#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Keep track of Linux kernel versions and ABI bumps use strict; use File::Slurp; use Email::MIME; use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail); use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq); use Sort::Versions; use LWP::UserAgent; use XML::LibXML; sub colorize_flavours { my ($arch, $abi, $lastabi, %v) = @_; my $cell; if ($v{$arch}{$abi}) { foreach my $flavour (@{$v{$arch}{$abi}}) { my $color; if (($abi ne $lastabi) && $v{$arch}{$lastabi}) { if (grep { $_ eq $flavour } @{$v{$arch}{$lastabi}}) { # Available in a newer ABI, can be decrufted: $color='darkorange'; } else { # Not available in newer ABI, possibly dropped: $color='purple'; } } if (($abi ne $lastabi) && !$v{$arch}{$lastabi}) { # Not built yet: $color='red'; } if ($color) { $cell .= "$flavour
"; } else { $cell .= "$flavour
"; } } } $cell ||= " "; return "$cell\n"; } sub compare_and_mail { my ($dist, $lastabi, $summary, $url) = @_; if (-f $summary) { foreach my $line (read_file($summary)) { if ($line =~ //) { my $previous_lastabi = $1; my $previous_dist = $2; if (($dist eq $previous_dist) and ($lastabi ne $previous_lastabi)) { my $subject = "Linux kernel ABI bump in $dist: from $previous_lastabi to $lastabi"; my $body = "Linux kernel ABI bump in $dist: from $previous_lastabi to $lastabi\n\nFull summary: $url#$dist\n"; my $message = Email::MIME->create( header_str => [ From => 'Linux kernel watcher ', To => 'kibi@debian.org', Subject => $subject, ], attributes => { encoding => "quoted-printable", charset => "UTF-8", }, body_str => $body, ); sendmail($message); print STDERR "Sending a notification: $subject\n"; } } } } # Beware: keep in sync with the match above return ""; } sub build_status { my ($dist, @allarchs) = @_; my $buildurl = "https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=linux&suite=$dist"; # Only look at build logs for those distributions: return '' if ! grep { $dist eq $_ } qw(unstable experimental); my $html; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $response = $ua->get($buildurl); my %builds; if ($response->is_success) { # Avoid hardcoding column id: my $xml = XML::LibXML->load_html(string => $response->content); my @columns = $xml->findnodes('//table[@class="data"]/tr/th/text()'); my %col_lookup; foreach my $i (0 .. $#columns) { $col_lookup{$columns[$i]} = $i; } foreach my $line ($xml->findnodes('//table[@class="data"]/tr')) { my @cells = $line->findnodes('./td'); next if ! @cells; next if $#cells < 2; my $arch = $cells[ $col_lookup{Architecture} ]->textContent(); my $status = $cells[ $col_lookup{Status} ]->textContent(); my $time = $cells[ $col_lookup{For} ]->textContent(); $arch =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; $time =~ s/\s+\d+m$//; my %color = ( Installed => 'darkgreen', Building => 'darkorange', 'Needs-Build' => 'darkorange', 'Failed' => 'red', 'Build-Attempted' => 'red' ); my $c = $color{$status} || 'black'; $builds{$arch} = "$status ($time)"; } $html .= "\n"; $html .= "Build\n"; foreach my $arch (@allarchs) { $html .= "" . ($builds{$arch} || "no entry") . "\n"; } $html .= "\n"; } else { my $colspan = 1+scalar(@allarchs); $html .= "Failed to retrieve build status: " . $response->status_line . ""; } return $html; } my $summary = shift @ARGV || "kernel-summary.html"; my $url = "http://d-i.debian.org/kernel-summary.html"; my $html = << 'EOS'; Linux kernel status across distributions EOS # Make this cumulative across dists as builds can be disappearing from # experimental (decruft), and we would miss Build-Attempted/Failed # cases: my @allarchs; foreach my $dist (qw(testing unstable experimental)) { # FIXME: A few hours can happen until a built package can be seen # here. Another option would be ssh {ftp-master,release}.d.o dak ls my @lines = `rmadison -S linux -s $dist 2>/dev/null`; # Abort if rmadison fails (e.g. qa.debian.org fails to reply): exit 1 if $? != 0; my @allabis; my %v; foreach my $line (@lines) { next if $line !~ /linux-image-/; # starting with 4.16-1~exp1 (experimental): next if $line =~ /linux-image-\S+-signed-template/; chomp $line; my ($package, $version, $dist, $archs) = split /\s*[|]\s*/, $line; $package =~ s/\s*linux-image-//; (my $abi = $package) =~ s/(-(?:rc\d+|\d+|trunk))-.*/$1/; my $flavour = substr $package, 1+length($abi); #print STDERR "$abi; $package; $version; $dist; $archs\n"; foreach my $arch (split /,\s*/, $archs) { push @{$v{$arch}{$abi}}, $flavour; push @allarchs, $arch; } push @allabis, $abi; } ### Sort and uniquify: @allarchs = uniq sort @allarchs; @allabis = uniq sort { versioncmp($a,$b) } @allabis; my $none = "(none)"; my $lastabi = $allabis[-1] || $none; ### Compare with previous ABI if relevant: my $abi_comment = compare_and_mail($dist, $lastabi, $summary, $url); ### Output: $html .= "

Linux kernel status in $dist

\n"; $html .= "$abi_comment\n"; $html .= "

Top-most ABI: $lastabi

\n"; if ($lastabi ne $none) { $html .= "\n"; # First row, with archs: $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; foreach my $arch (@allarchs) { $html .= "\n"; } $html .= "\n"; # Actual contents: foreach my $abi (@allabis) { $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; foreach my $arch (@allarchs) { $html .= colorize_flavours($arch, $abi, $lastabi, %v); } $html .= "\n"; } $html .= build_status($dist, @allarchs); $html .= "
\n"; } } my $date = `LC_ALL=C TZ=UTC date`; chomp $date; $html .= "
\n"; $html .= "Last update: $date\n"; $html .= "\n"; write_file($summary, $html);