#! /bin/sh # Script run at the end of the installation (as set in preseed.cfg); prepares # to boot into the installed system, briefly log into Gnome and then reboot. set -e : >/target/BABELBOX cp /hd-media/srv/babelbox/cronscript /target/root echo "@reboot root /root/cronscript; reboot" >>/target/etc/crontab mount /dev/discs/disc0/part1 /hd-media -o remount,rw sed -i "s/^\([[:space:]]*\)set default=\"[[:digit:]]*\"$/\1set default=\"3\"/" /hd-media/boot/grub/grub.cfg if [ -d /target/etc/gdm3 ] ; then # Enable automatic login (chroot because of bug in busybox sed) in-target sed -i "/^\[daemon\]/a\AutomaticLoginEnable = true\nAutomaticLogin = debian" /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf fi exit 0