#!/usr/bin/perl # Summary of pending changes in git for all suites/branches, configured # through the %branches hash below. use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use List::MoreUtils qw(all any); # What the branches mean in term of suites: my %branches = qw( oldoldstable wheezy oldstable jessie stable stretch testing buster unstable master ); my @important = qw(oldstable stable testing); # Where the packages checkout live, assuming "usual" layout: my $di_dir = "../installer"; my $root_dir = "../packages"; my @git_stats; for my $package_dir ($di_dir, <$root_dir/*/>) { # Compute git commits for all branches/suites: my $package = basename $package_dir; my %package_commits; for my $suite (sort keys %branches) { my $branch = $branches{ $suite }; my $desc = `GIT_DIR=$package_dir/.git git describe --tags origin/$branch 2>/dev/null`; chomp $desc; # git describe worked so the branch is there: if ($desc) { # if testing and fully merged into unstable, skip it, that was # most likely a staging branch: if ($suite eq 'testing') { my $merge_base = `GIT_DIR=$package_dir/.git git merge-base origin/$branch origin/master`; my $merge_desc = `GIT_DIR=$package_dir/.git git describe --tags $merge_base 2>/dev/null`; chomp $merge_desc; if ($merge_desc eq $desc) { $package_commits{$suite} = '-'; next; } } my $commits = $desc =~ /-(\d+)-g/ ? $1 : 0; $package_commits{$suite} = $commits; } else { $package_commits{$suite} = '-'; } } # Skip packages with uninteresting stats: next if all { $_ eq '-' or $_ eq '0' } (values %package_commits); # Pre-compute interest: my $interesting = any { $_ ne '-' and $_ ne '0' } (@package_commits{@important}); push @git_stats, { package => $package, commits => \%package_commits, highlight => $interesting, }; } # Generate output: my $html = << 'EOS'; Git status

Git status

EOS # Headers: $html .= ""; for my $suite (sort keys %branches) { $html .= ""; } $html .= "\n"; # Contents: for my $stat (@git_stats) { my $style = $stat->{highlight} ? ' class="highlight"' : ''; $html .= " "; for my $suite (sort keys %branches) { my $extrastyle = ''; if (! grep { $stat->{commits}{$suite} eq $_ } qw(- 0) and grep { $suite eq $_ } @important) { $extrastyle = ' todo'; } $html .= ""; } $html .= "\n"; } # Trailer: my $date = `LC_ALL=C TZ=UTC date`; chomp $date; $html .= << "EOS";
$branches{ $suite }
" . $stat->{package} . "" . $stat->{commits}{$suite} . "

Last update: $date EOS print $html;