2.1. Tuetut laitteet

Debian does not impose hardware requirements beyond the requirements of the Linux kernel and the GNU tool-sets. Therefore, any architecture or platform to which the Linux kernel, libc, gcc, etc. have been ported, and for which a Debian port exists, can run Debian. Please refer to the Ports pages at https://www.debian.org/ports/mips/ for more details on 32-bit MIPS (big-endian) architecture systems which have been tested with Debian GNU/Linux.

Tässä luvussa ei kerrota kaikkia laitealustan 32-bit MIPS (big-endian) tuettuja laitteistokokoonpanoja, vaan kerrotaan yleisempää tietoa ja annetaan viitteet joista lisätietoa löytyy.

2.1.1. Tuetut laitealustat

Debian GNU/Linux 13 supports 9 major architectures and several variations of each architecture known as flavors.

Suoritinperhe Nimi Debianissa Suoritinarkkitehtuuri Malli
AMD64 & Intel 64 amd64    
Intel x86-koneet i386 default x86 machines default
Xen PV domains only xen
ARM armel Marvell Kirkwood and Orion marvell
ARM with hardware FPU armhf multiplatform armmp
64bit ARM arm64    
64bit MIPS (little-endian) mips64el MIPS Malta 5kc-malta
Cavium Octeon octeon
Loongson 3 loongson-3
32bit MIPS (little-endian) mipsel MIPS Malta 4kc-malta
Cavium Octeon octeon
Loongson 3 loongson-3
Power Systems ppc64el IBM POWER8 or newer machines  
64bit IBM S/390 s390x IPL VM-lukijalta ja DASD:ltä generic

This document covers installation for the 32-bit MIPS (big-endian) architecture using the Linux kernel. If you are looking for information on any of the other Debian-supported architectures take a look at the Debian-Ports pages.

2.1.2. Moniprosessorijärjestelmät

Monen suorittimen tuki — kutsutaan myös nimellä symmetric multiprocessing eli SMP — on saatavilla tälle arkkitehtuurille. Tuki on valmiiksi käännetyssä Debianin ytimessä. Käytetty asennustaltio määrää asennetaanko oletusarvona SMP-ydin. Tämän ei pitäisi estää asennusta, sillä vakiona oleva ei-SMP-ytimen pitäisi käynnistya monen suorittimen koneissa; tällöin ydin käyttää vain ensimmäistä suoritinta.

Jotta useista suorittimista olisi hyötyä, olisi tarkistettava onko SMP:tä tukeva ytimen asennuspaketti asennettuna, ja jos ei ole, valittava sopiva ytimen asennuspaketti.

You can also build your own customized kernel to support SMP. You can find a discussion of how to do this in Kohta 8.5, ”Uuden ytimen kääntäminen”. At this time (kernel version 3.16) the way you enable SMP is to select Multi-Processing support in the Kernel type section of the kernel config.

2.1.3. Graphics Hardware Support

Debian's support for graphical interfaces is determined by the underlying support found in X.Org's X11 system, and the kernel. Basic framebuffer graphics is provided by the kernel, whilst desktop environments use X11. Whether advanced graphics card features such as 3D-hardware acceleration or hardware-accelerated video are available, depends on the actual graphics hardware used in the system and in some cases on the installation of additional firmware blobs (see Kohta 2.2, ”Laiteohjelmistoa tarvitsevat laitteet”).

Details on supported graphics hardware and pointing devices can be found at https://wiki.freedesktop.org/xorg/. Debian 13 ships with X.Org version 7.7.

2.1.4. Verkkolaitteet

Almost any network interface card (NIC) supported by the Linux kernel should also be supported by the installation system; drivers should normally be loaded automatically.

2.1.5. Oheislaitteet ja muu laitteisto

Linux supports a large variety of hardware devices such as mice, printers, scanners, PCMCIA/CardBus/ExpressCard and USB devices. However, most of these devices are not required while installing the system.