{ "diffoscope-json-version": 1, "source1": "/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian/tmp.apOObT3KRs/b1/foreign_0.8.79-1_i386.changes", "source2": "/srv/reproducible-results/rbuild-debian/tmp.apOObT3KRs/b2/foreign_0.8.79-1_i386.changes", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "Files", "source2": "Files", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n \n- 6fbe85b347279266b65cc03fe3c82ec4 127032 debug optional r-cran-foreign-dbgsym_0.8.79-1_i386.deb\n- 6d930e3f61a9982a2cf2c49715e3ec7c 255292 gnu-r optional r-cran-foreign_0.8.79-1_i386.deb\n+ 8e73996900ed435587f1f29bc025fa1d 126848 debug optional r-cran-foreign-dbgsym_0.8.79-1_i386.deb\n+ 42c3dbb5cc36ac18f6fe16a04854bf51 255744 gnu-r optional r-cran-foreign_0.8.79-1_i386.deb\n" }, { "source1": "r-cran-foreign_0.8.79-1_i386.deb", "source2": "r-cran-foreign_0.8.79-1_i386.deb", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 4 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 debian-binary\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 1792 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 control.tar.xz\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 253308 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 data.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 253760 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 data.tar.xz\n" }, { "source1": "control.tar.xz", "source2": "control.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "control.tar", "source2": "control.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "comments": [ "Files differ" ], "unified_diff": null } ] } ] } ] }, { "source1": "data.tar.xz", "source2": "data.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "data.tar", "source2": "data.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -13,28 +13,28 @@\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 794 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/Meta/hsearch.rds\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 310 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/Meta/links.rds\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 438 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/Meta/nsInfo.rds\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 1313 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/Meta/package.rds\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 418 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/NAMESPACE\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/R/\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 1056 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/R/foreign\n--rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 89590 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/R/foreign.rdb\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 89592 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/R/foreign.rdb\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 677 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/R/foreign.rdx\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/files/\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 2070 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/files/HillRace.SYD\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 6462 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/files/Iris.syd\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 12388 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/files/electric.sav\n -rwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 17282 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/files/sids.dbf\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 9723 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/files/testdata.sav\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 358 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/AnIndex\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 217 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/aliases.rds\n--rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 57767 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/foreign.rdb\n--rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 499 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/foreign.rdx\n--rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 247 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/paths.rds\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 57815 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/foreign.rdb\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 505 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/foreign.rdx\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 241 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/paths.rds\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/html/\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 3087 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/html/00Index.html\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 1335 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/html/R.css\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/libs/\n -rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 122616 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/libs/foreign.so\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/po/\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/po/de/\n" }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/R/foreign.rdb", "source2": "./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/R/foreign.rdb", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "Rscript --vanilla - {}", "source2": "Rscript --vanilla - {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@\n {\n \"S3methods\" = \"structure(character(0), .Dim = c(0L, 4L))\"\n \"dynlibs\" = \"NULL\"\n \"exports\" = \"\"\n \"imports\" = \"list(base = TRUE, utils = c(download.file = \"download.file\", \"\n \"imports\" = \"read.table = \"read.table\", write.table = \"write.table\"), stats = c(na.omit = \"na.omit\"))\"\n \"lazydata\" = \"\"\n- \"path\" = \"\"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/debian/r-cran-foreign/usr/lib/R/library/foreign\"\"\n+ \"path\" = \"\"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/debian/r-cran-foreign/usr/lib/R/library/foreign\"\"\n \"spec\" = \"c(name = \"foreign\", version = \"0.8-79\")\"\n }\n \n .__S3MethodsTable__. (environment) = \n {\n }\n \n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/R/foreign.rdx", "source2": "./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/R/foreign.rdx", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "foreign.rdx-content", "source2": "foreign.rdx-content", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@\n 00000000: 580a 0000 0003 0004 0000 0003 0500 0000 X...............\n 00000010: 000e 414e 5349 5f58 332e 342d 3139 3638 ..ANSI_X3.4-1968\n 00000020: 0000 0213 0000 0003 0000 0213 0000 0020 ............... \n-00000030: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 02a5 0000 003a ...............:\n-00000040: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0368 0000 003a ...........h...:\n-00000050: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 03a2 0000 002e ................\n-00000060: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 03d0 0000 00ca ................\n-00000070: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 049a 0000 00fd ................\n-00000080: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0597 0000 003a ...............:\n-00000090: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 05d1 0000 0369 ...............i\n-000000a0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 093a 0000 01a7 ...........:....\n-000000b0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0ae1 0000 0100 ................\n-000000c0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0be1 0000 18a0 ................\n-000000d0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 2481 0000 00cc ..........$.....\n-000000e0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 254d 0000 03b8 ..........%M....\n-000000f0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 2905 0000 0466 ..........)....f\n-00000100: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 2d6b 0000 00ee ..........-k....\n-00000110: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 2e59 0000 18c5 ...........Y....\n-00000120: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 471e 0000 0eb3 ..........G.....\n-00000130: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 55d1 0000 0751 ..........U....Q\n-00000140: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 5d22 0000 1892 ..........]\"....\n-00000150: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 75b4 0000 1e61 ..........u....a\n-00000160: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 9415 0000 01fd ................\n-00000170: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 9612 0000 21a6 ..............!.\n-00000180: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 b7b8 0000 2c21 ..............,!\n-00000190: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 e3d9 0000 14dc ................\n-000001a0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 f8b5 0000 03dd ................\n-000001b0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 fc92 0000 0245 ...............E\n-000001c0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 fed7 0000 0d6c ...............l\n-000001d0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0001 0c43 0000 1351 ...........C...Q\n-000001e0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0001 1f94 0000 0ff2 ................\n-000001f0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0001 2f86 0000 020e ........../.....\n-00000200: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0001 3194 0000 1811 ..........1.....\n-00000210: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0001 49a5 0000 10bc ..........I.....\n-00000220: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0001 5a61 0000 0395 ..........Za....\n+00000030: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 02a7 0000 003a ...............:\n+00000040: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 036a 0000 003a ...........j...:\n+00000050: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 03a4 0000 002e ................\n+00000060: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 03d2 0000 00ca ................\n+00000070: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 049c 0000 00fd ................\n+00000080: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0599 0000 003a ...............:\n+00000090: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 05d3 0000 0369 ...............i\n+000000a0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 093c 0000 01a7 ...........<....\n+000000b0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0ae3 0000 0100 ................\n+000000c0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0be3 0000 18a0 ................\n+000000d0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 2483 0000 00cc ..........$.....\n+000000e0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 254f 0000 03b8 ..........%O....\n+000000f0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 2907 0000 0466 ..........)....f\n+00000100: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 2d6d 0000 00ee ..........-m....\n+00000110: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 2e5b 0000 18c5 ...........[....\n+00000120: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 4720 0000 0eb3 ..........G ....\n+00000130: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 55d3 0000 0751 ..........U....Q\n+00000140: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 5d24 0000 1892 ..........]$....\n+00000150: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 75b6 0000 1e61 ..........u....a\n+00000160: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 9417 0000 01fd ................\n+00000170: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 9614 0000 21a6 ..............!.\n+00000180: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 b7ba 0000 2c21 ..............,!\n+00000190: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 e3db 0000 14dc ................\n+000001a0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 f8b7 0000 03dd ................\n+000001b0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 fc94 0000 0245 ...............E\n+000001c0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 fed9 0000 0d6c ...............l\n+000001d0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0001 0c45 0000 1351 ...........E...Q\n+000001e0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0001 1f96 0000 0ff2 ................\n+000001f0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0001 2f88 0000 020e ........../.....\n+00000200: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0001 3196 0000 1811 ..........1.....\n+00000210: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0001 49a7 0000 10bc ..........I.....\n+00000220: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0001 5a63 0000 0395 ..........Zc....\n 00000230: 0000 0402 0000 0001 0004 0009 0000 0005 ................\n 00000240: 6e61 6d65 7300 0000 1000 0000 2000 0400 names....... ...\n 00000250: 0900 0000 0f2e 5f5f 4e41 4d45 5350 4143 ......__NAMESPAC\n 00000260: 455f 5f2e 0004 0009 0000 0014 2e5f 5f53 E__..........__S\n 00000270: 334d 6574 686f 6473 5461 626c 655f 5f2e 3MethodsTable__.\n 00000280: 0004 0009 0000 000b 2e6e 6f47 656e 6572 .........noGener\n 00000290: 6963 7300 0400 0900 0000 072e 6f6e 4c6f ics.........onLo\n@@ -71,18 +71,18 @@\n 00000460: 6974 652e 6474 6100 0400 0900 0000 0d77 ite.dta........w\n 00000470: 7269 7465 2e66 6f72 6569 676e 0004 0009 rite.foreign....\n 00000480: 0000 000f 7772 6974 6546 6f72 6569 676e ....writeForeign\n 00000490: 5341 5300 0400 0900 0000 1077 7269 7465 SAS........write\n 000004a0: 466f 7265 6967 6e53 5053 5300 0400 0900 ForeignSPSS.....\n 000004b0: 0000 1177 7269 7465 466f 7265 6967 6e53 ...writeForeignS\n 000004c0: 7461 7461 0000 00fe 0000 0213 0000 0004 tata............\n-000004d0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 012f 0000 0176 .........../...v\n+000004d0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 012f 0000 0178 .........../...x\n 000004e0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0000 0000 0089 ................\n 000004f0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0089 0000 00a6 ................\n-00000500: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 02df 0000 0089 ................\n+00000500: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 02e1 0000 0089 ................\n 00000510: 0000 0402 0000 01ff 0000 0010 0000 0004 ................\n 00000520: 0004 0009 0000 0006 656e 763a 3a31 0004 ........env::1..\n 00000530: 0009 0000 0006 656e 763a 3a32 0004 0009 ......env::2....\n 00000540: 0000 0006 656e 763a 3a33 0004 0009 0000 ....env::3......\n 00000550: 0006 656e 763a 3a34 0000 00fe 0000 000a ..env::4........\n 00000560: 0000 0001 0000 0001 0000 0402 0000 01ff ................\n 00000570: 0000 0010 0000 0003 0004 0009 0000 0009 ................\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/foreign.rdb", "source2": "./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/foreign.rdb", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "Rscript --vanilla - {}", "source2": "Rscript --vanilla - {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@\n structure(\".\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\references\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"read.xport\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\link\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\seealso\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(list(\n structure(\"## no XPORT file is installed.\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"lookup.xport(\\\"test.xpt\\\")\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\dontrun\"), \n- structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/lookup.xport.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/lookup.xport.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n read.S (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Read an S3 Binary or data.dump File\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"S3 read functions\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"data.restore\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.S\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"data\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n@@ -81,15 +81,15 @@\n structure(\", an R version of the S3 object.\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" For \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"data.restore\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\", the name of the file.\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\value\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" Duncan Murdoch\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\author\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"## if you have an S-PLUS _Data file containing 'myobj'\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.S(file.path(\\\"_Data\\\", \\\"myobj\\\"))\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n- structure(\"data.restore(\\\"dumpdata\\\", print = TRUE)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\dontrun\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/read.S.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"data.restore(\\\"dumpdata\\\", print = TRUE)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\dontrun\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/read.S.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n read.arff (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Read Data from ARFF Files\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.arff\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.arff\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"file\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"connection\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n@@ -111,15 +111,15 @@\n structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"write.arff\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\link\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\";\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" functions \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"write.arff\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\" and \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(list(structure(\"read.arff\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\" in package\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"RWeka\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\pkg\"), \n structure(\" which provide some support for logicals via conversion to\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n- structure(\" or from factors.\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\seealso\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/read.arff.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\" or from factors.\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\seealso\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/read.arff.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n read.dbf (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Read a DBF File\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.dbf\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.dbf\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"file\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" The function reads a DBF file into a data frame, converting character\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n@@ -187,15 +187,15 @@\n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\"% The Borland file specification \\\\emph{via} \\\\url{http://www.wotsit.org},\", Rd_tag = \"COMMENT\"), \n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\"% currently at \\\\url{http://www.wotsit.org/list.asp?fc=6}.\", Rd_tag = \"COMMENT\"), \n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\references\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"write.dbf\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\link\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\seealso\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"x <- read.dbf(system.file(\\\"files/sids.dbf\\\", package=\\\"foreign\\\")[1])\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n- structure(\"str(x)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"summary(x)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/read.dbf.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"str(x)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"summary(x)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/read.dbf.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n read.dta (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Read Stata Binary Files\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.dta\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.dta\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"file\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" Reads a file in Stata version 5--12 binary format into a data frame. \\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n@@ -344,15 +344,15 @@\n structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"attributes\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\link\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\",\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Date\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\link\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\",\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"factor\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\link\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\seealso\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"write.dta(swiss,swissfile <- tempfile())\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n- structure(\"read.dta(swissfile)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/read.dta.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"read.dta(swissfile)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/read.dta.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n read.epiinfo (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Read Epi Info Data Files\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.epiinfo\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.epiinfo\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\" file \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" Reads data files in the \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n@@ -422,15 +422,15 @@\n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\references\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"DateTimeClasses\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\link\"), \n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\seealso\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(list(\n structure(\"## That file is not available\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"read.epiinfo(\\\"oswego.rec\\\", guess.broken.dates = TRUE, thisyear = \\\"1972\\\")\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\dontrun\"), \n- structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/read.epiinfo.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/read.epiinfo.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n read.mtp (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Read a Minitab Portable Worksheet\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.mtp\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.mtp\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"file\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" Return a list with the data stored in a file as a Minitab Portable\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n@@ -447,15 +447,15 @@\n structure(\" then. Later versions of Minitab appear to have added to the format.\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\note\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"Douglas M. Bates\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\author\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"http://www.minitab.com/\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\url\"), \n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\references\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(list(\n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), structure(\"read.mtp(\\\"ex1-10.mtp\\\")\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\dontrun\"), \n- structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/read.mtp.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/read.mtp.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n read.octave (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Read Octave Text Data Files\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.octave\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.octave\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"file\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" Read a file in Octave text data format into a list.\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\description\"), \n@@ -482,15 +482,15 @@\n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" As Octave can read MATLAB binary files, one can make the contents of\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(\" such files available to R by using Octave's load and save (as text)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(\" facilities as an intermediary step.\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\details\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" A list with one named component for each variable in the file.\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\value\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"Stephen Eglen \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"stephen@gnu.org\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\email\"), \n structure(\" and Kurt Hornik\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\author\"), \n- structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"http://www.octave.org/\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\url\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\references\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/read.octave.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"http://www.octave.org/\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\url\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\references\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/read.octave.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n read.spss (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Read an SPSS Data File\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.spss\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.spss\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"file\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n@@ -792,15 +792,15 @@\n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"cat.long.string <- function(x, w=70) cat(paste(strwrap(x, width=w), \\\"\\\\n\\\"))\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"## first part: x$string_500:\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(\"cat.long.string(x$string_500)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(\"## second part: x$STRIN0:\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(\"cat.long.string(x$STRIN0)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(\"## complete long string:\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(\"long.string <- apply(x[,c(\\\"string_500\\\", \\\"STRIN0\\\")], 1, paste, collapse=\\\"\\\")\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n- structure(\"cat.long.string(long.string)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/read.spss.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"cat.long.string(long.string)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/read.spss.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n read.ssd (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Obtain a Data Frame from a SAS Permanent Dataset, via read.xport \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.ssd\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.ssd\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"file\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" Generates a SAS program to convert the ssd contents to SAS transport format\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n@@ -877,15 +877,15 @@\n structure(\"[16] \\\"form90.sas7bdat\\\" \\\"form91.sas7bdat\\\" \\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"R> baseline <- read.ssd(\\\"trialdata\\\", \\\"baseline\\\")\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"R> form90 <- read.ssd(\\\"trialdata\\\", \\\"form90\\\")\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), structure(\"## Or for a Windows example\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"sashome <- \\\"/Program Files/SAS/SAS 9.1\\\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"read.ssd(file.path(sashome, \\\"core\\\", \\\"sashelp\\\"), \\\"retail\\\",\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\" sascmd = file.path(sashome, \\\"sas.exe\\\"))\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\dontrun\"), \n- structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/read.ssd.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/read.ssd.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n read.systat (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Obtain a Data Frame from a Systat File\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.systat\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.systat\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"file\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n@@ -935,15 +935,15 @@\n structure(\" SYSTAT-compatible software for modelling spatial dependence among\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(\" observations. \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(list(\n structure(\"Computers and Geosciences\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\emph\"), \n structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(list(structure(\"18\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\bold\"), \n structure(\", 951--963.\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\references\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"summary(iris)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(\"iris.s <- read.systat(system.file(\\\"files/Iris.syd\\\", package=\\\"foreign\\\")[1])\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n- structure(\"str(iris.s)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"summary(iris.s)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/read.systat.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"str(iris.s)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"summary(iris.s)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/read.systat.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n read.xport (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Read a SAS XPORT Format Library\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.xport\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"read.xport\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"file\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" Reads a file as a SAS XPORT format library and returns a list of\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n@@ -990,15 +990,15 @@\n structure(\".\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\references\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"lookup.xport\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\link\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\seealso\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(list(\n structure(\"## no XPORT file is installed\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"read.xport(\\\"test.xpt\\\")\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\dontrun\"), \n- structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/read.xport.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/read.xport.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n safeDeparse (closure) = function (obj) \n {\n tryCatch({\n deparse(obj)\n }, error = function(e) {\n@@ -1048,15 +1048,15 @@\n structure(\";\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" functions \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"write.arff\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\" and \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(list(structure(\"read.arff\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\" in package\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"RWeka\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\pkg\"), \n structure(\" which provide some support for logicals via conversion to\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(\" or from factors.\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\seealso\"), \n- structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"write.arff(iris, file = \\\"\\\")\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/write.arff.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"write.arff(iris, file = \\\"\\\")\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/write.arff.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n write.dbf (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Write a DBF File\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"write.dbf\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"write.dbf\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"file\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" The function tries to write a data frame to a DBF file.\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\description\"), \n@@ -1142,15 +1142,15 @@\n structure(\"str(in2)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"unlink(c(try1, try2))\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"DF <- data.frame(a=c(1:3, NA), b=c(NA, rep(pi, 3)),\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(\" c=c(TRUE,NA, FALSE, TRUE), d=c(\\\"aa\\\", \\\"bb\\\", NA, \\\"dd\\\"),\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(\" e=I(c(\\\"a1\\\", NA, NA, \\\"a4\\\")))\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(\"DF$f <- as.Date(c(\\\"2001-01-01\\\", NA, NA, \\\"2004-10-26\\\"))\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(\"str(DF)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"write.dbf(DF, try2)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n structure(\"in2 <- read.dbf(try2)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n- structure(\"str(in2)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"unlink(try2)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\dontshow\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/write.dbf.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"str(in2)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"unlink(try2)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\dontshow\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/write.dbf.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n write.dta (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Write Files in Stata Binary Format\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"write.dta\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"write.dta\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"file\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" Writes the data frame to file in the Stata binary\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n@@ -1336,15 +1336,15 @@\n structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"attributes\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\link\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\",\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"DateTimeClasses\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\link\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\",\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" \", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"abbreviate\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\link\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\code\"), \n structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\seealso\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), structure(\"write.dta(swiss, swissfile <- tempfile())\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\"), \n- structure(\"read.dta(swissfile)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/write.dta.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"read.dta(swissfile)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"RCODE\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/write.dta.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n write.foreign (list) = structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"Write Text Files and Code to Read Them\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\title\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"write.foreign\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\name\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"write.foreign\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\alias\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"file\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\keyword\"), \n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\"This function exports simple data frames to other statistical packages by\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), \n@@ -1433,10 +1433,10 @@\n structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\"), structure(\" Thomas Lumley and Stephen Weigand\\n\", Rd_tag = \"TEXT\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\author\"), \n structure(list(structure(list(structure(\"\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"datafile <- tempfile()\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"codefile <- tempfile()\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"write.foreign(esoph, datafile, codefile, package=\\\"SPSS\\\")\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"file.show(datafile)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n structure(\"file.show(codefile)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), \n- structure(\"unlink(datafile)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), structure(\"unlink(codefile)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\dontrun\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/man/write.foreign.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n+ structure(\"unlink(datafile)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\"), structure(\"unlink(codefile)\\n\", Rd_tag = \"VERB\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\dontrun\")), Rd_tag = \"\\\\examples\")), Rdfile = \"/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/man/write.foreign.Rd\", class = \"Rd\", meta = list(\n docType = character(0)), prepared = 3L)\n \n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/foreign.rdx", "source2": "./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/foreign.rdx", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "foreign.rdx-content", "source2": "foreign.rdx-content", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@\n 00000000: 580a 0000 0003 0004 0000 0003 0500 0000 X...............\n 00000010: 000e 414e 5349 5f58 332e 342d 3139 3638 ..ANSI_X3.4-1968\n 00000020: 0000 0213 0000 0003 0000 0213 0000 0010 ................\n-00000030: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0120 0000 0577 ........... ...w\n-00000040: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 07b2 0000 093b ...............;\n-00000050: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 120a 0000 0591 ................\n-00000060: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 18ba 0000 0c8b ................\n-00000070: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 2660 0000 1511 ..........&`....\n-00000080: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 3c90 0000 0afb ..........<.....\n-00000090: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 48aa 0000 04d3 ..........H.....\n-000000a0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 4e9b 0000 06d5 ..........N.....\n-000000b0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 568f 0000 275b ..........V...'[\n-000000c0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 7f09 0000 0c7c ...............|\n-000000d0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 8ca4 0000 09c2 ................\n-000000e0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 9782 0000 08a8 ................\n-000000f0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 a147 0000 082e ...........G....\n-00000100: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 aa93 0000 0e68 ...............h\n-00000110: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 ba1b 0000 1965 ...............e\n-00000120: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 d49e 0000 0d09 ................\n+00000030: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0121 0000 0579 ...........!...y\n+00000040: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 07b7 0000 093e ...............>\n+00000050: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 1213 0000 0592 ................\n+00000060: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 18c5 0000 0c8d ................\n+00000070: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 266e 0000 1513 ..........&n....\n+00000080: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 3ca1 0000 0afd ..........<.....\n+00000090: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 48be 0000 04d6 ..........H.....\n+000000a0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 4eb3 0000 06d8 ..........N.....\n+000000b0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 56ab 0000 275d ..........V...']\n+000000c0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 7f28 0000 0c7e ...........(...~\n+000000d0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 8cc5 0000 09c4 ................\n+000000e0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 97a5 0000 08aa ................\n+000000f0: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 a16d 0000 082f ...........m.../\n+00000100: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 aabb 0000 0e69 ...............i\n+00000110: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 ba45 0000 1967 ...........E...g\n+00000120: 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 d4cc 0000 0d0b ................\n 00000130: 0000 0402 0000 0001 0004 0009 0000 0005 ................\n 00000140: 6e61 6d65 7300 0000 1000 0000 1000 0400 names...........\n 00000150: 0900 0000 0c6c 6f6f 6b75 702e 7870 6f72 .....lookup.xpor\n 00000160: 7400 0400 0900 0000 0672 6561 642e 5300 t........read.S.\n 00000170: 0400 0900 0000 0972 6561 642e 6172 6666 .......read.arff\n 00000180: 0004 0009 0000 0008 7265 6164 2e64 6266 ........read.dbf\n 00000190: 0004 0009 0000 0008 7265 6164 2e64 7461 ........read.dta\n@@ -34,30 +34,30 @@\n 00000210: 0000 0a72 6561 642e 7870 6f72 7400 0400 ...read.xport...\n 00000220: 0900 0000 0a77 7269 7465 2e61 7266 6600 .....write.arff.\n 00000230: 0400 0900 0000 0977 7269 7465 2e64 6266 .......write.dbf\n 00000240: 0004 0009 0000 0009 7772 6974 652e 6474 ........write.dt\n 00000250: 6100 0400 0900 0000 0d77 7269 7465 2e66 a........write.f\n 00000260: 6f72 6569 676e 0000 00fe 0000 0213 0000 oreign..........\n 00000270: 0010 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0000 0000 ................\n-00000280: 0120 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 7dea 0000 . ..........}...\n-00000290: 011f 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 8b85 0000 ................\n-000002a0: 011f 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 9666 0000 .............f..\n-000002b0: 011c 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 a02a 0000 .............*..\n-000002c0: 011d 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 a975 0000 .............u..\n-000002d0: 011e 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 b8fb 0000 ................\n-000002e0: 0120 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 d380 0000 . ..............\n-000002f0: 011e 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 0697 0000 ................\n-00000300: 011b 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 10ed 0000 ................\n-00000310: 011d 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 179b 0000 ................\n-00000320: 011f 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 2545 0000 ............%E..\n-00000330: 011b 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 3b71 0000 ............;q..\n-00000340: 011f 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 478b 0000 ............G...\n-00000350: 011f 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 4d7d 0000 ............M}..\n-00000360: 011e 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 5570 0000 ............Up..\n-00000370: 011f 0000 0402 0000 01ff 0000 0010 0000 ................\n+00000280: 0121 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 7e08 0000 .!..........~...\n+00000290: 0120 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 8ba6 0000 . ..............\n+000002a0: 011f 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 9689 0000 ................\n+000002b0: 011c 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 a04f 0000 .............O..\n+000002c0: 011e 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 a99c 0000 ................\n+000002d0: 011f 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 b924 0000 .............$..\n+000002e0: 0121 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 d3ac 0000 .!..............\n+000002f0: 0120 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 069a 0000 . ..............\n+00000300: 011d 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 10f5 0000 ................\n+00000310: 011e 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 17a5 0000 ................\n+00000320: 0120 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 2552 0000 . ..........%R..\n+00000330: 011c 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 3b81 0000 ............;...\n+00000340: 0120 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 479e 0000 . ..........G...\n+00000350: 0120 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 4d94 0000 . ..........M...\n+00000360: 011f 0000 000d 0000 0002 0000 558b 0000 ............U...\n+00000370: 0120 0000 0402 0000 01ff 0000 0010 0000 . ..............\n 00000380: 0010 0004 0009 0000 0006 656e 763a 3a31 ..........env::1\n 00000390: 0004 0009 0000 0007 656e 763a 3a31 3000 ........env::10.\n 000003a0: 0400 0900 0000 0765 6e76 3a3a 3131 0004 .......env::11..\n 000003b0: 0009 0000 0007 656e 763a 3a31 3200 0400 ......env::12...\n 000003c0: 0900 0000 0765 6e76 3a3a 3133 0004 0009 .....env::13....\n 000003d0: 0000 0007 656e 763a 3a31 3400 0400 0900 ....env::14.....\n 000003e0: 0000 0765 6e76 3a3a 3135 0004 0009 0000 ...env::15......\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/paths.rds", "source2": "./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/help/paths.rds", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "paths.rds-content", "source2": "paths.rds-content", "has_internal_linenos": true, "unified_diff": "@@ -1,56 +1,58 @@\n 00000000: 580a 0000 0003 0004 0000 0003 0500 0000 X...............\n 00000010: 000e 414e 5349 5f58 332e 342d 3139 3638 ..ANSI_X3.4-1968\n-00000020: 0000 0210 0000 0010 0004 0009 0000 002d ...............-\n-00000030: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f31 7374 2f66 6f72 6569 /build/1st/forei\n-00000040: 676e 2d30 2e38 2e37 392f 6d61 6e2f 6c6f gn-0.8.79/man/lo\n-00000050: 6f6b 7570 2e78 706f 7274 2e52 6400 0400 okup.xport.Rd...\n-00000060: 0900 0000 272f 6275 696c 642f 3173 742f ....'/build/1st/\n-00000070: 666f 7265 6967 6e2d 302e 382e 3739 2f6d foreign-0.8.79/m\n-00000080: 616e 2f72 6561 642e 532e 5264 0004 0009 an/read.S.Rd....\n-00000090: 0000 002a 2f62 7569 6c64 2f31 7374 2f66 ...*/build/1st/f\n-000000a0: 6f72 6569 676e 2d30 2e38 2e37 392f 6d61 oreign-0.8.79/ma\n-000000b0: 6e2f 7265 6164 2e61 7266 662e 5264 0004 n/read.arff.Rd..\n-000000c0: 0009 0000 0029 2f62 7569 6c64 2f31 7374 .....)/build/1st\n-000000d0: 2f66 6f72 6569 676e 2d30 2e38 2e37 392f /foreign-0.8.79/\n-000000e0: 6d61 6e2f 7265 6164 2e64 6266 2e52 6400 man/read.dbf.Rd.\n-000000f0: 0400 0900 0000 292f 6275 696c 642f 3173 ......)/build/1s\n-00000100: 742f 666f 7265 6967 6e2d 302e 382e 3739 t/foreign-0.8.79\n-00000110: 2f6d 616e 2f72 6561 642e 6474 612e 5264 /man/read.dta.Rd\n-00000120: 0004 0009 0000 002d 2f62 7569 6c64 2f31 .......-/build/1\n-00000130: 7374 2f66 6f72 6569 676e 2d30 2e38 2e37 st/foreign-0.8.7\n-00000140: 392f 6d61 6e2f 7265 6164 2e65 7069 696e 9/man/read.epiin\n-00000150: 666f 2e52 6400 0400 0900 0000 292f 6275 fo.Rd.......)/bu\n-00000160: 696c 642f 3173 742f 666f 7265 6967 6e2d ild/1st/foreign-\n-00000170: 302e 382e 3739 2f6d 616e 2f72 6561 642e 0.8.79/man/read.\n-00000180: 6d74 702e 5264 0004 0009 0000 002c 2f62 mtp.Rd.......,/b\n-00000190: 7569 6c64 2f31 7374 2f66 6f72 6569 676e uild/1st/foreign\n-000001a0: 2d30 2e38 2e37 392f 6d61 6e2f 7265 6164 -0.8.79/man/read\n-000001b0: 2e6f 6374 6176 652e 5264 0004 0009 0000 .octave.Rd......\n-000001c0: 002a 2f62 7569 6c64 2f31 7374 2f66 6f72 .*/build/1st/for\n-000001d0: 6569 676e 2d30 2e38 2e37 392f 6d61 6e2f eign-0.8.79/man/\n-000001e0: 7265 6164 2e73 7073 732e 5264 0004 0009 read.spss.Rd....\n-000001f0: 0000 0029 2f62 7569 6c64 2f31 7374 2f66 ...)/build/1st/f\n-00000200: 6f72 6569 676e 2d30 2e38 2e37 392f 6d61 oreign-0.8.79/ma\n-00000210: 6e2f 7265 6164 2e73 7364 2e52 6400 0400 n/read.ssd.Rd...\n-00000220: 0900 0000 2c2f 6275 696c 642f 3173 742f ....,/build/1st/\n-00000230: 666f 7265 6967 6e2d 302e 382e 3739 2f6d foreign-0.8.79/m\n-00000240: 616e 2f72 6561 642e 7379 7374 6174 2e52 an/read.systat.R\n-00000250: 6400 0400 0900 0000 2b2f 6275 696c 642f d.......+/build/\n-00000260: 3173 742f 666f 7265 6967 6e2d 302e 382e 1st/foreign-0.8.\n-00000270: 3739 2f6d 616e 2f72 6561 642e 7870 6f72 79/man/read.xpor\n-00000280: 742e 5264 0004 0009 0000 002b 2f62 7569 t.Rd.......+/bui\n-00000290: 6c64 2f31 7374 2f66 6f72 6569 676e 2d30 ld/1st/foreign-0\n-000002a0: 2e38 2e37 392f 6d61 6e2f 7772 6974 652e .8.79/man/write.\n-000002b0: 6172 6666 2e52 6400 0400 0900 0000 2a2f arff.Rd.......*/\n-000002c0: 6275 696c 642f 3173 742f 666f 7265 6967 build/1st/foreig\n-000002d0: 6e2d 302e 382e 3739 2f6d 616e 2f77 7269 n-0.8.79/man/wri\n-000002e0: 7465 2e64 6266 2e52 6400 0400 0900 0000 te.dbf.Rd.......\n-000002f0: 2a2f 6275 696c 642f 3173 742f 666f 7265 */build/1st/fore\n-00000300: 6967 6e2d 302e 382e 3739 2f6d 616e 2f77 ign-0.8.79/man/w\n-00000310: 7269 7465 2e64 7461 2e52 6400 0400 0900 rite.dta.Rd.....\n-00000320: 0000 2e2f 6275 696c 642f 3173 742f 666f .../build/1st/fo\n-00000330: 7265 6967 6e2d 302e 382e 3739 2f6d 616e reign-0.8.79/man\n-00000340: 2f77 7269 7465 2e66 6f72 6569 676e 2e52 /write.foreign.R\n-00000350: 6400 0004 0200 0000 0100 0400 0900 0000 d...............\n-00000360: 0566 6972 7374 0000 000d 0000 0001 0000 .first..........\n-00000370: 001f 0000 00fe ......\n+00000020: 0000 0210 0000 0010 0004 0009 0000 002f .............../\n+00000030: 2f62 7569 6c64 2f32 2f66 6f72 6569 676e /build/2/foreign\n+00000040: 2d30 2e38 2e37 392f 326e 642f 6d61 6e2f -0.8.79/2nd/man/\n+00000050: 6c6f 6f6b 7570 2e78 706f 7274 2e52 6400 lookup.xport.Rd.\n+00000060: 0400 0900 0000 292f 6275 696c 642f 322f ......)/build/2/\n+00000070: 666f 7265 6967 6e2d 302e 382e 3739 2f32 foreign-0.8.79/2\n+00000080: 6e64 2f6d 616e 2f72 6561 642e 532e 5264 nd/man/read.S.Rd\n+00000090: 0004 0009 0000 002c 2f62 7569 6c64 2f32 .......,/build/2\n+000000a0: 2f66 6f72 6569 676e 2d30 2e38 2e37 392f /foreign-0.8.79/\n+000000b0: 326e 642f 6d61 6e2f 7265 6164 2e61 7266 2nd/man/read.arf\n+000000c0: 662e 5264 0004 0009 0000 002b 2f62 7569 f.Rd.......+/bui\n+000000d0: 6c64 2f32 2f66 6f72 6569 676e 2d30 2e38 ld/2/foreign-0.8\n+000000e0: 2e37 392f 326e 642f 6d61 6e2f 7265 6164 .79/2nd/man/read\n+000000f0: 2e64 6266 2e52 6400 0400 0900 0000 2b2f .dbf.Rd.......+/\n+00000100: 6275 696c 642f 322f 666f 7265 6967 6e2d build/2/foreign-\n+00000110: 302e 382e 3739 2f32 6e64 2f6d 616e 2f72 0.8.79/2nd/man/r\n+00000120: 6561 642e 6474 612e 5264 0004 0009 0000 ead.dta.Rd......\n+00000130: 002f 2f62 7569 6c64 2f32 2f66 6f72 6569 .//build/2/forei\n+00000140: 676e 2d30 2e38 2e37 392f 326e 642f 6d61 gn-0.8.79/2nd/ma\n+00000150: 6e2f 7265 6164 2e65 7069 696e 666f 2e52 n/read.epiinfo.R\n+00000160: 6400 0400 0900 0000 2b2f 6275 696c 642f d.......+/build/\n+00000170: 322f 666f 7265 6967 6e2d 302e 382e 3739 2/foreign-0.8.79\n+00000180: 2f32 6e64 2f6d 616e 2f72 6561 642e 6d74 /2nd/man/read.mt\n+00000190: 702e 5264 0004 0009 0000 002e 2f62 7569 p.Rd......../bui\n+000001a0: 6c64 2f32 2f66 6f72 6569 676e 2d30 2e38 ld/2/foreign-0.8\n+000001b0: 2e37 392f 326e 642f 6d61 6e2f 7265 6164 .79/2nd/man/read\n+000001c0: 2e6f 6374 6176 652e 5264 0004 0009 0000 .octave.Rd......\n+000001d0: 002c 2f62 7569 6c64 2f32 2f66 6f72 6569 .,/build/2/forei\n+000001e0: 676e 2d30 2e38 2e37 392f 326e 642f 6d61 gn-0.8.79/2nd/ma\n+000001f0: 6e2f 7265 6164 2e73 7073 732e 5264 0004 n/read.spss.Rd..\n+00000200: 0009 0000 002b 2f62 7569 6c64 2f32 2f66 .....+/build/2/f\n+00000210: 6f72 6569 676e 2d30 2e38 2e37 392f 326e oreign-0.8.79/2n\n+00000220: 642f 6d61 6e2f 7265 6164 2e73 7364 2e52 d/man/read.ssd.R\n+00000230: 6400 0400 0900 0000 2e2f 6275 696c 642f d......../build/\n+00000240: 322f 666f 7265 6967 6e2d 302e 382e 3739 2/foreign-0.8.79\n+00000250: 2f32 6e64 2f6d 616e 2f72 6561 642e 7379 /2nd/man/read.sy\n+00000260: 7374 6174 2e52 6400 0400 0900 0000 2d2f stat.Rd.......-/\n+00000270: 6275 696c 642f 322f 666f 7265 6967 6e2d build/2/foreign-\n+00000280: 302e 382e 3739 2f32 6e64 2f6d 616e 2f72 0.8.79/2nd/man/r\n+00000290: 6561 642e 7870 6f72 742e 5264 0004 0009 ead.xport.Rd....\n+000002a0: 0000 002d 2f62 7569 6c64 2f32 2f66 6f72 ...-/build/2/for\n+000002b0: 6569 676e 2d30 2e38 2e37 392f 326e 642f eign-0.8.79/2nd/\n+000002c0: 6d61 6e2f 7772 6974 652e 6172 6666 2e52 man/write.arff.R\n+000002d0: 6400 0400 0900 0000 2c2f 6275 696c 642f d.......,/build/\n+000002e0: 322f 666f 7265 6967 6e2d 302e 382e 3739 2/foreign-0.8.79\n+000002f0: 2f32 6e64 2f6d 616e 2f77 7269 7465 2e64 /2nd/man/write.d\n+00000300: 6266 2e52 6400 0400 0900 0000 2c2f 6275 bf.Rd.......,/bu\n+00000310: 696c 642f 322f 666f 7265 6967 6e2d 302e ild/2/foreign-0.\n+00000320: 382e 3739 2f32 6e64 2f6d 616e 2f77 7269 8.79/2nd/man/wri\n+00000330: 7465 2e64 7461 2e52 6400 0400 0900 0000 te.dta.Rd.......\n+00000340: 302f 6275 696c 642f 322f 666f 7265 6967 0/build/2/foreig\n+00000350: 6e2d 302e 382e 3739 2f32 6e64 2f6d 616e n-0.8.79/2nd/man\n+00000360: 2f77 7269 7465 2e66 6f72 6569 676e 2e52 /write.foreign.R\n+00000370: 6400 0004 0200 0000 0100 0400 0900 0000 d...............\n+00000380: 0566 6972 7374 0000 000d 0000 0001 0000 .first..........\n+00000390: 0021 0000 00fe .!....\n" } ] }, { "source1": "./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/libs/foreign.so", "source2": "./usr/lib/R/library/foreign/libs/foreign.so", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --notes {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@\n \n Displaying notes found in: .note.gnu.build-id\n Owner Data size \tDescription\n- GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 8dfd7f4858ec57bde41f9075a31d04d75bba9a1a\n+ GNU 0x00000014\tNT_GNU_BUILD_ID (unique build ID bitstring)\t Build ID: 9aa5ee29b43e96a0506f74d9c8fc5216597e050c\n" }, { "source1": "objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text {}", "source2": "objdump --line-numbers --disassemble --demangle --reloc --section=.text {}", "unified_diff": "@@ -93,125 +93,125 @@\n 39c5:\t8b 14 24 \tmov (%esp),%edx\n 39c8:\tc3 \tret \n 39c9:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 39cb:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 39cd:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 39cf:\t90 \tnop\n getshort():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:761\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:761\n 39d0:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 39d1:\te8 fa fe ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 39d6:\t81 c3 2a a6 01 00 \tadd $0x1a62a,%ebx\n 39dc:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 39df:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 39e0:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 39e2:\t6a 02 \tpush $0x2\n 39e4:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 39e5:\te8 66 f9 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getshort():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:767\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:767\n 39ea:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n 39ed:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 39ee:\tc3 \tret \n 39ef:\t90 \tnop\n \n 000039f0 :\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:118\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:118\n 39f0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 39f1:\t89 e5 \tmov %esp,%ebp\n 39f3:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 39f4:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 39f5:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 39f6:\te8 d5 fe ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 39fb:\t81 c3 05 a6 01 00 \tadd $0x1a605,%ebx\n 3a01:\t81 ec a4 02 00 00 \tsub $0x2a4,%esp\n 3a07:\t8b 45 08 \tmov 0x8(%ebp),%eax\n 3a0a:\t89 85 84 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x27c(%ebp)\n 3a10:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 3a16:\t89 45 e4 \tmov %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)\n 3a19:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:127\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:127\n 3a1b:\t68 20 c1 01 00 \tpush $0x1c120\n 3a20:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3a22:\te8 a9 f6 ff ff \tcall 30d0 \n init_use():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:196\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:196\n 3a27:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:204\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:204\n 3a29:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:127\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:127\n 3a2c:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n init_use():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:196\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:196\n 3a2e:\t66 89 48 02 \tmov %cx,0x2(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:197\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:197\n 3a32:\tc7 40 04 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:205\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:205\n 3a39:\t89 d6 \tmov %edx,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:199\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:199\n 3a3b:\tc7 40 08 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x8(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:201\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:201\n 3a42:\tc7 40 0c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0xc(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:202\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:202\n 3a49:\tc7 80 14 c1 01 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x1c114(%eax)\n 3a50:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:203\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:203\n 3a53:\tc7 80 18 c1 01 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x1c118(%eax)\n 3a5a:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:204\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:204\n 3a5d:\tc7 80 1c c1 01 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x1c11c(%eax)\n 3a64:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:205\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:205\n 3a67:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 3a69:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:206\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:206\n 3a70:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:207\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:207\n 3a72:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:206\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:206\n 3a74:\t66 89 bc 46 14 81 00 \tmov %di,0x8114(%esi,%eax,2)\n 3a7b:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:208\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:208\n 3a7c:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:207\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:207\n 3a7e:\t66 89 94 46 14 c1 00 \tmov %dx,0xc114(%esi,%eax,2)\n 3a85:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:208\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:208\n 3a86:\t66 89 bc 46 14 01 01 \tmov %di,0x10114(%esi,%eax,2)\n 3a8d:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:209\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:209\n 3a8e:\tc7 84 86 14 41 01 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x14114(%esi,%eax,4)\n 3a95:\t00 00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:205\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:205\n 3a99:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 3a9c:\t3d 00 20 00 00 \tcmp $0x2000,%eax\n 3aa1:\t75 cd \tjne 3a70 \n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:129\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:129\n 3aa3:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n init_use():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:211\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:211\n 3aa6:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 3aa8:\t89 b5 94 fd ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x26c(%ebp)\n 3aae:\t89 f7 \tmov %esi,%edi\n 3ab0:\t66 89 0e \tmov %cx,(%esi)\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:129\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:129\n 3ab3:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 3ab5:\tff b5 84 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x27c(%ebp)\n 3abb:\te8 50 fc ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 3ac0:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 3ac3:\te8 b8 f9 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n 3ac8:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:235\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:235\n 3aca:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 3acb:\t8d 83 00 70 ff ff \tlea -0x9000(%ebx),%eax\n 3ad1:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 3ad2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3ad3:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 3ad4:\te8 67 fa ff ff \tcall 3540 \n 3ad9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n@@ -224,15 +224,15 @@\n 3af0:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 3af3:\t68 00 01 00 00 \tpush $0x100\n 3af8:\t8d 87 14 80 00 00 \tlea 0x8014(%edi),%eax\n 3afe:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 3aff:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3b00:\te8 3b fb ff ff \tcall 3640 <__strcpy_chk@plt>\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:413\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:413\n 3b05:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 3b08:\t8d 83 21 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fdf(%ebx),%eax\n 3b0e:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 3b10:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3b11:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 3b17:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3b18:\t89 85 90 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x270(%ebp)\n@@ -243,19 +243,19 @@\n 3b26:\t68 00 01 00 00 \tpush $0x100\n 3b2b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3b2c:\t8d 85 e4 fd ff ff \tlea -0x21c(%ebp),%eax\n 3b32:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3b33:\t89 85 80 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x280(%ebp)\n 3b39:\te8 02 fb ff ff \tcall 3640 <__strcpy_chk@plt>\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:416\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:416\n 3b3e:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:414\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:414\n 3b41:\tc7 47 04 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:416\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:416\n 3b48:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 3b4a:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 3b4c:\tff b7 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%edi)\n 3b52:\te8 79 f7 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n 3b57:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 3b5a:\t89 85 88 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x278(%ebp)\n 3b60:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n@@ -267,92 +267,92 @@\n 3b74:\t8d 85 a0 fd ff ff \tlea -0x260(%ebp),%eax\n 3b7a:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3b7c:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3b7e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3b7f:\t89 85 8c fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x274(%ebp)\n 3b85:\te8 c6 f7 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 3b8a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 3b8d:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 3b90:\t74 3b \tje 3bcd \n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:421\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:421\n 3b92:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 3b95:\t8d 83 57 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fa9(%ebx),%eax\n 3b9b:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:425\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:425\n 3b9d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3b9e:\tff b5 90 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x270(%ebp)\n 3ba4:\te8 57 f6 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 3ba9:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 3baa:\tff b5 88 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x278(%ebp)\n 3bb0:\t8d b5 e4 fe ff ff \tlea -0x11c(%ebp),%esi\n 3bb6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3bb7:\t68 00 01 00 00 \tpush $0x100\n 3bbc:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3bbe:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 3bbf:\te8 ec fc ff ff \tcall 38b0 <__sprintf_chk@plt>\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:426\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:426\n 3bc4:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n 3bc7:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 3bc8:\te8 13 f6 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 3bcd:\t0f b6 85 a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%eax\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:420\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:420\n 3bd4:\t83 f8 4b \tcmp $0x4b,%eax\n 3bd7:\t0f 85 b5 02 00 00 \tjne 3e92 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 3bdd:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 3be3:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 3be9:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3beb:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3bed:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 3bf3:\te8 58 f7 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 3bf8:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 3bfb:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 3bfe:\t74 0d \tje 3c0d \n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:425\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:425\n 3c00:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 3c03:\t8d 83 71 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8f8f(%ebx),%eax\n 3c09:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 3c0b:\teb 90 \tjmp 3b9d \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 3c0d:\t0f b6 85 a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%eax\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:424\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:424\n 3c14:\t83 f8 06 \tcmp $0x6,%eax\n 3c17:\t0f 85 2e 02 00 00 \tjne 3e4b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:430\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:430\n 3c1d:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n 3c23:\t8d 42 02 \tlea 0x2(%edx),%eax\n 3c26:\t8b 92 10 80 00 00 \tmov 0x8010(%edx),%edx\n 3c2c:\t89 85 74 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x28c(%ebp)\n 3c32:\te8 99 fd ff ff \tcall 39d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x110>\n 3c37:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 3c3a:\t0f 85 16 02 00 00 \tjne 3e56 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:432\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:432\n 3c40:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n 3c46:\t8d 42 08 \tlea 0x8(%edx),%eax\n 3c49:\t8b 92 10 80 00 00 \tmov 0x8010(%edx),%edx\n 3c4f:\t89 85 70 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x290(%ebp)\n 3c55:\te8 76 fd ff ff \tcall 39d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x110>\n 3c5a:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 3c5d:\t0f 85 f3 01 00 00 \tjne 3e56 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:434\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:434\n 3c63:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n 3c69:\t8d 42 0a \tlea 0xa(%edx),%eax\n 3c6c:\t8b 92 10 80 00 00 \tmov 0x8010(%edx),%edx\n 3c72:\t89 85 6c fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x294(%ebp)\n 3c78:\te8 53 fd ff ff \tcall 39d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x110>\n 3c7d:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 3c80:\t0f 85 d0 01 00 00 \tjne 3e56 \n@@ -361,113 +361,113 @@\n 3c86:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 3c8c:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 3c92:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3c94:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3c96:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 3c9c:\te8 af f6 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 3ca1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 3ca4:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 3ca7:\t74 10 \tje 3cb9 \n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:437\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:437\n 3ca9:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 3cac:\t8d 83 8b 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8f75(%ebx),%eax\n 3cb2:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 3cb4:\te9 e4 fe ff ff \tjmp 3b9d \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 3cb9:\t0f b6 85 a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%eax\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:436\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:436\n 3cc0:\t83 f8 06 \tcmp $0x6,%eax\n 3cc3:\t0f 85 77 01 00 00 \tjne 3e40 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:442\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:442\n 3cc9:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n 3ccf:\t0f b7 42 0a \tmovzwl 0xa(%edx),%eax\n 3cd3:\t66 89 85 78 fd ff ff \tmov %ax,-0x288(%ebp)\n 3cda:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 3cdd:\t66 83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%ax\n 3ce1:\t76 62 \tjbe 3d45 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:444\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:444\n 3ce3:\tc7 85 78 fd ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x288(%ebp)\n 3cea:\t00 00 00 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 3ced:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 3cf3:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 3cf9:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3cfb:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3cfd:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 3d03:\te8 48 f6 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 3d08:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 3d0b:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 3d0e:\t0f 84 ce 00 00 00 \tje 3de2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:748\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:748\n 3d14:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:448\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:448\n 3d16:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 3d19:\t8d 83 b8 71 ff ff \tlea -0x8e48(%ebx),%eax\n 3d1f:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 3d21:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3d22:\tff b5 90 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x270(%ebp)\n 3d28:\te8 d3 f4 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 3d2d:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 3d30:\te9 7b fe ff ff \tjmp 3bb0 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 3d35:\t0f b6 b5 a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:487\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:487\n 3d3c:\t83 fe 06 \tcmp $0x6,%esi\n 3d3f:\t0f 85 77 10 00 00 \tjne 4dbc \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:495\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:495\n 3d45:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 3d4b:\t0f b7 40 02 \tmovzwl 0x2(%eax),%eax\n 3d4f:\t66 3d 00 20 \tcmp $0x2000,%ax\n 3d53:\t0f 8f 11 02 00 00 \tjg 3f6a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:498\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:498\n 3d59:\t66 85 c0 \ttest %ax,%ax\n 3d5c:\t0f 8e 63 01 00 00 \tjle 3ec5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:516\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:516\n 3d62:\t8d 83 30 72 ff ff \tlea -0x8dd0(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:498\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:498\n 3d68:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:516\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:516\n 3d6a:\t89 85 74 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x28c(%ebp)\n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 3d70:\t8d 83 10 71 ff ff \tlea -0x8ef0(%ebx),%eax\n 3d76:\t89 85 70 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x290(%ebp)\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 3d7c:\t8b b5 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%esi\n 3d82:\tff b6 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%esi)\n 3d88:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3d8a:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3d8c:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 3d92:\te8 b9 f5 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 3d97:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 3d9a:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 3d9d:\t0f 84 35 02 00 00 \tje 3fd8 \n 3da3:\t89 bd 8c fd ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x274(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:750\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:750\n 3da9:\t89 b5 94 fd ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x26c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:748\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:748\n 3daf:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:503\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:503\n 3db1:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 3db7:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 3dba:\t0f bf 78 02 \tmovswl 0x2(%eax),%edi\n 3dbe:\t8d 83 0c 72 ff ff \tlea -0x8df4(%ebx),%eax\n 3dc4:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 3dc6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3dc7:\tff b5 90 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x270(%ebp)\n@@ -476,39 +476,39 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 3dd2:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 3dd5:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 3dd6:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 3dd7:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 3ddd:\te9 ce fd ff ff \tjmp 3bb0 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 3de2:\t0f b6 b5 a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:447\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:447\n 3de9:\t83 fe 48 \tcmp $0x48,%esi\n 3dec:\t0f 85 24 ff ff ff \tjne 3d16 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:446\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:446\n 3df2:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:452\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:452\n 3df4:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 3df6:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 3dfc:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 3e02:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3e04:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3e06:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 3e0c:\te8 3f f5 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 3e11:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 3e14:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 3e17:\t0f 84 73 0c 00 00 \tje 4a90 \n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:454\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:454\n 3e1d:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 3e20:\t8d 83 a5 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8f5b(%ebx),%eax\n 3e26:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 3e28:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3e29:\tff b5 90 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x270(%ebp)\n 3e2f:\te8 cc f3 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n sprintf():\n@@ -517,135 +517,135 @@\n 3e3b:\te9 70 fd ff ff \tjmp 3bb0 \n getlab():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 3e40:\t89 85 88 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x278(%ebp)\n 3e46:\te9 5e fe ff ff \tjmp 3ca9 \n 3e4b:\t89 85 88 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x278(%ebp)\n 3e51:\te9 aa fd ff ff \tjmp 3c00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:509\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:509\n 3e56:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 3e57:\t8d 83 3d 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fc3(%ebx),%eax\n 3e5d:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:340\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:340\n 3e5f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3e60:\tff b5 90 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x270(%ebp)\n 3e66:\te8 95 f3 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 3e6b:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 3e6e:\te8 6d f3 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:236\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:236\n 3e73:\t8d 83 03 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8ffd(%ebx),%eax\n 3e79:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 3e7a:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 3e7c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3e7d:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 3e83:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3e84:\te8 77 f3 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 3e89:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 3e8a:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 3e8b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 3e8c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 3e8d:\te8 4e f3 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:236\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:236\n 3e92:\t89 85 88 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x278(%ebp)\n 3e98:\te9 f5 fc ff ff \tjmp 3b92 \n 3e9d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 3ea0:\t0f b6 b5 a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:535\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:535\n 3ea7:\t83 fe 0c \tcmp $0xc,%esi\n 3eaa:\t0f 85 02 0c 00 00 \tjne 4ab2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:498\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:498\n 3eb0:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 3eb6:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 3eb9:\t0f bf 40 02 \tmovswl 0x2(%eax),%eax\n 3ebd:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n 3ebf:\t0f 8c b7 fe ff ff \tjl 3d7c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:542\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:542\n 3ec5:\t8b bd 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edi\n 3ecb:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:244\n 3ece:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:542\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:542\n 3ed0:\tff b7 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%edi)\n 3ed6:\te8 25 f6 ff ff \tcall 3500 \n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:244\n 3edb:\t0f bf 57 02 \tmovswl 0x2(%edi),%edx\n 3edf:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:243\n 3ee2:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:542\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:542\n 3ee4:\t89 87 1c c1 01 00 \tmov %eax,0x1c11c(%edi)\n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:243\n 3eea:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:244\n 3eec:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 3eee:\t7f 1a \tjg 3f0a \n 3ef0:\te9 89 00 00 00 \tjmp 3f7e \n 3ef5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:252\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:252\n 3ef8:\t66 89 bc 70 14 81 00 \tmov %di,0x8114(%eax,%esi,2)\n 3eff:\t00 \n 3f00:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:244\n 3f03:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n 3f06:\t39 d6 \tcmp %edx,%esi\n 3f08:\t74 6e \tje 3f78 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:247\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:247\n 3f0a:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:249\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:249\n 3f10:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 3f13:\t89 95 74 fd ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x28c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:247\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:247\n 3f19:\tba ff ff ff ff \tmov $0xffffffff,%edx\n 3f1e:\t89 8d 78 fd ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x288(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:248\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:248\n 3f24:\tb9 ff ff ff ff \tmov $0xffffffff,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:247\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:247\n 3f29:\t66 89 94 70 14 81 00 \tmov %dx,0x8114(%eax,%esi,2)\n 3f30:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:248\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:248\n 3f31:\t66 89 8c 70 14 c1 00 \tmov %cx,0xc114(%eax,%esi,2)\n 3f38:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:249\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:249\n 3f39:\t6a 24 \tpush $0x24\n 3f3b:\tff 74 b0 10 \tpushl 0x10(%eax,%esi,4)\n 3f3f:\te8 7c f7 ff ff \tcall 36c0 \n 3f44:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 3f47:\t8b 8d 78 fd ff ff \tmov -0x288(%ebp),%ecx\n 3f4d:\t8b 95 74 fd ff ff \tmov -0x28c(%ebp),%edx\n 3f53:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:250\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:250\n 3f55:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:249\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:249\n 3f5b:\t75 9b \tjne 3ef8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:250\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:250\n 3f5d:\t66 89 8c 70 14 c1 00 \tmov %cx,0xc114(%eax,%esi,2)\n 3f64:\t00 \n 3f65:\t83 c1 01 \tadd $0x1,%ecx\n 3f68:\teb 99 \tjmp 3f03 \n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:496\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:496\n 3f6a:\t8d 83 d8 71 ff ff \tlea -0x8e28(%ebx),%eax\n 3f70:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 3f71:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 3f73:\te9 e7 fe ff ff \tjmp 3e5f \n 3f78:\t89 c8 \tmov %ecx,%eax\n 3f7a:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n 3f7c:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:255\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:255\n 3f7e:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n 3f84:\t0f bf 42 04 \tmovswl 0x4(%edx),%eax\n 3f88:\t39 f8 \tcmp %edi,%eax\n 3f8a:\t0f 85 20 03 00 00 \tjne 42b0 \n 3f90:\t0f bf 42 06 \tmovswl 0x6(%edx),%eax\n 3f94:\t39 c8 \tcmp %ecx,%eax\n 3f96:\t0f 85 14 03 00 00 \tjne 42b0 \n@@ -654,147 +654,147 @@\n 3f9c:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 3fa2:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 3fa8:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3faa:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3fac:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 3fb2:\te8 99 f3 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 3fb7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 3fba:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 3fbd:\t0f 84 36 02 00 00 \tje 41f9 \n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:338\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:338\n 3fc3:\t8d 83 1d 71 ff ff \tlea -0x8ee3(%ebx),%eax\n 3fc9:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 3fca:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 3fcc:\te9 8e fe ff ff \tjmp 3e5f \n 3fd1:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 3fd8:\t0f b6 b5 a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:753\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:753\n 3fdf:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:502\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:502\n 3fe5:\t83 fe 0c \tcmp $0xc,%esi\n 3fe8:\t0f 85 d3 01 00 00 \tjne 41c1 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 3fee:\t8d b5 ac fd ff ff \tlea -0x254(%ebp),%esi\n 3ff4:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 3ffa:\t6a 0c \tpush $0xc\n 3ffc:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 3ffe:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 3fff:\te8 4c f3 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:508\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:508\n 4004:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4007:\t83 f8 0c \tcmp $0xc,%eax\n 400a:\t0f 85 46 fe ff ff \tjne 3e56 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:513\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:513\n 4010:\t80 bd b4 fd ff ff 24 \tcmpb $0x24,-0x24c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:511\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:511\n 4017:\tc6 85 b8 fd ff ff 00 \tmovb $0x0,-0x248(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:513\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:513\n 401e:\t0f 84 b6 01 00 00 \tje 41da \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:514\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:514\n 4024:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 4027:\t6a 24 \tpush $0x24\n 4029:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 402a:\te8 91 f6 ff ff \tcall 36c0 \n 402f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4032:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:515\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:515\n 4034:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:514\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:514\n 403a:\t0f 84 90 01 00 00 \tje 41d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:516\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:516\n 4040:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:515\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:515\n 4043:\t66 83 40 06 01 \taddw $0x1,0x6(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:516\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:516\n 4048:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 404a:\tff b5 74 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x28c(%ebp)\n 4050:\tff b5 90 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x270(%ebp)\n 4056:\te8 a5 f1 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 405b:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 405e:\t8b b5 80 fd ff ff \tmov -0x280(%ebp),%esi\n 4064:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4065:\t68 00 01 00 00 \tpush $0x100\n 406a:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 406c:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 406d:\te8 3e f8 ff ff \tcall 38b0 <__sprintf_chk@plt>\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:517\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:517\n 4072:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n 4075:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4076:\te8 55 f1 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n 407b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:522\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:522\n 407e:\t0f b6 85 ac fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x254(%ebp),%eax\n 4085:\t8b b5 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%esi\n 408b:\t8d 8d ad fd ff ff \tlea -0x253(%ebp),%ecx\n 4091:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 4093:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n 4095:\t74 1e \tje 40b5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:523\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:523\n 4097:\t3c 20 \tcmp $0x20,%al\n 4099:\t74 0a \tje 40a5 \n 409b:\t88 84 15 b9 fd ff ff \tmov %al,-0x247(%ebp,%edx,1)\n 40a2:\t83 c2 01 \tadd $0x1,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:522\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:522\n 40a5:\t0f b6 01 \tmovzbl (%ecx),%eax\n 40a8:\t83 c1 01 \tadd $0x1,%ecx\n 40ab:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n 40ad:\t75 e8 \tjne 4097 \n 40af:\t89 b5 94 fd ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x26c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:528\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:528\n 40b5:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:526\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:526\n 40b8:\tc6 84 15 b9 fd ff ff \tmovb $0x0,-0x247(%ebp,%edx,1)\n 40bf:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:528\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:528\n 40c0:\t8d 95 b9 fd ff ff \tlea -0x247(%ebp),%edx\n 40c6:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 40c7:\t89 95 78 fd ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x288(%ebp)\n 40cd:\te8 de f3 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 40d2:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:528\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:528\n 40d5:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 40d7:\t8d 85 c6 fd ff ff \tlea -0x23a(%ebp),%eax\n 40dd:\tff b5 70 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x290(%ebp)\n 40e3:\t6a 1e \tpush $0x1e\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:530\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:530\n 40e5:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 40e8:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 40ea:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 40eb:\te8 c0 f7 ff ff \tcall 38b0 <__sprintf_chk@plt>\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:530\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:530\n 40f0:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n 40f3:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 40f5:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 40f6:\te8 d5 ef ff ff \tcall 30d0 \n 40fb:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 4101:\t83 fe 04 \tcmp $0x4,%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:530\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:530\n 4104:\t89 44 ba 10 \tmov %eax,0x10(%edx,%edi,4)\n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 4108:\t8b 95 78 fd ff ff \tmov -0x288(%ebp),%edx\n 410e:\t73 69 \tjae 4179 \n 4110:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 4112:\t74 11 \tje 4125 \n@@ -807,23 +807,23 @@\n 4125:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 412b:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 4131:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4133:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4135:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 413b:\te8 10 f2 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 4140:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 4143:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 4146:\t0f 84 54 fd ff ff \tje 3ea0 \n 414c:\t89 bd 8c fd ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x274(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:748\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:748\n 4152:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:536\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:536\n 4154:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 4157:\t8d 83 58 72 ff ff \tlea -0x8da8(%ebx),%eax\n 415d:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 415f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4160:\tff b5 90 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x270(%ebp)\n 4166:\te8 95 f0 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n sprintf():\n@@ -856,245 +856,245 @@\n 41b4:\t3b b5 78 fd ff ff \tcmp -0x288(%ebp),%esi\n 41ba:\t72 ef \tjb 41ab \n 41bc:\te9 64 ff ff ff \tjmp 4125 \n 41c1:\t89 bd 8c fd ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x274(%ebp)\n 41c7:\te9 e5 fb ff ff \tjmp 3db1 \n 41cc:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:518\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:518\n 41d0:\t66 83 40 04 01 \taddw $0x1,0x4(%eax)\n 41d5:\te9 a4 fe ff ff \tjmp 407e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:513\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:513\n 41da:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 41e0:\t66 83 40 06 01 \taddw $0x1,0x6(%eax)\n 41e5:\te9 94 fe ff ff \tjmp 407e \n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 41ea:\t0f b7 54 32 fe \tmovzwl -0x2(%edx,%esi,1),%edx\n 41ef:\t66 89 54 30 fe \tmov %dx,-0x2(%eax,%esi,1)\n 41f4:\te9 2c ff ff ff \tjmp 4125 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 41f9:\t0f b6 b5 a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%esi\n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:260\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:260\n 4200:\t81 fe 80 00 00 00 \tcmp $0x80,%esi\n 4206:\t0f 8f 41 02 00 00 \tjg 444d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:261\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:261\n 420c:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4212:\t83 c6 02 \tadd $0x2,%esi\n 4215:\t89 b0 18 c1 01 00 \tmov %esi,0x1c118(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:322\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:322\n 421b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 421c:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4222:\t6a 02 \tpush $0x2\n 4224:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 4226:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 422c:\te8 9f f0 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n 4231:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4234:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 4236:\t0f 85 87 fd ff ff \tjne 3fc3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:325\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:325\n 423c:\t8b b5 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%esi\n 4242:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 4245:\tff b6 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%esi)\n 424b:\te8 b0 f2 ff ff \tcall 3500 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:328\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:328\n 4250:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 4253:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:325\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:325\n 4255:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:328\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:328\n 4257:\t6a ff \tpush $0xffffffff\n 4259:\tff b6 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%esi)\n 425f:\te8 6c f0 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n 4264:\t8d 97 00 fe ff ff \tlea -0x200(%edi),%edx\n 426a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 426d:\t89 95 88 fd ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x278(%ebp)\n 4273:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 4275:\t0f 85 48 fd ff ff \tjne 3fc3 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 427b:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:331\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:331\n 4281:\t83 ef 01 \tsub $0x1,%edi\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 4284:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 428a:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 428c:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 428e:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 4294:\te8 b7 f0 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 4299:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 429c:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 429f:\t74 1d \tje 42be \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 42a1:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 42a4:\t8d 83 a4 72 ff ff \tlea -0x8d5c(%ebx),%eax\n 42aa:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 42ab:\te9 00 f9 ff ff \tjmp 3bb0 \n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:256\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:256\n 42b0:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 42b1:\t8d 83 7c 72 ff ff \tlea -0x8d84(%ebx),%eax\n 42b7:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 42b9:\te9 a1 fb ff ff \tjmp 3e5f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:337\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:337\n 42be:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 42bf:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 42c5:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 42c7:\t0f b6 b5 a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%esi\n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:337\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:337\n 42ce:\t6a fe \tpush $0xfffffffe\n 42d0:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 42d6:\te8 f5 ef ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n 42db:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 42de:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 42e0:\t0f 85 dd fc ff ff \tjne 3fc3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:339\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:339\n 42e6:\t3b bd 88 fd ff ff \tcmp -0x278(%ebp),%edi\n 42ec:\t0f 84 89 07 00 00 \tje 4a7b \n 42f2:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 42f4:\t74 85 \tje 427b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:345\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:345\n 42f6:\t81 fe 82 00 00 00 \tcmp $0x82,%esi\n 42fc:\t0f 85 6a 07 00 00 \tjne 4a6c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:351\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:351\n 4302:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n 4308:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 430a:\t2b 82 1c c1 01 00 \tsub 0x1c11c(%edx),%eax\n 4310:\t89 d6 \tmov %edx,%esi\n 4312:\t99 \tcltd \n 4313:\tf7 be 18 c1 01 00 \tidivl 0x1c118(%esi)\n 4319:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 431b:\t0f 85 d1 04 00 00 \tjne 47f2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:355\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:355\n 4321:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:357\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:357\n 4327:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 4329:\tc7 85 88 fd ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x278(%ebp)\n 4330:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:355\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:355\n 4333:\t89 82 14 c1 01 00 \tmov %eax,0x1c114(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:357\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:357\n 4339:\t0f bf 52 02 \tmovswl 0x2(%edx),%edx\n 433d:\t89 95 78 fd ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x288(%ebp)\n 4343:\teb 41 \tjmp 4386 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:363\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:363\n 4345:\t66 83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%ax\n 4349:\t0f 95 c0 \tsetne %al\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:368\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:368\n 434c:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:363\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:363\n 434e:\t0f b6 c0 \tmovzbl %al,%eax\n 4351:\t8d 34 85 04 00 00 00 \tlea 0x4(,%eax,4),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:368\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:368\n 4358:\tb8 80 00 00 00 \tmov $0x80,%eax\n 435d:\tf7 f6 \tdiv %esi\n 435f:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 4361:\t89 85 74 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x28c(%ebp)\n 4367:\t89 c8 \tmov %ecx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:362\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:362\n 4369:\t0f af ce \timul %esi,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:368\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:368\n 436c:\tf7 b5 74 fd ff ff \tdivl -0x28c(%ebp)\n 4372:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:369\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:369\n 4378:\t01 c0 \tadd %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:368\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:368\n 437a:\t01 c8 \tadd %ecx,%eax\n 437c:\t89 84 ba 14 41 01 00 \tmov %eax,0x14114(%edx,%edi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:357\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:357\n 4383:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:361\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:361\n 4386:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:357\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:357\n 438c:\t3b bd 78 fd ff ff \tcmp -0x288(%ebp),%edi\n 4392:\t0f 8d d9 01 00 00 \tjge 4571 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:361\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:361\n 4398:\t0f bf 8c 78 14 c1 00 \tmovswl 0xc114(%eax,%edi,2),%ecx\n 439f:\t00 \n 43a0:\t0f b7 40 0a \tmovzwl 0xa(%eax),%eax\n 43a4:\t66 85 c9 \ttest %cx,%cx\n 43a7:\t79 9c \tjns 4345 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:376\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:376\n 43a9:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:377\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:377\n 43af:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 43b1:\t66 83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:384\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:384\n 43b5:\t8b 85 88 fd ff ff \tmov -0x278(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:377\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:377\n 43bb:\t0f 95 c1 \tsetne %cl\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:376\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:376\n 43be:\t0f bf 72 04 \tmovswl 0x4(%edx),%esi\n 43c2:\t89 b5 74 fd ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x28c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:377\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:377\n 43c8:\t89 ce \tmov %ecx,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:382\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:382\n 43ca:\t0f bf 8c 7a 14 81 00 \tmovswl 0x8114(%edx,%edi,2),%ecx\n 43d1:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:384\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:384\n 43d2:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n 43d4:\t01 c2 \tadd %eax,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:377\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:377\n 43d6:\t8d 34 b5 04 00 00 00 \tlea 0x4(,%esi,4),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:382\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:382\n 43dd:\t6b c1 0c \timul $0xc,%ecx,%eax\n 43e0:\t66 89 8d 70 fd ff ff \tmov %cx,-0x290(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:384\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:384\n 43e7:\t01 d0 \tadd %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:376\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:376\n 43e9:\t8b 95 74 fd ff ff \tmov -0x28c(%ebp),%edx\n 43ef:\t0f af d6 \timul %esi,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:384\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:384\n 43f2:\t01 d0 \tadd %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:379\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:379\n 43f4:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:384\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:384\n 43f6:\t89 85 6c fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x294(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:379\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:379\n 43fc:\tb8 80 00 00 00 \tmov $0x80,%eax\n 4401:\tf7 f6 \tdiv %esi\n 4403:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 4405:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 4407:\t8b 85 74 fd ff ff \tmov -0x28c(%ebp),%eax\n 440d:\tf7 f6 \tdiv %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:384\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:384\n 440f:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:380\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:380\n 4415:\t01 c0 \tadd %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:384\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:384\n 4417:\t03 85 6c fd ff ff \tadd -0x294(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:387\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:387\n 441d:\t66 83 bd 70 fd ff ff \tcmpw $0x0,-0x290(%ebp)\n 4424:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:384\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:384\n 4425:\t89 84 ba 14 41 01 00 \tmov %eax,0x14114(%edx,%edi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:387\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:387\n 442c:\t0f 88 51 ff ff ff \tjs 4383 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:388\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:388\n 4432:\t66 83 bc 4a 14 01 01 \tcmpw $0x0,0x10114(%edx,%ecx,2)\n 4439:\t00 00 \n 443b:\t0f 84 42 ff ff ff \tje 4383 \n 4441:\t83 85 88 fd ff ff 01 \taddl $0x1,-0x278(%ebp)\n 4448:\te9 36 ff ff ff \tjmp 4383 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:264\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:264\n 444d:\t81 fe 81 00 00 00 \tcmp $0x81,%esi\n 4453:\t0f 85 f0 00 00 00 \tjne 4549 \n 4459:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 445f:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:269\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:269\n 4461:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4462:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4464:\t68 81 00 00 00 \tpush $0x81\n 4469:\tff b7 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%edi)\n 446f:\te8 5c ee ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n 4474:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4477:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n@@ -1103,78 +1103,78 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 447f:\tff b7 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%edi)\n 4485:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4487:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4489:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 448f:\te8 bc ee ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 4494:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4497:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 449a:\t0f 85 23 fb ff ff \tjne 3fc3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 44a0:\t0f b6 95 a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%edx\n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:265\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:265\n 44a7:\t83 85 88 fd ff ff 01 \taddl $0x1,-0x278(%ebp)\n 44ae:\t81 fa 81 00 00 00 \tcmp $0x81,%edx\n 44b4:\t74 ab \tje 4461 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:276\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:276\n 44b6:\t69 85 88 fd ff ff 82 \timul $0x82,-0x278(%ebp),%eax\n 44bd:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:283\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:283\n 44c0:\t0f bf 77 06 \tmovswl 0x6(%edi),%esi\n 44c4:\t89 bd 94 fd ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x26c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:276\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:276\n 44ca:\t8d 44 02 02 \tlea 0x2(%edx,%eax,1),%eax\n 44ce:\t89 87 18 c1 01 00 \tmov %eax,0x1c118(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:283\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:283\n 44d4:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 44d6:\t66 85 f6 \ttest %si,%si\n 44d9:\t0f 8e 3c fd ff ff \tjle 421b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:286\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:286\n 44df:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 44e1:\t66 83 78 0a 01 \tcmpw $0x1,0xa(%eax)\n 44e6:\tb8 80 00 00 00 \tmov $0x80,%eax\n 44eb:\t0f bf 7f 04 \tmovswl 0x4(%edi),%edi\n 44ef:\t0f 95 c1 \tsetne %cl\n 44f2:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 44f4:\t8d 0c 8d 04 00 00 00 \tlea 0x4(,%ecx,4),%ecx\n 44fb:\tf7 f1 \tdiv %ecx\n 44fd:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 44ff:\t89 85 88 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x278(%ebp)\n 4505:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 4507:\t8b bd 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edi\n 450d:\tf7 b5 88 fd ff ff \tdivl -0x278(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:293\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:293\n 4513:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:287\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:287\n 4515:\t0f af d1 \timul %ecx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:293\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:293\n 4518:\teb 12 \tjmp 452c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:303\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:303\n 451a:\t83 e2 7f \tand $0x7f,%edx\n 451d:\t66 89 94 47 14 01 01 \tmov %dx,0x10114(%edi,%eax,2)\n 4524:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:293\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:293\n 4525:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 4528:\t39 f0 \tcmp %esi,%eax\n 452a:\t7d 3a \tjge 4566 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:295\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:295\n 452c:\t83 c2 0c \tadd $0xc,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:299\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:299\n 452f:\t81 fa 80 00 00 00 \tcmp $0x80,%edx\n 4535:\t7f e3 \tjg 451a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:307\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:307\n 4537:\t0f 84 c3 02 00 00 \tje 4800 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:297\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:297\n 453d:\t66 c7 84 47 14 01 01 \tmovw $0x0,0x10114(%edi,%eax,2)\n 4544:\t00 00 00 \n 4547:\teb dc \tjmp 4525 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:319\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:319\n 4549:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 454a:\t8d 83 37 71 ff ff \tlea -0x8ec9(%ebx),%eax\n 4550:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 4552:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4553:\tff b5 90 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x270(%ebp)\n 4559:\te8 a2 ec ff ff \tcall 3200 \n sprintf():\n@@ -1182,406 +1182,406 @@\n 455e:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 4561:\te9 4a f6 ff ff \tjmp 3bb0 \n 4566:\t89 bd 94 fd ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x26c(%ebp)\n getuse():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 456c:\te9 aa fc ff ff \tjmp 421b \n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:130\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:130\n 4571:\t0f bf 70 08 \tmovswl 0x8(%eax),%esi\n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:396\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:396\n 4575:\t66 c7 00 01 00 \tmovw $0x1,(%eax)\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:130\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:130\n 457a:\t66 83 fe 01 \tcmp $0x1,%si\n 457e:\t0f 85 d8 05 00 00 \tjne 4b5c \n getnk():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:599\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:599\n 4584:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n 458a:\t0f bf 42 06 \tmovswl 0x6(%edx),%eax\n getnd():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:589\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:589\n 458e:\t0f bf 52 04 \tmovswl 0x4(%edx),%edx\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:136\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:136\n 4592:\t01 d0 \tadd %edx,%eax\n 4594:\t39 85 78 fd ff ff \tcmp %eax,-0x288(%ebp)\n 459a:\t0f 85 ae 05 00 00 \tjne 4b4e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:138\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:138\n 45a0:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:139\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:139\n 45a1:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:138\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:138\n 45a3:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 45a4:\tff b5 78 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x288(%ebp)\n 45aa:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 45ac:\te8 0f eb ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 45b1:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 45b4:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 45b6:\t89 85 84 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x27c(%ebp)\n 45bc:\te8 df f0 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:139\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:139\n 45c1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 45c4:\teb 30 \tjmp 45f6 \n isdb():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:613\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:613\n 45c6:\t66 83 bc 72 14 c1 00 \tcmpw $0x0,0xc114(%edx,%esi,2)\n 45cd:\t00 00 \n 45cf:\t8b 82 14 c1 01 00 \tmov 0x1c114(%edx),%eax\n 45d5:\t0f 88 36 02 00 00 \tjs 4811 \n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:141\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:141\n 45db:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 45dc:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 45dd:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 45de:\t6a 0e \tpush $0xe\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:143\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:143\n 45e0:\te8 db ea ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 45e5:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 45e8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 45e9:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:139\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:139\n 45ea:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:143\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:143\n 45ed:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 45ee:\te8 9d ef ff ff \tcall 3590 \n 45f3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n getnv():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:578 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:578 (discriminator 1)\n 45f6:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 45fc:\t66 83 38 00 \tcmpw $0x0,(%eax)\n 4600:\t0f 84 15 02 00 00 \tje 481b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:579\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:579\n 4606:\t0f bf 40 02 \tmovswl 0x2(%eax),%eax\n 460a:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:139\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:139\n 4610:\t39 c6 \tcmp %eax,%esi\n 4612:\t7c b2 \tjl 45c6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:146\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:146\n 4614:\t52 \tpush %edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:147\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:147\n 4615:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:146\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:146\n 4617:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 4618:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4619:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 461b:\te8 a0 ea ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 4620:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 4623:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 4625:\te8 76 f0 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:147\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:147\n 462a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 462d:\teb 23 \tjmp 4652 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:148\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:148\n 462f:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4635:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 4638:\tff 74 b8 10 \tpushl 0x10(%eax,%edi,4)\n 463c:\te8 af ea ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 4641:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 4644:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4645:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:147\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:147\n 4646:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:148\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:148\n 4649:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 464a:\te8 71 ed ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:147\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:147\n 464f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n getnv():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:578 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:578 (discriminator 1)\n 4652:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4658:\t66 83 38 00 \tcmpw $0x0,(%eax)\n 465c:\t74 08 \tje 4666 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:579\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:579\n 465e:\t0f bf 40 02 \tmovswl 0x2(%eax),%eax\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:147\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:147\n 4662:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n 4664:\t7c c9 \tjl 462f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:149\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:149\n 4666:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4667:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n 466d:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 466e:\t8b bd 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edi\n 4674:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 4676:\tff b5 84 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x27c(%ebp)\n 467c:\te8 ef ee ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:151\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:151\n 4681:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4684:\t83 7f 0c 00 \tcmpl $0x0,0xc(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:146\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:146\n 4688:\tc7 85 6c fd ff ff 02 \tmovl $0x2,-0x294(%ebp)\n 468f:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:151\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:151\n 4692:\t74 55 \tje 46e9 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:152\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:152\n 4694:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4695:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4696:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4698:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 469a:\te8 21 ea ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 469f:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 46a2:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 46a4:\te8 f7 ef ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:153\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:153\n 46a9:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 46aa:\tff 77 0c \tpushl 0xc(%edi)\n 46ad:\te8 3e ea ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 46b2:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 46b5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 46b6:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 46b8:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 46b9:\te8 02 ed ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:154\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:154\n 46be:\t8d 83 72 71 ff ff \tlea -0x8e8e(%ebx),%eax\n 46c4:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 46c7:\te8 c4 ef ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 46cc:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 46cf:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 46d0:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 46d1:\tff b5 84 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x27c(%ebp)\n 46d7:\te8 94 ee ff ff \tcall 3570 \n 46dc:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:152\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:152\n 46df:\tc7 85 6c fd ff ff 03 \tmovl $0x3,-0x294(%ebp)\n 46e6:\t00 00 00 \n getnobs():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:636\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:636\n 46e9:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 46ef:\t66 83 38 00 \tcmpw $0x0,(%eax)\n 46f3:\t0f 84 6b 03 00 00 \tje 4a64 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:637\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:637\n 46f9:\t8b 80 14 c1 01 00 \tmov 0x1c114(%eax),%eax\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:157\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:157\n 46ff:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4700:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4701:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n 4703:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4704:\te8 c7 e9 ff ff \tcall 30d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:162\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:162\n 4709:\tdd 83 48 73 ff ff \tfldl -0x8cb8(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:158\n 470f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4712:\tc7 85 88 fd ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x278(%ebp)\n 4719:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:157\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:157\n 471c:\t89 85 74 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x28c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:178\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:178\n 4722:\t8d 83 8c 71 ff ff \tlea -0x8e74(%ebx),%eax\n 4728:\t89 85 68 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x298(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:181\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:181\n 472e:\t8b 83 e8 ff ff ff \tmov -0x18(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:162\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:162\n 4734:\tdd 9d 58 fd ff ff \tfstpl -0x2a8(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:181\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:181\n 473a:\t89 85 64 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x29c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:163\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:163\n 4740:\t8b 83 c0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x40(%ebx),%eax\n 4746:\t89 85 60 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x2a0(%ebp)\n 