworm)s %(flags-end-bookworm)s distro = bookworm upgrade-test-distros = bookworm bookworm-next [bullseye] precedence = 5 piuparts-flags = --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-log-alternatives %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bullseye)s %(flags-end-bullseye)s distro = bullseye [bullseye-rcmd] precedence = 7 json-sections = none description = + With recommended packages. piuparts-flags = --install-recommends %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bullseye)s %(flags-end-bullseye)s distro = bullseye [bullseye-security] precedence = 3 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bullseye)s %(flags-end-bullseye)s depends-sections = bullseye distro = bullseye-security [bullseye-pu] precedence = 4 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bullseye)s %(flags-end-bullseye)s depends-sections = bullseye distro = bullseye-proposed-updates [bullseye-next] precedence = 4 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bullseye)s %(flags-end-bullseye)s distro = bullseye-next [bullseye2next] precedence = 4 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-bullseye)s %(flags-end-bullseye)s distro = bullseye upgrade-test-distros = bullseye bullseye-next [buster] precedence = 5 piuparts-flags = --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-log-alternatives %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-buster)s %(flags-end-buster)s distro = buster [buster-rcmd] precedence = 7 json-sections = none description = + With recommended packages. piuparts-flags = --install-recommends %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-buster)s %(flags-end-buster)s distro = buster [buster-security] precedence = 3 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-buster)s %(flags-end-buster)s depends-sections = buster distro = buster/updates [buster-pu] precedence = 4 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-buster)s %(flags-end-buster)s depends-sections = buster distro = buster-proposed-updates reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [buster-next] precedence = 4 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-buster)s %(flags-end-buster)s distro = buster-next reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [buster2next] precedence = 4 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-buster)s %(flags-end-buster)s distro = buster upgrade-test-distros = buster buster-next reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [stretch2buster] precedence = 4 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stretch)s %(flags-end-buster)s distro = stretch upgrade-test-distros = stretch buster reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [stretch2Xbuster] precedence = 5 json-sections = none description = + Testing two-stage upgrades. piuparts-flags = --upgrade-before-dist-upgrade %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stretch)s %(flags-end-buster)s distro = stretch upgrade-test-distros = stretch buster exclude-known-problems = packages_have_been_kept_back_error.conf packages_have_been_kept_back_issue.conf reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [stretch2buster-rcmd] precedence = 6 json-sections = none description = + Testing with --install-recommends. piuparts-flags = --install-recommends %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stretch)s %(flags-end-buster)s distro = stretch upgrade-test-distros = stretch buster reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [stretch2Xbuster-rcmd] precedence = 7 json-sections = none description = + Testing two-stage upgrades with --install-recommends. piuparts-flags = --install-recommends --upgrade-before-dist-upgrade %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stretch)s %(flags-end-buster)s distro = stretch upgrade-test-distros = stretch buster exclude-known-problems = packages_have_been_kept_back_error.conf packages_have_been_kept_back_issue.conf reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [stretch2bpo2buster] precedence = 6 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stretch)s %(flags-end-buster)s depends-sections = stretch distro = stretch-backports upgrade-test-distros = stretch stretch-backports buster reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [stretch2bpo] precedence = 6 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-stretch)s depends-sections = stretch distro = stretch-backports upgrade-test-distros = stretch stretch-backports reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [stretch] precedence = 5 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = --scriptsdir /etc/piuparts/scripts-log-alternatives %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stretch)s %(flags-end-stretch)s distro = stretch reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [stretch-rcmd] precedence = 6 json-sections = none description = + With recommended packages. piuparts-flags = --install-recommends %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stretch)s %(flags-end-stretch)s distro = stretch reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [stretch-security] precedence = 3 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stretch)s %(flags-end-stretch)s depends-sections = stretch distro = stretch/updates reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [stretch-pu] precedence = 4 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stretch)s %(flags-end-stretch)s depends-sections = stretch distro = stretch-proposed-updates reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [stretch-next] precedence = 4 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stretch)s %(flags-end-stretch)s distro = stretch-lts reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [stretch2next] precedence = 4 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-stretch)s %(flags-end-stretch)s distro = stretch upgrade-test-distros = stretch stretch-lts reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [jessie2stretch] precedence = 6 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-stretch)s distro = jessie upgrade-test-distros = jessie stretch reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [jessie2Xstretch] precedence = 6 json-sections = none description = + Testing two-stage upgrades. piuparts-flags = --upgrade-before-dist-upgrade %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-stretch)s distro = jessie upgrade-test-distros = jessie stretch exclude-known-problems = packages_have_been_kept_back_error.conf packages_have_been_kept_back_issue.conf reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [jessie2stretch-rcmd] precedence = 7 json-sections = none description = + Testing with --install-recommends. piuparts-flags = --install-recommends %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-stretch)s distro = jessie upgrade-test-distros = jessie stretch reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [jessie2Xstretch-rcmd] precedence = 7 json-sections = none description = + Testing two-stage upgrades with --install-recommends. piuparts-flags = --install-recommends --upgrade-before-dist-upgrade %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-stretch)s distro = jessie upgrade-test-distros = jessie stretch exclude-known-problems = packages_have_been_kept_back_error.conf packages_have_been_kept_back_issue.conf reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [jessie-lts2stretch] precedence = 8 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-stretch)s distro = jessie-lts upgrade-test-distros = jessie-lts stretch reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [jessie2bpo2stretch] precedence = 6 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-stretch)s depends-sections = jessie distro = jessie-backports upgrade-test-distros = jessie jessie-backports stretch reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [jessie2bpo] precedence = 7 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-jessie)s depends-sections = jessie distro = jessie-backports upgrade-test-distros = jessie jessie-backports reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [jessie] precedence = 7 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-jessie)s distro = jessie reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [jessie-rcmd] precedence = 70 json-sections = none description = + With recommended packages. piuparts-flags = --install-recommends %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-jessie)s distro = jessie reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [jessie-security] precedence = 4 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-jessie)s depends-sections = jessie distro = jessie/updates reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [jessie-lts] precedence = 6 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-jessie)s distro = jessie-lts reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [jessie2lts] precedence = 6 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-jessie)s %(flags-end-jessie)s distro = jessie upgrade-test-distros = jessie jessie-lts reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [wheezy2jessie-lts] precedence = 8 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-wheezy)s %(flags-end-jessie)s distro = wheezy upgrade-test-distros = wheezy jessie-lts reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [wheezy2jessie] precedence = 80 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-wheezy)s %(flags-end-jessie)s distro = wheezy upgrade-test-distros = wheezy jessie reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [wheezy2jessie-rcmd] precedence = 90 json-sections = none description = + Testing with --install-recommends. piuparts-flags = --install-recommends %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-wheezy)s %(flags-end-jessie)s -i /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper distro = wheezy upgrade-test-distros = wheezy jessie reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [wheezy2bpo2jessie] precedence = 90 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-wheezy)s %(flags-end-jessie)s depends-sections = wheezy distro = wheezy-backports upgrade-test-distros = wheezy wheezy-backports jessie-lts reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [wheezy] precedence = 100 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-wheezy)s %(flags-end-wheezy)s distro = wheezy reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [wheezy-lts] precedence = 100 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-wheezy)s %(flags-end-wheezy)s distro = wheezy-lts reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [wheezy-security] precedence = 100 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-wheezy)s %(flags-end-wheezy)s depends-sections = wheezy distro = wheezy/updates reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [wheezy2lts] precedence = 100 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-wheezy)s %(flags-end-wheezy)s distro = wheezy upgrade-test-distros = wheezy wheezy-lts reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [squeeze2wheezy-lts] precedence = 100 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-squeeze)s %(flags-end-wheezy)s distro = squeeze upgrade-test-distros = squeeze wheezy-lts reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [squeeze2wheezy] precedence = 100 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-squeeze)s %(flags-end-wheezy)s distro = squeeze upgrade-test-distros = squeeze wheezy reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [squeeze2bpo2wheezy] precedence = 100 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-squeeze)s %(flags-end-wheezy)s depends-sections = squeeze distro = squeeze-backports upgrade-test-distros = squeeze squeeze-backports wheezy-lts reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [squeeze2bpo-sloppy] precedence = 100 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-squeeze)s %(flags-end-squeeze)s depends-sections = squeeze squeeze2bpo2wheezy upgrade-test-distros = squeeze squeeze-backports-sloppy reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [squeeze] precedence = 100 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-squeeze)s %(flags-end-squeeze)s distro = squeeze reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [squeeze2squeeze-lts] precedence = 100 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-squeeze)s %(flags-end-squeeze)s depends-sections = squeeze distro = squeeze-lts upgrade-test-distros = squeeze squeeze-lts reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0 [lenny2squeeze] precedence = 100 json-sections = none piuparts-flags = %(flags-default)s %(flags-start-lenny)s %(flags-end-squeeze)s distro = lenny upgrade-test-distros = lenny squeeze reschedule-old-count = 0 reschedule-fail-count = 0 max-reserved = 0