#!/usr/bin/perl -w # © 2012 Cyril Brulebois # # Take two debian-installer versions as parameters, get the build logs # on all relevant architectures, and compare the packages. From there, # display removed/added packages, as well as updated packages. # # Examples: # # ./prepare-release-announce \ # --old-linux-abi 3.2.0-2 \ # --new-linux-abi 3.2.0-3 \ # --old-linux-arch '(486|686-pae)' \ # --new-linux-arch 'amd64' \ # 20120508 20120712 # # ./prepare-release-announce \ # --ignore-logs=20120930+b1/amd64 \ # 20120828 20120930+b1 use strict; use File::Temp qw(tempdir); use Text::TabularDisplay; use Dpkg::Version; use Getopt::Long; use Storable; use File::Path qw(make_path); use LWP::UserAgent; use Parse::DebianChangelog; use JSON; ### Parameter handling: my $workdir = 'release-announce.tmp'; my $report_filename = 'report.txt'; my $changelogs_filename = 'changelogs.html'; my $old_freebsd_abi; my $new_freebsd_abi; my $old_linux_abi; my $new_linux_abi; my $old_linux_arch; my $new_linux_arch; my $ignore_logs; my $mirror; GetOptions( 'workdir=s' => \$workdir, 'old-freebsd-abi=s'=> \$old_freebsd_abi, 'new-freebsd-abi=s'=> \$new_freebsd_abi, 'old-linux-abi=s' => \$old_linux_abi, 'new-linux-abi=s' => \$new_linux_abi, 'old-linux-arch=s' => \$old_linux_arch, 'new-linux-arch=s' => \$new_linux_arch, 'report=s' => \$report_filename, 'changelogs=s' => \$changelogs_filename, 'ignore-logs=s' => \$ignore_logs, 'mirror=s' => \$mirror, ); my ($old, $new) = @ARGV; die "Usage: $0 [options] old-release-date new-release-date\n" if not $old or not $new; die "old-release-date ($old) should be less than new-release-date ($new)" if $old ge $new; ### Prepare working directory: print STDERR "DEBUG: working directory: $workdir\n"; if (! -d $workdir) { make_path($workdir) or die "Unable to create working directory: $!"; } open my $report, '>', $report_filename or die "Unable to write to $report_filename"; ### Determine release architectures: sub get_release_archs { my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $response = $ua->get('https://api.ftp-master.debian.org/suite/testing'); die $response->status_line if not $response->is_success; my $json = JSON->new; my $data = $json->decode( $response->decoded_content ); return grep { $_ ne 'all' and $_ ne 'source' } @{ $data->{architectures} }; } my @ra = get_release_archs; print STDERR "DEBUG: release architectures: @ra\n"; ### Download build logs: my $download_stamp = "$workdir/all-downloaded"; my $source = 'debian-installer'; my $status; my @archs; my $status_dump = "$workdir/.status"; my $archs_dump = "$workdir/.archs"; if ((! -f $status_dump) or (! -f $archs_dump)) { # Only download logs if needed: print STDERR "DEBUG: downloading logs\n"; for my $v ($old, $new) { for my $a (@ra) { # Skip source… next if $a eq 'source'; # Skip unwanted logs. Typical use case: when a binNMU happens # for the uploader's architecture. next if $ignore_logs && index($ignore_logs, "$v/$a") != -1; # Plus signs want to be escaped for getbuildlog: (my $version = "'$v'") =~ s/[+]/\\+/g; print STDERR "DEBUG: downloading log: $source $version $a\n"; # One can't use the return code for now (#681779). Also, # multiple logs = FAIL (#683231). `cd $workdir && getbuildlog $source $version $a >/dev/null 2>&1`; my $filename = "$workdir/${source}_${v}_${a}.log"; $status->{$v}->{$a} = (-f $filename ? "$filename" : undef); push @archs, $a; } } # Remember for later use: store $status, $status_dump; store \@archs, $archs_dump; } else { # Reload status/archs: print STDERR "DEBUG: reloading cached data\n"; $status = retrieve($status_dump); @archs = @{retrieve($archs_dump)}; } # Uniquify: my %seen = (); @archs = grep { ! $seen{$_}++ } @archs; # Avoid long arch names: s/^kfreebsd-/kf-/ for (@archs); s/^powerpc/ppc/ for (@archs); # Build table for information only: my $tb = Text::TabularDisplay->new('', @archs); # Package versions: my %versions; for my $v (sort keys %{$status}) { my @tb_line = ("$v"); for my $a (sort keys %{$status->{$v}}) { push @tb_line, ($status->{$v}->{$a} ? '********' : ' no log '); if ($status->{$v}->{$a}) { open my $log, '<', $status->{$v}->{$a} or die "Unable to open log file $status->{$v}->{$a}"; while (my $line = <$log>) { next if $line !~ /^Get:/; next if $line =~ /\b(?:InRelease|Sources|Packages|TranslationIndex|Release\.gpg|Release)\b/; next if $line =~ /\(dsc|tar\)/; next if $line =~ /\.pdiff\b/; next if $line =~ /\bTranslation-/; my ($package, $arch, $version); if ($line =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\[.*?