This directory contains digress, the d-i automatic regression tester. To set it up locally, you can edit the files here (but don't commit them!), or create a directory elsewhere containing config and schemes/ and point DI_TESTDIR at it. Once it's all working, the daily-tests script can be used to log everything in a format that will let it be put on the test log page. Warning about passwords: No real effort is made to keep root or user passwords from leaking into the output or log files. Hashed versions of the passwords will be put in preseed files. Don't use important passwords, and don't put test machines on a insecure network! The automatic testing is accomplished by the test-harness script. This script reads global configs from the file config, and takes the name of a test scheme. Schemes are defined by files in the schemes/ directory, which has subdirs for each machine, that contain a common file with common settings for the machines, and other files defining each scheme. These files can set config options or use other schemes. These config options should always be set: DESCRIPTION Short description of what's being tested. ARCH Architecture of the test machine. PRESEED_URL URL to the directory containing preseed files to use. INSTALL_LOCALE Locale to run the install in. PREBOOT Commands to run before booting. BOOT Command to run to boot the installer. TEST_1 Commands to use to test the first stage of the install. TEST_2 Commands to use to test the second stage of the install. SHUTDOWN Commands to run to shutdown the system. STATE_DIR Directory to use to hold state used for tests. Created if nonexistant. Some others that can be set: BOOT_OPTS Options to pass to the kernel. TFTP_DIR Path to your tftpboot directory. You need write access. TFTP_IMAGE File name of image file to tftp boot. (sparc, hppa) NETBOOT_IMAGE Path to netboot.tar.gz to boot. NETBOOT_IMAGE_ALT Alternate netboot.tar.gz to boot (if it's newer). NETBOOT_IMAGE_DIR Directory to set $TFTP_DIR/$ARCH-boot to (netboot-links) NETBOOT_KERNEL File name of kernel to use for netbooting. Only needed when netbooting via qemu. BOOT_SELECTION Boot option to select in boot loader (bootloader-setup) GRAPHICS_DISABLE Disable graphical boot screen in boot loader (bootloader-setup) EFI_MENUENTRY Option to choose in the efi boot menu (ia64-boot) CONSOLECOMMAND Command to run to get access to the console (ia64-boot) BOOTCOMMAND Command to enter at boot prompt. (cdrom-boot) BOOTPARAMS Parameters to pass to the kernel while booting first stage. (startqemu-netboot) CONSOLEPARAMS Parameters to pass to the kernel to control what console is used (only for mips qemu currently) CONSERVER_CONSOLE Conserver console to connect to if using that. STAGE_1_MAX_INACTIVITY Maximum number of seconds of inactivity before failure. Optional. (di-install) STAGE_1_MAX_TIME Maximum number of seconds runtime before failure. STAGE_2_MAX_TIME Maximum number of seconds runtime before failure. ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE A file containing a root password for the installed machine. ROOT_PASSWORD A root password for the installed machine. ISO Path to an iso image. ISO_ALT Alternate iso image to use (if it's newer). SCREEN_COMMAND Command to run inside the screen session (inscreen) TASK Task to install. (preseed-setup) SUITE Suite to install. (preseed-setup) PRIORITY Debconf priority to preseed (preseed-setup) USER Non-root user to create on host. USER_PASSWORD Password of user. USER_PASSWORD_FILE File containing password of user. RETRY If set, daily-tests will retry a test once. Useful if the test setup occasionally breaks, though it may also mask other intermittent problems. LOGDIR Directory to save logs to. Default is $DI_TESTDIR/logs MAXLOGS Number of logs to keep. KEEP_DISK Set to 1 to retain disk images after installs. (Using emulators only.) The disk images will be saved to the LOGDIR. NETWORK_CONSOLE_PASSWORD Password to use for network-console installs. SSHPORT Port to ssh to when running ssh-data-gather. TEST_HOSTNAME Hostname or IP to use to access the installed system for testing. SERVER The hostname -f of the server that can handle digress testing of the machine in this scheme. If set, the machine will only be available