#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Dpkg::Version; use Cwd; use File::Copy; use Archive::Tar; use File::Slurp; use Text::Patch; use IPC::Run qw( run ); use Getopt::Long; use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq); my %packages; my %versions; my %available; my %ignored; my %notest; my %binary; my %obsolete; my %avoid; my %ghcpkg; my %flags; my %group; my %meta; my %ahead; my %behind; my %key; my $allow_upgrade = 0; my $assume_lts = 0; my $only_key_packages = 0; my $error_count = 0; my %stats; GetOptions ( "allow-upgrade" => \$allow_upgrade, "assume-lts" => \$assume_lts, "only-key-packages" => \$only_key_packages, ) or die("Error in command line arguments\n"); print "Reading packages.txt...\n"; open PACKAGES, "<", "packages.txt" or die $!; while () { chomp; next if /^#/; next if /^\s*$/; unless (m/^(.*?) (.*?)(?: ([^#]*))?(?:#.*)?$/) { print "Ignoring unparseable line $.: $_\n"; } my ($pkg,$version,$attribs) = ($1,$2,$3); $packages{$pkg}++; $attribs ||= ''; $group{$pkg} = $1 if $attribs =~ s/group=([a-z0-9-]+)\s*//; $binary{$pkg} = $1 if $attribs =~ s/binary=([a-z0-9-]+)\s*//; $binary{$pkg} = $pkg if $attribs =~ s/binary\s*//; if ($attribs =~ s/obsolete\s*//) { $obsolete{$pkg}++; next; } if ($attribs =~ s/avoid\s*//) { $avoid{$pkg}++; next; } $versions{$pkg} = $version; $ignored{$pkg}++ if $attribs =~ s/ignored?\s*//; $notest{$pkg}++ if $attribs =~ s/notest\s*//; $ghcpkg{$pkg}++ if $attribs =~ s/ghcpkg\s*//; $meta{$pkg}++ if $attribs =~ s/meta\s*//; $ahead{$pkg}++ if $attribs =~ s/ahead\s*//; $behind{$pkg}++ if $attribs =~ s/behind\s*//; $key{$pkg}++ if $attribs =~ s/key\s*//; $flags{$pkg} = [] unless exists $flags{$pkg}; push @{$flags{$pkg}}, $1 while $attribs =~ s/-f([^ ]+)\s*//; if ($attribs) { warn "Unknown attributs for $pkg: $attribs\n" } } close PACKAGES; my %lts; print "Reading lts.config...\n"; open LTS, "<", "lts.config" or die $!; while () { chomp; next if /^#/; next if /^--/; next if /^\s*$/; next if /^with-compiler:/; next if /installed,?$/; unless (m/^(?:constraints:)?\s+(.*?) ==(.*?),?$/) { print "Ignoring unparseable line $.: $_\n"; } my ($pkg,$version) = ($1,$2); $lts{$pkg} = $version; } close LTS; print "Reading available versions...\n"; open AVAILABLE, "-|", "apt-cache dumpavail | grep-dctrl -F GHC-Package -r . -s GHC-Package -n" or die $!; while () { chomp; unless (m/^(.*)-([0-9\.]*)-([A-Za-z0-9]*?)$/) { print "Ignoring unparseable grep-aptavail output line $.: $_\n"; $error_count++; } my ($pkg,$version) = ($1, $2); $version = 0.85 if $pkg eq "IfElse" and $version eq ""; # anomaly unless (exists ($available{$pkg}) and version_compare($version, $available{$pkg}) == -1) { $available{$pkg} = $version; $packages{$pkg}++; } } close AVAILABLE; print "Reading available binary versions...\n"; my %binavail; { my $pkg; open VERS, "-|", "apt-cache dumpavail | grep-dctrl -s Package,Version -n ." or die $!; while () { chomp; if ($_ eq '') { undef $pkg; next; } unless (defined $pkg) { $pkg = $_; $binavail{$pkg} = [] unless (exists $binavail{$pkg}); next; } unless (m/^(?:.*:)?(.*?)(?:-(?:.*))?$/) { print "Ignoring unparseable version for $pkg: $_\n"; $error_count++; } my $version = $1; if ($pkg eq "pandoc-citeproc-preamble" and $version =~ s/\+b\d+//) { print "WARNING: $pkg has a native version number for some reason\n"; } push @{$binavail{$pkg}}, $version; } close VERS; } print "Calculating availability...\n"; while ( my ($pkg, $bin) = each %binary ) { foreach my $version (@{$binavail{$bin} or []}) { unless (exists ($available{$pkg}) and version_compare($version, $available{$pkg}) == -1) { $available{$pkg} = $version; $packages{$pkg}++; } } } print "Checking for outdated entries...