\]$/) { ($package, $arch, $version) = ($1, $2, $3); } else { die "oops, unable to parse $line"; } # Make sure to include linux's changelog: $package = 'linux' if $package =~ /^kernel-image-/; # FIXME: Decide whether not caring about binNMUs is ok: $version =~ s/\+b\d+$//; #print "$package $arch $version detected\n"; my $which = $v eq $old ? 'old' : 'new'; if (not defined $versions{$package}{$which}) { $versions{$package}{$which} = $version; } elsif ($versions{$package}{$which} ne $version) { $versions{$package}{$which} = $version if $which eq 'old' && version_compare($versions{$package}{$which}, $version) >= 0; $versions{$package}{$which} = $version if $which eq 'new' && version_compare($versions{$package}{$which}, $version) <= 0; } } close $log or die "Unable to close log file $status->{$v}->{$a}"; } } $tb->add( @tb_line ); } print $report $tb->render, "\n\n"; # Diff old/new to build updated/removed/added lists: my $vtb = Text::TabularDisplay->new('Updated package', 'Old version', 'New version'); my (@added, @removed); my @modified; foreach my $package (sort keys %versions) { if ($versions{$package}{'old'} && $versions{$package}{'new'} && $versions{$package}{'old'} ne $versions{$package}{'new'}) { $vtb->add( $package, $versions{$package}{'old'}, $versions{$package}{'new'} ); push @modified, [$package, $versions{$package}{'old'}, $versions{$package}{'new'}]; } if ($versions{$package}{'old'} && not $versions{$package}{'new'}) { push @removed, $package; } if ($versions{$package}{'new'} && not $versions{$package}{'old'}) { push @added, $package; } } # Try and detect renamed packages, based on a linux ABI bump: if ($old_linux_abi and $new_linux_abi) { # @renamed isn't actually used later, but keeping it around # doesn't hurt. Can be useful for later debugging. my @renamed; my @maybe_renamed = @removed; foreach my $p (@maybe_renamed) { if ($p =~ /-${old_linux_abi}-/) { my $rp = $p; $rp =~ s/-${old_linux_abi}-/-${new_linux_abi}-/; if (grep { $_ eq $rp } @added) { @removed = grep { $_ ne $p } @removed; @added = grep { $_ ne $rp } @added; push @renamed, "$p → $rp (linux)"; } } } # Additionally, if archs for the maintainer uploads were # different, massage a bit more: if ($old_linux_arch and $new_linux_arch) { @removed = grep { $_ !~ /-${old_linux_abi}-${old_linux_arch}-/ } @removed; @removed = grep { $_ !~ /-${old_linux_abi}-${new_linux_arch}-/ } @removed; @added = grep { $_ !~ /-${new_linux_abi}-${new_linux_arch}-/ } @added; @added = grep { $_ !~ /-${new_linux_abi}-${old_linux_arch}-/ } @added; } } # Same thing for freebsd kernels, assuming no d-i uploader will upload # from !linux: if ($old_freebsd_abi and $new_freebsd_abi) { # @renamed isn't actually used later, but keeping it around # doesn't hurt. Can be useful for later debugging. my @renamed; my @maybe_renamed = @removed; foreach my $p (@maybe_renamed) { if ($p =~ /-${old_freebsd_abi}-/) { my $rp = $p; $rp =~ s/-${old_freebsd_abi}-/-${new_freebsd_abi}-/; if (grep { $_ eq $rp } @added) { @removed = grep { $_ ne $p } @removed; @added = grep { $_ ne $rp } @added; push @renamed, "$p → $rp (freebsd)"; } } } } ### Display modified, then removed, then added packages: print $report $vtb->render, "\n\n"; my $removed_tb = Text::TabularDisplay->new("Removed package", "Version"); foreach my $p (@removed) {$removed_tb->add($p, $versions{$p}{old});} print $report $removed_tb->render, "\n\n"; my $added_tb = Text::TabularDisplay->new("Added package", "Version"); foreach my $p (@added) {$added_tb->add($p, $versions{$p}{new});} print $report $added_tb->render, "\n\n"; ### Establish binary to source mapping: my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my %sources; my $sources_dump = "$workdir/.sources"; if (! -f $sources_dump) { print STDERR "DEBUG: looking up sources from binaries\n"; foreach my $line (@modified) { my ($package, $old, $new) = @{$line}; print STDERR "DEBUG: lookup: $package ($old to $new)\n"; my $ping = $ua->head("https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/$package"); if ($ping->is_success) { my $source = $ping->request->uri; $source =~ s{.*/(.*)$}{$1}; push @{$sources{$source}{binaries}}, "$package"; $sources{$source}{min} = $old if not $sources{$source}{min} or version_compare($sources{$source}{min}, $old) > 0; $sources{$source}{max} = $new if not $sources{$source}{max} or version_compare($sources{$source}{max}, $new) < 0; } else { push @{$sources{__error__}{binaries}}, "$package"; } } store \%sources, $sources_dump; } else { print STDERR "DEBUG: reload binary to source mapping\n"; %sources = %{retrieve $sources_dump}; } ### Grab needed changelogs from packages.qa.d.o: open my $changelogs, '>', $changelogs_filename or die "Unable to write to $changelogs_filename"; my $header = << "EOF";

Changelogs which might be relevant between $old and $new

EOF print $changelogs $header; foreach my $source (sort keys %sources) { my $name = $source ne '__error__' ? "$source" : "No source/changelog match"; my $binaries = "
  • " . join("
  • ", @{$sources{$source}{binaries}}) . "
  • "; my $entry = << "EOF"; EOF print $changelogs $entry; # Skip error'd packages: next if $source eq '__error__'; my $source_filename = "$workdir/$source.txt"; if (not -f $source_filename) { # FIXME: This is assuming everything comes from main: my $location; if ($source =~ /^lib/) { $location = substr($source, 0, 4) . "/" . $source; } else { $location = substr($source, 0, 1) . "/" . $source; } # Strip the epoch: my $version = $sources{$source}{max}; $version =~ s/^\d+://; # The 'current' symlink seems to point to the highest version # available, meaning experimental in a bunch of cases, so use the # 'max' version for each package: my $url = "http://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs/main/$location/unstable_changelog"; my $response = $ua->get($url); if ($response->is_success) { print STDERR "DEBUG: downloaded changelog: $source\n"; open my $file, '>', $source_filename or die "Unable to open $source_filename"; print $file $response->content; close $file or die "Unable to close $source_filename"; } elsif ($mirror) { # FIXME: This is very ugly, but wheezy rc2 has been lagging # behind for a while already, so let's tolerate that for now. print STDERR "DEBUG: falling back to downloading source package to extract changelog\n"; my $dsc = "$mirror/pool/main/$location/${source}_${version}.dsc"; `dget -x $dsc`; `cp $source-*/debian/changelog $source_filename`; `rm -rf $source-*`; if (! -f $source_filename) { die "missing changelog after dget workaround: ${source}_${version} ($url -- $$dsc)"; } } else { # FIXME: Would a fallback to the 'current' symlink help? One is # supposed to prepare the announce right after a build, so the # proper versions should be available, right? print STDERR "DEBUG: unable to download changelog: ${source}_${version}\n"; print STDERR "DEBUG: try fetching the source package and copying its Debian changelog as $workdir/${source}_${version}\n"; die "missing changelog: ${source}_${version} ($url)"; } } } print $changelogs "
    Source package Binary packages Old version New version
    $sources{$source}{min} $sources{$source}{max}
    \n"; ### Extract template: my $template_filename = "$workdir/default.tmpl"; if (! -f $template_filename) { open my $template, '>', $template_filename or die "Unable to write to $template_filename"; print $template $_ while (); close $template or die "Unable to close $template_filename"; close DATA or die "Unable to close DATA"; } ### Detect wanted changelogs excerpts: foreach my $source (sort keys %sources) { # Skip error'd packages: next if $source eq '__error__'; my $source_filename = "$workdir/$source.txt"; my $chglog = Parse::DebianChangelog->init( { infile => $source_filename } ); # "since foo to bar" means "foo is excluded, bar is included": my $changes = $chglog->html_str( { since => $sources{$source}{min}, to => $sources{$source}{max}, template => $template_filename, }); # There are various reasons for having no entries: binaries moving # between source packages; uploads to experimental getting in the # way and shadowing unstable's changelogs; maybe others. Warn in # those cases. my @data = $chglog->data( { since => $sources{$source}{min}, to => $sources{$source}{max} }); if (@data) { print $changelogs ("
    \n" . $changes . "\n"); } else { print $changelogs ("
    \n" . "warning: no changelog available for $source (from $sources{$source}{min} to $sources{$source}{max})". "\n"); } } print $changelogs "\n"; close $changelogs or die "Unable to close $changelogs_filename"; close $report or die "Unable to close $report_filename"; print STDERR "Report saved as: $report_filename\n"; print STDERR "Changelogs saved as: $changelogs_filename\n"; ### Explicit end: exit 0; # Populating the working directory with some template is needed, so # let's ship it in the DATA section: __END__

    > Debian Changelog for (up to )


    "> "> () ">; urgency=">

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