#!/bin/sh recipe="$1" free_size="$2" min_size="$3" . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule # Report too small disks. # FIXME Call this from the "disk too small hook" when #653305 is # fixed. Until then, it is called from a partman/commit.d hook. if [ ! -f /tmp/ignore-too-small ] && \ grep -q 'too small for expert recipe' /var/log/syslog ; then logger -t debian-edu-install "Disk to small (recipe=$recipe free_size=$free_size min_size=$min_size), asking if installation should be aborted" # Remove backup choice from dialog db_capb db_fset debian-edu-install/disk-too-small seen false db_input critical debian-edu-install/disk-too-small || [ $? -eq 30 ] db_go db_get "debian-edu-install/disk-too-small" || true if test "$RET" = true ; then reboot fi touch /tmp/ignore-too-small # restore backup choice for the rest of partman db_capb backup fi