/* cdrom-checker - verify debian cdrom's * Copyright (C) 2003 Thorsten Sauter * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #include "main.h" void detect_cdrom() { FILE *mount; char line[1024]; mount = fopen("/proc/mounts", "r"); while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), mount) != 0) { char device[1024], mpoint[1024], fs[1024]; sscanf(line, "%s %s %s %*s", device, mpoint, fs); if(strstr(mpoint, TARGET)) { asprintf(&cdrom_device, "%s", device); asprintf(&cdrom_fs, "%s", fs); break; } } fclose(mount); if(cdrom_device == NULL) { di_log(DI_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Unable to detect cdrom device!"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } if(cdrom_fs == NULL) { di_log(DI_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Unable to detect cdrom filesystem!"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } } int mount_cdrom() { int status = 0; char *cmd = NULL; asprintf(&cmd, "grep -q '^%s' /proc/mounts", cdrom_device); status = di_exec_shell(cmd); di_free(cmd); if(WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) return(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* ask if we should mount the device */ debconf_set(debconf, "cdrom-checker/askmount", "false"); debconf_input(debconf, "critical", "cdrom-checker/askmount"); debconf_go(debconf); debconf_get(debconf, "cdrom-checker/askmount"); asprintf(&cmd, "mount -t %s %s %s -o ro 1>/dev/null 2>&1", cdrom_fs, cdrom_device, TARGET); status = di_exec_shell(cmd); di_free(cmd); if(WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) return(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* unable to mount the cdrom device */ debconf_subst(debconf, "cdrom-checker/mntfailed", "CDROM", cdrom_device); debconf_input(debconf, "high", "cdrom-checker/mntfailed"); debconf_go(debconf); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } int md5file_getlines(FILE *md5file) { char line[1024]; int lines = 0; rewind(md5file); while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), md5file) != 0) lines++; return(lines); } int valid_cdrom() { struct stat dir; /* test ".disk" directory */ if(stat(".disk", &dir) != 0) return(EXIT_FAILURE); if(!S_ISDIR(dir.st_mode)) return(EXIT_FAILURE); /* test "debian" directory */ if(stat("debian", &dir) != 0) return(EXIT_FAILURE); if(!S_ISDIR(dir.st_mode)) return(EXIT_FAILURE); /* test "md5sum.txt" file */ if(stat("md5sum.txt", &dir) != 0) return(EXIT_FAILURE); if(!S_ISREG(dir.st_mode)) return(EXIT_FAILURE); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); } int check_cdrom() { FILE *md5file = NULL; int lines, status = 0; char line[1024]; char filename[1024]; md5file = fopen("md5sum.txt", "r"); if(md5file == NULL) { debconf_input(debconf, "high", "cdrom-checker/md5file_failed"); debconf_go(debconf); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } lines = md5file_getlines(md5file); debconf_progress_start(debconf, 0, lines, "cdrom-checker/progress_title"); rewind(md5file); while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), md5file) != 0) { char *cmd; status = 0; sscanf(line, "%*s %s", filename); debconf_subst(debconf, "cdrom-checker/progress_step", "FILE", filename); debconf_progress_info(debconf, "cdrom-checker/progress_step"); asprintf(&cmd, "echo -n '%s' | md5sum -c 1>/dev/null 2>&1", line); if(system(cmd) != 0) { status = 1; break; } debconf_progress_step(debconf, 1); } fclose(md5file); debconf_progress_stop(debconf); /* print the result of the command */ if(status != 0) { debconf_subst(debconf, "cdrom-checker/mismatch", "FILE", filename); debconf_input(debconf, "high", "cdrom-checker/mismatch"); } else { debconf_input(debconf, "critical", "cdrom-checker/passed"); } debconf_go(debconf); return(status); } int main(int argc __attribute__ ((unused)), char **argv) { di_system_init(basename(argv[0])); /* initialize the debconf frontend */ debconf = debconfclient_new(); /* ask if we should proceed with the checking */ debconf_set(debconf, "cdrom-checker/start", "false"); debconf_input(debconf, "critical", "cdrom-checker/start"); debconf_go(debconf); debconf_get(debconf, "cdrom-checker/start"); if(!strstr(debconf->value, "true")) { /* return to main-menu */ if (strcmp(getenv("MENU"), argv[0]) == 0) { /* We're being called as the main menu, then reboot * afterwards. 12 is a magic value used by rootskel to * signal that we want to reboot */ return(12); } return(EXIT_SUCCESS); } detect_cdrom(); /* goeing into main-loop */ while(1) { /* try to mount the cdrom and exit on error */ if(mount_cdrom() != EXIT_SUCCESS) break; /* go to cdrom mount-point */ chdir(TARGET); /* is this a valid Debian cdrom? */ if(valid_cdrom() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { debconf_set(debconf, "cdrom-checker/wrongcd", "false"); debconf_input(debconf, "high", "cdrom-checker/wrongcd"); debconf_go(debconf); break; } check_cdrom(); /* make sure cdrom isn't busy anymore, then umount it */ chdir("/"); di_exec_shell_log("umount /cdrom"); debconf_set(debconf, "cdrom-checker/nextcd", "false"); debconf_input(debconf, "high", "cdrom-checker/nextcd"); debconf_go(debconf); debconf_get(debconf, "cdrom-checker/nextcd"); if(!strstr(debconf->value, "true")) break; } debconf_set(debconf, "cdrom-checker/firstcd", "false"); debconf_input(debconf, "high", "cdrom-checker/firstcd"); debconf_go(debconf); di_exec_shell_log("udpkg --force-configure --configure cdrom-detect"); if (strcmp(getenv("MENU"), argv[0]) == 0) { /* We're being called as the main menu, then reboot * afterwards. 12 is a magic value used by rootskel to * signal that we want to reboot */ return(12); } return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }