#!/usr/bin/perl # Summary of udebs in testing vs those in unstable. use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use File::Path; use URI::Escape; my $mirror=shift || "/srv/mirrors/debian/"; # Die now if a local mirror can't be found: if ($mirror =~ m{^/} and ! -d $mirror) { print STDERR "The local mirror $mirror can't be found, please specify another mirror.\n"; print STDERR "Example for a remote mirror: $0 http://deb.debian.org/debian\n"; print STDERR "Example for a local mirror: $0 /srv/mirrors/debian/\n"; exit 1; } # debian.org machines have a specific setup for SSL: my $wget = 'wget'; my $debianorg_ca_dir = '/etc/ssl/ca-debian'; if (-d $debianorg_ca_dir) { $wget = "wget --ca-directory=$debianorg_ca_dir"; } # only the arches we care about my @arches=qw(amd64 arm64 armel armhf i386 mips mips64el mipsel ppc64el s390x); my @dists=qw(testing unstable); my %packageversions; my %seenpackages; my %pooldirs; my %poolfiles; my %lastbinfromsource; my %inconsistent; my %bin_nmu; my %frozen; my %has_debs; my @annotations; my %ages; my %sourceversions; my @di_bdeps; sub markup { my $text=shift; $text=~s/\#(\d\d\d\d+)/#$1<\/a>/g; return $text; } sub between_versions { my $version=shift; my $low=shift; my $high=shift; if ((! length $low || system('dpkg','--compare-versions', $low, '<<', $version) == 0) && (! length $high || system('dpkg','--compare-versions', $high, '>=', $version) == 0)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub older_version { my $version=shift; my $high=shift; if (length $high && system('dpkg','--compare-versions', $high, '>>', $version) == 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub archname { my %arch=map { $_ => 1 } @_; my %seen; my %unseen=map { $_ => 1 } @arches; foreach my $arch (@arches) { if (exists $arch{$arch}) { $seen{$arch}=1; delete $unseen{$arch} } } if (! %unseen) { return "all"; } elsif (keys %unseen > keys %seen) { return join(",", sort keys %seen); } else { return join(",", sort map { "!$_" } keys %unseen); } } if (!$ENV{NOSYNC}) { # Sync files from release.debian.org: # - dates unlink 'age-policy-dates'; `$wget -q -O age-policy-dates https://release.debian.org/britney/state/age-policy-dates`; # - hints rmtree "hints"; mkdir "hints"; my $hints_url = 'https://release.debian.org/britney/hints/'; `$wget -q -O hints/index.html $hints_url`; open my $hints_file, '<', 'hints/index.html' or die "Unable to open hints file"; while (<$hints_file>) { if (m{
  • \1
  • }) { next if $1 eq 'README' or $1 eq 'satbritney'; `$wget -q -O hints/$1 $hints_url/$1`; } } close $hints_file or die "Unable to close hints file"; } foreach my $dist (@dists) { ### Architecture-independent Sources file: my $srcdir = "dists/$dist/main/source"; my $srcfile = "$srcdir/Sources.gz"; # If not a local mirror, remove a (possible) file from a # previous run and download again: if ($mirror !~ m{^/}) { if (!$ENV{NOSYNC}) { unlink $srcfile; `$wget -q -P $srcdir $mirror/$srcfile`; } } else { $srcfile = "$mirror/$srcfile"; } open(SRC, "zcat $srcfile |") || die "cannot read $srcfile: $!"; local $/="\n\n"; while () { my ($package) = m/Package: (.*)\n/; my ($binary) = m/Binary: (.*)\n/; my ($version) = m/Version: (.*)\n/; my ($bdeps) = m/Build-Depends: (.*)\n/; if (m/Extra-Source-Only: yes\n/) { #print STDERR "Skipping $package/$version (extra-source-only)\n"; next; } for my $binary_item (split /, /, $binary) { $sourceversions{$dist}{$binary_item}{source} = $package; push @{$sourceversions{$dist}{$binary_item}{version}}, $version; } if ($package eq 'debian-installer' and $dist eq 'unstable') { @di_bdeps = split /, /, $bdeps; } } ### Per-architecture Packages files: foreach my $arch (@arches) { my $pkgdir = "dists/$dist/main/debian-installer/binary-$arch"; my $pkgfile = "$pkgdir/Packages.gz"; # If not a local mirror, remove a (possible) file from # a previous run and download again: if ($mirror !~ m{^/}) { if (!$ENV{NOSYNC}) { unlink $pkgfile; `$wget -q -P $pkgdir $mirror/$pkgfile`; } } else { $pkgfile = "$mirror/$pkgfile"; } open(PKG, "zcat $pkgfile |") || die "cannot read $pkgfile: $!"; local $/="\n\n"; while () { my ($package)=m/Package: (.*)\n/; my ($version)=m/Version: (.*)\n/; if (! length $package || ! length $version) { print STDERR "Parse failure. Stanza: $_"; } else { my ($source)=m/Source: (.*)\n/; if (! defined $source) { $source=$package; } else { # Source line can include a version if binNMU'ed $source=~s/ .*$//; } # Assume that source packages maintained by d-i team don't # have debs and others do; exceptions in deb-exceptions my ($maintainer)=m/Maintainer: (.*)\n/; if (defined $maintainer && $maintainer !