474c:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4752:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n getnv():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:578 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:578 (discriminator 1)\n 4754:\t66 83 3f 00 \tcmpw $0x0,(%edi)\n 4758:\t0f 84 fe 02 00 00 \tje 4a5c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:579\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:579\n 475e:\t0f bf 47 02 \tmovswl 0x2(%edi),%eax\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:158\n 4762:\t39 85 88 fd ff ff \tcmp %eax,-0x278(%ebp)\n 4768:\t0f 8d 65 02 00 00 \tjge 49d3 \n isdb():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:613\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:613\n 476e:\t8b 85 88 fd ff ff \tmov -0x278(%ebp),%eax\n 4774:\t66 83 bc 47 14 c1 00 \tcmpw $0x0,0xc114(%edi,%eax,2)\n 477b:\t00 00 \n 477d:\t0f 88 a0 00 00 00 \tjs 4823 \n getdbvar():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:716\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:716\n 4783:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 4784:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 4786:\t8b 84 87 14 41 01 00 \tmov 0x14114(%edi,%eax,4),%eax\n 478d:\t03 87 1c c1 01 00 \tadd 0x1c11c(%edi),%eax\n 4793:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 4796:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4797:\tff b7 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%edi)\n 479d:\te8 2e eb ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n 47a2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 47a5:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 47a7:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 47a9:\t75 39 \tjne 47e4 \n 47ab:\t89 bd 94 fd ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x26c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:725\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:725\n 47b1:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n getdb():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:652\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:652\n 47b7:\t66 83 7a 0a 01 \tcmpw $0x1,0xa(%edx)\n getdbvar():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:725\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:725\n 47bc:\t8b 82 10 80 00 00 \tmov 0x8010(%edx),%eax\n getdb():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:652\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:652\n 47c2:\t0f 84 ef 04 00 00 \tje 4cb7 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 47c8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 47c9:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 47cb:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n 47cd:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 47d3:\te8 78 eb ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getdb():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:657\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:657\n 47d8:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 47db:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 47de:\t0f 84 b1 03 00 00 \tje 4b95 \n getdbvar():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:737\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:737\n 47e4:\t8d 83 7a 71 ff ff \tlea -0x8e86(%ebx),%eax\n 47ea:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 47eb:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 47ed:\te9 6d f6 ff ff \tjmp 3e5f \n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:352\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:352\n 47f2:\t8d 83 c4 72 ff ff \tlea -0x8d3c(%ebx),%eax\n 47f8:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 47f9:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 47fb:\te9 5f f6 ff ff \tjmp 3e5f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:312\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:312\n 4800:\t66 c7 84 47 14 01 01 \tmovw $0xffff,0x10114(%edi,%eax,2)\n 4807:\t00 ff ff \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:313\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:313\n 480a:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 480c:\te9 14 fd ff ff \tjmp 4525 \n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:143\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:143\n 4811:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 4812:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 4813:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4814:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 4816:\te9 c5 fd ff ff \tjmp 45e0 \n getnv():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:578\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:578\n 481b:\t83 c8 ff \tor $0xffffffff,%eax\n 481e:\te9 f1 fd ff ff \tjmp 4614 \n isdb():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:578\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:578\n 4823:\tc7 85 78 fd ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x288(%ebp)\n 482a:\t00 00 00 \n 482d:\t89 bd 94 fd ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x26c(%ebp)\n 4833:\teb 48 \tjmp 487d \n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:179\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:179\n 4835:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 4838:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4839:\te8 b2 e8 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 483e:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 483f:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 4841:\t58 \tpop %eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:181\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:181\n 4842:\tff b5 88 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x278(%ebp)\n 4848:\tff b5 84 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x27c(%ebp)\n 484e:\te8 ed e9 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 4853:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 4856:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4857:\tff b5 78 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x288(%ebp)\n 485d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 485e:\te8 5d eb ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n getnobs():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:636\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:636\n 4863:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:167\n 4869:\t83 85 78 fd ff ff 01 \taddl $0x1,-0x288(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:181\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:181\n 4870:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n getnobs():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:636\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:636\n 4873:\t66 83 38 00 \tcmpw $0x0,(%eax)\n 4877:\t0f 84 d1 01 00 00 \tje 4a4e \n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:167\n 487d:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4883:\t8b 95 78 fd ff ff \tmov -0x288(%ebp),%edx\n 4889:\t39 90 14 c1 01 00 \tcmp %edx,0x1c114(%eax)\n 488f:\t0f 8e b9 01 00 00 \tjle 4a4e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:170\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:170\n 4895:\t8b b5 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:169\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:169\n 489b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:170\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:170\n 489c:\t8b 85 78 fd ff ff \tmov -0x288(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:169\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:169\n 48a2:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:170\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:170\n 48a4:\t0f af 86 18 c1 01 00 \timul 0x1c118(%esi),%eax\n 48ab:\t8b 96 1c c1 01 00 \tmov 0x1c11c(%esi),%edx\n 48b1:\t8d 44 02 01 \tlea 0x1(%edx,%eax,1),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:169\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:169\n 48b5:\t8b 95 88 fd ff ff \tmov -0x278(%ebp),%edx\n 48bb:\t03 84 96 14 41 01 00 \tadd 0x14114(%esi,%edx,4),%eax\n 48c2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 48c3:\tff b6 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%esi)\n 48c9:\te8 02 ea ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n 48ce:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 48d1:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 48d3:\t0f 85 0b ff ff ff \tjne 47e4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:176\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:176\n 48d9:\t8b 95 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edx\n 48df:\t8b 85 88 fd ff ff \tmov -0x278(%ebp),%eax\n 48e5:\t0f bf 84 42 14 81 00 \tmovswl 0x8114(%edx,%eax,2),%eax\n 48ec:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:175\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:175\n 48ed:\t8b ba 10 80 00 00 \tmov 0x8010(%edx),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:176\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:176\n 48f3:\t0f bf 84 42 14 01 01 \tmovswl 0x10114(%edx,%eax,2),%eax\n 48fa:\t00 \n getsvar():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:681\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:681\n 48fb:\t66 85 c0 \ttest %ax,%ax\n 48fe:\t0f 8e 21 01 00 00 \tjle 4a25 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:688\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:688\n 4904:\tbe 0c 00 00 00 \tmov $0xc,%esi\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:292\n 4909:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:175\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:175\n 490c:\t89 85 70 fd ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x290(%ebp)\n getsvar():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:688\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:688\n 4912:\t29 c6 \tsub %eax,%esi\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:292\n 4914:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 4915:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4916:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4918:\t6a 09 \tpush $0x9\n 491a:\tff b5 80 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x280(%ebp)\n 4920:\te8 2b ed ff ff \tcall 3650 <__fread_chk@plt>\n getsvar():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:688\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:688\n 4925:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 4928:\t39 c6 \tcmp %eax,%esi\n 492a:\t0f 85 b4 fe ff ff \tjne 47e4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:692\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:692\n 4930:\tc6 84 35 e4 fd ff ff \tmovb $0x0,-0x21c(%ebp,%esi,1)\n 4937:\t00 \n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 4938:\t8d b5 e4 fe ff ff \tlea -0x11c(%ebp),%esi\n 493e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 493f:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 4941:\tff b5 80 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x280(%ebp)\n 4947:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4948:\te8 f3 ec ff ff \tcall 3640 <__strcpy_chk@plt>\n getsvar():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:695\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:695\n 494d:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 4950:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4952:\t6a 02 \tpush $0x2\n 4954:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 4955:\te8 76 e9 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n 495a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 495d:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n@@ -1593,68 +1593,68 @@\n 4969:\t8b bd 70 fd ff ff \tmov -0x290(%ebp),%edi\n 496f:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 4970:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4972:\t6a 09 \tpush $0x9\n 4974:\tff b5 80 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x280(%ebp)\n 497a:\te8 d1 ec ff ff \tcall 3650 <__fread_chk@plt>\n getsvar():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:697\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:697\n 497f:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 4982:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n 4984:\t0f 85 5a fe ff ff \tjne 47e4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:701\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:701\n 498a:\t8b 85 70 fd ff ff \tmov -0x290(%ebp),%eax\n 4990:\tc6 84 05 e4 fd ff ff \tmovb $0x0,-0x21c(%ebp,%eax,1)\n 4997:\t00 \n strcat():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:128\n 4998:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4999:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 499b:\tff b5 80 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x280(%ebp)\n 49a1:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 49a2:\te8 a9 e6 ff ff \tcall 3050 <__strcat_chk@plt>\n 49a7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:178\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:178\n 49aa:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 49ab:\t6a 0c \tpush $0xc\n 49ad:\tff b5 68 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x298(%ebp)\n 49b3:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 49b4:\te8 f7 ed ff ff \tcall 37b0 \n 49b9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 49bc:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 49be:\t0f 85 71 fe ff ff \tjne 4835 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:181\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:181\n 49c4:\t8b 85 64 fd ff ff \tmov -0x29c(%ebp),%eax\n 49ca:\t8b 30 \tmov (%eax),%esi\n 49cc:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 49cd:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 49ce:\te9 6f fe ff ff \tjmp 4842 \n closeuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:552\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:552\n 49d3:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 49d6:\tff b7 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%edi)\n 49dc:\t89 bd 94 fd ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x26c(%ebp)\n 49e2:\te8 d9 e7 ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n 49e7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:553\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:553\n 49ea:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:186\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:186\n 49f0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n closeuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:553\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:553\n 49f3:\t66 c7 00 00 00 \tmovw $0x0,(%eax)\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:186\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:186\n 49f8:\tff b5 6c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x294(%ebp)\n 49fe:\te8 1d ea ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:187\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:187\n 4a03:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:188\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:188\n 4a06:\t8b 45 e4 \tmov -0x1c(%ebp),%eax\n 4a09:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 4a10:\t75 0e \tjne 4a20 \n 4a12:\t8b 85 84 fd ff ff \tmov -0x27c(%ebp),%eax\n 4a18:\t8d 65 f4 \tlea -0xc(%ebp),%esp\n 4a1b:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 4a1c:\t5e \tpop %esi\n@@ -1667,129 +1667,129 @@\n 4a25:\t8d b5 e4 fe ff ff \tlea -0x11c(%ebp),%esi\n 4a2b:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 4a2c:\t6a 0c \tpush $0xc\n 4a2e:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4a30:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4a31:\te8 1a e9 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getsvar():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:683\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:683\n 4a36:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4a39:\t83 f8 0c \tcmp $0xc,%eax\n 4a3c:\t0f 85 a2 fd ff ff \tjne 47e4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:685\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:685\n 4a42:\tc6 85 f0 fe ff ff 00 \tmovb $0x0,-0x110(%ebp)\n 4a49:\te9 5c ff ff ff \tjmp 49aa \n 4a4e:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:158\n 4a50:\t83 85 88 fd ff ff 01 \taddl $0x1,-0x278(%ebp)\n 4a57:\te9 f8 fc ff ff \tjmp 4754 \n 4a5c:\t89 bd 94 fd ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x26c(%ebp)\n 4a62:\teb 86 \tjmp 49ea \n getnobs():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:636\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:636\n 4a64:\t83 c8 ff \tor $0xffffffff,%eax\n 4a67:\te9 93 fc ff ff \tjmp 46ff \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 4a6c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 4a6f:\t8d 83 55 71 ff ff \tlea -0x8eab(%ebx),%eax\n 4a75:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4a76:\te9 35 f1 ff ff \tjmp 3bb0 \n getuse():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:340\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:340\n 4a7b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4a7c:\t8d 83 99 71 ff ff \tlea -0x8e67(%ebx),%eax\n 4a82:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 4a84:\te9 d6 f3 ff ff \tjmp 3e5f \n 4a89:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 4a90:\t8b 95 78 fd ff ff \tmov -0x288(%ebp),%edx\n 4a96:\t8d 46 01 \tlea 0x1(%esi),%eax\n 4a99:\t0f b6 8d a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%ecx\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:456\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:456\n 4aa0:\t01 c2 \tadd %eax,%edx\n 4aa2:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 4aa4:\t74 6a \tje 4b10 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:452\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:452\n 4aa6:\t83 f8 48 \tcmp $0x48,%eax\n 4aa9:\t74 12 \tje 4abd \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:748\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:748\n 4aab:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 4aad:\te9 44 f3 ff ff \tjmp 3df6 \n 4ab2:\t89 bd 8c fd ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x274(%ebp)\n 4ab8:\te9 97 f6 ff ff \tjmp 4154 \n 4abd:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4ac3:\t89 95 78 fd ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x288(%ebp)\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 4ac9:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 4acf:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4ad1:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4ad3:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 4ad9:\te8 72 e8 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 4ade:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4ae1:\t8b 95 78 fd ff ff \tmov -0x288(%ebp),%edx\n 4ae7:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 4aea:\t74 36 \tje 4b22 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:748\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:748\n 4aec:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:459\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:459\n 4aee:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4aef:\t8d 83 ba 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8f46(%ebx),%eax\n 4af5:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 4af7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4af8:\tff b5 90 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x270(%ebp)\n 4afe:\te8 fd e6 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 4b03:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 4b06:\te9 a5 f0 ff ff \tjmp 3bb0 \n 4b0b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 4b0f:\t90 \tnop\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:456\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:456\n 4b10:\t80 f9 24 \tcmp $0x24,%cl\n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:748\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:748\n 4b13:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:456\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:456\n 4b15:\t0f 94 c1 \tsete %cl\n 4b18:\t0f b6 c9 \tmovzbl %cl,%ecx\n 4b1b:\t89 cf \tmov %ecx,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:452\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:452\n 4b1d:\te9 d4 f2 ff ff \tjmp 3df6 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 4b22:\t0f b6 85 a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%eax\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:458\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:458\n 4b29:\t83 f8 48 \tcmp $0x48,%eax\n 4b2c:\t0f 85 ee 01 00 00 \tjne 4d20 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:463\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:463\n 4b32:\t83 fa 47 \tcmp $0x47,%edx\n 4b35:\t0f 8e a3 01 00 00 \tjle 4cde \n 4b3b:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n 4b3d:\t0f 85 9b 01 00 00 \tjne 4cde \n 4b43:\t89 95 78 fd ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x288(%ebp)\n 4b49:\te9 9f f1 ff ff \tjmp 3ced \n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:137\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:137\n 4b4e:\t8d 83 20 73 ff ff \tlea -0x8ce0(%ebx),%eax\n 4b54:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4b55:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 4b57:\te9 03 f3 ff ff \tjmp 3e5f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:131\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:131\n 4b5c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 4b5d:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 4b5e:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 4b60:\tff b5 84 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x27c(%ebp)\n 4b66:\te8 a5 eb ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 4b6b:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 4b6e:\te8 0d e9 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n@@ -1804,87 +1804,87 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 4b8c:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 4b8d:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 4b8e:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4b8f:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 4b90:\te9 1b f0 ff ff \tjmp 3bb0 \n getdb():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:659\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:659\n 4b95:\tdd 85 a0 fd ff ff \tfldl -0x260(%ebp)\n getdbvar():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:726\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:726\n 4b9b:\t8b bd 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%edi\n 4ba1:\t8b 85 74 fd ff ff \tmov -0x28c(%ebp),%eax\n 4ba7:\t8b 97 18 c1 01 00 \tmov 0x1c118(%edi),%edx\n 4bad:\tdd 1c f0 \tfstpl (%eax,%esi,8)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:727\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:727\n 4bb0:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:729\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:729\n 4bb3:\t66 83 7f 0a 01 \tcmpw $0x1,0xa(%edi)\n 4bb8:\t8d 42 f8 \tlea -0x8(%edx),%eax\n 4bbb:\t75 03 \tjne 4bc0 \n 4bbd:\t8d 42 fc \tlea -0x4(%edx),%eax\n 4bc0:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 4bc1:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4bc3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4bc4:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4bca:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 4bd0:\te8 fb e6 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:733\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:733\n 4bd5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:729\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:729\n 4bd8:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:733\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:733\n 4bda:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 4bdc:\t0f 85 02 fc ff ff \tjne 47e4 \n 4be2:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4be8:\t3b b0 14 c1 01 00 \tcmp 0x1c114(%eax),%esi\n 4bee:\t0f 8c bd fb ff ff \tjl 47b1 \n 4bf4:\t89 bd 94 fd ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x26c(%ebp)\n 4bfa:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 4bfc:\teb 38 \tjmp 4c36 \n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:162\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:162\n 4bfe:\t75 7c \tjne 4c7c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:163\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:163\n 4c00:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 4c01:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 4c02:\tff b5 88 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x278(%ebp)\n 4c08:\tff b5 84 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x27c(%ebp)\n 4c0e:\te8 2d e6 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 4c13:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 4c16:\te8 25 e5 ff ff \tcall 3140 \n 4c1b:\t8b 95 60 fd ff ff \tmov -0x2a0(%ebp),%edx\n 4c21:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4c24:\tdd 02 \tfldl (%edx)\n 4c26:\tdd 95 78 fd ff ff \tfstl -0x288(%ebp)\n 4c2c:\tdd 1c 30 \tfstpl (%eax,%esi,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:161 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:161 (discriminator 2)\n 4c2f:\t83 85 94 fd ff ff 01 \taddl $0x1,-0x26c(%ebp)\n getnobs():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:636 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:636 (discriminator 1)\n 4c36:\t66 83 3f 00 \tcmpw $0x0,(%edi)\n 4c3a:\t0f 84 10 fe ff ff \tje 4a50 \n readSystat():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:161\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:161\n 4c40:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4c46:\t3b 87 14 c1 01 00 \tcmp 0x1c114(%edi),%eax\n 4c4c:\t0f 8d fe fd ff ff \tjge 4a50 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:162\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:162\n 4c52:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4c58:\t8b 95 74 fd ff ff \tmov -0x28c(%ebp),%edx\n 4c5e:\tdd 04 c2 \tfldl (%edx,%eax,8)\n 4c61:\t8d 34 c5 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%eax,8),%esi\n 4c68:\tdd 95 78 fd ff ff \tfstl -0x288(%ebp)\n 4c6e:\tdd 85 58 fd ff ff \tfldl -0x2a8(%ebp)\n 4c74:\td9 c9 \tfxch %st(1)\n 4c76:\tdf e9 \tfucomip %st(1),%st\n 4c78:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n 4c7a:\t7b 82 \tjnp 4bfe \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:164\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:164\n 4c7c:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 4c7d:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 4c7e:\tff b5 88 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x278(%ebp)\n 4c84:\tff b5 84 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x27c(%ebp)\n 4c8a:\te8 b1 e5 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 4c8f:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 4c92:\te8 a9 e4 ff ff \tcall 3140 \n@@ -1899,72 +1899,72 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 4cb7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4cb8:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4cba:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n 4cbc:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 4cc2:\te8 89 e6 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getdb():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:653\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:653\n 4cc7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4cca:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 4ccd:\t0f 85 11 fb ff ff \tjne 47e4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:655\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:655\n 4cd3:\td9 85 a0 fd ff ff \tflds -0x260(%ebp)\n 4cd9:\te9 bd fe ff ff \tjmp 4b9b \n 4cde:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 4ce4:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 4cea:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4cec:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4cee:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 4cf4:\te8 57 e6 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 4cf9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4cfc:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 4cff:\t74 26 \tje 4d27 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:748\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:748\n 4d01:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:477\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:477\n 4d03:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4d04:\t8d 83 d8 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8f28(%ebx),%eax\n 4d0a:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 4d0c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4d0d:\tff b5 90 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x270(%ebp)\n 4d13:\te8 e8 e4 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 4d18:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 4d1b:\te9 90 ee ff ff \tjmp 3bb0 \n 4d20:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 4d22:\te9 c7 fd ff ff \tjmp 4aee \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:752\n 4d27:\t0f b6 b5 a0 fd ff ff \tmovzbl -0x260(%ebp),%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:476\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:476\n 4d2e:\t83 fe 06 \tcmp $0x6,%esi\n 4d31:\t75 d0 \tjne 4d03 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:481\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:481\n 4d33:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4d39:\t8b 90 10 80 00 00 \tmov 0x8010(%eax),%edx\n 4d3f:\t8b 85 74 fd ff ff \tmov -0x28c(%ebp),%eax\n 4d45:\te8 86 ec ff ff \tcall 39d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x110>\n 4d4a:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 4d4d:\t0f 85 03 f1 ff ff \tjne 3e56 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:483\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:483\n 4d53:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4d59:\t8b 90 10 80 00 00 \tmov 0x8010(%eax),%edx\n 4d5f:\t8b 85 70 fd ff ff \tmov -0x290(%ebp),%eax\n 4d65:\te8 66 ec ff ff \tcall 39d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x110>\n 4d6a:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 4d6d:\t0f 85 e3 f0 ff ff \tjne 3e56 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:485\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:485\n 4d73:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4d79:\t8b 90 10 80 00 00 \tmov 0x8010(%eax),%edx\n 4d7f:\t8b 85 6c fd ff ff \tmov -0x294(%ebp),%eax\n 4d85:\te8 46 ec ff ff \tcall 39d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x110>\n 4d8a:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 4d8d:\t0f 85 c3 f0 ff ff \tjne 3e56 \n fread():\n@@ -1972,22 +1972,22 @@\n 4d93:\t8b 85 94 fd ff ff \tmov -0x26c(%ebp),%eax\n 4d99:\tff b0 10 80 00 00 \tpushl 0x8010(%eax)\n 4d9f:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4da1:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 4da3:\tff b5 8c fd ff ff \tpushl -0x274(%ebp)\n 4da9:\te8 a2 e5 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n getoctal():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:749\n 4dae:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4db1:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 4db4:\t0f 84 7b ef ff ff \tje 3d35 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:748\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:748\n 4dba:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n getlab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/R_systat.c:488\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/R_systat.c:488\n 4dbc:\t8d 83 f4 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8f0c(%ebx),%eax\n 4dc2:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 4dc3:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 4dc5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4dc6:\tff b5 90 fd ff ff \tpushl -0x270(%ebp)\n 4dcc:\te8 2f e4 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n sprintf():\n@@ -1998,195 +1998,195 @@\n 4dd9:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 4ddb:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 4ddd:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 4ddf:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00004de0 :\n Rdbfread():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:33\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:33\n 4de0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 4de1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 4de2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4de3:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 4de4:\te8 e7 ea ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 4de9:\t81 c3 17 92 01 00 \tadd $0x19217,%ebx\n 4def:\t81 ec 04 01 00 00 \tsub $0x104,%esp\n 4df5:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 4dfb:\t89 84 24 f4 00 00 00 \tmov %eax,0xf4(%esp)\n 4e02:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:49\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:49\n 4e04:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 4e06:\tff b4 24 1c 01 00 00 \tpushl 0x11c(%esp)\n 4e0d:\te8 fe e8 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 4e12:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 4e15:\te8 66 e6 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:55\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:55\n 4e1a:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 4e1b:\t8d 93 00 70 ff ff \tlea -0x9000(%ebx),%edx\n 4e21:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 4e22:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 4e23:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4e24:\te8 b7 e7 ff ff \tcall 35e0 \n 4e29:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:56\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:56\n 4e2d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4e30:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 4e32:\t0f 84 43 09 00 00 \tje 577b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:61\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:61\n 4e38:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 4e3b:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 4e3f:\te8 4c e4 ff ff \tcall 3290 \n 4e44:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4e47:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 4e49:\t0f 84 00 09 00 00 \tje 574f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:68\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:68\n 4e4f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 4e52:\t8b 7c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%edi\n 4e56:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 4e57:\te8 34 e4 ff ff \tcall 3290 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:69\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:69\n 4e5c:\t89 7c 24 1c \tmov %edi,0x1c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:68\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:68\n 4e60:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n 4e64:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:69\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:69\n 4e66:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 4e69:\te8 22 e5 ff ff \tcall 3390 \n 4e6e:\t89 44 24 3c \tmov %eax,0x3c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:70\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:70\n 4e72:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 4e73:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 4e74:\t6a 02 \tpush $0x2\n 4e76:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4e77:\te8 54 e2 ff ff \tcall 30d0 \n 4e7c:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:71\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:71\n 4e80:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 4e81:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 4e82:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4e83:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 4e85:\te8 36 e2 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 4e8a:\t89 44 24 44 \tmov %eax,0x44(%esp)\n 4e8e:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 4e91:\te8 0a e8 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:72\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:72\n 4e96:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4e99:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 4e9b:\t0f 8e 15 02 00 00 \tjle 50b6 \n 4ea1:\t8d 84 24 88 00 00 00 \tlea 0x88(%esp),%eax\n 4ea8:\t8d bc 24 8d 00 00 00 \tlea 0x8d(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:67\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:67\n 4eaf:\t31 ed \txor %ebp,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:72\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:72\n 4eb1:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 4eb3:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n 4eb7:\t8d 84 24 84 00 00 00 \tlea 0x84(%esp),%eax\n 4ebe:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n 4ec2:\t8d 84 24 8f 00 00 00 \tlea 0x8f(%esp),%eax\n 4ec9:\t89 7c 24 20 \tmov %edi,0x20(%esp)\n 4ecd:\t8b 7c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edi\n 4ed1:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n 4ed5:\teb 5b \tjmp 4f32 \n 4ed7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 4ede:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:80\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:80\n 4ee0:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n 4ee4:\tb9 02 00 00 00 \tmov $0x2,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:81\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:81\n 4ee9:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:80\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:80\n 4eec:\t66 89 0c 70 \tmov %cx,(%eax,%esi,2)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:94 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:94 (discriminator 2)\n 4ef0:\t8b 47 20 \tmov 0x20(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:95 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:95 (discriminator 2)\n 4ef3:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:94 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:94 (discriminator 2)\n 4ef6:\t0f b6 04 30 \tmovzbl (%eax,%esi,1),%eax\n 4efa:\tc6 84 24 9a 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x9a(%esp)\n 4f01:\t00 \n 4f02:\t88 84 24 99 00 00 00 \tmov %al,0x99(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:95 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:95 (discriminator 2)\n 4f09:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 4f0d:\te8 de e1 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 4f12:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 4f15:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 4f16:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4f17:\tff 74 24 40 \tpushl 0x40(%esp)\n 4f1b:\te8 a0 e4 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:72 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:72 (discriminator 2)\n 4f20:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4f23:\t8d 46 01 \tlea 0x1(%esi),%eax\n 4f26:\t39 44 24 14 \tcmp %eax,0x14(%esp)\n 4f2a:\t0f 84 90 00 00 00 \tje 4fc0 \n 4f30:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:73\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:73\n 4f32:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 4f35:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 4f39:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 4f3d:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 4f41:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 4f42:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 4f43:\te8 68 e6 ff ff \tcall 35b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:74\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:74\n 4f48:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 4f4b:\t83 f8 02 \tcmp $0x2,%eax\n 4f4e:\t74 40 \tje 4f90 \n 4f50:\t77 1e \tja 4f70 \n 4f52:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 4f54:\t75 8a \tjne 4ee0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:76\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:76\n 4f56:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n 4f5a:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:77\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:77\n 4f5f:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:76\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:76\n 4f62:\t66 89 14 70 \tmov %dx,(%eax,%esi,2)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:78\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:78\n 4f66:\teb 88 \tjmp 4ef0 \n 4f68:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 4f6f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:74\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:74\n 4f70:\t83 f8 03 \tcmp $0x3,%eax\n 4f73:\t75 33 \tjne 4fa8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:88\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:88\n 4f75:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n 4f79:\tb9 04 00 00 00 \tmov $0x4,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:89\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:89\n 4f7e:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:88\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:88\n 4f81:\t66 89 0c 70 \tmov %cx,(%eax,%esi,2)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:90\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:90\n 4f85:\te9 66 ff ff ff \tjmp 4ef0 \n 4f8a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:84\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:84\n 4f90:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n 4f94:\tba 03 00 00 00 \tmov $0x3,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:85\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:85\n 4f99:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:84\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:84\n 4f9c:\t66 89 14 70 \tmov %dx,(%eax,%esi,2)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:86\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:86\n 4fa0:\te9 4b ff ff ff \tjmp 4ef0 \n 4fa5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:92\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:92\n 4fa8:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n 4fac:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 4fae:\t66 89 14 70 \tmov %dx,(%eax,%esi,2)\n 4fb2:\te9 39 ff ff ff \tjmp 4ef0 \n 4fb7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 4fbe:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:98\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:98\n 4fc0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 4fc3:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 4fc4:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 4fc6:\te8 f5 e0 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 4fcb:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n 4fcf:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 4fd2:\te8 c9 e6 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:99\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:99\n 4fd7:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 4fd8:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 4fd9:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 4fda:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 4fdc:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 4fde:\t31 ed \txor %ebp,%ebp\n 4fe0:\te8 db e0 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n@@ -2194,326 +2194,326 @@\n 4fe9:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 4fec:\te8 af e6 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n 4ff1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 4ff4:\t89 74 24 28 \tmov %esi,0x28(%esp)\n 4ff8:\t8b 74 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%esi\n 4ffc:\teb 53 \tjmp 5051 \n 4ffe:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:103\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:103\n 5000:\t66 83 f8 02 \tcmp $0x2,%ax\n 5004:\t75 3c \tjne 5042 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:108\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:108\n 5006:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5009:\tff 74 24 34 \tpushl 0x34(%esp)\n 500d:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:114\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:114\n 500f:\te8 ac e0 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 5014:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 5017:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5018:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5019:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 501d:\te8 6e e5 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:115\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:115\n 5022:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:119\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:119\n 5025:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5028:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5029:\te8 c2 e0 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 502e:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 5031:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5032:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:120\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:120\n 5033:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:119\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:119\n 5036:\tff 74 24 44 \tpushl 0x44(%esp)\n 503a:\te8 81 e3 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:120\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:120\n 503f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:100 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:100 (discriminator 2)\n 5042:\t8d 45 01 \tlea 0x1(%ebp),%eax\n 5045:\t39 6c 24 28 \tcmp %ebp,0x28(%esp)\n 5049:\t0f 84 a1 00 00 00 \tje 50f0 \n 504f:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:102\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:102\n 5051:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5054:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 5058:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 505c:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 505d:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 505e:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 5062:\te8 49 e5 ff ff \tcall 35b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:103\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:103\n 5067:\t8b 44 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%eax\n 506b:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 506e:\t0f b7 04 68 \tmovzwl (%eax,%ebp,2),%eax\n 5072:\t66 83 f8 03 \tcmp $0x3,%ax\n 5076:\t74 30 \tje 50a8 \n 5078:\t7f 16 \tjg 5090 \n 507a:\t66 83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%ax\n 507e:\t75 80 \tjne 5000 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:105\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:105\n 5080:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5083:\tff 74 24 34 \tpushl 0x34(%esp)\n 5087:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 5089:\teb 84 \tjmp 500f \n 508b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 508f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:103\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:103\n 5090:\t66 83 f8 04 \tcmp $0x4,%ax\n 5094:\t75 ac \tjne 5042 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:114\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:114\n 5096:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5099:\tff 74 24 34 \tpushl 0x34(%esp)\n 509d:\t6a 0a \tpush $0xa\n 509f:\te9 6b ff ff ff \tjmp 500f \n 50a4:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:111\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:111\n 50a8:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 50ab:\tff 74 24 34 \tpushl 0x34(%esp)\n 50af:\t6a 0e \tpush $0xe\n 50b1:\te9 59 ff ff ff \tjmp 500f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:98\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:98\n 50b6:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 50b9:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 50bb:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 50bd:\te8 fe df ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 50c2:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n 50c6:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 50c9:\te8 d2 e5 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:99\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:99\n 50ce:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 50cf:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 50d0:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 50d2:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 50d4:\te8 e7 df ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 50d9:\t89 44 24 48 \tmov %eax,0x48(%esp)\n 50dd:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 50e0:\te8 bb e5 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n 50e5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 50e8:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 50ef:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:123\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:123\n 50f0:\t8b 4c 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%ecx\n 50f4:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 50f6:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 50f8:\t0f 8e c5 05 00 00 \tjle 56c3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:193\n 50fe:\t8d 83 98 73 ff ff \tlea -0x8c68(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n 5104:\tdd 83 a8 74 ff ff \tfldl -0x8b58(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:164\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:164\n 510a:\t8b 93 c0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x40(%ebx),%edx\n 5110:\t89 7c 24 08 \tmov %edi,0x8(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:193\n 5114:\t89 44 24 6c \tmov %eax,0x6c(%esp)\n 5118:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:130\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:130\n 511e:\t8b 8b e8 ff ff ff \tmov -0x18(%ebx),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:193\n 5124:\t89 44 24 70 \tmov %eax,0x70(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:194\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:194\n 5128:\t8b 83 f4 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n 512e:\tdd 5c 24 48 \tfstpl 0x48(%esp)\n 5132:\tdd 83 b0 74 ff ff \tfldl -0x8b50(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:164\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:164\n 5138:\t89 54 24 3c \tmov %edx,0x3c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:194\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:194\n 513c:\t89 44 24 74 \tmov %eax,0x74(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:190\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:190\n 5140:\t89 44 24 78 \tmov %eax,0x78(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:173\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:173\n 5144:\t89 44 24 40 \tmov %eax,0x40(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:130\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:130\n 5148:\t89 4c 24 44 \tmov %ecx,0x44(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:151\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:151\n 514c:\t89 44 24 68 \tmov %eax,0x68(%esp)\n 5150:\t89 54 24 30 \tmov %edx,0x30(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:139\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:139\n 5154:\t89 44 24 60 \tmov %eax,0x60(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n 5158:\tdd 5c 24 58 \tfstpl 0x58(%esp)\n 515c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:126\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:126\n 5160:\t8b 4c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ecx\n 5164:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 5166:\t0f 8e 84 01 00 00 \tjle 52f0 \n 516c:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:125\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:125\n 5170:\t31 ed \txor %ebp,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:126\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:126\n 5172:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 5174:\t8d 0c 85 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%eax,4),%ecx\n 517b:\tc1 e0 03 \tshl $0x3,%eax\n 517e:\t89 4c 24 24 \tmov %ecx,0x24(%esp)\n 5182:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n 5186:\teb 68 \tjmp 51f0 \n 5188:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 518f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:127\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:127\n 5190:\t66 83 f8 02 \tcmp $0x2,%ax\n 5194:\t75 4d \tjne 51e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:138\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:138\n 5196:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 5199:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 519a:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 519e:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 51a2:\te8 b9 e6 ff ff \tcall 3860 \n 51a7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 51aa:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 51ac:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 51ae:\t0f 84 84 01 00 00 \tje 5338 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:139\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:139\n 51b4:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 51b7:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 51b8:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 51bc:\te8 7f e0 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 51c1:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 51c4:\te8 07 e3 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 51c9:\t8b 4c 24 70 \tmov 0x70(%esp),%ecx\n 51cd:\t8b 11 \tmov (%ecx),%edx\n 51cf:\t8b 4c 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%ecx\n 51d3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 51d6:\t89 14 08 \tmov %edx,(%eax,%ecx,1)\n 51d9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:199\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:199\n 51e0:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:126 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:126 (discriminator 2)\n 51e3:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n 51e6:\t39 74 24 14 \tcmp %esi,0x14(%esp)\n 51ea:\t0f 84 00 01 00 00 \tje 52f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:127\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:127\n 51f0:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n 51f4:\t0f b7 04 70 \tmovzwl (%eax,%esi,2),%eax\n 51f8:\t66 83 f8 03 \tcmp $0x3,%ax\n 51fc:\t0f 84 9e 00 00 00 \tje 52a0 \n 5202:\t7f 4c \tjg 5250 \n 5204:\t66 83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%ax\n 5208:\t75 86 \tjne 5190 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:129\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:129\n 520a:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 520d:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 520e:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 5212:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 5216:\te8 45 e6 ff ff \tcall 3860 \n 521b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 521e:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 5220:\t0f 84 ea 00 00 00 \tje 5310 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:130\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:130\n 5226:\t8b 44 24 44 \tmov 0x44(%esp),%eax\n 522a:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 522d:\t8b 38 \tmov (%eax),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:132\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:132\n 522f:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5230:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 5234:\te8 07 e0 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 5239:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 523c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 523d:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 5241:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5242:\te8 79 e1 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n 5247:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:134\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:134\n 524a:\teb 94 \tjmp 51e0 \n 524c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:127\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:127\n 5250:\t66 83 f8 04 \tcmp $0x4,%ax\n 5254:\t75 8d \tjne 51e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:172\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:172\n 5256:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 5259:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 525a:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 525e:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 5262:\te8 f9 e5 ff ff \tcall 3860 \n 5267:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 526a:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 526c:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 526e:\t0f 84 8c 01 00 00 \tje 5400 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:173\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:173\n 5274:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5277:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5278:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 527c:\te8 bf df ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 5281:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5284:\te8 a7 e1 ff ff \tcall 3430 \n 5289:\t8b 4c 24 50 \tmov 0x50(%esp),%ecx\n 528d:\t8b 11 \tmov (%ecx),%edx\n 528f:\t8b 4c 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%ecx\n 5293:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5296:\t89 14 08 \tmov %edx,(%eax,%ecx,1)\n 5299:\te9 42 ff ff ff \tjmp 51e0 \n 529e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:163\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:163\n 52a0:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 52a3:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 52a4:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 52a8:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 52ac:\te8 af e5 ff ff \tcall 3860 \n 52b1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 52b4:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 52b6:\t0f 84 0c 01 00 00 \tje 53c8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:164\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:164\n 52bc:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 52bf:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 52c0:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 52c4:\te8 77 df ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 52c9:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 52cc:\te8 6f de ff ff \tcall 3140 \n 52d1:\t8b 4c 24 4c \tmov 0x4c(%esp),%ecx\n 52d5:\tdd 01 \tfldl (%ecx)\n 52d7:\t8b 4c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%ecx\n 52db:\tdd 54 24 28 \tfstl 0x28(%esp)\n 52df:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 52e2:\tdd 1c 08 \tfstpl (%eax,%ecx,1)\n 52e5:\te9 f6 fe ff ff \tjmp 51e0 \n 52ea:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:123\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:123\n 52f0:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n 52f4:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 52f7:\t39 44 24 2c \tcmp %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 52fb:\t0f 84 8f 02 00 00 \tje 5590 \n 5301:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n 5305:\te9 56 fe ff ff \tjmp 5160 \n 530a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:132\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:132\n 5310:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 5313:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5314:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 5318:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 531c:\te8 af e2 ff ff \tcall 35d0 \n 5321:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5324:\te8 c7 dd ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 5329:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 532b:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 532c:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 532d:\te9 fd fe ff ff \tjmp 522f \n 5332:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:141\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:141\n 5338:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 533b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 533c:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 5340:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 5344:\te8 e7 df ff ff \tcall 3330 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n 5349:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:141\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:141\n 534c:\td9 c0 \tfld %st(0)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n 534e:\tdd 44 24 48 \tfldl 0x48(%esp)\n 5352:\td9 ca \tfxch %st(2)\n 5354:\tdb f2 \tfcomi %st(2),%st\n 5356:\tdd da \tfstp %st(2)\n 5358:\t0f 87 32 01 00 00 \tja 5490 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:142 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:142 (discriminator 1)\n 535e:\tdd 44 24 58 \tfldl 0x58(%esp)\n 5362:\tdf f2 \tfcomip %st(2),%st\n 5364:\t0f 87 2e 01 00 00 \tja 5498 \n 536a:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n 536c:\tdd 5c 24 18 \tfstpl 0x18(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:157\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:157\n 5370:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5373:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5374:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 5378:\te8 c3 de ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 537d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5380:\te8 4b e1 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 5385:\tdd 44 24 28 \tfldl 0x28(%esp)\n@@ -2525,234 +2525,234 @@\n 539d:\t66 89 84 24 8c 00 00 \tmov %ax,0x8c(%esp)\n 53a4:\t00 \n 53a5:\t8b 44 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%eax\n 53a9:\td9 ac 24 8c 00 00 00 \tfldcw 0x8c(%esp)\n 53b0:\tdb 1c 02 \tfistpl (%edx,%eax,1)\n 53b3:\td9 ac 24 8e 00 00 00 \tfldcw 0x8e(%esp)\n 53ba:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:159\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:159\n 53bd:\te9 1e fe ff ff \tjmp 51e0 \n 53c2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:166\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:166\n 53c8:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 53cb:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 53cc:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 53d0:\te8 6b de ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 53d5:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 53d8:\te8 63 dd ff ff \tcall 3140 \n 53dd:\t8b 54 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:167\n 53e1:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 53e4:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 53e5:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:166\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:166\n 53e9:\t8d 3c 10 \tlea (%eax,%edx,1),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:167\n 53ec:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 53f0:\te8 3b df ff ff \tcall 3330 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:166\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:166\n 53f5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 53f8:\tdd 1f \tfstpl (%edi)\n 53fa:\te9 e1 fd ff ff \tjmp 51e0 \n 53ff:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:175\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:175\n 5400:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 5403:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5404:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 5408:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 540c:\te8 bf e1 ff ff \tcall 35d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:176\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:176\n 5411:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5414:\t0f b6 10 \tmovzbl (%eax),%edx\n 5417:\t8d 42 c1 \tlea -0x3f(%edx),%eax\n 541a:\t3c 3a \tcmp $0x3a,%al\n 541c:\t77 12 \tja 5430 \n 541e:\t0f b6 c0 \tmovzbl %al,%eax\n 5421:\t8b 8c 83 bc 73 ff ff \tmov -0x8c44(%ebx,%eax,4),%ecx\n 5428:\t01 d9 \tadd %ebx,%ecx\n 542a:\tff e1 \tjmp *%ecx\n 542c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 5430:\t88 54 24 18 \tmov %dl,0x18(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:193\n 5434:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 5437:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 5439:\tff 74 24 74 \tpushl 0x74(%esp)\n 543d:\tff 74 24 7c \tpushl 0x7c(%esp)\n 5441:\te8 ba dd ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 5446:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 5447:\t5a \tpop %edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:176\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:176\n 5448:\t0f be 54 24 20 \tmovsbl 0x20(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:193\n 544d:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 544e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 544f:\te8 7c dd ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:194\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:194\n 5454:\t8b 84 24 84 00 00 00 \tmov 0x84(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:195\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:195\n 545b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:194\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:194\n 545e:\t8b 38 \tmov (%eax),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:197\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:197\n 5460:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5463:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5464:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 5468:\te8 d3 dd ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 546d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5470:\te8 bb df ff ff \tcall 3430 \n 5475:\t8b 54 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%edx\n 5479:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 547c:\t89 3c 10 \tmov %edi,(%eax,%edx,1)\n 547f:\te9 5c fd ff ff \tjmp 51e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:190\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:190\n 5484:\t8b 44 24 78 \tmov 0x78(%esp),%eax\n 5488:\t8b 38 \tmov (%eax),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:191\n 548a:\teb d4 \tjmp 5460 \n 548c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 5490:\tdd d9 \tfstp %st(1)\n 5492:\teb 06 \tjmp 549a \n 5494:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 5498:\tdd d9 \tfstp %st(1)\n 549a:\tdd 5c 24 50 \tfstpl 0x50(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:145\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:145\n 549e:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 54a1:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 54a2:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 54a6:\te8 95 dd ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 54ab:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 54ae:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n 54b2:\te8 e9 e1 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:146\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:146\n 54b7:\t8b 54 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%edx\n 54bb:\t89 14 24 \tmov %edx,(%esp)\n 54be:\te8 0d e0 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 54c3:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:147\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:147\n 54c7:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 54c8:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 54c9:\tff 74 24 34 \tpushl 0x34(%esp)\n 54cd:\t6a 0e \tpush $0xe\n 54cf:\te8 ec db ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 54d4:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 54d7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 54d8:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 54d9:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 54dd:\te8 ae e0 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:148\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:148\n 54e2:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 54e3:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 54e4:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 54e5:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 54e9:\te8 52 dd ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 54ee:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 54f1:\te8 4a dc ff ff \tcall 3140 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:149\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:149\n 54f6:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 54f9:\tdd 44 24 50 \tfldl 0x50(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:148\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:148\n 54fd:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:149\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:149\n 54ff:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n 5503:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 5505:\t74 4b \tje 5552 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:151\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:151\n 5507:\t8b 44 24 68 \tmov 0x68(%esp),%eax\n 550b:\t89 6c 24 50 \tmov %ebp,0x50(%esp)\n 550f:\t89 74 24 64 \tmov %esi,0x64(%esp)\n 5513:\t8b 6c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%ebp\n 5517:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n 5519:\t8b 74 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%esi\n 551d:\teb 13 \tjmp 5532 \n 551f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:151 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:151 (discriminator 1)\n 5520:\t89 54 24 18 \tmov %edx,0x18(%esp)\n 5524:\tdb 44 24 18 \tfildl 0x18(%esp)\n 5528:\tdd 1c f9 \tfstpl (%ecx,%edi,8)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:149 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:149 (discriminator 1)\n 552b:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 552e:\t39 f7 \tcmp %esi,%edi\n 5530:\t74 18 \tje 554a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:150\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:150\n 5532:\t8b 54 bd 00 \tmov 0x0(%ebp,%edi,4),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:151\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:151\n 5536:\t39 d0 \tcmp %edx,%eax\n 5538:\t75 e6 \tjne 5520 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:151 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:151 (discriminator 2)\n 553a:\t8b 54 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%edx\n 553e:\tdd 02 \tfldl (%edx)\n 5540:\tdd 1c f9 \tfstpl (%ecx,%edi,8)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:149 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:149 (discriminator 2)\n 5543:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 5546:\t39 f7 \tcmp %esi,%edi\n 5548:\t75 e8 \tjne 5532 \n 554a:\t8b 6c 24 50 \tmov 0x50(%esp),%ebp\n 554e:\t8b 74 24 64 \tmov 0x64(%esp),%esi\n 5552:\t89 4c 24 50 \tmov %ecx,0x50(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:153\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:153\n 5556:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5559:\tdd 5c 24 24 \tfstpl 0x24(%esp)\n 555d:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 555f:\te8 bc de ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:154\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:154\n 5564:\tdd 44 24 28 \tfldl 0x28(%esp)\n 5568:\t8b 44 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%eax\n 556c:\t8b 4c 24 60 \tmov 0x60(%esp),%ecx\n 5570:\tdd 1c 01 \tfstpl (%ecx,%eax,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:155\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:155\n 5573:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 5577:\tb9 03 00 00 00 \tmov $0x3,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n 557c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:155\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:155\n 557f:\t66 89 0c 70 \tmov %cx,(%eax,%esi,2)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:142\n 5583:\te9 58 fc ff ff \tjmp 51e0 \n 5588:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 558f:\t90 \tnop\n 5590:\t8b 7c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:205\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:205\n 5594:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:210\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:210\n 5597:\t31 ed \txor %ebp,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:205\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:205\n 5599:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 559d:\te8 de da ff ff \tcall 3080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:206\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:206\n 55a2:\t8d 83 7f 73 ff ff \tlea -0x8c81(%ebx),%eax\n 55a8:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 55ab:\te8 30 db ff ff \tcall 30e0 \n 55b0:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 55b3:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 55b5:\te8 e6 e0 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:207\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:207\n 55ba:\t8b 83 bc ff ff ff \tmov -0x44(%ebx),%eax\n 55c0:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 55c3:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 55c4:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 55c6:\t8b 74 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%esi\n 55ca:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 55cb:\te8 a0 df ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:208\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:208\n 55d0:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n 55d6:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 55d9:\tff 74 24 3c \tpushl 0x3c(%esp)\n 55dd:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 55df:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 55e0:\te8 8b df ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:209\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:209\n 55e5:\t8d 83 8a 73 ff ff \tlea -0x8c76(%ebx),%eax\n 55eb:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 55ee:\te8 9d e0 ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 55f3:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 55f6:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 55fa:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 55fb:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 55fc:\te8 6f df ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:210\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:210\n 5601:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 5602:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 5603:\tff 74 24 34 \tpushl 0x34(%esp)\n 5607:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 5609:\te8 b2 da ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 560e:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n 5612:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n@@ -2765,139 +2765,139 @@\n 5632:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 5634:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36 (discriminator 3)\n 5638:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 563b:\t89 ee \tmov %ebp,%esi\n Rdbfread():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:212 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:212 (discriminator 3)\n 563d:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36 (discriminator 3)\n 5640:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5641:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 5645:\t6a 51 \tpush $0x51\n 5647:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 5649:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 564a:\te8 61 e2 ff ff \tcall 38b0 <__sprintf_chk@plt>\n Rdbfread():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:213 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:213 (discriminator 3)\n 564f:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n 5652:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5653:\te8 98 da ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 5658:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 565b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 565c:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 565d:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 5661:\te8 5a dd ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:211 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:211 (discriminator 3)\n 5666:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5669:\t3b 74 24 10 \tcmp 0x10(%esp),%esi\n 566d:\t75 c9 \tjne 5638 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:215\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:215\n 566f:\t8b 83 f0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x10(%ebx),%eax\n 5675:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 5678:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 567c:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 567e:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 5682:\te8 e9 de ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:217\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:217\n 5687:\tc7 04 24 05 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x5,(%esp)\n 568e:\te8 8d dd ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:218\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:218\n 5693:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:219\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:219\n 5696:\t8b 84 24 ec 00 00 00 \tmov 0xec(%esp),%eax\n 569d:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 56a4:\t0f 85 dc 00 00 00 \tjne 5786 \n 56aa:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 56ae:\t81 c4 fc 00 00 00 \tadd $0xfc,%esp\n 56b4:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 56b5:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 56b6:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 56b7:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 56b8:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:176\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:176\n 56b9:\tbf 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edi\n 56be:\te9 9d fd ff ff \tjmp 5460 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:205\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:205\n 56c3:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 56c6:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 56ca:\te8 b1 d9 ff ff \tcall 3080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:206\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:206\n 56cf:\t8d 83 7f 73 ff ff \tlea -0x8c81(%ebx),%eax\n 56d5:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 56d8:\te8 03 da ff ff \tcall 30e0 \n 56dd:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 56e0:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 56e2:\te8 b9 df ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:207\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:207\n 56e7:\t8b 83 bc ff ff ff \tmov -0x44(%ebx),%eax\n 56ed:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 56f0:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 56f1:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 56f3:\t8b 7c 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%edi\n 56f7:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 56f8:\te8 73 de ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:208\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:208\n 56fd:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n 5703:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 5706:\tff 74 24 3c \tpushl 0x3c(%esp)\n 570a:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 570c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 570d:\te8 5e de ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:209\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:209\n 5712:\t8d 83 8a 73 ff ff \tlea -0x8c76(%ebx),%eax\n 5718:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 571b:\te8 70 df ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 5720:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 5723:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 5727:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5728:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5729:\te8 42 de ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:210\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:210\n 572e:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 572f:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 5730:\tff 74 24 34 \tpushl 0x34(%esp)\n 5734:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 5736:\te8 85 d9 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 573b:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n 573f:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5742:\te8 59 df ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n 5747:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 574a:\te9 20 ff ff ff \tjmp 566f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:63\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:63\n 574f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5752:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 5756:\te8 25 d9 ff ff \tcall 3080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:64\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:64\n 575b:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 575e:\t8d 83 68 73 ff ff \tlea -0x8c98(%ebx),%eax\n 5764:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 5766:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5767:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 576d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 576e:\te8 8d da ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 5773:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5776:\te8 65 da ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:56 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:56 (discriminator 1)\n 577b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 577c:\t8d 83 50 73 ff ff \tlea -0x8cb0(%ebx),%eax\n 5782:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 5784:\teb e0 \tjmp 5766 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfread.c:219\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfread.c:219\n 5786:\te8 15 ed 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n .L47():\n 578b:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 578d:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 578f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00005790 :\n DoWritedbf():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:46\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:46\n 5790:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5791:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5792:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5793:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 5794:\te8 37 e1 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 5799:\t81 c3 67 88 01 00 \tadd $0x18867,%ebx\n 579f:\t83 ec 58 \tsub $0x58,%esp\n@@ -2909,99 +2909,99 @@\n 57b6:\t8b 44 24 78 \tmov 0x78(%esp),%eax\n 57ba:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n 57be:\t8b 44 24 7c \tmov 0x7c(%esp),%eax\n 57c2:\t89 44 24 34 \tmov %eax,0x34(%esp)\n 57c6:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 57cc:\t89 44 24 48 \tmov %eax,0x48(%esp)\n 57d0:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:49\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:49\n 57d2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 57d3:\te8 98 df ff ff \tcall 3770 \n 57d8:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 57db:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 57dd:\t0f 84 7d 04 00 00 \tje 5c60 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:52\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:52\n 57e3:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 57e6:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 57e8:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 57e9:\te8 22 df ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 57ee:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 57f1:\te8 8a dc ff ff \tcall 3480 \n 57f6:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 57f9:\te8 d2 df ff ff \tcall 37d0 \n 57fe:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5801:\te8 4a e0 ff ff \tcall 3850 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:53\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:53\n 5806:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:52\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:52\n 5809:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:53\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:53\n 580b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 580d:\t0f 84 42 04 00 00 \tje 5c55 \n Rdbfwrite():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:69\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:69\n 5813:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n 5819:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 581c:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 581e:\t8b 7c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%edi\n 5822:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5823:\te8 08 e0 ff ff \tcall 3830 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:71\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:71\n 5828:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:69\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:69\n 582b:\t89 44 24 3c \tmov %eax,0x3c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:71\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:71\n 582f:\te8 ec dd ff ff \tcall 3620 \n 5834:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:72\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:72\n 5838:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 5839:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 583a:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 583c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:73\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:73\n 583d:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:72\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:72\n 583f:\te8 fc d9 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 5844:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5847:\te8 d4 dd ff ff \tcall 3620 \n 584c:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:73\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:73\n 5850:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5853:\t8b 44 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%eax\n 5857:\t8d 4c 24 3b \tlea 0x3b(%esp),%ecx\n 585b:\t8d 74 24 30 \tlea 0x30(%esp),%esi\n 585f:\t89 4c 24 10 \tmov %ecx,0x10(%esp)\n 5863:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 5865:\t0f 8e b0 00 00 00 \tjle 591b \n 586b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 586f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:74\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:74\n 5870:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5873:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5874:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 5878:\te8 93 de ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 587d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5880:\te8 fb db ff ff \tcall 3480 \n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 5885:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 5888:\t6a 0b \tpush $0xb\n 588a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 588b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 588c:\te8 2f dd ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n Rdbfwrite():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:75\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:75\n 5891:\tc6 44 24 4b 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x4b(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:76\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:76\n 5896:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 5897:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 589b:\te8 30 dc ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 58a0:\t8b 04 b8 \tmov (%eax,%edi,4),%eax\n 58a3:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:77\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:77\n 58a7:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 58a8:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 58a9:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 58aa:\tff 74 24 34 \tpushl 0x34(%esp)\n 58ae:\te8 5d de ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 58b3:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 58b6:\te8 c5 db ff ff \tcall 3480 \n@@ -3014,452 +3014,452 @@\n 58cf:\t8b 8c 83 04 75 ff ff \tmov -0x8afc(%ebx,%eax,4),%ecx\n 58d6:\t01 d9 \tadd %ebx,%ecx\n 58d8:\tff e1 \tjmp *%ecx\n 58da:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n 58e0:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 58e2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n nameMangleOut():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:40\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:40\n 58e8:\t80 38 2e \tcmpb $0x2e,(%eax)\n 58eb:\t75 03 \tjne 58f0 \n 58ed:\tc6 00 5f \tmovb $0x5f,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:39\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:39\n 58f0:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 58f3:\t3b 44 24 10 \tcmp 0x10(%esp),%eax\n 58f7:\t75 ef \tjne 58e8 \n Rdbfwrite():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:79\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:79\n 58f9:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 58fc:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 58fe:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 5902:\t6a 03 \tpush $0x3\n 5904:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5905:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5906:\te8 b5 db ff ff \tcall 34c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:80\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:80\n 590b:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:73\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:73\n 590e:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 5911:\t39 7c 24 18 \tcmp %edi,0x18(%esp)\n 5915:\t0f 85 55 ff ff ff \tjne 5870 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:102\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:102\n 591b:\t8b 4c 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%ecx\n 591f:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 5921:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 5923:\t0f 8e 14 01 00 00 \tjle 5a3d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:129\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:129\n 5929:\t8b 83 e8 ff ff ff \tmov -0x18(%ebx),%eax\n 592f:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:107\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:107\n 5933:\t8b 83 f4 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc(%ebx),%eax\n 5939:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:115\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:115\n 593d:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n 5941:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:103\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:103\n 5948:\t8d 04 fd 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%edi,8),%eax\n 594f:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 5951:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n 5955:\t8d 04 bd 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%edi,4),%eax\n 595c:\t89 44 24 10 \tmov %eax,0x10(%esp)\n 5960:\t8b 44 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%eax\n 5964:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 5966:\t7f 53 \tjg 59bb \n 5968:\te9 c3 00 00 00 \tjmp 5a30 \n 596d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:106\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:106\n 5970:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5973:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5974:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 5978:\te8 c3 d8 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 597d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5980:\te8 ab da ff ff \tcall 3430 \n 5985:\t8b 4c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:107\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:107\n 5989:\t8b 54 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%edx\n 598d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:106\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:106\n 5990:\t8b 04 08 \tmov (%eax,%ecx,1),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:107\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:107\n 5993:\t3b 02 \tcmp (%edx),%eax\n 5995:\t0f 84 7d 02 00 00 \tje 5c18 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:110\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:110\n 599b:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 599e:\t19 c0 \tsbb %eax,%eax\n 59a0:\t83 e0 f2 \tand $0xfffffff2,%eax\n 59a3:\t83 c0 54 \tadd $0x54,%eax\n 59a6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 59a7:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 59a8:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 59a9:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 59aa:\te8 71 d8 ff ff \tcall 3220 \n 59af:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:103\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:103\n 59b2:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n 59b5:\t39 74 24 18 \tcmp %esi,0x18(%esp)\n 59b9:\t74 75 \tje 5a30 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:104\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:104\n 59bb:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 59be:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 59bf:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 59c3:\te8 78 d8 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 59c8:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 59cb:\te8 20 d8 ff ff \tcall 31f0 \n 59d0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 59d3:\t83 f8 0e \tcmp $0xe,%eax\n 59d6:\t0f 84 a4 01 00 00 \tje 5b80 \n 59dc:\t0f 8f 56 01 00 00 \tjg 5b38 \n 59e2:\t83 f8 0a \tcmp $0xa,%eax\n 59e5:\t74 89 \tje 5970 \n 59e7:\t83 f8 0d \tcmp $0xd,%eax\n 59ea:\t0f 85 40 02 00 00 \tjne 5c30 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:114\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:114\n 59f0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 59f3:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 59f4:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 59f8:\te8 43 d8 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 59fd:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5a00:\te8 cb da ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 5a05:\t8b 4c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:115\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:115\n 5a09:\t8b 54 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%edx\n 5a0d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:114\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:114\n 5a10:\t8b 04 08 \tmov (%eax,%ecx,1),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:115\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:115\n 5a13:\t3b 02 \tcmp (%edx),%eax\n 5a15:\t0f 84 fd 01 00 00 \tje 5c18 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:118\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:118\n 5a1b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5a1c:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:103\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:103\n 5a1d:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:118\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:118\n 5a20:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5a21:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5a22:\te8 89 d6 ff ff \tcall 30b0 \n 5a27:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:103\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:103\n 5a2a:\t39 74 24 18 \tcmp %esi,0x18(%esp)\n 5a2e:\t75 8b \tjne 59bb \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:102\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:102\n 5a30:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 5a33:\t39 7c 24 1c \tcmp %edi,0x1c(%esp)\n 5a37:\t0f 85 0b ff ff ff \tjne 5948 \n DoWritedbf():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:56\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:56\n 5a3d:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5a40:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5a41:\te8 3a d6 ff ff \tcall 3080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:57\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:57\n 5a46:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5a49:\t8b 83 ac ff ff ff \tmov -0x54(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:58\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:58\n 5a4f:\t8b 54 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%edx\n 5a53:\t65 33 15 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:57\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:57\n 5a5a:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:58\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:58\n 5a5c:\t0f 85 ee 01 00 00 \tjne 5c50 \n 5a62:\t83 c4 4c \tadd $0x4c,%esp\n 5a65:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 5a66:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 5a67:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 5a68:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 5a69:\tc3 \tret \n 5a6a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n Rdbfwrite():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:83\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:83\n 5a70:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5a73:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5a74:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 5a78:\te8 c3 d7 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 5a7d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5a80:\te8 6b d7 ff ff \tcall 31f0 \n 5a85:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5a88:\t83 f8 0d \tcmp $0xd,%eax\n 5a8b:\t0f 85 2f 01 00 00 \tjne 5bc0 \n 5a91:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 5a93:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 5a97:\t90 \tnop\n nameMangleOut():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:40\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:40\n 5a98:\t80 38 2e \tcmpb $0x2e,(%eax)\n 5a9b:\t75 03 \tjne 5aa0 \n 5a9d:\tc6 00 5f \tmovb $0x5f,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:39\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:39\n 5aa0:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 5aa3:\t3b 44 24 10 \tcmp 0x10(%esp),%eax\n 5aa7:\t75 ef \tjne 5a98 \n Rdbfwrite():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:84\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:84\n 5aa9:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5aac:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 5aae:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 5ab2:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 5ab4:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5ab5:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5ab6:\te8 05 da ff ff \tcall 34c0 \n 5abb:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 5abe:\te9 4b fe ff ff \tjmp 590e \n 5ac3:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 5ac7:\t90 \tnop\n 5ac8:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 5aca:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n nameMangleOut():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:40\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:40\n 5ad0:\t80 38 2e \tcmpb $0x2e,(%eax)\n 5ad3:\t75 03 \tjne 5ad8 \n 5ad5:\tc6 00 5f \tmovb $0x5f,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:39\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:39\n 5ad8:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 5adb:\t3b 44 24 10 \tcmp 0x10(%esp),%eax\n 5adf:\t75 ef \tjne 5ad0 \n Rdbfwrite():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:94\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:94\n 5ae1:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5ae4:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 5ae6:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n 5ae8:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n 5aea:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5aeb:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5aec:\te8 cf d9 ff ff \tcall 34c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:95\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:95\n 5af1:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 5af4:\te9 15 fe ff ff \tjmp 590e \n 5af9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 5b00:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 5b02:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n nameMangleOut():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:40\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:40\n 5b08:\t80 38 2e \tcmpb $0x2e,(%eax)\n 5b0b:\t75 03 \tjne 5b10 \n 5b0d:\tc6 00 5f \tmovb $0x5f,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:39\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:39\n 5b10:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 5b13:\t39 44 24 10 \tcmp %eax,0x10(%esp)\n 5b17:\t75 ef \tjne 5b08 \n Rdbfwrite():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:91\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:91\n 5b19:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5b1c:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 5b1e:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 5b22:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 5b24:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5b25:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5b26:\te8 95 d9 ff ff \tcall 34c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:92\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:92\n 5b2b:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 5b2e:\te9 db fd ff ff \tjmp 590e \n 5b33:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 5b37:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:104\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:104\n 5b38:\t83 f8 10 \tcmp $0x10,%eax\n 5b3b:\t0f 85 ef 00 00 00 \tjne 5c30 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:128\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:128\n 5b41:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5b44:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5b45:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 5b49:\te8 f2 d6 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 5b4e:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 5b4f:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 5b50:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5b51:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5b52:\te8 b9 db ff ff \tcall 3710 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:129\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:129\n 5b57:\t8b 54 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%edx\n 5b5b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5b5e:\t3b 02 \tcmp (%edx),%eax\n 5b60:\t0f 84 b2 00 00 00 \tje 5c18 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:132\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:132\n 5b66:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5b69:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5b6a:\te8 11 d9 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n 5b6f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5b70:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5b71:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5b72:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5b73:\te8 58 db ff ff \tcall 36d0 \n 5b78:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 5b7b:\te9 32 fe ff ff \tjmp 59b2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:121\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:121\n 5b80:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5b83:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5b84:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 5b88:\te8 b3 d6 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 5b8d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5b90:\te8 ab d5 ff ff \tcall 3140 \n 5b95:\t8b 4c 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:122\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:122\n 5b99:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:121\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:121\n 5b9c:\tdd 04 08 \tfldl (%eax,%ecx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:122\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:122\n 5b9f:\tdb e8 \tfucomi %st(0),%st\n 5ba1:\t7a 6d \tjp 5c10 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:125\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:125\n 5ba3:\t83 ec 14 \tsub $0x14,%esp\n 5ba6:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n 5ba9:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5baa:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5bab:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5bac:\te8 8f dc ff ff \tcall 3840 \n 5bb1:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 5bb4:\te9 f9 fd ff ff \tjmp 59b2 \n 5bb9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:88\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:88\n 5bc0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5bc3:\tff 74 24 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esp)\n 5bc7:\te8 04 d9 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:87\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:87\n 5bcc:\t8d 0c bd 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%edi,4),%ecx\n 5bd3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5bd6:\t8b 14 08 \tmov (%eax,%ecx,1),%edx\n nameMangleOut():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:39\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:39\n 5bd9:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 5bdb:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 5bdf:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:40\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:40\n 5be0:\t80 38 2e \tcmpb $0x2e,(%eax)\n 5be3:\t75 03 \tjne 5be8 \n 5be5:\tc6 00 5f \tmovb $0x5f,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:39\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:39\n 5be8:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 5beb:\t3b 44 24 10 \tcmp 0x10(%esp),%eax\n 5bef:\t75 ef \tjne 5be0 \n Rdbfwrite():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:87\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:87\n 5bf1:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5bf4:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 5bf5:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 5bf9:\t6a 02 \tpush $0x2\n 5bfb:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5bfc:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5bfd:\te8 be d8 ff ff \tcall 34c0 \n 5c02:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 5c05:\te9 04 fd ff ff \tjmp 590e \n 5c0a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n 5c10:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n 5c12:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:130\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:130\n 5c18:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 5c1b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5c1c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5c1d:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5c1e:\te8 4d da ff ff \tcall 3670 \n 5c23:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5c26:\te9 87 fd ff ff \tjmp 59b2 \n 5c2b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 5c2f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:135\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:135\n 5c30:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 5c33:\t8d 83 ef 74 ff ff \tlea -0x8b11(%ebx),%eax\n 5c39:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n DoWritedbf():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:53 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:53 (discriminator 1)\n 5c3b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5c3c:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 5c42:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5c43:\te8 b8 d5 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 5c48:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5c4b:\te8 90 d5 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:58\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:58\n 5c50:\te8 4b e8 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:53 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:53 (discriminator 1)\n 5c55:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5c56:\t8d 83 db 74 ff ff \tlea -0x8b25(%ebx),%eax\n 5c5c:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 5c5e:\teb db \tjmp 5c3b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/Rdbfwrite.c:50\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/Rdbfwrite.c:50\n 5c60:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5c61:\t8d 83 b8 74 ff ff \tlea -0x8b48(%ebx),%eax\n 5c67:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 5c69:\teb d0 \tjmp 5c3b \n .L30():\n 5c6b:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 5c6d:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 5c6f:\t90 \tnop\n getListElement():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:432\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:432\n 5c70:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5c71:\t89 d5 \tmov %edx,%ebp\n 5c73:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5c74:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 5c76:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:440\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:440\n 5c77:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:432\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:432\n 5c79:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 5c7a:\te8 51 dc ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 5c7f:\t81 c3 81 83 01 00 \tadd $0x18381,%ebx\n 5c85:\t83 ec 24 \tsub $0x24,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:438\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:438\n 5c88:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n 5c8e:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 5c90:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5c91:\te8 9a db ff ff \tcall 3830 \n 5c96:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:440\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:440\n 5c9a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5c9d:\teb 29 \tjmp 5cc8 \n 5c9f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:441\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:441\n 5ca0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5ca3:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5ca4:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 5ca8:\te8 63 da ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 5cad:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5cb0:\te8 cb d7 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:442\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:442\n 5cb5:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 5cb6:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 5cb7:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5cb8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5cb9:\te8 e2 d3 ff ff \tcall 30a0 \n 5cbe:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5cc1:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 5cc3:\t74 23 \tje 5ce8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:440 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:440 (discriminator 2)\n 5cc5:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:440 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:440 (discriminator 1)\n 5cc8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5ccb:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5ccc:\te8 5f d3 ff ff \tcall 3030 \n 5cd1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5cd4:\t39 f0 \tcmp %esi,%eax\n 5cd6:\t7f c8 \tjg 5ca0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:448\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:448\n 5cd8:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:434\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:434\n 5cdb:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:448\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:448\n 5cdd:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 5cde:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 5cdf:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 5ce0:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 5ce1:\tc3 \tret \n 5ce2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:443\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:443\n 5ce8:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 5ceb:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5cec:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5ced:\te8 4e d5 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:444\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:444\n 5cf2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:448\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:448\n 5cf5:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n 5cf8:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 5cf9:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 5cfa:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 5cfb:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 5cfc:\tc3 \tret \n 5cfd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n next_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:282\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:282\n 5d00:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5d01:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n 5d03:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 5d04:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5d05:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 5d06:\te8 c5 db ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 5d0b:\t81 c3 f5 82 01 00 \tadd $0x182f5,%ebx\n@@ -3484,93 +3484,93 @@\n 5d73:\t8b 84 24 58 01 00 00 \tmov 0x158(%esp),%eax\n 5d7a:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 5d7e:\t8b 84 24 5c 01 00 00 \tmov 0x15c(%esp),%eax\n 5d85:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n 5d89:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 5d8f:\t89 84 24 14 01 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x114(%esp)\n 5d96:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:288\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:288\n 5d98:\t68 8c 00 00 00 \tpush $0x8c\n 5d9d:\t89 4c 24 0c \tmov %ecx,0xc(%esp)\n 5da1:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 5da2:\te8 49 d9 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n 5da7:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:290\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:290\n 5dab:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5dae:\t8b 14 24 \tmov (%esp),%edx\n 5db1:\t8d 70 10 \tlea 0x10(%eax),%esi\n 5db4:\t8d 44 24 7f \tlea 0x7f(%esp),%eax\n 5db8:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n 5dbc:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 5dbe:\t0f 8e e2 01 00 00 \tjle 5fa6 \n 5dc4:\t89 6c 24 04 \tmov %ebp,0x4(%esp)\n 5dc8:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 5dca:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:291\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:291\n 5dd0:\t8b 6c 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%ebp\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:292\n 5dd4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n get_nam_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:119\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:119\n 5dd7:\tc6 84 2c 8b 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x8b(%esp,%ebp,1)\n 5dde:\t00 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:292\n 5ddf:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 5de3:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5de4:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 5de6:\t68 8d 00 00 00 \tpush $0x8d\n 5deb:\tff 74 24 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esp)\n 5def:\te8 5c d8 ff ff \tcall 3650 <__fread_chk@plt>\n get_nam_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:121\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:121\n 5df4:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 5df7:\t39 c5 \tcmp %eax,%ebp\n 5df9:\t74 35 \tje 5e30 \n next_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:292\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:292\n 5dfb:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 5dfe:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 5e02:\te8 49 d9 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:293\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:293\n 5e07:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 5e0a:\t8d 83 34 75 ff ff \tlea -0x8acc(%ebx),%eax\n 5e10:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:303\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:303\n 5e12:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5e13:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 5e19:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 5e1a:\te8 e1 d3 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 5e1f:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 5e22:\te8 b9 d3 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 5e27:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 5e2e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n get_nam_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:124\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:124\n 5e30:\t0f b7 44 24 7f \tmovzwl 0x7f(%esp),%eax\n next_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:290\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:290\n 5e35:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 5e38:\t81 c6 8c 00 00 00 \tadd $0x8c,%esi\n get_nam_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:124\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:124\n 5e3e:\t66 c1 c0 08 \trol $0x8,%ax\n 5e42:\t66 89 86 64 ff ff ff \tmov %ax,-0x9c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:125\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:125\n 5e49:\t0f b7 84 24 81 00 00 \tmovzwl 0x81(%esp),%eax\n 5e50:\t00 \n 5e51:\t66 c1 c0 08 \trol $0x8,%ax\n 5e55:\t66 89 86 66 ff ff ff \tmov %ax,-0x9a(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:126\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:126\n 5e5c:\t0f b7 84 24 83 00 00 \tmovzwl 0x83(%esp),%eax\n 5e63:\t00 \n 5e64:\t66 c1 c0 08 \trol $0x8,%ax\n 5e68:\t66 89 86 68 ff ff ff \tmov %ax,-0x98(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:127\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:127\n 5e6f:\t0f b7 84 24 85 00 00 \tmovzwl 0x85(%esp),%eax\n 5e76:\t00 \n 5e77:\t66 c1 c0 08 \trol $0x8,%ax\n 5e7b:\t66 89 86 6a ff ff ff \tmov %ax,-0x96(%esi)\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 5e82:\t8b 84 24 87 00 00 00 \tmov 0x87(%esp),%eax\n@@ -3598,329 +3598,329 @@\n 5eff:\t8b 84 24 b3 00 00 00 \tmov 0xb3(%esp),%eax\n 5f06:\t89 46 98 \tmov %eax,-0x68(%esi)\n 5f09:\t8b 84 24 b7 00 00 00 \tmov 0xb7(%esp),%eax\n 5f10:\t8b 94 24 bb 00 00 00 \tmov 0xbb(%esp),%edx\n 5f17:\t89 46 9c \tmov %eax,-0x64(%esi)\n 5f1a:\t89 56 a0 \tmov %edx,-0x60(%esi)\n get_nam_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:131\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:131\n 5f1d:\t0f b7 84 24 bf 00 00 \tmovzwl 0xbf(%esp),%eax\n 5f24:\t00 \n 5f25:\t66 c1 c0 08 \trol $0x8,%ax\n 5f29:\t66 89 46 a4 \tmov %ax,-0x5c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:132\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:132\n 5f2d:\t0f b7 84 24 c1 00 00 \tmovzwl 0xc1(%esp),%eax\n 5f34:\t00 \n 5f35:\t66 c1 c0 08 \trol $0x8,%ax\n 5f39:\t66 89 46 a6 \tmov %ax,-0x5a(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:133\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:133\n 5f3d:\t0f b7 84 24 c3 00 00 \tmovzwl 0xc3(%esp),%eax\n 5f44:\t00 \n 5f45:\t66 c1 c0 08 \trol $0x8,%ax\n 5f49:\t66 89 46 a8 \tmov %ax,-0x58(%esi)\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 5f4d:\t0f b7 84 24 c5 00 00 \tmovzwl 0xc5(%esp),%eax\n 5f54:\t00 \n 5f55:\t66 89 46 aa \tmov %ax,-0x56(%esi)\n 5f59:\t8b 84 24 c7 00 00 00 \tmov 0xc7(%esp),%eax\n 5f60:\t8b 94 24 cb 00 00 00 \tmov 0xcb(%esp),%edx\n 5f67:\t89 46 ac \tmov %eax,-0x54(%esi)\n 5f6a:\t89 56 b0 \tmov %edx,-0x50(%esi)\n get_nam_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:136\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:136\n 5f6d:\t0f b7 84 24 cf 00 00 \tmovzwl 0xcf(%esp),%eax\n 5f74:\t00 \n 5f75:\t66 c1 c0 08 \trol $0x8,%ax\n 5f79:\t66 89 46 b4 \tmov %ax,-0x4c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:137\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:137\n 5f7d:\t0f b7 84 24 d1 00 00 \tmovzwl 0xd1(%esp),%eax\n 5f84:\t00 \n 5f85:\t66 c1 c0 08 \trol $0x8,%ax\n 5f89:\t66 89 46 b6 \tmov %ax,-0x4a(%esi)\n next_xport_info():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 5f8d:\t8b 84 24 d3 00 00 00 \tmov 0xd3(%esp),%eax\n 5f94:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n get_nam_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:138\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:138\n 5f96:\t89 46 b8 \tmov %eax,-0x48(%esi)\n next_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:290\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:290\n 5f99:\t39 3c 24 \tcmp %edi,(%esp)\n 5f9c:\t0f 85 2e fe ff ff \tjne 5dd0 \n 5fa2:\t8b 6c 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:297\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:297\n 5fa6:\t8b 0c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ecx\n 5fa9:\t0f af 4c 24 3c \timul 0x3c(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:298\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:298\n 5fae:\tba 67 66 66 66 \tmov $0x66666667,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:297\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:297\n 5fb3:\t8b 44 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%eax\n 5fb7:\t81 c1 e0 01 00 00 \tadd $0x1e0,%ecx\n 5fbd:\t89 08 \tmov %ecx,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:298\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:298\n 5fbf:\t89 c8 \tmov %ecx,%eax\n 5fc1:\tf7 ea \timul %edx\n 5fc3:\t89 c8 \tmov %ecx,%eax\n 5fc5:\tc1 f8 1f \tsar $0x1f,%eax\n 5fc8:\tc1 fa 05 \tsar $0x5,%edx\n 5fcb:\t29 c2 \tsub %eax,%edx\n 5fcd:\t8d 04 92 \tlea (%edx,%edx,4),%eax\n 5fd0:\tc1 e0 04 \tshl $0x4,%eax\n 5fd3:\t29 c1 \tsub %eax,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:299\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:299\n 5fd5:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 5fd7:\t7e 24 \tjle 5ffd \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:300\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:300\n 5fd9:\tbe 50 00 00 00 \tmov $0x50,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:301\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:301\n 5fde:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:300\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:300\n 5fe1:\t29 ce \tsub %ecx,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:301\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:301\n 5fe3:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 5fe5:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 