2005-09-13 Davide Viti * First tag for the spellchecker created by fjp via: svn cp svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/d-i/trunk/scripts/l10n/l10n-spellcheck svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/d-i/tags/scripts/l10n/l10n-spellcheck/20050913 -m "Tag current version of spellchecking scripts (20050913)" Now development can move on as to use the sarge version of aspell on Alioth which will probably break things for a while 2005-04-28 Davide Viti * Wordlists aren't built anymore at each run. "build_wls.sh" triggers a complete rebuild of all wls 2005-04-19 Davide Viti * New version of the spellchecker has just been committed: the list of changes would be too long 2005-02-11 Davide Viti * check_dit.sh: "check_var.pl" is now run with -s option 2005-02-10 Davide Viti * check_dit.sh: added ".htaccess" in "nozip" dir so that files are opened using the right encoding 2005-02-09 Davide Viti * check_dit.sh: Use of Denis Barbier's "check_var.pl" to detect wrong variables in strings * index_template.html: Added a few lines telling about the table * build_index.sh: "pt_BR" was always treated as "pt" Added "Suspect vars" column 2005-02-02 Davide Viti * build_index.sh: added a column, for each language, containing the dictionary utilized 2005-01-27 Davide Viti * check_dit.sh: master files are spellchecked only when necessary. This fixes the wrong unknown words counts and reduces the size of most ${LANG}_all.txt files. 2005-01-25 Davide Viti * diff_stats.sh: fixed bug with delta=-1 * lang2dict.txt: Norwegian dictionary was changed from "no" to "nb" which is the new code. 2005-01-24 Davide Viti * "Plural-Forms:", "X-Poedit-Language:", "X-Poedit-Country:" strings are filtered out * l10n-spellcheck.sh : more fixes in order to deal correctly with symlinks. "latest" and "previous" now use absolute paths. * msgid_extract.awk: awk script used to extract "msgid" entries from "templates.pot" * build_index.sh : index.html displays the date in UTC 2005-01-20 Davide Viti * l10n-spellcheck.sh: the name of the dir with all this stuff is not bound to be called "~/l10n-spellcheck" anymore. Removing all the ugly "cd" makes it more secure and flexable. 2005-01-14 Davide Viti * README updated with latest changes * diff_stats.sh added to make it easier to track differences between different runs 2005-01-12 Davide Viti * build_index.sh was added in order to build "index.html" every time "l10n-spellcheck.sh" is run 2005-01-11 Davide Viti * Added support for "ga" language * Added support for "cs" language * Added support for the following langs: gl hr id mg mk nn ru tl 2005-01-10 Davide Viti * "xtics" on the gnuplot graph are rotated in order to allow more languages to fit on the graph * Added directory "build-tools" containing the scripts necessary to rebuild a complete stand-alone environment (aspell, dictionaries, gnuplot) 2005-01-06 Davide Viti * Fixed path in HTML table: now gzipped files are in "zip" dir 2005-01-05 Davide Viti * l10n-spellcheck.sh: fixed the name of the stats file * check_all.sh: "graph.pg" is not kept anymore 2005-01-03 Davide Viti * check_dit.sh: now results are save both in tar.gz and uncompressedformats (using "zip" and "nozip" dirs) Use "aspell list" instead of "aspell -l" for compatibility with future versions * check_all.sh: use "sort -n" 2004-12-23 Davide Viti * l10n-spellcheck.sh: file used by crontab to run periodic checks on Alioth. It saves all the stats files in the "history" dir; besides this it keeps the resulting output of the last two checks symlinked with "latest" and "previous" All this output is kept inside ~/public_html/spellcheck/ crontab set on Alioth at 13:00 MST (21:00 CET)