sitesummary =========== More information is available from . Sitesummary generated Munin configuraiton ----------------------------------------- Sitesummary can be used to generate Munin configuration to collect statistics from all sitesummary clients with the Munin packages installed. To enable it, install the munin package and make sure /etc/sitesummary/collector.cfg include 'MUNINDIR=/etc/munin' to get sitesummary to add an include file to the default munin configuration. Running these commands as root normally does the trick: aptitude install munin munin-node echo MUNINDIR=/etc/munin >> /etc/sitesummary/collector.cfg sitesummary-client /etc/cron.daily/sitesummary These steps can be preseeded during installation, here is an example to enable Munin autoconfig on the sitesummary collector sitesummary sitesummary/replace-munin-config boolean true Sitesummary generated Icinga configuration ------------------------------------------ Since version 0.0.51, there is code in sitesummary to generate Icinga configuration based on the collected information. To enable this, install icinga and monitoring-plugins-standard, edit /etc/default/icinga to include 'NAGIOSCFG=/etc/icinga/sitesummary.cfg' and run the sitesummary cron job. Running these commands as root normally does the trick. aptitude install icinga monitoring-plugins-standard echo 'NAGIOSCFG="/etc/icinga/sitesummary.cfg"' >> /etc/default/icinga sitesummary-client /etc/cron.daily/sitesummary service icinga restart The current version of the code run all Icinga checks locally, so it only work on a single machine. The plan is to change this to use NRPE to work with a network of machines. On the client side, add 'include=/etc/nagios/sitesummary-nrpe-commands.cfg' and 'dont_blame_nrpe=1' in /etc/nagios/nrpe_local.cfg to enable the sitesummary checks. To make sure the Icinga server can contact nrpe, it might be required to list the server address using the allowed_hosts option. Running these commands as root normally does the trick. aptitude install nagios-nrpe-server monitoring-plugins-standard cat > /etc/nagios/nrpe.d/sitesummary-nrpe.cfg <IP mapping - can generate lts.conf files for the LTSP clients The server can either be a CGI script, or listen on some port on its own. The client should be a platform independent script with as few dependencies as possible, to make it lightweight and easy to install on all machines. (perl, python, /bin/sh?) Should the client know which files to report, or should the server be able to affect it? Can cfengine, icinga or munin be used for this instead?