5fe6:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5fe7:\te8 e4 d2 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n 5fec:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 5fef:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 5ff1:\t0f 85 e1 04 00 00 \tjne 64d8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:305\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:305\n 5ff7:\t8b 44 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%eax\n 5ffb:\t01 30 \tadd %esi,(%eax)\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 5ffd:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 5ffe:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n 6000:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6002:\t8d bc 24 8b 00 00 00 \tlea 0x8b(%esp),%edi\n 6009:\t89 7c 24 20 \tmov %edi,0x20(%esp)\n 600d:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 600e:\te8 3d d3 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n next_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:309\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:309\n 6013:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6016:\t83 f8 50 \tcmp $0x50,%eax\n 6019:\t0f 85 b9 04 00 00 \tjne 64d8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:309 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:309 (discriminator 1)\n 601f:\tb9 50 00 00 00 \tmov $0x50,%ecx\n 6024:\t8d b3 84 75 ff ff \tlea -0x8a7c(%ebx),%esi\n 602a:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n 602c:\t0f 97 c0 \tseta %al\n 602f:\t1c 00 \tsbb $0x0,%al\n 6031:\t0f be c0 \tmovsbl %al,%eax\n 6034:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n 6038:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 603a:\t0f 85 98 04 00 00 \tjne 64d8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:314\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:314\n 6040:\t8b 04 24 \tmov (%esp),%eax\n 6043:\t8b 4c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%ecx\n 6047:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 6049:\t8d 7c 24 56 \tlea 0x56(%esp),%edi\n 604d:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 604f:\t0f 8e fe 03 00 00 \tjle 6453 \n 6055:\t89 6c 24 38 \tmov %ebp,0x38(%esp)\n 6059:\t89 cd \tmov %ecx,%ebp\n 605b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 605f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:318\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:318\n 6060:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 6062:\t66 83 7d 00 01 \tcmpw $0x1,0x0(%ebp)\n 6067:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:324\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:324\n 606b:\tba 08 00 00 00 \tmov $0x8,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:318\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:318\n 6070:\t0f 95 c0 \tsetne %al\n 6073:\t8d 44 00 0e \tlea 0xe(%eax,%eax,1),%eax\n 6077:\t89 04 b1 \tmov %eax,(%ecx,%esi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:319\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:319\n 607a:\t0f bf 45 04 \tmovswl 0x4(%ebp),%eax\n 607e:\t8b 4c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ecx\n 6082:\t89 04 b1 \tmov %eax,(%ecx,%esi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:320\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:320\n 6085:\t0f bf 45 06 \tmovswl 0x6(%ebp),%eax\n 6089:\t8b 4c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%ecx\n 608d:\t89 04 b1 \tmov %eax,(%ecx,%esi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:321\n 6090:\t8b 4c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%ecx\n 6094:\t8b 45 54 \tmov 0x54(%ebp),%eax\n 6097:\t89 04 b1 \tmov %eax,(%ecx,%esi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:325\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:325\n 609a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n 60a0:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:325 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:325 (discriminator 1)\n 60a2:\t83 ea 01 \tsub $0x1,%edx\n 60a5:\t80 7c 15 08 20 \tcmpb $0x20,0x8(%ebp,%edx,1)\n 60aa:\t0f 85 30 03 00 00 \tjne 63e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:325\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:325\n 60b0:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 60b2:\t75 ec \tjne 60a0 \n 60b4:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 60b6:\t89 54 24 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%esp)\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 60ba:\t6a 29 \tpush $0x29\n 60bc:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 60bd:\t8d 45 08 \tlea 0x8(%ebp),%eax\n 60c0:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 60c1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 60c2:\te8 49 d5 ff ff \tcall 3610 <__strncpy_chk@plt>\n next_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:328\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:328\n 60c7:\t8b 54 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edx\n 60cb:\tc6 44 14 66 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x66(%esp,%edx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:329\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:329\n 60d0:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 60d3:\te8 18 d0 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 60d8:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 60db:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 60dc:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 60dd:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 60e1:\te8 da d2 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n 60e6:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:332\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:332\n 60e9:\tb8 28 00 00 00 \tmov $0x28,%eax\n 60ee:\teb 08 \tjmp 60f8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:333\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:333\n 60f0:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 60f2:\t0f 84 d0 02 00 00 \tje 63c8 \n 60f8:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:333 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:333 (discriminator 1)\n 60fa:\t8d 40 ff \tlea -0x1(%eax),%eax\n 60fd:\t80 7c 2a 0f 20 \tcmpb $0x20,0xf(%edx,%ebp,1)\n 6102:\t74 ec \tje 60f0 \n 6104:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n 6106:\t89 54 24 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%esp)\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 610a:\t6a 29 \tpush $0x29\n 610c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 610d:\t8d 45 10 \tlea 0x10(%ebp),%eax\n 6110:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6111:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6112:\te8 f9 d4 ff ff \tcall 3610 <__strncpy_chk@plt>\n next_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:336\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:336\n 6117:\t8b 54 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edx\n 611b:\tc6 44 14 66 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x66(%esp,%edx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:337\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:337\n 6120:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 6123:\te8 c8 cf ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 6128:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 612b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 612c:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 612d:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 6131:\te8 8a d2 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n 6136:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:340\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:340\n 6139:\tba 08 00 00 00 \tmov $0x8,%edx\n 613e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 6140:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:341 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:341 (discriminator 1)\n 6142:\t83 ea 01 \tsub $0x1,%edx\n 6145:\t80 7c 15 38 20 \tcmpb $0x20,0x38(%ebp,%edx,1)\n 614a:\t0f 85 88 02 00 00 \tjne 63d8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:341\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:341\n 6150:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 6152:\t75 ec \tjne 6140 \n 6154:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 6156:\t89 54 24 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%esp)\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106 (discriminator 2)\n 615a:\t6a 29 \tpush $0x29\n 615c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 615d:\t8d 45 38 \tlea 0x38(%ebp),%eax\n 6160:\t81 c5 8c 00 00 00 \tadd $0x8c,%ebp\n 6166:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6167:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6168:\te8 a3 d4 ff ff \tcall 3610 <__strncpy_chk@plt>\n next_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:344 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:344 (discriminator 2)\n 616d:\t8b 54 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edx\n 6171:\tc6 44 14 66 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x66(%esp,%edx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:345 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:345 (discriminator 2)\n 6176:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 6179:\te8 72 cf ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 617e:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6181:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6182:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:314 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:314 (discriminator 2)\n 6183:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:345 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:345 (discriminator 2)\n 6186:\tff 74 24 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esp)\n 618a:\te8 31 d2 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:314 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:314 (discriminator 2)\n 618f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6192:\t39 34 24 \tcmp %esi,(%esp)\n 6195:\t0f 85 c5 fe ff ff \tjne 6060 \n 619b:\t8b 6c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:348\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:348\n 619f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 61a2:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 61a6:\te8 a5 d5 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:351\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:351\n 61ab:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n 61af:\t8b 44 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 61b3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 61b6:\t8d 14 88 \tlea (%eax,%ecx,4),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:348\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:348\n 61b9:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 61bb:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 61bf:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:352 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:352 (discriminator 3)\n 61c0:\t03 08 \tadd (%eax),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:351 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:351 (discriminator 3)\n 61c2:\t83 c0 04 \tadd $0x4,%eax\n 61c5:\t39 c2 \tcmp %eax,%edx\n 61c7:\t75 f7 \tjne 61c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:355\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:355\n 61c9:\t8d 41 01 \tlea 0x1(%ecx),%eax\n 61cc:\t83 f9 50 \tcmp $0x50,%ecx\n 61cf:\tba 51 00 00 00 \tmov $0x51,%edx\n 61d4:\t89 4c 24 08 \tmov %ecx,0x8(%esp)\n 61d8:\t0f 4e c2 \tcmovle %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:355 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:355 (discriminator 4)\n 61db:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 61de:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 61e0:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 61e1:\te8 0a d5 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n 61e6:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:357 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:357 (discriminator 4)\n 61ea:\t8b 44 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:358 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:358 (discriminator 4)\n 61ee:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:357 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:357 (discriminator 4)\n 61f1:\tc7 00 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:363 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:363 (discriminator 4)\n 61f7:\t8d 44 24 48 \tlea 0x48(%esp),%eax\n 61fb:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:395 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:395 (discriminator 4)\n 61ff:\t8d 83 fc 75 ff ff \tlea -0x8a04(%ebx),%eax\n 6205:\t89 2c 24 \tmov %ebp,(%esp)\n 6208:\t8b 6c 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%ebp\n 620c:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:354 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:354 (discriminator 4)\n 6210:\tc7 44 24 10 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x10(%esp)\n 6217:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:358 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:358 (discriminator 4)\n 6218:\teb 0d \tjmp 6227 \n 621a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:417 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:417 (discriminator 1)\n 6220:\t29 c5 \tsub %eax,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:419\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:419\n 6222:\t83 44 24 10 01 \taddl $0x1,0x10(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:358\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:358\n 6227:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 622a:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 622e:\te8 5d d2 ff ff \tcall 3490 \n 6233:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6236:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 6238:\t0f 85 a9 01 00 00 \tjne 63e7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:363\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:363\n 623e:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 6241:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 6245:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 6249:\te8 b2 ce ff ff \tcall 3100 \n 624e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6251:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 6253:\t0f 85 4a 02 00 00 \tjne 64a3 \n@@ -3928,43 +3928,43 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 6259:\tff 34 24 \tpushl (%esp)\n 625c:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 625d:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 625f:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 6263:\te8 e8 d0 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n next_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:368\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:368\n 6268:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 626b:\t39 c5 \tcmp %eax,%ebp\n 626d:\t0f 84 ad 00 00 00 \tje 6320 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:394\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:394\n 6273:\t83 fd 50 \tcmp $0x50,%ebp\n 6276:\t75 38 \tjne 62b0 \n 6278:\t83 f8 50 \tcmp $0x50,%eax\n 627b:\t75 33 \tjne 62b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:395 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:395 (discriminator 1)\n 627d:\t8b 74 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%esi\n 6281:\t8b 7c 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%edi\n 6285:\tb9 4b 00 00 00 \tmov $0x4b,%ecx\n 628a:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n 628c:\t0f 97 c0 \tseta %al\n 628f:\t1c 00 \tsbb $0x0,%al\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:394 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:394 (discriminator 1)\n 6291:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n 6293:\t75 1b \tjne 62b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:396\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:396\n 6295:\t8b 7c 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%edi\n 6299:\t80 7f 4e 20 \tcmpb $0x20,0x4e(%edi)\n 629d:\t75 11 \tjne 62b0 \n 629f:\t0f b6 47 4f \tmovzbl 0x4f(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:395\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:395\n 62a3:\tba 20 00 00 00 \tmov $0x20,%edx\n 62a8:\t39 c2 \tcmp %eax,%edx\n 62aa:\t0f 84 c4 01 00 00 \tje 6474 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:404\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:404\n 62b0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 62b3:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 62b7:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 62bb:\te8 a0 d3 ff ff \tcall 3660 \n 62c0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 62c3:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 62c5:\t0f 85 d8 01 00 00 \tjne 64a3 \n@@ -3973,287 +3973,287 @@\n 62cb:\tff 34 24 \tpushl (%esp)\n 62ce:\t8b 7c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edi\n 62d2:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 62d3:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 62d5:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 62d9:\te8 72 d0 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n next_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:409\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:409\n 62de:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 62e1:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n 62e3:\t0f 85 4d 01 00 00 \tjne 6436 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:417\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:417\n 62e9:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n 62ed:\t39 e8 \tcmp %ebp,%eax\n 62ef:\t0f 8e 2b ff ff ff \tjle 6220 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:418 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:418 (discriminator 2)\n 62f5:\t8b 4c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%ecx\n 62f9:\tba cd cc cc cc \tmov $0xcccccccd,%edx\n 62fe:\t29 e9 \tsub %ebp,%ecx\n 6300:\t89 c8 \tmov %ecx,%eax\n 6302:\tf7 e2 \tmul %edx\n 6304:\tc1 ea 06 \tshr $0x6,%edx\n 6307:\t8d 04 92 \tlea (%edx,%edx,4),%eax\n 630a:\tc1 e0 04 \tshl $0x4,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:417 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:417 (discriminator 2)\n 630d:\t29 c8 \tsub %ecx,%eax\n 630f:\t8d 68 50 \tlea 0x50(%eax),%ebp\n 6312:\te9 0b ff ff ff \tjmp 6222 \n 6317:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 631e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:371\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:371\n 6320:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n 6322:\t7e 1c \tjle 6340 \n 6324:\t8b 4c 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%ecx\n 6328:\t89 ca \tmov %ecx,%edx\n 632a:\t01 e9 \tadd %ebp,%ecx\n 632c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:372\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:372\n 6330:\t80 3a 20 \tcmpb $0x20,(%edx)\n 6333:\t0f 85 3a ff ff ff \tjne 6273 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:371 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:371 (discriminator 2)\n 6339:\t83 c2 01 \tadd $0x1,%edx\n 633c:\t39 d1 \tcmp %edx,%ecx\n 633e:\t75 f0 \tjne 6330 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 6340:\tff 34 24 \tpushl (%esp)\n 6343:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n 6345:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6347:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 634b:\te8 00 d0 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n next_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:380\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:380\n 6350:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6353:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 6355:\t0f 8e 62 01 00 00 \tjle 64bd \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:384\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:384\n 635b:\t83 f8 50 \tcmp $0x50,%eax\n 635e:\t0f 85 4c ff ff ff \tjne 62b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:384 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:384 (discriminator 1)\n 6364:\t8b 74 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%esi\n 6368:\t8b 7c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edi\n 636c:\tb9 4b 00 00 00 \tmov $0x4b,%ecx\n 6371:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n 6373:\t0f 97 c0 \tseta %al\n 6376:\t1c 00 \tsbb $0x0,%al\n 6378:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n 637a:\t0f 85 30 ff ff ff \tjne 62b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:385 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:385 (discriminator 2)\n 6380:\t66 81 bc 24 cd 00 00 \tcmpw $0x2020,0xcd(%esp)\n 6387:\t00 20 20 \n 638a:\t0f 85 20 ff ff ff \tjne 62b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:386 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:386 (discriminator 2)\n 6390:\t8b 44 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%eax\n 6394:\t89 e9 \tmov %ebp,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:387 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:387 (discriminator 2)\n 6396:\tc6 84 24 cd 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xcd(%esp)\n 639d:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:388 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:388 (discriminator 2)\n 639e:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 63a1:\t8b 6c 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:386 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:386 (discriminator 2)\n 63a5:\t89 08 \tmov %ecx,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:400\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:400\n 63a7:\t8d 44 24 40 \tlea 0x40(%esp),%eax\n 63ab:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 63ac:\t8d 83 8c 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7e74(%ebx),%eax\n 63b2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 63b3:\t8d 84 24 d6 00 00 00 \tlea 0xd6(%esp),%eax\n 63ba:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 63bb:\te8 60 d1 ff ff \tcall 3520 <__isoc99_sscanf@plt>\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:401\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:401\n 63c0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 63c3:\teb 25 \tjmp 63ea \n 63c5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n 63c8:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 63ca:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 63cc:\te9 35 fd ff ff \tjmp 6106 \n 63d1:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 63d8:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n 63da:\te9 77 fd ff ff \tjmp 6156 \n 63df:\t90 \tnop\n 63e0:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n 63e2:\te9 cf fc ff ff \tjmp 60b6 \n 63e7:\t8b 2c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:421\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:421\n 63ea:\t8b 44 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%eax\n 63ee:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:422\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:422\n 63f2:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:421\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:421\n 63f5:\t89 08 \tmov %ecx,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:422\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:422\n 63f7:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 63fb:\te8 50 d3 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:424\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:424\n 6400:\t89 2c 24 \tmov %ebp,(%esp)\n 6403:\te8 88 d0 ff ff \tcall 3490 \n 6408:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 640b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 640d:\t0f 85 a0 00 00 00 \tjne 64b3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:424 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:424 (discriminator 1)\n 6413:\t8b 44 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:425\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:425\n 6417:\t8b 8c 24 0c 01 00 00 \tmov 0x10c(%esp),%ecx\n 641e:\t65 33 0d 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%ecx\n 6425:\t0f 85 a8 00 00 00 \tjne 64d3 \n 642b:\t81 c4 1c 01 00 00 \tadd $0x11c,%esp\n 6431:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 6432:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 6433:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 6434:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 6435:\tc3 \tret \n 6436:\t8b 2c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:410\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:410\n 6439:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 643c:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 643e:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 643f:\te8 4c d0 ff ff \tcall 3490 \n 6444:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6447:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 6449:\t74 58 \tje 64a3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:413\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:413\n 644b:\t8b 44 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%eax\n 644f:\t89 30 \tmov %esi,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:414\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:414\n 6451:\teb 97 \tjmp 63ea \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:348\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:348\n 6453:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 6456:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 645a:\te8 f1 d2 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n 645f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:355\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:355\n 6462:\tb8 51 00 00 00 \tmov $0x51,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:350\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:350\n 6467:\tc7 44 24 08 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x8(%esp)\n 646e:\t00 \n 646f:\te9 67 fd ff ff \tjmp 61db \n 6474:\t8b 2c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ebp\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 6477:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 647a:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n 647c:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 6480:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 6484:\te8 37 d1 ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n next_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:398\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:398\n 6489:\t8b 44 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:399\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:399\n 648d:\tc6 84 24 dd 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xdd(%esp)\n 6494:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:400\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:400\n 6495:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:398\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:398\n 6498:\tc7 00 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:400\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:400\n 649e:\te9 04 ff ff ff \tjmp 63a7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:411\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:411\n 64a3:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 64a6:\t8d 83 d8 75 ff ff \tlea -0x8a28(%ebx),%eax\n 64ac:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 64ae:\te9 5f f9 ff ff \tjmp 5e12 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:424\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:424\n 64b3:\tb8 ff ff ff ff \tmov $0xffffffff,%eax\n 64b8:\te9 5a ff ff ff \tjmp 6417 \n 64bd:\t89 6c 24 30 \tmov %ebp,0x30(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:381\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:381\n 64c1:\t8b 44 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%eax\n 64c5:\t8b 4c 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%ecx\n 64c9:\t8b 2c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ebp\n 64cc:\t89 08 \tmov %ecx,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:382\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:382\n 64ce:\te9 17 ff ff ff \tjmp 63ea \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:425\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:425\n 64d3:\te8 c8 df 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:302\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:302\n 64d8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 64db:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 64df:\te8 6c d2 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:303\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:303\n 64e4:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 64e7:\t8d 83 64 75 ff ff \tlea -0x8a9c(%ebx),%eax\n 64ed:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 64ef:\te9 1e f9 ff ff \tjmp 5e12 \n 64f4:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 64fb:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 64ff:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00006500 :\n xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:495\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:495\n 6500:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:503\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:503\n 6501:\t31 ed \txor %ebp,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:495\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:495\n 6503:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6504:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 6505:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 6506:\te8 c5 d3 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 650b:\t81 c3 f5 7a 01 00 \tadd $0x17af5,%ebx\n 6511:\t81 ec e4 00 00 00 \tsub $0xe4,%esp\n 6517:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 651d:\t89 84 24 d4 00 00 00 \tmov %eax,0xd4(%esp)\n 6524:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 6526:\t8b bc 24 f8 00 00 00 \tmov 0xf8(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:502\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:502\n 652d:\t6a 0b \tpush $0xb\n 652f:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 6531:\te8 8a cb ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6536:\t89 44 24 58 \tmov %eax,0x58(%esp)\n 653a:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 653d:\te8 5e d1 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:503\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:503\n 6542:\t8b b3 ec ff ff ff \tmov -0x14(%ebx),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:502\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:502\n 6548:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 654b:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 654e:\t89 ef \tmov %ebp,%edi\n 6550:\t8b 6c 24 48 \tmov 0x48(%esp),%ebp\n 6554:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:504 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:504 (discriminator 3)\n 6558:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 655b:\tff 34 be \tpushl (%esi,%edi,4)\n 655e:\te8 8d cb ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 6563:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6566:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6567:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:503 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:503 (discriminator 3)\n 6568:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:504 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:504 (discriminator 3)\n 656b:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 656c:\te8 4f ce ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:503 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:503 (discriminator 3)\n 6571:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6574:\t83 ff 0b \tcmp $0xb,%edi\n 6577:\t75 df \tjne 6558 \n 6579:\t8b 3c 24 \tmov (%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:506\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:506\n 657c:\t8d 83 c9 77 ff ff \tlea -0x8837(%ebx),%eax\n 6582:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 6585:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6586:\te8 65 cb ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 658b:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 658e:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n 6592:\te8 09 d1 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:507\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:507\n 6597:\t8d 83 d1 77 ff ff \tlea -0x882f(%ebx),%eax\n 659d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 65a0:\te8 4b cb ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 65a5:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 65a8:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n 65ac:\te8 ef d0 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:509\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:509\n 65b1:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 65b4:\te8 b7 d1 ff ff \tcall 3770 \n 65b9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 65bc:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 65be:\t0f 84 b4 08 00 00 \tje 6e78 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:511\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:511\n 65c4:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 65c7:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 65c9:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 65ca:\te8 41 d1 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 65cf:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 65d2:\te8 a9 ce ff ff \tcall 3480 \n 65d7:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n@@ -4261,40 +4261,40 @@\n 65df:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 65e0:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 65e1:\t8d 93 00 70 ff ff \tlea -0x9000(%ebx),%edx\n 65e7:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 65e8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 65e9:\te8 52 cf ff ff \tcall 3540 \n 65ee:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:512\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:512\n 65f2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 65f5:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 65f7:\t0f 84 49 08 00 00 \tje 6e46 \n init_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:221\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:221\n 65fd:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 6600:\t6a 48 \tpush $0x48\n 6602:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6604:\te8 e7 d0 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 6609:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 660d:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n init_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:221\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:221\n 660f:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 6611:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6613:\t8d bc 24 97 00 00 00 \tlea 0x97(%esp),%edi\n 661a:\t89 7c 24 28 \tmov %edi,0x28(%esp)\n 661e:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 661f:\te8 2c cd ff ff \tcall 3350 \n get_lib_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:151\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:151\n 6624:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 6627:\t83 f8 50 \tcmp $0x50,%eax\n 662a:\t0f 85 92 01 00 00 \tjne 67c2 \n 6630:\tb9 50 00 00 00 \tmov $0x50,%ecx\n 6635:\t8d b3 48 76 ff ff \tlea -0x89b8(%ebx),%esi\n 663b:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n 663d:\t0f 97 c0 \tseta %al\n@@ -4305,43 +4305,43 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 664a:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 664e:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n 6650:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6652:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 6656:\te8 f5 cc ff ff \tcall 3350 \n get_lib_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:155\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:155\n 665b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 665e:\t83 f8 50 \tcmp $0x50,%eax\n 6661:\t74 32 \tje 6695 \n init_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:224\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:224\n 6663:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 6666:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6667:\te8 e4 d0 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:225\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:225\n 666c:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 666f:\t8d 83 34 75 ff ff \tlea -0x8acc(%ebx),%eax\n 6675:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 6677:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 667e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n get_lib_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:152\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:152\n 6680:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6681:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 6687:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6688:\te8 73 cb ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 668d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 6690:\te8 4b cb ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:157\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:157\n 6695:\t8b 44 24 7b \tmov 0x7b(%esp),%eax\n 6699:\t8b 54 24 7f \tmov 0x7f(%esp),%edx\n 669d:\tc6 84 24 cb 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xcb(%esp)\n 66a4:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:163\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:163\n 66a5:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 66a8:\t89 45 00 \tmov %eax,0x0(%ebp)\n 66ab:\t89 55 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%ebp)\n 66ae:\t8b 84 24 8b 00 00 00 \tmov 0x8b(%esp),%eax\n 66b5:\t8b 94 24 8f 00 00 00 \tmov 0x8f(%esp),%edx\n@@ -4356,15 +4356,15 @@\n 66e4:\t89 45 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%ebp)\n 66e7:\t89 55 1c \tmov %edx,0x1c(%ebp)\n 66ea:\t8b 84 24 a3 00 00 00 \tmov 0xa3(%esp),%eax\n 66f1:\t8b 94 24 a7 00 00 00 \tmov 0xa7(%esp),%edx\n 66f8:\t89 45 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%ebp)\n 66fb:\t89 55 24 \tmov %edx,0x24(%ebp)\n get_lib_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:163\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:163\n 66fe:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 6700:\t8d 84 24 af 00 00 00 \tlea 0xaf(%esp),%eax\n 6707:\t89 44 24 68 \tmov %eax,0x68(%esp)\n 670b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 670c:\te8 af cf ff ff \tcall 36c0 \n 6711:\t2b 44 24 1c \tsub 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 6715:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n@@ -4384,148 +4384,148 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 6749:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 674d:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n 674f:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6751:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 6755:\te8 f6 cb ff ff \tcall 3350 \n get_lib_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:168\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:168\n 675a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 675d:\t83 f8 50 \tcmp $0x50,%eax\n 6760:\t0f 85 fd fe ff ff \tjne 6663 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 6766:\t8b 7c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edi\n init_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:228\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:228\n 676a:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 676d:\t8b 17 \tmov (%edi),%edx\n 676f:\t89 55 38 \tmov %edx,0x38(%ebp)\n 6772:\t8b 57 04 \tmov 0x4(%edi),%edx\n 6775:\t89 55 3c \tmov %edx,0x3c(%ebp)\n 6778:\t8b 57 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%edx\n 677b:\t89 55 40 \tmov %edx,0x40(%ebp)\n 677e:\t8b 57 0c \tmov 0xc(%edi),%edx\n 6781:\t89 55 44 \tmov %edx,0x44(%ebp)\n init_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:228\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:228\n 6784:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6785:\te8 c6 cf ff ff \tcall 3750 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 678a:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 678e:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n 6790:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6792:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6793:\te8 b8 cb ff ff \tcall 3350 \n init_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:231\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:231\n 6798:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 679b:\t83 f8 50 \tcmp $0x50,%eax\n 679e:\t75 22 \tjne 67c2 \n 67a0:\tb9 4b 00 00 00 \tmov $0x4b,%ecx\n 67a5:\t8d b3 fc 75 ff ff \tlea -0x8a04(%ebx),%esi\n 67ab:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n 67ad:\t0f 97 c0 \tseta %al\n 67b0:\t1c 00 \tsbb $0x0,%al\n 67b2:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n 67b4:\t75 0c \tjne 67c2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:232\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:232\n 67b6:\t66 81 bc 24 c9 00 00 \tcmpw $0x2020,0xc9(%esp)\n 67bd:\t00 20 20 \n 67c0:\t74 16 \tje 67d8 \n get_lib_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:152\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:152\n 67c2:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 67c5:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 67c7:\t8d 83 64 75 ff ff \tlea -0x8a9c(%ebx),%eax\n 67cd:\te9 ae fe ff ff \tjmp 6680 \n 67d2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n init_xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:232\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:232\n 67d8:\tc7 44 24 18 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x18(%esp)\n 67df:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:235\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:235\n 67e0:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:234\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:234\n 67e3:\tc6 84 24 cd 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xcd(%esp)\n 67ea:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:235\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:235\n 67eb:\t8d 44 24 70 \tlea 0x70(%esp),%eax\n 67ef:\t89 44 24 50 \tmov %eax,0x50(%esp)\n 67f3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 67f4:\t8d 83 8c 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7e74(%ebx),%eax\n 67fa:\t89 44 24 58 \tmov %eax,0x58(%esp)\n 67fe:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 67ff:\t8d 84 24 d2 00 00 00 \tlea 0xd2(%esp),%eax\n 6806:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6807:\te8 14 cd ff ff \tcall 3520 <__isoc99_sscanf@plt>\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:237\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:237\n 680c:\t8b 44 24 7c \tmov 0x7c(%esp),%eax\n 6810:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:517\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:517\n 6814:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 6815:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6816:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 6818:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 681a:\te8 a1 c8 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 681f:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 6823:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 6826:\te8 75 ce ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:518\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:518\n 682b:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 682c:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 682d:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 682f:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 6831:\te8 8a c8 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6836:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n 683a:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 683d:\te8 5e ce ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:522\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:522\n 6842:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n get_mem_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:187\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:187\n 6845:\t8d 83 9c 76 ff ff \tlea -0x8964(%ebx),%eax\n 684b:\t89 44 24 54 \tmov %eax,0x54(%esp)\n xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:527\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:527\n 684f:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n 6855:\t89 44 24 58 \tmov %eax,0x58(%esp)\n 6859:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:522\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:522\n 6860:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 6863:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 6867:\te8 24 cc ff ff \tcall 3490 \n 686c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 686f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 6871:\t0f 85 69 05 00 00 \tjne 6de0 \n init_mem_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:248\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:248\n 6877:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 687a:\t6a 48 \tpush $0x48\n 687c:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 687e:\te8 6d ce ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 6883:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 6887:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n init_mem_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:248\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:248\n 6889:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 688b:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 688d:\t8b 7c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%edi\n 6891:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6892:\te8 b9 ca ff ff \tcall 3350 \n get_mem_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:187\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:187\n 6897:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 689a:\t83 f8 50 \tcmp $0x50,%eax\n 689d:\t0f 85 1f ff ff ff \tjne 67c2 \n 68a3:\t8b 74 24 54 \tmov 0x54(%esp),%esi\n 68a7:\tb9 50 00 00 00 \tmov $0x50,%ecx\n 68ac:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n 68ae:\t0f 97 c0 \tseta %al\n@@ -4536,48 +4536,48 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 68bb:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 68bf:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n 68c1:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 68c3:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 68c7:\te8 84 ca ff ff \tcall 3350 \n get_mem_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:191\n 68cc:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 68cf:\t83 f8 50 \tcmp $0x50,%eax\n 68d2:\t74 1c \tje 68f0 \n init_mem_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:250\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:250\n 68d4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 68d7:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 68d8:\te8 73 ce ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:251\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:251\n 68dd:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 68e0:\t8d 83 f0 76 ff ff \tlea -0x8910(%ebx),%eax\n 68e6:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 68e8:\te9 93 fd ff ff \tjmp 6680 \n 68ed:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n get_mem_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:193\n 68f0:\t8b 44 24 7b \tmov 0x7b(%esp),%eax\n 68f4:\t8b 54 24 7f \tmov 0x7f(%esp),%edx\n 68f8:\tc6 84 24 cb 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xcb(%esp)\n 68ff:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:199\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:199\n 6900:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 6903:\t89 45 00 \tmov %eax,0x0(%ebp)\n get_mem_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:195\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:195\n 6906:\t8d 45 08 \tlea 0x8(%ebp),%eax\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 6909:\t89 55 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%ebp)\n get_mem_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:195\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:195\n 690c:\t8b 94 24 8f 00 00 00 \tmov 0x8f(%esp),%edx\n 6913:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 6917:\t8b 84 24 8b 00 00 00 \tmov 0x8b(%esp),%eax\n 691e:\t89 55 0c \tmov %edx,0xc(%ebp)\n 6921:\t89 45 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%ebp)\n@@ -4590,15 +4590,15 @@\n 6946:\t89 45 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%ebp)\n 6949:\t89 55 1c \tmov %edx,0x1c(%ebp)\n 694c:\t8b 84 24 a3 00 00 00 \tmov 0xa3(%esp),%eax\n 6953:\t8b 94 24 a7 00 00 00 \tmov 0xa7(%esp),%edx\n 695a:\t89 45 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%ebp)\n 695d:\t89 55 24 \tmov %edx,0x24(%ebp)\n get_mem_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:199\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:199\n 6960:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 6962:\tff 74 24 68 \tpushl 0x68(%esp)\n 6966:\te8 55 cd ff ff \tcall 36c0 \n 696b:\t2b 44 24 1c \tsub 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 696f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6972:\t83 f8 3f \tcmp $0x3f,%eax\n 6975:\t0f 85 59 ff ff ff \tjne 68d4 \n@@ -4616,36 +4616,36 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 69a3:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 69a7:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n 69a9:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 69ab:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 69af:\te8 9c c9 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n get_mem_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:204\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:204\n 69b4:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 69b7:\t83 f8 50 \tcmp $0x50,%eax\n 69ba:\t0f 85 14 ff ff ff \tjne 68d4 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 69c0:\t8b 74 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%esi\n get_mem_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:207\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:207\n 69c4:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 69c7:\t8b 16 \tmov (%esi),%edx\n 69c9:\t89 55 38 \tmov %edx,0x38(%ebp)\n 69cc:\t8b 56 04 \tmov 0x4(%esi),%edx\n 69cf:\t89 55 3c \tmov %edx,0x3c(%ebp)\n 69d2:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n 69d5:\t89 55 40 \tmov %edx,0x40(%ebp)\n 69d8:\t8b 56 0c \tmov 0xc(%esi),%edx\n 69db:\t89 55 44 \tmov %edx,0x44(%ebp)\n get_mem_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:207\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:207\n 69de:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 69e0:\t8d 84 24 97 00 00 00 \tlea 0x97(%esp),%eax\n 69e7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 69e8:\te8 d3 cc ff ff \tcall 36c0 \n 69ed:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 69f0:\t29 f0 \tsub %esi,%eax\n 69f2:\t83 f8 4f \tcmp $0x4f,%eax\n@@ -4655,214 +4655,214 @@\n 69fb:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 69ff:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n 6a01:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6a03:\t8b 7c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%edi\n 6a07:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6a08:\te8 43 c9 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n init_mem_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:255\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:255\n 6a0d:\tc6 84 24 db 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xdb(%esp)\n 6a14:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:256\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:256\n 6a15:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6a18:\t83 f8 50 \tcmp $0x50,%eax\n 6a1b:\t0f 85 0f 04 00 00 \tjne 6e30 \n 6a21:\t8d b3 20 77 ff ff \tlea -0x88e0(%ebx),%esi\n 6a27:\tb9 36 00 00 00 \tmov $0x36,%ecx\n 6a2c:\t89 7c 24 0c \tmov %edi,0xc(%esp)\n 6a30:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n 6a32:\t0f 97 c0 \tseta %al\n 6a35:\t1c 00 \tsbb $0x0,%al\n 6a37:\t0f be f0 \tmovsbl %al,%esi\n 6a3a:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 6a3c:\t0f 85 ee 03 00 00 \tjne 6e30 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:257\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:257\n 6a42:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 6a45:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 6a47:\t8d 84 24 c1 00 00 00 \tlea 0xc1(%esp),%eax\n 6a4e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6a4f:\te8 6c cc ff ff \tcall 36c0 \n 6a54:\t2b 44 24 1c \tsub 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 6a58:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:256\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:256\n 6a5b:\t83 f8 4f \tcmp $0x4f,%eax\n 6a5e:\t0f 85 cc 03 00 00 \tjne 6e30 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:261\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:261\n 6a64:\tc6 84 24 b5 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xb5(%esp)\n 6a6b:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:262\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:262\n 6a6c:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 6a6f:\tff 74 24 50 \tpushl 0x50(%esp)\n 6a73:\tff 74 24 58 \tpushl 0x58(%esp)\n 6a77:\t8d 84 24 bd 00 00 00 \tlea 0xbd(%esp),%eax\n 6a7e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6a7f:\te8 9c ca ff ff \tcall 3520 <__isoc99_sscanf@plt>\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:264\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:264\n 6a84:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 6a85:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 6a86:\t8d 7d 08 \tlea 0x8(%ebp),%edi\n 6a89:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 6a8b:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6a8c:\te8 0f ca ff ff \tcall 34a0 \n 6a91:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:265\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:265\n 6a94:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 6a96:\t29 f8 \tsub %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:266\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:266\n 6a98:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 6a9a:\t0f 8f 10 03 00 00 \tjg 6db0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:271\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:271\n 6aa0:\t8d 44 24 72 \tlea 0x72(%esp),%eax\n 6aa4:\tc6 44 24 72 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x72(%esp)\n 6aa9:\t89 44 24 44 \tmov %eax,0x44(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:273\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:273\n 6aad:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 6ab0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6ab1:\te8 9a cc ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:275\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:275\n 6ab6:\t8b 6c 24 7c \tmov 0x7c(%esp),%ebp\n xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:526\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:526\n 6aba:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 6abb:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6abc:\t6a 0b \tpush $0xb\n 6abe:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 6ac0:\te8 fb c5 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6ac5:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 6ac7:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 6aca:\te8 d1 cb ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:527\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:527\n 6acf:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6ad2:\tff 74 24 4c \tpushl 0x4c(%esp)\n 6ad6:\t8b 44 24 60 \tmov 0x60(%esp),%eax\n 6ada:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 6adc:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6add:\te8 8e ca ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:529\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:529\n 6ae2:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6ae3:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 6ae4:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6ae5:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 6ae7:\te8 d4 c5 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6aec:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6aef:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6af0:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6af2:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6af3:\te8 98 ca ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:530\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:530\n 6af8:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 6af9:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6afa:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6afb:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 6afd:\te8 be c5 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6b02:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6b05:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6b06:\t6a 02 \tpush $0x2\n 6b08:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6b09:\te8 82 ca ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:531\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:531\n 6b0e:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6b0f:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 6b10:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6b11:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 6b13:\te8 a8 c5 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6b18:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6b1b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6b1c:\t6a 03 \tpush $0x3\n 6b1e:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6b1f:\te8 6c ca ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:532\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:532\n 6b24:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 6b25:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6b26:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6b27:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 6b29:\te8 92 c5 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6b2e:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6b31:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6b32:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n 6b34:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6b35:\te8 56 ca ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:533\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:533\n 6b3a:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6b3b:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 6b3c:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6b3d:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 6b3f:\te8 7c c5 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6b44:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6b47:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6b48:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 6b4a:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6b4b:\te8 40 ca ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:534\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:534\n 6b50:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 6b51:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6b52:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6b53:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 6b55:\te8 66 c5 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6b5a:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6b5d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6b5e:\t6a 06 \tpush $0x6\n 6b60:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6b61:\te8 2a ca ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:535\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:535\n 6b66:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6b67:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 6b68:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6b69:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 6b6b:\te8 50 c5 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6b70:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6b73:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6b74:\t6a 07 \tpush $0x7\n 6b76:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6b77:\te8 14 ca ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:536\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:536\n 6b7c:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 6b7d:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6b7e:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6b7f:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 6b81:\te8 3a c5 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6b86:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6b89:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6b8a:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n 6b8c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6b8d:\te8 fe c9 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:537\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:537\n 6b92:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6b93:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 6b94:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6b96:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 6b98:\te8 23 c5 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6b9d:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6ba0:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6ba1:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 6ba3:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6ba4:\te8 e7 c9 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:538\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:538\n 6ba9:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 6baa:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6bab:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6bad:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 6baf:\te8 0c c5 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6bb4:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6bb7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6bb8:\t6a 09 \tpush $0x9\n 6bba:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6bbb:\te8 d0 c9 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:539\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:539\n 6bc0:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6bc1:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 6bc2:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6bc4:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 6bc6:\te8 f5 c4 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6bcb:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6bce:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6bcf:\t6a 0a \tpush $0xa\n 6bd1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6bd2:\te8 b9 c9 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:542\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:542\n 6bd7:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 6bd8:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6bd9:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n 6bdb:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6bdc:\te8 5f c6 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 6be1:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 6be4:\te8 e7 c8 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n@@ -4947,163 +4947,163 @@\n 6cbe:\t89 e9 \tmov %ebp,%ecx\n 6cc0:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 6cc1:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6cc2:\t8b 54 24 50 \tmov 0x50(%esp),%edx\n 6cc6:\t8b 44 24 40 \tmov 0x40(%esp),%eax\n 6cca:\te8 31 f0 ff ff \tcall 5d00 \n 6ccf:\t89 44 24 50 \tmov %eax,0x50(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:554\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:554\n 6cd3:\t83 c4 30 \tadd $0x30,%esp\n 6cd6:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n 6cd8:\t7e 46 \tjle 6d20 \n 6cda:\t89 2c 24 \tmov %ebp,(%esp)\n 6cdd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:555\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:555\n 6ce0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 6ce3:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n 6ce5:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6ce6:\te8 55 c5 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 6ceb:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 6cee:\te8 dd c7 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:556\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:556\n 6cf3:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 6cf4:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 6cf5:\t83 3c b0 0e \tcmpl $0xe,(%eax,%esi,4)\n 6cf9:\t8b 6c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebp\n 6cfd:\t0f 44 6c 24 0c \tcmove 0xc(%esp),%ebp\n 6d02:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 6d04:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6d05:\te8 36 c5 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 6d0a:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6d0d:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6d0e:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:554\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:554\n 6d0f:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:556\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:556\n 6d12:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6d13:\te8 a8 c6 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:554\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:554\n 6d18:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6d1b:\t3b 34 24 \tcmp (%esp),%esi\n 6d1e:\t75 c0 \tjne 6ce0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:560\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:560\n 6d20:\t8b 44 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%eax\n 6d24:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 6d27:\t8d 70 01 \tlea 0x1(%eax),%esi\n 6d2a:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 6d2b:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 6d2f:\te8 dc c7 ff ff \tcall 3510 \n 6d34:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 6d38:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n 6d3a:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 6d3d:\te8 5e c9 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:561\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:561\n 6d42:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 6d43:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 6d44:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 6d45:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 6d49:\te8 c2 c7 ff ff \tcall 3510 \n 6d4e:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n 6d52:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 6d55:\te8 46 c9 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:572\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:572\n 6d5a:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6d5b:\tff 74 24 50 \tpushl 0x50(%esp)\n 6d5f:\te8 8c c3 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 6d64:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6d67:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6d68:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 6d6c:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 6d70:\te8 4b c6 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:573\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:573\n 6d75:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6d78:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6d79:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 6d7d:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6d7e:\te8 0d c8 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:576\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:576\n 6d83:\tc7 04 24 05 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x5,(%esp)\n 6d8a:\te8 91 c6 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:577\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:577\n 6d8f:\t89 2c 24 \tmov %ebp,(%esp)\n 6d92:\te8 09 c9 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:578\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:578\n 6d97:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6d98:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 6d9c:\te8 ff c8 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n 6da1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:574\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:574\n 6da4:\t89 74 24 18 \tmov %esi,0x18(%esp)\n 6da8:\te9 b3 fa ff ff \tjmp 6860 \n 6dad:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n init_mem_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:269\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:269\n 6db0:\t83 f8 08 \tcmp $0x8,%eax\n 6db3:\tbf 08 00 00 00 \tmov $0x8,%edi\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 6db8:\t6a 09 \tpush $0x9\n init_mem_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:269\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:269\n 6dba:\t0f 4e f8 \tcmovle %eax,%edi\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 6dbd:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6dbe:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 6dbf:\t8d 44 24 7e \tlea 0x7e(%esp),%eax\n 6dc3:\t89 44 24 50 \tmov %eax,0x50(%esp)\n 6dc7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6dc8:\te8 43 c8 ff ff \tcall 3610 <__strncpy_chk@plt>\n init_mem_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:270\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:270\n 6dcd:\tc6 84 3c 82 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x82(%esp,%edi,1)\n 6dd4:\t00 \n 6dd5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6dd8:\te9 d0 fc ff ff \tjmp 6aad \n 6ddd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:581\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:581\n 6de0:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n 6de6:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 6de9:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 6ded:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 6def:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 6df3:\te8 78 c7 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:582\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:582\n 6df8:\tc7 04 24 05 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x5,(%esp)\n 6dff:\te8 1c c6 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:583\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:583\n 6e04:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6e05:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 6e09:\te8 b2 c3 ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:584\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:584\n 6e0e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:585\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:585\n 6e11:\t8b 84 24 cc 00 00 00 \tmov 0xcc(%esp),%eax\n 6e18:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 6e1f:\t75 20 \tjne 6e41 \n 6e21:\t8b 44 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 6e25:\t81 c4 dc 00 00 00 \tadd $0xdc,%esp\n 6e2b:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 6e2c:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 6e2d:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 6e2e:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 6e2f:\tc3 \tret \n init_mem_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:258\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:258\n 6e30:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 6e33:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6e34:\te8 17 c9 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:259\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:259\n 6e39:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6e3c:\te9 84 f9 ff ff \tjmp 67c5 \n xport_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:585\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:585\n 6e41:\te8 5a d6 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:513\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:513\n 6e46:\te8 55 c7 ff ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n 6e4b:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 6e4e:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 6e50:\te8 eb c5 ff ff \tcall 3440 \n 6e55:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6e58:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 6e5a:\t8d 83 db 77 ff ff \tlea -0x8825(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -5113,73 +5113,73 @@\n 6e69:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6e6a:\te8 91 c3 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 6e6f:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 6e70:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 6e71:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 6e72:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6e73:\te8 68 c3 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:510\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:510\n 6e78:\t8d 83 b8 74 ff ff \tlea -0x8b48(%ebx),%eax\n 6e7e:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 6e7f:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 6e81:\te9 fa f7 ff ff \tjmp 6680 \n 6e86:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 6e8d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 00006e90 :\n xport_read():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:589\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:589\n 6e90:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 6e91:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6e92:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 6e93:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 6e94:\te8 37 ca ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 6e99:\t81 c3 67 71 01 00 \tadd $0x17167,%ebx\n 6e9f:\t81 ec a8 00 00 00 \tsub $0xa8,%esp\n 6ea5:\t8b bc 24 c0 00 00 00 \tmov 0xc0(%esp),%edi\n 6eac:\t8b b4 24 bc 00 00 00 \tmov 0xbc(%esp),%esi\n 6eb3:\t89 7c 24 74 \tmov %edi,0x74(%esp)\n 6eb7:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 6ebd:\t89 84 24 98 00 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x98(%esp)\n 6ec4:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:601\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:601\n 6ec6:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6ec7:\te8 64 c1 ff ff \tcall 3030 \n 6ecc:\t89 44 24 64 \tmov %eax,0x64(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:602\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:602\n 6ed0:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 6ed1:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 6ed2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6ed3:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 6ed5:\te8 e6 c1 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 6eda:\t89 44 24 60 \tmov %eax,0x60(%esp)\n 6ede:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 6ee1:\te8 ba c7 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:603\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:603\n 6ee6:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 6ee7:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n 6eed:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 6eee:\t89 44 24 60 \tmov %eax,0x60(%esp)\n 6ef2:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 6ef4:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 6ef5:\te8 36 c9 ff ff \tcall 3830 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:604\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:604\n 6efa:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 6efd:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6efe:\t8b 44 24 60 \tmov 0x60(%esp),%eax\n 6f02:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 6f04:\tff 74 24 5c \tpushl 0x5c(%esp)\n 6f08:\te8 63 c6 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:606\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:606\n 6f0d:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 6f10:\te8 5b c8 ff ff \tcall 3770 \n 6f15:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6f18:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 6f1a:\t0f 84 6c 05 00 00 \tje 748c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:608\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:608\n 6f20:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 6f23:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 6f25:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 6f26:\te8 e5 c7 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 6f2b:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 6f2e:\te8 4d c5 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n 6f33:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n@@ -5187,209 +5187,209 @@\n 6f3b:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 6f3c:\t8d 93 00 70 ff ff \tlea -0x9000(%ebx),%edx\n 6f42:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 6f43:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 6f44:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 6f45:\te8 f6 c5 ff ff \tcall 3540 \n 6f4a:\t89 44 24 50 \tmov %eax,0x50(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:609\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:609\n 6f4e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6f51:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 6f53:\t0f 84 78 05 00 00 \tje 74d1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:611\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:611\n 6f59:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 6f5c:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 6f5e:\t68 f0 00 00 00 \tpush $0xf0\n 6f63:\tff 74 24 4c \tpushl 0x4c(%esp)\n 6f67:\te8 64 c3 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n 6f6c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 6f6f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 6f71:\t0f 85 25 05 00 00 \tjne 749c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:615\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:615\n 6f77:\t8b 44 24 54 \tmov 0x54(%esp),%eax\n 6f7b:\tc7 44 24 4c 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4c(%esp)\n 6f82:\t00 \n 6f83:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 6f85:\t0f 8e 01 03 00 00 \tjle 728c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:617\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:617\n 6f8b:\t8d 83 f5 77 ff ff \tlea -0x880b(%ebx),%eax\n 6f91:\t89 44 24 6c \tmov %eax,0x6c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:619\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:619\n 6f95:\t8d 83 fa 77 ff ff \tlea -0x8806(%ebx),%eax\n 6f9b:\t89 44 24 70 \tmov %eax,0x70(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:622\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:622\n 6f9f:\t8d 83 01 78 ff ff \tlea -0x87ff(%ebx),%eax\n 6fa5:\t89 44 24 74 \tmov %eax,0x74(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:626\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:626\n 6fa9:\t8d 83 1a 78 ff ff \tlea -0x87e6(%ebx),%eax\n 6faf:\t89 44 24 5c \tmov %eax,0x5c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:627\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:627\n 6fb3:\t8d 83 20 78 ff ff \tlea -0x87e0(%ebx),%eax\n 6fb9:\t89 44 24 60 \tmov %eax,0x60(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:634\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:634\n 6fbd:\t8d 83 0a 78 ff ff \tlea -0x87f6(%ebx),%eax\n 6fc3:\t89 44 24 78 \tmov %eax,0x78(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:635\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:635\n 6fc7:\t8d 83 12 78 ff ff \tlea -0x87ee(%ebx),%eax\n 6fcd:\t89 44 24 7c \tmov %eax,0x7c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:656\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:656\n 6fd1:\t8b 83 cc ff ff ff \tmov -0x34(%ebx),%eax\n 6fd7:\t89 44 24 34 \tmov %eax,0x34(%esp)\n get_IBM_double():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:98\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:98\n 6fdb:\t8b 83 c0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x40(%ebx),%eax\n 6fe1:\t89 44 24 48 \tmov %eax,0x48(%esp)\n xport_read():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:616\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:616\n 6fe5:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 6fe8:\tff 74 24 54 \tpushl 0x54(%esp)\n 6fec:\tff 74 24 74 \tpushl 0x74(%esp)\n 6ff0:\te8 4b c2 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:617\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:617\n 6ff5:\t8b 54 24 7c \tmov 0x7c(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:616\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:616\n 6ff9:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:617\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:617\n 6ffb:\te8 70 ec ff ff \tcall 5c70 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:618\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:618\n 7000:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:617\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:617\n 7003:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:618\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:618\n 7005:\te8 26 c0 ff ff \tcall 3030 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:619\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:619\n 700a:\t8b 94 24 80 00 00 00 \tmov 0x80(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:618\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:618\n 7011:\t89 44 24 48 \tmov %eax,0x48(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:619\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:619\n 7015:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 7017:\te8 54 ec ff ff \tcall 5c70 \n 701c:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 701f:\te8 1c c3 ff ff \tcall 3340 \n 7024:\t89 44 24 4c \tmov %eax,0x4c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:620\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:620\n 7028:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 7029:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 702a:\tff 74 24 40 \tpushl 0x40(%esp)\n 702e:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 7030:\te8 8b c0 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 7035:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 7038:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n 703c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 703d:\tff 74 24 54 \tpushl 0x54(%esp)\n 7041:\tff 74 24 5c \tpushl 0x5c(%esp)\n 7045:\te8 46 c5 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:621\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:621\n 704a:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 704d:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 704e:\t8b 7c 24 60 \tmov 0x60(%esp),%edi\n 7052:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n 7054:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 7058:\te8 13 c5 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:622\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:622\n 705d:\t8b 94 24 84 00 00 00 \tmov 0x84(%esp),%edx\n 7064:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 7066:\te8 05 ec ff ff \tcall 5c70 \n 706b:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 706e:\te8 5d c4 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 7073:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:623\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:623\n 7077:\t8b 54 24 48 \tmov 0x48(%esp),%edx\n 707b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 707e:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 7080:\t0f 8e 95 03 00 00 \tjle 741b \n 7086:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 7088:\t89 6c 24 08 \tmov %ebp,0x8(%esp)\n 708c:\t8b 6c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebp\n 7090:\t89 74 24 04 \tmov %esi,0x4(%esp)\n 7094:\t89 fe \tmov %edi,%esi\n 7096:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:624 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:624 (discriminator 3)\n 7098:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 709b:\tff 74 24 44 \tpushl 0x44(%esp)\n 709f:\tff 34 b7 \tpushl (%edi,%esi,4)\n 70a2:\te8 19 c0 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 70a7:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 70aa:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 70ab:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:623 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:623 (discriminator 3)\n 70ac:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:624 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:624 (discriminator 3)\n 70af:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 70b0:\te8 db c4 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:623 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:623 (discriminator 3)\n 70b5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 70b8:\t39 74 24 38 \tcmp %esi,0x38(%esp)\n 70bc:\t75 da \tjne 7098 \n 70be:\t8b 74 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:626\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:626\n 70c2:\t8b 54 24 5c \tmov 0x5c(%esp),%edx\n 70c6:\t8b 6c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%ebp\n 70ca:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 70cc:\te8 9f eb ff ff \tcall 5c70 \n 70d1:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 70d4:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 70d5:\te8 f6 c3 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:627\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:627\n 70da:\t8b 54 24 70 \tmov 0x70(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:626\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:626\n 70de:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n 70e2:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:627\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:627\n 70e4:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 70e6:\te8 85 eb ff ff \tcall 5c70 \n 70eb:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 70ee:\te8 dd c3 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 70f3:\t8b 4c 24 48 \tmov 0x48(%esp),%ecx\n 70f7:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:630\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:630\n 70fb:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 70fd:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 7100:\t8d 14 8f \tlea (%edi,%ecx,4),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:627\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:627\n 7103:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:631 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:631 (discriminator 3)\n 7105:\t03 08 \tadd (%eax),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:630 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:630 (discriminator 3)\n 7107:\t83 c0 04 \tadd $0x4,%eax\n 710a:\t39 c2 \tcmp %eax,%edx\n 710c:\t75 f7 \tjne 7105 \n 710e:\t89 4c 24 44 \tmov %ecx,0x44(%esp)\n 7112:\t8d 41 01 \tlea 0x1(%ecx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:632\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:632\n 7115:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 7118:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 711a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 711b:\te8 d0 c5 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:634\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:634\n 7120:\t8b 94 24 88 00 00 00 \tmov 0x88(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:632\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:632\n 7127:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:634\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:634\n 712b:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 712d:\te8 3e eb ff ff \tcall 5c70 \n 7132:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 7135:\te8 06 c2 ff ff \tcall 3340 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:635\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:635\n 713a:\t8b 94 24 8c 00 00 00 \tmov 0x8c(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:634\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:634\n 7141:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:635\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:635\n 7143:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 7145:\te8 26 eb ff ff \tcall 5c70 \n 714a:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 714d:\te8 ee c1 ff ff \tcall 3340 \n 7152:\t89 44 24 74 \tmov %eax,0x74(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:636\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:636\n 7156:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 7159:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 715b:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 715c:\tff 74 24 4c \tpushl 0x4c(%esp)\n 7160:\te8 6b c1 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:638\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:638\n 7165:\t8b 54 24 4c \tmov 0x4c(%esp),%edx\n 7169:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 716c:\tc7 44 24 0c 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0xc(%esp)\n 7173:\t00 \n 7174:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 7176:\t0f 8e de 00 00 00 \tjle 725a \n 717c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n@@ -5398,152 +5398,152 @@\n 7180:\tff 74 24 40 \tpushl 0x40(%esp)\n 7184:\t8b 74 24 48 \tmov 0x48(%esp),%esi\n 7188:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 7189:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 718b:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 718f:\te8 bc c1 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n xport_read():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:640\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:640\n 7194:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 7197:\t39 f0 \tcmp %esi,%eax\n 7199:\t0f 85 e0 02 00 00 \tjne 747f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:644\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:644\n 719f:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n 71a3:\t8b 7c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%edi\n 71a7:\tc1 e0 03 \tshl $0x3,%eax\n 71aa:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n 71ae:\t83 ef 01 \tsub $0x1,%edi\n 71b1:\t0f 88 90 00 00 00 \tjs 7247 \n 71b7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 71be:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:645\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:645\n 71c0:\t8b 44 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%eax\n 71c4:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n 71c8:\t03 14 b8 \tadd (%eax,%edi,4),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:646\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:646\n 71cb:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n 71cf:\t8b 0c b8 \tmov (%eax,%edi,4),%ecx\n 71d2:\t8b 44 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%eax\n 71d6:\t83 3c b8 0e \tcmpl $0xe,(%eax,%edi,4)\n 71da:\t0f 84 f0 00 00 00 \tje 72d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:652\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:652\n 71e0:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:650\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:650\n 71e4:\tc6 04 0a 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%edx,%ecx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:652\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:652\n 71e8:\t8b 0c b8 \tmov (%eax,%edi,4),%ecx\n 71eb:\t01 d1 \tadd %edx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:653\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:653\n 71ed:\t8d 41 ff \tlea -0x1(%ecx),%eax\n 71f0:\t39 ca \tcmp %ecx,%edx\n 71f2:\t73 1b \tjae 720f \n 71f4:\t8d 4a ff \tlea -0x1(%edx),%ecx\n 71f7:\teb 11 \tjmp 720a \n 71f9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:654\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:654\n 7200:\tc6 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:653\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:653\n 7203:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 7206:\t39 c8 \tcmp %ecx,%eax\n 7208:\t74 05 \tje 720f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:653 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:653 (discriminator 1)\n 720a:\t80 38 20 \tcmpb $0x20,(%eax)\n 720d:\t74 f1 \tje 7200 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:656\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:656\n 720f:\t39 c2 \tcmp %eax,%edx\n 7211:\t0f 86 e9 01 00 00 \tjbe 7400 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:656 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:656 (discriminator 1)\n 7217:\t8b 44 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%eax\n 721b:\t8b 30 \tmov (%eax),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:656 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:656 (discriminator 2)\n 721d:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 7220:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 7221:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 7225:\te8 16 c0 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 722a:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 722d:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 722e:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 7232:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7233:\te8 88 c1 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n 7238:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:644 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:644 (discriminator 2)\n 723b:\t83 ef 01 \tsub $0x1,%edi\n 723e:\t83 ff ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%edi\n 7241:\t0f 85 79 ff ff ff \tjne 71c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:638\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:638\n 7247:\t83 44 24 0c 01 \taddl $0x1,0xc(%esp)\n 724c:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n 7250:\t39 44 24 3c \tcmp %eax,0x3c(%esp)\n 7254:\t0f 85 26 ff ff ff \tjne 7180 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:663\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:663\n 725a:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 725d:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 725f:\tff 74 24 6c \tpushl 0x6c(%esp)\n 7263:\tff 74 24 4c \tpushl 0x4c(%esp)\n 7267:\te8 64 c0 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:665\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:665\n 726c:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 726d:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 7271:\te8 da c4 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:615\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:615\n 7276:\t83 44 24 5c 01 \taddl $0x1,0x5c(%esp)\n 727b:\t8b 44 24 5c \tmov 0x5c(%esp),%eax\n 727f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 7282:\t39 44 24 54 \tcmp %eax,0x54(%esp)\n 7286:\t0f 85 59 fd ff ff \tjne 6fe5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:667\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:667\n 728c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 728f:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 7291:\te8 8a c1 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:668\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:668\n 7296:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 7297:\tff 74 24 4c \tpushl 0x4c(%esp)\n 729b:\te8 20 bf ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:669\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:669\n 72a0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:670\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:670\n 72a3:\t8b 84 24 8c 00 00 00 \tmov 0x8c(%esp),%eax\n 72aa:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 72b1:\t0f 85 e0 01 00 00 \tjne 7497 \n 72b7:\t8b 44 24 50 \tmov 0x50(%esp),%eax\n 72bb:\t81 c4 9c 00 00 00 \tadd $0x9c,%esp\n 72c1:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 72c2:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 72c3:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 72c4:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 72c5:\tc3 \tret \n 72c6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 72cd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n 72d0:\t89 4c 24 28 \tmov %ecx,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:647\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:647\n 72d4:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 72d7:\t89 54 24 28 \tmov %edx,0x28(%esp)\n 72db:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 72dc:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 72e0:\te8 5b bf ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 72e5:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 72e8:\te8 53 be ff ff \tcall 3140 \n get_IBM_double():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:83\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:83\n 72ed:\t8b 54 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%edx\n xport_read():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:647\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:647\n 72f1:\t03 44 24 40 \tadd 0x40(%esp),%eax\n 72f5:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n get_IBM_double():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:89\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:89\n 72f9:\t8b 4c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:83\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:83\n 72fd:\t0f b6 32 \tmovzbl (%edx),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:85\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:85\n 7300:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 7302:\t83 e0 7f \tand $0x7f,%eax\n 7305:\t83 e8 46 \tsub $0x46,%eax\n 7308:\t88 44 24 30 \tmov %al,0x30(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:89\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:89\n 730c:\t8d 41 fe \tlea -0x2(%ecx),%eax\n 730f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 7312:\t83 f8 06 \tcmp $0x6,%eax\n 7315:\t0f 87 44 01 00 00 \tja 745f \n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n 731b:\t8d 84 24 84 00 00 00 \tlea 0x84(%esp),%eax\n@@ -5555,152 +5555,152 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 7338:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n 733a:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 733b:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 733c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 733d:\te8 0e c1 ff ff \tcall 3450 <__memcpy_chk@plt>\n get_IBM_double():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:98\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:98\n 7342:\t0f b6 84 24 95 00 00 \tmovzbl 0x95(%esp),%eax\n 7349:\t00 \n 734a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 734d:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n 734f:\t75 0e \tjne 735f \n 7351:\t80 bc 24 84 00 00 00 \tcmpb $0x0,0x84(%esp)\n 7358:\t00 \n 7359:\t0f 85 b4 00 00 00 \tjne 7413 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:100\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:100\n 735f:\t89 ea \tmov %ebp,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:108\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:108\n 7361:\t66 0f be 4c 24 20 \tmovsbw 0x20(%esp),%cx\n 7367:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:100\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:100\n 736a:\t30 d2 \txor %dl,%dl\n 736c:\t89 d5 \tmov %edx,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:108\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:108\n 736e:\t66 89 4c 24 28 \tmov %cx,0x28(%esp)\n 7373:\tdf 44 24 28 \tfilds 0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:101\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:101\n 7377:\t89 ea \tmov %ebp,%edx\n 7379:\t88 c6 \tmov %al,%dh\n 737b:\t0f b7 84 24 8e 00 00 \tmovzwl 0x8e(%esp),%eax\n 7382:\t00 \n 7383:\t89 d5 \tmov %edx,%ebp\n 7385:\tc1 e0 10 \tshl $0x10,%eax\n 7388:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n 738a:\t0f b7 c5 \tmovzwl %bp,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:104\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:104\n 738d:\t8b ac 24 90 00 00 00 \tmov 0x90(%esp),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:101\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:101\n 7394:\t09 d0 \tor %edx,%eax\n xport_read():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 7396:\t89 ea \tmov %ebp,%edx\n 7398:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n 739a:\t89 44 24 34 \tmov %eax,0x34(%esp)\n 739e:\t0f ca \tbswap %edx\n 73a0:\t89 54 24 30 \tmov %edx,0x30(%esp)\n get_IBM_double():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:108\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:108\n 73a4:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n 73a7:\t68 00 00 30 40 \tpush $0x40300000\n 73ac:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 73ae:\te8 4d c3 ff ff \tcall 3700 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:107\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:107\n 73b3:\t8b 44 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%eax\n 73b7:\t8b 54 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%edx\n 73bb:\tc7 44 24 34 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x34(%esp)\n 73c2:\t00 \n 73c3:\t89 54 24 30 \tmov %edx,0x30(%esp)\n 73c7:\tdf 6c 24 30 \tfildll 0x30(%esp)\n 73cb:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n 73cf:\td8 8b 30 78 ff ff \tfmuls -0x87d0(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:109\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:109\n 73d5:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:107\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:107\n 73d7:\tc7 44 24 34 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x34(%esp)\n 73de:\t00 \n 73df:\tdf 6c 24 30 \tfildll 0x30(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:109\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:109\n 73e3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:107\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:107\n 73e6:\tde c1 \tfaddp %st,%st(1)\n 73e8:\tde c9 \tfmulp %st,%st(1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:109\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:109\n 73ea:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n 73ec:\t79 02 \tjns 73f0 \n 73ee:\td9 e0 \tfchs \n xport_read():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:647\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:647\n 73f0:\t8b 44 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 73f4:\tdd 18 \tfstpl (%eax)\n 73f6:\te9 40 fe ff ff \tjmp 723b \n 73fb:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 73ff:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:658\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:658\n 7400:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7403:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 7404:\te8 e7 bc ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 7409:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 740c:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 740e:\te9 0a fe ff ff \tjmp 721d \n get_IBM_double():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:98\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:98\n 7413:\t8b 44 24 48 \tmov 0x48(%esp),%eax\n 7417:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n 7419:\teb d5 \tjmp 73f0 \n xport_read():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:626\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:626\n 741b:\t8b 54 24 5c \tmov 0x5c(%esp),%edx\n 741f:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 7421:\te8 4a e8 ff ff \tcall 5c70 \n 7426:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7429:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 742a:\te8 a1 c0 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:627\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:627\n 742f:\t8b 54 24 70 \tmov 0x70(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:626\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:626\n 7433:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:627\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:627\n 7437:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 7439:\te8 32 e8 ff ff \tcall 5c70 \n 743e:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 7441:\te8 8a c0 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 7446:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n 744a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 744d:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:629\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:629\n 7452:\tc7 44 24 44 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x44(%esp)\n 7459:\t00 \n 745a:\te9 b6 fc ff ff \tjmp 7115 \n get_IBM_double():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:90\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:90\n 745f:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 7462:\t8d 83 a0 77 ff ff \tlea -0x8860(%ebx),%eax\n 7468:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n xport_read():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:641\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:641\n 746a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 746b:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 7471:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7472:\te8 89 bd ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 7477:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 747a:\te8 61 bd ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 747f:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 7482:\t8d 83 7c 77 ff ff \tlea -0x8884(%ebx),%eax\n 7488:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 748a:\teb de \tjmp 746a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:607\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:607\n 748c:\t8d 83 b8 74 ff ff \tlea -0x8b48(%ebx),%eax\n 7492:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 7493:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 7495:\teb d3 \tjmp 746a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:670\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:670\n 7497:\te8 04 d0 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:612\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:612\n 749c:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 749d:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 749e:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 74a0:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 74a1:\te8 6a c2 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 74a6:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 74a9:\te8 d2 bf ff ff \tcall 3480 \n@@ -5713,979 +5713,979 @@\n 74c2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 74c3:\te8 38 bd ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 74c8:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 74c9:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 74ca:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 74cb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 74cc:\te8 0f bd ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/SASxport.c:610\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/SASxport.c:610\n 74d1:\te8 ca c0 ff ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n 74d6:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 74d9:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 74db:\te8 60 bf ff ff \tcall 3440 \n 74e0:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 74e3:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 74e5:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 74e7:\t8d 83 db 77 ff ff \tlea -0x8825(%ebx),%eax\n 74ed:\teb cc \tjmp 74bb \n 74ef:\t90 \tnop\n avl_probe():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:374\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:374\n 74f0:\te8 ad 06 00 00 \tcall 7ba2 \n 74f5:\t81 c1 0b 6b 01 00 \tadd $0x16b0b,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:364\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:364\n 74fb:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 74fc:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 74fd:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 74fe:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 74ff:\t83 ec 1c \tsub $0x1c,%esp\n 7502:\t89 4c 24 04 \tmov %ecx,0x4(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:374\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:374\n 7506:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 7508:\t0f 84 2e 03 00 00 \tje 783c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:376\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:376\n 750e:\t8b 78 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%edi\n 7511:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 7513:\t89 d5 \tmov %edx,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:378\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:378\n 7515:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n 7517:\t74 7f \tje 7598 \n 7519:\t89 14 24 \tmov %edx,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:375\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:375\n 751c:\t89 fe \tmov %edi,%esi\n 751e:\t89 c3 \tmov %eax,%ebx\n 7520:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n 7522:\teb 25 \tjmp 7549 \n 7524:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:406\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:406\n 7528:\t0f 84 ba 00 00 00 \tje 75e8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:409\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:409\n 752e:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:408\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:408\n 7531:\tc6 46 0d 01 \tmovb $0x1,0xd(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:410\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:410\n 7535:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 7537:\t0f 84 bb 00 00 00 \tje 75f8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:421\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:421\n 753d:\t80 78 0c 00 \tcmpb $0x0,0xc(%eax)\n 7541:\t0f 45 f8 \tcmovne %eax,%edi\n 7544:\t0f 45 de \tcmovne %esi,%ebx\n 7547:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:392\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:392\n 7549:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 754c:\tff 75 18 \tpushl 0x18(%ebp)\n 754f:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 7551:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 7555:\tff 55 10 \tcall *0x10(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:395\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:395\n 7558:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 755b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 755d:\t79 c9 \tjns 7528 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:398\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:398\n 755f:\t8b 46 04 \tmov 0x4(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:397\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:397\n 7562:\tc6 46 0d 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xd(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:399\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:399\n 7566:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 7568:\t75 d3 \tjne 753d \n 756a:\t89 6c 24 0c \tmov %ebp,0xc(%esp)\n 756e:\t8b 2c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ebp\n new_node():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:174\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:174\n 7571:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 7574:\t89 5c 24 10 \tmov %ebx,0x10(%esp)\n 7578:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 757a:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 757c:\t8b 5c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ebx\n 7580:\te8 6b c1 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n avl_probe():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:402\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:402\n 7585:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 7588:\t8b 4c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:401\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:401\n 758c:\t89 46 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:402\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:402\n 758f:\te9 89 00 00 00 \tjmp 761d \n 7594:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:380\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:380\n 7598:\t8b 40 14 \tmov 0x14(%eax),%eax\n 759b:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 759e:\t89 41 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:381\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:381\n 75a1:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 75a4:\t0f 85 7f 02 00 00 \tjne 7829 \n 75aa:\t89 0c 24 \tmov %ecx,(%esp)\n new_node():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:174\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:174\n 75ad:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 75b0:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 75b2:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 75b4:\t8b 5c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ebx\n 75b8:\te8 33 c1 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n avl_probe():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:382\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:382\n 75bd:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:386\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:386\n 75c1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:382\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:382\n 75c4:\t89 41 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:383\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:383\n 75c7:\t89 28 \tmov %ebp,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:384\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:384\n 75c9:\tc7 40 08 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x8(%eax)\n 75d0:\tc7 40 04 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:385\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:385\n 75d7:\tc6 40 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:537\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:537\n 75db:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n 75de:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 75df:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 75e0:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 75e1:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 75e2:\tc3 \tret \n 75e3:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 75e7:\t90 \tnop\n 75e8:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:418\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:418\n 75eb:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:537\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:537\n 75ed:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 75ee:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 75ef:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 75f0:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 75f1:\tc3 \tret \n 75f2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n 75f8:\t89 6c 24 0c \tmov %ebp,0xc(%esp)\n 75fc:\t8b 2c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ebp\n new_node():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:174\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:174\n 75ff:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 7602:\t89 5c 24 10 \tmov %ebx,0x10(%esp)\n 7606:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 7608:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 760a:\t8b 5c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ebx\n 760e:\te8 dd c0 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n avl_probe():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:413\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:413\n 7613:\t8b 4c 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%ecx\n 7617:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:412\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:412\n 761a:\t89 46 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:427\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:427\n 761d:\t83 41 14 01 \taddl $0x1,0x14(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:428\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:428\n 7621:\t89 ce \tmov %ecx,%esi\n 7623:\t89 28 \tmov %ebp,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:429\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:429\n 7625:\tc7 40 08 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x8(%eax)\n 762c:\tc7 40 04 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:430\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:430\n 7633:\tc6 40 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:433\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:433\n 7637:\t0f be 5f 0d \tmovsbl 0xd(%edi),%ebx\n 763b:\t89 da \tmov %ebx,%edx\n 763d:\t8b 5c 9f 04 \tmov 0x4(%edi,%ebx,4),%ebx\n 7641:\t89 1c 24 \tmov %ebx,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:434\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:434\n 7644:\t89 dd \tmov %ebx,%ebp\n 7646:\t39 d8 \tcmp %ebx,%eax\n 7648:\t74 1b \tje 7665 \n 764a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:436\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:436\n 7650:\t0f be 5d 0d \tmovsbl 0xd(%ebp),%ebx\n 7654:\t8d 4c 1b ff \tlea -0x1(%ebx,%ebx,1),%ecx\n 7658:\t88 4d 0c \tmov %cl,0xc(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:437\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:437\n 765b:\t8b 6c 9d 04 \tmov 0x4(%ebp,%ebx,4),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:434\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:434\n 765f:\t39 e8 \tcmp %ebp,%eax\n 7661:\t75 ed \tjne 7650 \n 7663:\t89 f1 \tmov %esi,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:441\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:441\n 7665:\t0f b6 5f 0c \tmovzbl 0xc(%edi),%ebx\n 7669:\t84 d2 \ttest %dl,%dl\n 766b:\t0f 85 a7 00 00 00 \tjne 7718 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:444\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:444\n 7671:\t84 db \ttest %bl,%bl\n 7673:\t0f 84 08 01 00 00 \tje 7781 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:449\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:449\n 7679:\t80 fb 01 \tcmp $0x1,%bl\n 767c:\t0f 84 11 01 00 00 \tje 7793 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:455\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:455\n 7682:\t80 fb ff \tcmp $0xff,%bl\n 7685:\t0f 85 c4 01 00 00 \tjne 784f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:456\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:456\n 768b:\t8b 14 24 \tmov (%esp),%edx\n 768e:\t0f b6 5a 0c \tmovzbl 0xc(%edx),%ebx\n 7692:\t80 fb ff \tcmp $0xff,%bl\n 7695:\t0f 84 3c 01 00 00 \tje 77d7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:467\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:467\n 769b:\t80 fb 01 \tcmp $0x1,%bl\n 769e:\t0f 85 5f 01 00 00 \tjne 7803 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:468\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:468\n 76a4:\t8b 14 24 \tmov (%esp),%edx\n 76a7:\t8b 5a 08 \tmov 0x8(%edx),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:469\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:469\n 76aa:\t8b 73 04 \tmov 0x4(%ebx),%esi\n 76ad:\t89 72 08 \tmov %esi,0x8(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:471\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:471\n 76b0:\t8b 73 08 \tmov 0x8(%ebx),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:470\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:470\n 76b3:\t89 53 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:471\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:471\n 76b6:\t89 77 04 \tmov %esi,0x4(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:473\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:473\n 76b9:\t0f b6 53 0c \tmovzbl 0xc(%ebx),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:472\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:472\n 76bd:\t89 7b 08 \tmov %edi,0x8(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:473\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:473\n 76c0:\t80 fa ff \tcmp $0xff,%dl\n 76c3:\t0f 84 d3 00 00 00 \tje 779c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:475\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:475\n 76c9:\t84 d2 \ttest %dl,%dl\n 76cb:\t0f 84 eb 00 00 00 \tje 77bc \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:479\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:479\n 76d1:\t80 fa 01 \tcmp $0x1,%dl\n 76d4:\t0f 85 9b 01 00 00 \tjne 7875 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:480\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:480\n 76da:\t8b 14 24 \tmov (%esp),%edx\n 76dd:\tc6 47 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%edi)\n 76e1:\tc6 42 0c ff \tmovb $0xff,0xc(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:482\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:482\n 76e5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:526\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:526\n 76e8:\tc6 43 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%ebx)\n 76ec:\t89 1c 24 \tmov %ebx,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:531\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:531\n 76ef:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n 76f3:\t39 ca \tcmp %ecx,%edx\n 76f5:\t74 09 \tje 7700 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:531 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:531 (discriminator 1)\n 76f7:\t39 7a 08 \tcmp %edi,0x8(%edx)\n 76fa:\t0f 84 cc 00 00 00 \tje 77cc \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:534\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:534\n 7700:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n 7704:\t8b 0c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ecx\n 7707:\t89 4a 04 \tmov %ecx,0x4(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:537\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:537\n 770a:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n 770d:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 770e:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 770f:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 7710:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 7711:\tc3 \tret \n 7712:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:488\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:488\n 7718:\t84 db \ttest %bl,%bl\n 771a:\t74 6e \tje 778a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:493\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:493\n 771c:\t80 fb ff \tcmp $0xff,%bl\n 771f:\t74 72 \tje 7793 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:499\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:499\n 7721:\t80 fb 01 \tcmp $0x1,%bl\n 7724:\t0f 85 ec 00 00 00 \tjne 7816 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:500\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:500\n 772a:\t8b 14 24 \tmov (%esp),%edx\n 772d:\t0f b6 5a 0c \tmovzbl 0xc(%edx),%ebx\n 7731:\t80 fb 01 \tcmp $0x1,%bl\n 7734:\t0f 84 b3 00 00 00 \tje 77ed \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:511\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:511\n 773a:\t80 fb ff \tcmp $0xff,%bl\n 773d:\t0f 85 1f 01 00 00 \tjne 7862 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:512\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:512\n 7743:\t8b 14 24 \tmov (%esp),%edx\n 7746:\t8b 5a 04 \tmov 0x4(%edx),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:513\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:513\n 7749:\t8b 73 08 \tmov 0x8(%ebx),%esi\n 