~ /debian-boot/) { $has_debs{$source}=1; } # Check for binNMUs; correct version to source version if ($version =~ /\+b[1-9]$/) { if (! $bin_nmu{$source}) { $bin_nmu{$source}=1; push @annotations, {arch => $arch, package => $source, annotation => "has binary NMU in $dist" }; } $version =~ s/\+b[1-9]$// } if ($dist eq 'testing' && exists $packageversions{$source}{$dist}{$arch} && $packageversions{$source}{$dist}{$arch} ne $version) { if (! $inconsistent{$source}) { $inconsistent{$source}=1; push @annotations, {arch => $arch, package => $source, annotation => "inconsistent binary versions in testing" }; } push @annotations, {arch => $arch, detail => 1, package => $source, annotation => "binary package $package at version $version on arch $arch, while $lastbinfromsource{$source} is version $packageversions{$source}{$dist}{$arch}" }; } else { $packageversions{$source}{$dist}{$arch} = $version; $lastbinfromsource{$source}=$package; $seenpackages{$source}=1; my ($filename)=m/Filename: (.*)\n/; push @{$poolfiles{$source}{$arch}}, $filename; my ($pooldir)=m/Filename: (.*)\/.*?\n/; $pooldirs{$source}=$pooldir; } } } } close PKG; } # Process exceptions for source packages with debs if (open (EXC, "deb-exceptions")) { while () { next if /^#/; next unless length; my ($package)=m/^([^ ]*) [01]\n/; my ($has_deb)=m/^[^ ]* ([01])\n/; if (defined $package && defined $has_deb) { $has_debs{$package}=$has_deb; } } close EXC; } else { print STDERR "failed to read package excepions file: $!\n"; } # Collate transitions for multiple arches my %transitions; foreach my $package (keys %seenpackages) { foreach my $arch (@arches) { my $key="$package"; my %seen; foreach my $dist (@dists) { if (exists $packageversions{$package}{$dist}{$arch}) { my $version=$packageversions{$package}{$dist}{$arch}; $key.=" $version"; $seen{$version}++; } } my $dup=0; foreach my $key (keys %seen) { $dup=1 if $seen{$key} > 1; } push @{$transitions{$package}{$key}}, $arch if ! $dup && %seen; } } if (open (ANN, "annotations")) { while () { chomp; next if /^#/; next unless length; my ($user, $package, $version, $annotation) = split(' ', $_, 4); next unless defined $annotation && length $annotation; push @annotations, {user => $user, package => $package, version => $version, annotation => markup($annotation)}; } close ANN; } else { print STDERR "failed to read annotations: $!\n"; } # Read packages in freeze file if (open (FREEZE, "hints/freeze")) { while () { last if /^finished/; next if /^#/; next unless length; my ($package)=m/block-udeb (.*)\n/; if (defined $package) { $frozen{$package}=1; } } close FREEZE; } else { print STDERR "failed to read frozen packages file: $!\n"; } # Read ages, mimicking britney's computation: # # britney's "day" begins at 3pm # self.date_now = int(((time.time() / (60*60)) - 15) / 24) # Beware, there might be several versions in unstable, so track the # version the age is specific to. The old version will be 'unknown' # until it's built everywhere, only the latest version appears in # Dates: if (open (DATES, "age-policy-dates")) { my $now = int(((time / (60*60)) - 15 ) / 24); while () { if (/^(\S+) (\S+) (\S+)$/) { my ($package, $version, $days) = ($1, $2, $3); $ages{$package}{$version} = $now-$days; } } close DATES; } else { print STDERR "failed to read age-policy-dates file: $!\n"; } my %normal_unblocks; my %udeb_unblocks; my %age_days; for my $hint_file () { open my $fh, '<', "$hint_file" or die "Unable to open $hint_file"; my $hinter = basename($hint_file); while (my $line = <$fh>) { # Skip a bunch of things we don't care about: next if $line =~ /^\s*#/; next if $line =~ /^\s*$/; # End here: last if $line =~ /^finished/; # Interesting things start here: if ($line =~ /^unblock\s+(.*)/) { for my $p (split /\s+/, $1) { push @{$normal_unblocks{$p}}, $hinter; } next; } if ($line =~ /^unblock-udeb\s+(.*)/) { for my $p (split /\s+/, $1) { push @{$udeb_unblocks{$p}}, $hinter; } next; } if ($line =~ /^age-days (\d+) (.*)/) { for my $p (split /\s+/, $2) { push @{$age_days{$p}}, "$hinter: $1"; } next; } if ($line =~ /^urgent (.*)/) { for my $p (split /\s+/, $1) { push @{$age_days{$p}}, "$hinter: U"; } next; } #print "Unused: [$h] $line"; } close $fh or die "Unable to close $hint_file"; } my %unwanted; my $unwanted_file = 'unwanted-packages'; if (open (UNWANTED, $unwanted_file)) { while (my $line = ) { # Discard comments: next if $line =~ /^\s*#/; # Format is: package version some_reason_for_that if ($line =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) { my ($package, $version, $reason) = ($1, $2, $3); # Expand Message-IDs: $reason =~ s{]+)>}{<$1>}g; $unwanted{$package}{version} = $version; $unwanted{$package}{reason} = $reason; } else { print STDERR "failed to parse line from $unwanted_file\n"; } } close UNWANTED; } else { print STDERR "unable to read unwanted file ($unwanted_file): $!\n"; } print <<"HEADER"; udeb testing summary

    udeb testing summary

    HEADER print "

    d-i build-deps

    \n"; print "

    (taken from unstable's debian-installersource package)

    \n"; print "\n"; print "\n"; foreach my $bdep (sort @di_bdeps) { my $package = $bdep; my ($version, $arch, $source, $tdstyle) = ('', '', '', ''); $package =~ s/ .*//; $version = $1 if $bdep =~ /\((.+)\)/; $arch = $1 if $bdep =~ /\[(.+)\]/; $source = $sourceversions{unstable}{$package}{source} || ''; my $tv = join '
    ', sort @{$sourceversions{testing}{$package}{version} || []}; my $uv = join '
    ', sort @{$sourceversions{unstable}{$package}{version} || []}; $tdstyle = 'style="color: black; background-color: orange;"' if $tv ne $uv; print "\n"; } print "
    \n"; print "


    \n"; print ""; foreach my $dist (@dists) { print ""; } print "\n"; my $numcols=9 + @dists; foreach my $package (sort keys %seenpackages) { my $row=''; my $class=''; my $uri_pkg = uri_escape($package); foreach my $transition (keys %{$transitions{$package}}) { $row .= ""; if (exists $has_debs{$package} && $has_debs{$package}==1) { $row .= ""; } else { $row .= ""; } $row .= ""; my $some_arch=@{$transitions{$package}{$transition}}[0]; my @vers; my $unstable_version; foreach my $dist (@dists) { my $version=$packageversions{$package}{$dist}{$some_arch}; if (! defined $version) { $version="-"; push @vers, ''; $row .= ""; } else { push @vers, $version; if ($dist eq 'testing') { $row .= ""; } else { my $unwanted_bits=''; if ($unwanted{$package} && $unwanted{$package}{version} ne $version) { $unwanted_bits = '
    ' . $unwanted{$package}{version} . ': ' . $unwanted{$package}{reason}; } $row .= ""; $unstable_version = $version; } } } my $minage = defined($unstable_version)&&defined($ages{$package}{$unstable_version}) ? $ages{$package}{$unstable_version} : 'unknown'; $row .= ""; if (exists $frozen{$package}) { $row .= ""; } else { $row .= ""; } $row .= ""; $row .= ""; $row .= ""; if ((@{$unstable_version ? $normal_unblocks{"$package/$unstable_version"}||[] : []}) && @{$unstable_version ? $udeb_unblocks{"$package/$unstable_version"} ||[] : []}) { $class = 'unblocked'; } $row .= ""; my $commits = '?'; my $gitdir = "../../packages/$package"; if (-d $gitdir) { my $desc = `cd $gitdir && git describe --tags`; $commits = $desc =~ /-(\d+)-g/ ? $1 : 0; } $row .= ""; $row .= "\n"; foreach my $ann (@annotations) { if ($package eq $ann->{package} && (! exists $ann->{version} || between_versions($ann->{version}, $vers[0], $vers[1])) && (! exists $ann->{arch} || grep $ann->{arch}, @{$transitions{$package}{$transition}}[0])) { $row .= "\n"; } } if ($unwanted{$package} && $class ne 'unblocked') { if (($unwanted{$package}{'version'}||'') eq $unstable_version) { $class = 'unwanted'; } else { $class = 'needsreview'; } } $row =~ s/##CLASS##/$class/g; print $row; } } print "
    source packagedebsarches$distage (days)frozenunblockunblock-udebage-daysutilscommits in git
    $packagex".archname(@{$transitions{$package}{$transition}})."-$version$version$unwanted_bits".$minage."yesNO" . (join('
    ', @{$unstable_version ? $normal_unblocks{"$package/$unstable_version"}||[] : []})) . "
    " . (join('
    ', @{$unstable_version ? $udeb_unblocks{"$package/$unstable_version"} ||[] : []})) . "
    " . (join('
    ', @{$unstable_version ? $age_days{"$package/$unstable_version"} ||[] : []})) . "
    t b s" . $commits . "
    $package$ann->{annotation}"; if (exists $ann->{user}) { $row .= " -- $ann->{user}"; } if (exists $ann->{version} && older_version($ann->{version}, $vers[1])) { $row .= " (re an older version)"; } $row .= "

    \n"; my $date=`LC_ALL=C TZ=GMT date`; chomp $date; print <<"EOS" This page is built using:
    • annotations: file historically used to follow testing migration status.
    • unwanted-packages: file listing packages we don't consider during deep freezes, usually because of new upstream releases.
    Those files, along with the gen-summary script live under svn://svn.debian.org/svn/d-i/trunk/scripts/testing-summary (no conversion to git for this part of d-i).

    See also:

    $date EOS