.. only:: html piuparts_slave_stop(8) ====================== :doctype: manpage :revdate: 2017-03-06 SYNOPSIS -------- *piuparts_slave_stop* DESCRIPTION ----------- *piuparts_slave_stop* gracefully stops all running piuparts-slaves sessions on a host. Gracefully means that it asks the slaves to stop running and will patiently wait until all the piuparts-slaves have done so. If more immediate action is required, use *piuparts_slave_join* and manual force instead. OPTIONS ------- There are no options to this command. ENVIRONMENT ----------- Running piuparts in master-slave mode requires configuration in */etc/piuparts*. NOTES ----- Make sure to also read */usr/share/doc/piuparts-master/README_server.txt*. SEE ALSO -------- *piuparts* (1), *piuparts_slave_join* (8) AUTHOR ------ Holger Levsen (holger@layer-acht.org)