on that server even if the scheme is checked out elsehwere. Qemu options: QEMU_COMMAND Command to run for qemu. QEMU_DISK_SIZE Size of disk file to create. Passed to qemu-img. QEMU_DISK Existing file/device to use as disk. Optional. QEMU_EXTRA_PARAMSS Additional parameters to pass to qemu. QEMU_SERIAL_PORT Port that qemu should listen to for the serial console. QEMU_SAVE_STATE Set to zero to disable qemu saving state on shutdown. QEMU_KERNEL Kernel to boot qemu with. QEMU_INITRD Initrd to boot qemu with. QEMU_HD_MEDIA boot.img.gz to piggyback ISO into for hd-media nstall Hercules options: HERCULESCFG Hercules config file to use, if running hercules. Read from the hercules directory. Note that dasd, card deck, and network devices should not be included. DASDINIT Parameters to pass to dasdinit to create dasd image. Do not include filename. Example: 3390-1 root 1114 S390_IMAGE_DIR Directory containing s390 installer files. S390_IP IP address for the s390 machine. S390_PTP_IP IP address of the local end of the PTP link. S390_PTP_MASK Netmask of the PTP link. S390_NAMESERVER_IP IP address of the name server. HERCULES_MASQ_COMMAND A command to run to set up ip masq for hercules. If your test system supports Integrated Lights Out, you can set the following options. To use it, you'll need to get the tarball from and extract from it and place it in your path or in the utils/ directory. Note that locfg is not free software; someone want to write a free version? Bochs options: BOCHSRC Bochs config file to use, if running bochs. Read from the bochsrc directory. BOCHS_DISK_SIZE Size in megabytes of a bochs disk to create. HP_ILO_HOST Hostname of HP Integrated Lights Out server. HP_ILO_USER Username for the ILO. HP_ILO_PASSWORD Password to use to log into the ILO. HP_ILO_PASSWORD_FILE A file containing the password to use to log into the ILO. HP_ILO_ISO_PATH Where to put the iso image to boot using ILO. The iso specified in the ISO option is hard linked to this location, which should be somewhere in your web site. HP_ILO_ISO_URL Url to iso image made available at the HP_ILO_ISO_PATH. HP_ILO_STAGE2_CD_HACK Make CD available by downloading and loop mounting it, in case your network or iLO sucks and the virtual CD provided by iLO is not sufficiently reliable. If your test system has a Hewlett-Packard Guardian Service Processor, as used in some hppa systems, set the following options: HP_GSP_CONNECTCOMMAND Command to use to connect to the GSP. For example, "telnet gsp-host" HP_GSP_USER Username for GSP login. HP_GSP_PASSWORD Password for GSP login. HP_GSP_PASSWORD_FILE A file containing the password to use for GSP login. HP_GSP_BOOTCOMMAND Command to enter at the main boot menu to boot d-i. For example "bo pri" or "bo 0/0/0/0" HP_GSP_REBOOTCOMMAND Command to enter at the main boot menu to boot installed system. Useful if debian is installed to non-primary media. If you have a sparc: OF_BOOT_COMMAND Command to send at the openfirmware prompt to boot the installer. If you have an alpha: ALPHA_BOOT_COMMAND Command to send at the prompt to boot the installer. ALPHA_REBOOT_COMMAND Command to send at the prompt to boot the installed system. If you have a raq or other machine that needs a nfs root directory to boot from: NFSROOT_DIR nfs root directory to unpack image into (eg, /nfsroot) NFSROOT_IMAGE Path to nfsroot.tar.gz to unpack into nfs root directory. NFSROOT_IMAGE_ALT Alternete nfsroot image to use (if it's newer) NFSROOT_LINK Symlink to create to NFSROOT_DIR (nfsroot-links) If you have a raq: RAQ_BOOTNUM Boot number for CoLO for 1st stage install If you have X10 power control, you can use these settings, and use x10-on and x10-off, or use x10-reset to force a device to cold boot. X10_HOUSE House code of the device. X10_DEVICE Device code of the device. X10_DELAY Delay in seconds to wait for x10 command to take effect. 2 is a good value, unless you need to catch a machine very very early in its boot process. X10_PORT Serial port to use. Optional. If you build a serial port power control, you can use these settings and use serial-on and serial-off or use use serial-reset to force a device to cold boot. SERIAL_POWER_PIN Pin that need to be set to control the power of machine -- Joey Hess