\n"; for my $pkg (sort keys %packages) { if ($meta{$pkg}) { # do nothing } elsif ($obsolete{$pkg} && $available{$pkg}) { printf "Obsolete: %s %s\n" , $pkg, $available{$pkg}; $stats{obsolete}++; } elsif ($obsolete{$pkg} && !$available{$pkg}) { printf "REMOVED: %s\n" , $pkg; $error_count++; $stats{REMOVED}++; } elsif ($avoid{$pkg}) { # do nothing } elsif ($ignored{$pkg}) { # do nothing } elsif (! exists($versions{$pkg})) { printf "MISSING: %s %s\n" , $pkg, $available{$pkg}; $error_count++; $stats{MISSING}++; } elsif (! exists($available{$pkg})) { printf "Added: %s is %s here but does not exist in the archive.\n" , $pkg, $versions{$pkg}; $stats{Added}++; } elsif ( version_compare($versions{$pkg}, $available{$pkg}) == -1 ) { printf "OLD: %s is %s here but %s exists in the archive.\n" , $pkg, $versions{$pkg}, $available{$pkg}; $error_count++; $stats{OLD}++; } elsif ( version_compare($versions{$pkg}, $available{$pkg}) == 1 ) { printf "Updated: %s is %s in the archive but %s exists here.\n" , $pkg, $available{$pkg}, $versions{$pkg}; $stats{Updated}++; } if ( exists $lts{$pkg} and exists $versions{$pkg} ) { my $cmp = version_compare($versions{$pkg}, $lts{$pkg}); if ( $cmp == 1 ) { if ( exists $ahead{$pkg} ) { # printf "Ahead: %s is %s here, but only %s in the tracked LTS release (expected).\n" , # $pkg, $available{$pkg}, $lts{$pkg}; $stats{"known-ahead"}++; } else { printf "AHEAD: %s is %s here, but only %s in the tracked LTS release.\n" , $pkg, $versions{$pkg}, $lts{$pkg}; $stats{AHEAD}++; $error_count++; } } else { if ( exists $ahead{$pkg} ) { printf "NOT AHEAD:%s is (no longer) ahead of the LTS release, remove marker!\n", $pkg; $error_count++; } } if ( $cmp == -1 ) { if ( exists $behind{$pkg} ) { $stats{"known-behind"}++; } else { printf "BEHIND: %s is %s here, %s in the archive, but already %s in the tracked LTS release.\n" , $pkg, $versions{$pkg}, ($available{$pkg} or "MISSING"), $lts{$pkg}; $stats{"lts-upgradeable"}++; $error_count++; } } else { if ( exists $behind{$pkg} ) { printf "NOTBEHIND:%s is (no longer) behind of the LTS release, remove marker!\n", $pkg; $error_count++; } } } } my $sandboxdir = cwd() . "/cabal-sandbox"; my $cabaldir = defined $ENV{CABAL_DIR} ? $ENV{CABAL_DIR} : $ENV{HOME}."/.cabal"; my $originaltarpath = "$cabaldir/packages/hackage.haskell.org/01-index.tar"; my $tarpath = "$sandboxdir/packages/debian/00-index.tar"; my $dbpath = "$sandboxdir/db"; my $createsandbox = 0; if (-e $tarpath) { $createsandbox++ if (-M $originaltarpath < -M $tarpath); $createsandbox++ if (-M "./patches" < -M $tarpath); for my $patchfile (<./patches/*/*/*>) { $createsandbox++ if (-M $patchfile < -M $tarpath); } for my $cabalfile (<./additional-cabals/*.cabal>) { $createsandbox++ if (-M $cabalfile < -M $tarpath); } } else { $createsandbox++; } if ($createsandbox) { print "(Re-)Creating local hackage \"repository\"...\n"; system("rm","-rf",$sandboxdir); mkdir "$sandboxdir" or die $!; mkdir "$sandboxdir/packages" or die $!; mkdir "$sandboxdir/packages/debian" or die $!; open CABALCONFIG, ">", "cabal-sandbox/config" or die $!; print CABALCONFIG <<__END__; remote-repo: debian:http://does-not-exist.example/packages/archive remote-repo-cache: $sandboxdir/packages world-file: $sandboxdir/world install-dirs user prefix: /does-not-exist install-dirs global prefix: /does-not-exist __END__ close CABALCONFIG or die $!; print "Reading 01-index.tar...\n"; my $tar = Archive::Tar->new($originaltarpath); print "Removing package.json files...\n"; my @allfiles = $tar->get_files(); $tar->remove (grep /package\.json$/, @allfiles); print "Adding additional packages...