# Allow preseeding the root password with a crypted password # rather than cleartext Template: passwd/root-password-crypted Type: password Description: for internal use only # Allow preseeding the user password with a crypted password # rather than cleartext Template: passwd/user-password-crypted Type: password Description: for internal use only # Allow preseeding the UID allocated to the first created user Template: passwd/user-uid Type: string Description: for internal use only # Allow preseeding the groups to which the first created user is added Template: passwd/user-default-groups Type: string Default: audio cdrom dip floppy video plugdev netdev scanner bluetooth debian-tor lpadmin Description: for internal use only Template: passwd/root-login Type: boolean Default: true # :sl1: _Description: Allow login as root? If you choose not to allow root to log in, then a user account will be created and given the power to become root using the 'sudo' command. Template: passwd/root-password Type: password # :sl1: _Description: Root password: Some account needs to be available with administrative super-user privileges. The password for that account should be something that cannot be guessed. . To allow direct password-based access via the 'root' account, you can set the password for that account here. . Alternatively, you can lock the root account's password by leaving this setting empty, and instead use the system's initial user account (which will be set up in the next step) to gain administrative privileges. This will be enabled for you by adding that initial user to the 'sudo' group. . Note: what you type here will be hidden (unless you select to show it). Template: passwd/root-password-again Type: password # :sl1: _Description: Re-enter password to verify: Please enter the same root password again to verify that you have typed it correctly. Template: passwd/make-user Type: boolean Default: true # :sl2: _Description: Create a normal user account now? It's a bad idea to use the root account for normal day-to-day activities, such as the reading of electronic mail, because even a small mistake can result in disaster. You should create a normal user account to use for those day-to-day tasks. . Note that you may create it later (as well as any additional account) by typing 'adduser ' as root, where is a username, like 'imurdock' or 'rms'. Template: passwd/user-fullname Type: string # :sl1: _Description: Full name for the new user: A user account will be created for you to use instead of the root account for non-administrative activities. . Please enter the real name of this user. This information will be used for instance as default origin for emails sent by this user as well as any program which displays or uses the user's real name. Your full name is a reasonable choice. Template: passwd/username Type: string # :sl1: _Description: Username for your account: Select a username for the new account. Your first name is a reasonable choice. The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters. Template: passwd/username-bad Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Invalid username The username you entered is invalid. Note that usernames must start with a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters, and must be no more than 32 characters long. Template: passwd/username-reserved Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Reserved username The username you entered (${USERNAME}) is reserved for use by the system. Please select a different one. Template: passwd/user-password Type: password # :sl1: _Description: Choose a password for the new user: Make sure to select a strong password that cannot be guessed. Template: passwd/user-password-again Type: password # :sl1: _Description: Re-enter password to verify: Please enter the same user password again to verify you have typed it correctly. Template: user-setup/password-mismatch Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Password input error The two passwords you entered were not the same. Please try again. Template: user-setup/password-empty Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Empty password You entered an empty password, which is not allowed. Please choose a non-empty password. Template: debian-installer/user-setup-udeb/title Type: title # :sl1: _Description: Set up users and passwords Template: finish-install/progress/user-setup Type: text # finish-install progress bar item # :sl1: _Description: Setting users and passwords...