774c:\t89 72 04 \tmov %esi,0x4(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:515\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:515\n 774f:\t8b 73 04 \tmov 0x4(%ebx),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:514\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:514\n 7752:\t89 53 08 \tmov %edx,0x8(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:515\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:515\n 7755:\t89 77 08 \tmov %esi,0x8(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:517\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:517\n 7758:\t0f b6 53 0c \tmovzbl 0xc(%ebx),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:516\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:516\n 775c:\t89 7b 04 \tmov %edi,0x4(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:517\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:517\n 775f:\t80 fa 01 \tcmp $0x1,%dl\n 7762:\t74 48 \tje 77ac \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:519\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:519\n 7764:\t84 d2 \ttest %dl,%dl\n 7766:\t74 54 \tje 77bc \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:523\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:523\n 7768:\t80 fa ff \tcmp $0xff,%dl\n 776b:\t0f 85 17 01 00 00 \tjne 7888 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:524\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:524\n 7771:\t8b 14 24 \tmov (%esp),%edx\n 7774:\tc6 47 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%edi)\n 7778:\tc6 42 0c 01 \tmovb $0x1,0xc(%edx)\n 777c:\te9 67 ff ff ff \tjmp 76e8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:446\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:446\n 7781:\tc6 47 0c ff \tmovb $0xff,0xc(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:447\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:447\n 7785:\te9 51 fe ff ff \tjmp 75db \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:490\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:490\n 778a:\tc6 47 0c 01 \tmovb $0x1,0xc(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:491\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:491\n 778e:\te9 48 fe ff ff \tjmp 75db \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:495\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:495\n 7793:\tc6 47 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:496\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:496\n 7797:\te9 3f fe ff ff \tjmp 75db \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:474\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:474\n 779c:\t8b 14 24 \tmov (%esp),%edx\n 779f:\tc6 47 0c 01 \tmovb $0x1,0xc(%edi)\n 77a3:\tc6 42 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%edx)\n 77a7:\te9 3c ff ff ff \tjmp 76e8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:518\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:518\n 77ac:\t8b 14 24 \tmov (%esp),%edx\n 77af:\tc6 47 0c ff \tmovb $0xff,0xc(%edi)\n 77b3:\tc6 42 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%edx)\n 77b7:\te9 2c ff ff ff \tjmp 76e8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:520\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:520\n 77bc:\t8b 14 24 \tmov (%esp),%edx\n 77bf:\tc6 42 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%edx)\n 77c3:\tc6 47 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%edi)\n 77c7:\te9 1c ff ff ff \tjmp 76e8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:532\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:532\n 77cc:\t8b 0c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ecx\n 77cf:\t89 4a 08 \tmov %ecx,0x8(%edx)\n 77d2:\te9 04 fe ff ff \tjmp 75db \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:460\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:460\n 77d7:\t8b 5a 08 \tmov 0x8(%edx),%ebx\n 77da:\t89 5f 04 \tmov %ebx,0x4(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:461\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:461\n 77dd:\t89 7a 08 \tmov %edi,0x8(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:462\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:462\n 77e0:\tc6 42 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%edx)\n 77e4:\tc6 47 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%edi)\n 77e8:\te9 02 ff ff ff \tjmp 76ef \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:504\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:504\n 77ed:\t8b 5a 04 \tmov 0x4(%edx),%ebx\n 77f0:\t89 5f 08 \tmov %ebx,0x8(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:505\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:505\n 77f3:\t89 7a 04 \tmov %edi,0x4(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:506\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:506\n 77f6:\tc6 42 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%edx)\n 77fa:\tc6 47 0c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xc(%edi)\n 77fe:\te9 ec fe ff ff \tjmp 76ef \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:467 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:467 (discriminator 1)\n 7803:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7806:\t8b 5c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebx\n 780a:\t8d 83 6e 78 ff ff \tlea -0x8792(%ebx),%eax\n 7810:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7811:\te8 ca b9 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:499 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:499 (discriminator 1)\n 7816:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7819:\t8b 5c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebx\n 781d:\t8d 83 a8 78 ff ff \tlea -0x8758(%ebx),%eax\n 7823:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7824:\te8 b7 b9 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:381 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:381 (discriminator 1)\n 7829:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 782c:\t8b 5c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebx\n 7830:\t8d 83 1c 79 ff ff \tlea -0x86e4(%ebx),%eax\n 7836:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7837:\te8 a4 b9 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:374 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:374 (discriminator 1)\n 783c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 783f:\t8b 5c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebx\n 7843:\t8d 83 34 78 ff ff \tlea -0x87cc(%ebx),%eax\n 7849:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 784a:\te8 91 b9 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:455 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:455 (discriminator 1)\n 784f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7852:\t8b 5c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebx\n 7856:\t8d 83 51 78 ff ff \tlea -0x87af(%ebx),%eax\n 785c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 785d:\te8 7e b9 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:511 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:511 (discriminator 1)\n 7862:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7865:\t8b 5c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebx\n 7869:\t8d 83 c5 78 ff ff \tlea -0x873b(%ebx),%eax\n 786f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7870:\te8 6b b9 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:479 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:479 (discriminator 1)\n 7875:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7878:\t8b 5c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebx\n 787c:\t8d 83 8b 78 ff ff \tlea -0x8775(%ebx),%eax\n 7882:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7883:\te8 58 b9 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:523 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:523 (discriminator 1)\n 7888:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 788b:\t8b 5c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebx\n 788f:\t8d 83 e2 78 ff ff \tlea -0x871e(%ebx),%eax\n 7895:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7896:\te8 45 b9 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 789b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 789f:\t90 \tnop\n Free_fn():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:43\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:43\n 78a0:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 78a1:\te8 2a c0 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 78a6:\t81 c3 5a 67 01 00 \tadd $0x1675a,%ebx\n 78ac:\t83 ec 14 \tsub $0x14,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:44\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:44\n 78af:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 78b3:\te8 98 be ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:45\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:45\n 78b8:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n 78bb:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 78bc:\tc3 \tret \n 78bd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 000078c0 :\n R_avl_create():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:53\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:53\n 78c0:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 78c1:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 78c2:\te8 09 c0 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 78c7:\t81 c3 39 67 01 00 \tadd $0x16739,%ebx\n 78cd:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 78d0:\t8b 74 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:56\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:56\n 78d4:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 78d6:\t74 31 \tje 7909 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:62\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:62\n 78d8:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 78db:\t6a 1c \tpush $0x1c\n 78dd:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 78df:\te8 0c be ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:71\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:71\n 78e4:\t8b 54 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:67\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:67\n 78e8:\tc7 40 04 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:68\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:68\n 78ef:\tc7 40 08 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x8(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:69\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:69\n 78f6:\t89 70 10 \tmov %esi,0x10(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:70\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:70\n 78f9:\tc7 40 14 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x14(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:71\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:71\n 7900:\t89 50 18 \tmov %edx,0x18(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:74\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:74\n 7903:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n 7906:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7907:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 7908:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:56 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:56 (discriminator 1)\n 7909:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 790c:\t8d 83 ff 78 ff ff \tlea -0x8701(%ebx),%eax\n 7912:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7913:\te8 c8 b8 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 7918:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 791f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00007920 :\n R_avl_destroy():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:86\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:86\n 7920:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 7921:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 7922:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 7923:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 7924:\te8 a7 bf ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 7929:\t81 c3 d7 66 01 00 \tadd $0x166d7,%ebx\n 792f:\t81 ec cc 00 00 00 \tsub $0xcc,%esp\n 7935:\t8b 84 24 e0 00 00 00 \tmov 0xe0(%esp),%eax\n 793c:\t8b b4 24 e4 00 00 00 \tmov 0xe4(%esp),%esi\n 7943:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n 7947:\t65 8b 15 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%edx\n 794e:\t89 94 24 bc 00 00 00 \tmov %edx,0xbc(%esp)\n 7955:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:87\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:87\n 7957:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 7959:\t0f 84 bb 00 00 00 \tje 7a1a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:100\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:100\n 795f:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:99\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:99\n 7963:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:100\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:100\n 7965:\t8b 50 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:105\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:105\n 7968:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 796a:\t74 16 \tje 7982 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:109\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:109\n 796c:\t89 54 bc 1c \tmov %edx,0x1c(%esp,%edi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:110\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:110\n 7970:\t8b 52 04 \tmov 0x4(%edx),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:108\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:108\n 7973:\tc6 84 3c 9c 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x9c(%esp,%edi,1)\n 797a:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:109\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:109\n 797b:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:105\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:105\n 797e:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 7980:\t75 ea \tjne 796c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:116\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:116\n 7982:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n 7984:\t74 6a \tje 79f0 \n 7986:\t8d 44 24 1c \tlea 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 798a:\t89 44 24 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%esp)\n 798e:\t8d 84 24 9c 00 00 00 \tlea 0x9c(%esp),%eax\n 7995:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n 7999:\teb 2b \tjmp 79c6 \n 799b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 799f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:127\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:127\n 79a0:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 79a2:\t74 12 \tje 79b6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:128\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:128\n 79a4:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 79a7:\t8b 44 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%eax\n 79ab:\tff 70 18 \tpushl 0x18(%eax)\n 79ae:\tff 75 00 \tpushl 0x0(%ebp)\n 79b1:\tff d6 \tcall *%esi\n 79b3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:132\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:132\n 79b6:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 79b9:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 79ba:\te8 91 bd ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:116\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:116\n 79bf:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 79c2:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n 79c4:\t74 2a \tje 79f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:119\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:119\n 79c6:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n 79ca:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n 79cc:\t83 ef 01 \tsub $0x1,%edi\n 79cf:\t8b 2c b8 \tmov (%eax,%edi,4),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:120\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:120\n 79d2:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n 79d6:\t80 3c 38 00 \tcmpb $0x0,(%eax,%edi,1)\n 79da:\t75 c4 \tjne 79a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:122\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:122\n 79dc:\tc6 84 3c 9c 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x1,0x9c(%esp,%edi,1)\n 79e3:\t01 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:123\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:123\n 79e4:\t8b 55 08 \tmov 0x8(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:105\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:105\n 79e7:\t89 cf \tmov %ecx,%edi\n 79e9:\te9 7a ff ff ff \tjmp 7968 \n 79ee:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:141\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:141\n 79f0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 79f3:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 79f7:\te8 54 bd ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:142\n 79fc:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 79ff:\t8b 84 24 bc 00 00 00 \tmov 0xbc(%esp),%eax\n 7a06:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 7a0d:\t75 1a \tjne 7a29 \n 7a0f:\t81 c4 cc 00 00 00 \tadd $0xcc,%esp\n 7a15:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7a16:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 7a17:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 7a18:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 7a19:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:87 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:87 (discriminator 1)\n 7a1a:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7a1d:\t8d 83 34 78 ff ff \tlea -0x87cc(%ebx),%eax\n 7a23:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7a24:\te8 b7 b7 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:142\n 7a29:\te8 72 ca 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n 7a2e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n \n 00007a30 :\n R_avl_free():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:147\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:147\n 7a30:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 7a31:\te8 9a be ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 7a36:\t81 c3 ca 65 01 00 \tadd $0x165ca,%ebx\n 7a3c:\t83 ec 10 \tsub $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:148\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:148\n 7a3f:\t8d 83 a0 98 fe ff \tlea -0x16760(%ebx),%eax\n 7a45:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7a46:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 7a4a:\te8 51 b8 ff ff \tcall 32a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:149\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:149\n 7a4f:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n 7a52:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7a53:\tc3 \tret \n 7a54:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 7a5b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 7a5f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00007a60 :\n R_avl_count():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:154\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:154\n 7a60:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 7a61:\te8 6a be ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 7a66:\t81 c3 9a 65 01 00 \tadd $0x1659a,%ebx\n 7a6c:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 7a6f:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:155\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:155\n 7a73:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 7a75:\t74 08 \tje 7a7f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:156\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:156\n 7a77:\t8b 40 14 \tmov 0x14(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:157\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:157\n 7a7a:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 7a7d:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7a7e:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:155 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:155 (discriminator 1)\n 7a7f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7a82:\t8d 83 34 78 ff ff \tlea -0x87cc(%ebx),%eax\n 7a88:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7a89:\te8 52 b7 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 7a8e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n \n 00007a90 :\n R_avl_find():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:542\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:542\n 7a90:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 7a91:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 7a92:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 7a93:\t8b 74 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%esi\n 7a97:\te8 34 be ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 7a9c:\t81 c3 64 65 01 00 \tadd $0x16564,%ebx\n 7aa2:\t8b 7c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:545\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:545\n 7aa6:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 7aa8:\t74 44 \tje 7aee \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:546\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:546\n 7aaa:\t8b 5e 04 \tmov 0x4(%esi),%ebx\n 7aad:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n 7ab0:\t85 db \ttest %ebx,%ebx\n 7ab2:\t74 1c \tje 7ad0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:548\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:548\n 7ab4:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 7ab7:\tff 76 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esi)\n 7aba:\tff 33 \tpushl (%ebx)\n 7abc:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 7abd:\tff 56 10 \tcall *0x10(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:550\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:550\n 7ac0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 7ac3:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 7ac5:\t78 19 \tjs 7ae0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:552\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:552\n 7ac7:\t74 1f \tje 7ae8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:553\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:553\n 7ac9:\t8b 5b 08 \tmov 0x8(%ebx),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:546\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:546\n 7acc:\t85 db \ttest %ebx,%ebx\n 7ace:\t75 e4 \tjne 7ab4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:559\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:559\n 7ad0:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:558\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:558\n 7ad1:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:559\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:559\n 7ad3:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 7ad4:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 7ad5:\tc3 \tret \n 7ad6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 7add:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:551\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:551\n 7ae0:\t8b 5b 04 \tmov 0x4(%ebx),%ebx\n 7ae3:\teb cb \tjmp 7ab0 \n 7ae5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:555\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:555\n 7ae8:\t8b 03 \tmov (%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:559\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:559\n 7aea:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7aeb:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 7aec:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 7aed:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:545 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:545 (discriminator 1)\n 7aee:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7af1:\t8d 83 34 78 ff ff \tlea -0x87cc(%ebx),%eax\n 7af7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7af8:\te8 e3 b6 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 7afd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 00007b00 :\n R_avl_insert():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:805\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:805\n 7b00:\te8 c0 be ff ff \tcall 39c5 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x105>\n 7b05:\t81 c2 fb 64 01 00 \tadd $0x164fb,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:802\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:802\n 7b0b:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 7b0c:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 7b0f:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n 7b13:\t8b 5c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:805\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:805\n 7b17:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 7b19:\t74 18 \tje 7b33 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:807\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:807\n 7b1b:\t89 da \tmov %ebx,%edx\n 7b1d:\te8 ce f9 ff ff \tcall 74f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:808\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:808\n 7b22:\tba 00 00 00 00 \tmov $0x0,%edx\n 7b27:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n 7b29:\t39 d8 \tcmp %ebx,%eax\n 7b2b:\t0f 44 c2 \tcmove %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:809\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:809\n 7b2e:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 7b31:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7b32:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:805 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:805 (discriminator 1)\n 7b33:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7b36:\t8d 82 34 78 ff ff \tlea -0x87cc(%edx),%eax\n 7b3c:\t89 d3 \tmov %edx,%ebx\n 7b3e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7b3f:\te8 9c b6 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 7b44:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 7b4b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 7b4f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00007b50 :\n R_avl_replace():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:820\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:820\n 7b50:\te8 70 be ff ff \tcall 39c5 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x105>\n 7b55:\t81 c2 ab 64 01 00 \tadd $0x164ab,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:817\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:817\n 7b5b:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 7b5c:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 7b5f:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n 7b63:\t8b 5c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:820\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:820\n 7b67:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 7b69:\t74 26 \tje 7b91 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:822\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:822\n 7b6b:\t89 da \tmov %ebx,%edx\n 7b6d:\te8 7e f9 ff ff \tcall 74f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:823\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:823\n 7b72:\t8b 10 \tmov (%eax),%edx\n 7b74:\t39 da \tcmp %ebx,%edx\n 7b76:\t74 10 \tje 7b88 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:828\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:828\n 7b78:\t89 18 \tmov %ebx,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:831\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:831\n 7b7a:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 7b7d:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n 7b7f:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7b80:\tc3 \tret \n 7b81:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:824\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:824\n 7b88:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:831\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:831\n 7b8a:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 7b8d:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n 7b8f:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7b90:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/avl.c:820 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/avl.c:820 (discriminator 1)\n 7b91:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7b94:\t8d 82 34 78 ff ff \tlea -0x87cc(%edx),%eax\n 7b9a:\t89 d3 \tmov %edx,%ebx\n 7b9c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7b9d:\te8 3e b6 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n __x86.get_pc_thunk.cx():\n 7ba2:\t8b 0c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ecx\n 7ba5:\tc3 \tret \n 7ba6:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 7ba8:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 7baa:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 7bac:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 7bae:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n SfRealloc():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:222\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:222\n 7bb0:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 7bb1:\te8 1a bd ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 7bb6:\t81 c3 4a 64 01 00 \tadd $0x1644a,%ebx\n 7bbc:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:223\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:223\n 7bbf:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 7bc1:\t74 15 \tje 7bd8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:226\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:226\n 7bc3:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 7bc6:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 7bc7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7bc8:\te8 13 b8 ff ff \tcall 33e0 \n 7bcd:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:227\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:227\n 7bd0:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 7bd3:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7bd4:\tc3 \tret \n 7bd5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:224\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:224\n 7bd8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7bdb:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 7bdc:\te8 0f b8 ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n 7be1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:227\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:227\n 7be4:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 7be7:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7be8:\tc3 \tret \n 7be9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n DBFWriteHeader():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:238\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:238\n 7bf0:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 7bf1:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 7bf2:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 7bf4:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 7bf5:\te8 d6 bc ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 7bfa:\t81 c3 06 64 01 00 \tadd $0x16406,%ebx\n 7c00:\t83 ec 30 \tsub $0x30,%esp\n 7c03:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 7c09:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 7c0d:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:247\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:247\n 7c0f:\tc7 46 34 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x34(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:252\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:252\n 7c16:\t8d 7c 24 0c \tlea 0xc(%esp),%edi\n 7c1a:\t8d 54 24 2c \tlea 0x2c(%esp),%edx\n 7c1e:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:253\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:253\n 7c20:\tc6 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:252\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:252\n 7c23:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 7c26:\t39 d0 \tcmp %edx,%eax\n 7c28:\t75 f6 \tjne 7c20 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:264\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:264\n 7c2a:\t8b 46 0c \tmov 0xc(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:255\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:255\n 7c2d:\tc7 44 24 0c 03 5f 07 \tmovl $0x1a075f03,0xc(%esp)\n 7c34:\t1a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:264\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:264\n 7c35:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 7c37:\tc1 f9 1f \tsar $0x1f,%ecx\n 7c3a:\tc1 e9 18 \tshr $0x18,%ecx\n 7c3d:\t8d 14 08 \tlea (%eax,%ecx,1),%edx\n 7c40:\t0f b6 d2 \tmovzbl %dl,%edx\n 7c43:\t29 ca \tsub %ecx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:265\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:265\n 7c45:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:264\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:264\n 7c47:\t88 54 24 14 \tmov %dl,0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:265\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:265\n 7c4b:\t8d 90 ff 00 00 00 \tlea 0xff(%eax),%edx\n 7c51:\t0f 48 c2 \tcmovs %edx,%eax\n 7c54:\t88 64 24 15 \tmov %ah,0x15(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:267\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:267\n 7c58:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 7c5b:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 7c5d:\tc1 f9 1f \tsar $0x1f,%ecx\n 7c60:\tc1 e9 18 \tshr $0x18,%ecx\n 7c63:\t8d 14 08 \tlea (%eax,%ecx,1),%edx\n 7c66:\t0f b6 d2 \tmovzbl %dl,%edx\n 7c69:\t29 ca \tsub %ecx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:268\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:268\n 7c6b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:267\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:267\n 7c6d:\t88 54 24 16 \tmov %dl,0x16(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:268\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:268\n 7c71:\t8d 90 ff 00 00 00 \tlea 0xff(%eax),%edx\n 7c77:\t0f 48 c2 \tcmovs %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:274\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:274\n 7c7a:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:268\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:268\n 7c7d:\t88 64 24 1b \tmov %ah,0x1b(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:274\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:274\n 7c81:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 7c83:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 7c85:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 7c87:\te8 44 b6 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:275\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:275\n 7c8c:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 7c8e:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 7c90:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 7c92:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 7c93:\te8 78 b6 ff ff \tcall 3310 \n 7c98:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 7c9b:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 7c9e:\t75 53 \tjne 7cf3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:277\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:277\n 7ca0:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 7ca2:\tff 76 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esi)\n 7ca5:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 7ca7:\tff 76 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esi)\n 7caa:\te8 61 b6 ff ff \tcall 3310 \n 7caf:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 7cb2:\t3b 46 10 \tcmp 0x10(%esi),%eax\n 7cb5:\t75 3c \tjne 7cf3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:283\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:283\n 7cb7:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 7cba:\tc1 e0 05 \tshl $0x5,%eax\n 7cbd:\t39 46 0c \tcmp %eax,0xc(%esi)\n 7cc0:\t7f 14 \tjg 7cd6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:291\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:291\n 7cc2:\t8b 44 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%eax\n 7cc6:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 7ccd:\t75 33 \tjne 7d02 \n 7ccf:\t83 c4 30 \tadd $0x30,%esp\n 7cd2:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7cd3:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 7cd4:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 7cd5:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:287\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:287\n 7cd6:\tc6 44 24 0b 0d \tmovb $0xd,0xb(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:288\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:288\n 7cdb:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 7cdd:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 7cdf:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 7ce1:\t8d 44 24 17 \tlea 0x17(%esp),%eax\n 7ce5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7ce6:\te8 25 b6 ff ff \tcall 3310 \n 7ceb:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 7cee:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 7cf1:\t74 cf \tje 7cc2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:276\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:276\n 7cf3:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7cf6:\t8d 83 3d 79 ff ff \tlea -0x86c3(%ebx),%eax\n 7cfc:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7cfd:\te8 de b4 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:291\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:291\n 7d02:\te8 99 c7 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n DBFWriteHeader.part.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:291\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:291\n 7d07:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 7d0e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:299\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:299\n 7d10:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 7d11:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 7d13:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 7d14:\te8 b7 bb ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 7d19:\t81 c3 e7 62 01 00 \tadd $0x162e7,%ebx\n 7d1f:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:304\n 7d22:\t8b 40 28 \tmov 0x28(%eax),%eax\n 7d25:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 7d27:\t79 07 \tjns 7d30 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:315\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:315\n 7d29:\t83 c4 04 \tadd $0x4,%esp\n 7d2c:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7d2d:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 7d2e:\tc3 \tret \n 7d2f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:311\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:311\n 7d30:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:308\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:308\n 7d33:\t0f af 46 08 \timul 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 7d37:\t03 46 0c \tadd 0xc(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:306\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:306\n 7d3a:\tc7 46 2c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x2c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:311\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:311\n 7d41:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 7d43:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7d44:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 7d46:\te8 85 b5 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:312\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:312\n 7d4b:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 7d4d:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 7d4f:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n 7d52:\tff 76 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esi)\n 7d55:\te8 b6 b5 ff ff \tcall 3310 \n 7d5a:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 7d5d:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 7d60:\t74 c7 \tje 7d29 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:313\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:313\n 7d62:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7d65:\t8d 83 3d 79 ff ff \tlea -0x86c3(%ebx),%eax\n 7d6b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7d6c:\te8 6f b4 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n DBFFlushRecord.part.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:313\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:313\n 7d71:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 7d78:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 7d7f:\t90 \tnop\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:999\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:999\n 7d80:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 7d81:\t89 e5 \tmov %esp,%ebp\n 7d83:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 7d84:\t89 d7 \tmov %edx,%edi\n 7d86:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 7d87:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 7d89:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n@@ -6694,173 +6694,173 @@\n 7d95:\t81 ec dc 01 00 00 \tsub $0x1dc,%esp\n 7d9b:\t8b 45 08 \tmov 0x8(%ebp),%eax\n 7d9e:\t89 8d 30 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x1d0(%ebp)\n 7da4:\t89 85 2c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1d4(%ebp)\n 7daa:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 7db0:\t89 45 e4 \tmov %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)\n 7db3:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1013\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1013\n 7db5:\t8b 46 34 \tmov 0x34(%esi),%eax\n 7db8:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 7dba:\t0f 85 60 01 00 00 \tjne 7f20 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1019\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1019\n 7dc0:\t39 7e 04 \tcmp %edi,0x4(%esi)\n 7dc3:\t0f 84 07 01 00 00 \tje 7ed0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1034\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1034\n 7dc9:\t3b 7e 28 \tcmp 0x28(%esi),%edi\n 7dcc:\t74 3f \tje 7e0d \n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:304\n 7dce:\t8b 46 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esi),%eax\n 7dd1:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 7dd3:\t0f 85 e7 00 00 00 \tjne 7ec0 \n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1038\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1038\n 7dd9:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1040\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1040\n 7ddc:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 7ddf:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1038\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1038\n 7de1:\t0f af c7 \timul %edi,%eax\n 7de4:\t03 46 0c \tadd 0xc(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1040\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1040\n 7de7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7de8:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 7dea:\te8 e1 b4 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 7def:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 7df1:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 7df3:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n 7df6:\tff 76 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esi)\n 7df9:\te8 52 b5 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1041\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1041\n 7dfe:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 7e01:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 7e04:\t0f 85 7f 04 00 00 \tjne 8289 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1027\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1027\n 7e0a:\t89 7e 28 \tmov %edi,0x28(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1047\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1047\n 7e0d:\t8b 46 30 \tmov 0x30(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1057\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1057\n 7e10:\t8b 8d 2c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d4(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1049\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1049\n 7e16:\tc7 46 2c 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x2c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1050\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1050\n 7e1d:\tc7 46 38 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x38(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1047\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1047\n 7e24:\t89 85 28 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1d8(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1057\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1057\n 7e2a:\t8b 85 30 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d0(%ebp),%eax\n 7e30:\t03 46 20 \tadd 0x20(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1059\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1059\n 7e33:\t0f b6 00 \tmovzbl (%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1057\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1057\n 7e36:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 7e38:\t0f 84 9a 03 00 00 \tje 81d8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1092\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1092\n 7e3e:\t3c 4c \tcmp $0x4c,%al\n 7e40:\t0f 84 da 01 00 00 \tje 8020 \n 7e46:\t83 e0 f7 \tand $0xfffffff7,%eax\n 7e49:\t3c 46 \tcmp $0x46,%al\n 7e4b:\t0f 84 df 00 00 00 \tje 7f30 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1140\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1140\n 7e51:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 7e54:\tff b5 2c fe ff ff \tpushl -0x1d4(%ebp)\n 7e5a:\te8 51 b6 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 7e5f:\t8b 8d 30 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d0(%ebp),%ecx\n 7e65:\t8b 56 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%edx\n 7e68:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 7e6b:\t89 85 24 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1dc(%ebp)\n 7e71:\t8b 46 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%eax\n 7e74:\t8b bd 28 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d8(%ebp),%edi\n 7e7a:\t03 3c 8a \tadd (%edx,%ecx,4),%edi\n 7e7d:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 7e7f:\t8b 04 88 \tmov (%eax,%ecx,4),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1143\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1143\n 7e82:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1140\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1140\n 7e84:\t39 85 24 fe ff ff \tcmp %eax,-0x1dc(%ebp)\n 7e8a:\t0f 8e 08 03 00 00 \tjle 8198 \n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 7e90:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 7e93:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 7e94:\tff b5 2c fe ff ff \tpushl -0x1d4(%ebp)\n 7e9a:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 7e9b:\te8 20 b7 ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n 7ea0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1158\n 7ea3:\t8b 45 e4 \tmov -0x1c(%ebp),%eax\n 7ea6:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 7ead:\t0f 85 e5 03 00 00 \tjne 8298 \n 7eb3:\t8d 65 f4 \tlea -0xc(%ebp),%esp\n 7eb6:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 7eb8:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 7eb9:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 7eba:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 7ebb:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 7ebc:\tc3 \tret \n 7ebd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1158\n 7ec0:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 7ec2:\te8 49 fe ff ff \tcall 7d10 \n 7ec7:\te9 0d ff ff ff \tjmp 7dd9 \n 7ecc:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:304\n 7ed0:\t8b 4e 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esi),%ecx\n 7ed3:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 7ed5:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 7ed7:\t0f 85 93 01 00 00 \tjne 8070 \n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1024\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1024\n 7edd:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1023\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1023\n 7ee0:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 7ee3:\t89 46 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1024\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1024\n 7ee6:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 7ee8:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 7eea:\t0f 8e 1a ff ff ff \tjle 7e0a \n 7ef0:\t8b 8d 2c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d4(%ebp),%ecx\n 7ef6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 7efd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1025\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1025\n 7f00:\t8b 56 30 \tmov 0x30(%esi),%edx\n 7f03:\tc6 04 02 20 \tmovb $0x20,(%edx,%eax,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1024\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1024\n 7f07:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 7f0a:\t3b 46 08 \tcmp 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 7f0d:\t7c f1 \tjl 7f00 \n 7f0f:\t89 8d 2c fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x1d4(%ebp)\n 7f15:\te9 f0 fe ff ff \tjmp 7e0a \n 7f1a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n DBFWriteHeader():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:244\n 7f20:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 7f22:\te8 c9 fc ff ff \tcall 7bf0 \n 7f27:\te9 94 fe ff ff \tjmp 7dc0 \n 7f2c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1097\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1097\n 7f30:\t8b 46 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esi),%eax\n 7f33:\t8b 8d 30 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d0(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1102\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1102\n 7f39:\tba 8e 01 00 00 \tmov $0x18e,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1097\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1097\n 7f3e:\t8b 3c 88 \tmov (%eax,%ecx,4),%edi\n 7f41:\t8b 46 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%eax\n 7f44:\t8b 04 88 \tmov (%eax,%ecx,4),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1102\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1102\n 7f47:\t3d 8f 01 00 00 \tcmp $0x18f,%eax\n 7f4c:\t0f 43 c2 \tcmovae %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1097\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1097\n 7f4f:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n 7f51:\t0f 84 29 01 00 00 \tje 8080 \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 7f57:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 7f5a:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 7f5b:\t8d bd 40 fe ff ff \tlea -0x1c0(%ebp),%edi\n@@ -6879,15 +6879,15 @@\n 7f8b:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 7f8d:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 7f8e:\t68 90 01 00 00 \tpush $0x190\n 7f93:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 7f95:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 7f96:\te8 15 b9 ff ff \tcall 38b0 <__sprintf_chk@plt>\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1124\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1124\n 7f9b:\t8b 8d 2c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d4(%ebp),%ecx\n 7fa1:\t89 ca \tmov %ecx,%edx\n 7fa3:\t8b 3a \tmov (%edx),%edi\n 7fa5:\t83 c2 04 \tadd $0x4,%edx\n 7fa8:\t8d 87 ff fe fe fe \tlea -0x1010101(%edi),%eax\n 7fae:\tf7 d7 \tnot %edi\n 7fb0:\t21 f8 \tand %edi,%eax\n@@ -6904,73 +6904,73 @@\n 7fd0:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 7fd2:\t8b 46 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%eax\n 7fd5:\t8b bd 30 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d0(%ebp),%edi\n 7fdb:\t83 da 03 \tsbb $0x3,%edx\n 7fde:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 7fe1:\t8b 04 b8 \tmov (%eax,%edi,4),%eax\n 7fe4:\t29 ca \tsub %ecx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1003\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1003\n 7fe6:\tbf 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1124\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1124\n 7feb:\t39 c2 \tcmp %eax,%edx\n 7fed:\t7e 0a \tjle 7ff9 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1126\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1126\n 7fef:\tc6 84 05 54 fe ff ff \tmovb $0x0,-0x1ac(%ebp,%eax,1)\n 7ff6:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1127\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1127\n 7ff7:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1129\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1129\n 7ff9:\t8b 46 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%eax\n 7ffc:\t8b 95 30 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d0(%ebp),%edx\n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 8002:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 8005:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1129\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1129\n 8006:\t8b 8d 28 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d8(%ebp),%ecx\n 800c:\t03 0c 90 \tadd (%eax,%edx,4),%ecx\n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 800f:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 8010:\te8 4b b3 ff ff \tcall 3360 \n 8015:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8018:\te9 86 fe ff ff \tjmp 7ea3 \n 801d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1134\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1134\n 8020:\t8b 46 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%eax\n 8023:\t8b 9d 30 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d0(%ebp),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1003\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1003\n 8029:\tbf 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1134\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1134\n 802e:\t8b 14 98 \tmov (%eax,%ebx,4),%edx\n 8031:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 8033:\t0f 8e 6a fe ff ff \tjle 7ea3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1135\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1135\n 8039:\t8b 85 2c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d4(%ebp),%eax\n 803f:\t0f b6 00 \tmovzbl (%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1134\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1134\n 8042:\t3c 46 \tcmp $0x46,%al\n 8044:\t74 08 \tje 804e \n 8046:\t3c 54 \tcmp $0x54,%al\n 8048:\t0f 85 55 fe ff ff \tjne 7ea3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1136\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1136\n 804e:\t8b 56 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%edx\n 8051:\t8b 9d 30 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d0(%ebp),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1003\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1003\n 8057:\tbf 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1136\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1136\n 805c:\t8b 14 9a \tmov (%edx,%ebx,4),%edx\n 805f:\t8b 9d 28 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d8(%ebp),%ebx\n 8065:\t88 04 13 \tmov %al,(%ebx,%edx,1)\n 8068:\te9 36 fe ff ff \tjmp 7ea3 \n 806d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1136\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1136\n 8070:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 8072:\te8 99 fc ff ff \tcall 7d10 \n 8077:\t8b 46 04 \tmov 0x4(%esi),%eax\n 807a:\te9 5e fe ff ff \tjmp 7edd \n 807f:\t90 \tnop\n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n@@ -6981,23 +6981,23 @@\n 8090:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8091:\t6a 14 \tpush $0x14\n 8093:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 8095:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 8096:\t89 95 24 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x1dc(%ebp)\n 809c:\te8 0f b8 ff ff \tcall 38b0 <__sprintf_chk@plt>\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1105\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1105\n 80a1:\t8b 85 2c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d4(%ebp),%eax\n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 80a7:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n 80aa:\t8b 95 24 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1dc(%ebp),%edx\n 80b0:\t8d 8d 54 fe ff ff \tlea -0x1ac(%ebp),%ecx\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1105\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1105\n 80b6:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n 80b8:\td9 bd 36 fe ff ff \tfnstcw -0x1ca(%ebp)\n 80be:\t0f b7 85 36 fe ff ff \tmovzwl -0x1ca(%ebp),%eax\n 80c5:\t80 cc 0c \tor $0xc,%ah\n 80c8:\t66 89 85 34 fe ff ff \tmov %ax,-0x1cc(%ebp)\n 80cf:\td9 ad 34 fe ff ff \tfldcw -0x1cc(%ebp)\n 80d5:\tdb 9d 2c fe ff ff \tfistpl -0x1d4(%ebp)\n@@ -7009,15 +7009,15 @@\n 80ed:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 80ee:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 80ef:\t68 90 01 00 00 \tpush $0x190\n 80f4:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 80f6:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 80f7:\te8 b4 b7 ff ff \tcall 38b0 <__sprintf_chk@plt>\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1106\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1106\n 80fc:\t8b 8d 2c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d4(%ebp),%ecx\n 8102:\t89 ca \tmov %ecx,%edx\n 8104:\t8b 02 \tmov (%edx),%eax\n 8106:\t83 c2 04 \tadd $0x4,%edx\n 8109:\t89 85 2c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1d4(%ebp)\n 810f:\t2d 01 01 01 01 \tsub $0x1010101,%eax\n 8114:\tf7 95 2c fe ff ff \tnotl -0x1d4(%ebp)\n@@ -7041,43 +7041,43 @@\n 8161:\t8b 95 2c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d4(%ebp),%edx\n 8167:\t29 ca \tsub %ecx,%edx\n 8169:\t89 95 2c fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x1d4(%ebp)\n 816f:\t8b 95 30 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d0(%ebp),%edx\n 8175:\t8b 04 90 \tmov (%eax,%edx,4),%eax\n 8178:\t39 85 2c fe ff ff \tcmp %eax,-0x1d4(%ebp)\n 817e:\t0f 8e dc 00 00 00 \tjle 8260 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1108\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1108\n 8184:\tc6 84 05 54 fe ff ff \tmovb $0x0,-0x1ac(%ebp,%eax,1)\n 818b:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1109\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1109\n 818c:\te9 68 fe ff ff \tjmp 7ff9 \n 8191:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n 8198:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 819b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 819c:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 819e:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 819f:\te8 ac b3 ff ff \tcall 3550 \n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1149\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1149\n 81a4:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 81a5:\tff b5 2c fe ff ff \tpushl -0x1d4(%ebp)\n 81ab:\te8 00 b3 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 81b0:\t8b 56 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%edx\n 81b3:\t8b bd 30 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d0(%ebp),%edi\n 81b9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 81bc:\t8b 8d 28 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d8(%ebp),%ecx\n 81c2:\t03 0c ba \tadd (%edx,%edi,4),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1003\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1003\n 81c5:\tbf 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edi\n 81ca:\t89 ca \tmov %ecx,%edx\n 81cc:\te9 bf fc ff ff \tjmp 7e90 \n 81d1:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1059\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1059\n 81d8:\t8b 56 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%edx\n 81db:\t8b 8d 30 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d0(%ebp),%ecx\n 81e1:\t8b bd 28 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1d8(%ebp),%edi\n 81e7:\t03 3c 8a \tadd (%edx,%ecx,4),%edi\n 81ea:\t8b 56 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%edx\n 81ed:\t8b 14 8a \tmov (%edx,%ecx,4),%edx\n 81f0:\t3c 4c \tcmp $0x4c,%al\n@@ -7088,136 +7088,136 @@\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n 81fa:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 81fd:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 81fe:\t6a 30 \tpush $0x30\n 8200:\t57 \tpush %edi\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1086\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1086\n 8201:\tbf 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edi\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n 8206:\te8 45 b3 ff ff \tcall 3550 \n 820b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 820e:\te9 90 fc ff ff \tjmp 7ea3 \n 8213:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 8217:\t90 \tnop\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1059\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1059\n 8218:\t3c 4e \tcmp $0x4e,%al\n 821a:\t75 24 \tjne 8240 \n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n 821c:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 821f:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 8220:\t6a 2a \tpush $0x2a\n 8222:\t57 \tpush %edi\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1086\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1086\n 8223:\tbf 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edi\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n 8228:\te8 23 b3 ff ff \tcall 3550 \n 822d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8230:\te9 6e fc ff ff \tjmp 7ea3 \n 8235:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1059\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1059\n 8238:\t3c 46 \tcmp $0x46,%al\n 823a:\t74 e0 \tje 821c \n 823c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n 8240:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 8243:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 8244:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 8246:\t57 \tpush %edi\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1086\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1086\n 8247:\tbf 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edi\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n 824c:\te8 ff b2 ff ff \tcall 3550 \n 8251:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8254:\te9 4a fc ff ff \tjmp 7ea3 \n 8259:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1003\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1003\n 8260:\tbf 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edi\n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 8265:\te9 8f fd ff ff \tjmp 7ff9 \n 826a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n 8270:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 8273:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 8274:\t6a 3f \tpush $0x3f\n 8276:\t57 \tpush %edi\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1086\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1086\n 8277:\tbf 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edi\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n 827c:\te8 cf b2 ff ff \tcall 3550 \n 8281:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8284:\te9 1a fc ff ff \tjmp 7ea3 \n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1042\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1042\n 8289:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 828c:\t8d 83 50 79 ff ff \tlea -0x86b0(%ebx),%eax\n 8292:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8293:\te8 48 af ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1158\n 8298:\te8 03 c2 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n DBFWriteAttribute.part.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1158\n 829d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n DBFReadAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:710\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:710\n 82a0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 82a1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 82a2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 82a3:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 82a5:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 82a6:\te8 25 b6 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 82ab:\t81 c3 55 5d 01 00 \tadd $0x15d55,%ebx\n 82b1:\t83 ec 1c \tsub $0x1c,%esp\n 82b4:\t8b 44 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%eax\n 82b8:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:720\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:720\n 82bc:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 82be:\t0f 88 2c 01 00 00 \tjs 83f0 \n 82c4:\t89 d7 \tmov %edx,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:723 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:723 (discriminator 1)\n 82c6:\t39 56 04 \tcmp %edx,0x4(%esi)\n 82c9:\t0f 8e 21 01 00 00 \tjle 83f0 \n 82cf:\t89 cd \tmov %ecx,%ebp\n 82d1:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 82d3:\t0f 88 17 01 00 00 \tjs 83f0 \n 82d9:\t39 4e 10 \tcmp %ecx,0x10(%esi)\n 82dc:\t0f 8e 0e 01 00 00 \tjle 83f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:729\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:729\n 82e2:\t3b 56 28 \tcmp 0x28(%esi),%edx\n 82e5:\t74 52 \tje 8339 \n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:304\n 82e7:\t8b 46 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esi),%eax\n 82ea:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 82ec:\t0f 85 0e 01 00 00 \tjne 8400 \n DBFReadAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:733\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:733\n 82f2:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:735\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:735\n 82f5:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 82f8:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:733\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:733\n 82fa:\t0f af d7 \timul %edi,%edx\n 82fd:\t03 56 0c \tadd 0xc(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:735\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:735\n 8300:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 8301:\t89 54 24 18 \tmov %edx,0x18(%esp)\n 8305:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 8307:\te8 c4 af ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n 830c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 830f:\t8b 54 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edx\n 8313:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n@@ -7226,210 +7226,210 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 831b:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 831d:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 831f:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n 8322:\tff 76 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esi)\n 8325:\te8 26 b0 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n DBFReadAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:741\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:741\n 832a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 832d:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 8330:\t0f 85 2a 01 00 00 \tjne 8460 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:748\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:748\n 8336:\t89 7e 28 \tmov %edi,0x28(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:756\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:756\n 8339:\t8b 46 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:751\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:751\n 833c:\t8b 4e 30 \tmov 0x30(%esi),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:756\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:756\n 833f:\t8b bb b8 09 00 00 \tmov 0x9b8(%ebx),%edi\n 8345:\t8b 04 a8 \tmov (%eax,%ebp,4),%eax\n 8348:\t3b 83 bc 09 00 00 \tcmp 0x9bc(%ebx),%eax\n 834e:\t0f 8d bc 00 00 00 \tjge 8410 \n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 8354:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 8357:\t50 \tpush %eax\n DBFReadAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:766\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:766\n 8358:\t8b 46 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:765\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:765\n 835b:\t03 0c a8 \tadd (%eax,%ebp,4),%ecx\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 835e:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 835f:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8360:\te8 5b b2 ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n DBFReadAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:768\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:768\n 8365:\t8b 46 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:775\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:775\n 8368:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 836b:\t80 7c 24 08 4e \tcmpb $0x4e,0x8(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:768\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:768\n 8370:\t8b 04 a8 \tmov (%eax,%ebp,4),%eax\n 8373:\tc6 04 07 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%edi,%eax,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:775\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:775\n 8377:\t0f 84 c3 00 00 00 \tje 8440 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:791\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:791\n 837d:\t0f b6 17 \tmovzbl (%edi),%edx\n 8380:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n 8382:\t80 fa 20 \tcmp $0x20,%dl\n 8385:\t75 15 \tjne 839c \n 8387:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 838e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 8390:\t0f b6 51 01 \tmovzbl 0x1(%ecx),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:792\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:792\n 8394:\t83 c1 01 \tadd $0x1,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:791\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:791\n 8397:\t80 fa 20 \tcmp $0x20,%dl\n 839a:\t74 f4 \tje 8390 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:794\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:794\n 839c:\t84 d2 \ttest %dl,%dl\n 839e:\t0f 84 fc 00 00 00 \tje 84a0 \n 83a4:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 83a6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 83ad:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:795\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:795\n 83b0:\t83 c1 01 \tadd $0x1,%ecx\n 83b3:\t89 d3 \tmov %edx,%ebx\n 83b5:\t88 10 \tmov %dl,(%eax)\n 83b7:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:794\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:794\n 83ba:\t0f b6 11 \tmovzbl (%ecx),%edx\n 83bd:\t84 d2 \ttest %dl,%dl\n 83bf:\t75 ef \tjne 83b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:796\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:796\n 83c1:\tc6 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:798\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:798\n 83c4:\t39 f8 \tcmp %edi,%eax\n 83c6:\t75 13 \tjne 83db \n 83c8:\teb 19 \tjmp 83e3 \n 83ca:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:799\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:799\n 83d0:\tc6 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:798\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:798\n 83d3:\t39 f8 \tcmp %edi,%eax\n 83d5:\t74 0c \tje 83e3 \n 83d7:\t0f b6 58 ff \tmovzbl -0x1(%eax),%ebx\n 83db:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 83de:\t80 fb 20 \tcmp $0x20,%bl\n 83e1:\t74 ed \tje 83d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:804\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:804\n 83e3:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n 83e6:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 83e8:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 83e9:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 83ea:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 83eb:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 83ec:\tc3 \tret \n 83ed:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n 83f0:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:721\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:721\n 83f3:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:804\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:804\n 83f5:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 83f6:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 83f8:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 83f9:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 83fa:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 83fb:\tc3 \tret \n 83fc:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:804\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:804\n 8400:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 8402:\te8 09 f9 ff ff \tcall 7d10 \n 8407:\te9 e6 fe ff ff \tjmp 82f2 \n 840c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n DBFReadAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:758\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:758\n 8410:\t8d 54 00 0a \tlea 0xa(%eax,%eax,1),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:759\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:759\n 8414:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 8416:\t89 4c 24 0c \tmov %ecx,0xc(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:758\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:758\n 841a:\t89 93 bc 09 00 00 \tmov %edx,0x9bc(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:759\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:759\n 8420:\te8 8b f7 ff ff \tcall 7bb0 \n 8425:\t8b 4c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ecx\n 8429:\t89 83 b8 09 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x9b8(%ebx)\n 842f:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 8431:\t8b 46 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%eax\n 8434:\t8b 04 a8 \tmov (%eax,%ebp,4),%eax\n 8437:\te9 18 ff ff ff \tjmp 8354 \n 843c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:777\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:777\n 8440:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 8443:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:779\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:779\n 8444:\t8d bb b0 09 00 00 \tlea 0x9b0(%ebx),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:777\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:777\n 844a:\te8 f1 b2 ff ff \tcall 3740 \n 844f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8452:\tdd 9b b0 09 00 00 \tfstpl 0x9b0(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:779\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:779\n 8458:\teb 89 \tjmp 83e3 \n 845a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:744\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:744\n 8460:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 8463:\t8d 83 8e 79 ff ff \tlea -0x8672(%ebx),%eax\n 8469:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:745\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:745\n 846c:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:744\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:744\n 846e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 846f:\te8 8c b3 ff ff \tcall 3800 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:745\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:745\n 8474:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8477:\te9 67 ff ff ff \tjmp 83e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:737\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:737\n 847c:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 847f:\t8d 83 71 79 ff ff \tlea -0x868f(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:738\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:738\n 8485:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:737\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:737\n 8487:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 8488:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8489:\te8 72 b3 ff ff \tcall 3800 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:738\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:738\n 848e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8491:\te9 4d ff ff ff \tjmp 83e3 \n 8496:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 849d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:796\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:796\n 84a0:\tc6 07 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:798\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:798\n 84a3:\te9 3b ff ff ff \tjmp 83e3 \n 84a8:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 84af:\t90 \tnop\n str_to_upper():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1486\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1486\n 84b0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 84b1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 84b2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 84b3:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 84b4:\te8 17 b4 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 84b9:\t81 c3 47 5b 01 00 \tadd $0x15b47,%ebx\n 84bf:\t83 ec 28 \tsub $0x28,%esp\n 84c2:\t89 44 24 10 \tmov %eax,0x10(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1491\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1491\n 84c6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 84c7:\te8 e4 af ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 84cc:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1493\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1493\n 84cf:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 84d1:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n 84d5:\t74 56 \tje 852d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1494\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1494\n 84d7:\te8 94 b3 ff ff \tcall 3870 <__ctype_b_loc@plt>\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1493\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1493\n 84dc:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n 84e0:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 84e2:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1494\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1494\n 84e4:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 84e6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 84ed:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n 84f0:\t03 74 24 04 \tadd 0x4(%esp),%esi\n 84f4:\t8b 01 \tmov (%ecx),%eax\n 84f6:\t0f be 2e \tmovsbl (%esi),%ebp\n 84f9:\t0f b7 04 68 \tmovzwl (%eax,%ebp,2),%eax\n@@ -7438,770 +7438,770 @@\n 8505:\t75 1c \tjne 8523 \n 8507:\t89 54 24 0c \tmov %edx,0xc(%esp)\n 850b:\t89 4c 24 08 \tmov %ecx,0x8(%esp)\n toupper():\n /usr/include/ctype.h:215\n 850f:\te8 2c ab ff ff \tcall 3040 <__ctype_toupper_loc@plt>\n str_to_upper():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1495\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1495\n 8514:\t8b 54 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edx\n 8518:\t8b 4c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%ecx\n toupper():\n /usr/include/ctype.h:215\n 851c:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n str_to_upper():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1495\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1495\n 851e:\t8b 04 a8 \tmov (%eax,%ebp,4),%eax\n 8521:\t88 06 \tmov %al,(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1493\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1493\n 8523:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 8526:\t0f bf f7 \tmovswl %di,%esi\n 8529:\t39 f2 \tcmp %esi,%edx\n 852b:\t77 c3 \tja 84f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1496\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1496\n 852d:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n 8530:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 8531:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 8532:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 8533:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 8534:\tc3 \tret \n str_to_upper.constprop.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1496\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1496\n 8535:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 853c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 00008540 :\n DBFUpdateHeader():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:324\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:324\n 8540:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8541:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 8542:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 8543:\te8 88 b3 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 8548:\t81 c3 b8 5a 01 00 \tadd $0x15ab8,%ebx\n 854e:\t83 ec 30 \tsub $0x30,%esp\n 8551:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 8557:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 855b:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 855d:\t8b 7c 24 40 \tmov 0x40(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:327\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:327\n 8561:\t8b 57 34 \tmov 0x34(%edi),%edx\n 8564:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 8566:\t0f 85 ec 00 00 00 \tjne 8658 \n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:304\n 856c:\t8b 47 2c \tmov 0x2c(%edi),%eax\n 856f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 8571:\t74 07 \tje 857a \n 8573:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 8575:\te8 96 f7 ff ff \tcall 7d10 \n DBFUpdateHeader():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:332\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:332\n 857a:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 857d:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 857f:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 8581:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n 8583:\te8 48 ad ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 8588:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n 858a:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 858c:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 858e:\t8d 74 24 28 \tlea 0x28(%esp),%esi\n 8592:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 8593:\te8 b8 ad ff ff \tcall 3350 \n DBFUpdateHeader():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:333\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:333\n 8598:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 859b:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 859e:\t0f 85 d4 00 00 00 \tjne 8678 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:336\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:336\n 85a4:\t8b 47 04 \tmov 0x4(%edi),%eax\n 85a7:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 85a9:\tc1 f9 1f \tsar $0x1f,%ecx\n 85ac:\tc1 e9 18 \tshr $0x18,%ecx\n 85af:\t8d 14 08 \tlea (%eax,%ecx,1),%edx\n 85b2:\t0f b6 d2 \tmovzbl %dl,%edx\n 85b5:\t29 ca \tsub %ecx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:337\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:337\n 85b7:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:336\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:336\n 85b9:\t88 54 24 10 \tmov %dl,0x10(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:337\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:337\n 85bd:\t8d 90 ff 00 00 00 \tlea 0xff(%eax),%edx\n 85c3:\t0f 49 d0 \tcmovns %eax,%edx\n 85c6:\t89 d1 \tmov %edx,%ecx\n 85c8:\tc1 fa 1f \tsar $0x1f,%edx\n 85cb:\tc1 ea 18 \tshr $0x18,%edx\n 85ce:\tc1 f9 08 \tsar $0x8,%ecx\n 85d1:\t01 d1 \tadd %edx,%ecx\n 85d3:\t0f b6 c9 \tmovzbl %cl,%ecx\n 85d6:\t29 d1 \tsub %edx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:338\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:338\n 85d8:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 85da:\t8d 90 ff ff 00 00 \tlea 0xffff(%eax),%edx\n 85e0:\t0f 49 d0 \tcmovns %eax,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:337\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:337\n 85e3:\t88 4c 24 11 \tmov %cl,0x11(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:338\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:338\n 85e7:\t89 d1 \tmov %edx,%ecx\n 85e9:\tc1 fa 1f \tsar $0x1f,%edx\n 85ec:\tc1 ea 18 \tshr $0x18,%edx\n 85ef:\tc1 f9 10 \tsar $0x10,%ecx\n 85f2:\t01 d1 \tadd %edx,%ecx\n 85f4:\t0f b6 c9 \tmovzbl %cl,%ecx\n 85f7:\t29 d1 \tsub %edx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:339\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:339\n 85f9:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 85fb:\t8d 90 ff ff ff 00 \tlea 0xffffff(%eax),%edx\n 8601:\t0f 48 c2 \tcmovs %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:338\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:338\n 8604:\t88 4c 24 12 \tmov %cl,0x12(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:341\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:341\n 8608:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:339\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:339\n 860b:\tc1 f8 18 \tsar $0x18,%eax\n 860e:\t88 44 24 17 \tmov %al,0x17(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:341\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:341\n 8612:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 8614:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 8616:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n 8618:\te8 b3 ac ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:342\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:342\n 861d:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n 861f:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 8621:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 8623:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 8624:\te8 e7 ac ff ff \tcall 3310 \n 8629:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 862c:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 862f:\t75 38 \tjne 8669 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:345\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:345\n 8631:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 8634:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n 8636:\te8 e5 aa ff ff \tcall 3120 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:346\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:346\n 863b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 863e:\t8b 44 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%eax\n 8642:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 8649:\t75 19 \tjne 8664 \n 864b:\t83 c4 30 \tadd $0x30,%esp\n 864e:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 864f:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 8650:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 8651:\tc3 \tret \n 8652:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n DBFWriteHeader():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:244\n 8658:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 865a:\te8 91 f5 ff ff \tcall 7bf0 \n 865f:\te9 08 ff ff ff \tjmp 856c \n DBFUpdateHeader():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:346\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:346\n 8664:\te8 37 be 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:343\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:343\n 8669:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 866c:\t8d 83 3d 79 ff ff \tlea -0x86c3(%ebx),%eax\n 8672:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8673:\te8 68 ab ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:334\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:334\n 8678:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 867b:\t8d 83 50 79 ff ff \tlea -0x86b0(%ebx),%eax\n 8681:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8682:\te8 59 ab ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 8687:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 868e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n \n 00008690 :\n DBFOpen():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:357\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:357\n 8690:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 8691:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8692:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 8693:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 8694:\te8 37 b2 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 8699:\t81 c3 67 59 01 00 \tadd $0x15967,%ebx\n 869f:\t83 ec 1c \tsub $0x1c,%esp\n 86a2:\t8b 6c 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:365\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:365\n 86a6:\t80 7d 00 72 \tcmpb $0x72,0x0(%ebp)\n 86aa:\t0f 85 40 02 00 00 \tjne 88f0 \n 86b0:\t80 7d 01 00 \tcmpb $0x0,0x1(%ebp)\n 86b4:\t0f 85 36 02 00 00 \tjne 88f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:371\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:371\n 86ba:\t8d ab 00 70 ff ff \tlea -0x9000(%ebx),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:377\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:377\n 86c0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 86c3:\t6a 3c \tpush $0x3c\n 86c5:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 86c7:\te8 d4 b1 ff ff \tcall 38a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:378\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:378\n 86cc:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 86cd:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 86ce:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 86cf:\tff 74 24 3c \tpushl 0x3c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:377\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:377\n 86d3:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:378\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:378\n 86d5:\te8 66 ae ff ff \tcall 3540 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:380\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:380\n 86da:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:378\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:378\n 86dd:\t89 06 \tmov %eax,(%esi)\n 86df:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:380\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:380\n 86e1:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 86e3:\t0f 84 87 02 00 00 \tje 8970 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:393\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:393\n 86e9:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:386\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:386\n 86ec:\tc7 46 34 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x34(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:387\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:387\n 86f3:\tc7 46 28 ff ff ff ff \tmovl $0xffffffff,0x28(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:388\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:388\n 86fa:\tc7 46 2c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x2c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:393\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:393\n 8701:\t68 f4 01 00 00 \tpush $0x1f4\n 8706:\te8 e5 ac ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 870b:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 870c:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n DBFOpen():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:393\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:393\n 870e:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 8710:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 8712:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8713:\te8 38 ac ff ff \tcall 3350 \n DBFOpen():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:394\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:394\n 8718:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 871b:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 871e:\t0f 85 9c 01 00 00 \tjne 88c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:403\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:403\n 8724:\t0f b6 57 05 \tmovzbl 0x5(%edi),%edx\n 8728:\t0f b6 4f 04 \tmovzbl 0x4(%edi),%ecx\n 872c:\t0f b6 47 06 \tmovzbl 0x6(%edi),%eax\n 8730:\tc1 e2 08 \tshl $0x8,%edx\n 8733:\t01 d1 \tadd %edx,%ecx\n 8735:\tc1 e0 10 \tshl $0x10,%eax\n 8738:\t8d 14 01 \tlea (%ecx,%eax,1),%edx\n 873b:\t0f b6 47 07 \tmovzbl 0x7(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:406\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:406\n 873f:\t0f b6 4f 0a \tmovzbl 0xa(%edi),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:403\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:403\n 8743:\tc1 e0 18 \tshl $0x18,%eax\n 8746:\t01 d0 \tadd %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:405\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:405\n 8748:\t0f b6 57 09 \tmovzbl 0x9(%edi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:403\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:403\n 874c:\t89 46 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:405\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:405\n 874f:\t0f b6 47 08 \tmovzbl 0x8(%edi),%eax\n 8753:\tc1 e2 08 \tshl $0x8,%edx\n 8756:\t01 c2 \tadd %eax,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:406\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:406\n 8758:\t0f b6 47 0b \tmovzbl 0xb(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:408\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:408\n 875c:\t89 d5 \tmov %edx,%ebp\n 875e:\t89 14 24 \tmov %edx,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:406\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:406\n 8761:\tc1 e0 08 \tshl $0x8,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:405\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:405\n 8764:\t89 56 0c \tmov %edx,0xc(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:406\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:406\n 8767:\t01 c8 \tadd %ecx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:408\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:408\n 8769:\t83 ed 20 \tsub $0x20,%ebp\n 876c:\t8d 4a ff \tlea -0x1(%edx),%ecx\n 876f:\t0f 49 cd \tcmovns %ebp,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:410\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:410\n 8772:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:406\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:406\n 8775:\t89 46 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:408\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:408\n 8778:\tc1 f9 05 \tsar $0x5,%ecx\n 877b:\t89 4c 24 14 \tmov %ecx,0x14(%esp)\n 877f:\t89 4e 10 \tmov %ecx,0x10(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:410\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:410\n 8782:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8783:\te8 68 ac ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:416\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:416\n 8788:\t8b 54 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:410\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:410\n 878c:\t89 46 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:416\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:416\n 878f:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 8791:\te8 1a f4 ff ff \tcall 7bb0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:419\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:419\n 8796:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:417\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:417\n 8799:\t89 46 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:416\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:416\n 879c:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:419\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:419\n 879e:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 87a0:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 87a2:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 87a4:\te8 27 ab ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 87a9:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 87ab:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 87ad:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 87ae:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 87af:\te8 9c ab ff ff \tcall 3350 \n DBFOpen():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:420\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:420\n 87b4:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 87b7:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 87ba:\t0f 85 00 01 00 00 \tjne 88c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:428\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:428\n 87c0:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n 87c4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 87c7:\t8d 0c 85 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%eax,4),%ecx\n 87ce:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 87cf:\t89 4c 24 10 \tmov %ecx,0x10(%esp)\n 87d3:\te8 18 ac ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:429\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:429\n 87d8:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:428\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:428\n 87dc:\t89 46 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:429\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:429\n 87df:\t89 4c 24 10 \tmov %ecx,0x10(%esp)\n 87e3:\t89 0c 24 \tmov %ecx,(%esp)\n 87e6:\te8 05 ac ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:430\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:430\n 87eb:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:429\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:429\n 87ef:\t89 46 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esi)\n 87f2:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:430\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:430\n 87f6:\t89 0c 24 \tmov %ecx,(%esp)\n 87f9:\te8 f2 ab ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n 87fe:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n 8802:\t89 46 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:431\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:431\n 8805:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 8806:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 880a:\te8 e1 ab ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n 880f:\t89 44 24 10 \tmov %eax,0x10(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:433\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:433\n 8813:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:431\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:431\n 8816:\t89 46 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:433\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:433\n 8819:\t83 fd 1f \tcmp $0x1f,%ebp\n 881c:\t0f 8e bd 00 00 00 \tjle 88df \n 8822:\t8b 54 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edx\n 8826:\t8b 4c 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%ecx\n 882a:\t83 c7 0b \tadd $0xb,%edi\n 882d:\t31 db \txor %ebx,%ebx\n 882f:\teb 43 \tjmp 8874 \n 8831:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:442\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:442\n 8838:\t0f b6 57 06 \tmovzbl 0x6(%edi),%edx\n 883c:\t89 11 \tmov %edx,(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:460\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:460\n 883e:\t8b 0c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ecx\n 8841:\t0f b6 17 \tmovzbl (%edi),%edx\n 8844:\t88 14 19 \tmov %dl,(%ecx,%ebx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:461\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:461\n 8847:\t85 db \ttest %ebx,%ebx\n 8849:\t74 60 \tje 88ab \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:465\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:465\n 884b:\t8b 56 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%edx\n 884e:\t8b 4e 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%ecx\n 8851:\t8b 6c 02 fc \tmov -0x4(%edx,%eax,1),%ebp\n 8855:\t03 6c 01 fc \tadd -0x4(%ecx,%eax,1),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:464\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:464\n 8859:\t89 2c 02 \tmov %ebp,(%edx,%eax,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:433 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:433 (discriminator 2)\n 885c:\t83 c3 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebx\n 885f:\t83 c7 20 \tadd $0x20,%edi\n 8862:\t39 5c 24 08 \tcmp %ebx,0x8(%esp)\n 8866:\t7e 77 \tjle 88df \n 8868:\t8b 46 20 \tmov 0x20(%esi),%eax\n 886b:\t8b 56 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%edx\n 886e:\t8b 4e 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esi),%ecx\n 8871:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:439\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:439\n 8874:\t8d 04 9d 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%ebx,4),%eax\n 887b:\t0f b6 6f 05 \tmovzbl 0x5(%edi),%ebp\n 887f:\t01 c2 \tadd %eax,%edx\n 8881:\t01 c1 \tadd %eax,%ecx\n 8883:\t89 54 24 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%esp)\n 8887:\t0f b6 17 \tmovzbl (%edi),%edx\n 888a:\t83 e2 f7 \tand $0xfffffff7,%edx\n 888d:\t80 fa 46 \tcmp $0x46,%dl\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:441\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:441\n 8890:\t8b 54 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%edx\n 8894:\t89 2a \tmov %ebp,(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:439\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:439\n 8896:\t74 a0 \tje 8838 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:447\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:447\n 8898:\tc7 01 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:460\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:460\n 889e:\t8b 0c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ecx\n 88a1:\t0f b6 17 \tmovzbl (%edi),%edx\n 88a4:\t88 14 19 \tmov %dl,(%ecx,%ebx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:461\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:461\n 88a7:\t85 db \ttest %ebx,%ebx\n 88a9:\t75 a0 \tjne 884b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:462\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:462\n 88ab:\t8b 46 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%eax\n 88ae:\tc7 00 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%eax)\n 88b4:\teb a6 \tjmp 885c \n 88b6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 88bd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:422\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:422\n 88c0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 88c3:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 88c5:\te8 f6 a8 ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:423\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:423\n 88ca:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 88cd:\te8 9e a8 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:424\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:424\n 88d2:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:425\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:425\n 88d5:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:424\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:424\n 88d7:\te8 94 a8 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:425\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:425\n 88dc:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:469\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:469\n 88df:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n 88e2:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 88e4:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 88e5:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 88e6:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 88e7:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 88e8:\tc3 \tret \n 88e9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:365 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:365 (discriminator 1)\n 88f0:\t0f b6 45 00 \tmovzbl 0x0(%ebp),%eax\n 88f4:\t83 f8 72 \tcmp $0x72,%eax\n 88f7:\t74 3f \tje 8938 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:366 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:366 (discriminator 1)\n 88f9:\tb9 04 00 00 00 \tmov $0x4,%ecx\n 88fe:\t8d bb ab 79 ff ff \tlea -0x8655(%ebx),%edi\n 8904:\t89 ee \tmov %ebp,%esi\n 8906:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n 8908:\t0f 97 c0 \tseta %al\n 890b:\t1c 00 \tsbb $0x0,%al\n 890d:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n 890f:\t0f 84 ab fd ff ff \tje 86c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:367\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:367\n 8915:\tb9 04 00 00 00 \tmov $0x4,%ecx\n 891a:\t8d bb af 79 ff ff \tlea -0x8651(%ebx),%edi\n 8920:\t89 ee \tmov %ebp,%esi\n 8922:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n 8924:\t0f 97 c0 \tseta %al\n 8927:\t1c 00 \tsbb $0x0,%al\n 8929:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n 892b:\t0f 84 8f fd ff ff \tje 86c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:368\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:368\n 8931:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 8933:\teb aa \tjmp 88df \n 8935:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:365 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:365 (discriminator 1)\n 8938:\t80 7d 01 2b \tcmpb $0x2b,0x1(%ebp)\n 893c:\t74 1a \tje 8958 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:366\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:366\n 893e:\t83 f8 72 \tcmp $0x72,%eax\n 8941:\t75 b6 \tjne 88f9 \n 8943:\t80 7d 01 62 \tcmpb $0x62,0x1(%ebp)\n 8947:\t75 b0 \tjne 88f9 \n 8949:\t80 7d 02 00 \tcmpb $0x0,0x2(%ebp)\n 894d:\t0f 84 6d fd ff ff \tje 86c0 \n 8953:\teb a4 \tjmp 88f9 \n 8955:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:365 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:365 (discriminator 1)\n 8958:\t80 7d 02 00 \tcmpb $0x0,0x2(%ebp)\n 895c:\t75 e0 \tjne 893e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:374\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:374\n 895e:\t8d ab ab 79 ff ff \tlea -0x8655(%ebx),%ebp\n 8964:\te9 57 fd ff ff \tjmp 86c0 \n 8969:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:382\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:382\n 8970:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 8973:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:383\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:383\n 8974:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:382\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:382\n 8976:\te8 f5 a7 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:383\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:383\n 897b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 897e:\te9 5c ff ff ff \tjmp 88df \n 8983:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 898a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 00008990 :\n DBFClose():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:477\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:477\n 8990:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 8991:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 8992:\te8 39 af ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 8997:\t81 c3 69 56 01 00 \tadd $0x15669,%ebx\n 899d:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 89a0:\t8b 74 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:481\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:481\n 89a4:\t8b 46 34 \tmov 0x34(%esi),%eax\n 89a7:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 89a9:\t0f 85 a9 00 00 00 \tjne 8a58 \n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:304\n 89af:\t8b 46 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esi),%eax\n 89b2:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 89b4:\t74 07 \tje 89bd \n 89b6:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 89b8:\te8 53 f3 ff ff \tcall 7d10 \n DBFClose():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:490\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:490\n 89bd:\t8b 46 38 \tmov 0x38(%esi),%eax\n 89c0:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 89c2:\t0f 85 a0 00 00 00 \tjne 8a68 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:496\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:496\n 89c8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 89cb:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 89cd:\te8 ee a7 ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:498\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:498\n 89d2:\t8b 46 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%eax\n 89d5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 89d8:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 89da:\t74 27 \tje 8a03 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:500\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:500\n 89dc:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 89df:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 89e0:\te8 8b a7 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:501\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:501\n 89e5:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 89e6:\tff 76 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esi)\n 89e9:\te8 82 a7 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:502\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:502\n 89ee:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 89ef:\tff 76 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esi)\n 89f2:\te8 79 a7 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:503\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:503\n 89f7:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 89f8:\tff 76 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esi)\n 89fb:\te8 70 a7 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n 8a00:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:506\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:506\n 8a03:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 8a06:\tff 76 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esi)\n 8a09:\te8 62 a7 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:507\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:507\n 8a0e:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 8a0f:\tff 76 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esi)\n 8a12:\te8 59 a7 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:509\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:509\n 8a17:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 8a1a:\te8 51 a7 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:511\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:511\n 8a1f:\t8b 83 b8 09 00 00 \tmov 0x9b8(%ebx),%eax\n 8a25:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8a28:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 8a2a:\t74 20 \tje 8a4c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:513\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:513\n 8a2c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 8a2f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8a30:\te8 3b a7 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:515\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:515\n 8a35:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:514\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:514\n 8a38:\tc7 83 b8 09 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x9b8(%ebx)\n 8a3f:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:515\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:515\n 8a42:\tc7 83 bc 09 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x9bc(%ebx)\n 8a49:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:517\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:517\n 8a4c:\t83 c4 04 \tadd $0x4,%esp\n 8a4f:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 8a50:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 8a51:\tc3 \tret \n 8a52:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n DBFWriteHeader():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:244\n 8a58:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 8a5a:\te8 91 f1 ff ff \tcall 7bf0 \n 8a5f:\te9 4b ff ff ff \tjmp 89af \n 8a64:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n DBFClose():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:491\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:491\n 8a68:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 8a6b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 8a6c:\te8 0f ac ff ff \tcall 3680 \n 8a71:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8a74:\te9 4f ff ff ff \tjmp 89c8 \n 8a79:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 00008a80 :\n DBFCreate():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:528\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:528\n 8a80:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 8a81:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8a82:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 8a83:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 8a84:\te8 47 ae ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 8a89:\t81 c3 77 55 01 00 \tadd $0x15577,%ebx\n 8a8f:\t83 ec 18 \tsub $0x18,%esp\n 8a92:\t8b 7c 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:538\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:538\n 8a96:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8a97:\te8 14 aa ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 8a9c:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n 8a9e:\t83 c0 05 \tadd $0x5,%eax\n 8aa1:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 8aa4:\te8 47 a9 ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 8aa9:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n DBFCreate():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:538\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:538\n 8aac:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 8aae:\t8d 45 01 \tlea 0x1(%ebp),%eax\n 8ab1:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8ab2:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8ab3:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 8ab4:\te8 c7 a6 ff ff \tcall 3180 \n DBFCreate():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:540\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:540\n 8ab9:\t89 e8 \tmov %ebp,%eax\n 8abb:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8abe:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 8ac1:\t75 1b \tjne 8ade \n 8ac3:\te9 78 01 00 00 \tjmp 8c40 \n 8ac8:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 8acf:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:542\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:542\n 8ad0:\t80 fa 5c \tcmp $0x5c,%dl\n 8ad3:\t74 18 \tje 8aed \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:540\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:540\n 8ad5:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 8ad8:\t0f 84 62 01 00 00 \tje 8c40 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:541\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:541\n 8ade:\t0f b6 14 06 \tmovzbl (%esi,%eax,1),%edx\n 8ae2:\t8d 3c 06 \tlea (%esi,%eax,1),%edi\n 8ae5:\t8d 4a d2 \tlea -0x2e(%edx),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:542\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:542\n 8ae8:\t80 f9 01 \tcmp $0x1,%cl\n 8aeb:\t77 e3 \tja 8ad0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:545\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:545\n 8aed:\t80 fa 2e \tcmp $0x2e,%dl\n 8af0:\t0f 84 fa 00 00 00 \tje 8bf0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:548\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:548\n 8af6:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 8af9:\t83 c5 05 \tadd $0x5,%ebp\n 8afc:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 8afd:\te8 ee a8 ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 8b02:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n DBFCreate():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:548\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:548\n 8b05:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 8b07:\t8d 83 b3 79 ff ff \tlea -0x864d(%ebx),%eax\n 8b0d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8b0e:\t6a ff \tpush $0xffffffff\n 8b10:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 8b12:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8b13:\te8 98 ad ff ff \tcall 38b0 <__sprintf_chk@plt>\n DBFCreate():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:550\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:550\n 8b18:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n 8b1b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 8b1c:\te8 4f a6 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:555\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:555\n 8b21:\t8d 83 ba 79 ff ff \tlea -0x8646(%ebx),%eax\n 8b27:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 8b28:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 8b29:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8b2a:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8b2b:\te8 10 aa ff ff \tcall 3540 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:556\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:556\n 8b30:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:555\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:555\n 8b33:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:556\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:556\n 8b35:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 8b37:\t0f 84 f3 00 00 00 \tje 8c30 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:559\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:559\n 8b3d:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 8b40:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8b41:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 8b43:\te8 98 ab ff ff \tcall 36e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:560\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:560\n 8b48:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 8b4b:\te8 70 a6 ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:562\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:562\n 8b50:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 8b51:\t8d 83 ab 79 ff ff \tlea -0x8655(%ebx),%eax\n 8b57:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 8b58:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 8b59:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8b5a:\te8 e1 a9 ff ff \tcall 3540 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:563\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:563\n 8b5f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:562\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:562\n 8b62:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:563\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:563\n 8b64:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 8b66:\t0f 84 c4 00 00 00 \tje 8c30 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:566\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:566\n 8b6c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 8b6f:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8b70:\te8 fb a5 ff ff \tcall 3170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:571\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:571\n 8b75:\tc7 04 24 3c 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x3c,(%esp)\n 8b7c:\te8 6f a8 ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:591\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:591\n 8b81:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:573\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:573\n 8b84:\t89 30 \tmov %esi,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:574\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:574\n 8b86:\tc7 40 04 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:575\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:575\n 8b8d:\tc7 40 10 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x10(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:576\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:576\n 8b94:\tc7 40 08 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x8(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:577\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:577\n 8b9b:\tc7 40 0c 21 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x21,0xc(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:579\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:579\n 8ba2:\tc7 40 14 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x14(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:580\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:580\n 8ba9:\tc7 40 18 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x18(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:581\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:581\n 8bb0:\tc7 40 1c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x1c(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:582\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:582\n 8bb7:\tc7 40 20 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x20(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:583\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:583\n 8bbe:\tc7 40 24 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x24(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:585\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:585\n 8bc5:\tc7 40 28 ff ff ff ff \tmovl $0xffffffff,0x28(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:586\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:586\n 8bcc:\tc7 40 2c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x2c(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:587\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:587\n 8bd3:\tc7 40 30 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x30(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:589\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:589\n 8bda:\tc7 40 34 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x34(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:592\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:592\n 8be1:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 8be4:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 8be5:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 8be6:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 8be7:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 8be8:\tc3 \tret \n 8be9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:546\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:546\n 8bf0:\tc6 07 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%edi)\n 8bf3:\t89 f5 \tmov %esi,%ebp\n 8bf5:\t8b 55 00 \tmov 0x0(%ebp),%edx\n 8bf8:\t83 c5 04 \tadd $0x4,%ebp\n 8bfb:\t8d 82 ff fe fe fe \tlea -0x1010101(%edx),%eax\n 8c01:\tf7 d2 \tnot %edx\n 8c03:\t21 d0 \tand %edx,%eax\n@@ -8215,161 +8215,161 @@\n 8c1c:\t0f 44 ea \tcmove %edx,%ebp\n 8c1f:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 8c21:\t00 c1 \tadd %al,%cl\n 8c23:\t83 dd 03 \tsbb $0x3,%ebp\n 8c26:\t29 f5 \tsub %esi,%ebp\n 8c28:\te9 c9 fe ff ff \tjmp 8af6 \n 8c2d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:592\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:592\n 8c30:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:557\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:557\n 8c33:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:592\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:592\n 8c35:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 8c36:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 8c37:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 8c38:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 8c39:\tc3 \tret \n 8c3a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n 8c40:\t0f b6 16 \tmovzbl (%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:540\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:540\n 