Template: debian-installer/bootstrap-base/title Type: text # Item in the main menu to select this package # TRANSLATORS: <65 columns # :sl1: _Description: Install the base system Template: base-installer/cannot_install Type: error # The base system is the minimal Debian system # See http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-binary.html#s3.7 # :sl2: _Description: Cannot install base system The installer cannot figure out how to install the base system. It found no installable image, and no valid mirror was configured. Template: base-installer/no_codename Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Debootstrap Error Failed to determine the codename for the release. Template: base-installer/debootstrap-failed Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Failed to install the base system The base system installation into /target/ failed. . Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details. Template: base-installer/debootstrap/error-exitcode Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Base system installation error The debootstrap program exited with an error (return value ${EXITCODE}). . Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details. Template: base-installer/debootstrap/error-abnormal Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Base system installation error The debootstrap program exited abnormally. . Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details. Template: base-installer/debootstrap/fallback-error Type: error # :sl2: #flag:translate!:3 _Description: Debootstrap Error The following error occurred: . ${ERROR} . Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details. Template: base-installer/initramfs/generator Type: select Choices: ${GENERATORS} # :sl3: _Description: Tool to use to generate boot initrd: The list shows the available tools. If you are unsure which to select, you should select the default. If your system fails to boot, you can retry the installation using the other options. Template: base-installer/initramfs/unsupported Type: error # :sl3: _Description: Unsupported initrd generator The package ${GENERATOR} that was selected to generate the initrd is not supported. Template: base-installer/initramfs-tools/driver-policy Type: select Choices-C: most, dep # :sl3: __Choices: generic: include all available drivers, targeted: only include drivers needed for this system # :sl3: _Description: Drivers to include in the initrd: The primary function of an initrd is to allow the kernel to mount the root file system. It therefore needs to contain all drivers and supporting programs required to do that. . A generic initrd is much larger than a targeted one and may even be so large that some boot loaders are unable to load it but has the advantage that it can be used to boot the target system on almost any hardware. With the smaller targeted initrd there is a very small chance that not all needed drivers are included. Template: base-installer/kernel/failed-install Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Unable to install the selected kernel An error was returned while trying to install the kernel into the target system. . Kernel package: '${KERNEL}'. . Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details. Template: base-installer/kernel/image Type: select # :sl2: #flag:translate!:1 # For base-installer, "none" is an additional choice to a list of kernels. # It means "no kernel" __Choices: ${KERNELS}, none[ Do not translate what's inside the brackets and just put the translation for the word "none" in your language without any brackets. This "none" means "no kernel" ] # :sl2: _Description: Kernel to install: The list shows the available kernels. Please choose one of them in order to make the system bootable from the hard drive. Template: base-installer/kernel/altmeta Type: text Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Optional postfix for kernel meta packages; can be used for example to support installation of an updated kernel for stable. Don't include the leading hyphen: it will be prepended in the code. Template: base-installer/kernel/skip-install Type: boolean Default: false # :sl2: _Description: Continue without installing a kernel? No installable kernel was found in the defined APT sources. . You may try to continue without a kernel, and manually install your own kernel later. This is only recommended for experts, otherwise you will likely end up with a machine that doesn't boot. Template: base-installer/kernel/no-kernels-found Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Cannot install kernel The installer cannot find a suitable kernel package to install. Template: base-installer/kernel/failed-package-install Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Unable to install ${PACKAGE} An error was returned while trying to install the ${PACKAGE} package onto the target system. . Check /var/log/syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details. Template: base-installer/debootstrap/error/nogetrel Type: error # :sl2: # SUBST0 is a Release file name. _Description: Debootstrap Error Failed getting Release file ${SUBST0}. Template: base-installer/debootstrap/error/nogetrelsig Type: error # :sl2: # SUBST0 is a Release.gpg file name _Description: Debootstrap Error Failed getting Release signature file ${SUBST0}. Template: base-installer/debootstrap/error/unknownrelsig Type: error # :sl2: # SUBST0 is a gpg key ID _Description: Debootstrap Error Release file signed by unknown key (key id ${SUBST0}) Template: base-installer/debootstrap/error/invalidrel Type: error # :sl2: _Description: Debootstrap Error Invalid Release file: no valid components. Template: base-installer/debootstrap/error/missingrelentry Type: error # :sl2: # SUBST0 is a filename _Description: Debootstrap Error Invalid Release file: no entry for ${SUBST0}. Template: base-installer/debootstrap/error/couldntdl Type: error # :sl2: # SUBST0 is a filename or package name # Debootstrap is a program name: should not be translated _Description: Debootstrap Error Couldn't retrieve ${SUBST0}. This may be due to a network problem or bad media, depending on your installation method. . If you are installing from CD-R or CD-RW, burning the CD at a lower speed may help. Template: base-installer/debootstrap/section/downrel Type: text # :sl1: # Release is a filename which should not be translated _Description: Retrieving Release file Template: base-installer/debootstrap/progress/downrelsig Type: text # :sl1: # Release is a filename which should not be translated _Description: Retrieving Release file signature Template: base-installer/debootstrap/section/sizedebs Type: text # :sl1: # "packages" here can be translated _Description: Finding package sizes Template: base-installer/debootstrap/section/downpkgs Type: text # :sl1: # Packages is a filename which should not be translated _Description: Retrieving Packages files Template: base-installer/debootstrap/section/downmainpkgs Type: text # :sl1: # Packages is a filename which should not be translated _Description: Retrieving Packages file Template: base-installer/debootstrap/section/downdebs Type: text # :sl1: # "packages" here can be translated _Description: Retrieving packages Template: base-installer/debootstrap/section/extractpkgs Type: text # :sl1: # "packages" here can be translated _Description: Extracting packages Template: base-installer/debootstrap/section/instbase Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Installing the base system Template: base-installer/debootstrap/section/instcore Type: text # :sl1: # Core packages are packages that are part of the Debian base system # The "core" packages are indeed packages that are specifically # recorded as part of the base system. Other packages may # be installed on the base system because of dependency resolution _Description: Installing core packages Template: base-installer/debootstrap/section/unpackreq Type: text # :sl1: # Required packages are packages which installation is triggered # by the dependency chain of core packages # In short, they are "required" because at least one of the # packages from the core packages depends on them _Description: Unpacking required packages Template: base-installer/debootstrap/section/confreq Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Configuring required packages Template: base-installer/debootstrap/section/unpackbase Type: text # :sl1: # The base system is the minimal Debian system # See http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-binary.html#s3.7 _Description: Unpacking the base system Template: base-installer/debootstrap/section/confbase Type: text # :sl1: # The base system is the minimal Debian system # See http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-binary.html#s3.7 _Description: Configuring the base system Template: base-installer/debootstrap/fallback-info Type: text # :sl1: _Description: ${SECTION}: ${INFO}... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/validating Type: text # :sl1: # SUBST0 is a package name _Description: Validating ${SUBST0}... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/retrieving Type: text # :sl1: # SUBST0 is a package name _Description: Retrieving ${SUBST0}... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/extracting Type: text # :sl1: # SUBST0 is a package name _Description: Extracting ${SUBST0}... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/unpacking Type: text # :sl1: # SUBST0 is a package name _Description: Unpacking ${SUBST0}... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/configuring Type: text # :sl1: # SUBST0 is a package name _Description: Configuring ${SUBST0}... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/releasesig Type: text # :sl1: # Release is a filename which should not be translated _Description: Checking Release signature Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/validrelsig Type: text # :sl1: # SUBST0 is a gpg key id # Release is a filename which should not be translated _Description: Valid Release signature (key id ${SUBST0}) Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/resolvebase Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Resolving dependencies of base packages... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/newbase Type: text # :sl1: # SUBST0 is a list of packages _Description: Found additional base dependencies: ${SUBST0} Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/newrequired Type: text # :sl1: # SUBST0 is a list of packages _Description: Found additional required dependencies: ${SUBST0} Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/redundantbase Type: text # :sl1: # SUBST0 is a list of packages _Description: Found packages in base already in required: ${SUBST0} Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/resolvereq Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Resolving dependencies of required packages... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/checkingsizes Type: text # :sl1: # SUBST0 is an archive component (main, etc) # SUBST1 is a mirror _Description: Checking component ${SUBST0} on ${SUBST1}... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/instcore Type: text # :sl1: # Core packages are packages that are part of the Debian base system # The "core" packages are indeed packages that are specifically # recorded as part of the base system. Other packages may # be installed on the base system because of dependency resolution _Description: Installing core packages... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/unpackreq Type: text # :sl1: # Required packages are packages which installation is triggered # by the dependency chain of core packages # In short, they are "required" because at least one of the # packages from the core packages depends on them _Description: Unpacking required packages... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/confreq Type: text # :sl1: # Required packages are packages which installation is triggered # by the dependency chain of core packages # In short, they are "required" because at least one of the # packages from the core packages depends on them _Description: Configuring required packages... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/instbase Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Installing base packages... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/unpackbase Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Unpacking the base system... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/confbase Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Configuring the base system... Template: base-installer/debootstrap/info/basesuccess Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Base system installed successfully. Template: base-installer/debootstrap/fallback-warning Type: error # Debootstrap is a program name: should not be translated # :sl2: _Description: Debootstrap warning Warning: ${INFO} Template: base-installer/debootstrap/warning/retrying Type: text # SUBST0 is an url # :sl2: _Description: Retrying failed download of ${SUBST0} Template: base-installer/section/configure_apt Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Configuring APT sources... Template: base-installer/section/pick_kernel Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Selecting the kernel to install... Template: base-installer/section/install_linux Type: text # :sl1: _Description: Installing the kernel... Template: base-installer/section/install_kernel_package Type: text # :sl1: # SUBST0 is a package name _Description: Installing the kernel - retrieving and installing ${SUBST0}... Template: base-installer/includes Type: string Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Packages to be included in base installation Template: base-installer/excludes Type: string Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Packages to be excluded in base installation Template: base-installer/debootstrap_script Type: string Description: for internal use; can be preseeded Force use of a specific debootstrap script