This is the top directory for ALL translation files for Debian Installer packages. By putting a xx.po (or xx_YY.po) file in one of the "sublevel" directories, based on the template.pot file you'll find in each of them, the translation it contains will be spread out to ALL Debian Installer packages under the packages directory. DO NOT do this without authorization by the Debian Installer i18n coordination team. The PO files headers will be spread out to all D-I packages. If you want to give credit to several translators, please use the header comment lines rather than the "Last-Translator" line. In such case, the Last-Translator line should rather contain the team name, similarly to the Translation-Team line. Sublevels: ---------- The current rules for which strings belong in which sublevels are as follows: 1: strings used in default installs on common architectures (i386, amd64) 2: general strings not used during default installs 3: expert strings (low prio templates or related to e.g. RAID) 4: specific to less-popular arches (arm, powerpc, mips, sparc) or used in experimental features 5: same for high-end architectures (hppa, ia64, s390), hobby architectures (alpha, m68k) arches and old components Synchronisation script: ----------------------- The synchronisation script is run at regular intervals by one of the i18n coordinators. Please see the i18n documentation on for details. Current schedule: ----------------- -daily runs at 22:47 CET on the trunk branch Triggering immediate runs: -------------------------- The D-I team members can trigger runs of the l10n-sync script by issuing the following on touch ~bubulle/d-i/l10n/.run-sync Stopping the automated runs: ---------------------------- Automated runs can be stopped (in case the script becomes crazy) by using "run=0" in packages/po/run-l10n-sync Enforcing the script runs: -------------------------- In case the script is disabled by "run=0", it can be manually run by using the "--force" switch. Use with care: this should be reserved to cases where all i18n coordinators are away and the script became crazy. In that case, another d-i developer can still run l10n-sync from time to time, manually.