8c43:\t89 f7 \tmov %esi,%edi\n 8c45:\te9 a3 fe ff ff \tjmp 8aed \n 8c4a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 00008c50 :\n DBFAddField():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:605\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:605\n 8c50:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 8c51:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8c52:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 8c53:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 8c54:\te8 77 ac ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 8c59:\t81 c3 a7 53 01 00 \tadd $0x153a7,%ebx\n 8c5f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 8c62:\t8b 74 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%esi\n 8c66:\t8b 6c 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:612\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:612\n 8c6a:\t8b 46 04 \tmov 0x4(%esi),%eax\n 8c6d:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 8c6f:\t0f 8f 3a 02 00 00 \tjg 8eaf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:615\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:615\n 8c75:\t8b 7e 34 \tmov 0x34(%esi),%edi\n 8c78:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n 8c7a:\t0f 84 2f 02 00 00 \tje 8eaf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:618\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:618\n 8c80:\t8b 4c 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%ecx\n 8c84:\t83 7c 24 28 02 \tcmpl $0x2,0x28(%esp)\n 8c89:\t0f 95 c2 \tsetne %dl\n 8c8c:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 8c8e:\t0f 95 c0 \tsetne %al\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:621\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:621\n 8c91:\t84 c2 \ttest %al,%dl\n 8c93:\t0f 85 16 02 00 00 \tjne 8eaf \n 8c99:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n 8c9b:\t0f 8e 0e 02 00 00 \tjle 8eaf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:628\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:628\n 8ca1:\t8b 46 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%eax\n 8ca4:\t8d 50 01 \tlea 0x1(%eax),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:631\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:631\n 8ca7:\t8b 46 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:628\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:628\n 8caa:\t89 56 10 \tmov %edx,0x10(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:631\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:631\n 8cad:\tc1 e2 02 \tshl $0x2,%edx\n 8cb0:\te8 fb ee ff ff \tcall 7bb0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:630\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:630\n 8cb5:\t89 46 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:634\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:634\n 8cb8:\t8b 46 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%eax\n 8cbb:\t8d 14 85 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%eax,4),%edx\n 8cc2:\t8b 46 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%eax\n 8cc5:\te8 e6 ee ff ff \tcall 7bb0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:633\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:633\n 8cca:\t89 46 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:637\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:637\n 8ccd:\t8b 46 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%eax\n 8cd0:\t8d 14 85 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%eax,4),%edx\n 8cd7:\t8b 46 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esi),%eax\n 8cda:\te8 d1 ee ff ff \tcall 7bb0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:640\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:640\n 8cdf:\t8b 56 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:636\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:636\n 8ce2:\t89 46 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:640\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:640\n 8ce5:\t8b 46 20 \tmov 0x20(%esi),%eax\n 8ce8:\te8 c3 ee ff ff \tcall 7bb0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:645\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:645\n 8ced:\t8b 7e 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edi\n 8cf0:\t8b 4e 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%ecx\n 8cf3:\t8b 56 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:639\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:639\n 8cf6:\t89 46 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:645\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:645\n 8cf9:\t89 7c 8a fc \tmov %edi,-0x4(%edx,%ecx,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:647\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:647\n 8cfd:\t8b 56 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%edx\n 8d00:\t8b 4e 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:646\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:646\n 8d03:\t01 6e 08 \tadd %ebp,0x8(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:648\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:648\n 8d06:\t8b 7c 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:650\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:650\n 8d0a:\t83 7c 24 28 03 \tcmpl $0x3,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:647\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:647\n 8d0f:\t89 6c 8a fc \tmov %ebp,-0x4(%edx,%ecx,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:648\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:648\n 8d13:\t8b 56 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esi),%edx\n 8d16:\t8b 4e 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%ecx\n 8d19:\t89 7c 8a fc \tmov %edi,-0x4(%edx,%ecx,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:651\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:651\n 8d1d:\t8b 56 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:650\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:650\n 8d20:\t0f 84 0a 01 00 00 \tje 8e30 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:652\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:652\n 8d26:\t8d 44 10 ff \tlea -0x1(%eax,%edx,1),%eax\n 8d2a:\t8b 54 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%edx\n 8d2e:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 8d30:\t0f 84 bb 00 00 00 \tje 8df1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:655\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:655\n 8d36:\t83 7c 24 28 04 \tcmpl $0x4,0x28(%esp)\n 8d3b:\tba 4e 00 00 00 \tmov $0x4e,%edx\n 8d40:\tb9 44 00 00 00 \tmov $0x44,%ecx\n 8d45:\t0f 44 d1 \tcmove %ecx,%edx\n 8d48:\t88 10 \tmov %dl,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:665\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:665\n 8d4a:\t8b 56 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%edx\n 8d4d:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:663\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:663\n 8d50:\tc7 46 38 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x38(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:662\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:662\n 8d57:\t83 46 0c 20 \taddl $0x20,0xc(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:665\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:665\n 8d5b:\tc1 e2 05 \tshl $0x5,%edx\n 8d5e:\te8 4d ee ff ff \tcall 7bb0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:667\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:667\n 8d63:\t8b 4e 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:665\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:665\n 8d66:\t89 46 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:667\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:667\n 8d69:\t8d 79 ff \tlea -0x1(%ecx),%edi\n 8d6c:\tc1 e7 05 \tshl $0x5,%edi\n 8d6f:\t8d 3c 38 \tlea (%eax,%edi,1),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:669\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:669\n 8d72:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 8d74:\t8d 57 20 \tlea 0x20(%edi),%edx\n 8d77:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 8d7e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:670 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:670 (discriminator 3)\n 8d80:\tc6 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:669 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:669 (discriminator 3)\n 8d83:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 8d86:\t39 c2 \tcmp %eax,%edx\n 8d88:\t75 f6 \tjne 8d80 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:672\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:672\n 8d8a:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 8d8d:\tff 74 24 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esp)\n 8d91:\te8 1a a7 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 8d96:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8d99:\t83 f8 09 \tcmp $0x9,%eax\n 8d9c:\t77 62 \tja 8e00 \n strcpy():\n@@ -8377,68 +8377,68 @@\n 8d9e:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 8da1:\t83 f8 04 \tcmp $0x4,%eax\n 8da4:\t0f 83 90 00 00 00 \tjae 8e3a \n 8daa:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 8dac:\t0f 85 d9 00 00 00 \tjne 8e8b \n 8db2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n DBFAddField():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:679\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:679\n 8db8:\t8b 56 20 \tmov 0x20(%esi),%edx\n 8dbb:\t8b 46 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%eax\n 8dbe:\t0f b6 44 02 ff \tmovzbl -0x1(%edx,%eax,1),%eax\n 8dc3:\t88 47 0b \tmov %al,0xb(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:681\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:681\n 8dc6:\t8b 44 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%eax\n 8dca:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 8dcc:\t75 52 \tjne 8e20 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:683\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:683\n 8dce:\t66 89 6f 10 \tmov %bp,0x10(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:695\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:695\n 8dd2:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 8dd5:\t8d 50 01 \tlea 0x1(%eax),%edx\n 8dd8:\t8b 46 30 \tmov 0x30(%esi),%eax\n 8ddb:\te8 d0 ed ff ff \tcall 7bb0 \n 8de0:\t89 46 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:698\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:698\n 8de3:\t8b 46 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%eax\n 8de6:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:699\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:699\n 8de9:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 8dec:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 8ded:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 8dee:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 8def:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 8df0:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:653\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:653\n 8df1:\tc6 00 43 \tmovb $0x43,(%eax)\n 8df4:\te9 51 ff ff ff \tjmp 8d4a \n 8df9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 8e00:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 8e03:\t6a 0a \tpush $0xa\n 8e05:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 8e09:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8e0a:\te8 b1 a7 ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n DBFAddField():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:676\n 8e0f:\tc6 47 0a 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xa(%edi)\n 8e13:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8e16:\teb a0 \tjmp 8db8 \n 8e18:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 8e1f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:688\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:688\n 8e20:\t89 e8 \tmov %ebp,%eax\n 8e22:\t88 47 10 \tmov %al,0x10(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:689\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:689\n 8e25:\t0f b6 44 24 30 \tmovzbl 0x30(%esp),%eax\n 8e2a:\t88 47 11 \tmov %al,0x11(%edi)\n 8e2d:\teb a3 \tjmp 8dd2 \n 8e2f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:651\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:651\n 8e30:\tc6 44 10 ff 4c \tmovb $0x4c,-0x1(%eax,%edx,1)\n 8e35:\te9 10 ff ff ff \tjmp 8d4a \n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 8e3a:\t8b 5c 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%ebx\n 8e3e:\t8b 13 \tmov (%ebx),%edx\n 8e40:\t89 17 \tmov %edx,(%edi)\n@@ -8471,437 +8471,437 @@\n 8e94:\ta8 02 \ttest $0x2,%al\n 8e96:\t0f 84 1c ff ff ff \tje 8db8 \n 8e9c:\t8b 5c 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%ebx\n 8ea0:\t0f b7 54 03 fe \tmovzwl -0x2(%ebx,%eax,1),%edx\n 8ea5:\t66 89 54 07 fe \tmov %dx,-0x2(%edi,%eax,1)\n 8eaa:\te9 09 ff ff ff \tjmp 8db8 \n DBFAddField():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:613\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:613\n 8eaf:\tb8 ff ff ff ff \tmov $0xffffffff,%eax\n 8eb4:\te9 30 ff ff ff \tjmp 8de9 \n 8eb9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 00008ec0 :\n DBFReadIntegerAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:815\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:815\n 8ec0:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 8ec1:\te8 0a aa ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 8ec6:\t81 c3 3a 51 01 00 \tadd $0x1513a,%ebx\n 8ecc:\t83 ec 24 \tsub $0x24,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:818\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:818\n 8ecf:\t6a 4e \tpush $0x4e\n 8ed1:\t8b 4c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%ecx\n 8ed5:\t8b 54 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%edx\n 8ed9:\t8b 44 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%eax\n 8edd:\te8 be f3 ff ff \tcall 82a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:820\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:820\n 8ee2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8ee5:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 8ee7:\t74 2f \tje 8f18 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:823\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:823\n 8ee9:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n 8eeb:\td9 7c 24 0e \tfnstcw 0xe(%esp)\n 8eef:\t0f b7 44 24 0e \tmovzwl 0xe(%esp),%eax\n 8ef4:\t80 cc 0c \tor $0xc,%ah\n 8ef7:\t66 89 44 24 0c \tmov %ax,0xc(%esp)\n 8efc:\td9 6c 24 0c \tfldcw 0xc(%esp)\n 8f00:\tdb 5c 24 08 \tfistpl 0x8(%esp)\n 8f04:\td9 6c 24 0e \tfldcw 0xe(%esp)\n 8f08:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:824\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:824\n 8f0c:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n 8f0f:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 8f10:\tc3 \tret \n 8f11:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:821\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:821\n 8f18:\t8b 83 f4 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc(%ebx),%eax\n 8f1e:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:824\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:824\n 8f20:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n 8f23:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 8f24:\tc3 \tret \n 8f25:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 8f2c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 00008f30 :\n DBFReadDoubleAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:835\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:835\n 8f30:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 8f31:\te8 9a a9 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 8f36:\t81 c3 ca 50 01 00 \tadd $0x150ca,%ebx\n 8f3c:\t83 ec 14 \tsub $0x14,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:838\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:838\n 8f3f:\t6a 4e \tpush $0x4e\n 8f41:\t8b 4c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%ecx\n 8f45:\t8b 54 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edx\n 8f49:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 8f4d:\te8 4e f3 ff ff \tcall 82a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:840\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:840\n 8f52:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8f55:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 8f57:\t74 07 \tje 8f60 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:843\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:843\n 8f59:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:844\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:844\n 8f5b:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 8f5e:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 8f5f:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:841\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:841\n 8f60:\t8b 83 c0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x40(%ebx),%eax\n 8f66:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:844\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:844\n 8f68:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 8f6b:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 8f6c:\tc3 \tret \n 8f6d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 00008f70 :\n DBFReadStringAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:855\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:855\n 8f70:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:856\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:856\n 8f74:\t8b 4c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ecx\n 8f78:\tc7 44 24 04 43 00 00 \tmovl $0x43,0x4(%esp)\n 8f7f:\t00 \n 8f80:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n 8f84:\te9 17 f3 ff ff \tjmp 82a0 \n 8f89:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 00008f90 :\n DBFReadLogicalAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:868\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:868\n 8f90:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:869\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:869\n 8f94:\t8b 4c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ecx\n 8f98:\tc7 44 24 04 4c 00 00 \tmovl $0x4c,0x4(%esp)\n 8f9f:\t00 \n 8fa0:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n 8fa4:\te9 f7 f2 ff ff \tjmp 82a0 \n 8fa9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 00008fb0 :\n DBFIsAttributeNULL():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:883\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:883\n 8fb0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 8fb1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8fb2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 8fb3:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 8fb4:\te8 17 a9 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 8fb9:\t81 c3 47 50 01 00 \tadd $0x15047,%ebx\n 8fbf:\t83 ec 10 \tsub $0x10,%esp\n 8fc2:\t8b 6c 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%ebp\n 8fc6:\t8b 7c 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:887\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:887\n 8fca:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 8fcb:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 8fcf:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 8fd0:\te8 fb a5 ff ff \tcall 35d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:889\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:889\n 8fd5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 8fd8:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 8fda:\t0f 84 a0 00 00 00 \tje 9080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:891\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:891\n 8fe0:\t8b 55 20 \tmov 0x20(%ebp),%edx\n 8fe3:\t0f b6 0c 3a \tmovzbl (%edx,%edi,1),%ecx\n 8fe7:\t0f b6 10 \tmovzbl (%eax),%edx\n 8fea:\t80 f9 4c \tcmp $0x4c,%cl\n 8fed:\t0f 84 9d 00 00 00 \tje 9090 \n 8ff3:\t7f 43 \tjg 9038 \n 8ff5:\t80 f9 44 \tcmp $0x44,%cl\n 8ff8:\t74 56 \tje 9050 \n 8ffa:\t80 f9 46 \tcmp $0x46,%cl\n 8ffd:\t75 3e \tjne 903d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:889\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:889\n 8fff:\tb9 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:900\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:900\n 9004:\t80 fa 2a \tcmp $0x2a,%dl\n 9007:\t74 20 \tje 9029 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:901\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:901\n 9009:\t84 d2 \ttest %dl,%dl\n 900b:\t74 1c \tje 9029 \n 900d:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 9010:\teb 10 \tjmp 9022 \n 9012:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:901 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:901 (discriminator 2)\n 9018:\t0f b6 10 \tmovzbl (%eax),%edx\n 901b:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 901e:\t84 d2 \ttest %dl,%dl\n 9020:\t74 5e \tje 9080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:902\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:902\n 9022:\t80 fa 20 \tcmp $0x20,%dl\n 9025:\t74 f1 \tje 9018 \n 9027:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:917\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:917\n 9029:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 902c:\t89 c8 \tmov %ecx,%eax\n 902e:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 902f:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9030:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9031:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 9032:\tc3 \tret \n 9033:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9037:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:891\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:891\n 9038:\t80 f9 4e \tcmp $0x4e,%cl\n 903b:\t74 c2 \tje 8fff \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:915\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:915\n 903d:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 903f:\t84 d2 \ttest %dl,%dl\n 9041:\t0f 94 c1 \tsete %cl\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:917\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:917\n 9044:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 9047:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9048:\t89 c8 \tmov %ecx,%eax\n 904a:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 904b:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 904c:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 904d:\tc3 \tret \n 904e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:889\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:889\n 9050:\tb9 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:907\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:907\n 9055:\t84 d2 \ttest %dl,%dl\n 9057:\t74 d0 \tje 9029 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:907 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:907 (discriminator 2)\n 9059:\t8d bb bd 79 ff ff \tlea -0x8643(%ebx),%edi\n 905f:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 9061:\tb9 08 00 00 00 \tmov $0x8,%ecx\n 9066:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n 9068:\t0f 97 c0 \tseta %al\n 906b:\t1c 00 \tsbb $0x0,%al\n 906d:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 906f:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n 9071:\t0f 94 c1 \tsete %cl\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:917 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:917 (discriminator 2)\n 9074:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 9077:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9078:\t89 c8 \tmov %ecx,%eax\n 907a:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 907b:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 907c:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 907d:\tc3 \tret \n 907e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:917\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:917\n 9080:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:889\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:889\n 9083:\tb9 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:917\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:917\n 9088:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9089:\t89 c8 \tmov %ecx,%eax\n 908b:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 908c:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 908d:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 908e:\tc3 \tret \n 908f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:911\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:911\n 9090:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 9092:\t80 fa 3f \tcmp $0x3f,%dl\n 9095:\t0f 94 c1 \tsete %cl\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:917\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:917\n 9098:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 909b:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 909c:\t89 c8 \tmov %ecx,%eax\n 909e:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 909f:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 90a0:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 90a1:\tc3 \tret \n 90a2:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 90a9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 000090b0 :\n DBFGetFieldCount():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:929\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:929\n 90b0:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n 90b4:\t8b 40 10 \tmov 0x10(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:930\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:930\n 90b7:\tc3 \tret \n 90b8:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 90bf:\t90 \tnop\n \n 000090c0 :\n DBFGetRecordCount():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:942\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:942\n 90c0:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n 90c4:\t8b 40 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:943\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:943\n 90c7:\tc3 \tret \n 90c8:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 90cf:\t90 \tnop\n \n 000090d0 :\n DBFGetFieldInfo():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:955\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:955\n 90d0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:957\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:957\n 90d1:\tb8 05 00 00 00 \tmov $0x5,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:955\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:955\n 90d6:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 90d7:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 90d8:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 90d9:\te8 f2 a7 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 90de:\t81 c3 22 4f 01 00 \tadd $0x14f22,%ebx\n 90e4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 90e7:\t8b 74 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%esi\n 90eb:\t8b 6c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ebp\n 90ef:\t8b 7c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%edi\n 90f3:\t8b 4c 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%ecx\n 90f7:\t8b 54 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:956\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:956\n 90fb:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 90fd:\t78 77 \tjs 9176 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:956 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:956 (discriminator 1)\n 90ff:\t39 75 10 \tcmp %esi,0x10(%ebp)\n 9102:\t7e 72 \tjle 9176 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:959\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:959\n 9104:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 9106:\t74 08 \tje 9110 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:960\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:960\n 9108:\t8b 45 18 \tmov 0x18(%ebp),%eax\n 910b:\t8b 04 b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%eax\n 910e:\t89 01 \tmov %eax,(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:962\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:962\n 9110:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 9112:\t74 08 \tje 911c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:963\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:963\n 9114:\t8b 45 1c \tmov 0x1c(%ebp),%eax\n 9117:\t8b 04 b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%eax\n 911a:\t89 02 \tmov %eax,(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:965\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:965\n 911c:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n 911e:\t74 2f \tje 914f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:969\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:969\n 9120:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 9122:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n DBFGetFieldInfo():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:969\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:969\n 9125:\tc1 e0 05 \tshl $0x5,%eax\n 9128:\t03 45 24 \tadd 0x24(%ebp),%eax\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 912b:\t6a 0b \tpush $0xb\n 912d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 912e:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 912f:\te8 8c a4 ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n DBFGetFieldInfo():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:970\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:970\n 9134:\tc6 47 0b 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xb(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:971\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:971\n 9138:\t8d 47 0a \tlea 0xa(%edi),%eax\n 913b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 913e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 9140:\t80 38 20 \tcmpb $0x20,(%eax)\n 9143:\t75 0a \tjne 914f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:972\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:972\n 9145:\tc6 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:971\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:971\n 9148:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n 914b:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n 914d:\t75 f1 \tjne 9140 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:975\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:975\n 914f:\t8b 45 20 \tmov 0x20(%ebp),%eax\n 9152:\t0f b6 14 30 \tmovzbl (%eax,%esi,1),%edx\n 9156:\t80 fa 4c \tcmp $0x4c,%dl\n 9159:\t74 25 \tje 9180 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:979\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:979\n 915b:\t83 e2 f7 \tand $0xfffffff7,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:989\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:989\n 915e:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:978\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:978\n 9160:\t80 fa 46 \tcmp $0x46,%dl\n 9163:\t75 11 \tjne 9176 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:982\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:982\n 9165:\t8b 45 1c \tmov 0x1c(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:985\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:985\n 9168:\t8b 04 b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%eax\n 916b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 916d:\t0f 9f c0 \tsetg %al\n 9170:\t0f b6 c0 \tmovzbl %al,%eax\n 9173:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:991\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:991\n 9176:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 9179:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 917a:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 917b:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 917c:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 917d:\tc3 \tret \n 917e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:976\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:976\n 9180:\tb8 03 00 00 00 \tmov $0x3,%eax\n 9185:\teb ef \tjmp 9176 \n 9187:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 918e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n \n 00009190 :\n DBFWriteAttributeDirectly():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1171\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1171\n 9190:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 9191:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9192:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9193:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9194:\te8 37 a7 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 9199:\t81 c3 67 4e 01 00 \tadd $0x14e67,%ebx\n 919f:\t83 ec 1c \tsub $0x1c,%esp\n 91a2:\t8b 6c 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%ebp\n 91a6:\t8b 74 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%esi\n 91aa:\t8b 7c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1178\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1178\n 91ae:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n 91b0:\t0f 88 c2 00 00 00 \tjs 9278 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1178 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1178 (discriminator 1)\n 91b6:\t8b 46 04 \tmov 0x4(%esi),%eax\n 91b9:\t39 e8 \tcmp %ebp,%eax\n 91bb:\t0f 8c b7 00 00 00 \tjl 9278 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1181\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1181\n 91c1:\t8b 4e 34 \tmov 0x34(%esi),%ecx\n 91c4:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 91c6:\t0f 85 0c 01 00 00 \tjne 92d8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1187\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1187\n 91cc:\t39 c5 \tcmp %eax,%ebp\n 91ce:\t0f 84 c4 00 00 00 \tje 9298 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1202\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1202\n 91d4:\t39 6e 28 \tcmp %ebp,0x28(%esi)\n 91d7:\t74 3f \tje 9218 \n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:304\n 91d9:\t8b 56 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esi),%edx\n 91dc:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 91de:\t0f 85 a4 00 00 00 \tjne 9288 \n DBFWriteAttributeDirectly():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1208\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1208\n 91e4:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 91e7:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1206\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1206\n 91e9:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 91ec:\t0f af c5 \timul %ebp,%eax\n 91ef:\t03 46 0c \tadd 0xc(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1208\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1208\n 91f2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 91f3:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 91f5:\te8 d6 a0 ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 91fa:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 91fc:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 91fe:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n 9201:\tff 76 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esi)\n 9204:\te8 47 a1 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n DBFWriteAttributeDirectly():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1209\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1209\n 9209:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 920c:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 920f:\t0f 85 01 01 00 00 \tjne 9316 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1195\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1195\n 9215:\t89 6e 28 \tmov %ebp,0x28(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1220\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1220\n 9218:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1215\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1215\n 921b:\t8b 6e 30 \tmov 0x30(%esi),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1220\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1220\n 921e:\tff 74 24 48 \tpushl 0x48(%esp)\n 9222:\te8 89 a2 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 9227:\t8b 56 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%edx\n 922a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 922d:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n 9231:\t8b 46 18 \tmov 0x18(%esi),%eax\n 9234:\t8b 0c ba \tmov (%edx,%edi,4),%ecx\n@@ -8914,704 +8914,704 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 9248:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 924b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 924c:\tff 74 24 44 \tpushl 0x44(%esp)\n 9250:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 9251:\te8 6a a3 ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n DBFWriteAttributeDirectly():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1235\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1235\n 9256:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 9259:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1232\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1232\n 925e:\tc7 46 2c 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x2c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1233\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1233\n 9265:\tc7 46 38 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x38(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1236\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1236\n 926c:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n 926f:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9270:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9271:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9272:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 9273:\tc3 \tret \n 9274:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9278:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1179\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1179\n 927b:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1236\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1236\n 927d:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 927e:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 927f:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9280:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 9281:\tc3 \tret \n 9282:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1236\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1236\n 9288:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 928a:\te8 81 ea ff ff \tcall 7d10 \n 928f:\te9 50 ff ff ff \tjmp 91e4 \n 9294:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:304\n 9298:\t8b 56 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esi),%edx\n 929b:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 929d:\t74 0a \tje 92a9 \n 929f:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 92a1:\te8 6a ea ff ff \tcall 7d10 \n 92a6:\t8b 46 04 \tmov 0x4(%esi),%eax\n DBFWriteAttributeDirectly():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1192\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1192\n 92a9:\t8b 4e 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1191\n 92ac:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 92af:\t89 46 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1192\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1192\n 92b2:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 92b4:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 92b6:\t0f 8e 59 ff ff ff \tjle 9215 \n 92bc:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1193 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1193 (discriminator 3)\n 92c0:\t8b 56 30 \tmov 0x30(%esi),%edx\n 92c3:\tc6 04 02 20 \tmovb $0x20,(%edx,%eax,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1192 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1192 (discriminator 3)\n 92c7:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 92ca:\t39 46 08 \tcmp %eax,0x8(%esi)\n 92cd:\t7f f1 \tjg 92c0 \n 92cf:\te9 41 ff ff ff \tjmp 9215 \n 92d4:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n DBFWriteHeader():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:244\n 92d8:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 92da:\te8 11 e9 ff ff \tcall 7bf0 \n 92df:\t8b 46 04 \tmov 0x4(%esi),%eax\n 92e2:\te9 e5 fe ff ff \tjmp 91cc \n 92e7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 92ee:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n 92f0:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 92f3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 92f4:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 92f6:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 92f7:\te8 54 a2 ff ff \tcall 3550 \n DBFWriteAttributeDirectly():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1226\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1226\n 92fc:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 92fd:\tff 74 24 48 \tpushl 0x48(%esp)\n 9301:\te8 aa a1 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 9306:\t8b 56 14 \tmov 0x14(%esi),%edx\n 9309:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 930c:\t03 2c ba \tadd (%edx,%edi,4),%ebp\n 930f:\t89 ea \tmov %ebp,%edx\n 9311:\te9 32 ff ff ff \tjmp 9248 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1210\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1210\n 9316:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 9319:\t8d 83 50 79 ff ff \tlea -0x86b0(%ebx),%eax\n 931f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9320:\te8 bb 9e ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 9325:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 932c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 00009330 :\n DBFWriteDoubleAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1248\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1248\n 9330:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9331:\t83 ec 18 \tsub $0x18,%esp\n 9334:\t8b 44 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%eax\n 9338:\t8b 54 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edx\n 933c:\t8b 5c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ebx\n 9340:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n 9344:\t8b 44 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%eax\n 9348:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1011\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1011\n 934c:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1010\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1010\n 934e:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 9350:\t78 1b \tjs 936d \n 9352:\t3b 53 04 \tcmp 0x4(%ebx),%edx\n 9355:\t7f 16 \tjg 936d \n 9357:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 935a:\t8d 44 24 14 \tlea 0x14(%esp),%eax\n 935e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 935f:\t8b 4c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%ecx\n 9363:\t89 d8 \tmov %ebx,%eax\n 9365:\te8 16 ea ff ff \tcall 7d80 \n 936a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n DBFWriteDoubleAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1250\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1250\n 936d:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n 9370:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9371:\tc3 \tret \n 9372:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9379:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 00009380 :\n DBFWriteIntegerAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1262\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1262\n 9380:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9381:\t83 ec 18 \tsub $0x18,%esp\n 9384:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 938a:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n 938e:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1263\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1263\n 9390:\tdb 44 24 2c \tfildl 0x2c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1262\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1262\n 9394:\t8b 54 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edx\n 9398:\t8b 5c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1263\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1263\n 939c:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1010\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1010\n 939f:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 93a1:\t78 1b \tjs 93be \n 93a3:\t3b 53 04 \tcmp 0x4(%ebx),%edx\n 93a6:\t7f 16 \tjg 93be \n 93a8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 93ab:\t8d 44 24 0c \tlea 0xc(%esp),%eax\n 93af:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 93b0:\t8b 4c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%ecx\n 93b4:\t89 d8 \tmov %ebx,%eax\n 93b6:\te8 c5 e9 ff ff \tcall 7d80 \n 93bb:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n DBFWriteIntegerAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1266\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1266\n 93be:\t8b 4c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ecx\n 93c2:\t65 33 0d 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%ecx\n 93c9:\t75 05 \tjne 93d0 \n 93cb:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n 93ce:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 93cf:\tc3 \tret \n 93d0:\te8 cb b0 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n 93d5:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 93dc:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 000093e0 :\n DBFWriteStringAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1278\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1278\n 93e0:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 93e1:\t8b 54 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edx\n 93e5:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n 93e9:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n 93ed:\t8b 5c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ebx\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1010\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1010\n 93f1:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 93f3:\t78 13 \tjs 9408 \n 93f5:\t3b 50 04 \tcmp 0x4(%eax),%edx\n 93f8:\t7f 0e \tjg 9408 \n 93fa:\t89 5c 24 08 \tmov %ebx,0x8(%esp)\n DBFWriteStringAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1280\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1280\n 93fe:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1280\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1280\n 93ff:\te9 7c e9 ff ff \tjmp 7d80 \n 9404:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n DBFWriteStringAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1280\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1280\n 9408:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 940a:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 940b:\tc3 \tret \n 940c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 00009410 :\n DBFWriteNULLAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1291\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1291\n 9410:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n 9414:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n 9418:\t8b 4c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ecx\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1010\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1010\n 941c:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 941e:\t78 18 \tjs 9438 \n 9420:\t3b 50 04 \tcmp 0x4(%eax),%edx\n 9423:\t7f 13 \tjg 9438 \n 9425:\tc7 44 24 04 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4(%esp)\n 942c:\t00 \n 942d:\te9 4e e9 ff ff \tjmp 7d80 \n 9432:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n DBFWriteNULLAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1293\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1293\n 9438:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 943a:\tc3 \tret \n 943b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 943f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00009440 :\n DBFWriteLogicalAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1305\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1305\n 9440:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9441:\t83 ec 18 \tsub $0x18,%esp\n 9444:\t8b 44 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%eax\n 9448:\t8b 54 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edx\n 944c:\t8b 5c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ebx\n 9450:\t88 44 24 0c \tmov %al,0xc(%esp)\n DBFWriteAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1011\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1011\n 9454:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1010\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1010\n 9456:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 9458:\t78 1b \tjs 9475 \n 945a:\t3b 53 04 \tcmp 0x4(%ebx),%edx\n 945d:\t7f 16 \tjg 9475 \n 945f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 9462:\t8d 44 24 18 \tlea 0x18(%esp),%eax\n 9466:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9467:\t8b 4c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%ecx\n 946b:\t89 d8 \tmov %ebx,%eax\n 946d:\te8 0e e9 ff ff \tcall 7d80 \n 9472:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n DBFWriteLogicalAttribute():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1307\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1307\n 9475:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n 9478:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9479:\tc3 \tret \n 947a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 00009480 :\n DBFWriteTuple():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1318\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1318\n 9480:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9481:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9482:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9483:\t8b 7c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edi\n 9487:\te8 44 a4 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 948c:\t81 c3 74 4b 01 00 \tadd $0x14b74,%ebx\n 9492:\t8b 74 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1325\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1325\n 9496:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n 9498:\t0f 88 92 00 00 00 \tjs 9530 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1325 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1325 (discriminator 1)\n 949e:\t8b 46 04 \tmov 0x4(%esi),%eax\n 94a1:\t39 f8 \tcmp %edi,%eax\n 94a3:\t0f 8c 87 00 00 00 \tjl 9530 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1328\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1328\n 94a9:\t8b 4e 34 \tmov 0x34(%esi),%ecx\n 94ac:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 94ae:\t0f 85 dc 00 00 00 \tjne 9590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1334\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1334\n 94b4:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n 94b6:\t0f 84 94 00 00 00 \tje 9550 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1349\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1349\n 94bc:\t39 7e 28 \tcmp %edi,0x28(%esi)\n 94bf:\t74 3b \tje 94fc \n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:304\n 94c1:\t8b 46 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esi),%eax\n 94c4:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 94c6:\t75 78 \tjne 9540 \n DBFWriteTuple():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1355\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1355\n 94c8:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 94cb:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1353\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1353\n 94cd:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 94d0:\t0f af c7 \timul %edi,%eax\n 94d3:\t03 46 0c \tadd 0xc(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1355\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1355\n 94d6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 94d7:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 94d9:\te8 f2 9d ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 94de:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 94e0:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 94e2:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n 94e5:\tff 76 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esi)\n 94e8:\te8 63 9e ff ff \tcall 3350 \n DBFWriteTuple():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1356\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1356\n 94ed:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 94f0:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 94f3:\t0f 85 a6 00 00 00 \tjne 959f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1359\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1359\n 94f9:\t89 7e 28 \tmov %edi,0x28(%esi)\n 94fc:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 94ff:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 9502:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 9503:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 9507:\tff 76 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esi)\n 950a:\te8 71 9c ff ff \tcall 3180 \n DBFWriteTuple():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1369\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1369\n 950f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 9512:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1366\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1366\n 9517:\tc7 46 2c 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x2c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1367\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1367\n 951e:\tc7 46 38 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x38(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1370\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1370\n 9525:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9526:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9527:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9528:\tc3 \tret \n 9529:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9530:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1326\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1326\n 9531:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1370\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1370\n 9533:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9534:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9535:\tc3 \tret \n 9536:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 953d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1370\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1370\n 9540:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 9542:\te8 c9 e7 ff ff \tcall 7d10 \n 9547:\te9 7c ff ff ff \tjmp 94c8 \n 954c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:304\n 9550:\t8b 56 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esi),%edx\n 9553:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 9555:\t74 0a \tje 9561 \n 9557:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 9559:\te8 b2 e7 ff ff \tcall 7d10 \n 955e:\t8b 46 04 \tmov 0x4(%esi),%eax\n DBFWriteTuple():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1339\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1339\n 9561:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1338\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1338\n 9564:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 9567:\t89 46 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1339\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1339\n 956a:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 956c:\t7e 13 \tjle 9581 \n 956e:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1340 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1340 (discriminator 3)\n 9570:\t8b 56 30 \tmov 0x30(%esi),%edx\n 9573:\tc6 04 02 20 \tmovb $0x20,(%edx,%eax,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1339 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1339 (discriminator 3)\n 9577:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n 957a:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 957d:\t39 c2 \tcmp %eax,%edx\n 957f:\t7f ef \tjg 9570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1342\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1342\n 9581:\t89 7e 28 \tmov %edi,0x28(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1349\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1349\n 9584:\te9 76 ff ff ff \tjmp 94ff \n 9589:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n DBFWriteHeader():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:244\n 9590:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 9592:\te8 59 e6 ff ff \tcall 7bf0 \n 9597:\t8b 46 04 \tmov 0x4(%esi),%eax\n 959a:\te9 15 ff ff ff \tjmp 94b4 \n DBFWriteTuple():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1357\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1357\n 959f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 95a2:\t8d 83 50 79 ff ff \tlea -0x86b0(%ebx),%eax\n 95a8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 95a9:\te8 32 9c ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 95ae:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n \n 000095b0 :\n DBFReadTuple():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1381\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1381\n 95b0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 95b1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 95b2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 95b3:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 95b4:\te8 17 a3 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 95b9:\t81 c3 47 4a 01 00 \tadd $0x14a47,%ebx\n 95bf:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 95c2:\t8b 7c 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edi\n 95c6:\t8b 74 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1391\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1391\n 95ca:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n 95cc:\t0f 88 9e 00 00 00 \tjs 9670 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1391 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1391 (discriminator 1)\n 95d2:\t39 7e 04 \tcmp %edi,0x4(%esi)\n 95d5:\t0f 8e 95 00 00 00 \tjle 9670 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1394\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1394\n 95db:\t39 7e 28 \tcmp %edi,0x28(%esi)\n 95de:\t74 3e \tje 961e \n DBFFlushRecord():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:304\n 95e0:\t8b 46 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esi),%eax\n 95e3:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 95e5:\t74 07 \tje 95ee \n 95e7:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 95e9:\te8 22 e7 ff ff \tcall 7d10 \n DBFReadTuple():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1400\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1400\n 95ee:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 95f1:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1398\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1398\n 95f3:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 95f6:\t0f af c7 \timul %edi,%eax\n 95f9:\t03 46 0c \tadd 0xc(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1400\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1400\n 95fc:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 95fd:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 95ff:\te8 cc 9c ff ff \tcall 32d0 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 9604:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 9606:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 9608:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n 960b:\tff 76 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esi)\n 960e:\te8 3d 9d ff ff \tcall 3350 \n DBFReadTuple():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1401\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1401\n 9613:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 9616:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 9619:\t75 61 \tjne 967c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1404\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1404\n 961b:\t89 7e 28 \tmov %edi,0x28(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1407\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1407\n 961e:\t8b 6e 30 \tmov 0x30(%esi),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1409\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1409\n 9621:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n 9624:\t8b bb a8 09 00 00 \tmov 0x9a8(%ebx),%edi\n 962a:\t3b 93 ac 09 00 00 \tcmp 0x9ac(%ebx),%edx\n 9630:\t7f 1e \tjg 9650 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 9632:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 9635:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 9636:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 9637:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9638:\te8 43 9b ff ff \tcall 3180 \n DBFReadTuple():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1416\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1416\n 963d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1417\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1417\n 9640:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 9642:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 9645:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9646:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9647:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9648:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 9649:\tc3 \tret \n 964a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1411\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1411\n 9650:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1410\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1410\n 9652:\t89 93 ac 09 00 00 \tmov %edx,0x9ac(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1411\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1411\n 9658:\te8 53 e5 ff ff \tcall 7bb0 \n 965d:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n 9660:\t89 83 a8 09 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x9a8(%ebx)\n 9666:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 9668:\teb c8 \tjmp 9632 \n 966a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1417\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1417\n 9670:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1392\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1392\n 9673:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1417\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1417\n 9675:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9676:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 9678:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9679:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 967a:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 967b:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1402\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1402\n 967c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 967f:\t8d 83 50 79 ff ff \tlea -0x86b0(%ebx),%eax\n 9685:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9686:\te8 55 9b ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 968b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 968f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00009690 :\n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1427\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1427\n 9690:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 9691:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9692:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9693:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9694:\te8 37 a2 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 9699:\t81 c3 67 49 01 00 \tadd $0x14967,%ebx\n 969f:\t83 ec 28 \tsub $0x28,%esp\n 96a2:\t8b 6c 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1430\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1430\n 96a6:\tff 74 24 40 \tpushl 0x40(%esp)\n 96aa:\te8 a1 a1 ff ff \tcall 3850 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1431\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1431\n 96af:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1430\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1430\n 96b2:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1431\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1431\n 96b4:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 96b6:\t0f 84 d5 00 00 00 \tje 9791 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1433\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1433\n 96bc:\t8b 7d 10 \tmov 0x10(%ebp),%edi\n 96bf:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 96c2:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 96c4:\tc1 e2 05 \tshl $0x5,%edx\n 96c7:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 96c8:\t89 54 24 1c \tmov %edx,0x1c(%esp)\n 96cc:\te8 1f 9d ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 96d1:\t8b 54 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edx\n 96d5:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1433\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1433\n 96d8:\t89 46 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esi)\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 96db:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 96dc:\tff 75 24 \tpushl 0x24(%ebp)\n 96df:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 96e0:\te8 9b 9a ff ff \tcall 3180 \n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1437\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1437\n 96e5:\t8b 45 08 \tmov 0x8(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1436\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1436\n 96e8:\t89 7e 10 \tmov %edi,0x10(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1438\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1438\n 96eb:\t8b 7d 10 \tmov 0x10(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1437\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1437\n 96ee:\t89 46 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1438\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1438\n 96f1:\t8d 47 01 \tlea 0x1(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1440\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1440\n 96f4:\tc1 e7 02 \tshl $0x2,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1438\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1438\n 96f7:\tc1 e0 05 \tshl $0x5,%eax\n 96fa:\t89 46 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1440\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1440\n 96fd:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 9700:\te8 eb 9c ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 9705:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1440\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1440\n 9708:\t89 46 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esi)\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 970b:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 970c:\tff 75 14 \tpushl 0x14(%ebp)\n 970f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9710:\te8 6b 9a ff ff \tcall 3180 \n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1442\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1442\n 9715:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 9718:\te8 d3 9c ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 971d:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1442\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1442\n 9720:\t89 46 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esi)\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 9723:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9724:\tff 75 18 \tpushl 0x18(%ebp)\n 9727:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9728:\te8 53 9a ff ff \tcall 3180 \n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1444\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1444\n 972d:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 9730:\te8 bb 9c ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 9735:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1444\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1444\n 9738:\t89 46 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esi)\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 973b:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 973c:\tff 75 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%ebp)\n 973f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9740:\te8 3b 9a ff ff \tcall 3180 \n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1446\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1446\n 9745:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 9748:\te8 a3 9c ff ff \tcall 33f0 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 974d:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1446\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1446\n 9750:\t89 46 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esi)\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n 9753:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9754:\tff 75 20 \tpushl 0x20(%ebp)\n 9757:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9758:\te8 23 9a ff ff \tcall 3180 \n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1449\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1449\n 975d:\tc7 46 34 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x34(%esi)\n DBFWriteHeader():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1450\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1450\n 9764:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1450\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1450\n 9766:\tc7 46 38 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x38(%esi)\n DBFWriteHeader():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:244\n 976d:\te8 7e e4 ff ff \tcall 7bf0 \n DBFCloneEmpty():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1453\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1453\n 9772:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 9775:\te8 06 99 ff ff \tcall 3080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1455\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1455\n 977a:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 977b:\t8d 83 ab 79 ff ff \tlea -0x8655(%ebx),%eax\n 9781:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 9782:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9783:\tff 74 24 40 \tpushl 0x40(%esp)\n 9787:\te8 54 9e ff ff \tcall 35e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1457\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1457\n 978c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1455\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1455\n 978f:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1458\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1458\n 9791:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n 9794:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 9796:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9797:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9798:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9799:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 979a:\tc3 \tret \n 979b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 979f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 000097a0 :\n DBFGetNativeFieldType():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1474\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1474\n 97a0:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n 97a4:\t8b 4c 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1478\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1478\n 97a8:\tba 20 00 00 00 \tmov $0x20,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1475\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1475\n 97ad:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 97af:\t78 05 \tjs 97b6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1475 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1475 (discriminator 1)\n 97b1:\t39 41 10 \tcmp %eax,0x10(%ecx)\n 97b4:\t7f 0a \tjg 97c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1479\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1479\n 97b6:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n 97b8:\tc3 \tret \n 97b9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1476\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1476\n 97c0:\t8b 51 20 \tmov 0x20(%ecx),%edx\n 97c3:\t0f b6 14 02 \tmovzbl (%edx,%eax,1),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1479\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1479\n 97c7:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n 97c9:\tc3 \tret \n 97ca:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 000097d0 :\n DBFGetFieldIndex():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1509\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1509\n 97d0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 97d1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 97d2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1517\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1517\n 97d3:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1509\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1509\n 97d5:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 97d6:\te8 f5 a0 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 97db:\t81 c3 25 48 01 00 \tadd $0x14825,%ebx\n 97e1:\t83 ec 50 \tsub $0x50,%esp\n 97e4:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 97ea:\t89 44 24 40 \tmov %eax,0x40(%esp)\n 97ee:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n@@ -9622,35 +9622,35 @@\n 97f6:\tff 74 24 6c \tpushl 0x6c(%esp)\n 97fa:\t8d 44 24 30 \tlea 0x30(%esp),%eax\n 97fe:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n 9802:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 9804:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9805:\te8 b6 9d ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n DBFGetFieldIndex():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1515\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1515\n 980a:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1514\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1514\n 980c:\tc6 44 24 3f 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x3f(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1515\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1515\n 9811:\te8 9a ec ff ff \tcall 84b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1517\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1517\n 9816:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1519\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1519\n 9819:\t8d 44 24 18 \tlea 0x18(%esp),%eax\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 981d:\t8d 7c 24 30 \tlea 0x30(%esp),%edi\n DBFGetFieldIndex():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1519\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1519\n 9821:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1517\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1517\n 9825:\teb 4f \tjmp 9876 \n 9827:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 982e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1519\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1519\n 9830:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 9833:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 9835:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 9837:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 983b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 983c:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 983d:\te8 6e 9d ff ff \tcall 35b0 \n@@ -9658,41 +9658,41 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 9842:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n 9845:\t6a 0c \tpush $0xc\n 9847:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 984b:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 984c:\te8 6f 9d ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n DBFGetFieldIndex():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1522\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1522\n 9851:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1521\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1521\n 9853:\tc6 44 24 4b 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x4b(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1522\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1522\n 9858:\te8 53 ec ff ff \tcall 84b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1524\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1524\n 985d:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 9860:\t6a 0a \tpush $0xa\n 9862:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9863:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 9867:\te8 44 9f ff ff \tcall 37b0 \n 986c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 986f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 9871:\t74 18 \tje 988b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1517 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1517 (discriminator 2)\n 9873:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1517 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1517 (discriminator 1)\n 9876:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 9879:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 987a:\te8 11 9a ff ff \tcall 3290 \n 987f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 9882:\t39 f0 \tcmp %esi,%eax\n 9884:\t7f aa \tjg 9830 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1527\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1527\n 9886:\tbe ff ff ff ff \tmov $0xffffffff,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/dbfopen.c:1528\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/dbfopen.c:1528\n 988b:\t8b 44 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%eax\n 988f:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 9896:\t75 0a \tjne 98a2 \n 9898:\t83 c4 4c \tadd $0x4c,%esp\n 989b:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 989d:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 989e:\t5e \tpop %esi\n@@ -9702,474 +9702,474 @@\n 98a2:\te8 f9 ab 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n 98a7:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 98a9:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 98ab:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 98ad:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 98af:\t90 \tnop\n cmp_file_handle():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:175\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:175\n 98b0:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 98b1:\te8 1a a0 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 98b6:\t81 c3 4a 47 01 00 \tadd $0x1474a,%ebx\n 98bc:\t83 ec 10 \tsub $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:176\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:176\n 98bf:\t8b 44 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 98c3:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 98c5:\t8b 44 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 98c9:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 98cb:\te8 d0 97 ff ff \tcall 30a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:178\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:178\n 98d0:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n 98d3:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 98d4:\tc3 \tret \n 98d5:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 98dc:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 000098e0 :\n fh_get_handle_by_filename():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:70\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:70\n 98e0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 98e1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 98e2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 98e3:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 98e4:\te8 e7 9f ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 98e9:\t81 c3 17 47 01 00 \tadd $0x14717,%ebx\n 98ef:\t83 ec 58 \tsub $0x58,%esp\n 98f2:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 98f8:\t89 44 24 48 \tmov %eax,0x48(%esp)\n 98fc:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 98fe:\t8b 7c 24 6c \tmov 0x6c(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:77\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:77\n 9902:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9903:\te8 a8 9b ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 9908:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 9909:\t5e \tpop %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:78\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:78\n 990a:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:77\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:77\n 990c:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:78\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:78\n 990e:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 9911:\t50 \tpush %eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:83\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:83\n 9912:\t83 c6 02 \tadd $0x2,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:78\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:78\n 9915:\te8 d6 9d ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 991a:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 991b:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 991c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 991d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 991e:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n 9922:\te8 39 9a ff ff \tcall 3360 \n fh_get_handle_by_filename():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:83\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:83\n 9927:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 9928:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9929:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 992b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 992c:\te8 bf 9d ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:84\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:84\n 9931:\tc6 00 2a \tmovb $0x2a,(%eax)\n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 9934:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n fh_get_handle_by_filename():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:83\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:83\n 9935:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:85\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:85\n 9937:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 993a:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 993b:\t8b 54 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edx\n 993f:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 9940:\t89 54 24 18 \tmov %edx,0x18(%esp)\n 9944:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9945:\te8 16 9a ff ff \tcall 3360 \n fh_get_handle_by_filename():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:87\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:87\n 994a:\t89 74 24 24 \tmov %esi,0x24(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:88\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:88\n 994e:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 994f:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9950:\t8b bb fc ff ff ff \tmov -0x4(%ebx),%edi\n 9956:\t8d 44 24 1c \tlea 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 995a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 995b:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n 995d:\te8 fe 9d ff ff \tcall 3760 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:89\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:89\n 9962:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 9965:\t8b 54 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edx\n 9969:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 996b:\t74 33 \tje 99a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:99\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:99\n 996d:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 9970:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n 9972:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 9973:\te8 d8 9d ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:100\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:100\n 9978:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 997b:\te8 d0 9d ff ff \tcall 3750 \n 9980:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:103\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:103\n 9983:\t8b 44 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%eax\n 9987:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 998e:\t75 58 \tjne 99e8 \n 9990:\t83 c4 4c \tadd $0x4c,%esp\n 9993:\t89 e8 \tmov %ebp,%eax\n 9995:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9996:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9997:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9998:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 9999:\tc3 \tret \n 999a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:91\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:91\n 99a0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 99a3:\t6a 28 \tpush $0x28\n 99a5:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 99a7:\te8 44 9d ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:94\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:94\n 99ac:\t8b 54 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:91\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:91\n 99b0:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n init_file_handle():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:57\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:57\n 99b2:\tc7 40 14 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x14(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:58\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:58\n 99b9:\tc7 40 1c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x1c(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:59\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:59\n 99c0:\tc7 40 24 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x24(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:60\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:60\n 99c7:\tc7 40 20 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x20(%eax)\n fh_get_handle_by_filename():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:93\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:93\n 99ce:\t89 30 \tmov %esi,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:94\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:94\n 99d0:\t89 50 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%eax)\n 99d3:\t89 50 08 \tmov %edx,0x8(%eax)\n 99d6:\t89 50 0c \tmov %edx,0xc(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:95\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:95\n 99d9:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 99da:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 99db:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 99dc:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n 99de:\te8 9d 9b ff ff \tcall 3580 \n 99e3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 99e6:\teb 9b \tjmp 9983 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:103\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:103\n 99e8:\te8 b3 aa 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n 99ed:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 000099f0 :\n fh_get_handle_by_name():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:109\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:109\n 99f0:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 99f1:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 99f2:\te8 d9 9e ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 99f7:\t81 c3 09 46 01 00 \tadd $0x14609,%ebx\n 99fd:\t83 ec 3c \tsub $0x3c,%esp\n 9a00:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 9a06:\t89 44 24 34 \tmov %eax,0x34(%esp)\n 9a0a:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 9a0c:\t8b 74 24 48 \tmov 0x48(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:112\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:112\n 9a10:\t8d 44 24 0c \tlea 0xc(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:111\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:111\n 9a14:\t89 74 24 0c \tmov %esi,0xc(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:112\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:112\n 9a18:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9a19:\t8b 83 fc ff ff ff \tmov -0x4(%ebx),%eax\n 9a1f:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 9a21:\te8 3a 9d ff ff \tcall 3760 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:114\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:114\n 9a26:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 9a29:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 9a2b:\t74 13 \tje 9a40 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:117\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:117\n 9a2d:\t8b 54 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%edx\n 9a31:\t65 33 15 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%edx\n 9a38:\t75 25 \tjne 9a5f \n 9a3a:\t83 c4 34 \tadd $0x34,%esp\n 9a3d:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9a3e:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9a3f:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:115\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:115\n 9a40:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9a41:\t8d 83 c8 79 ff ff \tlea -0x8638(%ebx),%eax\n 9a47:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 9a49:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9a4a:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 9a50:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9a51:\te8 aa 97 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 9a56:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 9a57:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 9a58:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9a59:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9a5a:\te8 81 97 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:117\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:117\n 9a5f:\te8 3c aa 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n 9a64:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9a6b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9a6f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00009a70 :\n fh_handle_name():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:127\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:127\n 9a70:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 9a71:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9a72:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9a73:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9a74:\te8 57 9e ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 9a79:\t81 c3 87 45 01 00 \tadd $0x14587,%ebx\n 9a7f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 9a82:\t8b 7c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:130\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:130\n 9a86:\t8b 83 c0 09 00 00 \tmov 0x9c0(%ebx),%eax\n 9a8c:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 9a8e:\t74 16 \tje 9aa6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:132\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:132\n 9a90:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 9a93:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9a94:\te8 b7 9c ff ff \tcall 3750 \n 9a99:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 9a9c:\tc7 83 c0 09 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x9c0(%ebx)\n 9aa3:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:135\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:135\n 9aa6:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n 9aa8:\t74 66 \tje 9b10 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:138\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:138\n 9aaa:\t8b 37 \tmov (%edi),%esi\n 9aac:\t80 3e 2a \tcmpb $0x2a,(%esi)\n 9aaf:\t74 0f \tje 9ac0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:149\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:149\n 9ab1:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 9ab4:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 9ab6:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9ab7:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9ab8:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9ab9:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 9aba:\tc3 \tret \n 9abb:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9abf:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:140\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:140\n 9ac0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 9ac3:\tff 77 08 \tpushl 0x8(%edi)\n 9ac6:\te8 e5 99 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 9acb:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 9acc:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:142\n 9acd:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:140\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:140\n 9acf:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:142\n 9ad1:\t8d 40 03 \tlea 0x3(%eax),%eax\n 9ad4:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9ad5:\te8 16 9c ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n 9ada:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 9adc:\t89 83 c0 09 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x9c0(%ebx)\n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 9ae2:\t58 \tpop %eax\n fh_handle_name():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:143\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:143\n 9ae3:\t8d 46 01 \tlea 0x1(%esi),%eax\n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n 9ae6:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 9ae7:\tff 77 08 \tpushl 0x8(%edi)\n 9aea:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9aeb:\te8 70 98 ff ff \tcall 3360 \n fh_handle_name():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:146\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:146\n 9af0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:144\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:144\n 9af3:\tc6 44 2e 01 22 \tmovb $0x22,0x1(%esi,%ebp,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:149\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:149\n 9af8:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:144\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:144\n 9afa:\tc6 06 22 \tmovb $0x22,(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:145\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:145\n 9afd:\tc6 44 2e 02 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x2(%esi,%ebp,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:149\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:149\n 9b02:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 9b05:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9b06:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9b07:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9b08:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 9b09:\tc3 \tret \n 9b0a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:136\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:136\n 9b10:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 9b12:\teb 9d \tjmp 9ab1 \n 9b14:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9b1b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9b1f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00009b20 :\n fh_close_handle():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:156\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:156\n 9b20:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9b21:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9b22:\te8 a9 9d ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 9b27:\t81 c3 d9 44 01 00 \tadd $0x144d9,%ebx\n 9b2d:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 9b30:\t8b 74 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:157\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:157\n 9b34:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 9b36:\t74 32 \tje 9b6a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:165\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:165\n 9b38:\t8b 46 20 \tmov 0x20(%esi),%eax\n 9b3b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 9b3d:\t74 0a \tje 9b49 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:166\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:166\n 9b3f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 9b42:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9b43:\tff 50 08 \tcall *0x8(%eax)\n 9b46:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:168\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:168\n 9b49:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:167\n 9b4c:\tc7 46 20 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x20(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:168\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:168\n 9b53:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 9b55:\t74 0c \tje 9b63 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:168 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:168 (discriminator 1)\n 9b57:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 9b5a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9b5b:\te8 f0 9b ff ff \tcall 3750 \n 9b60:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:169\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:169\n 9b63:\tc7 46 24 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x24(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:170\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:170\n 9b6a:\t83 c4 04 \tadd $0x4,%esp\n 9b6d:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9b6e:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9b6f:\tc3 \tret \n \n 00009b70 :\n fh_init_files():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:187\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:187\n 9b70:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9b71:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9b72:\te8 59 9d ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 9b77:\t81 c3 89 44 01 00 \tadd $0x14489,%ebx\n 9b7d:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:189\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:189\n 9b80:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 9b82:\t8d 83 b0 b8 fe ff \tlea -0x14750(%ebx),%eax\n 9b88:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9b89:\te8 22 9b ff ff \tcall 36b0 \n 9b8e:\t8b b3 fc ff ff ff \tmov -0x4(%ebx),%esi\n 9b94:\t89 06 \tmov %eax,(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:192\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:192\n 9b96:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 9b97:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 9b98:\t6a 28 \tpush $0x28\n 9b9a:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 9b9c:\te8 4f 9b ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n 9ba1:\t8b 93 b4 ff ff ff \tmov -0x4c(%ebx),%edx\n init_file_handle():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:57\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:57\n 9ba7:\tc7 40 14 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x14(%eax)\n fh_init_files():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:192\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:192\n 9bae:\t89 02 \tmov %eax,(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:194\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:194\n 9bb0:\t8d 93 09 7a ff ff \tlea -0x85f7(%ebx),%edx\n 9bb6:\t89 10 \tmov %edx,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:196\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:196\n 9bb8:\t8d 93 8c 02 00 00 \tlea 0x28c(%ebx),%edx\n init_file_handle():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:58\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:58\n 9bbe:\tc7 40 1c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x1c(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:59\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:59\n 9bc5:\tc7 40 24 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x24(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:60\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:60\n 9bcc:\tc7 40 20 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x20(%eax)\n fh_init_files():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:196\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:196\n 9bd3:\t89 50 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%eax)\n 9bd6:\t89 50 08 \tmov %edx,0x8(%eax)\n 9bd9:\t89 50 0c \tmov %edx,0xc(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:197\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:197\n 9bdc:\tc7 40 10 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x10(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:198\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:198\n 9be3:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 9be4:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 9be5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9be6:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 9be8:\te8 93 99 ff ff \tcall 3580 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:199\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:199\n 9bed:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n 9bf0:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9bf1:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9bf2:\tc3 \tret \n 9bf3:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9bfa:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 00009c00 :\n fh_handle_filename():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:205\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:205\n 9c00:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n 9c04:\t8b 40 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:206\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:206\n 9c07:\tc3 \tret \n 9c08:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9c0f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00009c10 :\n fh_record_width():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:212\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:212\n 9c10:\te8 b0 9d ff ff \tcall 39c5 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x105>\n 9c15:\t81 c2 eb 43 01 00 \tadd $0x143eb,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:211\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:211\n 9c1b:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:212\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:212\n 9c1f:\t8b 92 b4 ff ff ff \tmov -0x4c(%edx),%edx\n 9c25:\t39 02 \tcmp %eax,(%edx)\n 9c27:\t74 17 \tje 9c40 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:214\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:214\n 9c29:\t8b 48 14 \tmov 0x14(%eax),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:217\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:217\n 9c2c:\tba 00 04 00 00 \tmov $0x400,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:214\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:214\n 9c31:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 9c33:\t75 03 \tjne 9c38 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:215\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:215\n 9c35:\t8b 50 18 \tmov 0x18(%eax),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:218\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:218\n 9c38:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n 9c3a:\tc3 \tret \n 9c3b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9c3f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:213\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:213\n 9c40:\tba 50 00 00 00 \tmov $0x50,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/file-handle.c:218\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/file-handle.c:218\n 9c45:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n 9c47:\tc3 \tret \n 9c48:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 9c4a:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 9c4c:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 9c4e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n \n 00009c50 :\n fmt_to_string():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:86\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:86\n 9c50:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9c51:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9c52:\te8 79 9c ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 9c57:\t81 c3 a9 43 01 00 \tadd $0x143a9,%ebx\n 9c5d:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 9c60:\t8b 54 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%edx\n 9c64:\t6b 02 2c \timul $0x2c,(%edx),%eax\n 9c67:\t8b 4a 04 \tmov 0x4(%edx),%ecx\n 9c6a:\t03 83 c8 ff ff ff \tadd -0x38(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:89\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:89\n 9c70:\t83 78 0c 01 \tcmpl $0x1,0xc(%eax)\n 9c74:\t7e 2a \tjle 9ca0 \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 9c76:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 9c79:\tff 72 08 \tpushl 0x8(%edx)\n 9c7c:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n@@ -10179,15 +10179,15 @@\n 9c8a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9c8b:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n 9c8d:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 9c8f:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9c90:\te8 1b 9c ff ff \tcall 38b0 <__sprintf_chk@plt>\n 9c95:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n fmt_to_string():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:94\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:94\n 9c98:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 9c9a:\t83 c4 04 \tadd $0x4,%esp\n 9c9d:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9c9e:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9c9f:\tc3 \tret \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n@@ -10198,77 +10198,77 @@\n 9cab:\teb d7 \tjmp 9c84 \n fmt_to_string():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 9cad:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 00009cb0 :\n check_input_specifier():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:98\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:98\n 9cb0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 9cb1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9cb2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9cb3:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9cb4:\te8 17 9c ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 9cb9:\t81 c3 47 43 01 00 \tadd $0x14347,%ebx\n 9cbf:\t83 ec 38 \tsub $0x38,%esp\n 9cc2:\t8b 7c 24 4c \tmov 0x4c(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:102\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:102\n 9cc6:\t8b 37 \tmov (%edi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:103\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:103\n 9cc8:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9cc9:\te8 62 99 ff ff \tcall 3630 \n 9cce:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:104\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:104\n 9cd2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 9cd5:\t83 3f 24 \tcmpl $0x24,(%edi)\n 9cd8:\t74 5d \tje 9d37 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:106\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:106\n 9cda:\t6b ee 2c \timul $0x2c,%esi,%ebp\n 9cdd:\t8b 83 c8 ff ff ff \tmov -0x38(%ebx),%eax\n 9ce3:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n 9ce7:\t01 c5 \tadd %eax,%ebp\n 9ce9:\t8b 45 20 \tmov 0x20(%ebp),%eax\n 9cec:\ta8 10 \ttest $0x10,%al\n 9cee:\t0f 85 eb 00 00 00 \tjne 9ddf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:111\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:111\n 9cf4:\t8b 4d 10 \tmov 0x10(%ebp),%ecx\n 9cf7:\t8b 57 04 \tmov 0x4(%edi),%edx\n 9cfa:\t89 4c 24 0c \tmov %ecx,0xc(%esp)\n 9cfe:\t8b 4d 14 \tmov 0x14(%ebp),%ecx\n 9d01:\t89 4c 24 10 \tmov %ecx,0x10(%esp)\n 9d05:\t3b 54 24 0c \tcmp 0xc(%esp),%edx\n 9d09:\t0f 8c 93 00 00 00 \tjl 9da2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:111 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:111 (discriminator 1)\n 9d0f:\t39 ca \tcmp %ecx,%edx\n 9d11:\t0f 8f 8b 00 00 00 \tjg 9da2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:117\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:117\n 9d17:\ta8 02 \ttest $0x2,%al\n 9d19:\t74 05 \tje 9d20 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:117 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:117 (discriminator 1)\n 9d1b:\tf6 c2 01 \ttest $0x1,%dl\n 9d1e:\t75 24 \tjne 9d44 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:123\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:123\n 9d20:\t6b f6 2c \timul $0x2c,%esi,%esi\n 9d23:\t8b 4c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ecx\n 9d27:\t01 f1 \tadd %esi,%ecx\n 9d29:\t83 79 0c 01 \tcmpl $0x1,0xc(%ecx)\n 9d2d:\t7e 08 \tjle 9d37 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:123 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:123 (discriminator 1)\n 9d2f:\t8b 77 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%esi\n 9d32:\t83 fe 10 \tcmp $0x10,%esi\n 9d35:\t77 41 \tja 9d78 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:130\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:130\n 9d37:\t83 c4 2c \tadd $0x2c,%esp\n 9d3a:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n 9d3f:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9d40:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9d41:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9d42:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 9d43:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:119\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:119\n 9d44:\t8d 83 a8 7a ff ff \tlea -0x8558(%ebx),%eax\n 9d4a:\t89 54 24 14 \tmov %edx,0x14(%esp)\n 9d4e:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 9d4f:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 9d51:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9d52:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 9d58:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -10280,54 +10280,54 @@\n 9d68:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 9d69:\t8b 54 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%edx\n 9d6d:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 9d6e:\tff 74 24 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esp)\n 9d72:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9d73:\te8 68 94 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 9d78:\t89 4c 24 0c \tmov %ecx,0xc(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:125\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:125\n 9d7c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9d7d:\t8d 83 0c 7b ff ff \tlea -0x84f4(%ebx),%eax\n 9d83:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 9d85:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9d86:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 9d8c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9d8d:\te8 6e 94 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 9d92:\t8b 4c 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%ecx\n 9d96:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 9d97:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9d98:\tff 74 24 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esp)\n 9d9c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9d9d:\te8 3e 94 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 9da2:\t89 54 24 1c \tmov %edx,0x1c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:114\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:114\n 9da6:\t6b f6 2c \timul $0x2c,%esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:113\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:113\n 9da9:\t8d 83 50 7a ff ff \tlea -0x85b0(%ebx),%eax\n 9daf:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9db0:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 9db2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9db3:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 9db9:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9dba:\te8 41 94 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 9dbf:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 9dc0:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 9dc1:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 9dc5:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:114\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:114\n 9dc9:\t8b 4c 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%ecx\n 9dcd:\t01 f1 \tadd %esi,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:113\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:113\n 9dcf:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 9dd0:\t8b 54 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%edx\n 9dd4:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 9dd5:\tff 74 24 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esp)\n 9dd9:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9dda:\te8 01 94 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:108\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:108\n 9ddf:\t8d 83 20 7a ff ff \tlea -0x85e0(%ebx),%eax\n 9de5:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 9de6:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 9de8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9de9:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 9def:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9df0:\te8 0b 94 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n@@ -10336,89 +10336,89 @@\n 9df7:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 9df8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9df9:\te8 e2 93 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 9dfe:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n \n 00009e00 :\n check_output_specifier():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:134\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:134\n 9e00:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 9e01:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9e02:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9e03:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9e04:\te8 c7 9a ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 9e09:\t81 c3 f7 41 01 00 \tadd $0x141f7,%ebx\n 9e0f:\t83 ec 28 \tsub $0x28,%esp\n 9e12:\t8b 7c 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:138\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:138\n 9e16:\t8b 37 \tmov (%edi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:139\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:139\n 9e18:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9e19:\te8 12 98 ff ff \tcall 3630 \n 9e1e:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:140\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:140\n 9e22:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n 9e24:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 9e27:\t83 f8 24 \tcmp $0x24,%eax\n 9e2a:\t74 6f \tje 9e9b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:142\n 9e2c:\t6b ce 2c \timul $0x2c,%esi,%ecx\n 9e2f:\t8b ab c8 ff ff ff \tmov -0x38(%ebx),%ebp\n 9e35:\t8b 57 04 \tmov 0x4(%edi),%edx\n 9e38:\t89 2c 24 \tmov %ebp,(%esp)\n 9e3b:\t01 e9 \tadd %ebp,%ecx\n 9e3d:\t8b 69 18 \tmov 0x18(%ecx),%ebp\n 9e40:\t8b 49 1c \tmov 0x1c(%ecx),%ecx\n 9e43:\t89 4c 24 08 \tmov %ecx,0x8(%esp)\n 9e47:\t39 ea \tcmp %ebp,%edx\n 9e49:\t0f 8c e8 00 00 00 \tjl 9f37 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:142 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:142 (discriminator 1)\n 9e4f:\t39 ca \tcmp %ecx,%edx\n 9e51:\t0f 8f e0 00 00 00 \tjg 9f37 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:148\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:148\n 9e57:\t8b 4f 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%ecx\n 9e5a:\t83 f9 01 \tcmp $0x1,%ecx\n 9e5d:\t7e 18 \tjle 9e77 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:149\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:149\n 9e5f:\t8d 78 fd \tlea -0x3(%eax),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:150\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:150\n 9e62:\t83 e7 fd \tand $0xfffffffd,%edi\n 9e65:\t74 04 \tje 9e6b \n 9e67:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 9e69:\t75 0c \tjne 9e77 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:151\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:151\n 9e6b:\t8d 7c 0d 01 \tlea 0x1(%ebp,%ecx,1),%edi\n 9e6f:\t39 fa \tcmp %edi,%edx\n 9e71:\t0f 8c 8a 00 00 00 \tjl 9f01 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:158\n 9e77:\t6b fe 2c \timul $0x2c,%esi,%edi\n 9e7a:\t03 3c 24 \tadd (%esp),%edi\n 9e7d:\tf6 47 20 02 \ttestb $0x2,0x20(%edi)\n 9e81:\t74 05 \tje 9e88 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:158 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:158 (discriminator 1)\n 9e83:\tf6 c2 01 \ttest $0x1,%dl\n 9e86:\t75 20 \tjne 9ea8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:164\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:164\n 9e88:\t6b f6 2c \timul $0x2c,%esi,%esi\n 9e8b:\t8b 2c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ebp\n 9e8e:\t01 f5 \tadd %esi,%ebp\n 9e90:\t83 7d 0c 01 \tcmpl $0x1,0xc(%ebp)\n 9e94:\t7e 05 \tjle 9e9b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:164 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:164 (discriminator 1)\n 9e96:\t83 f9 10 \tcmp $0x10,%ecx\n 9e99:\t77 3d \tja 9ed8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:171\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:171\n 9e9b:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n 9e9e:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n 9ea3:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9ea4:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9ea5:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 9ea6:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 9ea7:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:160\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:160\n 9ea8:\t8d 83 4c 7c ff ff \tlea -0x83b4(%ebx),%eax\n 9eae:\t89 14 24 \tmov %edx,(%esp)\n 9eb1:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 9eb2:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 9eb4:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9eb5:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 9ebb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -10430,116 +10430,116 @@\n 9ec8:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9ec9:\t8b 54 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edx\n 9ecd:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 9ece:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 9ed2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9ed3:\te8 08 93 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 9ed8:\t89 0c 24 \tmov %ecx,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:166\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:166\n 9edb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9edc:\t8d 83 b8 7c ff ff \tlea -0x8348(%ebx),%eax\n 9ee2:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 9ee4:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9ee5:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 9eeb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9eec:\te8 0f 93 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 9ef1:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 9ef2:\t8b 4c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ecx\n 9ef6:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 9ef7:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 9efb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9efc:\te8 df 92 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 9f01:\t89 4c 24 08 \tmov %ecx,0x8(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:154\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:154\n 9f05:\t8b 2c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ebp\n 9f08:\t6b f6 2c \timul $0x2c,%esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:153\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:153\n 9f0b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9f0c:\t8d 83 e8 7b ff ff \tlea -0x8418(%ebx),%eax\n 9f12:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 9f14:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9f15:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:154\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:154\n 9f1b:\t01 f5 \tadd %esi,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:153\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:153\n 9f1d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9f1e:\te8 dd 92 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 9f23:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 9f27:\t8b 4c 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%ecx\n 9f2b:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 9f2c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9f2d:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 9f2e:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 9f2f:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 9f30:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 9f31:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9f32:\te8 a9 92 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 9f37:\t89 54 24 0c \tmov %edx,0xc(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:145\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:145\n 9f3b:\t6b f6 2c \timul $0x2c,%esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:144\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:144\n 9f3e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9f3f:\t8d 83 8c 7b ff ff \tlea -0x8474(%ebx),%eax\n 9f45:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 9f47:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9f48:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 9f4e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9f4f:\te8 ac 92 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 9f54:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 9f55:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 9f56:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 9f5a:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:145\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:145\n 9f5b:\t8b 6c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebp\n 9f5f:\t01 f5 \tadd %esi,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:144\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:144\n 9f61:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 9f62:\t8b 54 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edx\n 9f66:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 9f67:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 9f6b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9f6c:\te8 6f 92 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 9f71:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9f78:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9f7f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00009f80 :\n check_string_specifier():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:177\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:177\n 9f80:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 9f81:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 9f82:\te8 49 99 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 9f87:\t81 c3 79 40 01 00 \tadd $0x14079,%ebx\n 9f8d:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 9f90:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:178\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:178\n 9f94:\t8b 10 \tmov (%eax),%edx\n 9f96:\t83 fa 08 \tcmp $0x8,%edx\n 9f99:\t74 25 \tje 9fc0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:179\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:179\n 9f9b:\t83 fa 09 \tcmp $0x9,%edx\n 9f9e:\t75 0c \tjne 9fac \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:179 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:179 (discriminator 1)\n 9fa0:\t8b 74 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%esi\n 