\n"; for my $cabalfile (<./additional-cabals/*.cabal>) { unless ($cabalfile =~ m!^./additional-cabals/(.*)-(.*).cabal!) { printf "Ignoring $cabalfile, does not match not match naming scheme additional-cabals/-.cabal"; $error_count++; next } my $package = $1; my $version = $2; my $content = read_file($cabalfile); my $filename = "$package/$version/$package.cabal"; if ($tar->contains_file($filename)) { printf "Replacing %s\n", $filename; $tar->replace_content($filename, $content); } else { printf "Adding %s\n", $filename; $tar->add_data($filename, $content); } } print "Applying patches to repository .cabal files...\n"; for my $seriesfile (<./patches/*/*/series>) { unless ($seriesfile =~ m!^./patches/(.*)/(.*?)/series$!) { printf "Ignoring $seriesfile, does not match naming scheme patches///series\n"; $error_count++; next } my $pkg = $1; my $version = $2; unless (exists $versions{$pkg} || exists $obsolete{$pkg}) { printf "Ignoring patches for %s-%s, not listed in packages.txt\n", $pkg ,$version; $error_count++; next } unless (exists $versions{$pkg} and $version eq $versions{$pkg} or exists $lts{$pkg} and $version eq $lts{$pkg}) { # printf "Ignoring patches for %s-%s, version does not match %s in packages.txt\n", $pkg ,$version, $versions{$pkg}; next } my $cabalpath = sprintf "%s/%s/%s.cabal", $pkg, $version, $pkg; unless ($tar->contains_file($cabalpath)) { printf "File %s not found in 00-index.tar\n", $cabalpath; $error_count++; next } printf "Patching %s.cabal (version %s)\n", $pkg, $version; my $content = $tar->get_content($cabalpath); my $series = read_file($seriesfile); foreach my $patchfile (split /^/, $series) { chomp $patchfile; my $patch; run ["filterdiff", "-i", "*.cabal", "patches/$pkg/$version/$patchfile"], \"", \$patch; if ($patch) { $patch =~ s/\r//g; $content =~ s/\r//g; $content = patch($content, $patch, STYLE => "Unified"); } else { #print "Ignoring $patchfile\n"; } }; $tar->replace_content($cabalpath, $content) or die; $stats{patched}++; } print "Writing 00-index.tar...\n"; $tar->write($tarpath); } print "Creating fake global package db\n"; system("rm","-rf",$dbpath); mkdir "$dbpath" or die $!; open GHCFILES, "-|", "dpkg-query -L ghc" or die $!; while () { chomp; if (m!^/var/lib/ghc/package.conf.d/(.*\.conf)$!) { symlink $_, "$dbpath/$1" or die $!; } } close GHCFILES; system("ghc-pkg","--package-db=$dbpath","recache"); unlink "all-packages.cabal"; my %groups; $groups{$_}++ foreach values %group; $groups{default}++; my @groups = keys %groups; printf "Testing packages in %d different groups\n", (scalar @groups); my $total_out; my $all_runs_ok = 1; for my $group (sort @groups) { my @params = ("cabal", #"-v", "--config-file", "$sandboxdir/config", "--ghc-pkg-option=--global-package-db=$dbpath", "--global", "v1-install", "--dry-run", "--force-reinstall", "--max-backjumps", "10000"); for my $pkg (sort keys %flags) { for my $flag (@{$flags{$pkg}}) { push @params, "--constraint", sprintf "%s %s", $pkg, $flag; } } for my $pkg (sort keys %obsolete) { push @params, "--constraint", sprintf "%s (==", $pkg; } for my $pkg (sort keys %avoid) { push @params, "--constraint", sprintf "%s (==", $pkg; } # GHC pkgs: constrain to installed unless in a specific group for my $pkg (sort keys %ghcpkg) { if (defined $group{$pkg} and $group{$pkg} ne $group) { push @params, "--constraint", sprintf "%s installed", $pkg; } } for my $pkg (sort keys %versions) { next if (exists $ignored{$pkg}); # If checking the default group, prohibit all packages from other groups # For other groups, allow packages from the default group if ($group eq "default" and defined $group{$pkg} or $group ne "default" and defined $group{$pkg} and $group{$pkg} ne $group) { if (not exists $ghcpkg{$pkg}) { push @params, "--constraint", sprintf "%s (==", $pkg; } } elsif ($assume_lts and not exists $ahead{$pkg} and not exists $behind{$pkg} and exists $lts{$pkg}) { push @params, "--constraint", sprintf "%s (== %s)", $pkg, $lts{$pkg}; } elsif ($allow_upgrade) { push @params, "--constraint", sprintf "%s (>= %s)", $pkg, $versions{$pkg}; push @params, "--preference", sprintf "%s (== %s)", $pkg, $versions{$pkg}; } else { push @params, "--constraint", sprintf "%s (== %s)", $pkg, $versions{$pkg}; } } for my $pkg (sort keys %versions) { next if (exists $ignored{$pkg}); next if (exists $obsolete{$pkg}); next if (exists $avoid{$pkg}); next if (($group{$pkg} || 'default') ne $group); next if ($only_key_packages and (not (exists $lts{$pkg} or exists $key{$pkg}))); push @params, sprintf "%s", $pkg; unless (exists $notest{$pkg}) { push @params, "--constraint", sprintf "%s test", $pkg; } } printf "Running cabal-install (group %s)...\n", $group; #printf join(" ", @params)."\n"; write_file(sprintf("cabal-cmd-%s.sh", $group), join(" ", map ("'$_'", @params))); my $out; my $err; if (run \@params, \"", \$out, \$err) { $total_out .= $out; } else { print "Cabal install failed:\n"; $error_count++; $all_runs_ok = 0; print $err; } } write_file("cabal-cmd.out", $total_out); my %results; my %upgradeable; if ($all_runs_ok) { for (split /\n/, $total_out) { next if $_ eq "Reading available packages..."; next if $_ eq "Choosing modular solver."; next if $_ eq "Resolving dependencies..."; next if $_ eq "Updating the index cache file..."; next if $_ =~ "In order, the following would be installed"; next if $_ eq "package)"; # what is that? if (m!^([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)-([0-9.]+)!gm) { my ($pkg, $version) = ($1, $2); if (exists $results{$pkg} and $results{$pkg} ne $version) { printf "ERROR: Different groups yield different results for %s: %s vs. %s\n", $pkg, $version, $results{$pkg}; } else { $results{$pkg} = $version; } if (m!latest:!) { $upgradeable{$pkg}++; #if (! exists $lts{$pkg}) { # printf "NOTE: non-lts package %s can be updated\n", $pkg; #} } } else { print STDERR "Unparseable line in cabal install output: $_\n"; } } my $count=0; while ( my ($pkg, $version) = each %results ) { unless (exists $versions{$pkg}) { printf "ERROR: Additional dependency pulled in: %s-%s\n", $pkg, $version; $error_count++; $stats{MISSING_DEP}++; next } unless ($versions{$pkg} eq $version) { if ($ignored{$pkg}) { } elsif ($allow_upgrade) { printf "Upgrading %s: %s -> %s\n", $pkg, $versions{$pkg}, $version; } else { printf "ERROR: %s has %s but should have %s\n", $pkg, $version, $versions{$pkg}; $error_count++; } next } $count++; } for my $pkg ( sort keys %versions ) { next if (exists $ignored{$pkg}); next if (exists $obsolete{$pkg}); next if (exists $avoid{$pkg}); next if (exists $ghcpkg{$pkg}); next if (exists $results{$pkg}); printf "ERROR: Package missing in package plan %s\n", $pkg; $error_count++; } printf "%d packages successfully tested for co-installability.\n", $count; $stats{total} = $count; printf "%d packages carry Debian-specific patches.\n", $stats{patched} if $createsandbox; printf "%d packages have newer versions on hackage\n", scalar (keys %upgradeable); $stats{upgradeable} = scalar (keys %upgradeable); unless ($count) { printf "Really no packages? output was:\n$total_out"; } } open STATS, ">", "stats.csv" or die $!; print STATS (join ",",sort keys %stats), "\n"; print STATS (join ",",map {$stats{$_}} sort keys %stats), "\n"; close STATS; if ($error_count) { printf "%d error(s) in total.\n", $error_count; exit 1; }