Template: netcfg/enable Type: boolean Default: true Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Set to false to disable netcfg entirely via preseed. Template: netcfg/use_autoconfig Type: boolean Default: true # IPv6 # :sl1: _Description: Auto-configure networking? Networking can be configured either by entering all the information manually, or by using DHCP (or a variety of IPv6-specific methods) to detect network settings automatically. If you choose to use autoconfiguration and the installer is unable to get a working configuration from the network, you will be given the opportunity to configure the network manually. Template: netcfg/get_domain Type: string # :sl1: _Description: Domain name: The domain name is the part of your Internet address to the right of your host name. It is often something that ends in .com, .net, .edu, or .org. If you are setting up a home network, you can make something up, but make sure you use the same domain name on all your computers. Template: netcfg/get_nameservers Type: string # :sl1: _Description: Name server addresses: The name servers are used to look up host names on the network. Please enter the IP addresses (not host names) of up to 3 name servers, separated by spaces. Do not use commas. The first name server in the list will be the first to be queried. If you don't want to use any name server, just leave this field blank. Template: netcfg/choose_interface Type: select Choices: ${ifchoices} # :sl1: _Description: Primary network interface: Your system has multiple network interfaces. Choose the one to use as the primary network interface during the installation. If possible, the first connected network interface found has been selected. Template: netcfg/wireless_essid Type: string # :sl2: _Description: Wireless ESSID for ${iface}: ${iface} is a wireless network interface. Please enter the name (the ESSID) of the wireless network you would like ${iface} to use. If you would like to use any available network, leave this field blank. Template: netcfg/wireless_essid_again Type: string # :sl1: _Description: Wireless ESSID for ${iface}: Attempting to find an available wireless network failed. . ${iface} is a wireless network interface. Please enter the name (the ESSID) of the wireless network you would like ${iface} to use. To connect to any available network, leave this field blank. Template: netcfg/wireless_security_type Type: select Default: wpa Choices-C: wep/open, wpa # :sl2: __Choices: WEP/Open Network, WPA/WPA2 PSK # :sl2: _Description: Wireless network type for ${iface}: Choose WEP/Open if the network is open or secured with WEP. Choose WPA/WPA2 if the network is protected with WPA/WPA2 PSK (Pre-Shared Key). Template: netcfg/wireless_wep Type: string # :sl2: _Description: WEP key for wireless device ${iface}: If applicable, please enter the WEP security key for the wireless device ${iface}. There are two ways to do this: . If your WEP key is in the format 'nnnn-nnnn-nn', 'nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn', or 'nnnnnnnn', where n is a number, just enter it as it is into this field. . If your WEP key is in the format of a passphrase, prefix it with 's:' (without quotes). . Of course, if there is no WEP key for your wireless network, leave this field blank. Template: netcfg/invalid_wep Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Invalid WEP key The WEP key '${wepkey}' is invalid. Please refer to the instructions on the next screen carefully on how to enter your WEP key correctly, and try again. Template: netcfg/invalid_pass Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Invalid passphrase The WPA/WPA2 PSK passphrase was either too long (more than 64 characters) or too short (less than 8 characters). Template: netcfg/wireless_wpa Type: string # :sl2: _Description: WPA/WPA2 passphrase for wireless device ${iface}: Enter the passphrase for WPA/WPA2 PSK authentication. This should be the passphrase defined for the wireless network you are trying to use. Template: netcfg/invalid_essid Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Invalid ESSID The ESSID "${essid}" is invalid. ESSIDs may only be up to ${max_essid_len} characters, but may contain all kinds of characters. Template: netcfg/wpa_progress Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Attempting to exchange keys with the access point... Template: netcfg/wpa_progress_note Type: text # :sl2: _Description: This may take some time. Template: netcfg/wpa_success_note Type: text # :sl2: _Description: WPA/WPA2 connection succeeded Template: netcfg/wpa_supplicant_failed Type: note # :sl2: _Description: Failure of key exchange and association The exchange of keys and association with the access point failed. Please check the WPA/WPA2 parameters you provided. Template: netcfg/get_hostname Type: string Default: debian # :sl1: _Description: Hostname: Please enter the hostname for this system. . The hostname is a single word that identifies your system to the network. If you don't know what your hostname should be, consult your network administrator. If you are setting up your own home network, you can make something up here. Template: netcfg/hostname Type: string Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Hostname to set for the system; ignores names provided by DHCP or DNS. Template: netcfg/invalid_hostname Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Invalid hostname The name "${hostname}" is invalid. . A valid hostname may contain only the numbers 0-9, upper and lowercase letters (A-Z and a-z), and the minus sign. It must be at most ${maxhostnamelen} characters long, and may not begin or end with a minus sign. Template: netcfg/error Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Error An error occurred and the network configuration process has been aborted. You may retry it from the installation main menu. Template: netcfg/no_interfaces Type: error # :sl2: _Description: No network interfaces detected No network interfaces were found. The installation system was unable to find a network device. . You may need to load a specific module for your network card, if you have one. For this, go back to the network hardware detection step. Template: netcfg/kill_switch_enabled Type: note # A "kill switch" is a physical switch found on some network cards that # disables the card. # :sl2: _Description: Kill switch enabled on ${iface} ${iface} appears to have been disabled by means of a physical "kill switch". If you intend to use this interface, please switch it on before continuing. Template: netcfg/wireless_adhoc_managed Type: select Default: Infrastructure (Managed) network # :sl2: # Note to translators : Please keep your translations of each choice # below the 65 columns limit (which means 65 characters for most languages) # Choices MUST be separated by commas # You MUST use standard commas not special commas for your language # You MUST NOT use commas inside choices __Choices: Infrastructure (Managed) network, Ad-hoc network (Peer to peer) # :sl2: _Description: Type of wireless network: Wireless networks are either managed or ad-hoc. If you use a real access point of some sort, your network is Managed. If another computer is your 'access point', then your network may be Ad-hoc. Template: netcfg/wifi_progress_title Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Wireless network configuration Template: netcfg/wifi_progress_info Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Searching for wireless access points... Template: netcfg/disable_autoconfig Type: boolean Default: false Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Set to true to force static network configuration Template: netcfg/disable_dhcp Type: boolean Default: false Description: for internal use; can be preseeded (deprecated) Set to true to force static network configuration (deprecated) Template: netcfg/link_detect_progress Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Detecting link on ${interface}; please wait... Template: netcfg/internal-none Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Template: netcfg/internal-wifi Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Wireless ethernet (802.11x) Template: netcfg/internal-wireless Type: text # :sl2: _Description: wireless Template: netcfg/internal-eth Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Ethernet Template: netcfg/internal-tr Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Token Ring Template: netcfg/internal-usb Type: text # :sl2: _Description: USB net Template: netcfg/internal-arc Type: text # Product name, not translatable. # :sl2: Description: Arcnet Template: netcfg/internal-slip Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Serial-line IP Template: netcfg/internal-plip Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Parallel-port IP Template: netcfg/internal-ppp Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Point-to-Point Protocol Template: netcfg/internal-sit Type: text # :sl2: _Description: IPv6-in-IPv4 Template: netcfg/internal-ippp Type: text # :sl2: _Description: ISDN Point-to-Point Protocol Template: netcfg/internal-ctc Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Channel-to-channel Template: netcfg/internal-escon Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Real channel-to-channel Template: netcfg/internal-hsi Type: text # Product name, not translatable. Description: Hipersocket Template: netcfg/internal-iucv Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Inter-user communication vehicle Template: netcfg/internal-unknown-iface Type: text # :sl2: _Description: Unknown interface Template: base-installer/progress/netcfg Type: text # base-installer progress bar item # :sl1: _Description: Storing network settings... Template: debian-installer/netcfg/title Type: text # Item in the main menu to select this package # Translators: keep below 55 columns # :sl1: _Description: Configure the network Template: netcfg/target_network_config Type: select Choices-C: netplan, nm_config, ifupdown, loopback Choices: Netplan, NetworkManager, ifupdown (/etc/network/interfaces), No network configuration Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Specifies what kind of network connection management tool should be configured post-installation if multiple are available. Automatic selection is used in this order when not specified: Netplan if available (on Linux only), NetworkManager if available (on Linux only), Ethernet or wireless configuration through ifupdown and loopback configuration through ifupdown as a fallback. Template: netcfg/link_wait_timeout Type: string Default: 3 # :sl3: _Description: Waiting time (in seconds) for link detection: Please enter the maximum time you would like to wait for network link detection. Template: netcfg/bad_link_wait_timeout Type: error # :sl3: _Description: Invalid network link detection waiting time The value you have provided is not valid. The maximum waiting time (in seconds) for network link detection must be a positive integer. Template: netcfg/wireless_show_essids Type: select Choices-C: ${essid_list} manual # Translators: please do not translate the variable essid_list # :sl1: _Choices: ${essid_list} Enter ESSID manually # :sl1: _Description: Wireless network: Select the wireless network to use during the installation process.