9fa4:\t8d 14 36 \tlea (%esi,%esi,1),%edx\n 9fa7:\t3b 50 04 \tcmp 0x4(%eax),%edx\n 9faa:\t7f 1d \tjg 9fc9 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:186\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:186\n 9fac:\t83 c4 04 \tadd $0x4,%esp\n 9faf:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n 9fb4:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 9fb5:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 9fb6:\tc3 \tret \n 9fb7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 9fbe:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:178 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:178 (discriminator 1)\n 9fc0:\t8b 4c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ecx\n 9fc4:\t39 48 04 \tcmp %ecx,0x4(%eax)\n 9fc7:\t7d e3 \tjge 9fac \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:181\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:181\n 9fc9:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 9fcc:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9fcd:\te8 5e 96 ff ff \tcall 3630 \n 9fd2:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 9fd5:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 9fd7:\t8d 83 4c 7d ff ff \tlea -0x82b4(%ebx),%eax\n 9fdd:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n@@ -10552,165 +10552,165 @@\n 9ff0:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 9ff4:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 9ff5:\te8 e6 91 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 9ffa:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 0000a000 :\n convert_fmt_ItoO():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:190\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:190\n a000:\t57 \tpush %edi\n a001:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a002:\te8 87 01 00 00 \tcall a18e \n a007:\t81 c6 f9 3f 01 00 \tadd $0x13ff9,%esi\n a00d:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n a00e:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n a012:\t8b 44 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:191\n a016:\t6b 11 2c \timul $0x2c,(%ecx),%edx\n a019:\t8b be c8 ff ff ff \tmov -0x38(%esi),%edi\n a01f:\t8b 5c 17 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi,%edx,1),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:192\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:192\n a023:\t8b 51 04 \tmov 0x4(%ecx),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:191\n a026:\t89 18 \tmov %ebx,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:193\n a028:\t6b db 2c \timul $0x2c,%ebx,%ebx\n a02b:\t8b 5c 1f 1c \tmov 0x1c(%edi,%ebx,1),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:194\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:194\n a02f:\t39 da \tcmp %ebx,%edx\n a031:\t0f 4f d3 \tcmovg %ebx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:195\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:195\n a034:\t8b 59 08 \tmov 0x8(%ecx),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:194\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:194\n a037:\t89 50 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:197\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:197\n a03a:\t8b 11 \tmov (%ecx),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:195\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:195\n a03c:\t89 58 08 \tmov %ebx,0x8(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:197\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:197\n a03f:\t83 fa 22 \tcmp $0x22,%edx\n a042:\t0f 87 10 01 00 00 \tja a158 \n a048:\t8b bc 96 00 7e ff ff \tmov -0x8200(%esi,%edx,4),%edi\n a04f:\t01 f7 \tadd %esi,%edi\n a051:\tff e7 \tjmp *%edi\n a053:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n a057:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:220\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:220\n a058:\t8b 51 04 \tmov 0x4(%ecx),%edx\n a05b:\t8d 4a fe \tlea -0x2(%edx),%ecx\n a05e:\t83 f9 0e \tcmp $0xe,%ecx\n a061:\t0f 87 16 01 00 00 \tja a17d \n a067:\tf6 c2 01 \ttest $0x1,%dl\n a06a:\t0f 85 0d 01 00 00 \tjne a17d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:222\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:222\n a070:\td1 fa \tsar %edx\n a072:\t8b 94 96 9c 7e ff ff \tmov -0x8164(%esi,%edx,4),%edx\n a079:\t89 50 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:279\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:279\n a07c:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n a07d:\t5e \tpop %esi\n a07e:\t5f \tpop %edi\n a07f:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:233\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:233\n a080:\t8b 51 08 \tmov 0x8(%ecx),%edx\n a083:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n a085:\t7e 39 \tjle a0c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:236\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:236\n a087:\t83 c2 09 \tadd $0x9,%edx\n a08a:\t89 50 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%eax)\n a08d:\teb ed \tjmp a07c \n a08f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:201\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:201\n a090:\t83 fb 01 \tcmp $0x1,%ebx\n a093:\t7e e7 \tjle a07c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:201 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:201 (discriminator 1)\n a095:\t8d 53 01 \tlea 0x1(%ebx),%edx\n a098:\t3b 50 04 \tcmp 0x4(%eax),%edx\n a09b:\t7c df \tjl a07c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:202\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:202\n a09d:\t83 c3 02 \tadd $0x2,%ebx\n a0a0:\t89 58 04 \tmov %ebx,0x4(%eax)\n a0a3:\teb d7 \tjmp a07c \n a0a5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:214\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:214\n a0a8:\t83 78 04 01 \tcmpl $0x1,0x4(%eax)\n a0ac:\t7f ce \tjg a07c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:215\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:215\n a0ae:\tc7 40 04 02 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x2,0x4(%eax)\n a0b5:\teb c5 \tjmp a07c \n a0b7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n a0be:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:234\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:234\n a0c0:\tc7 40 04 08 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x8,0x4(%eax)\n a0c7:\tc7 40 08 02 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x2,0x8(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:279\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:279\n a0ce:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n a0cf:\t5e \tpop %esi\n a0d0:\t5f \tpop %edi\n a0d1:\tc3 \tret \n a0d2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:259\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:259\n a0d8:\t83 78 04 05 \tcmpl $0x5,0x4(%eax)\n a0dc:\t7f 9e \tjg a07c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:260\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:260\n a0de:\tc7 40 04 06 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x6,0x4(%eax)\n a0e5:\teb 95 \tjmp a07c \n a0e7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n a0ee:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:266\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:266\n a0f0:\t83 78 04 07 \tcmpl $0x7,0x4(%eax)\n a0f4:\t7f 86 \tjg a07c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:267\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:267\n a0f6:\tc7 40 04 08 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x8,0x4(%eax)\n a0fd:\te9 7a ff ff ff \tjmp a07c \n a102:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:205\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:205\n a108:\t8b 51 08 \tmov 0x8(%ecx),%edx\n a10b:\t8b 49 04 \tmov 0x4(%ecx),%ecx\n a10e:\t8d 5a 06 \tlea 0x6(%edx),%ebx\n a111:\t39 cb \tcmp %ecx,%ebx\n a113:\t7c 5b \tjl a170 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:205 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:205 (discriminator 2)\n a115:\t8d 4a 07 \tlea 0x7(%edx),%ecx\n a118:\t83 fa 02 \tcmp $0x2,%edx\n a11b:\tbb 0a 00 00 00 \tmov $0xa,%ebx\n a120:\t0f 4e cb \tcmovle %ebx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:205 (discriminator 12)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:205 (discriminator 12)\n a123:\t89 48 04 \tmov %ecx,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:206 (discriminator 12)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:206 (discriminator 12)\n a126:\t83 fa 03 \tcmp $0x3,%edx\n a129:\tb9 03 00 00 00 \tmov $0x3,%ecx\n a12e:\t0f 4c d1 \tcmovl %ecx,%edx\n a131:\t89 50 08 \tmov %edx,0x8(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:207 (discriminator 12)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:207 (discriminator 12)\n a134:\te9 43 ff ff ff \tjmp a07c \n a139:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:249\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:249\n a140:\t8b 49 04 \tmov 0x4(%ecx),%ecx\n a143:\t89 ca \tmov %ecx,%edx\n a145:\tc1 ea 1f \tshr $0x1f,%edx\n a148:\t01 ca \tadd %ecx,%edx\n a14a:\td1 fa \tsar %edx\n a14c:\t89 50 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:250\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:250\n a14f:\te9 28 ff ff ff \tjmp a07c \n a154:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:277\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:277\n a158:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n a15b:\t8d 86 b8 7d ff ff \tlea -0x8248(%esi),%eax\n a161:\t89 f3 \tmov %esi,%ebx\n a163:\t52 \tpush %edx\n a164:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a165:\te8 76 90 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n a16a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n a170:\t83 f9 0a \tcmp $0xa,%ecx\n a173:\tbb 0a 00 00 00 \tmov $0xa,%ebx\n a178:\t0f 4c cb \tcmovl %ebx,%ecx\n a17b:\teb a6 \tjmp a123 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/format.c:221\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/format.c:221\n a17d:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a180:\t8d 86 94 7d ff ff \tlea -0x826c(%esi),%eax\n a186:\t89 f3 \tmov %esi,%ebx\n a188:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a189:\te8 52 90 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n __x86.get_pc_thunk.si():\n a18e:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n@@ -10721,70 +10721,70 @@\n a198:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n a19a:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n a19c:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n a19e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n \n 0000a1a0 :\n R_init_foreign():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/init.c:69\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/init.c:69\n a1a0:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a1a1:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n a1a2:\te8 29 97 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n a1a7:\t81 c3 59 3e 01 00 \tadd $0x13e59,%ebx\n a1ad:\t83 ec 10 \tsub $0x10,%esp\n a1b0:\t8b 74 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/init.c:70\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/init.c:70\n a1b4:\t8d 83 00 fe ff ff \tlea -0x200(%ebx),%eax\n a1ba:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a1bb:\t8d 83 40 fe ff ff \tlea -0x1c0(%ebx),%eax\n a1c1:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n a1c3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a1c4:\t8d 83 a0 fe ff ff \tlea -0x160(%ebx),%eax\n a1ca:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a1cb:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a1cc:\te8 3f 90 ff ff \tcall 3210 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/init.c:71\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/init.c:71\n a1d1:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n a1d4:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n a1d6:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a1d7:\te8 74 8f ff ff \tcall 3150 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/init.c:72\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/init.c:72\n a1dc:\t58 \tpop %eax\n a1dd:\t5a \tpop %edx\n a1de:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n a1e0:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a1e1:\te8 8a 91 ff ff \tcall 3370 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/init.c:73\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/init.c:73\n a1e6:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n a1e9:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n a1ea:\t5e \tpop %esi\n a1eb:\tc3 \tret \n a1ec:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n a1ee:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n \n 0000a1f0 :\n read_mtp():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:107\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:107\n a1f0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n a1f1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n a1f2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a1f3:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n a1f4:\te8 d7 96 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n a1f9:\t81 c3 07 3e 01 00 \tadd $0x13e07,%ebx\n a1ff:\t81 ec 98 00 00 00 \tsub $0x98,%esp\n a205:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n a20b:\t89 84 24 88 00 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x88(%esp)\n a212:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:113\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:113\n a214:\tff b4 24 ac 00 00 00 \tpushl 0xac(%esp)\n a21b:\te8 60 96 ff ff \tcall 3880 \n a220:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n a222:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n a225:\te8 76 94 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:117\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:117\n a22a:\t89 2c 24 \tmov %ebp,(%esp)\n a22d:\te8 4e 92 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n a232:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n a235:\te8 96 95 ff ff \tcall 37d0 \n a23a:\t8d 93 d9 77 ff ff \tlea -0x8827(%ebx),%edx\n a240:\t5e \tpop %esi\n a241:\t5f \tpop %edi\n@@ -10801,92 +10801,92 @@\n a25b:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n a25f:\t6a 55 \tpush $0x55\n a261:\t8d 74 24 33 \tlea 0x33(%esp),%esi\n a265:\t89 74 24 1c \tmov %esi,0x1c(%esp)\n a269:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a26a:\te8 41 8f ff ff \tcall 31b0 \n read_mtp():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:121\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:121\n a26f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a272:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n a274:\t0f 84 7d 04 00 00 \tje a6f7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:122 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:122 (discriminator 1)\n a27a:\tb9 1b 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1b,%ecx\n a27f:\t8d bb d0 7f ff ff \tlea -0x8030(%ebx),%edi\n a285:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n a287:\t0f 97 c0 \tseta %al\n a28a:\t1c 00 \tsbb $0x0,%al\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:121 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:121 (discriminator 1)\n a28c:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n a28e:\t0f 85 63 04 00 00 \tjne a6f7 \n fgets():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:265\n a294:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a297:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n a29b:\t6a 55 \tpush $0x55\n a29d:\t8b 7c 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edi\n a2a1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n a2a2:\te8 09 8f ff ff \tcall 31b0 \n read_mtp():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:126\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:126\n a2a7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a2aa:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n a2ac:\t0f 85 25 04 00 00 \tjne a6d7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:127\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:127\n a2b2:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a2b5:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n a2b7:\te8 64 91 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:129\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:129\n a2bc:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n a2bd:\t58 \tpop %eax\n a2be:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n a2c0:\t6a 0a \tpush $0xa\n a2c2:\te8 29 94 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n a2c7:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:136\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:136\n a2cb:\t8d 83 fc 7f ff ff \tlea -0x8004(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:130\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:130\n a2d1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:136\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:136\n a2d4:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n a2d8:\t8d 83 10 80 ff ff \tlea -0x7ff0(%ebx),%eax\n a2de:\t89 44 24 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:130\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:130\n a2e2:\tc7 44 24 0c 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0xc(%esp)\n a2e9:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:111\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:111\n a2ea:\tc7 44 24 14 0a 00 00 \tmovl $0xa,0x14(%esp)\n a2f1:\t00 \n a2f2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:130 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:130 (discriminator 1)\n a2f8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a2fb:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n a2ff:\te8 8c 91 ff ff \tcall 3490 \n a304:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a307:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n a309:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n a30b:\t0f 85 b3 01 00 00 \tjne a4c4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:131\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:131\n a311:\t8b 4c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ecx\n a315:\t39 4c 24 0c \tcmp %ecx,0xc(%esp)\n a319:\t0f 8d 81 01 00 00 \tjge a4a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:135\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:135\n a31f:\t8b 44 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%eax\n a323:\t8b 54 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edx\n a327:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n a32a:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n a32c:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n a32e:\t8d 2c 90 \tlea (%eax,%edx,4),%ebp\n a331:\te8 ba 93 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n a336:\t89 45 00 \tmov %eax,0x0(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:138\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:138\n a339:\t8d 68 14 \tlea 0x14(%eax),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:135\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:135\n a33c:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:136\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:136\n a33e:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n a33f:\t8d 44 24 3a \tlea 0x3a(%esp),%eax\n a343:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a344:\t8d 46 0c \tlea 0xc(%esi),%eax\n a347:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a348:\t8d 46 08 \tlea 0x8(%esi),%eax\n a34b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -10896,194 +10896,194 @@\n a351:\tff 74 24 44 \tpushl 0x44(%esp)\n a355:\tff 74 24 3c \tpushl 0x3c(%esp)\n a359:\te8 c2 91 ff ff \tcall 3520 <__isoc99_sscanf@plt>\n a35e:\t83 c4 30 \tadd $0x30,%esp\n a361:\t83 f8 06 \tcmp $0x6,%eax\n a364:\t0f 85 16 04 00 00 \tjne a780 \n strtrim():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:55\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:55\n a36a:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n read_mtp():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:140\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:140\n a36d:\tc6 46 1c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x1c(%esi)\n strtrim():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:55\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:55\n a371:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n a372:\te8 39 91 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n a377:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a37a:\t8d 68 ff \tlea -0x1(%eax),%ebp\n a37d:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n a37f:\t74 2a \tje a3ab \n a381:\te8 ea 94 ff ff \tcall 3870 <__ctype_b_loc@plt>\n a386:\teb 15 \tjmp a39d \n a388:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n a38f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:56\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:56\n a390:\tc6 44 2e 14 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x14(%esi,%ebp,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:55\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:55\n a395:\t83 ed 01 \tsub $0x1,%ebp\n a398:\t83 fd ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%ebp\n a39b:\t74 0e \tje a3ab \n a39d:\t0f be 4c 2e 14 \tmovsbl 0x14(%esi,%ebp,1),%ecx\n a3a2:\t8b 10 \tmov (%eax),%edx\n a3a4:\tf6 44 4a 01 20 \ttestb $0x20,0x1(%edx,%ecx,2)\n a3a9:\t75 e5 \tjne a390 \n read_mtp():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:142\n a3ab:\t8b 6e 0c \tmov 0xc(%esi),%ebp\n a3ae:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n a3b0:\t0f 84 92 00 00 00 \tje a448 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:151\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:151\n a3b6:\t83 3e 04 \tcmpl $0x4,(%esi)\n a3b9:\t0f 85 b1 03 00 00 \tjne a770 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:152\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:152\n a3bf:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n a3c2:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n a3c4:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n a3c7:\te8 24 93 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:153\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:153\n a3cc:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n a3cf:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:152\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:152\n a3d2:\t89 46 10 \tmov %eax,0x10(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:153\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:153\n a3d5:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n a3d7:\t7e 2f \tjle a408 \n a3d9:\t8b 6c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%ebp\n a3dd:\teb 04 \tjmp a3e3 \n a3df:\t90 \tnop\n a3e0:\t8b 46 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:154\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:154\n a3e3:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a3e6:\t8d 04 f8 \tlea (%eax,%edi,8),%eax\n a3e9:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a3ea:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n a3ee:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n a3ef:\te8 1c 8d ff ff \tcall 3110 <__isoc99_fscanf@plt>\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:155\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:155\n a3f4:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a3f7:\t83 f8 ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%eax\n a3fa:\t0f 84 d7 02 00 00 \tje a6d7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:153 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:153 (discriminator 2)\n a400:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n a403:\t39 7e 08 \tcmp %edi,0x8(%esi)\n a406:\t7f d8 \tjg a3e0 \n fgets():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:265\n a408:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a40b:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n a40f:\t6a 55 \tpush $0x55\n a411:\t8b 7c 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edi\n a415:\t57 \tpush %edi\n a416:\te8 95 8d ff ff \tcall 31b0 \n read_mtp():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:162\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:162\n a41b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a41e:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n a420:\t0f 85 b1 02 00 00 \tjne a6d7 \n fgets():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:265\n a426:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a429:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n a42d:\t6a 55 \tpush $0x55\n a42f:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n a433:\te8 78 8d ff ff \tcall 31b0 \n read_mtp():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:130\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:130\n a438:\t83 44 24 1c 01 \taddl $0x1,0x1c(%esp)\n a43d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a440:\te9 b3 fe ff ff \tjmp a2f8 \n a445:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:144\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:144\n a448:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n a44b:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n a44d:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n a450:\te8 9b 92 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:145\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:145\n a455:\t8b 4e 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%ecx\n a458:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:144\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:144\n a45b:\t89 46 10 \tmov %eax,0x10(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:145\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:145\n a45e:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n a460:\t7e a6 \tjle a408 \n a462:\t8b 7c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edi\n a466:\teb 0b \tjmp a473 \n a468:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n a46f:\t90 \tnop\n a470:\t8b 46 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:146\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:146\n a473:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a476:\t8d 04 e8 \tlea (%eax,%ebp,8),%eax\n a479:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a47a:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n a47e:\t57 \tpush %edi\n a47f:\te8 8c 8c ff ff \tcall 3110 <__isoc99_fscanf@plt>\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:147\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:147\n a484:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a487:\t83 f8 ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%eax\n a48a:\t0f 84 47 02 00 00 \tje a6d7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:145 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:145 (discriminator 2)\n a490:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n a493:\t39 6e 08 \tcmp %ebp,0x8(%esi)\n a496:\t7f d8 \tjg a470 \n a498:\te9 6b ff ff ff \tjmp a408 \n a49d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:132\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:132\n a4a0:\td1 64 24 14 \tshll 0x14(%esp)\n a4a4:\t8b 44 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:133\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:133\n a4a8:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n a4ab:\tc1 e0 02 \tshl $0x2,%eax\n a4ae:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a4af:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n a4b3:\te8 a8 8c ff ff \tcall 3160 \n a4b8:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n a4bc:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a4bf:\te9 5b fe ff ff \tjmp a31f \n MTB2SEXP():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:64\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:64\n a4c4:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n a4c7:\t8b 74 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%esi\n a4cb:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a4cc:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n a4ce:\te8 ed 8b ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n a4d3:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n a4d6:\te8 c5 91 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n a4db:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:65\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:65\n a4df:\t5f \tpop %edi\n a4e0:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n a4e1:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a4e2:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n a4e4:\te8 d7 8b ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n a4e9:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n a4ec:\te8 af 91 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n a4f1:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:69\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:69\n a4f5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a4f8:\t8b 7c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%edi\n a4fc:\tc7 44 24 04 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4(%esp)\n a503:\t00 \n a504:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n a506:\t0f 85 9c 00 00 00 \tjne a5a8 \n a50c:\te9 73 01 00 00 \tjmp a684 \n a511:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:75\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:75\n a518:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n a51b:\tff 70 08 \tpushl 0x8(%eax)\n a51e:\t6a 0e \tpush $0xe\n a520:\te8 9b 8b ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n a525:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n a528:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a529:\t89 6c 24 0c \tmov %ebp,0xc(%esp)\n a52d:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n a52e:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n a532:\te8 59 90 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:76\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:76\n a537:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n a539:\t5a \tpop %edx\n a53a:\t8b 48 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%ecx\n a53d:\t8b 68 10 \tmov 0x10(%eax),%ebp\n a540:\t8d 34 cd 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%ecx,8),%esi\n a547:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n a548:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n@@ -11095,164 +11095,164 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n a55d:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n a560:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a561:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n a562:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a563:\te8 18 8c ff ff \tcall 3180 \n MTB2SEXP():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:77\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:77\n a568:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n a56a:\t5e \tpop %esi\n a56b:\tff 70 10 \tpushl 0x10(%eax)\n a56e:\te8 dd 91 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n a573:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:78\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:78\n a575:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:77\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:77\n a578:\tc7 40 10 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x10(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:95\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:95\n a57f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a582:\t83 c7 04 \tadd $0x4,%edi\n a585:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a586:\te8 c5 91 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:69\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:69\n a58b:\t83 44 24 14 01 \taddl $0x1,0x14(%esp)\n a590:\t8b 44 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%eax\n a594:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:95\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:95\n a597:\tc7 47 fc 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x4(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:69\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:69\n a59e:\t39 44 24 0c \tcmp %eax,0xc(%esp)\n a5a2:\t0f 84 dc 00 00 00 \tje a684 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:72\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:72\n a5a8:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n a5aa:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a5ad:\t83 c0 14 \tadd $0x14,%eax\n a5b0:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a5b1:\te8 3a 8b ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n a5b6:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n a5b9:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a5ba:\t8b 6c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ebp\n a5be:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n a5bf:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n a5c3:\te8 f8 8d ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:73\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:73\n a5c8:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n a5ca:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a5cd:\t8b 70 0c \tmov 0xc(%eax),%esi\n a5d0:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n a5d2:\t0f 84 40 ff ff ff \tje a518 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:80\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:80\n a5d8:\t83 38 04 \tcmpl $0x4,(%eax)\n a5db:\t0f 85 8f 01 00 00 \tjne a770 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:81\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:81\n a5e1:\t8b 40 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:83\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:83\n a5e4:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a5e7:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:81\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:81\n a5e8:\t99 \tcltd \n a5e9:\tf7 fe \tidiv %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:83\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:83\n a5eb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a5ec:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n a5f0:\t6a 0e \tpush $0xe\n a5f2:\te8 09 8e ff ff \tcall 3400 \n a5f7:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n a5fa:\te8 a1 90 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:85\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:85\n a5ff:\t8b 4c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:83\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:83\n a603:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:85\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:85\n a607:\t0f af f1 \timul %ecx,%esi\n a60a:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n a60c:\t89 74 24 20 \tmov %esi,0x20(%esp)\n a610:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a613:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n a615:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n a617:\t7e 2d \tjle a646 \n a619:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:86\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:86\n a620:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n a622:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a625:\t8b 40 10 \tmov 0x10(%eax),%eax\n a628:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n a62c:\t8d 2c f0 \tlea (%eax,%esi,8),%ebp\n a62f:\te8 0c 8b ff ff \tcall 3140 \n a634:\tdd 45 00 \tfldl 0x0(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:85\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:85\n a637:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:86\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:86\n a63a:\tdd 1c f0 \tfstpl (%eax,%esi,8)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:85\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:85\n a63d:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n a640:\t3b 74 24 10 \tcmp 0x10(%esp),%esi\n a644:\t75 da \tjne a620 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:88\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:88\n a646:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a649:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n a64d:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n a651:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n a655:\te8 36 8f ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:89\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:89\n a65a:\t58 \tpop %eax\n a65b:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n a65d:\tff 70 10 \tpushl 0x10(%eax)\n a660:\te8 eb 90 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n a665:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n a667:\tc7 40 10 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x10(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:90\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:90\n a66e:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n a675:\te8 a6 8d ff ff \tcall 3420 \n a67a:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n a67c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a67f:\te9 fb fe ff ff \tjmp a57f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:97\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:97\n a684:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a687:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n a68b:\te8 c0 90 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:98\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:98\n a690:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n a696:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n a699:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n a69d:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n a69f:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n a6a3:\te8 c8 8e ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:99\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:99\n a6a8:\tc7 04 24 02 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x2,(%esp)\n a6af:\te8 6c 8d ff ff \tcall 3420 \n read_mtp():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:166\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:166\n a6b4:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:167\n a6b7:\t8b 44 24 7c \tmov 0x7c(%esp),%eax\n a6bb:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n a6c2:\t0f 85 99 00 00 00 \tjne a761 \n a6c8:\t8b 44 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%eax\n a6cc:\t81 c4 8c 00 00 00 \tadd $0x8c,%esp\n a6d2:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n a6d3:\t5e \tpop %esi\n a6d4:\t5f \tpop %edi\n a6d5:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n a6d6:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:162 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:162 (discriminator 1)\n a6d7:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a6da:\t8d 83 ec 7f ff ff \tlea -0x8014(%ebx),%eax\n a6e0:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n MTB2SEXP():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:92\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:92\n a6e2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a6e3:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n a6e9:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a6ea:\te8 11 8b ff ff \tcall 3200 \n a6ef:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n a6f2:\te8 e9 8a ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n read_mtp():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:123\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:123\n a6f7:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a6fa:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n a6fb:\te8 80 8d ff ff \tcall 3480 \n a700:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n a703:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n a705:\t8d 83 34 80 ff ff \tlea -0x7fcc(%ebx),%eax\n a70b:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n@@ -11261,17 +11261,17 @@\n a714:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a715:\te8 e6 8a ff ff \tcall 3200 \n a71a:\t5a \tpop %edx\n a71b:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n a71c:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a71d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a71e:\te8 bd 8a ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:120\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:120\n a723:\te8 78 8e ff ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:119\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:119\n a728:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a72b:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n a72d:\te8 0e 8d ff ff \tcall 3440 \n a732:\t89 2c 24 \tmov %ebp,(%esp)\n a735:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n a737:\te8 44 8d ff ff \tcall 3480 \n a73c:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n@@ -11283,26 +11283,26 @@\n a750:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a751:\te8 aa 8a ff ff \tcall 3200 \n a756:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n a759:\t57 \tpush %edi\n a75a:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a75b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a75c:\te8 7f 8a ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:167\n a761:\te8 3a 9d 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n a766:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n a76d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n MTB2SEXP():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:92\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:92\n a770:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a773:\t8d 83 94 80 ff ff \tlea -0x7f6c(%ebx),%eax\n a779:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n a77b:\te9 62 ff ff ff \tjmp a6e2 \n read_mtp():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/minitab.c:139\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/minitab.c:139\n a780:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a783:\t8d 83 6c 80 ff ff \tlea -0x7f94(%ebx),%eax\n a789:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n a78b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a78c:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n a792:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a793:\te8 68 8a ff ff \tcall 3200 \n@@ -11314,55 +11314,55 @@\n a7a2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a7a3:\te8 38 8a ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n a7a8:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n a7aa:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n a7ac:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n a7ae:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n convert_format():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:635\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:635\n a7b0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n a7b1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n a7b2:\t89 cf \tmov %ecx,%edi\n a7b4:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a7b5:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n a7b6:\te8 15 91 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n a7bb:\t81 c3 45 38 01 00 \tadd $0x13845,%ebx\n a7c1:\t83 ec 1c \tsub $0x1c,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:638\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:638\n a7c4:\t8b 30 \tmov (%eax),%esi\n a7c6:\t83 fe 27 \tcmp $0x27,%esi\n a7c9:\t0f 87 a9 00 00 00 \tja a878 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:642\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:642\n a7cf:\t8b 8b b8 ff ff ff \tmov -0x48(%ebx),%ecx\n a7d5:\t8b 34 b1 \tmov (%ecx,%esi,4),%esi\n a7d8:\t89 32 \tmov %esi,(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:643\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:643\n a7da:\t8b 48 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%ecx\n a7dd:\t89 4a 04 \tmov %ecx,0x4(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:644\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:644\n a7e0:\t8b 48 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%ecx\n a7e3:\t89 4a 08 \tmov %ecx,0x8(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:648\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:648\n a7e6:\t83 fe ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%esi\n a7e9:\t0f 84 c1 00 00 00 \tje a8b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:650\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:650\n a7ef:\t6b f6 2c \timul $0x2c,%esi,%esi\n a7f2:\t8b 57 48 \tmov 0x48(%edi),%edx\n a7f5:\t03 b3 c8 ff ff ff \tadd -0x38(%ebx),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:656\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:656\n a7fb:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:650\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:650\n a800:\t8b 6e 20 \tmov 0x20(%esi),%ebp\n a803:\t83 fa 01 \tcmp $0x1,%edx\n a806:\t0f 94 44 24 0c \tsete 0xc(%esp)\n a80b:\t83 e5 04 \tand $0x4,%ebp\n a80e:\t0f 95 c1 \tsetne %cl\n a811:\t38 4c 24 0c \tcmp %cl,0xc(%esp)\n a815:\t74 54 \tje a86b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:651\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:651\n a817:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n a819:\t8d 83 c9 77 ff ff \tlea -0x8837(%ebx),%eax\n a81f:\t8d ab c3 80 ff ff \tlea -0x7f3d(%ebx),%ebp\n a825:\t0f 44 e8 \tcmove %eax,%ebp\n a828:\t83 fa 01 \tcmp $0x1,%edx\n a82b:\t8d 83 d1 80 ff ff \tlea -0x7f2f(%ebx),%eax\n a831:\t8d 93 ca 80 ff ff \tlea -0x7f36(%ebx),%edx\n@@ -11379,93 +11379,93 @@\n a859:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n a85a:\t57 \tpush %edi\n a85b:\t8b 54 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edx\n a85f:\t52 \tpush %edx\n a860:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a861:\te8 6a 89 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n a866:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:659\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:659\n a869:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:660\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:660\n a86b:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n a86e:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n a86f:\t5e \tpop %esi\n a870:\t5f \tpop %edi\n a871:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n a872:\tc3 \tret \n a873:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n a877:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:640\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:640\n a878:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a87b:\t8d 83 8c 82 ff ff \tlea -0x7d74(%ebx),%eax\n a881:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:649\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:649\n a883:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a884:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n a88a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a88b:\te8 70 89 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n a890:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n a893:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a894:\t57 \tpush %edi\n a895:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a896:\te8 35 89 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n a89b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:659\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:659\n a89e:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:660\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:660\n a8a0:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n a8a3:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n a8a4:\t5e \tpop %esi\n a8a5:\t5f \tpop %edi\n a8a6:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n a8a7:\tc3 \tret \n a8a8:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n a8af:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:649\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:649\n a8b0:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a8b3:\t8b 30 \tmov (%eax),%esi\n a8b5:\t8d 83 b0 82 ff ff \tlea -0x7d50(%ebx),%eax\n a8bb:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n a8bd:\teb c4 \tjmp a883 \n convert_format.isra.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:649\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:649\n a8bf:\t90 \tnop\n pfm_close():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:111\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:111\n a8c0:\t57 \tpush %edi\n a8c1:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a8c2:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n a8c3:\t8b 7c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%edi\n a8c7:\te8 04 90 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n a8cc:\t81 c3 34 37 01 00 \tadd $0x13734,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:112\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:112\n a8d2:\t8b 77 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:114\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:114\n a8d5:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a8d8:\tff 76 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esi)\n a8db:\te8 70 8e ff ff \tcall 3750 \n a8e0:\tc7 46 14 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x14(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:115\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:115\n a8e7:\t58 \tpop %eax\n a8e8:\tff 76 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esi)\n a8eb:\te8 60 8e ff ff \tcall 3750 \n a8f0:\tc7 46 0c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0xc(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:116\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:116\n a8f7:\t5a \tpop %edx\n a8f8:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n a8fa:\te8 c1 88 ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n a8ff:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a902:\t83 f8 ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%eax\n a905:\t74 04 \tje a90b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:118\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:118\n a907:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n a908:\t5e \tpop %esi\n a909:\t5f \tpop %edi\n a90a:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:117\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:117\n a90b:\te8 90 8c ff ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n a910:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a913:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n a915:\te8 26 8b ff ff \tcall 3440 \n a91a:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n a91d:\t8b 7f 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%edi\n a920:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n@@ -11479,183 +11479,183 @@\n a93a:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a93b:\t57 \tpush %edi\n a93c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a93d:\te8 9e 88 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n a942:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n a949:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n fill_buf():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:133\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:133\n a950:\t57 \tpush %edi\n a951:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n a953:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:137\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:137\n a954:\t8d 70 1c \tlea 0x1c(%eax),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:133\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:133\n a957:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n a958:\te8 73 8f ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n a95d:\t81 c3 a3 36 01 00 \tadd $0x136a3,%ebx\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n a963:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n a965:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n a967:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n a969:\t56 \tpush %esi\n a96a:\te8 e1 89 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n fill_buf():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:137\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:137\n a96f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a972:\t83 f8 50 \tcmp $0x50,%eax\n a975:\t74 29 \tje a9a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:138\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:138\n a977:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a97a:\t8d 83 50 99 ff ff \tlea -0x66b0(%ebx),%eax\n a980:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:146\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:146\n a982:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a983:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n a989:\t50 \tpush %eax\n a98a:\te8 71 88 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n a98f:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n a992:\te8 39 88 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n a997:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:166\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:166\n a99a:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:167\n a99c:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n a99d:\t5e \tpop %esi\n a99e:\t5f \tpop %edi\n a99f:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:144\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:144\n a9a0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a9a3:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n a9a5:\te8 36 8e ff ff \tcall 37e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:145\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:145\n a9aa:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a9ad:\t83 f8 0a \tcmp $0xa,%eax\n a9b0:\t74 16 \tje a9c8 \n a9b2:\t83 f8 0d \tcmp $0xd,%eax\n a9b5:\t74 11 \tje a9c8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:146\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:146\n a9b7:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n a9ba:\t8d 83 f7 80 ff ff \tlea -0x7f09(%ebx),%eax\n a9c0:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n a9c2:\teb be \tjmp a982 \n a9c4:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:148\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:148\n a9c8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n a9cb:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n a9cd:\te8 0e 8e ff ff \tcall 37e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:149\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:149\n a9d2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n a9d5:\t83 f8 0a \tcmp $0xa,%eax\n a9d8:\t74 05 \tje a9df \n a9da:\t83 f8 0d \tcmp $0xd,%eax\n a9dd:\t75 2e \tjne aa0d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:153\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:153\n a9df:\t8b 4f 0c \tmov 0xc(%edi),%ecx\n a9e2:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n a9e4:\t74 1b \tje aa01 \n a9e6:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n a9e8:\t8d 5f 6c \tlea 0x6c(%edi),%ebx\n a9eb:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n a9ef:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:158\n a9f0:\t0f b6 10 \tmovzbl (%eax),%edx\n a9f3:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n a9f6:\t0f b6 14 11 \tmovzbl (%ecx,%edx,1),%edx\n a9fa:\t88 50 ff \tmov %dl,-0x1(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:157\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:157\n a9fd:\t39 c3 \tcmp %eax,%ebx\n a9ff:\t75 ef \tjne a9f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:161\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:161\n aa01:\t89 77 70 \tmov %esi,0x70(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:167\n aa04:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:163\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:163\n aa05:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:167\n aa0a:\t5e \tpop %esi\n aa0b:\t5f \tpop %edi\n aa0c:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:150\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:150\n aa0d:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n aa10:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n aa12:\t50 \tpush %eax\n aa13:\te8 48 8b ff ff \tcall 3560 \n aa18:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n aa1b:\teb c2 \tjmp a9df \n fill_buf.isra.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:150\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:150\n aa1d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n read_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:171\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:171\n aa20:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n aa21:\t89 c3 \tmov %eax,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:175\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:175\n aa23:\t8d 53 6c \tlea 0x6c(%ebx),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:171\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:171\n aa26:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:175\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:175\n aa29:\t8b 40 70 \tmov 0x70(%eax),%eax\n aa2c:\t39 d0 \tcmp %edx,%eax\n aa2e:\t73 20 \tjae aa50 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:177\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:177\n aa30:\t8d 50 01 \tlea 0x1(%eax),%edx\n aa33:\t89 53 70 \tmov %edx,0x70(%ebx)\n aa36:\t0f b6 00 \tmovzbl (%eax),%eax\n aa39:\t89 43 74 \tmov %eax,0x74(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:178\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:178\n aa3c:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:179\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:179\n aa41:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n aa44:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n aa45:\tc3 \tret \n aa46:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n aa4d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:175\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:175\n aa50:\t89 d8 \tmov %ebx,%eax\n aa52:\te8 f9 fe ff ff \tcall a950 \n aa57:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n aa59:\t74 e6 \tje aa41 \n aa5b:\t8b 43 70 \tmov 0x70(%ebx),%eax\n aa5e:\teb d0 \tjmp aa30 \n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:475\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:475\n aa60:\te8 60 8f ff ff \tcall 39c5 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x105>\n aa65:\t81 c2 9b 35 01 00 \tadd $0x1359b,%edx\n aa6b:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n aa6c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n aa6d:\t56 \tpush %esi\n aa6e:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n aa70:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:476\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:476\n aa71:\tbb c8 00 00 00 \tmov $0xc8,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:475\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:475\n aa76:\t81 ec 2c 05 00 00 \tsub $0x52c,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:476\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:476\n aa7c:\t8b 7e 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%edi\n aa7f:\t89 54 24 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:475\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:475\n aa83:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n aa89:\t89 84 24 1c 05 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x51c(%esp)\n aa90:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:476\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:476\n aa92:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n aa94:\teb 12 \tjmp aaa8 \n aa96:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n aa9d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:482 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:482 (discriminator 2)\n aaa0:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n aaa3:\t83 eb 01 \tsub $0x1,%ebx\n aaa6:\t74 28 \tje aad0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:483\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:483\n aaa8:\te8 73 ff ff ff \tcall aa20 \n aaad:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n aaaf:\t75 ef \tjne aaa0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:530\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:530\n aab1:\t8b 94 24 1c 05 00 00 \tmov 0x51c(%esp),%edx\n aab8:\t65 33 15 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%edx\n aabf:\t0f 85 7e 01 00 00 \tjne ac43 \n aac5:\t81 c4 2c 05 00 00 \tadd $0x52c,%esp\n aacb:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n aacc:\t5e \tpop %esi\n aacd:\t5f \tpop %edi\n@@ -11666,279 +11666,279 @@\n aade:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n aae0:\t89 6c 24 08 \tmov %ebp,0x8(%esp)\n aae4:\t89 fd \tmov %edi,%ebp\n aae6:\t89 df \tmov %ebx,%edi\n aae8:\t89 d3 \tmov %edx,%ebx\n aaea:\teb 0e \tjmp aafa \n aaec:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:491 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:491 (discriminator 2)\n aaf0:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n aaf3:\t39 df \tcmp %ebx,%edi\n aaf5:\t74 13 \tje ab0a \n aaf7:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:493\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:493\n aafa:\t8b 4d 74 \tmov 0x74(%ebp),%ecx\n aafd:\t88 0f \tmov %cl,(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:494\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:494\n aaff:\te8 1c ff ff ff \tcall aa20 \n ab04:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ab06:\t75 e8 \tjne aaf0 \n ab08:\teb a7 \tjmp aab1 \n ab0a:\t89 ef \tmov %ebp,%edi\n ab0c:\t8d 54 24 1c \tlea 0x1c(%esp),%edx\n ab10:\t8b 6c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%ebp\n ab14:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n ab16:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n ab1d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:498 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:498 (discriminator 3)\n ab20:\tc7 00 ff ff ff ff \tmovl $0xffffffff,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:497 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:497 (discriminator 3)\n ab26:\t83 c0 04 \tadd $0x4,%eax\n ab29:\t39 e8 \tcmp %ebp,%eax\n ab2b:\t75 f3 \tjne ab20 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:502\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:502\n ab2d:\t0f b6 84 24 5c 04 00 \tmovzbl 0x45c(%esp),%eax\n ab34:\t00 \n ab35:\tc7 44 84 1c 40 00 00 \tmovl $0x40,0x1c(%esp,%eax,4)\n ab3c:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:503\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:503\n ab3d:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n ab3f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:504\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:504\n ab40:\t0f b6 4c 05 00 \tmovzbl 0x0(%ebp,%eax,1),%ecx\n ab45:\t83 7c 8c 1c ff \tcmpl $0xffffffff,0x1c(%esp,%ecx,4)\n ab4a:\t75 04 \tjne ab50 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:505\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:505\n ab4c:\t89 44 8c 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp,%ecx,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:503 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:503 (discriminator 2)\n ab50:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n ab53:\t3d 00 01 00 00 \tcmp $0x100,%eax\n ab58:\t75 e6 \tjne ab40 \n ab5a:\t89 54 24 0c \tmov %edx,0xc(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:507\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:507\n ab5e:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n ab61:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n ab63:\t68 00 01 00 00 \tpush $0x100\n ab68:\t8b 5c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ebx\n ab6c:\te8 7f 8b ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n ab71:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:509\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:509\n ab74:\t8b 54 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:507\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:507\n ab78:\t89 47 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%edi)\n ab7b:\t89 c3 \tmov %eax,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:508\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:508\n ab7d:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:509\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:509\n ab7f:\t89 74 24 08 \tmov %esi,0x8(%esp)\n ab83:\teb 06 \tjmp ab8b \n ab85:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n ab88:\t8b 5f 0c \tmov 0xc(%edi),%ebx\n ab8b:\t8b 0c 82 \tmov (%edx,%eax,4),%ecx\n ab8e:\tbe 00 00 00 00 \tmov $0x0,%esi\n ab93:\t83 f9 ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%ecx\n ab96:\t0f 44 ce \tcmove %esi,%ecx\n ab99:\t88 0c 03 \tmov %cl,(%ebx,%eax,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:508\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:508\n ab9c:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n ab9f:\t3d 00 01 00 00 \tcmp $0x100,%eax\n aba4:\t75 e2 \tjne ab88 \n aba6:\t8b 74 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:513\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:513\n abaa:\t8b 4f 0c \tmov 0xc(%edi),%ecx\n abad:\t8d 47 1c \tlea 0x1c(%edi),%eax\n abb0:\t8d 5f 6c \tlea 0x6c(%edi),%ebx\n abb3:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n abb7:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:513 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:513 (discriminator 3)\n abb8:\t0f b6 10 \tmovzbl (%eax),%edx\n abbb:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n abbe:\t0f b6 14 11 \tmovzbl (%ecx,%edx,1),%edx\n abc2:\t88 50 ff \tmov %dl,-0x1(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:512 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:512 (discriminator 3)\n abc5:\t39 d8 \tcmp %ebx,%eax\n abc7:\t75 ef \tjne abb8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:518\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:518\n abc9:\tc7 84 24 1c 04 00 00 \tmovl $0x5c5c595c,0x41c(%esp)\n abd0:\t5c 59 5c 5c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:514\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:514\n abd4:\t8b 47 74 \tmov 0x74(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:521\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:521\n abd7:\t31 db \txor %ebx,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:518\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:518\n abd9:\tc7 84 24 20 04 00 00 \tmovl $0x5d5b5859,0x420(%esp)\n abe0:\t59 58 5b 5d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:514\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:514\n abe4:\t0f b6 04 01 \tmovzbl (%ecx,%eax,1),%eax\n abe8:\t89 47 74 \tmov %eax,0x74(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:518\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:518\n abeb:\tb8 5c 00 00 00 \tmov $0x5c,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:522\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:522\n abf0:\t8b 56 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%edx\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n abf3:\t3b 42 74 \tcmp 0x74(%edx),%eax\n abf6:\t74 2e \tje ac26 \n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:523\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:523\n abf8:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n abfb:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n abfd:\t8b 5c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ebx\n ac01:\t8d 83 04 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7efc(%ebx),%eax\n ac07:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ac08:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n ac0e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ac0f:\te8 ec 85 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n ac14:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n ac17:\te8 b4 85 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n ac1c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:529\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:529\n ac1f:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n ac21:\te9 8b fe ff ff \tjmp aab1 \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n ac26:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n ac28:\te8 f3 fd ff ff \tcall aa20 \n ac2d:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ac2f:\t74 c7 \tje abf8 \n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:521\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:521\n ac31:\t83 c3 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebx\n ac34:\t83 fb 08 \tcmp $0x8,%ebx\n ac37:\t75 0f \tjne ac48 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:526\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:526\n ac39:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n ac3e:\te9 6e fe ff ff \tjmp aab1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:530\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:530\n ac43:\te8 58 98 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n ac48:\t0f b6 44 1d 00 \tmovzbl 0x0(%ebp,%ebx,1),%eax\n ac4d:\teb a1 \tjmp abf0 \n ac4f:\t90 \tnop\n read_float():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:303\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:303\n ac50:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n ac51:\te8 77 17 00 00 \tcall c3cd \n ac56:\t81 c5 aa 33 01 00 \tadd $0x133aa,%ebp\n ac5c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n ac5d:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n ac5f:\t56 \tpush %esi\n ac60:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n ac61:\t83 ec 2c \tsub $0x2c,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:304\n ac64:\t8b 70 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%esi\n ac67:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191 (discriminator 1)\n ac69:\t8b 42 74 \tmov 0x74(%edx),%eax\n ac6c:\t83 f8 7e \tcmp $0x7e,%eax\n ac6f:\t0f 84 3b 01 00 00 \tje adb0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n ac75:\t3d 89 00 00 00 \tcmp $0x89,%eax\n ac7a:\t0f 84 50 01 00 00 \tje add0 \n read_float():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:309\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:309\n ac80:\tc7 44 24 1c 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x1c(%esp)\n ac87:\t00 \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n ac88:\t3d 8d 00 00 00 \tcmp $0x8d,%eax\n ac8d:\t0f 84 85 01 00 00 \tje ae18 \n read_float():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:309\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:309\n ac93:\t31 db \txor %ebx,%ebx\n ac95:\td9 ee \tfldz \n ac97:\t89 74 24 08 \tmov %esi,0x8(%esp)\n ac9b:\tc7 44 24 18 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x18(%esp)\n aca2:\t00 \n aca3:\t89 de \tmov %ebx,%esi\n aca5:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n aca8:\teb 33 \tjmp acdd \n acaa:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:330\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:330\n acb0:\tdd 85 00 88 ff ff \tfldl -0x7800(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:327\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:327\n acb6:\t83 44 24 18 01 \taddl $0x1,0x18(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:330\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:330\n acbb:\tdd 54 24 10 \tfstl 0x10(%esp)\n acbf:\tdd 04 24 \tfldl (%esp)\n acc2:\tdf f1 \tfcomip %st(1),%st\n acc4:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n acc6:\t76 58 \tjbe ad20 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:338\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:338\n acc8:\t83 c3 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:354\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:354\n accb:\t8b 47 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:345\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:345\n acce:\t83 fe 01 \tcmp $0x1,%esi\n acd1:\t83 d3 ff \tadc $0xffffffff,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:354\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:354\n acd4:\te8 47 fd ff ff \tcall aa20 \n acd9:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n acdb:\t74 29 \tje ad06 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:325\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:325\n acdd:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n ace1:\t8b 50 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%edx\n ace4:\t8d 42 c0 \tlea -0x40(%edx),%eax\n ace7:\t83 f8 1d \tcmp $0x1d,%eax\n acea:\t76 c4 \tjbe acb0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:347 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:347 (discriminator 1)\n acec:\t83 fa 7f \tcmp $0x7f,%edx\n acef:\t75 4f \tjne ad40 \n acf1:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n acf3:\t75 4b \tjne ad40 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:354\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:354\n acf5:\t8b 47 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:349\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:349\n acf8:\tbe 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:354\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:354\n acfd:\te8 1e fd ff ff \tcall aa20 \n ad02:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ad04:\t75 d7 \tjne acdd \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:411\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:411\n ad06:\t8b 85 c0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x40(%ebp),%eax\n ad0c:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n ad0e:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:412\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:412\n ad11:\tdd 04 24 \tfldl (%esp)\n ad14:\t83 c4 2c \tadd $0x2c,%esp\n ad17:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n ad18:\t5e \tpop %esi\n ad19:\t5f \tpop %edi\n ad1a:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n ad1b:\tc3 \tret \n ad1c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:340\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:340\n ad20:\tdd 04 24 \tfldl (%esp)\n ad23:\td8 8d 10 88 ff ff \tfmuls -0x77f0(%ebp)\n ad29:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n ad2c:\tdb 04 24 \tfildl (%esp)\n ad2f:\tde c1 \tfaddp %st,%st(1)\n ad31:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n ad34:\teb 95 \tjmp accb \n ad36:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n ad3d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n ad40:\t89 5c 24 10 \tmov %ebx,0x10(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:357\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:357\n ad44:\t8b 5c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%ebx\n ad48:\t8b 74 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%esi\n ad4c:\t85 db \ttest %ebx,%ebx\n ad4e:\t0f 84 15 01 00 00 \tje ae69 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:360\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:360\n ad54:\t81 fa 82 00 00 00 \tcmp $0x82,%edx\n ad5a:\t0f 84 d0 00 00 00 \tje ae30 \n ad60:\t81 fa 8d 00 00 00 \tcmp $0x8d,%edx\n ad66:\t0f 84 c4 00 00 00 \tje ae30 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:385\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:385\n ad6c:\t8b 47 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%eax\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n ad6f:\t81 78 74 8e 00 00 00 \tcmpl $0x8e,0x74(%eax)\n ad76:\t0f 84 2f 01 00 00 \tje aeab \n read_float():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:386\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:386\n ad7c:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n ad7f:\t8d 85 2f 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7ed1(%ebp),%eax\n ad85:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n ad87:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ad88:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n ad8e:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n ad90:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -11946,132 +11946,132 @@\n ad96:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n ad99:\te8 32 84 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n ad9e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n ada1:\te9 60 ff ff ff \tjmp ad06 \n ada6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n adad:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n adb0:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n adb2:\te8 69 fc ff ff \tcall aa20 \n adb7:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n adba:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n adbc:\t0f 85 a7 fe ff ff \tjne ac69 \n adc2:\t8b 42 74 \tmov 0x74(%edx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n adc5:\t3d 89 00 00 00 \tcmp $0x89,%eax\n adca:\t0f 85 b0 fe ff ff \tjne ac80 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n add0:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n add2:\te8 49 fc ff ff \tcall aa20 \n add7:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n add9:\t74 20 \tje adfb \n read_float():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:317\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:317\n addb:\t8b 47 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%eax\n adde:\te8 3d fc ff ff \tcall aa20 \n ade3:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ade5:\t0f 84 1b ff ff ff \tje ad06 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:318\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:318\n adeb:\t8b 85 c0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x40(%ebp),%eax\n adf1:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n adf3:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n adf6:\te9 16 ff ff ff \tjmp ad11 \n adfb:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:309\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:309\n adfe:\tc7 44 24 1c 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x1c(%esp)\n ae05:\t00 \n ae06:\t8b 42 74 \tmov 0x74(%edx),%eax\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n ae09:\t3d 8d 00 00 00 \tcmp $0x8d,%eax\n ae0e:\t0f 85 7f fe ff ff \tjne ac93 \n ae14:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n ae18:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n ae1a:\te8 01 fc ff ff \tcall aa20 \n ae1f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ae21:\t0f 95 c0 \tsetne %al\n ae24:\t0f b6 c0 \tmovzbl %al,%eax\n ae27:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n ae2b:\te9 63 fe ff ff \tjmp ac93 \n read_float():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:363\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:363\n ae30:\t89 54 24 08 \tmov %edx,0x8(%esp)\n ae34:\t31 db \txor %ebx,%ebx\n ae36:\teb 20 \tjmp ae58 \n ae38:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n ae3f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:370\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:370\n ae40:\t8b 46 74 \tmov 0x74(%esi),%eax\n ae43:\t83 e8 40 \tsub $0x40,%eax\n ae46:\t83 f8 1d \tcmp $0x1d,%eax\n ae49:\t77 46 \tja ae91 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:373\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:373\n ae4b:\t81 fb 44 44 44 04 \tcmp $0x4444444,%ebx\n ae51:\t7f 26 \tjg ae79 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:375\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:375\n ae53:\t6b db 1e \timul $0x1e,%ebx,%ebx\n ae56:\t01 c3 \tadd %eax,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:368\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:368\n ae58:\t8b 47 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%eax\n ae5b:\te8 c0 fb ff ff \tcall aa20 \n ae60:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ae62:\t75 dc \tjne ae40 \n ae64:\te9 9d fe ff ff \tjmp ad06 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:358\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:358\n ae69:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n ae6c:\t8d 85 1f 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7ee1(%ebp),%eax\n ae72:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n ae74:\te9 0e ff ff ff \tjmp ad87 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:405\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:405\n ae79:\t8b 44 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n ae7d:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ae7f:\t74 5e \tje aedf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:406\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:406\n ae81:\t8b 85 a8 ff ff ff \tmov -0x58(%ebp),%eax\n ae87:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n ae89:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n ae8c:\te9 80 fe ff ff \tjmp ad11 \n ae91:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:381\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:381\n ae95:\t89 d8 \tmov %ebx,%eax\n ae97:\tf7 d8 \tneg %eax\n ae99:\t81 fa 8d 00 00 00 \tcmp $0x8d,%edx\n ae9f:\t0f 44 d8 \tcmove %eax,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:382\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:382\n aea2:\t01 5c 24 10 \tadd %ebx,0x10(%esp)\n aea6:\te9 c1 fe ff ff \tjmp ad6c \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n aeab:\te8 70 fb ff ff \tcall aa20 \n aeb0:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n aeb2:\t0f 84 c4 fe ff ff \tje ad7c \n read_float():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:390\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:390\n aeb8:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n aebc:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n aebe:\t0f 88 91 00 00 00 \tjs af55 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:392\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:392\n aec4:\t75 29 \tjne aeef \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:399\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:399\n aec6:\t8b 54 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edx\n aeca:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n aecc:\t0f 84 3f fe ff ff \tje ad11 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:400\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:400\n aed2:\tdd 04 24 \tfldl (%esp)\n aed5:\td9 e0 \tfchs \n aed7:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n aeda:\te9 32 fe ff ff \tjmp ad11 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:408\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:408\n aedf:\t8b 85 d0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x30(%ebp),%eax\n aee5:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n aee7:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n aeea:\te9 22 fe ff ff \tjmp ad11 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:394\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:394\n aeef:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n aef3:\t83 ec 10 \tsub $0x10,%esp\n aef6:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n aef8:\tf7 d8 \tneg %eax\n aefa:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n aefe:\tdb 44 24 18 \tfildl 0x18(%esp)\n af02:\tdd 5c 24 08 \tfstpl 0x8(%esp)\n@@ -12081,26 +12081,26 @@\n af13:\te8 e8 87 ff ff \tcall 3700 \n af18:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n af1b:\tdc 8d 08 88 ff ff \tfmull -0x77f8(%ebp)\n af21:\tdd 04 24 \tfldl (%esp)\n af24:\tdf f1 \tfcomip %st(1),%st\n af26:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n af28:\t0f 87 4b ff ff ff \tja ae79 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:396\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:396\n af2e:\tdb 44 24 10 \tfildl 0x10(%esp)\n af32:\t83 ec 10 \tsub $0x10,%esp\n af35:\tdd 5c 24 08 \tfstpl 0x8(%esp)\n af39:\tdd 44 24 18 \tfldl 0x18(%esp)\n af3d:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n af40:\te8 bb 87 ff ff \tcall 3700 \n af45:\tdc 4c 24 10 \tfmull 0x10(%esp)\n af49:\tdd 5c 24 10 \tfstpl 0x10(%esp)\n af4d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n af50:\te9 71 ff ff ff \tjmp aec6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:391\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:391\n af55:\tdb 44 24 10 \tfildl 0x10(%esp)\n af59:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n af5c:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n af5e:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n af61:\t68 00 00 3e 40 \tpush $0x403e0000\n af66:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n af68:\te8 93 87 ff ff \tcall 3700 \n@@ -12108,187 +12108,187 @@\n af71:\tdd 5c 24 10 \tfstpl 0x10(%esp)\n af75:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n af78:\te9 49 ff ff ff \tjmp aec6 \n af7d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 0000af80 :\n read_int():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:417\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:417\n af80:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n af81:\te8 4a 89 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n af86:\t81 c3 7a 30 01 00 \tadd $0x1307a,%ebx\n af8c:\t83 ec 18 \tsub $0x18,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:418\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:418\n af8f:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n af93:\te8 b8 fc ff ff \tcall ac50 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:420\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:420\n af98:\t8b 83 c0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x40(%ebx),%eax\n af9e:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n afa0:\tdf e9 \tfucomip %st(1),%st\n afa2:\t0f 8b b8 00 00 00 \tjnp b060 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:422\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:422\n afa8:\td9 7c 24 0e \tfnstcw 0xe(%esp)\n afac:\td9 c0 \tfld %st(0)\n afae:\t0f b7 44 24 0e \tmovzwl 0xe(%esp),%eax\n afb3:\t80 e4 f3 \tand $0xf3,%ah\n afb6:\t80 cc 04 \tor $0x4,%ah\n afb9:\t66 89 44 24 0a \tmov %ax,0xa(%esp)\n afbe:\td9 6c 24 0a \tfldcw 0xa(%esp)\n afc2:\td9 fc \tfrndint \n afc4:\td9 6c 24 0e \tfldcw 0xe(%esp)\n afc8:\tdf e9 \tfucomip %st(1),%st\n afca:\t7a 41 \tjp b00d \n afcc:\t75 4a \tjne b018 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:422 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:422 (discriminator 1)\n afce:\tdd 83 a8 74 ff ff \tfldl -0x8b58(%ebx)\n afd4:\tdd 14 24 \tfstl (%esp)\n afd7:\td9 c9 \tfxch %st(1)\n afd9:\tdb f1 \tfcomi %st(1),%st\n afdb:\tdd d9 \tfstp %st(1)\n afdd:\t73 41 \tjae b020 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:422 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:422 (discriminator 2)\n afdf:\td9 83 14 88 ff ff \tflds -0x77ec(%ebx)\n afe5:\tdf f1 \tfcomip %st(1),%st\n afe7:\t73 3f \tjae b028 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:424\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:424\n afe9:\td9 7c 24 0e \tfnstcw 0xe(%esp)\n afed:\t0f b7 44 24 0e \tmovzwl 0xe(%esp),%eax\n aff2:\t80 cc 0c \tor $0xc,%ah\n aff5:\t66 89 44 24 0c \tmov %ax,0xc(%esp)\n affa:\td9 6c 24 0c \tfldcw 0xc(%esp)\n affe:\tdb 1c 24 \tfistpl (%esp)\n b001:\td9 6c 24 0e \tfldcw 0xe(%esp)\n b005:\t8b 04 24 \tmov (%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:428\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:428\n b008:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n b00b:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n b00c:\tc3 \tret \n b00d:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n b00f:\teb 19 \tjmp b02a \n b011:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n b018:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n b01a:\teb 0e \tjmp b02a \n b01c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n b020:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n b022:\teb 06 \tjmp b02a \n b024:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n b028:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:423\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:423\n b02a:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b02d:\t8d 83 4a 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7eb6(%ebx),%eax\n b033:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n b035:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b036:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n b03c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b03d:\te8 be 81 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n b042:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n b045:\te8 86 81 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n b04a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b04d:\teb 03 \tjmp b052 \n b04f:\t90 \tnop\n b050:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:427\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:427\n b052:\t8b 83 f4 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc(%ebx),%eax\n b058:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:428\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:428\n b05a:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n b05d:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n b05e:\tc3 \tret \n b05f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:420\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:420\n b060:\t74 ee \tje b050 \n b062:\te9 41 ff ff ff \tjmp afa8 \n b067:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n b06e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n read_string():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:435\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:435\n b070:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n b071:\te8 57 13 00 00 \tcall c3cd \n b076:\t81 c5 8a 2f 01 00 \tadd $0x12f8a,%ebp\n b07c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n b07d:\t56 \tpush %esi\n b07e:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n b080:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n b081:\t83 ec 1c \tsub $0x1c,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:436\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:436\n b084:\t8b 78 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:446\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:446\n b087:\t8b 9d 00 0a 00 00 \tmov 0xa00(%ebp),%ebx\n b08d:\t85 db \ttest %ebx,%ebx\n b08f:\t74 7f \tje b110 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:449\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:449\n b091:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n b094:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b096:\t56 \tpush %esi\n b097:\te8 54 84 ff ff \tcall 34f0 \n b09c:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n b0a0:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:450\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:450\n b0a2:\t8b 85 f4 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc(%ebp),%eax\n b0a8:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b0ab:\t39 10 \tcmp %edx,(%eax)\n b0ad:\t74 3a \tje b0e9 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:452\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:452\n b0af:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n b0b3:\t3d ff ff 00 00 \tcmp $0xffff,%eax\n b0b8:\t77 76 \tja b130 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:458\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:458\n b0ba:\t31 db \txor %ebx,%ebx\n b0bc:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b0be:\t75 11 \tjne b0d1 \n b0c0:\teb 36 \tjmp b0f8 \n b0c2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:458 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:458 (discriminator 2)\n b0c8:\t83 c3 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebx\n b0cb:\t39 5c 24 0c \tcmp %ebx,0xc(%esp)\n b0cf:\t74 27 \tje b0f8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:460\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:460\n b0d1:\t8b 47 74 \tmov 0x74(%edi),%eax\n b0d4:\t8b 8d 00 0a 00 00 \tmov 0xa00(%ebp),%ecx\n b0da:\t88 04 19 \tmov %al,(%ecx,%ebx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:461\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:461\n b0dd:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n b0e0:\te8 3b f9 ff ff \tcall aa20 \n b0e5:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b0e7:\t75 df \tjne b0c8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:470\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:470\n b0e9:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:469\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:469\n b0ec:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:470\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:470\n b0ee:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n b0ef:\t5e \tpop %esi\n b0f0:\t5f \tpop %edi\n b0f1:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n b0f2:\tc3 \tret \n b0f3:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n b0f7:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:465\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:465\n b0f8:\t8b 85 00 0a 00 00 \tmov 0xa00(%ebp),%eax\n b0fe:\t8b 54 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edx\n b102:\tc6 04 10 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%eax,%edx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:470\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:470\n b106:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n b109:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n b10a:\t5e \tpop %esi\n b10b:\t5f \tpop %edi\n b10c:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n b10d:\tc3 \tret \n b10e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:447\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:447\n b110:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n b113:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b115:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n b117:\t68 00 00 01 00 \tpush $0x10000\n b11c:\te8 cf 85 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n b121:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b124:\t89 85 00 0a 00 00 \tmov %eax,0xa00(%ebp)\n b12a:\te9 62 ff ff ff \tjmp b091 \n b12f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:453\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:453\n b130:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b133:\t8d 85 5d 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7ea3(%ebp),%eax\n b139:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n b13b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b13c:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n b142:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b143:\te8 b8 80 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n@@ -12297,645 +12297,645 @@\n b14a:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n b14e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b14f:\te8 7c 80 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n b154:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b157:\teb 90 \tjmp b0e9 \n b159:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n parse_value():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:873\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:873\n b160:\t57 \tpush %edi\n b161:\t56 \tpush %esi\n b162:\t89 d6 \tmov %edx,%esi\n b164:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n b165:\te8 66 87 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n b16a:\t81 c3 96 2e 01 00 \tadd $0x12e96,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:875\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:875\n b170:\t83 f9 01 \tcmp $0x1,%ecx\n b173:\t74 2b \tje b1a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:895\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:895\n b175:\te8 d6 fa ff ff \tcall ac50 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:896\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:896\n b17a:\t8b 83 c0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x40(%ebx),%eax\n b180:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:895\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:895\n b185:\tdd 16 \tfstl (%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:896\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:896\n b187:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n b189:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n b18b:\tdf e9 \tfucomip %st(1),%st\n b18d:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n b18f:\t0f 9a c0 \tsetp %al\n b192:\t0f 45 c2 \tcmovne %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:901\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:901\n b195:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n b196:\t5e \tpop %esi\n b197:\t5f \tpop %edi\n b198:\tc3 \tret \n b199:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:877\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:877\n b1a0:\te8 cb fe ff ff \tcall b070 \n b1a5:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:881\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:881\n b1a7:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:880\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:880\n b1a9:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n b1ab:\t74 e8 \tje b195 \n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n b1ad:\tc7 06 20 20 20 20 \tmovl $0x20202020,(%esi)\n parse_value():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:887\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:887\n b1b3:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:889\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:889\n b1b5:\t8d bb 00 87 ff ff \tlea -0x7900(%ebx),%edi\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n b1bb:\tc7 46 04 20 20 20 20 \tmovl $0x20202020,0x4(%esi)\n parse_value():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:887\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:887\n b1c2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:888\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:888\n b1c8:\t0f b6 1c 0a \tmovzbl (%edx,%ecx,1),%ebx\n b1cc:\t84 db \ttest %bl,%bl\n b1ce:\t74 0f \tje b1df \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:889\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:889\n b1d0:\t0f b6 04 1f \tmovzbl (%edi,%ebx,1),%eax\n b1d4:\t88 04 0e \tmov %al,(%esi,%ecx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:887\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:887\n b1d7:\t83 c1 01 \tadd $0x1,%ecx\n b1da:\t83 f9 08 \tcmp $0x8,%ecx\n b1dd:\t75 e9 \tjne b1c8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:901\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:901\n b1df:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:900\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:900\n b1e0:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:901\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:901\n b1e5:\t5e \tpop %esi\n b1e6:\t5f \tpop %edi\n b1e7:\tc3 \tret \n parse_value.isra.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:901\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:901\n b1e8:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n b1ef:\t90 \tnop\n \n 0000b1f0 :\n pfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:215\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:215\n b1f0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n b1f1:\te8 d7 11 00 00 \tcall c3cd \n b1f6:\t81 c5 0a 2e 01 00 \tadd $0x12e0a,%ebp\n b1fc:\t57 \tpush %edi\n b1fd:\t56 \tpush %esi\n b1fe:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n b1ff:\t83 ec 6c \tsub $0x6c,%esp\n b202:\t8b 84 24 84 00 00 00 \tmov 0x84(%esp),%eax\n b209:\t8b b4 24 80 00 00 00 \tmov 0x80(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:220\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:220\n b210:\t8d bd 80 09 00 00 \tlea 0x980(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:215\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:215\n b216:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n b219:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n b21f:\t89 44 24 5c \tmov %eax,0x5c(%esp)\n b223:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:220\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:220\n b225:\t8b 46 20 \tmov 0x20(%esi),%eax\n b228:\t39 f8 \tcmp %edi,%eax\n b22a:\t0f 84 18 01 00 00 \tje b348 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:225\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:225\n b230:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b232:\t0f 85 f0 09 00 00 \tjne bc28 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:238\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:238\n b238:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n b23b:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b23d:\t6a 78 \tpush $0x78\n b23f:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n b241:\te8 aa 84 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n b246:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:239\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:239\n b24a:\t58 \tpop %eax\n b24b:\tff 76 04 \tpushl 0x4(%esi)\n b24e:\te8 7d 85 ff ff \tcall 37d0 \n b253:\t5a \tpop %edx\n b254:\t8d 95 00 70 ff ff \tlea -0x9000(%ebp),%edx\n b25a:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n b25b:\t52 \tpush %edx\n b25c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b25d:\te8 de 82 ff ff \tcall 3540 \n b262:\t8b 4c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:240\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:240\n b266:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:239\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:239\n b269:\t89 01 \tmov %eax,(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:240\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:240\n b26b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b26d:\t0f 84 e8 09 00 00 \tje bc5b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:250\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:250\n b273:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:249\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:249\n b277:\t89 7e 20 \tmov %edi,0x20(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:250\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:250\n b27a:\t89 46 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:251\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:251\n b27d:\tc7 40 04 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:252\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:252\n b284:\tc7 40 0c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0xc(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:253\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:253\n b28b:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n b28e:\te8 bd f6 ff ff \tcall a950 \n b293:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b295:\t74 4c \tje b2e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:255\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:255\n b297:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n b29a:\te8 81 f7 ff ff \tcall aa20 \n b29f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b2a1:\t74 40 \tje b2e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:258\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:258\n b2a3:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n b2a5:\te8 b6 f7 ff ff \tcall aa60 \n b2aa:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b2ac:\t74 35 \tje b2e3 \n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:537\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:537\n b2ae:\t8b 5e 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%ebx\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n b2b1:\t8b 7b 74 \tmov 0x74(%ebx),%edi\n b2b4:\t83 ff 4a \tcmp $0x4a,%edi\n b2b7:\t0f 84 b3 00 00 00 \tje b370 \n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:541\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:541\n b2bd:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b2c0:\t8d 85 72 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7e8e(%ebp),%eax\n b2c6:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b2c8:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n b2ca:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b2cb:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n b2d1:\t50 \tpush %eax\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:862\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:862\n b2d2:\te8 29 7f ff ff \tcall 3200 \n b2d7:\t5a \tpop %edx\n b2d8:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n b2d9:\t57 \tpush %edi\n b2da:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b2db:\te8 f0 7e ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n b2e0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n pfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:289\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:289\n b2e3:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n b2e6:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b2e8:\t8b 7c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edi\n b2ec:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n b2ee:\te8 cd 7e ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:290\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:290\n b2f3:\t8b 47 04 \tmov 0x4(%edi),%eax\n b2f6:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b2f9:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b2fb:\t74 0c \tje b309 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:291\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:291\n b2fd:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n b300:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b301:\te8 da 81 ff ff \tcall 34e0 \n b306:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:292\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:292\n b309:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n b30c:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b30e:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n b312:\te8 39 84 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:295\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:295\n b317:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n b31a:\t8d 85 0c 86 ff ff \tlea -0x79f4(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:293\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:293\n b320:\tc7 46 20 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x20(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:294\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:294\n b327:\tc7 46 24 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x24(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:295\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:295\n b32e:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n b330:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b331:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n b337:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b338:\te8 c3 7e ff ff \tcall 3200 \n b33d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n b340:\te8 9b 7e ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n b345:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:223\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:223\n b348:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n b34b:\t8b 40 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:297\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:297\n b34e:\t8b 4c 24 5c \tmov 0x5c(%esp),%ecx\n b352:\t65 33 0d 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%ecx\n b359:\t0f 85 5e 0d 00 00 \tjne c0bd \n b35f:\t83 c4 6c \tadd $0x6c,%esp\n b362:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n b363:\t5e \tpop %esi\n b364:\t5f \tpop %edi\n b365:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n b366:\tc3 \tret \n b367:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n b36e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n b370:\t89 d8 \tmov %ebx,%eax\n b372:\te8 a9 f6 ff ff \tcall aa20 \n b377:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b379:\t75 0d \tjne b388 \n b37b:\t8b 7b 74 \tmov 0x74(%ebx),%edi\n b37e:\te9 3a ff ff ff \tjmp b2bd \n b383:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n b387:\t90 \tnop\n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:546\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:546\n b388:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n b38a:\te8 e1 fc ff ff \tcall b070 \n b38f:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:549\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:549\n b391:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b393:\t0f 84 4a ff ff ff \tje b2e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:551\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:551\n b399:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n b39c:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b39e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b39f:\te8 0c 81 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n b3a4:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b3a7:\t83 f8 08 \tcmp $0x8,%eax\n b3aa:\t0f 85 40 01 00 00 \tjne b4f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:553\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:553\n b3b0:\t0f b6 17 \tmovzbl (%edi),%edx\n b3b3:\t80 fa 20 \tcmp $0x20,%dl\n b3b6:\t0f 84 54 02 00 00 \tje b610 \n b3bc:\t8d 8d e0 86 ff ff \tlea -0x7920(%ebp),%ecx\n b3c2:\t89 74 24 0c \tmov %esi,0xc(%esp)\n b3c6:\t8d 47 01 \tlea 0x1(%edi),%eax\n b3c9:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n b3cc:\t8d 79 20 \tlea 0x20(%ecx),%edi\n b3cf:\teb 0d \tjmp b3de \n b3d1:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n b3d8:\t0f b6 10 \tmovzbl (%eax),%edx\n b3db:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:558\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:558\n b3de:\t8d 5a c0 \tlea -0x40(%edx),%ebx\n b3e1:\t80 fb 09 \tcmp $0x9,%bl\n b3e4:\t0f 87 07 0d 00 00 \tja c0f1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:560\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:560\n b3ea:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n b3ec:\t74 08 \tje b3f6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:561\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:561\n b3ee:\t8b 19 \tmov (%ecx),%ebx\n b3f0:\t83 ea 10 \tsub $0x10,%edx\n b3f3:\t88 14 1e \tmov %dl,(%esi,%ebx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:556\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:556\n b3f6:\t83 c1 04 \tadd $0x4,%ecx\n b3f9:\t39 cf \tcmp %ecx,%edi\n b3fb:\t75 db \tjne b3d8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:563\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:563\n b3fd:\t8b 04 24 \tmov (%esp),%eax\n b400:\t8b 74 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%esi\n b404:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b406:\t74 0c \tje b414 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:565\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:565\n b408:\tc6 40 05 20 \tmovb $0x20,0x5(%eax)\n b40c:\tc6 40 02 20 \tmovb $0x20,0x2(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:566\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:566\n b410:\tc6 40 0a 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xa(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:573\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:573\n b414:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n b416:\te8 55 fc ff ff \tcall b070 \n b41b:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:576\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:576\n b41d:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b41f:\t0f 84 be fe ff ff \tje b2e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:578\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:578\n b425:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n b428:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b42a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b42b:\te8 80 80 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n b430:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b433:\t83 f8 06 \tcmp $0x6,%eax\n b436:\t0f 85 e7 01 00 00 \tjne b623 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:580\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:580\n b43c:\t0f b6 17 \tmovzbl (%edi),%edx\n b43f:\t8b 1c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ebx\n b442:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n b444:\t80 fa 20 \tcmp $0x20,%dl\n b447:\t75 0b \tjne b454 \n b449:\te9 f8 03 00 00 \tjmp b846 \n b44e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n b450:\t0f b6 14 07 \tmovzbl (%edi,%eax,1),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:585\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:585\n b454:\t8d 4a c0 \tlea -0x40(%edx),%ecx\n b457:\t80 f9 09 \tcmp $0x9,%cl\n b45a:\t0f 87 e9 03 00 00 \tja b849 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:587\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:587\n b460:\t85 db \ttest %ebx,%ebx\n b462:\t74 0e \tje b472 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:588\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:588\n b464:\t8b 8c 85 c8 86 ff ff \tmov -0x7938(%ebp,%eax,4),%ecx\n b46b:\t83 ea 10 \tsub $0x10,%edx\n b46e:\t88 54 0b 0b \tmov %dl,0xb(%ebx,%ecx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:583\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:583\n b472:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n b475:\t83 f8 06 \tcmp $0x6,%eax\n b478:\t75 d6 \tjne b450 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:590\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:590\n b47a:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n b47d:\t8b 0c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ecx\n b480:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n b484:\t8b 40 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%eax\n b487:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n b489:\t0f 84 ca 03 00 00 \tje b859 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:592\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:592\n b48f:\tc6 41 10 20 \tmovb $0x20,0x10(%ecx)\n b493:\tc6 41 0d 20 \tmovb $0x20,0xd(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:593\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:593\n b497:\tc6 41 13 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x13(%ecx)\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n b49b:\t83 f8 41 \tcmp $0x41,%eax\n b49e:\t0f 84 1e 04 00 00 \tje b8c2 \n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:611\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:611\n b4a4:\t8b 0c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ecx\n b4a7:\tc6 41 14 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x14(%ecx)\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n b4ab:\t83 f8 43 \tcmp $0x43,%eax\n b4ae:\t0f 84 73 05 00 00 \tje ba27 \n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:627\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:627\n b4b4:\t8b 0c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ecx\n b4b7:\tc6 41 51 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x51(%ecx)\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n b4bb:\t83 f8 44 \tcmp $0x44,%eax\n b4be:\t74 60 \tje b520 \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:690\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:690\n b4c0:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b4c3:\t8d 85 58 83 ff ff \tlea -0x7ca8(%ebp),%eax\n b4c9:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:586\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:586\n b4cb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b4cc:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n b4d2:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b4d4:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b4d5:\te8 26 7d ff ff \tcall 3200 \n b4da:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n b4dd:\te8 ee 7c ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n b4e2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b4e5:\te9 f9 fd ff ff \tjmp b2e3 \n b4ea:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n b4f0:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:552\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:552\n b4f3:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b4f6:\t8d 85 8f 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7e71(%ebp),%eax\n b4fc:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:579\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:579\n b4fe:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b4ff:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n b505:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b506:\te8 f5 7c ff ff \tcall 3200 \n b50b:\t5f \tpop %edi\n b50c:\t5a \tpop %edx\n b50d:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n b511:\t52 \tpush %edx\n b512:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b513:\te8 b8 7c ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n b518:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b51b:\te9 c3 fd ff ff \tjmp b2e3 \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n b520:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n b524:\te8 f7 f4 ff ff \tcall aa20 \n b529:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b52b:\t74 93 \tje b4c0 \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:692\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:692\n b52d:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n b530:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b532:\t56 \tpush %esi\n b533:\te8 b8 7f ff ff \tcall 34f0 \n b538:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n b53a:\t8b 44 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:693\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:693\n b53e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:692\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:692\n b541:\t89 78 10 \tmov %edi,0x10(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:693\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:693\n b544:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n b546:\t0f 8e a4 00 00 00 \tjle b5f0 \n b54c:\t8b 85 f4 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc(%ebp),%eax\n b552:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n b556:\t3b 38 \tcmp (%eax),%edi\n b558:\t0f 84 92 00 00 00 \tje b5f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:695\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:695\n b55e:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n b561:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n b563:\t57 \tpush %edi\n b564:\te8 87 81 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n b569:\t8b 7c 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edi\n b56d:\t89 47 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:699\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:699\n b570:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n b573:\te8 78 7f ff ff \tcall 34f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:701\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:701\n b578:\t8b 4c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%ecx\n b57c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b57f:\t3b 01 \tcmp (%ecx),%eax\n b581:\t0f 84 5c fd ff ff \tje b2e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:709\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:709\n b587:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n b58a:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n b58c:\te8 8f 82 ff ff \tcall 3820 \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n b591:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:709\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:709\n b594:\t89 47 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:711\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:711\n b597:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n b59a:\t83 78 74 46 \tcmpl $0x46,0x74(%eax)\n b59e:\t0f 84 35 02 00 00 \tje b7d9 \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:721\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:721\n b5a4:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n b5a8:\t8b 78 10 \tmov 0x10(%eax),%edi\n b5ab:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n b5ad:\t0f 8e 19 04 00 00 \tjle b9cc \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:774\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:774\n b5b3:\t8d 85 40 84 ff ff \tlea -0x7bc0(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:721\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:721\n b5b9:\tc7 44 24 10 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x10(%esp)\n b5c0:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:774\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:774\n b5c1:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n b5c5:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:729\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:729\n b5c8:\t8b 04 24 \tmov (%esp),%eax\n b5cb:\t8b 40 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%eax\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n b5ce:\t83 78 74 47 \tcmpl $0x47,0x74(%eax)\n b5d2:\t74 62 \tje b636 \n b5d4:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:730\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:730\n b5d7:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b5da:\t8d 85 ef 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7e11(%ebp),%eax\n b5e0:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n b5e2:\te9 e4 fe ff ff \tjmp b4cb \n b5e7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n b5ee:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:694\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:694\n b5f0:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b5f3:\t8d 85 78 83 ff ff \tlea -0x7c88(%ebp),%eax\n b5f9:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b5fb:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n b5fd:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b5fe:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n b604:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b605:\te9 c8 fc ff ff \tjmp b2d2 \n b60a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:555\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:555\n b610:\tc6 07 30 \tmovb $0x30,(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:559\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:559\n b613:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b616:\t8d 85 a9 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7e57(%ebp),%eax\n b61c:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n b61e:\te9 a8 fe ff ff \tjmp b4cb \n b623:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:579\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:579\n b626:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b629:\t8d 85 bf 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7e41(%ebp),%eax\n b62f:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n b631:\te9 c8 fe ff ff \tjmp b4fe \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n b636:\te8 e5 f3 ff ff \tcall aa20 \n b63b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b63d:\t74 95 \tje b5d4 \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:732\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:732\n b63f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n b642:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b644:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n b648:\te8 a3 7e ff ff \tcall 34f0 \n b64d:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:733\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:733\n b651:\t8b 4c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%ecx\n b655:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b658:\t3b 01 \tcmp (%ecx),%eax\n b65a:\t0f 84 4f 04 00 00 \tje baaf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:735\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:735\n b660:\t8b 5c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ebx\n b664:\t85 db \ttest %ebx,%ebx\n b666:\t0f 88 56 0a 00 00 \tjs c0c2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:737\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:737\n b66c:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n b670:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n b674:\t8b 7c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edi\n b678:\t8b 40 14 \tmov 0x14(%eax),%eax\n b67b:\t89 3c 88 \tmov %edi,(%eax,%ecx,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:739\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:739\n b67e:\t8b 04 24 \tmov (%esp),%eax\n b681:\te8 ea f9 ff ff \tcall b070 \n b686:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:740\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:740\n b68a:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b68c:\t0f 84 1d 04 00 00 \tje baaf \n b692:\t8d 44 24 40 \tlea 0x40(%esp),%eax\n b696:\t8d 74 24 58 \tlea 0x58(%esp),%esi\n