Installasjonsmanual for Debian GNU/kFreeBSD

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Build version of this manual: 20230803.


Dette dokumentet inneheld installsjonsinstruksjonar for Debian GNU/kFreeBSD 13-systemet (kodenamn «trixie»), for arkitekturen 32-bit PC(«kfreebsd-i386»). Det inneheld også peikarar til meir informasjon og informasjon om korleis du kan gjere mest ut av det nye Debiansystemet ditt.

[Åtvaring] Åtvaring

Denne installasjonsmanualen er basert på ein tidlegare manual skrive for det gamle installasjonssystemet til Debian («oppstartsdiskettane»), og er blitt oppdatert til å dokumentere det nye installasjonssytemet til Debian (Debian installer). Men for kfreebsd-i386 derimot, er manualen ikkje fullstendig oppdatert og kryssjekka mot det nye installasjonsprogrammet. Det kan vere deler av manualen som kan vere uferdig eller utdatert eller som framleis dokumenterer det gamle systemet. Ei nyare versjon av denne manualen, som truleg dokumenterer denne arkitekturen betre, kan finnast på Internett på debian-installer-nettsida. Det kan også vere du finn fleire omsetjingar der.

[Åtvaring] Åtvaring

This translation of the installation guide is not up-to-date and currently there is noone actively working on updating it. Keep this in mind when reading it; it may contain outdated or wrong information. Read or double-check the English variant, if in doubt. If you can help us with updating the translation, please contact or the debian-l10n-xxx mailinglist for this language. Many thanks


Installasjon av Debian GNU/kFreeBSD 13 for kfreebsd-i386
1. Velkomen til Debian
1.1. Kva er Debian?
1.2. What is GNU/Linux?
1.3. What is Debian GNU/Linux?
1.4. What is Debian GNU/Hurd?
1.5. What is the Debian Installer?
1.6. Getting Debian
1.7. Getting the Newest Version of This Document
1.8. Organization of This Document
1.9. Your Documentation Help is Welcome
1.10. About Copyrights and Software Licenses
2. System Requirements
2.1. Supported Hardware
2.1.1. Supported Architectures
2.1.2. Graphics Hardware Support
2.1.3. Network Connectivity Hardware
2.1.4. Peripherals and Other Hardware
2.2. Devices Requiring Firmware
2.3. Purchasing Hardware Specifically for GNU/kFreeBSD
2.3.1. Avoid Proprietary or Closed Hardware
2.4. Installation Media
2.4.2. USB Memory Stick
2.4.3. Network
2.4.4. Hard Disk
2.4.5. Un*x or GNU system
2.4.6. Supported Storage Systems
2.5. Memory and Disk Space Requirements
3. Before Installing Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
3.1. Overview of the Installation Process
3.2. Back Up Your Existing Data!
3.3. Information You Will Need
3.3.1. Documentation
3.3.2. Finding Sources of Hardware Information
3.3.3. Hardware Compatibility
3.3.4. Network Settings
3.4. Meeting Minimum Hardware Requirements
3.5. Pre-Partitioning for Multi-Boot Systems
3.6. Pre-Installation Hardware and Operating System Setup
3.6.1. Invoking the BIOS/UEFI Set-Up Menu
3.6.2. Boot Device Selection
4. Obtaining System Installation Media
4.1. Official Debian GNU/kFreeBSD installation images
4.2. Downloading Files from Debian Mirrors
4.2.1. Where to Find Installation Files
4.3. Preparing Files for USB Memory Stick Booting
4.4. Preparing Files for Hard Disk Booting
4.5. Preparing Files for TFTP Net Booting
4.5.1. Setting up a DHCP server
4.5.2. Setting up a BOOTP server
4.5.3. Enabling the TFTP Server
4.5.4. Move TFTP Images Into Place
4.6. Automatic Installation
4.6.1. Automatic Installation Using the Debian Installer
4.7. Verifying the integrity of installation files
5. Booting the Installation System
5.1. Booting the Installer on 32-bit PC
5.1.1. Booting from USB Memory Stick
5.1.2. Booting from optical disc (CD/DVD)
5.2. Accessibility
5.2.1. Installer front-end
5.2.2. High-Contrast Theme
5.2.3. Zoom
5.2.4. Expert install, rescue mode, automated install
5.2.5. Accessibility of the installed system
5.3. Boot Parameters
5.3.1. Debian Installer Parameters
5.3.2. Using boot parameters to answer questions
5.3.3. Passing parameters to kernel modules
5.3.4. Blacklisting kernel modules
5.4. Troubleshooting the Installation Process
5.4.1. Reliability of optical media
5.4.2. Boot Configuration
5.4.3. Interpreting the Kernel Startup Messages
5.4.4. Reporting Installation Problems
5.4.5. Submitting Installation Reports
6. Using the Debian Installer
6.1. How the Installer Works
6.2. Components Introduction
6.3. Using Individual Components
6.3.1. Setting up Debian Installer and Hardware Configuration
6.3.2. Setting Up Users And Passwords
6.3.3. Configuring the Clock and Time Zone
6.3.4. Partitioning and Mount Point Selection
6.3.5. Installing the Base System
6.3.6. Installing Additional Software
6.3.7. Making Your System Bootable
6.3.8. Finishing the Installation
6.3.9. Troubleshooting
6.3.10. Installation over network-console
6.4. Loading Missing Firmware
6.4.1. Preparing a medium
6.4.2. Firmware and the Installed System
6.4.3. Completing the Installed System
6.5. Customization
6.5.1. Installing an alternative init system
7. Booting Into Your New Debian System
7.1. The Moment of Truth
7.2. Mounting encrypted volumes
7.2.1. Troubleshooting
7.3. Log In
8. Next Steps and Where to Go From Here
8.1. Shutting down the system
8.2. Orienting Yourself to Debian
8.2.1. Debian Packaging System
8.2.2. Additional Software Available for Debian
8.2.3. Application Version Management
8.2.4. Cron Job Management
8.3. Further Reading and Information
8.4. Setting Up Your System To Use E-Mail
8.4.1. Default E-Mail Configuration
8.4.2. Sending E-Mails Outside The System
8.4.3. Configuring the Exim4 Mail Transport Agent
8.5. Recovering a Broken System
A. Installation Howto
A.1. Preliminaries
A.2. Booting the installer
A.2.1. Optical disc
A.2.2. USB memory stick
A.2.3. Booting from network
A.3. Installation
A.4. Send us an installation report
A.5. And finally…
B. Automating the installation using preseeding
B.1. Introduction
B.1.1. Preseeding methods
B.1.2. Limitations
B.2. Using preseeding
B.2.1. Loading the preconfiguration file
B.2.2. Using boot parameters to preseed questions
B.2.3. Auto mode
B.2.4. Aliases useful with preseeding
B.2.5. Examples of boot prompt preseeding
B.2.6. Using a DHCP server to specify preconfiguration files
B.3. Creating a preconfiguration file
B.4. Contents of the preconfiguration file (for trixie)
B.4.1. Localization
B.4.2. Network configuration
B.4.3. Network console
B.4.4. Mirror settings
B.4.5. Account setup
B.4.6. Clock and time zone setup
B.4.7. Partitioning
B.4.8. Base system installation
B.4.9. Apt setup
B.4.10. Package selection
B.4.11. Boot loader installation
B.4.12. Finishing up the installation
B.4.13. Preseeding other packages
B.5. Advanced options
B.5.1. Running custom commands during the installation
B.5.2. Using preseeding to change default values
B.5.3. Chainloading preconfiguration files
C. Partitioning for Debian
C.1. Deciding on Debian Partitions and Sizes
C.2. The Directory Tree
C.3. Recommended Partitioning Scheme
C.4. Debian Partitioning Programs
D. Random Bits
D.1. Disk Space Needed for Tasks
D.2. Installing Debian GNU/kFreeBSD from a Unix/Linux System
D.2.1. Getting Started
D.2.2. Install debootstrap
D.2.3. Run debootstrap
D.2.4. Configure The Base System
D.2.5. Install a Kernel
D.2.6. Set up the Boot Loader
D.2.7. Remote access: Installing SSH and setting up access
D.2.8. Finishing touches
D.3. Installing Debian GNU/kFreeBSD using PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)
E. Administrivia
E.1. About This Document
E.2. Contributing to This Document
E.3. Major Contributions
E.4. Trademark Acknowledgement
F. GNU General Public License


3.1. Hardware Information Helpful for an Install
3.2. Recommended Minimum System Requirements