b69a:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n b69e:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:744\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:744\n b6a0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n b6a3:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b6a5:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n b6a9:\te8 42 7e ff ff \tcall 34f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:745\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:745\n b6ae:\t8b 4c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%ecx\n b6b2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:744\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:744\n b6b5:\t89 07 \tmov %eax,(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:745\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:745\n b6b7:\t3b 01 \tcmp (%ecx),%eax\n b6b9:\t0f 84 f0 03 00 00 \tje baaf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:742\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:742\n b6bf:\t83 c7 04 \tadd $0x4,%edi\n b6c2:\t39 fe \tcmp %edi,%esi\n b6c4:\t75 da \tjne b6a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:753\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:753\n b6c6:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n b6c9:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n b6cd:\te8 de 7d ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n b6d2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b6d5:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n b6d7:\t83 f8 08 \tcmp $0x8,%eax\n b6da:\t0f 87 47 0a 00 00 \tja c127 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:756\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:756\n b6e0:\t8b 4c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ecx\n b6e4:\t0f b6 31 \tmovzbl (%ecx),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:757\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:757\n b6e7:\t8d 56 b6 \tlea -0x4a(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:756\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:756\n b6ea:\t80 fa 33 \tcmp $0x33,%dl\n b6ed:\t76 0b \tjbe b6fa \n b6ef:\t89 f1 \tmov %esi,%ecx\n b6f1:\t80 f9 98 \tcmp $0x98,%cl\n b6f4:\t0f 85 00 0a 00 00 \tjne c0fa \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:760\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:760\n b6fa:\t8d 56 9c \tlea -0x64(%esi),%edx\n b6fd:\t80 fa 19 \tcmp $0x19,%dl\n b700:\t0f 86 eb 03 00 00 \tjbe baf1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:774\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:774\n b706:\t8d 8d 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:721\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:721\n b70c:\tbe 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:774\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:774\n b711:\t89 4c 24 24 \tmov %ecx,0x24(%esp)\n b715:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:768\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:768\n b718:\t39 f0 \tcmp %esi,%eax\n b71a:\t0f 8e c2 01 00 00 \tjle b8e2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:770\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:770\n b720:\t8b 4c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ecx\n b724:\t0f b6 3c 31 \tmovzbl (%ecx,%esi,1),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:772\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:772\n b728:\t8d 57 9c \tlea -0x64(%edi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:770\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:770\n b72b:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:772\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:772\n b72d:\t83 fa 19 \tcmp $0x19,%edx\n b730:\t76 66 \tjbe b798 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:778\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:778\n b732:\t8d 57 c0 \tlea -0x40(%edi),%edx\n b735:\t83 fa 23 \tcmp $0x23,%edx\n b738:\t0f 96 c2 \tsetbe %dl\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:779\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:779\n b73b:\t83 e9 7f \tsub $0x7f,%ecx\n b73e:\t80 f9 19 \tcmp $0x19,%cl\n b741:\t77 0c \tja b74f \n b743:\tbb 01 02 08 02 \tmov $0x2080201,%ebx\n b748:\td3 eb \tshr %cl,%ebx\n b74a:\t83 e3 01 \tand $0x1,%ebx\n b74d:\t09 da \tor %ebx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:778\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:778\n b74f:\t84 d2 \ttest %dl,%dl\n b751:\t74 0d \tje b760 \n b753:\t8d 7e 01 \tlea 0x1(%esi),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:768\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:768\n b756:\t89 fe \tmov %edi,%esi\n b758:\teb be \tjmp b718 \n b75a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n b760:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:783\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:783\n b763:\t8d 85 80 84 ff ff \tlea -0x7b80(%ebp),%eax\n b769:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b76c:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b76e:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n b770:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b771:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n b777:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -12945,449 +12945,449 @@\n b781:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n b785:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b786:\te8 45 7a ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n b78b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b78e:\te9 50 fb ff ff \tjmp b2e3 \n b793:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n b797:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:774\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:774\n b798:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b79b:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b79d:\t83 ef 03 \tsub $0x3,%edi\n b7a0:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n b7a2:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n b7a6:\tff 74 24 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esp)\n b7aa:\te8 51 7a ff ff \tcall 3200 \n b7af:\t57 \tpush %edi\n b7b0:\t8d 7e 01 \tlea 0x1(%esi),%edi\n b7b3:\t57 \tpush %edi\n b7b4:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n b7b8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b7b9:\te8 12 7a ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:776\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:776\n b7be:\t8b 44 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%eax\n b7c2:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n b7c5:\t80 2c 30 1a \tsubb $0x1a,(%eax,%esi,1)\n b7c9:\t89 fe \tmov %edi,%esi\n b7cb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b7cc:\te8 df 7c ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n b7d1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:768\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:768\n b7d4:\te9 3f ff ff ff \tjmp b718 \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n b7d9:\te8 42 f2 ff ff \tcall aa20 \n b7de:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b7e0:\t0f 84 be fd ff ff \tje b5a4 \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:713\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:713\n b7e6:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n b7e8:\te8 83 f8 ff ff \tcall b070 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:714\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:714\n b7ed:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b7ef:\t0f 84 ee fa ff ff \tje b2e3 \n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n b7f5:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b7f8:\t6a 40 \tpush $0x40\n b7fa:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b7fb:\t8b 7c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%edi\n b7ff:\t8b 47 04 \tmov 0x4(%edi),%eax\n b802:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n b806:\t83 c0 2c \tadd $0x2c,%eax\n b809:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b80a:\te8 31 7e ff ff \tcall 3640 <__strcpy_chk@plt>\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:718\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:718\n b80f:\t8b 47 04 \tmov 0x4(%edi),%eax\n asciify():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n b812:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:718\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:718\n b815:\t8d 50 2c \tlea 0x2c(%eax),%edx\n asciify():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n b818:\t0f b6 40 2c \tmovzbl 0x2c(%eax),%eax\n b81c:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n b81e:\t0f 84 80 fd ff ff \tje b5a4 \n b824:\t8d 8d 00 87 ff ff \tlea -0x7900(%ebp),%ecx\n b82a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:677\n b830:\t0f b6 04 01 \tmovzbl (%ecx,%eax,1),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n b834:\t83 c2 01 \tadd $0x1,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:677\n b837:\t88 42 ff \tmov %al,-0x1(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n b83a:\t0f b6 02 \tmovzbl (%edx),%eax\n b83d:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n b83f:\t75 ef \tjne b830 \n b841:\te9 5e fd ff ff \tjmp b5a4 \n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:582\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:582\n b846:\tc6 07 30 \tmovb $0x30,(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:586\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:586\n b849:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n b84c:\t8d 85 d9 81 ff ff \tlea -0x7e27(%ebp),%eax\n b852:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n b854:\te9 72 fc ff ff \tjmp b4cb \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n b859:\t83 f8 41 \tcmp $0x41,%eax\n b85c:\t0f 84 55 02 00 00 \tje bab7 \n b862:\t83 f8 43 \tcmp $0x43,%eax\n b865:\t0f 85 50 fc ff ff \tjne b4bb \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n b86b:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n b86f:\te8 ac f1 ff ff \tcall aa20 \n b874:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b876:\t0f 84 66 02 00 00 \tje bae2 \n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:618\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:618\n b87c:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n b87e:\te8 ed f7 ff ff \tcall b070 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:619\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:619\n b883:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b885:\t0f 84 58 fa ff ff \tje b2e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:621\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:621\n b88b:\t8b 0c 24 \tmov (%esp),%ecx\n b88e:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n b890:\t0f 84 4c 02 00 00 \tje bae2 \n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n b896:\t52 \tpush %edx\n b897:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b899:\t6a 3c \tpush $0x3c\n b89b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b89c:\t8b 7c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edi\n b8a0:\t8d 47 51 \tlea 0x51(%edi),%eax\n b8a3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b8a4:\te8 17 7d ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:623\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:623\n b8a9:\tc6 87 8d 00 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x8d(%edi)\n b8b0:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n b8b3:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n b8b7:\t8b 40 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%eax\n b8ba:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b8bd:\te9 f9 fb ff ff \tjmp b4bb \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n b8c2:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n b8c6:\te8 55 f1 ff ff \tcall aa20 \n b8cb:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b8cd:\t0f 85 74 01 00 00 \tjne ba47 \n b8d3:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n b8d6:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n b8da:\t8b 40 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%eax\n b8dd:\te9 c2 fb ff ff \tjmp b4a4 \n asciify():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n b8e2:\t8b 54 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edx\n b8e6:\t8d 8d 00 87 ff ff \tlea -0x7900(%ebp),%ecx\n b8ec:\t0f b6 02 \tmovzbl (%edx),%eax\n b8ef:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n b8f1:\t74 16 \tje b909 \n b8f3:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n b8f7:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:677\n b8f8:\t0f b6 04 01 \tmovzbl (%ecx,%eax,1),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n b8fc:\t83 c2 01 \tadd $0x1,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:677\n b8ff:\t88 42 ff \tmov %al,-0x1(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n b902:\t0f b6 02 \tmovzbl (%edx),%eax\n b905:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n b907:\t75 ef \tjne b8f8 \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:788\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:788\n b909:\t81 7c 24 20 ff ff 00 \tcmpl $0xffff,0x20(%esp)\n b910:\t00 \n b911:\t0f 8f 29 08 00 00 \tjg c140 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:791\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:791\n b917:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n b91b:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n b91d:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b91f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b920:\t0f 95 c0 \tsetne %al\n b923:\t0f b6 c0 \tmovzbl %al,%eax\n b926:\t50 \tpush %eax\n b927:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n b92b:\t8b 44 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%eax\n b92f:\tff 70 04 \tpushl 0x4(%eax)\n b932:\te8 29 77 ff ff \tcall 3060 \n b937:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:793\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:793\n b939:\t8b 40 54 \tmov 0x54(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:796\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:796\n b93c:\t8d 57 7c \tlea 0x7c(%edi),%edx\n b93f:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:793\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:793\n b941:\t89 87 9c 00 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x9c(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:796\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:796\n b947:\t8b 44 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%eax\n b94b:\te8 60 ee ff ff \tcall a7b0 \n b950:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n b953:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b955:\t0f 84 54 01 00 00 \tje baaf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:798\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:798\n b95b:\t8d 97 88 00 00 00 \tlea 0x88(%edi),%edx\n b961:\t8d 44 24 4c \tlea 0x4c(%esp),%eax\n b965:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n b967:\te8 44 ee ff ff \tcall a7b0 \n b96c:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n b96e:\t0f 84 3b 01 00 00 \tje baaf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:802\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:802\n b974:\t8b 04 24 \tmov (%esp),%eax\n b977:\t8b 40 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%eax\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n b97a:\t8b 50 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%edx\n b97d:\t83 fa 4b \tcmp $0x4b,%edx\n b980:\t0f 84 87 02 00 00 \tje bc0d \n b986:\t83 fa 4a \tcmp $0x4a,%edx\n b989:\t0f 84 55 02 00 00 \tje bbe4 \n b98f:\t83 fa 49 \tcmp $0x49,%edx\n b992:\t0f 84 19 02 00 00 \tje bbb1 \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:837\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:837\n b998:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n b99b:\t8d 9d a0 86 ff ff \tlea -0x7960(%ebp),%ebx\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n b9a1:\t83 fa 48 \tcmp $0x48,%edx\n b9a4:\t0f 84 94 01 00 00 \tje bb3e \n b9aa:\t83 fa 4c \tcmp $0x4c,%edx\n b9ad:\t0f 84 a6 01 00 00 \tje bb59 \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:721\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:721\n b9b3:\t8b 4c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ecx\n b9b7:\t83 44 24 10 01 \taddl $0x1,0x10(%esp)\n b9bc:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n b9c0:\t3b 41 10 \tcmp 0x10(%ecx),%eax\n b9c3:\t0f 8c ff fb ff ff \tjl b5c8 \n b9c9:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:858\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:858\n b9cc:\t8b 4c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ecx\n b9d0:\t8b 41 04 \tmov 0x4(%ecx),%eax\n b9d3:\t8b 50 10 \tmov 0x10(%eax),%edx\n b9d6:\t89 51 18 \tmov %edx,0x18(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:860\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:860\n b9d9:\t80 78 2c 00 \tcmpb $0x0,0x2c(%eax)\n b9dd:\t0f 85 0e 03 00 00 \tjne bcf1 \n pfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:270\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:270\n b9e3:\t8b 56 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%edx\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n b9e6:\t8b 42 74 \tmov 0x74(%edx),%eax\n b9e9:\t83 f8 4d \tcmp $0x4d,%eax\n b9ec:\t0f 84 38 03 00 00 \tje bd2a \n b9f2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n b9f8:\t83 f8 4f \tcmp $0x4f,%eax\n b9fb:\t74 13 \tje ba10 \n pfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:275\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:275\n b9fd:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n ba00:\t8d 85 59 82 ff ff \tlea -0x7da7(%ebp),%eax\n ba06:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n ba08:\te9 be fa ff ff \tjmp b4cb \n ba0d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n ba10:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n ba12:\te8 09 f0 ff ff \tcall aa20 \n ba17:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ba19:\t74 e2 \tje b9fd \n pfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:284\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:284\n ba1b:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n ba1f:\t8b 40 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%eax\n ba22:\te9 27 f9 ff ff \tjmp b34e \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n ba27:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n ba2b:\te8 f0 ef ff ff \tcall aa20 \n ba30:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ba32:\t0f 85 44 fe ff ff \tjne b87c \n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:626\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:626\n ba38:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n ba3b:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n ba3f:\t8b 40 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%eax\n ba42:\te9 6d fa ff ff \tjmp b4b4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:602\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:602\n ba47:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n ba49:\te8 22 f6 ff ff \tcall b070 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:603\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:603\n ba4e:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ba50:\t0f 84 8d f8 ff ff \tje b2e3 \n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n ba56:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n ba57:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n ba59:\t6a 3c \tpush $0x3c\n ba5b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ba5c:\t8b 7c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edi\n ba60:\t8d 47 14 \tlea 0x14(%edi),%eax\n ba63:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ba64:\te8 57 7b ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:607\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:607\n ba69:\tc6 47 50 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x50(%edi)\n ba6d:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n ba70:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n ba74:\t8b 40 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%eax\n ba77:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n ba7a:\te9 2c fa ff ff \tjmp b4ab \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:805\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:805\n ba7f:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n ba82:\t8b 4f 48 \tmov 0x48(%edi),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:804\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:804\n ba85:\tc7 47 60 04 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x4,0x60(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:805\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:805\n ba8c:\t8d 57 64 \tlea 0x64(%edi),%edx\n ba8f:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n ba91:\te8 ca f6 ff ff \tcall b160 \n ba96:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ba98:\t74 15 \tje baaf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:806\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:806\n ba9a:\t8b 4f 48 \tmov 0x48(%edi),%ecx\n ba9d:\t8d 57 6c \tlea 0x6c(%edi),%edx\n baa0:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n baa2:\te8 b9 f6 ff ff \tcall b160 \n baa7:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n baa9:\t0f 85 50 01 00 00 \tjne bbff \n baaf:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n bab2:\te9 2c f8 ff ff \tjmp b2e3 \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n bab7:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n babb:\te8 60 ef ff ff \tcall aa20 \n bac0:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bac2:\t74 0f \tje bad3 \n read_version_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:602\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:602\n bac4:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n bac6:\te8 a5 f5 ff ff \tcall b070 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:603\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:603\n bacb:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bacd:\t0f 84 10 f8 ff ff \tje b2e3 \n bad3:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n bad6:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n bada:\t8b 40 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%eax\n badd:\te9 80 fd ff ff \tjmp b862 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:626\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:626\n bae2:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n bae5:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n bae9:\t8b 40 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%eax\n baec:\te9 ca f9 ff ff \tjmp b4bb \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:762\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:762\n baf1:\t8d 85 04 84 ff ff \tlea -0x7bfc(%ebp),%eax\n baf7:\t57 \tpush %edi\n baf8:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n bafa:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n bafc:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bafd:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n bb03:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bb04:\te8 f7 76 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n bb09:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n bb0c:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:763\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:763\n bb0e:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n bb10:\t0f b6 c0 \tmovzbl %al,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:762\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:762\n bb13:\t83 e8 03 \tsub $0x3,%eax\n bb16:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bb17:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n bb1b:\t52 \tpush %edx\n bb1c:\te8 af 76 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:764\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:764\n bb21:\t8b 7c 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edi\n bb25:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n bb27:\t83 c9 ff \tor $0xffffffff,%ecx\n bb2a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n bb2d:\t80 2f 1a \tsubb $0x1a,(%edi)\n bb30:\tf2 ae \trepnz scas %es:(%edi),%al\n bb32:\t89 c8 \tmov %ecx,%eax\n bb34:\tf7 d0 \tnot %eax\n bb36:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n bb39:\te9 c8 fb ff ff \tjmp b706 \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n bb3e:\te8 dd ee ff ff \tcall aa20 \n bb43:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bb45:\t0f 85 57 01 00 00 \tjne bca2 \n bb4b:\t8b 04 24 \tmov (%esp),%eax\n bb4e:\t8b 40 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%eax\n bb51:\t8b 50 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%edx\n bb54:\te9 51 fe ff ff \tjmp b9aa \n bb59:\te8 c2 ee ff ff \tcall aa20 \n bb5e:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bb60:\t0f 84 4d fe ff ff \tje b9b3 \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:849\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:849\n bb66:\t8b 04 24 \tmov (%esp),%eax\n bb69:\te8 02 f5 ff ff \tcall b070 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:851\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:851\n bb6e:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bb70:\t0f 84 39 ff ff ff \tje baaf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:854\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:854\n bb76:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n bb79:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n bb7b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bb7c:\te8 9f 77 ff ff \tcall 3320 \n asciify():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n bb81:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:854\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:854\n bb84:\t89 87 98 00 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x98(%edi)\n asciify():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n bb8a:\t0f b6 10 \tmovzbl (%eax),%edx\n bb8d:\t84 d2 \ttest %dl,%dl\n bb8f:\t0f 84 1e fe ff ff \tje b9b3 \n bb95:\t8d 8d 00 87 ff ff \tlea -0x7900(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:677\n bb9b:\t0f b6 14 11 \tmovzbl (%ecx,%edx,1),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n bb9f:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:677\n bba2:\t88 50 ff \tmov %dl,-0x1(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n bba5:\t0f b6 10 \tmovzbl (%eax),%edx\n bba8:\t84 d2 \ttest %dl,%dl\n bbaa:\t75 ef \tjne bb9b \n bbac:\te9 02 fe ff ff \tjmp b9b3 \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n bbb1:\te8 6a ee ff ff \tcall aa20 \n bbb6:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bbb8:\t74 45 \tje bbff \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:817\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:817\n bbba:\tc7 47 60 05 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x5,0x60(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:818\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:818\n bbc1:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n bbc4:\t8b 4f 48 \tmov 0x48(%edi),%ecx\n bbc7:\t8d 57 64 \tlea 0x64(%edi),%edx\n bbca:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n bbcc:\te8 8f f5 ff ff \tcall b160 \n bbd1:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bbd3:\t0f 84 d6 fe ff ff \tje baaf \n bbd9:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n bbdc:\t8b 50 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%edx\n bbdf:\te9 b4 fd ff ff \tjmp b998 \n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n bbe4:\te8 37 ee ff ff \tcall aa20 \n bbe9:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bbeb:\t0f 85 f4 00 00 00 \tjne bce5 \n bbf1:\t8b 04 24 \tmov (%esp),%eax\n bbf4:\t8b 40 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%eax\n bbf7:\t8b 50 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%edx\n bbfa:\te9 90 fd ff ff \tjmp b98f \n@@ -13399,15 +13399,15 @@\n bc12:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bc14:\t0f 85 65 fe ff ff \tjne ba7f \n bc1a:\t8b 04 24 \tmov (%esp),%eax\n bc1d:\t8b 40 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%eax\n bc20:\t8b 50 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%edx\n bc23:\te9 5e fd ff ff \tjmp b986 \n pfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:227\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:227\n bc28:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n bc2b:\t8b 78 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%edi\n bc2e:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n bc30:\t56 \tpush %esi\n bc31:\te8 5a 7b ff ff \tcall 3790 \n bc36:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n bc39:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n@@ -13418,21 +13418,21 @@\n bc4a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bc4b:\te8 b0 75 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n bc50:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n bc53:\t57 \tpush %edi\n bc54:\t56 \tpush %esi\n bc55:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bc56:\te8 85 75 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:242\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:242\n bc5b:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n bc5e:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n bc62:\te8 e9 7a ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:244\n bc67:\te8 34 79 ff ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:243\n bc6c:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n bc6d:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n bc6f:\te8 cc 77 ff ff \tcall 3440 \n bc74:\t8b 7e 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edi\n bc77:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n bc7b:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n bc7e:\t8d 85 10 83 ff ff \tlea -0x7cf0(%ebp),%eax\n@@ -13444,280 +13444,280 @@\n bc93:\t8b 54 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%edx\n bc97:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n bc9a:\t52 \tpush %edx\n bc9b:\t57 \tpush %edi\n bc9c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bc9d:\te8 3e 75 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:837\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:837\n bca2:\t8b 47 60 \tmov 0x60(%edi),%eax\n bca5:\t8b 04 83 \tmov (%ebx,%eax,4),%eax\n bca8:\t89 47 60 \tmov %eax,0x60(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:838\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:838\n bcab:\t83 f8 ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%eax\n bcae:\t0f 84 d1 04 00 00 \tje c185 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:841\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:841\n bcb4:\t8b 84 85 60 86 ff ff \tmov -0x79a0(%ebp,%eax,4),%eax\n bcbb:\t83 f8 ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%eax\n bcbe:\t0f 84 b0 04 00 00 \tje c174 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:843\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:843\n bcc4:\t8b 4f 48 \tmov 0x48(%edi),%ecx\n bcc7:\t8d 54 c7 64 \tlea 0x64(%edi,%eax,8),%edx\n bccb:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n bccd:\te8 8e f4 ff ff \tcall b160 \n bcd2:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bcd4:\t0f 84 09 f6 ff ff \tje b2e3 \n bcda:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n bcdd:\t8b 50 74 \tmov 0x74(%eax),%edx\n bce0:\te9 bc fc ff ff \tjmp b9a1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:811\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:811\n bce5:\tc7 47 60 06 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x6,0x60(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:812\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:812\n bcec:\te9 d0 fe ff ff \tjmp bbc1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:861\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:861\n bcf1:\t52 \tpush %edx\n bcf2:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n bcf4:\t52 \tpush %edx\n bcf5:\t8d 50 2c \tlea 0x2c(%eax),%edx\n bcf8:\t52 \tpush %edx\n bcf9:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bcfa:\te8 11 7b ff ff \tcall 3810 \n bcff:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n bd02:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bd04:\t0f 85 d9 fc ff ff \tjne b9e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:862\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:862\n bd0a:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n bd0e:\t8b 40 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%eax\n bd11:\t8d 78 2c \tlea 0x2c(%eax),%edi\n bd14:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bd15:\t8d 85 f0 84 ff ff \tlea -0x7b10(%ebp),%eax\n bd1b:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n bd1d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bd1e:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n bd24:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bd25:\te9 a8 f5 ff ff \tjmp b2d2 \n read_value_label():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:974\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:974\n bd2a:\t8b 85 dc ff ff ff \tmov -0x24(%ebp),%eax\n bd30:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n bd34:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:193\n bd38:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n bd3a:\te8 e1 ec ff ff \tcall aa20 \n bd3f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bd41:\t75 0d \tjne bd50 \n bd43:\t8b 56 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%edx\n bd46:\t8b 42 74 \tmov 0x74(%edx),%eax\n bd49:\te9 aa fc ff ff \tjmp b9f8 \n bd4e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n read_value_label():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:907\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:907\n bd50:\t8b 46 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:918\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:918\n bd53:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n bd56:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:907\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:907\n bd58:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:918\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:918\n bd5c:\t56 \tpush %esi\n bd5d:\te8 8e 77 ff ff \tcall 34f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:919\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:919\n bd62:\t8b 4c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%ecx\n bd66:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n bd69:\t3b 01 \tcmp (%ecx),%eax\n bd6b:\t0f 84 72 f5 ff ff \tje b2e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:922\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:922\n bd71:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n bd74:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n bd76:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n bd7a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bd7b:\te8 70 79 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:923\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:923\n bd80:\t8b 5c 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%ebx\n bd84:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n bd87:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:922\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:922\n bd89:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:923\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:923\n bd8b:\t85 db \ttest %ebx,%ebx\n bd8d:\t0f 8e 85 00 00 00 \tjle be18 \n bd93:\t89 74 24 10 \tmov %esi,0x10(%esp)\n bd97:\t89 ce \tmov %ecx,%esi\n bd99:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:925\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:925\n bda0:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n bda4:\te8 c7 f2 ff ff \tcall b070 \n bda9:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:926\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:926\n bdab:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bdad:\t0f 84 2d 02 00 00 \tje bfe0 \n asciify():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n bdb3:\t0f b6 00 \tmovzbl (%eax),%eax\n bdb6:\t89 d1 \tmov %edx,%ecx\n bdb8:\t8d 9d 00 87 ff ff \tlea -0x7900(%ebp),%ebx\n bdbe:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n bdc0:\t74 17 \tje bdd9 \n bdc2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:677\n bdc8:\t0f b6 04 03 \tmovzbl (%ebx,%eax,1),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n bdcc:\t83 c1 01 \tadd $0x1,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:677\n bdcf:\t88 41 ff \tmov %al,-0x1(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n bdd2:\t0f b6 01 \tmovzbl (%ecx),%eax\n bdd5:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n bdd7:\t75 ef \tjne bdc8 \n read_value_label():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:930\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:930\n bdd9:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n bddc:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n bdde:\t52 \tpush %edx\n bddf:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n bde3:\t89 54 24 0c \tmov %edx,0xc(%esp)\n bde7:\tff 70 04 \tpushl 0x4(%eax)\n bdea:\te8 21 7a ff ff \tcall 3810 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:931\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:931\n bdef:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:930\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:930\n bdf2:\t89 04 b7 \tmov %eax,(%edi,%esi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:931\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:931\n bdf5:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bdf7:\t0f 84 f3 01 00 00 \tje bff0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:934\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:934\n bdfd:\t8b 17 \tmov (%edi),%edx\n bdff:\t8b 48 50 \tmov 0x50(%eax),%ecx\n be02:\t39 4a 50 \tcmp %ecx,0x50(%edx)\n be05:\t0f 85 1d 02 00 00 \tjne c028 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:923\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:923\n be0b:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n be0e:\t39 74 24 0c \tcmp %esi,0xc(%esp)\n be12:\t75 8c \tjne bda0 \n be14:\t8b 74 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:939\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:939\n be18:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n be1b:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n be1d:\t56 \tpush %esi\n be1e:\te8 cd 76 ff ff \tcall 34f0 \n be23:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:940\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:940\n be27:\t8b 4c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%ecx\n be2b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n be2e:\t3b 01 \tcmp (%ecx),%eax\n be30:\t0f 84 4a 01 00 00 \tje bf80 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:943\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:943\n be36:\t8d 44 24 40 \tlea 0x40(%esp),%eax\n be3a:\tc7 44 24 24 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x24(%esp)\n be41:\t00 \n be42:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n be46:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n be4a:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n be4c:\t0f 8e 65 01 00 00 \tjle bfb7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:951\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:951\n be52:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n be54:\t8b 54 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edx\n be58:\t8b 48 48 \tmov 0x48(%eax),%ecx\n be5b:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n be5d:\te8 fe f2 ff ff \tcall b160 \n be62:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n be64:\t0f 84 16 01 00 00 \tje bf80 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:954\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:954\n be6a:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n be6c:\te8 ff f1 ff ff \tcall b070 \n be71:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:955\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:955\n be73:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n be75:\t0f 84 05 01 00 00 \tje bf80 \n asciify():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n be7b:\t0f b6 00 \tmovzbl (%eax),%eax\n be7e:\t89 d1 \tmov %edx,%ecx\n be80:\t8d 9d 00 87 ff ff \tlea -0x7900(%ebp),%ebx\n be86:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n be88:\t74 17 \tje bea1 \n be8a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:677\n be90:\t0f b6 04 03 \tmovzbl (%ebx,%eax,1),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n be94:\t83 c1 01 \tadd $0x1,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:677\n be97:\t88 41 ff \tmov %al,-0x1(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n be9a:\t0f b6 01 \tmovzbl (%ecx),%eax\n be9d:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n be9f:\t75 ef \tjne be90 \n bea1:\t89 54 24 14 \tmov %edx,0x14(%esp)\n read_value_label():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:960\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:960\n bea5:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n bea8:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n beaa:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n beac:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n beae:\te8 3d 78 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:961\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:961\n beb3:\t8b 4c 24 50 \tmov 0x50(%esp),%ecx\n beb7:\t8b 5c 24 54 \tmov 0x54(%esp),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:962\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:962\n bebb:\t8b 54 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:961\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:961\n bebf:\t89 44 24 10 \tmov %eax,0x10(%esp)\n bec3:\t89 08 \tmov %ecx,(%eax)\n bec5:\t89 58 04 \tmov %ebx,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:962\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:962\n bec8:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n beca:\t89 14 24 \tmov %edx,(%esp)\n becd:\te8 4e 74 ff ff \tcall 3320 \n bed2:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:966\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:966\n bed6:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:962\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:962\n bed8:\t89 41 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:963\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:963\n bedb:\t8b 44 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:966\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:966\n bedf:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:963\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:963\n bee2:\t89 41 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:974\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:974\n bee5:\t8d 4c 24 3c \tlea 0x3c(%esp),%ecx\n bee9:\t89 4c 24 28 \tmov %ecx,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:966\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:966\n beed:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n beef:\t0f 8e af 00 00 00 \tjle bfa4 \n bef5:\t89 74 24 20 \tmov %esi,0x20(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:968\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:968\n bef9:\t8b 34 97 \tmov (%edi,%edx,4),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:970\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:970\n befc:\t8b 46 50 \tmov 0x50(%esi),%eax\n beff:\t89 44 24 3c \tmov %eax,0x3c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:973\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:973\n bf03:\t8b 86 94 00 00 00 \tmov 0x94(%esi),%eax\n bf09:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bf0b:\t0f 84 84 01 00 00 \tje c095 \n bf11:\t89 54 24 14 \tmov %edx,0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:976\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:976\n bf15:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n bf18:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n bf1a:\tff 74 24 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esp)\n bf1e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bf1f:\te8 4c 75 ff ff \tcall 3470 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:977\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:977\n bf24:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n bf27:\t8b 54 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edx\n bf2b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n bf2d:\t74 64 \tje bf93 \n bf2f:\t89 f1 \tmov %esi,%ecx\n bf31:\t8b 74 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:980\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:980\n bf35:\t8b 51 48 \tmov 0x48(%ecx),%edx\n bf38:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n bf3a:\t0f 85 16 01 00 00 \tjne c056 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:981\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:981\n bf40:\t8b 04 24 \tmov (%esp),%eax\n bf43:\t89 4c 24 0c \tmov %ecx,0xc(%esp)\n bf47:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n bf4a:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n bf4c:\t8d 85 a8 85 ff ff \tlea -0x7a58(%ebp),%eax\n bf52:\tdd 5c 24 04 \tfstpl 0x4(%esp)\n bf56:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n@@ -13730,64 +13730,64 @@\n bf6a:\tdd 44 24 14 \tfldl 0x14(%esp)\n bf6e:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n bf71:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n bf74:\t50 \tpush %eax\n bf75:\te8 56 72 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n bf7a:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n bf7d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:994\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:994\n bf80:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n bf83:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n bf85:\t57 \tpush %edi\n bf86:\te8 c5 77 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n bf8b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n bf8e:\te9 50 f3 ff ff \tjmp b2e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:966\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:966\n bf93:\t83 c2 01 \tadd $0x1,%edx\n bf96:\t39 54 24 0c \tcmp %edx,0xc(%esp)\n bf9a:\t0f 85 59 ff ff ff \tjne bef9 \n bfa0:\t8b 74 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:943\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:943\n bfa4:\t83 44 24 24 01 \taddl $0x1,0x24(%esp)\n bfa9:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n bfad:\t39 44 24 10 \tcmp %eax,0x10(%esp)\n bfb1:\t0f 85 9b fe ff ff \tjne be52 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:990\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:990\n bfb7:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n bfba:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n bfbc:\t57 \tpush %edi\n bfbd:\te8 8e 77 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n pfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:270\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:270\n bfc2:\t8b 56 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%edx\n skip_char():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:191\n bfc5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n bfc8:\t8b 42 74 \tmov 0x74(%edx),%eax\n bfcb:\t83 f8 4d \tcmp $0x4d,%eax\n bfce:\t0f 85 24 fa ff ff \tjne b9f8 \n bfd4:\te9 5f fd ff ff \tjmp bd38 \n bfd9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n bfe0:\t8b 74 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%esi\n bfe4:\teb 9a \tjmp bf80 \n bfe6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n bfed:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n bff0:\t8b 74 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%esi\n read_value_label():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:932\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:932\n bff4:\t8d 85 20 85 ff ff \tlea -0x7ae0(%ebp),%eax\n bffa:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n bffd:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n bfff:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c000:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n c006:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c007:\te8 f4 71 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n c00c:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n c00d:\t5a \tpop %edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:935\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:935\n c00e:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n c012:\t52 \tpush %edx\n c013:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c014:\te8 b7 71 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n c019:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c01c:\te9 5f ff ff ff \tjmp bf80 \n c021:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n@@ -13801,15 +13801,15 @@\n c040:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n c046:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c047:\te8 b4 71 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n c04c:\t8b 4c 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%ecx\n c050:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n c053:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n c054:\teb b8 \tjmp c00e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:984\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:984\n c056:\t8b 51 50 \tmov 0x50(%ecx),%edx\n c059:\t89 4c 24 10 \tmov %ecx,0x10(%esp)\n c05d:\t8d 85 d8 85 ff ff \tlea -0x7a28(%ebp),%eax\n c063:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n c066:\t89 54 24 10 \tmov %edx,0x10(%esp)\n c06a:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n c06c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -13822,30 +13822,30 @@\n c082:\t8b 54 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edx\n c086:\t52 \tpush %edx\n c087:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c088:\te8 43 71 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n c08d:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n c090:\te9 eb fe ff ff \tjmp bf80 \n c095:\t89 54 24 14 \tmov %edx,0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:974\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:974\n c099:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n c09c:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n c09e:\tff 74 24 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esp)\n c0a2:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n c0a6:\te8 05 76 ff ff \tcall 36b0 \n c0ab:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c0ae:\t8b 54 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edx\n c0b2:\t89 86 94 00 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x94(%esi)\n c0b8:\te9 54 fe ff ff \tjmp bf11 \n pfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:297\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:297\n c0bd:\te8 de 83 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n c0c2:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:736\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:736\n c0c5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c0c6:\t8d 85 08 82 ff ff \tlea -0x7df8(%ebp),%eax\n c0cc:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n c0ce:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n c0d0:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c0d1:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n c0d7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -13856,15 +13856,15 @@\n c0e3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c0e4:\te8 e7 70 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n c0e9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c0ec:\te9 f2 f1 ff ff \tjmp b2e3 \n c0f1:\t8b 74 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%esi\n c0f5:\te9 19 f5 ff ff \tjmp b613 \n c0fa:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:758\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:758\n c0fd:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c0fe:\t8d 85 c8 83 ff ff \tlea -0x7c38(%ebp),%eax\n c104:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n c106:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c107:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n c10d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c10e:\te8 ed 70 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n@@ -13872,23 +13872,23 @@\n c114:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n c115:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n c119:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c11a:\te8 b1 70 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n c11f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c122:\te9 bc f1 ff ff \tjmp b2e3 \n c127:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:754\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:754\n c12a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c12b:\t8d 85 98 83 ff ff \tlea -0x7c68(%ebp),%eax\n c131:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n c133:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c134:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n c13a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c13b:\te9 38 f6 ff ff \tjmp b778 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:789\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:789\n c140:\t8d 85 22 82 ff ff \tlea -0x7dde(%ebp),%eax\n c146:\t8b 34 24 \tmov (%esp),%esi\n c149:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n c14a:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n c14c:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n c14e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c14f:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n@@ -13897,226 +13897,226 @@\n c15b:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n c15e:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n c162:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n c166:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c167:\te8 64 70 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n c16c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c16f:\te9 6f f1 ff ff \tjmp b2e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:842\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:842\n c174:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c177:\t8d 85 c0 84 ff ff \tlea -0x7b40(%ebp),%eax\n c17d:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n c17f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c180:\te8 5b 70 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:839\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:839\n c185:\t8d 85 3f 82 ff ff \tlea -0x7dc1(%ebp),%eax\n c18b:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n c18c:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n c18e:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n c190:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c191:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n c197:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c198:\te9 35 f1 ff ff \tjmp b2d2 \n pfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:839\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:839\n c19d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 0000c1a0 :\n pfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1020\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1020\n c1a0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n c1a1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n c1a2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n c1a3:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n c1a4:\te8 27 77 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n c1a9:\t81 c3 57 1e 01 00 \tadd $0x11e57,%ebx\n c1af:\t83 ec 2c \tsub $0x2c,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1021\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1021\n c1b2:\t8b 44 24 40 \tmov 0x40(%esp),%eax\n c1b6:\t8b 78 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1028\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1028\n c1b9:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1027\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1027\n c1bb:\t83 7f 74 63 \tcmpl $0x63,0x74(%edi)\n c1bf:\t0f 84 88 01 00 00 \tje c34d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1033\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1033\n c1c5:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n c1c8:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1033\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1033\n c1ca:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n c1cc:\tff 77 18 \tpushl 0x18(%edi)\n c1cf:\te8 1c 75 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n c1d4:\t8b 4f 10 \tmov 0x10(%edi),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1033\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1033\n c1d7:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n c1db:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c1de:\t89 44 24 10 \tmov %eax,0x10(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1038\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1038\n c1e2:\t8b 83 c0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x40(%ebx),%eax\n c1e8:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n c1ec:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n c1ee:\t7f 3a \tjg c22a \n c1f0:\te9 e2 00 00 00 \tjmp c2d7 \n c1f5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1037\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1037\n c1f8:\te8 53 ea ff ff \tcall ac50 \n c1fd:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n c201:\tdd 10 \tfstl (%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1038\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1038\n c203:\t8b 44 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%eax\n c207:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n c209:\tdd 54 24 08 \tfstl 0x8(%esp)\n c20d:\td9 c9 \tfxch %st(1)\n c20f:\tdf e9 \tfucomip %st(1),%st\n c211:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n c213:\t0f 8b 77 01 00 00 \tjnp c390 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1040\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1040\n c219:\t83 44 24 10 08 \taddl $0x8,0x10(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n c21e:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n c221:\t39 77 10 \tcmp %esi,0x10(%edi)\n c224:\t0f 8e ad 00 00 00 \tjle c2d7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1035\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1035\n c22a:\t8d 04 b5 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%esi,4),%eax\n c231:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n c235:\t8b 47 14 \tmov 0x14(%edi),%eax\n c238:\t8b 04 b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%eax\n c23b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1037\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1037\n c23d:\t8b 44 24 40 \tmov 0x40(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1035\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1035\n c241:\t74 b5 \tje c1f8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1044\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1044\n c243:\te8 28 ee ff ff \tcall b070 \n c248:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1045\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1045\n c24a:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n c24c:\t0f 84 44 01 00 00 \tje c396 \n asciify():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n c252:\t0f b6 00 \tmovzbl (%eax),%eax\n c255:\t89 d1 \tmov %edx,%ecx\n c257:\t8d ab 00 87 ff ff \tlea -0x7900(%ebx),%ebp\n c25d:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n c25f:\t74 19 \tje c27a \n c261:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:677\n c268:\t0f b6 44 05 00 \tmovzbl 0x0(%ebp,%eax,1),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n c26d:\t83 c1 01 \tadd $0x1,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:677\n c270:\t88 41 ff \tmov %al,-0x1(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:676\n c273:\t0f b6 01 \tmovzbl (%ecx),%eax\n c276:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n c278:\t75 ee \tjne c268 \n pfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1049\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1049\n c27a:\t8b 4c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%ecx\n c27e:\t8b 47 14 \tmov 0x14(%edi),%eax\n st_bare_pad_copy():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1004\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1004\n c281:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n pfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1049\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1049\n c284:\t8b 2c 08 \tmov (%eax,%ecx,1),%ebp\n st_bare_pad_copy():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1004\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1004\n c287:\t52 \tpush %edx\n c288:\t89 54 24 28 \tmov %edx,0x28(%esp)\n c28c:\te8 1f 72 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n c291:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1005\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1005\n c294:\t8b 54 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%edx\n c298:\t39 c5 \tcmp %eax,%ebp\n c29a:\t0f 87 b8 00 00 00 \tja c358 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n c2a0:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n c2a3:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n c2a4:\t52 \tpush %edx\n c2a5:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n c2a9:\te8 d2 6e ff ff \tcall 3180 \n c2ae:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n pfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1050\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1050\n c2b1:\t8b 47 14 \tmov 0x14(%edi),%eax\n c2b4:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n c2b8:\t8b 14 10 \tmov (%eax,%edx,1),%edx\n c2bb:\t8d 42 0e \tlea 0xe(%edx),%eax\n c2be:\t83 c2 07 \tadd $0x7,%edx\n c2c1:\t0f 49 c2 \tcmovns %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n c2c4:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1050\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1050\n c2c7:\t83 e0 f8 \tand $0xfffffff8,%eax\n c2ca:\t01 44 24 10 \tadd %eax,0x10(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1034\n c2ce:\t39 77 10 \tcmp %esi,0x10(%edi)\n c2d1:\t0f 8f 53 ff ff ff \tjg c22a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1055\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1055\n c2d7:\t8b 44 24 48 \tmov 0x48(%esp),%eax\n c2db:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n c2dd:\t8b 50 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%edx\n c2e0:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n c2e2:\t7e 55 \tjle c339 \n c2e4:\t8b 6c 24 44 \tmov 0x44(%esp),%ebp\n c2e8:\t8b 7c 24 48 \tmov 0x48(%esp),%edi\n c2ec:\teb 0e \tjmp c2fc \n c2ee:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1063\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1063\n c2f0:\tdd 01 \tfldl (%ecx)\n c2f2:\tdd 1a \tfstpl (%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1055 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1055 (discriminator 2)\n c2f4:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n c2f7:\t39 77 08 \tcmp %esi,0x8(%edi)\n c2fa:\t7e 3d \tjle c339 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1057\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1057\n c2fc:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n c2fe:\t8b 04 b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1059\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1059\n c301:\t8b 90 9c 00 00 00 \tmov 0x9c(%eax),%edx\n c307:\t83 fa ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%edx\n c30a:\t74 e8 \tje c2f4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1062\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1062\n c30c:\t8b 4c 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%ecx\n c310:\t83 78 48 00 \tcmpl $0x0,0x48(%eax)\n c314:\t8d 0c d1 \tlea (%ecx,%edx,8),%ecx\n c317:\t8b 50 54 \tmov 0x54(%eax),%edx\n c31a:\t8d 54 d5 00 \tlea 0x0(%ebp,%edx,8),%edx\n c31e:\t74 d0 \tje c2f0 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n c320:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n c323:\tff 70 50 \tpushl 0x50(%eax)\n pfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1055\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1055\n c326:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n c329:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n c32a:\tff 32 \tpushl (%edx)\n c32c:\te8 4f 6e ff ff \tcall 3180 \n c331:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n pfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1055\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1055\n c334:\t39 77 08 \tcmp %esi,0x8(%edi)\n c337:\t7f c3 \tjg c2fc \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1068\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1068\n c339:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c33c:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n c340:\te8 0b 74 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1069\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1069\n c345:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c348:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1077\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1077\n c34d:\t83 c4 2c \tadd $0x2c,%esp\n c350:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n c351:\t5e \tpop %esi\n c352:\t5f \tpop %edi\n c353:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n c354:\tc3 \tret \n c355:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n@@ -14125,58 +14125,58 @@\n c358:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n c35b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c35c:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n c360:\t52 \tpush %edx\n c361:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n c365:\te8 16 6e ff ff \tcall 3180 \n st_bare_pad_copy():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1010\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1010\n c36a:\t8b 4c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%ecx\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n c36e:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n st_bare_pad_copy():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1010\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1010\n c371:\t29 cd \tsub %ecx,%ebp\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n c373:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n c374:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n st_bare_pad_copy():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1010\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1010\n c376:\t03 4c 24 1c \tadd 0x1c(%esp),%ecx\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n c37a:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n c37b:\te8 d0 71 ff ff \tcall 3550 \n c380:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c383:\te9 29 ff ff ff \tjmp c2b1 \n c388:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n c38f:\t90 \tnop\n pfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1038\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1038\n c390:\t0f 85 83 fe ff ff \tjne c219 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1072\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1072\n c396:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n c399:\t8d 83 34 86 ff ff \tlea -0x79cc(%ebx),%eax\n c39f:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n c3a1:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c3a2:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n c3a8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c3a9:\te8 52 6e ff ff \tcall 3200 \n c3ae:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n c3b1:\te8 1a 6e ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1075\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1075\n c3b6:\t58 \tpop %eax\n c3b7:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n c3bb:\te8 90 73 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1076\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1076\n c3c0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c3c3:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/pfm-read.c:1077\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/pfm-read.c:1077\n c3c5:\t83 c4 2c \tadd $0x2c,%esp\n c3c8:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n c3c9:\t5e \tpop %esi\n c3ca:\t5f \tpop %edi\n c3cb:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n c3cc:\tc3 \tret \n __x86.get_pc_thunk.bp():\n@@ -14189,67 +14189,67 @@\n c3d9:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n c3db:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n c3dd:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n c3df:\t90 \tnop\n \n 0000c3e0 :\n cmp_variable():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:870\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:870\n c3e0:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n c3e1:\te8 ea 74 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n c3e6:\t81 c3 1a 1c 01 00 \tadd $0x11c1a,%ebx\n c3ec:\t83 ec 10 \tsub $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:871\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:871\n c3ef:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n c3f3:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n c3f7:\te8 a4 6c ff ff \tcall 30a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:872\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:872\n c3fc:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n c3ff:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n c400:\tc3 \tret \n c401:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n c408:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n c40f:\t90 \tnop\n sfm_close():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:159\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:159\n c410:\t57 \tpush %edi\n c411:\t56 \tpush %esi\n c412:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n c413:\t8b 7c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%edi\n c417:\te8 b4 74 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n c41c:\t81 c3 e4 1b 01 00 \tadd $0x11be4,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:160\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:160\n c422:\t8b 77 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:162\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:162\n c425:\t83 6e 04 01 \tsubl $0x1,0x4(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:163\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:163\n c429:\t75 26 \tjne c451 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:164\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:164\n c42b:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c42e:\tff 76 40 \tpushl 0x40(%esi)\n c431:\te8 1a 73 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n c436:\tc7 46 40 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x40(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:165\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:165\n c43d:\t58 \tpop %eax\n c43e:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n c440:\te8 7b 6d ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n c445:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c448:\t83 f8 ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%eax\n c44b:\t74 13 \tje c460 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:167\n c44d:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n c44e:\t5e \tpop %esi\n c44f:\t5f \tpop %edi\n c450:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:163 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:163 (discriminator 1)\n c451:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c454:\t8d 83 18 88 ff ff \tlea -0x77e8(%ebx),%eax\n c45a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c45b:\te8 80 6d ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:166\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:166\n c460:\te8 3b 71 ff ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n c465:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c468:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n c46a:\te8 d1 6f ff ff \tcall 3440 \n c46f:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n c472:\t8b 7f 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%edi\n c475:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n@@ -14263,61 +14263,61 @@\n c48f:\t56 \tpush %esi\n c490:\t57 \tpush %edi\n c491:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c492:\te8 49 6d ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n c497:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n c49e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n bufread():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1367\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1367\n c4a0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n c4a1:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n c4a3:\t57 \tpush %edi\n c4a4:\t89 d7 \tmov %edx,%edi\n c4a6:\t56 \tpush %esi\n c4a7:\t89 ce \tmov %ecx,%esi\n c4a9:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n c4aa:\te8 21 74 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n c4af:\t81 c3 51 1b 01 00 \tadd $0x11b51,%ebx\n c4b5:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c4b8:\t8b 54 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1371\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1371\n c4bc:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n c4be:\t0f 84 94 00 00 00 \tje c558 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1373\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1373\n c4c4:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n c4c6:\t74 13 \tje c4db \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n c4c8:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n c4ca:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n c4cc:\t52 \tpush %edx\n c4cd:\t56 \tpush %esi\n c4ce:\te8 7d 6e ff ff \tcall 3350 \n bufread():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1373\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1373\n c4d3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c4d6:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n c4d9:\t75 0d \tjne c4e8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1382\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1382\n c4db:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n c4de:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n c4e0:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n c4e1:\t5e \tpop %esi\n c4e2:\t5f \tpop %edi\n c4e3:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n c4e4:\tc3 \tret \n c4e5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1375\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1375\n c4e8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c4eb:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n c4ed:\te8 ae 6c ff ff \tcall 31a0 \n c4f2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c4f5:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n c4f7:\t74 37 \tje c530 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1376\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1376\n c4f9:\te8 a2 70 ff ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n c4fe:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c501:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n c503:\te8 38 6f ff ff \tcall 3440 \n c508:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n c50b:\t8b 7d 00 \tmov 0x0(%ebp),%edi\n c50e:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n@@ -14328,98 +14328,98 @@\n c51f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c520:\te8 db 6c ff ff \tcall 3200 \n c525:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n c528:\t56 \tpush %esi\n c529:\t57 \tpush %edi\n c52a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c52b:\te8 b0 6c ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1378\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1378\n c530:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n c533:\t8d 83 4c 99 ff ff \tlea -0x66b4(%ebx),%eax\n c539:\t8b 75 00 \tmov 0x0(%ebp),%esi\n c53c:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n c53e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c53f:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n c545:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c546:\te8 b5 6c ff ff \tcall 3200 \n c54b:\t5a \tpop %edx\n c54c:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n c54d:\t56 \tpush %esi\n c54e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c54f:\te8 8c 6c ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n c554:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1372\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1372\n c558:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n c55b:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n c55d:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n c55f:\t3b 54 24 30 \tcmp 0x30(%esp),%edx\n c563:\t0f 42 44 24 30 \tcmovb 0x30(%esp),%eax\n c568:\t89 54 24 2c \tmov %edx,0x2c(%esp)\n c56c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c56d:\te8 7e 71 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n c572:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c575:\t8b 54 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edx\n c579:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n c57b:\te9 44 ff ff ff \tjmp c4c4 \n buffer_input():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1506\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1506\n c580:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n c581:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n c583:\t57 \tpush %edi\n c584:\t56 \tpush %esi\n c585:\t89 d6 \tmov %edx,%esi\n c587:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n c588:\te8 43 73 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n c58d:\t81 c3 73 1a 01 00 \tadd $0x11a73,%ebx\n c593:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1511\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1511\n c596:\t8b 42 40 \tmov 0x40(%edx),%eax\n c599:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n c59b:\t74 3b \tje c5d8 \n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n c59d:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n c59f:\t68 80 00 00 00 \tpush $0x80\n c5a4:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n c5a6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c5a7:\te8 a4 6d ff ff \tcall 3350 \n c5ac:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n buffer_input():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1514\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1514\n c5ae:\t58 \tpop %eax\n c5af:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n c5b1:\te8 ea 6b ff ff \tcall 31a0 \n c5b6:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c5b9:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n c5bb:\t75 32 \tjne c5ef \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1519\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1519\n c5bd:\t8b 46 40 \tmov 0x40(%esi),%eax\n c5c0:\t89 46 44 \tmov %eax,0x44(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1520\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1520\n c5c3:\t8d 04 f8 \tlea (%eax,%edi,8),%eax\n c5c6:\t89 46 48 \tmov %eax,0x48(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1522\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1522\n c5c9:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n c5cc:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n c5ce:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n c5cf:\t5e \tpop %esi\n c5d0:\t5f \tpop %edi\n c5d1:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n c5d2:\tc3 \tret \n c5d3:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n c5d7:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1512\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1512\n c5d8:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n c5db:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n c5dd:\t68 80 00 00 00 \tpush $0x80\n c5e2:\te8 09 71 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n c5e7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c5ea:\t89 46 40 \tmov %eax,0x40(%esi)\n c5ed:\teb ae \tjmp c59d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1516\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1516\n c5ef:\te8 ac 6f ff ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n c5f4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c5f7:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n c5f9:\te8 42 6e ff ff \tcall 3440 \n c5fe:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n c601:\t8b 7d 00 \tmov 0x0(%ebp),%edi\n c604:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n@@ -14431,515 +14431,515 @@\n c616:\te8 e5 6b ff ff \tcall 3200 \n c61b:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n c61e:\t56 \tpush %esi\n c61f:\t57 \tpush %edi\n c620:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c621:\te8 ba 6b ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n buffer_input.isra.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1516\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1516\n c626:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n c62d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 0000c630 :\n sfm_maybe_close():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:172\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:172\n c630:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n c631:\te8 9a 72 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n c636:\t81 c3 ca 19 01 00 \tadd $0x119ca,%ebx\n c63c:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n c63f:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:173\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:173\n c643:\t8b 51 24 \tmov 0x24(%ecx),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:175\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:175\n c646:\t8b 42 04 \tmov 0x4(%edx),%eax\n c649:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n c64c:\t74 12 \tje c660 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:178\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:178\n c64e:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n c651:\t89 42 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:179\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:179\n c654:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n c657:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n c658:\tc3 \tret \n c659:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:176\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:176\n c660:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c663:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n c664:\te8 27 72 ff ff \tcall 3890 \n c669:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:179\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:179\n c66c:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n c66f:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n c670:\tc3 \tret \n c671:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n c678:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n c67f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 0000c680 :\n free_value_label():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:221\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:221\n c680:\t56 \tpush %esi\n c681:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n c682:\te8 49 72 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n c687:\t81 c3 79 19 01 00 \tadd $0x11979,%ebx\n c68d:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n c690:\t8b 74 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:222\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:222\n c694:\t8b 46 0c \tmov 0xc(%esi),%eax\n c697:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n c699:\t7e 38 \tjle c6d3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:223\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:223\n c69b:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n c69e:\t89 46 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esi)\n c6a1:\t74 0d \tje c6b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:228\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:228\n c6a3:\t83 c4 04 \tadd $0x4,%esp\n c6a6:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n c6a7:\t5e \tpop %esi\n c6a8:\tc3 \tret \n c6a9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:225\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:225\n c6b0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c6b3:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n c6b6:\te8 95 70 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n c6bb:\tc7 46 08 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x8(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:226\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:226\n c6c2:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n c6c5:\te8 86 70 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:228\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:228\n c6ca:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c6cd:\t83 c4 04 \tadd $0x4,%esp\n c6d0:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n c6d1:\t5e \tpop %esi\n c6d2:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:222 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:222 (discriminator 1)\n c6d3:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c6d6:\t8d 83 3c 88 ff ff \tlea -0x77c4(%ebx),%eax\n c6dc:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c6dd:\te8 fe 6a ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n c6e2:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n c6e9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 0000c6f0 :\n free_val_lab():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:234\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:234\n c6f0:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n c6f1:\te8 da 71 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n c6f6:\t81 c3 0a 19 01 00 \tadd $0x1190a,%ebx\n c6fc:\t83 ec 14 \tsub $0x14,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:235\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:235\n c6ff:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n c703:\te8 28 6a ff ff \tcall 3130 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:236\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:236\n c708:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n c70b:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n c70c:\tc3 \tret \n c70d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 0000c710 :\n free_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:241\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:241\n c710:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n c711:\t57 \tpush %edi\n c712:\t56 \tpush %esi\n c713:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n c714:\te8 b7 71 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n c719:\t81 c3 e7 18 01 00 \tadd $0x118e7,%ebx\n c71f:\t83 ec 28 \tsub $0x28,%esp\n c722:\t8b 6c 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:244\n c726:\tc7 45 14 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x14(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:245\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:245\n c72d:\tff 75 18 \tpushl 0x18(%ebp)\n c730:\te8 1b 70 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:248\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:248\n c735:\t8b 55 04 \tmov 0x4(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:245\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:245\n c738:\tc7 45 18 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x18(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:248\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:248\n c73f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c742:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n c744:\t74 0e \tje c754 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:249\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:249\n c746:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n c749:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n c74b:\t52 \tpush %edx\n c74c:\te8 4f 6b ff ff \tcall 32a0 \n c751:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:251 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:251 (discriminator 1)\n c754:\t8b 4d 08 \tmov 0x8(%ebp),%ecx\n c757:\t8b 55 00 \tmov 0x0(%ebp),%edx\n c75a:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n c75c:\t0f 8e 93 00 00 00 \tjle c7f5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:257\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:257\n c762:\t8b 83 d8 ff ff ff \tmov -0x28(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:251\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:251\n c768:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:257\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:257\n c76a:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n c76e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:253\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:253\n c770:\t8b 14 b2 \tmov (%edx,%esi,4),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:255\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:255\n c773:\t8d 3c b5 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%esi,4),%edi\n c77a:\t8b 8a 94 00 00 00 \tmov 0x94(%edx),%ecx\n c780:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n c782:\t74 22 \tje c7a6 \n c784:\t89 54 24 08 \tmov %edx,0x8(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:257\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:257\n c788:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n c78b:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n c78f:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n c790:\te8 0b 6b ff ff \tcall 32a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:258\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:258\n c795:\t8b 54 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%edx\n c799:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c79c:\tc7 82 94 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x94(%edx)\n c7a3:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:260\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:260\n c7a6:\t8b 8a 98 00 00 00 \tmov 0x98(%edx),%ecx\n c7ac:\t89 54 24 08 \tmov %edx,0x8(%esp)\n c7b0:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n c7b2:\t74 1a \tje c7ce \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:262\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:262\n c7b4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c7b7:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n c7b8:\te8 93 6f ff ff \tcall 3750 \n c7bd:\t8b 54 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%edx\n c7c1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c7c4:\tc7 82 98 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x98(%edx)\n c7cb:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:265 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:265 (discriminator 2)\n c7ce:\t8b 55 00 \tmov 0x0(%ebp),%edx\n c7d1:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:251 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:251 (discriminator 2)\n c7d4:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:265 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:265 (discriminator 2)\n c7d7:\tff 34 3a \tpushl (%edx,%edi,1)\n c7da:\te8 71 6f ff ff \tcall 3750 \n c7df:\t8b 55 00 \tmov 0x0(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:251 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:251 (discriminator 2)\n c7e2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:265 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:265 (discriminator 2)\n c7e5:\tc7 04 3a 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%edx,%edi,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:251 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:251 (discriminator 2)\n c7ec:\t39 75 08 \tcmp %esi,0x8(%ebp)\n c7ef:\t0f 8f 7b ff ff ff \tjg c770 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:267\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:267\n c7f5:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n c7f8:\t52 \tpush %edx\n c7f9:\te8 52 6f ff ff \tcall 3750 \n c7fe:\tc7 45 00 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x0(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:269\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:269\n c805:\t58 \tpop %eax\n c806:\tff 75 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%ebp)\n c809:\te8 42 6f ff ff \tcall 3750 \n c80e:\tc7 45 1c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x1c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:270\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:270\n c815:\t5a \tpop %edx\n c816:\tff 75 24 \tpushl 0x24(%ebp)\n c819:\te8 32 6f ff ff \tcall 3750 \n c81e:\tc7 45 24 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x24(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:272\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:272\n c825:\t89 2c 24 \tmov %ebp,(%esp)\n c828:\te8 23 6f ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:273\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:273\n c82d:\t83 c4 2c \tadd $0x2c,%esp\n c830:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n c831:\t5e \tpop %esi\n c832:\t5f \tpop %edi\n c833:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n c834:\tc3 \tret \n c835:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n c83c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 0000c840 :\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:280\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:280\n c840:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n c841:\t89 e5 \tmov %esp,%ebp\n c843:\t57 \tpush %edi\n c844:\t56 \tpush %esi\n c845:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n c846:\te8 85 70 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n c84b:\t81 c3 b5 17 01 00 \tadd $0x117b5,%ebx\n c851:\t81 ec dc 01 00 00 \tsub $0x1dc,%esp\n c857:\t8b 45 08 \tmov 0x8(%ebp),%eax\n c85a:\t8b 7d 0c \tmov 0xc(%ebp),%edi\n c85d:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:289\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:289\n c863:\t8b 40 20 \tmov 0x20(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:280\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:280\n c866:\t89 bd 54 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x1ac(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:289\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:289\n c86c:\t8d b3 8c 09 00 00 \tlea 0x98c(%ebx),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:280\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:280\n c872:\t65 8b 3d 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%edi\n c879:\t89 7d e4 \tmov %edi,-0x1c(%ebp)\n c87c:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:289\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:289\n c87e:\t89 85 74 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x18c(%ebp)\n c884:\t39 f0 \tcmp %esi,%eax\n c886:\t0f 84 a4 03 00 00 \tje cc30 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:295\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:295\n c88c:\t8b bd 74 fe ff ff \tmov -0x18c(%ebp),%edi\n c892:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n c894:\t0f 85 d0 2a 00 00 \tjne f36a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:307\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:307\n c89a:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n c89d:\t6a 58 \tpush $0x58\n c89f:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n c8a1:\te8 4a 6e ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:308\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:308\n c8a6:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:307\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:307\n c8a7:\t89 85 a4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x15c(%ebp)\n c8ad:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:308\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:308\n c8af:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n c8b5:\tff 70 04 \tpushl 0x4(%eax)\n c8b8:\te8 13 6f ff ff \tcall 37d0 \n c8bd:\t5a \tpop %edx\n c8be:\t8d 93 00 70 ff ff \tlea -0x9000(%ebx),%edx\n c8c4:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n c8c5:\t52 \tpush %edx\n c8c6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n c8c7:\te8 74 6c ff ff \tcall 3540 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:309\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:309\n c8cc:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:308\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:308\n c8cf:\t89 07 \tmov %eax,(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:309\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:309\n c8d1:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n c8d3:\t0f 84 48 2a 00 00 \tje f321 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:325\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:325\n c8d9:\tdd 83 50 9a ff ff \tfldl -0x65b0(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:318\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:318\n c8df:\t8b bd a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%edi\n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:711\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:711\n c8e5:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n second_lowest_double_val():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:86\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:86\n c8e8:\tc7 85 a8 fe ff ff fe \tmovl $0xfffffffe,-0x158(%ebp)\n c8ef:\tff ff ff \n c8f2:\tc7 85 ac fe ff ff ff \tmovl $0xffefffff,-0x154(%ebp)\n c8f9:\tff ef ff \n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:317\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:317\n c8fc:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n c902:\t89 70 20 \tmov %esi,0x20(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:318\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:318\n c905:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n c907:\t89 78 24 \tmov %edi,0x24(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:321\n c90a:\t8d 47 54 \tlea 0x54(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:325\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:325\n c90d:\tdd 5f 28 \tfstpl 0x28(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:326\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:326\n c910:\tdd 83 08 88 ff ff \tfldl -0x77f8(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:319\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:319\n c916:\tc7 47 08 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x8(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:320\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:320\n c91d:\tc7 47 48 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x48(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:326\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:326\n c924:\tdd 5f 30 \tfstpl 0x30(%edi)\n second_lowest_double_val():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:88\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:88\n c927:\tdd 85 a8 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x158(%ebp)\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:320\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:320\n c92d:\tc7 47 44 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x44(%edi)\n c934:\tc7 47 40 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x40(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:327\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:327\n c93b:\tdd 5f 38 \tfstpl 0x38(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:321\n c93e:\t89 47 54 \tmov %eax,0x54(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:322\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:322\n c941:\tc7 47 04 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x4(%edi)\n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:711\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:711\n c948:\t68 ac 00 00 00 \tpush $0xac\n c94d:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n c94f:\te8 9c 6d ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:730\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:730\n c954:\t8d 8d f0 fe ff ff \tlea -0x110(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:711\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:711\n c95a:\t89 47 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%edi)\n c95d:\t89 85 a8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x158(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:712\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:712\n c963:\tc7 00 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:713\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:713\n c969:\tc7 40 04 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:718\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:718\n c970:\tc7 40 18 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x18(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:719\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:719\n c977:\tc6 40 2c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x2c(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:721\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:721\n c97b:\tc6 40 6c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x6c(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:722\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:722\n c97f:\tc7 40 1c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x1c(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:724\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:724\n c986:\tc7 40 24 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x24(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:730\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:730\n c98d:\t8b 56 24 \tmov 0x24(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:714\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:714\n c990:\tc7 40 08 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x8(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:715\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:715\n c997:\tc7 40 0c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0xc(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:716\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:716\n c99e:\tc7 40 10 ff ff ff ff \tmovl $0xffffffff,0x10(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:717\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:717\n c9a5:\tc7 40 14 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x14(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:720\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:720\n c9ac:\tc7 40 28 ff ff ff ff \tmovl $0xffffffff,0x28(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:723\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:723\n c9b3:\tc7 40 20 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x20(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:730\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:730\n c9ba:\t8d 46 08 \tlea 0x8(%esi),%eax\n c9bd:\t5e \tpop %esi\n c9be:\t5f \tpop %edi\n c9bf:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n c9c1:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n c9c3:\t89 85 a0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x160(%ebp)\n c9c9:\t89 8d 78 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x188(%ebp)\n c9cf:\te8 cc fa ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n c9d4:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n c9d7:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n c9d9:\t0f 84 c9 01 00 00 \tje cba8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:731\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:731\n c9df:\t8b bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edi\n c9e5:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n c9e8:\t8b b5 a0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x160(%ebp),%esi\n c9ee:\t8d 8d f4 fe ff ff \tlea -0x10c(%ebp),%ecx\n c9f4:\t89 8d 98 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x168(%ebp)\n c9fa:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n c9fd:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n c9ff:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n ca01:\t6a 3c \tpush $0x3c\n ca03:\te8 98 fa ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n ca08:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n ca0b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ca0d:\t0f 84 95 01 00 00 \tje cba8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:732\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:732\n ca13:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n ca16:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n ca19:\t8d 8d 30 ff ff ff \tlea -0xd0(%ebp),%ecx\n ca1f:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n ca21:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n ca23:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n ca25:\te8 76 fa ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n ca2a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n ca2d:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ca2f:\t0f 84 73 01 00 00 \tje cba8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:733\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:733\n ca35:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n ca38:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n ca3b:\t8d 8d 34 ff ff ff \tlea -0xcc(%ebp),%ecx\n ca41:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n ca43:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n ca45:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n ca47:\te8 54 fa ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n ca4c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n ca4f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ca51:\t0f 84 51 01 00 00 \tje cba8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:734\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:734\n ca57:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n ca5a:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n ca5d:\t8d 8d 38 ff ff ff \tlea -0xc8(%ebp),%ecx\n ca63:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n ca65:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n ca67:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n ca69:\te8 32 fa ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n ca6e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n ca71:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ca73:\t0f 84 2f 01 00 00 \tje cba8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:735\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:735\n ca79:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n ca7c:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n ca7f:\t8d 8d 3c ff ff ff \tlea -0xc4(%ebp),%ecx\n ca85:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n ca87:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n ca89:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n ca8b:\te8 10 fa ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n ca90:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n ca93:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ca95:\t0f 84 0d 01 00 00 \tje cba8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:736\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:736\n ca9b:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n ca9e:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n caa1:\t8d 8d 40 ff ff ff \tlea -0xc0(%ebp),%ecx\n caa7:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n caa9:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n caab:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n caad:\te8 ee f9 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n cab2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n cab5:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n cab7:\t0f 84 eb 00 00 00 \tje cba8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:737\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:737\n cabd:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n cac0:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n cac3:\t8d 8d 44 ff ff ff \tlea -0xbc(%ebp),%ecx\n cac9:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n cacb:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n cacd:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n cacf:\te8 cc f9 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n cad4:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n cad7:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n cad9:\t0f 84 c9 00 00 00 \tje cba8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:738\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:738\n cadf:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n cae2:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n cae5:\t8d 8d 4c ff ff ff \tlea -0xb4(%ebp),%ecx\n caeb:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n caed:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n caef:\t6a 09 \tpush $0x9\n caf1:\te8 aa f9 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n caf6:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n caf9:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n cafb:\t0f 84 a7 00 00 00 \tje cba8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:739\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:739\n cb01:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n cb04:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n cb07:\t8d 8d 55 ff ff ff \tlea -0xab(%ebp),%ecx\n cb0d:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n cb0f:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n cb11:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n cb13:\te8 88 f9 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n cb18:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n cb1b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n cb1d:\t0f 84 85 00 00 00 \tje cba8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:740\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:740\n cb23:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n cb26:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n cb29:\t8d 8d 5d ff ff ff \tlea -0xa3(%ebp),%ecx\n cb2f:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n cb31:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n cb33:\t6a 40 \tpush $0x40\n cb35:\t89 8d 90 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x170(%ebp)\n cb3b:\te8 60 f9 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n cb40:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n cb43:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n cb45:\t74 61 \tje cba8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:741\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:741\n cb47:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n cb4a:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n cb4d:\t8d 4d 9d \tlea -0x63(%ebp),%ecx\n cb50:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n cb52:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n cb54:\t6a 03 \tpush $0x3\n cb56:\te8 45 f9 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n cb5b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n cb5e:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n cb60:\t74 46 \tje cba8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:742\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:742\n cb62:\t8b 85 78 fe ff ff \tmov -0x188(%ebp),%eax\n cb68:\t81 38 24 46 4c 32 \tcmpl $0x324c4624,(%eax)\n cb6e:\t0f 84 e4 00 00 00 \tje cc58 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:743\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:743\n cb74:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n cb7a:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n cb7d:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n cb80:\t8d 83 e4 88 ff ff \tlea -0x771c(%ebx),%eax\n cb86:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n cb88:\t50 \tpush %eax\n cb89:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -14949,80 +14949,80 @@\n cb96:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n cb97:\t56 \tpush %esi\n cb98:\t50 \tpush %eax\n cb99:\te8 32 66 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n cb9e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n cba1:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:286\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:286\n cba8:\tc7 85 84 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x17c(%ebp)\n cbaf:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:529\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:529\n cbb2:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n cbb5:\tff b5 84 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x17c(%ebp)\n cbbb:\te8 90 6b ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:530\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:530\n cbc0:\t8b bd a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%edi\n cbc6:\t58 \tpop %eax\n cbc7:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n cbc9:\te8 f2 65 ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:531\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:531\n cbce:\t8b 47 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%eax\n cbd1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n cbd4:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n cbd6:\t74 0c \tje cbe4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:532\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:532\n cbd8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n cbdb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n cbdc:\te8 ff 68 ff ff \tcall 34e0 \n cbe1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:533\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:533\n cbe4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n cbe7:\tff b5 a4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x15c(%ebp)\n cbed:\te8 5e 6b ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:534\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:534\n cbf2:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:536\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:536\n cbf8:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:534\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:534\n cbfb:\tc7 40 20 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x20(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:535\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:535\n cc02:\tc7 40 24 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x24(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:536\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:536\n cc09:\t8d 83 60 98 ff ff \tlea -0x67a0(%ebx),%eax\n cc0f:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n cc11:\t50 \tpush %eax\n cc12:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n cc18:\t50 \tpush %eax\n cc19:\te8 e2 65 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n cc1e:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n cc21:\te8 ba 65 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n cc26:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n cc2d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:291\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:291\n cc30:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n cc36:\t8b 40 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:292\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:292\n cc39:\t83 40 04 01 \taddl $0x1,0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:293\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:293\n cc3d:\t8b 40 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:538\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:538\n cc40:\t8b 5d e4 \tmov -0x1c(%ebp),%ebx\n cc43:\t65 33 1d 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%ebx\n cc4a:\t0f 85 56 27 00 00 \tjne f3a6 \n cc50:\t8d 65 f4 \tlea -0xc(%ebp),%esp\n cc53:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n cc54:\t5e \tpop %esi\n cc55:\t5f \tpop %edi\n cc56:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n cc57:\tc3 \tret \n cc58:\t8b 85 f4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x10c(%ebp),%eax\n cc5e:\t8d 7d a7 \tlea -0x59(%ebp),%edi\n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:742\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:742\n cc61:\tc7 85 68 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x198(%ebp)\n cc68:\t00 00 00 \n sfm_read_dictionary():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n cc6b:\t89 45 a7 \tmov %eax,-0x59(%ebp)\n cc6e:\t8b 85 f8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x108(%ebp),%eax\n cc74:\t89 45 ab \tmov %eax,-0x55(%ebp)\n@@ -15049,289 +15049,289 @@\n ccd1:\t8b 85 24 ff ff ff \tmov -0xdc(%ebp),%eax\n ccd7:\t89 45 d7 \tmov %eax,-0x29(%ebp)\n ccda:\t8b 85 28 ff ff ff \tmov -0xd8(%ebp),%eax\n cce0:\t89 45 db \tmov %eax,-0x25(%ebp)\n cce3:\t8b 85 2c ff ff ff \tmov -0xd4(%ebp),%eax\n cce9:\t89 45 df \tmov %eax,-0x21(%ebp)\n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:749\n ccec:\te8 7f 6b ff ff \tcall 3870 <__ctype_b_loc@plt>\n ccf1:\t89 bd 84 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x17c(%ebp)\n ccf7:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n ccf9:\t8d 55 e3 \tlea -0x1d(%ebp),%edx\n ccfc:\t89 85 4c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1b4(%ebp)\n cd02:\t8b bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edi\n cd08:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n cd0a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n cd10:\t0f b6 31 \tmovzbl (%ecx),%esi\n cd13:\tf6 44 70 01 40 \ttestb $0x40,0x1(%eax,%esi,2)\n cd18:\t75 03 \tjne cd1d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:750\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:750\n cd1a:\tc6 01 20 \tmovb $0x20,(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:748\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:748\n cd1d:\t83 c1 01 \tadd $0x1,%ecx\n cd20:\t39 ca \tcmp %ecx,%edx\n cd22:\t75 ec \tjne cd10 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:751\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:751\n cd24:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n cd2a:\tb9 3b 00 00 00 \tmov $0x3b,%ecx\n cd2f:\t8b bd 84 fe ff ff \tmov -0x17c(%ebp),%edi\n cd35:\teb 11 \tjmp cd48 \n cd37:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n cd3e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n cd40:\t83 e9 01 \tsub $0x1,%ecx\n cd43:\t83 f9 ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%ecx\n cd46:\t74 10 \tje cd58 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:752\n cd48:\t0f b6 34 0f \tmovzbl (%edi,%ecx,1),%esi\n cd4c:\t66 83 3c 70 00 \tcmpw $0x0,(%eax,%esi,2)\n cd51:\t78 ed \tjs cd40 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:754\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:754\n cd53:\tc6 44 0d a7 00 \tmovb $0x0,-0x59(%ebp,%ecx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:770\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:770\n cd58:\t8b bd 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%edi\n cd5e:\tb9 13 00 00 00 \tmov $0x13,%ecx\n cd63:\t8d b3 b9 99 ff ff \tlea -0x6647(%ebx),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:757\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:757\n cd69:\tc6 45 e3 00 \tmovb $0x0,-0x1d(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:770\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:770\n cd6d:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n cd6f:\t0f 97 c1 \tseta %cl\n cd72:\t80 d9 00 \tsbb $0x0,%cl\n cd75:\t84 c9 \ttest %cl,%cl\n cd77:\t0f 84 7c 25 00 00 \tje f2f9 \n cd7d:\t8b bd 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%edi\n cd83:\tb9 11 00 00 00 \tmov $0x11,%ecx\n cd88:\t8d b3 cd 99 ff ff \tlea -0x6633(%ebx),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:707\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:707\n cd8e:\tc7 85 88 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x178(%ebp)\n cd95:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:770\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:770\n cd98:\tf3 a6 \trepz cmpsb %es:(%edi),%ds:(%esi)\n cd9a:\t0f 97 c1 \tseta %cl\n cd9d:\t80 d9 00 \tsbb $0x0,%cl\n cda0:\t84 c9 \ttest %cl,%cl\n cda2:\t0f 84 72 25 00 00 \tje f31a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:779\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:779\n cda8:\t8b b5 30 ff ff ff \tmov -0xd0(%ebp),%esi\n cdae:\t8d 4e fe \tlea -0x2(%esi),%ecx\n cdb1:\t83 f9 01 \tcmp $0x1,%ecx\n cdb4:\t0f 86 05 20 00 00 \tjbe edbf \n cdba:\t0f ce \tbswap %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:784\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:784\n cdbc:\t8d 4e fe \tlea -0x2(%esi),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:783\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:783\n cdbf:\t89 b5 30 ff ff ff \tmov %esi,-0xd0(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:784\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:784\n cdc5:\t83 f9 01 \tcmp $0x1,%ecx\n cdc8:\t0f 87 0f 24 00 00 \tja f1dd \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:788\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:788\n cdce:\t8b bd a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%edi\n cdd4:\tc7 47 0c 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0xc(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:789\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:789\n cddb:\t8b 8d 34 ff ff ff \tmov -0xcc(%ebp),%ecx\n cde1:\t0f c9 \tbswap %ecx\n cde3:\t89 8d 34 ff ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0xcc(%ebp)\n cde9:\t89 ce \tmov %ecx,%esi\n cdeb:\t89 cf \tmov %ecx,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:790\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:790\n cded:\t8b 8d 38 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc8(%ebp),%ecx\n cdf3:\t0f c9 \tbswap %ecx\n cdf5:\t89 8d 38 ff ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0xc8(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:791\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:791\n cdfb:\t8b 8d 3c ff ff ff \tmov -0xc4(%ebp),%ecx\n ce01:\t0f c9 \tbswap %ecx\n ce03:\t89 8d 3c ff ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0xc4(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:792\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:792\n ce09:\t8b 8d 40 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc0(%ebp),%ecx\n ce0f:\t0f c9 \tbswap %ecx\n ce11:\t89 8d 40 ff ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0xc0(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:793\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:793\n ce17:\t8b 8d 48 ff ff ff \tmov -0xb8(%ebp),%ecx\n ce1d:\t0f c9 \tbswap %ecx\n ce1f:\t89 8d 98 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x168(%ebp)\n ce25:\t8b 8d 44 ff ff ff \tmov -0xbc(%ebp),%ecx\n ce2b:\t0f c9 \tbswap %ecx\n ce2d:\t89 8d 9c fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x164(%ebp)\n ce33:\tdd 85 98 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x168(%ebp)\n ce39:\tdd 9d 44 ff ff ff \tfstpl -0xbc(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:797\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:797\n ce3f:\t8b 8d a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%ecx\n ce45:\t89 79 10 \tmov %edi,0x10(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:798\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:798\n ce48:\t8d 4e ff \tlea -0x1(%esi),%ecx\n ce4b:\t81 f9 fe ff ff 07 \tcmp $0x7fffffe,%ecx\n ce51:\t0f 87 82 1f 00 00 \tja edd9 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:803\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:803\n ce57:\t8b 8d 38 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc8(%ebp),%ecx\n ce5d:\t8b b5 a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%esi\n ce63:\t89 4e 18 \tmov %ecx,0x18(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:805\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:805\n ce66:\t8b 8d 3c ff ff ff \tmov -0xc4(%ebp),%ecx\n ce6c:\t89 8d 98 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x168(%ebp)\n ce72:\t83 e9 01 \tsub $0x1,%ecx\n ce75:\t89 4e 24 \tmov %ecx,0x24(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:806\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:806\n ce78:\t8b 8d 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%ecx\n ce7e:\t39 f9 \tcmp %edi,%ecx\n ce80:\t0f 8f 8d 22 00 00 \tjg f113 \n ce86:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n ce88:\t0f 88 85 22 00 00 \tjs f113 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:810\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:810\n ce8e:\t8b b5 40 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc0(%ebp),%esi\n ce94:\t8b bd a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:811\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:811\n ce9a:\t8d 4e 01 \tlea 0x1(%esi),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:810\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:810\n ce9d:\t89 77 14 \tmov %esi,0x14(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:811\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:811\n cea0:\t81 f9 00 00 00 40 \tcmp $0x40000000,%ecx\n cea6:\t0f 87 c2 23 00 00 \tja f26e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:815\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:815\n ceac:\tdd 85 44 ff ff ff \tfldl -0xbc(%ebp)\n ceb2:\t8b bd a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%edi\n ceb8:\tdd 57 1c \tfstl 0x1c(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:816\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:816\n cebb:\td9 83 58 9a ff ff \tflds -0x65a8(%ebx)\n cec1:\td9 c9 \tfxch %st(1)\n cec3:\tdb e9 \tfucomi %st(1),%st\n cec5:\tdd d9 \tfstp %st(1)\n cec7:\t0f 8a 4e 23 00 00 \tjp f21b \n cecd:\t0f 85 48 23 00 00 \tjne f21b \n ced3:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:825\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:825\n ced5:\t8b bd a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:826\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:826\n cedb:\tbe 3f 00 00 00 \tmov $0x3f,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:825\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:825\n cee0:\tc7 47 1c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x1c(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:826\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:826\n cee7:\t8b bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edi\n ceed:\t89 bd 80 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x180(%ebp)\n cef3:\t8b bd 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%edi\n cef9:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n ceff:\teb 13 \tjmp cf14 \n cf01:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n cf08:\t83 ee 01 \tsub $0x1,%esi\n cf0b:\t83 fe ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%esi\n cf0e:\t0f 84 f5 23 00 00 \tje f309 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:827\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:827\n cf14:\t8b bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edi\n cf1a:\t0f b6 3c 37 \tmovzbl (%edi,%esi,1),%edi\n cf1e:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:828\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:828\n cf20:\tf6 44 78 01 20 \ttestb $0x20,0x1(%eax,%edi,2)\n cf25:\t75 e1 \tjne cf08 \n cf27:\t84 c9 \ttest %cl,%cl\n cf29:\t74 dd \tje cf08 \n cf2b:\t8b 85 80 fe ff ff \tmov -0x180(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:830\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:830\n cf31:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n cf34:\t89 b5 98 fe ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x168(%ebp)\n cf3a:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n cf3c:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n cf42:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n cf44:\t83 c0 02 \tadd $0x2,%eax\n cf47:\t89 95 80 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x180(%ebp)\n cf4d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n cf4e:\te8 9d 67 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n cf53:\t8b 95 80 fe ff ff \tmov -0x180(%ebp),%edx\n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:830\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:830\n cf59:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n cf5b:\t8b 85 a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%eax\n cf61:\t89 48 1c \tmov %ecx,0x1c(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:831\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:831\n cf64:\t8b 85 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%eax\n cf6a:\t8d 78 01 \tlea 0x1(%eax),%edi\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n cf6d:\t83 ff 04 \tcmp $0x4,%edi\n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:831\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:831\n cf70:\t89 fe \tmov %edi,%esi\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n cf72:\t0f 83 34 23 00 00 \tjae f2ac \n cf78:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n cf7a:\t74 14 \tje cf90 \n cf7c:\t8b 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%eax\n cf82:\t83 e7 02 \tand $0x2,%edi\n cf85:\t0f b6 00 \tmovzbl (%eax),%eax\n cf88:\t88 01 \tmov %al,(%ecx)\n cf8a:\t0f 85 54 24 00 00 \tjne f3e4 \n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:832\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:832\n cf90:\t8b 85 a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%eax\n cf96:\t8b 8d 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:833\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:833\n cf9c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:832\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:832\n cf9f:\t8b 40 1c \tmov 0x1c(%eax),%eax\n cfa2:\tc6 44 08 01 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x1(%eax,%ecx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:837\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:837\n cfa7:\t8b bd 54 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1ac(%ebp),%edi\n cfad:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n cfaf:\t0f 84 b3 00 00 00 \tje d068 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n cfb5:\t8b 85 4c ff ff ff \tmov -0xb4(%ebp),%eax\n cfbb:\t8b b5 55 ff ff ff \tmov -0xab(%ebp),%esi\n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:842\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:842\n cfc1:\tc6 47 09 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x9(%edi)\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n cfc5:\t89 07 \tmov %eax,(%edi)\n cfc7:\t8b 85 50 ff ff ff \tmov -0xb0(%ebp),%eax\n cfcd:\t89 47 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%edi)\n cfd0:\t0f b6 85 54 ff ff ff \tmovzbl -0xac(%ebp),%eax\n cfd7:\t88 47 08 \tmov %al,0x8(%edi)\n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:842\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:842\n cfda:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n cfdc:\t8b bd 59 ff ff ff \tmov -0xa7(%ebp),%edi\n cfe2:\t89 70 0a \tmov %esi,0xa(%eax)\n cfe5:\t89 78 0e \tmov %edi,0xe(%eax)\n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:845\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:845\n cfe8:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n cfea:\tc6 40 12 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x12(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:850\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:850\n cfee:\t8b 85 a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%eax\n cff4:\t83 78 0c 01 \tcmpl $0x1,0xc(%eax)\n cff8:\t19 c0 \tsbb %eax,%eax\n cffa:\t25 f1 f3 ff ff \tand $0xfffff3f1,%eax\n cfff:\t05 e1 10 00 00 \tadd $0x10e1,%eax\n d004:\t89 47 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:852\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:852\n d007:\t8b 85 38 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc8(%ebp),%eax\n d00d:\t89 47 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:854\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:854\n d010:\t8b 85 40 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc0(%ebp),%eax\n d016:\t89 47 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:856\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:856\n d019:\t8b 85 84 fe ff ff \tmov -0x17c(%ebp),%eax\n d01f:\t03 85 88 fe ff ff \tadd -0x178(%ebp),%eax\n d025:\t39 d0 \tcmp %edx,%eax\n d027:\t73 27 \tjae d050 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:857\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:857\n d029:\t8b bd 4c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1b4(%ebp),%edi\n d02f:\t8b 37 \tmov (%edi),%esi\n d031:\t8b bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edi\n d037:\teb 07 \tjmp d040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:856\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:856\n d039:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n d03c:\t39 d0 \tcmp %edx,%eax\n d03e:\t74 0a \tje d04a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:857\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:857\n d040:\t0f b6 08 \tmovzbl (%eax),%ecx\n d043:\t66 83 3c 4e 00 \tcmpw $0x0,(%esi,%ecx,2)\n d048:\t79 ef \tjns d039 \n d04a:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n d050:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n@@ -15341,218 +15341,218 @@\n d05c:\t83 c0 20 \tadd $0x20,%eax\n d05f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d060:\te8 db 65 ff ff \tcall 3640 <__strcpy_chk@plt>\n read_header():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n d065:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:888\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:888\n d068:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:896\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:896\n d06e:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:888\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:888\n d071:\t8b 70 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:889\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:889\n d074:\t8b 7e 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:896\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:896\n d077:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n d079:\tff 76 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:888\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:888\n d07c:\t89 b5 98 fe ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x168(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:896\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:896\n d082:\te8 69 66 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n d087:\t89 07 \tmov %eax,(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:897\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:897\n d089:\t58 \tpop %eax\n d08a:\t5a \tpop %edx\n d08b:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n d08d:\tff 76 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esi)\n d090:\te8 5b 66 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:901\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:901\n d095:\t8b 76 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%esi\n d098:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:893\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:893\n d09b:\tc7 85 6c fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x194(%ebp)\n d0a2:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:897\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:897\n d0a5:\t89 85 84 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x17c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:901\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:901\n d0ab:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n d0ad:\t0f 8e 47 09 00 00 \tjle d9fa \n parse_format_spec():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1158\n d0b3:\t8b 8b b8 ff ff ff \tmov -0x48(%ebx),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1167\n d0b9:\t8b 93 c8 ff ff ff \tmov -0x38(%ebx),%edx\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:901\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:901\n d0bf:\tc7 85 a8 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x158(%ebp)\n d0c6:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:891\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:891\n d0c9:\tc7 85 90 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x170(%ebp)\n d0d0:\t00 00 00 \n parse_format_spec():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1158\n d0d3:\t89 8d 5c fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x1a4(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1167\n d0d9:\t89 95 58 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x1a8(%ebp)\n d0df:\t89 bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x178(%ebp)\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:906\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:906\n d0e5:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n d0eb:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n d0ee:\t8b 8d 78 fe ff ff \tmov -0x188(%ebp),%ecx\n d0f4:\t8b 50 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%edx\n d0f7:\t8b 85 a0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x160(%ebp),%eax\n d0fd:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n d0ff:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n d101:\te8 9a f3 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n d106:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n d109:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n d10b:\t0f 84 5f 08 00 00 \tje d970 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:908\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:908\n d111:\t8b 85 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%eax\n d117:\t8b 40 0c \tmov 0xc(%eax),%eax\n d11a:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n d11c:\t74 54 \tje d172 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:910\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:910\n d11e:\t8b 85 f0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x110(%ebp),%eax\n d124:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n d126:\t89 85 f0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x110(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:911\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:911\n d12c:\t8b 85 f4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x10c(%ebp),%eax\n d132:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n d134:\t89 85 f4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x10c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:912\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:912\n d13a:\t8b 85 f8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x108(%ebp),%eax\n d140:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n d142:\t89 85 f8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x108(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:913\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:913\n d148:\t8b 85 fc fe ff ff \tmov -0x104(%ebp),%eax\n d14e:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n d150:\t89 85 fc fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x104(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:914\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:914\n d156:\t8b 85 00 ff ff ff \tmov -0x100(%ebp),%eax\n d15c:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n d15e:\t89 85 00 ff ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x100(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:915\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:915\n d164:\t8b 85 04 ff ff ff \tmov -0xfc(%ebp),%eax\n d16a:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n d16c:\t89 85 04 ff ff ff \tmov %eax,-0xfc(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:918\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:918\n d172:\t8b 85 f0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x110(%ebp),%eax\n d178:\t89 85 70 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x190(%ebp)\n d17e:\t83 f8 02 \tcmp $0x2,%eax\n d181:\t0f 85 31 08 00 00 \tjne d9b8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:925\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:925\n d187:\t8b bd 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%edi\n d18d:\t8b b5 f4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x10c(%ebp),%esi\n d193:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n d195:\t0f 84 65 01 00 00 \tje d300 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:927\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:927\n d19b:\t83 fe ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%esi\n d19e:\t0f 84 d4 00 00 00 \tje d278 \n d1a4:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:928\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:928\n d1aa:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n d1ad:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n d1b3:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n d1b6:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n d1b8:\t8d 83 0c 8b ff ff \tlea -0x74f4(%ebx),%eax\n parse_format_spec():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1165\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1165\n d1be:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d1bf:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n d1c5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d1c6:\te8 35 60 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n d1cb:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n d1ce:\tff b5 a8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x158(%ebp)\n d1d4:\t56 \tpush %esi\n d1d5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d1d6:\te8 f5 5f ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n d1db:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1134\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1134\n d1de:\t8b 57 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%edx\n d1e1:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n d1e3:\t8b b5 68 fe ff ff \tmov -0x198(%ebp),%esi\n d1e9:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n d1eb:\t7e 3f \tjle d22c \n d1ed:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1136\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1136\n d1f0:\t8b 04 b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%eax\n d1f3:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n d1f6:\tff b0 98 00 00 00 \tpushl 0x98(%eax)\n d1fc:\te8 4f 65 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n d201:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n d203:\t8b 04 b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%eax\n d206:\tc7 80 98 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x98(%eax)\n d20d:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1137\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1137\n d210:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n d213:\te8 38 65 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n d218:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1134\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1134\n d21a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1137\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1137\n d21d:\tc7 04 b0 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%eax,%esi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1134\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1134\n d224:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n d227:\t3b 77 08 \tcmp 0x8(%edi),%esi\n d22a:\t7c c4 \tjl d1f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1139\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1139\n d22c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n d22f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d230:\te8 1b 65 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1140\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1140\n d235:\t8b 47 04 \tmov 0x4(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1139\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1139\n d238:\tc7 07 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1140\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1140\n d23e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n d241:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n d243:\t74 0e \tje d253 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1141\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1141\n d245:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n d248:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n d24a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d24b:\te8 50 60 ff ff \tcall 32a0 \n d250:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1142\n d253:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n d256:\t57 \tpush %edi\n d257:\te8 f4 64 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1143\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1143\n d25c:\t8b 85 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%eax\n d262:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n d265:\tc7 40 08 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x8(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1145\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1145\n d26c:\te9 41 f9 ff ff \tjmp cbb2 \n d271:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:931\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:931\n d278:\t8b 85 84 fe ff ff \tmov -0x17c(%ebp),%eax\n d27e:\t8b bd a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:932\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:932\n d284:\t83 ad 90 fe ff ff 01 \tsubl $0x1,-0x170(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:931\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:931\n d28b:\tc7 04 b8 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%eax,%edi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:901\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:901\n d292:\t8b bd 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%edi\n d298:\t83 85 a8 fe ff ff 01 \taddl $0x1,-0x158(%ebp)\n d29f:\t8b 85 a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%eax\n d2a5:\t8b 77 10 \tmov 0x10(%edi),%esi\n d2a8:\t39 f0 \tcmp %esi,%eax\n d2aa:\t0f 8c 35 fe ff ff \tjl d0e5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1115\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1115\n d2b0:\t8b 8d 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%ecx\n d2b6:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n d2bc:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n d2c2:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n d2c4:\t0f 84 30 07 00 00 \tje d9fa \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1116\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1116\n d2ca:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n d2cd:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n d2d0:\t8d 83 08 8e ff ff \tlea -0x71f8(%ebx),%eax\n d2d6:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n d2d8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d2d9:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n d2df:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -15562,127 +15562,127 @@\n d2e7:\t56 \tpush %esi\n d2e8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d2e9:\te8 e2 5e ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n d2ee:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n d2f1:\te9 e8 fe ff ff \tjmp d1de \n d2f6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n d2fd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:935\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:935\n d300:\t83 fe ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%esi\n d303:\t0f 84 20 18 00 00 \tje eb29 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:940\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:940\n d309:\t81 fe ff 00 00 00 \tcmp $0xff,%esi\n d30f:\t0f 87 33 18 00 00 \tja eb48 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:943\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:943\n d315:\t83 bd f8 fe ff ff 01 \tcmpl $0x1,-0x108(%ebp)\n d31c:\t0f 87 6f 18 00 00 \tja eb91 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:946\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:946\n d322:\t8b 85 fc fe ff ff \tmov -0x104(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:951\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:951\n d328:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:946\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:946\n d32e:\t8d 50 03 \tlea 0x3(%eax),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:947\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:947\n d331:\t83 fa 06 \tcmp $0x6,%edx\n d334:\t0f 87 8b 07 00 00 \tja dac5 \n d33a:\t83 f8 ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%eax\n d33d:\t0f 84 82 07 00 00 \tje dac5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:951\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:951\n d343:\t8b 47 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:952\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:952\n d346:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:951\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:951\n d349:\t8b 37 \tmov (%edi),%esi\n d34b:\t8d 50 01 \tlea 0x1(%eax),%edx\n d34e:\tc1 e0 02 \tshl $0x2,%eax\n d351:\t89 57 08 \tmov %edx,0x8(%edi)\n d354:\t01 c6 \tadd %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:952\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:952\n d356:\t68 60 01 00 00 \tpush $0x160\n d35b:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n d35d:\te8 8e 63 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:951\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:951\n d362:\t8b 95 84 fe ff ff \tmov -0x17c(%ebp),%edx\n d368:\t8b 8d a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:969\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:969\n d36e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:951\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:951\n d371:\t89 06 \tmov %eax,(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:952\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:952\n d373:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:951\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:951\n d375:\t89 04 8a \tmov %eax,(%edx,%ecx,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:953\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:953\n d378:\t8b 85 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%eax\n d37e:\t8b 40 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:954\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:954\n d381:\tc7 47 4c ff ff ff ff \tmovl $0xffffffff,0x4c(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:955\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:955\n d388:\tc7 87 98 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x98(%edi)\n d38f:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:953\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:953\n d392:\t89 85 80 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x180(%ebp)\n d398:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n d39b:\t89 47 44 \tmov %eax,0x44(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:956\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:956\n d39e:\tc7 87 94 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x94(%edi)\n d3a5:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:969\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:969\n d3a8:\t0f b6 85 08 ff ff ff \tmovzbl -0xf8(%ebp),%eax\n d3af:\t88 85 60 fe ff ff \tmov %al,-0x1a0(%ebp)\n d3b5:\t3c 23 \tcmp $0x23,%al\n d3b7:\t0f 84 53 04 00 00 \tje d810 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:972\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:972\n d3bd:\t0f b6 85 60 fe ff ff \tmovzbl -0x1a0(%ebp),%eax\n d3c4:\t8d 95 08 ff ff ff \tlea -0xf8(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:989\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:989\n d3ca:\t89 bd 80 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x180(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:975\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:975\n d3d0:\tbe 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%esi\n d3d5:\t89 95 7c fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x184(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:989\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:989\n d3db:\t8b 95 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:972\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:972\n d3e1:\t88 07 \tmov %al,(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:979\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:979\n d3e3:\t8b 85 4c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1b4(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:989\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:989\n d3e9:\t89 95 50 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x1b0(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:979\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:979\n d3ef:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:989\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:989\n d3f1:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n d3f7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n d3fe:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:977\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:977\n d400:\t8b 85 7c fe ff ff \tmov -0x184(%ebp),%eax\n d406:\t0f b6 0c 30 \tmovzbl (%eax,%esi,1),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:979\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:979\n d40a:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n d410:\t0f b7 04 48 \tmovzwl (%eax,%ecx,2),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:977\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:977\n d414:\t89 ca \tmov %ecx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:979\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:979\n d416:\tf6 c4 20 \ttest $0x20,%ah\n d419:\t0f 85 a6 00 00 00 \tjne d4c5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:981\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:981\n d41f:\tf6 c4 02 \ttest $0x2,%ah\n d422:\t0f 85 88 00 00 00 \tjne d4b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:988\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:988\n d428:\ta8 08 \ttest $0x8,%al\n d42a:\t0f 85 80 00 00 00 \tjne d4b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:989\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:989\n d430:\t8d 41 dd \tlea -0x23(%ecx),%eax\n d433:\t3c 1d \tcmp $0x1d,%al\n d435:\t77 69 \tja d4a0 \n d437:\tbf 03 08 00 20 \tmov $0x20000803,%edi\n d43c:\t0f a3 c7 \tbt %eax,%edi\n d43f:\t72 6f \tjb d4b0 \n d441:\t8b 85 50 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1b0(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:992\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:992\n d447:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n d44a:\t89 8d 90 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x170(%ebp)\n d450:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n d456:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n d45c:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n d462:\t8b 50 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%edx\n d465:\t8d 83 d0 8c ff ff \tlea -0x7330(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -15698,71 +15698,71 @@\n d48f:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n d490:\t56 \tpush %esi\n d491:\t52 \tpush %edx\n d492:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d493:\te8 38 5d ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n d498:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n d49b:\te9 3e fd ff ff \tjmp d1de \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:989\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:989\n d4a0:\t83 f9 5f \tcmp $0x5f,%ecx\n d4a3:\t74 0b \tje d4b0 \n d4a5:\t83 f9 7f \tcmp $0x7f,%ecx\n d4a8:\t7e 97 \tjle d441 \n d4aa:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:990\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:990\n d4b0:\t8b 85 80 fe ff ff \tmov -0x180(%ebp),%eax\n d4b6:\t88 14 30 \tmov %dl,(%eax,%esi,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:975\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:975\n d4b9:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n d4bc:\t83 fe 08 \tcmp $0x8,%esi\n d4bf:\t0f 85 3b ff ff ff \tjne d400 \n d4c5:\t8b bd 80 fe ff ff \tmov -0x180(%ebp),%edi\n d4cb:\t8b 85 50 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1b0(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:995\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:995\n d4d1:\tc6 04 37 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%edi,%esi,1)\n d4d5:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:999\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:999\n d4db:\t8b 85 f4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x10c(%ebp),%eax\n d4e1:\t89 85 80 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x180(%ebp)\n d4e7:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n d4e9:\t0f 85 41 02 00 00 \tjne d730 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1004\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1004\n d4ef:\t8b 85 6c fe ff ff \tmov -0x194(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1001\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1001\n d4f5:\tc7 47 48 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x48(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1002\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1002\n d4fc:\tc7 47 50 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x50(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1004\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1004\n d503:\t89 87 9c 00 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x9c(%edi)\n d509:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1003\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1003\n d50c:\tc7 87 a0 00 00 00 01 \tmovl $0x1,0xa0(%edi)\n d513:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1005\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1005\n d516:\tc7 47 58 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x58(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1004\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1004\n d51d:\t89 85 6c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x194(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1017\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1017\n d523:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n d525:\t80 bd 60 fe ff ff 23 \tcmpb $0x23,-0x1a0(%ebp)\n d52c:\t0f 94 c0 \tsete %al\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1020\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1020\n d52f:\t83 bd f8 fe ff ff 01 \tcmpl $0x1,-0x108(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1017\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1017\n d536:\t89 47 5c \tmov %eax,0x5c(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1020\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1020\n d539:\t0f 84 21 03 00 00 \tje d860 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1045\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1045\n d53f:\t8b 85 fc fe ff ff \tmov -0x104(%ebp),%eax\n d545:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n d547:\t0f 84 33 02 00 00 \tje d780 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1049\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1049\n d54d:\t83 7f 50 08 \tcmpl $0x8,0x50(%edi)\n d551:\t0f 8f e9 16 00 00 \tjg ec40 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1052\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1052\n d557:\t8b 8d b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%ecx\n d55d:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n d560:\t8d b5 d8 fe ff ff \tlea -0x128(%ebp),%esi\n d566:\t8b 51 24 \tmov 0x24(%ecx),%edx\n d569:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n d56b:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n d56d:\tc1 f9 1f \tsar $0x1f,%ecx\n@@ -15772,86 +15772,86 @@\n d576:\tc1 e0 03 \tshl $0x3,%eax\n d579:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d57a:\t8b 85 a0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x160(%ebp),%eax\n d580:\te8 1b ef ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n d585:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n d588:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n d58a:\t0f 84 e0 03 00 00 \tje d970 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1054\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1054\n d590:\t8b 95 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%edx\n d596:\t8b 8d fc fe ff ff \tmov -0x104(%ebp),%ecx\n d59c:\t8b 47 48 \tmov 0x48(%edi),%eax\n d59f:\t8b 52 0c \tmov 0xc(%edx),%edx\n d5a2:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n d5a4:\t0f 84 26 02 00 00 \tje d7d0 \n d5aa:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n d5ac:\t0f 84 97 04 00 00 \tje da49 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1058\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1058\n d5b2:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n d5b4:\t0f 8e 46 03 00 00 \tjle d900 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1060\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1060\n d5ba:\t89 4f 60 \tmov %ecx,0x60(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1065\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1065\n d5bd:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n d5c3:\t8d 57 64 \tlea 0x64(%edi),%edx\n d5c6:\t89 b5 7c fe ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x184(%ebp)\n d5cc:\t89 95 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x150(%ebp)\n d5d2:\t8b b5 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%esi\n d5d8:\t89 85 70 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x190(%ebp)\n d5de:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n d5e0:\t8b 85 7c fe ff ff \tmov -0x184(%ebp),%eax\n d5e6:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n d5e9:\tff 77 50 \tpushl 0x50(%edi)\n d5ec:\t8d 04 f0 \tlea (%eax,%esi,8),%eax\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1065\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1065\n d5ef:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n d5f2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d5f3:\tff b5 b0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x150(%ebp)\n d5f9:\te8 82 5b ff ff \tcall 3180 \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1065\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1065\n d5fe:\t83 85 b0 fe ff ff 08 \taddl $0x8,-0x150(%ebp)\n d605:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n d608:\t3b b5 fc fe ff ff \tcmp -0x104(%ebp),%esi\n d60e:\t7c d0 \tjl d5e0 \n d610:\t8b 85 70 fe ff ff \tmov -0x190(%ebp),%eax\n d616:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n d61c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1103\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1103\n d620:\t8b 95 00 ff ff ff \tmov -0x100(%ebp),%edx\n parse_format_spec():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1153\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1153\n d626:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n d628:\tc1 f8 10 \tsar $0x10,%eax\n d62b:\t0f b6 c8 \tmovzbl %al,%ecx\n d62e:\t3c 27 \tcmp $0x27,%al\n d630:\t0f 87 72 01 00 00 \tja d7a8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1158\n d636:\t8b 85 5c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1a4(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1159\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1159\n d63c:\t0f b6 f6 \tmovzbl %dh,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1160\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1160\n d63f:\t81 e2 ff 00 00 00 \tand $0xff,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1159\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1159\n d645:\t89 b7 80 00 00 00 \tmov %esi,0x80(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1158\n d64b:\t8b 04 88 \tmov (%eax,%ecx,4),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1160\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1160\n d64e:\t89 97 84 00 00 00 \tmov %edx,0x84(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1158\n d654:\t89 47 7c \tmov %eax,0x7c(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1164\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1164\n d657:\t83 f8 ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%eax\n d65a:\t0f 84 48 01 00 00 \tje d7a8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1167\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1167\n d660:\t6b c0 2c \timul $0x2c,%eax,%eax\n d663:\t8b 4f 48 \tmov 0x48(%edi),%ecx\n d666:\t8b 95 58 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1a8(%ebp),%edx\n d66c:\t01 c2 \tadd %eax,%edx\n d66e:\t83 f9 01 \tcmp $0x1,%ecx\n d671:\t0f 94 c0 \tsete %al\n d674:\t89 95 7c fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x184(%ebp)\n@@ -15859,15 +15859,15 @@\n d67c:\t8b 42 20 \tmov 0x20(%edx),%eax\n d67f:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n d681:\t83 e0 04 \tand $0x4,%eax\n d684:\t89 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x170(%ebp)\n d68a:\t0f 95 c0 \tsetne %al\n d68d:\t38 c2 \tcmp %al,%dl\n d68f:\t0f 84 fb 00 00 00 \tje d790 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1168\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1168\n d695:\t8b 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%eax\n d69b:\t8b 95 7c fe ff ff \tmov -0x184(%ebp),%edx\n d6a1:\t89 ce \tmov %ecx,%esi\n d6a3:\t8d 8b c9 77 ff ff \tlea -0x8837(%ebx),%ecx\n d6a9:\t89 bd a8 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x158(%ebp)\n d6af:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n d6b5:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n@@ -15899,91 +15899,91 @@\n d71b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n d71c:\tff b5 90 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x170(%ebp)\n d722:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d723:\te8 a8 5a ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n d728:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n d72b:\te9 ae fa ff ff \tjmp d1de \n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1010\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1010\n d730:\t8b 8d 80 fe ff ff \tmov -0x180(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1009\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1009\n d736:\tc7 47 48 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,0x48(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1011\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1011\n d73d:\t89 ca \tmov %ecx,%edx\n d73f:\t8d 41 0e \tlea 0xe(%ecx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1010\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1010\n d742:\t89 4f 50 \tmov %ecx,0x50(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1013\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1013\n d745:\t8b 8d 6c fe ff ff \tmov -0x194(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1011\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1011\n d74b:\t83 c2 07 \tadd $0x7,%edx\n d74e:\t0f 49 c2 \tcmovns %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1013\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1013\n d751:\t89 8f 9c 00 00 00 \tmov %ecx,0x9c(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1011\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1011\n d757:\tc1 f8 03 \tsar $0x3,%eax\n d75a:\t89 47 58 \tmov %eax,0x58(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1012\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1012\n d75d:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n d75f:\tc1 e8 03 \tshr $0x3,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1014\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1014\n d762:\t01 c1 \tadd %eax,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1012\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1012\n d764:\t89 87 a0 00 00 00 \tmov %eax,0xa0(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1015\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1015\n d76a:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1014\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1014\n d76d:\t89 8d 6c fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x194(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1015\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1015\n d773:\t89 85 80 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x180(%ebp)\n d779:\te9 a5 fd ff ff \tjmp d523 \n d77e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1101\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1101\n d780:\tc7 47 60 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x60(%edi)\n d787:\te9 94 fe ff ff \tjmp d620 \n d78c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n parse_format_spec():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1101\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1101\n d790:\t8b 85 80 fe ff ff \tmov -0x180(%ebp),%eax\n d796:\t89 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x170(%ebp)\n d79c:\te9 f1 fa ff ff \tjmp d292 \n d7a1:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n d7a8:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1165\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1165\n d7ae:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n d7b1:\t89 8d a8 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x158(%ebp)\n d7b7:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n d7bd:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n d7c0:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n d7c2:\t8d 83 b0 82 ff ff \tlea -0x7d50(%ebx),%eax\n d7c8:\te9 f1 f9 ff ff \tjmp d1be \n d7cd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1058\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1058\n d7d0:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n d7d2:\t0f 8e 28 01 00 00 \tjle d900 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1060\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1060\n d7d8:\t89 4f 60 \tmov %ecx,0x60(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1061\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1061\n d7db:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n d7dd:\t0f 85 da fd ff ff \tjne d5bd \n d7e3:\t8b 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%eax\n d7e9:\t8b 95 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1063\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1063\n d7ef:\tdd 04 c6 \tfldl (%esi,%eax,8)\n d7f2:\tdd 5c c7 64 \tfstpl 0x64(%edi,%eax,8)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1062\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1062\n d7f6:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n d7f9:\t39 c8 \tcmp %ecx,%eax\n d7fb:\t7c f2 \tjl d7ef \n d7fd:\t89 95 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x150(%ebp)\n d803:\te9 18 fe ff ff \tjmp d620 \n d808:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n d80f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:970\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:970\n d810:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n d816:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n d819:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n d81c:\t8d 83 5c 8c ff ff \tlea -0x73a4(%ebx),%eax\n d822:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n d824:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d825:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -15996,140 +15996,140 @@\n d83c:\te8 8f 59 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n d841:\t0f b6 85 08 ff ff ff \tmovzbl -0xf8(%ebp),%eax\n d848:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n d84b:\t88 85 60 fe ff ff \tmov %al,-0x1a0(%ebp)\n d851:\te9 67 fb ff ff \tjmp d3bd \n d856:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n d85d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1026\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1026\n d860:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n d866:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n d869:\t8d 8d c8 fe ff ff \tlea -0x138(%ebp),%ecx\n d86f:\t8b 50 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%edx\n d872:\t8b 85 a0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x160(%ebp),%eax\n d878:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n d87a:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n d87c:\te8 1f ec ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n d881:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n d884:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n d886:\t0f 84 e4 00 00 00 \tje d970 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1027\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1027\n d88c:\t8b 85 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%eax\n d892:\t8b 48 0c \tmov 0xc(%eax),%ecx\n d895:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n d897:\t74 0e \tje d8a7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1028\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1028\n d899:\t8b 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%eax\n d89f:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n d8a1:\t89 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x138(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1033\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1033\n d8a7:\t8b 8d c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%ecx\n d8ad:\t81 f9 ff ff 00 00 \tcmp $0xffff,%ecx\n d8b3:\t0f 87 a7 18 00 00 \tja f160 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1038\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1038\n d8b9:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n d8bf:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n d8c2:\t8b 50 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%edx\n d8c5:\t8d 41 01 \tlea 0x1(%ecx),%eax\n d8c8:\t83 c1 03 \tadd $0x3,%ecx\n d8cb:\t83 e1 fc \tand $0xfffffffc,%ecx\n d8ce:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d8cf:\t8b 85 a0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x160(%ebp),%eax\n d8d5:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n d8d6:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n d8d8:\te8 c3 eb ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1039\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1039\n d8dd:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1038\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1038\n d8e0:\t89 87 98 00 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x98(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1039\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1039\n d8e6:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n d8e8:\t0f 84 82 00 00 00 \tje d970 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1041\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1041\n d8ee:\t8b 95 c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%edx\n d8f4:\tc6 04 10 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%eax,%edx,1)\n d8f8:\te9 42 fc ff ff \tjmp d53f \n d8fd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1072\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1072\n d900:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n d903:\t0f 84 96 18 00 00 \tje f19f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1076\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1076\n d909:\t8b 85 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%eax\n d90f:\tdd 85 d8 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x128(%ebp)\n d915:\tdd 85 e0 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x120(%ebp)\n d91b:\tdd 40 38 \tfldl 0x38(%eax)\n d91e:\tdd 95 90 fe ff ff \tfstl -0x170(%ebp)\n d924:\td9 ca \tfxch %st(2)\n d926:\tdb ea \tfucomi %st(2),%st\n d928:\tdd da \tfstp %st(2)\n d92a:\t7a 54 \tjp d980 \n d92c:\t75 52 \tjne d980 \n d92e:\tdd d9 \tfstp %st(1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1078\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1078\n d930:\tc7 47 60 05 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x5,0x60(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1079\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1079\n d937:\tc7 85 70 fe ff ff 01 \tmovl $0x1,-0x190(%ebp)\n d93e:\t00 00 00 \n d941:\tdd 5f 64 \tfstpl 0x64(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1093\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1093\n d944:\t83 f9 fd \tcmp $0xfffffffd,%ecx\n d947:\t0f 85 d3 fc ff ff \tjne d620 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1096\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1096\n d94d:\tdd 85 e8 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x118(%ebp)\n d953:\t8b 85 70 fe ff ff \tmov -0x190(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1095\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1095\n d959:\t83 47 60 03 \taddl $0x3,0x60(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1096\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1096\n d95d:\tdd 5c c7 64 \tfstpl 0x64(%edi,%eax,8)\n d961:\te9 ba fc ff ff \tjmp d620 \n d966:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n d96d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n d970:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n d976:\te9 63 f8 ff ff \tjmp d1de \n d97b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n d97f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1081\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1081\n d980:\t8b 85 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%eax\n d986:\tdd 40 30 \tfldl 0x30(%eax)\n d989:\tdd 95 90 fe ff ff \tfstl -0x170(%ebp)\n d98f:\tdf e9 \tfucomip %st(1),%st\n d991:\t0f 8a 16 01 00 00 \tjp daad \n d997:\t0f 85 14 01 00 00 \tjne dab1 \n d99d:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1083\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1083\n d99f:\tc7 47 60 06 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x6,0x60(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1084\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1084\n d9a6:\tc7 85 70 fe ff ff 01 \tmovl $0x1,-0x190(%ebp)\n d9ad:\t00 00 00 \n d9b0:\tdd 5f 64 \tfstpl 0x64(%edi)\n d9b3:\teb 8f \tjmp d944 \n d9b5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n d9b8:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:919\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:919\n d9be:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n d9c1:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n d9c7:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n d9ca:\t8d 83 cc 8a ff ff \tlea -0x7534(%ebx),%eax\n d9d0:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n d9d2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d9d3:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n d9d9:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d9da:\te8 21 58 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n d9df:\tff b5 70 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x190(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1034\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1034\n d9e5:\tff b5 a8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x158(%ebp)\n d9eb:\t56 \tpush %esi\n d9ec:\t50 \tpush %eax\n d9ed:\te8 de 57 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n d9f2:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n d9f5:\te9 e4 f7 ff ff \tjmp d1de \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1118\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1118\n d9fa:\t3b b5 6c fe ff ff \tcmp -0x194(%ebp),%esi\n da00:\t0f 84 d8 00 00 00 \tje dade \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1119\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1119\n da06:\t8b 95 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edx\n da0c:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n da0f:\t8d 83 4c 8e ff ff \tlea -0x71b4(%ebx),%eax\n da15:\t8b 52 08 \tmov 0x8(%edx),%edx\n da18:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n da1a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n da1b:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -16140,113 +16140,113 @@\n da33:\tff b5 6c fe ff ff \tpushl -0x194(%ebp)\n da39:\t56 \tpush %esi\n da3a:\t52 \tpush %edx\n da3b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n da3c:\te8 8f 57 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n da41:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n da44:\te9 95 f7 ff ff \tjmp d1de \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1055\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1055\n da49:\t89 ca \tmov %ecx,%edx\n da4b:\tc1 fa 1f \tsar $0x1f,%edx\n da4e:\t89 d0 \tmov %edx,%eax\n da50:\t31 c8 \txor %ecx,%eax\n da52:\t29 d0 \tsub %edx,%eax\n da54:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n da56:\t0f 84 ad fe ff ff \tje d909 \n da5c:\t8d 04 c6 \tlea (%esi,%eax,8),%eax\n da5f:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n da61:\t89 85 7c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x184(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1056\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1056\n da67:\t8b 42 04 \tmov 0x4(%edx),%eax\n da6a:\t83 c2 08 \tadd $0x8,%edx\n da6d:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n da6f:\t89 85 38 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1c8(%ebp)\n da75:\t8b 42 f8 \tmov -0x8(%edx),%eax\n da78:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n da7a:\t89 85 3c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1c4(%ebp)\n da80:\tdd 85 38 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x1c8(%ebp)\n da86:\tdd 5a f8 \tfstpl -0x8(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1055\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1055\n da89:\t3b 95 7c fe ff ff \tcmp -0x184(%ebp),%edx\n da8f:\t75 d6 \tjne da67 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1058\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1058\n da91:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n da93:\t0f 8e 70 fe ff ff \tjle d909 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1060\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1060\n da99:\t8b 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%eax\n da9f:\t8b 95 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edx\n daa5:\t89 4f 60 \tmov %ecx,0x60(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1061\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1061\n daa8:\te9 42 fd ff ff \tjmp d7ef \n daad:\td9 c9 \tfxch %st(1)\n daaf:\teb 02 \tjmp dab3 \n dab1:\td9 c9 \tfxch %st(1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1089\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1089\n dab3:\tdd 5f 64 \tfstpl 0x64(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1088\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1088\n dab6:\tc7 47 60 04 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x4,0x60(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1090\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1090\n dabd:\tdd 5f 6c \tfstpl 0x6c(%edi)\n dac0:\te9 7f fe ff ff \tjmp d944 \n dac5:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:948\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:948\n dacb:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n dace:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n dad1:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n dad3:\t8d 83 10 8c ff ff \tlea -0x73f0(%ebx),%eax\n dad9:\te9 e0 f6 ff ff \tjmp d1be \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1121\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1121\n dade:\t8b 47 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%eax\n dae1:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n dae4:\tc1 e0 02 \tshl $0x2,%eax\n dae7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n dae8:\tff 37 \tpushl (%edi)\n daea:\te8 71 56 ff ff \tcall 3160 \n daef:\t89 07 \tmov %eax,(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1125\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1125\n daf1:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n daf2:\t5e \tpop %esi\n daf3:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n daf5:\tff b3 e4 ff ff ff \tpushl -0x1c(%ebx)\n dafb:\te8 b0 5b ff ff \tcall 36b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1126\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1126\n db00:\t8b 57 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%edx\n db03:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1125\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1125\n db06:\t89 47 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1126\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1126\n db09:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n db0b:\t0f 8e b1 00 00 00 \tjle dbc2 \n db11:\t8b 95 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edx\n db17:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n db19:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n db1f:\t89 95 a8 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x158(%ebp)\n db25:\teb 1a \tjmp db41 \n db27:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n db2e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n db30:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n db36:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n db39:\t3b 70 08 \tcmp 0x8(%eax),%esi\n db3c:\t7d 78 \tjge dbb6 \n db3e:\t8b 40 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1127\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1127\n db41:\t8b 95 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edx\n db47:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n db4a:\t8d 3c b5 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%esi,4),%edi\n db51:\t8b 0a \tmov (%edx),%ecx\n db53:\tff 34 b1 \tpushl (%ecx,%esi,4)\n db56:\t50 \tpush %eax\n db57:\te8 24 5a ff ff \tcall 3580 \n db5c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n db5f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n db61:\t74 cd \tje db30 \n db63:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n db65:\t8b bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edi\n db6b:\t8b 8d a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1128\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1128\n db71:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n db74:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n db76:\t89 8d b0 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x150(%ebp)\n db7c:\t8b 34 10 \tmov (%eax,%edx,1),%esi\n db7f:\t8d 83 a0 8e ff ff \tlea -0x7160(%ebx),%eax\n db85:\t8b 51 08 \tmov 0x8(%ecx),%edx\n db88:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n@@ -16262,26 +16262,26 @@\n dba8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n dba9:\te8 22 56 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n dbae:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n dbb1:\te9 28 f6 ff ff \tjmp d1de \n dbb6:\t8b 85 a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%eax\n dbbc:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:338\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:338\n dbc2:\t8b 85 a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%eax\n dbc8:\t8b 40 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%eax\n dbcb:\t83 f8 ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%eax\n dbce:\t0f 84 8c 0a 00 00 \tje e660 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:340\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:340\n dbd4:\t8b bd 84 fe ff ff \tmov -0x17c(%ebp),%edi\n dbda:\t8b 04 87 \tmov (%edi,%eax,4),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:342\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:342\n dbdd:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n dbdf:\t0f 84 e8 17 00 00 \tje f3cd \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:344\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:344\n dbe5:\t83 78 48 01 \tcmpl $0x1,0x48(%eax)\n dbe9:\t0f 84 c7 17 00 00 \tje f3b6 \n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n dbef:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n dbf2:\t6a 40 \tpush $0x40\n dbf4:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -16292,91 +16292,91 @@\n dc07:\t50 \tpush %eax\n dc08:\te8 33 5a ff ff \tcall 3640 <__strcpy_chk@plt>\n dc0d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n dc10:\t8d 85 bc fe ff ff \tlea -0x144(%ebp),%eax\n dc16:\t8b bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edi\n dc1c:\t89 85 80 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x180(%ebp)\n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1323\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1323\n dc22:\t8b 83 dc ff ff ff \tmov -0x24(%ebx),%eax\n dc28:\t89 85 6c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x194(%ebp)\n dc2e:\t8b 85 a0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x160(%ebp),%eax\n dc34:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n dc3a:\teb 0c \tjmp dc48 \n dc3c:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n dc3e:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n dc40:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n dc42:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:358\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:358\n dc48:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n dc4b:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n dc4e:\t8b 8d 80 fe ff ff \tmov -0x180(%ebp),%ecx\n dc54:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n dc56:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n dc5c:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n dc5e:\te8 3d e8 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n dc63:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n dc66:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n dc68:\t0f 84 e1 09 00 00 \tje e64f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:359 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:359 (discriminator 2)\n dc6e:\t8b 85 a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%eax\n dc74:\t8b 70 0c \tmov 0xc(%eax),%esi\n dc77:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n dc79:\t74 0e \tje dc89 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:360\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:360\n dc7b:\t8b 85 bc fe ff ff \tmov -0x144(%ebp),%eax\n dc81:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n dc83:\t89 85 bc fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x144(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:362\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:362\n dc89:\t8b b5 bc fe ff ff \tmov -0x144(%ebp),%esi\n dc8f:\t83 fe 06 \tcmp $0x6,%esi\n dc92:\t0f 84 08 09 00 00 \tje e5a0 \n dc98:\t0f 8e 42 06 00 00 \tjle e2e0 \n dc9e:\t83 fe 07 \tcmp $0x7,%esi\n dca1:\t0f 85 d9 05 00 00 \tjne e280 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:390\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:390\n dca7:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n dcaa:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n dcad:\t8d 85 c8 fe ff ff \tlea -0x138(%ebp),%eax\n dcb3:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n dcb5:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n dcb7:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n dcbd:\t6a 0c \tpush $0xc\n dcbf:\te8 dc e7 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n dcc4:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n dcc7:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n dcc9:\t0f 84 80 09 00 00 \tje e64f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:391 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:391 (discriminator 2)\n dccf:\t8b 85 a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%eax\n dcd5:\t8b 48 0c \tmov 0xc(%eax),%ecx\n dcd8:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n dcda:\t74 2a \tje dd06 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:393\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:393\n dcdc:\t8b 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%eax\n dce2:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n dce4:\t89 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x138(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:394\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:394\n dcea:\t8b 85 cc fe ff ff \tmov -0x134(%ebp),%eax\n dcf0:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n dcf2:\t89 85 cc fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x134(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:395\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:395\n dcf8:\t8b 85 d0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x130(%ebp),%eax\n dcfe:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n dd00:\t89 85 d0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x130(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:405 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:405 (discriminator 3)\n dd06:\t8b b5 c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%esi\n dd0c:\t8d 46 fd \tlea -0x3(%esi),%eax\n dd0f:\t83 f8 15 \tcmp $0x15,%eax\n dd12:\t77 0c \tja dd20 \n dd14:\t8b 8c 83 f8 99 ff ff \tmov -0x6608(%ebx,%eax,4),%ecx\n dd1b:\t01 d9 \tadd %ebx,%ecx\n dd1d:\tff e1 \tjmp *%ecx\n dd1f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:489\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:489\n dd20:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n dd23:\t8d 83 f8 97 ff ff \tlea -0x6808(%ebx),%eax\n dd29:\t8b 57 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%edx\n dd2c:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n dd2e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n dd2f:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n dd35:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -16386,80 +16386,80 @@\n dd47:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n dd4a:\t56 \tpush %esi\n dd4b:\t52 \tpush %edx\n dd4c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n dd4d:\te8 7e 54 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n dd52:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n dd55:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:495\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:495\n dd58:\t8b 85 cc fe ff ff \tmov -0x134(%ebp),%eax\n dd5e:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n dd61:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n dd64:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n dd66:\t0f af 85 d0 fe ff ff \timul -0x130(%ebp),%eax\n dd6d:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n dd6f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n dd70:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n dd76:\te8 25 e7 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:496\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:496\n dd7b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n dd7e:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n dd80:\t0f 84 c9 08 00 00 \tje e64f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:498\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:498\n dd86:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n dd89:\t50 \tpush %eax\n dd8a:\te8 c1 59 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n dd8f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:501\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:501\n dd92:\te9 b1 fe ff ff \tjmp dc48 \n dd97:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n dd9e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:419\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:419\n dda0:\t8b b5 cc fe ff ff \tmov -0x134(%ebp),%esi\n dda6:\t8b 85 d0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x130(%ebp),%eax\n read_machine_flt64_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:618\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:618\n ddac:\t83 fe 08 \tcmp $0x8,%esi\n ddaf:\t0f 85 1b 0c 00 00 \tjne e9d0 \n ddb5:\t83 f8 03 \tcmp $0x3,%eax\n ddb8:\t0f 85 12 0c 00 00 \tjne e9d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:622\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:622\n ddbe:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:612\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:612\n ddc1:\t8b 77 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:622\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:622\n ddc4:\t8b 8d 78 fe ff ff \tmov -0x188(%ebp),%ecx\n ddca:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n ddcc:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n ddd2:\t6a 18 \tpush $0x18\n ddd4:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n ddd6:\te8 c5 e6 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n dddb:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n ddde:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n dde0:\t0f 84 69 08 00 00 \tje e64f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:623\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:623\n dde6:\t8b 46 0c \tmov 0xc(%esi),%eax\n dde9:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ddeb:\t74 32 \tje de1f \n dded:\t8b 95 78 fe ff ff \tmov -0x188(%ebp),%edx\n ddf3:\t8d 8d 08 ff ff ff \tlea -0xf8(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:625\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:625\n ddf9:\t8b 42 04 \tmov 0x4(%edx),%eax\n ddfc:\t83 c2 08 \tadd $0x8,%edx\n ddff:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n de01:\t89 85 40 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1c0(%ebp)\n de07:\t8b 42 f8 \tmov -0x8(%edx),%eax\n de0a:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n de0c:\t89 85 44 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1bc(%ebp)\n de12:\tdd 85 40 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x1c0(%ebp)\n de18:\tdd 5a f8 \tfstpl -0x8(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:624\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:624\n de1b:\t39 ca \tcmp %ecx,%edx\n de1d:\t75 da \tjne ddf9 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:627\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:627\n de1f:\tdd 85 f0 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x110(%ebp)\n de25:\tdd 85 f8 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x108(%ebp)\n de2b:\tdd 85 00 ff ff ff \tfldl -0x100(%ebp)\n de31:\tdd 83 50 9a ff ff \tfldl -0x65b0(%ebx)\n de37:\td9 cb \tfxch %st(3)\n de39:\tdb eb \tfucomi %st(3),%st\n de3b:\tdd db \tfstp %st(3)\n@@ -16469,23 +16469,23 @@\n de47:\tdd 95 a8 fe ff ff \tfstl -0x158(%ebp)\n de4d:\td9 ca \tfxch %st(2)\n de4f:\tdb ea \tfucomi %st(2),%st\n de51:\tdd da \tfstp %st(2)\n de53:\t7a 37 \tjp de8c \n de55:\t75 39 \tjne de90 \n second_lowest_double_val():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:86\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:86\n de57:\tc7 85 28 fe ff ff fe \tmovl $0xfffffffe,-0x1d8(%ebp)\n de5e:\tff ff ff \n de61:\tc7 85 2c fe ff ff ff \tmovl $0xffefffff,-0x1d4(%ebp)\n de68:\tff ef ff \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:88\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:88\n de6b:\tdd 85 28 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x1d8(%ebp)\n read_machine_flt64_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:628\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:628\n de71:\tdf e9 \tfucomip %st(1),%st\n de73:\t7a 1f \tjp de94 \n de75:\t0f 84 c1 fd ff ff \tje dc3c \n de7b:\td9 ca \tfxch %st(2)\n de7d:\teb 21 \tjmp dea0 \n de7f:\td9 ca \tfxch %st(2)\n de81:\teb 1d \tjmp dea0 \n@@ -16496,49 +16496,49 @@\n de8c:\td9 ca \tfxch %st(2)\n de8e:\teb 10 \tjmp dea0 \n de90:\td9 ca \tfxch %st(2)\n de92:\teb 0c \tjmp dea0 \n de94:\td9 ca \tfxch %st(2)\n de96:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n de9d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:630\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:630\n dea0:\tdd 56 28 \tfstl 0x28(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:633\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:633\n dea3:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n dea6:\t8d 83 58 95 ff ff \tlea -0x6aa8(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:630\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:630\n deac:\tdd 9d 88 fe ff ff \tfstpl -0x178(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:631\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:631\n deb2:\tdd 56 30 \tfstl 0x30(%esi)\n deb5:\tdd 9d 90 fe ff ff \tfstpl -0x170(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:632\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:632\n debb:\tdd 56 38 \tfstl 0x38(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:633\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:633\n debe:\t8b 77 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%esi\n dec1:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n dec3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n dec4:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:632\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:632\n deca:\tdd 9d 98 fe ff ff \tfstpl -0x168(%ebp)\n second_lowest_double_val():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:86\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:86\n ded0:\tc7 85 30 fe ff ff fe \tmovl $0xfffffffe,-0x1d0(%ebp)\n ded7:\tff ff ff \n deda:\tc7 85 34 fe ff ff ff \tmovl $0xffefffff,-0x1cc(%ebp)\n dee1:\tff ef ff \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:88\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:88\n dee4:\tdd 85 30 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x1d0(%ebp)\n read_machine_flt64_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:633\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:633\n deea:\t50 \tpush %eax\n second_lowest_double_val():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:88\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:88\n deeb:\tdd 9d a8 fe ff ff \tfstpl -0x158(%ebp)\n read_machine_flt64_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:633\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:633\n def1:\te8 0a 53 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n def6:\tdd 85 a8 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x158(%ebp)\n defc:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n deff:\tdd 5c 24 08 \tfstpl 0x8(%esp)\n df03:\tdd 85 98 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x168(%ebp)\n df09:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n df0c:\tdd 85 90 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x170(%ebp)\n@@ -16554,72 +16554,72 @@\n df32:\t56 \tpush %esi\n df33:\t50 \tpush %eax\n df34:\te8 97 52 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n df39:\t83 c4 40 \tadd $0x40,%esp\n df3c:\te9 07 fd ff ff \tjmp dc48 \n df41:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:413\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:413\n df48:\t8b b5 cc fe ff ff \tmov -0x134(%ebp),%esi\n df4e:\t8b 8d d0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x130(%ebp),%ecx\n read_machine_int32_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:551\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:551\n df54:\t83 fe 04 \tcmp $0x4,%esi\n df57:\t0f 95 c2 \tsetne %dl\n df5a:\t83 f9 08 \tcmp $0x8,%ecx\n df5d:\t0f 95 c0 \tsetne %al\n df60:\t08 c2 \tor %al,%dl\n df62:\t88 95 a8 fe ff ff \tmov %dl,-0x158(%ebp)\n df68:\t0f 85 12 0a 00 00 \tjne e980 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:555\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:555\n df6e:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:544\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:544\n df71:\t8b 77 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:555\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:555\n df74:\t8b 8d 78 fe ff ff \tmov -0x188(%ebp),%ecx\n df7a:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n df7c:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n df82:\t6a 20 \tpush $0x20\n df84:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n df86:\te8 15 e5 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n df8b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n df8e:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n df90:\t0f 84 b9 06 00 00 \tje e64f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:556\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:556\n df96:\t8b 56 0c \tmov 0xc(%esi),%edx\n df99:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n df9b:\t0f 84 d8 0a 00 00 \tje ea79 \n dfa1:\t8b 95 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edx\n dfa7:\t8b 85 78 fe ff ff \tmov -0x188(%ebp),%eax\n dfad:\t8d 8d 10 ff ff ff \tlea -0xf0(%ebp),%ecx\n dfb3:\t89 d6 \tmov %edx,%esi\n dfb5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:558\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:558\n dfb8:\t8b 10 \tmov (%eax),%edx\n dfba:\t83 c0 04 \tadd $0x4,%eax\n dfbd:\t0f ca \tbswap %edx\n dfbf:\t89 50 fc \tmov %edx,-0x4(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:557\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:557\n dfc2:\t39 c1 \tcmp %eax,%ecx\n dfc4:\t75 f2 \tjne dfb8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:564\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:564\n dfc6:\t83 bd 00 ff ff ff 01 \tcmpl $0x1,-0x100(%ebp)\n dfcd:\t89 b5 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x150(%ebp)\n dfd3:\t0f 85 1c 0b 00 00 \tjne eaf5 \n dfd9:\tc6 85 a8 fe ff ff 01 \tmovb $0x1,-0x158(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:579\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:579\n dfe0:\tba e1 10 00 00 \tmov $0x10e1,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:583\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:583\n dfe5:\t8b 85 08 ff ff ff \tmov -0xf8(%ebp),%eax\n dfeb:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n dfee:\t0f 94 c1 \tsete %cl\n dff1:\t3a 8d a8 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x158(%ebp),%cl\n dff7:\t0f 84 8f 0a 00 00 \tje ea8c \n dffd:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:584\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:584\n e003:\t8d bb 82 99 ff ff \tlea -0x667e(%ebx),%edi\n e009:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n e00c:\t74 12 \tje e020 \n e00e:\t83 f8 02 \tcmp $0x2,%eax\n e011:\t8d bb 8d 99 ff ff \tlea -0x6673(%ebx),%edi\n e017:\t8d 83 35 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fcb(%ebx),%eax\n e01d:\t0f 45 f8 \tcmovne %eax,%edi\n@@ -16644,15 +16644,15 @@\n e065:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e066:\te8 65 51 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n e06b:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n e06e:\te9 3f eb ff ff \tjmp cbb2 \n e073:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n e077:\t90 \tnop\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:480\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:480\n e078:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n e07b:\t8d 83 a0 97 ff ff \tlea -0x6860(%ebx),%eax\n e081:\t8b 77 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%esi\n e084:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n e086:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e087:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n e08d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -16662,15 +16662,15 @@\n e098:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e099:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e09a:\te8 31 51 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n e09f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e0a2:\te9 b1 fc ff ff \tjmp dd58 \n e0a7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n e0ae:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:450\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:450\n e0b0:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n e0b3:\t8d 83 d0 96 ff ff \tlea -0x6930(%ebx),%eax\n e0b9:\t8b 77 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%esi\n e0bc:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n e0be:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e0bf:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n e0c5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -16679,153 +16679,153 @@\n e0ce:\t6a 0e \tpush $0xe\n e0d0:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e0d1:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e0d2:\te8 f9 50 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n e0d7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e0da:\te9 79 fc ff ff \tjmp dd58 \n e0df:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:445\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:445\n e0e0:\t8b 85 cc fe ff ff \tmov -0x134(%ebp),%eax\n e0e6:\t8b b5 d0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x130(%ebp),%esi\n read_long_var_names():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:658\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:658\n e0ec:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n e0ef:\t0f 85 13 09 00 00 \tjne ea08 \n e0f5:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n e0f7:\t0f 84 0b 09 00 00 \tje ea08 \n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:445\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:445\n e0fd:\t8b 85 a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%eax\n read_long_var_names():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:665\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:665\n e103:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:445\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:445\n e106:\t8b 40 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%eax\n read_long_var_names():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:665\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:665\n e109:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:445\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:445\n e10b:\t89 85 7c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x184(%ebp)\n read_long_var_names():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:665\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:665\n e111:\t8d 46 01 \tlea 0x1(%esi),%eax\n e114:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e115:\te8 d6 55 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:666\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:666\n e11a:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n e11d:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n e120:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n e122:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n e124:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e125:\t89 85 5c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1a4(%ebp)\n e12b:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e131:\te8 6a e3 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:668\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:668\n e136:\t8b b5 7c fe ff ff \tmov -0x184(%ebp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:687\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:687\n e13c:\t8d 8b 80 96 ff ff \tlea -0x6980(%ebx),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:668\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:668\n e142:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:687\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:687\n e145:\t89 8d 60 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x1a0(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:674\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:674\n e14b:\t8d 8b 54 96 ff ff \tlea -0x69ac(%ebx),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:668\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:668\n e151:\t8b 06 \tmov (%esi),%eax\n e153:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:674\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:674\n e156:\t89 8d 70 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x190(%ebp)\n e15c:\t89 bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x178(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:669\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:669\n e162:\t8b b5 5c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1a4(%ebp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:668\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:668\n e168:\t8d 14 90 \tlea (%eax,%edx,4),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:674\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:674\n e16b:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:668\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:668\n e171:\t89 95 a8 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x158(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:674\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:674\n e177:\t89 85 58 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1a8(%ebp)\n e17d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:671\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:671\n e180:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e183:\t6a 09 \tpush $0x9\n e185:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e186:\te8 15 53 ff ff \tcall 34a0 \n e18b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e18e:\t89 85 98 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x168(%ebp)\n e194:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e196:\t74 03 \tje e19b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:672\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:672\n e198:\tc6 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:673\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:673\n e19b:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e19e:\t6a 3d \tpush $0x3d\n e1a0:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e1a1:\te8 fa 52 ff ff \tcall 34a0 \n e1a6:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e1a9:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e1ab:\t0f 84 c7 04 00 00 \tje e678 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:676\n e1b1:\tc6 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:677\n e1b4:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n e1b7:\t89 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x170(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:679\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:679\n e1bd:\t8b 85 7c fe ff ff \tmov -0x184(%ebp),%eax\n e1c3:\t8b 38 \tmov (%eax),%edi\n e1c5:\t39 bd a8 fe ff ff \tcmp %edi,-0x158(%ebp)\n e1cb:\t77 1a \tja e1e7 \n e1cd:\te9 96 05 00 00 \tjmp e768 \n e1d2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n e1d8:\t83 c7 04 \tadd $0x4,%edi\n e1db:\t39 bd a8 fe ff ff \tcmp %edi,-0x158(%ebp)\n e1e1:\t0f 86 81 05 00 00 \tjbe e768 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:680\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:680\n e1e7:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n e1e9:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e1ec:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e1ed:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e1ee:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n e1f4:\te8 a7 4e ff ff \tcall 30a0 \n e1f9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e1fc:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e1fe:\t75 d8 \tjne e1d8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:681\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:681\n e200:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n e206:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n e209:\t6a 40 \tpush $0x40\n e20b:\tff b5 90 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x170(%ebp)\n e211:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e212:\te8 a9 53 ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n read_long_var_names():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:682\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:682\n e217:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:686\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:686\n e219:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:682\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:682\n e21c:\tc6 40 40 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x40(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:686\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:686\n e220:\t39 bd a8 fe ff ff \tcmp %edi,-0x158(%ebp)\n e226:\t0f 86 3c 05 00 00 \tjbe e768 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:693\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:693\n e22c:\t8b 85 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%eax\n e232:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e234:\t0f 84 67 04 00 00 \tje e6a1 \n e23a:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n e23d:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:694\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:694\n e23f:\te9 3c ff ff ff \tjmp e180 \n e244:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:475\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:475\n e248:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n e24b:\t8d 83 4c 97 ff ff \tlea -0x68b4(%ebx),%eax\n e251:\t8b 77 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%esi\n e254:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n e256:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e257:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n e25d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -16836,126 +16836,126 @@\n e269:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e26a:\te8 61 4f ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n e26f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e272:\te9 e1 fa ff ff \tjmp dd58 \n e277:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n e27e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n e280:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:362\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:362\n e286:\t81 fe e7 03 00 00 \tcmp $0x3e7,%esi\n e28c:\t0f 85 32 0f 00 00 \tjne f1c4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:507\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:507\n e292:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e298:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e29b:\t8d 8d c8 fe ff ff \tlea -0x138(%ebp),%ecx\n e2a1:\t8b 50 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%edx\n e2a4:\t8b 85 a0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x160(%ebp),%eax\n e2aa:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n e2ac:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n e2ae:\te8 ed e1 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n e2b3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e2b6:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e2b8:\t0f 84 f4 e8 ff ff \tje cbb2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:523 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:523 (discriminator 2)\n e2be:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n e2c1:\tff b5 84 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x17c(%ebp)\n e2c7:\te8 84 54 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:524 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:524 (discriminator 2)\n e2cc:\t8b 85 a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%eax\n e2d2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e2d5:\t8b 40 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%eax\n e2d8:\te9 63 e9 ff ff \tjmp cc40 \n e2dd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:362\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:362\n e2e0:\t83 fe 03 \tcmp $0x3,%esi\n e2e3:\t0f 85 72 02 00 00 \tjne e55b \n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1200\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1200\n e2e9:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1184\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1184\n e2ec:\t8b 77 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1200\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1200\n e2ef:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e2f5:\t8d 8d c0 fe ff ff \tlea -0x140(%ebp),%ecx\n e2fb:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n e2fd:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n e2ff:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1184\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1184\n e301:\t89 b5 70 fe ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x190(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1200\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1200\n e307:\te8 94 e1 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n e30c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e30f:\t89 85 88 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x178(%ebp)\n e315:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e317:\t0f 84 73 04 00 00 \tje e790 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1201\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1201\n e31d:\t8b 4e 0c \tmov 0xc(%esi),%ecx\n e320:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n e322:\t74 0e \tje e332 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1202\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1202\n e324:\t8b 85 c0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x140(%ebp),%eax\n e32a:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n e32c:\t89 85 c0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x140(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1205\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1205\n e332:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e335:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n e337:\tff b5 c0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x140(%ebp)\n e33d:\te8 ae 53 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n e342:\t89 85 88 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x178(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1206\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1206\n e348:\t58 \tpop %eax\n e349:\t5a \tpop %edx\n e34a:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n e34c:\tff b5 c0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x140(%ebp)\n e352:\te8 99 53 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1207\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1207\n e357:\t8b 95 c0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x140(%ebp),%edx\n e35d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1206\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1206\n e360:\t89 85 a8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x158(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1207\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1207\n e366:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n e368:\t0f 8e 62 03 00 00 \tjle e6d0 \n e36e:\t8b 8d a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%ecx\n e374:\t89 c8 \tmov %ecx,%eax\n e376:\t8d 14 91 \tlea (%ecx,%edx,4),%edx\n e379:\t8b 8d b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%ecx\n e37f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1208\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1208\n e380:\tc7 00 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1207\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1207\n e386:\t83 c0 04 \tadd $0x4,%eax\n e389:\t39 c2 \tcmp %eax,%edx\n e38b:\t75 f3 \tjne e380 \n e38d:\t8d 95 c8 fe ff ff \tlea -0x138(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1230\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1230\n e393:\t89 8d b0 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x150(%ebp)\n e399:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n e39b:\t89 95 98 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x168(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1220\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1220\n e3a1:\t8d 95 c4 fe ff ff \tlea -0x13c(%ebp),%edx\n e3a7:\t89 95 7c fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x184(%ebp)\n e3ad:\teb 10 \tjmp e3bf \n e3af:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1211\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1211\n e3b0:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n e3b3:\t3b b5 c0 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x140(%ebp),%esi\n e3b9:\t0f 8d 1d 03 00 00 \tjge e6dc \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1219\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1219\n e3bf:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e3c2:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n e3c5:\t8b 8d 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%ecx\n e3cb:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n e3cd:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e3d3:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n e3d5:\te8 c6 e0 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n e3da:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e3dd:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e3df:\t0f 84 fb 00 00 00 \tje e4e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1220\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1220\n e3e5:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e3e8:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n e3eb:\t8b 8d 7c fe ff ff \tmov -0x184(%ebp),%ecx\n e3f1:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n e3f3:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e3f9:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n e3fb:\te8 a0 e0 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n@@ -16963,271 +16963,271 @@\n e403:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e405:\t0f 84 d5 00 00 00 \tje e4e0 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n e40b:\t8b 95 cc fe ff ff \tmov -0x134(%ebp),%edx\n e411:\t8b 8d 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%ecx\n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1224\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1224\n e417:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e41a:\t8b 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%eax\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n e420:\t89 54 f1 04 \tmov %edx,0x4(%ecx,%esi,8)\n e424:\t89 04 f1 \tmov %eax,(%ecx,%esi,8)\n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1224\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1224\n e427:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n e429:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n e42b:\te8 c0 52 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n e430:\t8b 8d a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%ecx\n e436:\t89 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x170(%ebp)\n e43c:\t89 04 b1 \tmov %eax,(%ecx,%esi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1225\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1225\n e43f:\t58 \tpop %eax\n e440:\t0f b6 85 c4 fe ff ff \tmovzbl -0x13c(%ebp),%eax\n e447:\t5a \tpop %edx\n e448:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n e44a:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n e44d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e44e:\te8 9d 52 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n e453:\t8b 95 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1226\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1226\n e459:\t8b 8d a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%ecx\n e45f:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1225\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1225\n e462:\t89 42 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1226\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1226\n e465:\t8b 04 b1 \tmov (%ecx,%esi,4),%eax\n e468:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n e46b:\t8b 48 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%ecx\n e46e:\t0f b6 85 c4 fe ff ff \tmovzbl -0x13c(%ebp),%eax\n e475:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n e477:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e478:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e47e:\te8 1d e0 ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n e483:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e486:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e488:\t74 56 \tje e4e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1227\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1227\n e48a:\t8b 8d a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%ecx\n e490:\t0f b6 85 c4 fe ff ff \tmovzbl -0x13c(%ebp),%eax\n e497:\t8b 14 b1 \tmov (%ecx,%esi,4),%edx\n e49a:\t8b 52 08 \tmov 0x8(%edx),%edx\n e49d:\tc6 04 02 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%edx,%eax,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1230\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1230\n e4a1:\t0f b6 85 c4 fe ff ff \tmovzbl -0x13c(%ebp),%eax\n e4a8:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n e4ab:\t83 e0 07 \tand $0x7,%eax\n e4ae:\t0f 84 fc fe ff ff \tje e3b0 \n e4b4:\tb9 08 00 00 00 \tmov $0x8,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1232\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1232\n e4b9:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e4bc:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1230\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1230\n e4bf:\t29 c1 \tsub %eax,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1232\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1232\n e4c1:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n e4c3:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e4c9:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n e4ca:\t8b 8d 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%ecx\n e4d0:\te8 cb df ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n e4d5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e4d8:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e4da:\t0f 85 d0 fe ff ff \tjne e3b0 \n e4e0:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n e4e6:\t8b bd a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1350\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1350\n e4ec:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n e4ee:\t74 49 \tje e539 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1351\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1351\n e4f0:\t8b 85 c0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x140(%ebp),%eax\n e4f6:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e4f8:\t7e 3f \tjle e539 \n e4fa:\t8b b5 68 fe ff ff \tmov -0x198(%ebp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1352\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1352\n e500:\t8b 04 b7 \tmov (%edi,%esi,4),%eax\n e503:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e505:\t74 27 \tje e52e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1354\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1354\n e507:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n e50a:\tff 70 08 \tpushl 0x8(%eax)\n e50d:\te8 3e 52 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n e512:\t8b 04 b7 \tmov (%edi,%esi,4),%eax\n e515:\tc7 40 08 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x8(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1355\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1355\n e51c:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n e51f:\te8 2c 52 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n e524:\tc7 04 b7 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%edi,%esi,4)\n e52b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1351\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1351\n e52e:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n e531:\t3b b5 c0 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x140(%ebp),%esi\n e537:\t7c c7 \tjl e500 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1357\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1357\n e539:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n e53c:\tff b5 88 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x178(%ebp)\n e542:\te8 09 52 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1358\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1358\n e547:\t58 \tpop %eax\n e548:\tff b5 74 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x18c(%ebp)\n e54e:\te8 fd 51 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1359\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1359\n e553:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e556:\te9 57 e6 ff ff \tjmp cbb2 \n e55b:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:362\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:362\n e561:\t83 fe 04 \tcmp $0x4,%esi\n e564:\t0f 85 5a 0c 00 00 \tjne f1c4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:370\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:370\n e56a:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e570:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n e573:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n e576:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n e578:\t8d 83 54 92 ff ff \tlea -0x6dac(%ebx),%eax\n e57e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:345\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:345\n e580:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e581:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n e587:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e588:\te8 73 4c ff ff \tcall 3200 \n e58d:\t5f \tpop %edi\n e58e:\t5a \tpop %edx\n e58f:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e590:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e591:\te8 3a 4c ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n e596:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e599:\te9 14 e6 ff ff \tjmp cbb2 \n e59e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n read_documents():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1390\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1390\n e5a0:\t8b 77 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1391\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1391\n e5a3:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n e5a6:\t89 85 a8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x158(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1394\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1394\n e5ac:\t8b 40 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%eax\n e5af:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e5b1:\t74 1d \tje e5d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1395\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1395\n e5b3:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n e5b6:\t8b 77 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%esi\n e5b9:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n e5bf:\t8d 83 c0 92 ff ff \tlea -0x6d40(%ebx),%eax\n e5c5:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n e5c7:\teb b7 \tjmp e580 \n e5c9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1398\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1398\n e5d0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e5d3:\t8d 85 c8 fe ff ff \tlea -0x138(%ebp),%eax\n e5d9:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n e5db:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n e5dd:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n e5df:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e5e5:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n e5e7:\te8 b4 de ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n e5ec:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e5ef:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e5f1:\t74 5c \tje e64f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1402\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1402\n e5f3:\t8b 76 0c \tmov 0xc(%esi),%esi\n e5f6:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n e5f8:\t74 0e \tje e608 \n e5fa:\t8b 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%eax\n e600:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n e602:\t89 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x138(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1403\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1403\n e608:\t8b b5 c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%esi\n e60e:\t8b 85 a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%eax\n e614:\t89 70 20 \tmov %esi,0x20(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1404\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1404\n e617:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n e619:\t0f 8e 89 01 00 00 \tjle e7a8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1408\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1408\n e61f:\t8d 04 b6 \tlea (%esi,%esi,4),%eax\n e622:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e625:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n e628:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n e62a:\tc1 e0 04 \tshl $0x4,%eax\n e62d:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n e62f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e630:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e636:\te8 65 de ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n e63b:\t8b 95 a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1409\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1409\n e641:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1408\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1408\n e644:\t89 42 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1409\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1409\n e647:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e649:\t0f 85 f9 f5 ff ff \tjne dc48 \n e64f:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n e655:\te9 58 e5 ff ff \tjmp cbb2 \n e65a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:351\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:351\n e660:\t8b 85 a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%eax\n e666:\t8b 40 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%eax\n e669:\tc6 40 2c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x2c(%eax)\n e66d:\te9 9e f5 ff ff \tjmp dc10 \n e672:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n read_long_var_names():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:674\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:674\n e678:\t8b 85 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%eax\n e67e:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n e681:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e682:\tff 70 08 \tpushl 0x8(%eax)\n e685:\tff b5 70 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x190(%ebp)\n e68b:\te8 40 4b ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:693\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:693\n e690:\t8b 85 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%eax\n e696:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e699:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e69b:\t0f 85 99 fb ff ff \tjne e23a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:696\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:696\n e6a1:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n e6a4:\tff b5 5c fe ff ff \tpushl -0x1a4(%ebp)\n e6aa:\t8b 85 58 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1a8(%ebp),%eax\n e6b0:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n e6b6:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n e6bc:\te8 8f 50 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n e6c1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:355\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:355\n e6c4:\te9 7f f5 ff ff \tjmp dc48 \n e6c9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n e6d0:\t8d 85 c8 fe ff ff \tlea -0x138(%ebp),%eax\n e6d6:\t89 85 98 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x168(%ebp)\n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1242\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1242\n e6dc:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e6df:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n e6e2:\t8b 8d 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%ecx\n e6e8:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n e6ea:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e6f0:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n e6f2:\te8 a9 dd ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n e6f7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e6fa:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e6fc:\t0f 84 de fd ff ff \tje e4e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1243\n e702:\t8b 85 70 fe ff ff \tmov -0x190(%ebp),%eax\n e708:\t8b 70 0c \tmov 0xc(%eax),%esi\n e70b:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n e70d:\t74 0e \tje e71d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1244\n e70f:\t8b 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%eax\n e715:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n e717:\t89 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x138(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1246\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1246\n e71d:\t83 bd c8 fe ff ff 04 \tcmpl $0x4,-0x138(%ebp)\n e724:\t0f 84 b6 00 00 00 \tje e7e0 \n e72a:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1247\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1247\n e72c:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n e72f:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n e735:\t8b bd a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%edi\n e73b:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n e73e:\t8d 83 54 8f ff ff \tlea -0x70ac(%ebx),%eax\n e744:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n e746:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -17239,153 +17239,153 @@\n e755:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e756:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e757:\te8 74 4a ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n e75c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e75f:\te9 88 fd ff ff \tjmp e4ec \n e764:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n read_long_var_names():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:687\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:687\n e768:\t8b 85 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%eax\n e76e:\tff b5 90 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x170(%ebp)\n e774:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e775:\tff 70 08 \tpushl 0x8(%eax)\n e778:\tff b5 60 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x1a0(%ebp)\n e77e:\te8 4d 4a ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n e783:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e786:\te9 a1 fa ff ff \tjmp e22c \n e78b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n e78f:\t90 \tnop\n e790:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1190\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1190\n e796:\tc7 85 74 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x18c(%ebp)\n e79d:\t00 00 00 \n e7a0:\te9 94 fd ff ff \tjmp e539 \n e7a5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n read_documents():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1405\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1405\n e7a8:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n e7ab:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n e7b1:\t8b 7f 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%edi\n e7b4:\t8d 83 fc 92 ff ff \tlea -0x6d04(%ebx),%eax\n e7ba:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:512\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:512\n e7bc:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e7bd:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n e7c3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e7c4:\te8 37 4a ff ff \tcall 3200 \n e7c9:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n e7cc:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e7cd:\t57 \tpush %edi\n e7ce:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e7cf:\te8 fc 49 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n e7d4:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e7d7:\te9 d6 e3 ff ff \tjmp cbb2 \n e7dc:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1252\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1252\n e7e0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e7e3:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n e7e6:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e7ec:\t8d 8d c4 fe ff ff \tlea -0x13c(%ebp),%ecx\n e7f2:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n e7f4:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n e7f6:\te8 a5 dc ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n e7fb:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e7fe:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e800:\t0f 84 08 03 00 00 \tje eb0e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1253\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1253\n e806:\t8b 85 70 fe ff ff \tmov -0x190(%ebp),%eax\n e80c:\t8b 40 0c \tmov 0xc(%eax),%eax\n e80f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e811:\t74 0e \tje e821 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1254\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1254\n e813:\t8b 85 c4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x13c(%ebp),%eax\n e819:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n e81b:\t89 85 c4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x13c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1255\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1255\n e821:\t8b 85 70 fe ff ff \tmov -0x190(%ebp),%eax\n e827:\t8b b5 c4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x13c(%ebp),%esi\n e82d:\t8b 40 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%eax\n e830:\t8b 50 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%edx\n e833:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n e835:\t0f 8e ec 01 00 00 \tjle ea27 \n e83b:\t39 d6 \tcmp %edx,%esi\n e83d:\t0f 8f e4 01 00 00 \tjg ea27 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1260\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1260\n e843:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e846:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n e848:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e849:\te8 a2 4e ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1263\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1263\n e84e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1260\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1260\n e851:\t89 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x170(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1263\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1263\n e857:\t8b 85 c4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x13c(%ebp),%eax\n e85d:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e85f:\t0f 8e c6 05 00 00 \tjle ee2b \n e865:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e86b:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n e86d:\t89 85 7c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x184(%ebp)\n e873:\t8b 85 70 fe ff ff \tmov -0x190(%ebp),%eax\n e879:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n e87f:\teb 21 \tjmp e8a2 \n e881:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1285\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1285\n e888:\t8b 8d 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%ecx\n e88e:\t89 04 b1 \tmov %eax,(%ecx,%esi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1263\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1263\n e891:\t8b 85 c4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x13c(%ebp),%eax\n e897:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n e89a:\t39 c6 \tcmp %eax,%esi\n e89c:\t0f 8d d4 03 00 00 \tjge ec76 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1269\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1269\n e8a2:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n e8a5:\t8b 57 24 \tmov 0x24(%edi),%edx\n e8a8:\t8b 8d 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%ecx\n e8ae:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n e8b0:\t8b 85 7c fe ff ff \tmov -0x184(%ebp),%eax\n e8b6:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n e8b8:\te8 e3 db ff ff \tcall c4a0 \n e8bd:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n e8c0:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e8c2:\t0f 84 9d 03 00 00 \tje ec65 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1270\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1270\n e8c8:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e8ce:\t8b 40 0c \tmov 0xc(%eax),%eax\n e8d1:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e8d3:\t74 0e \tje e8e3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1271\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1271\n e8d5:\t8b 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%eax\n e8db:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n e8dd:\t89 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x138(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1272\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1272\n e8e3:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n e8e9:\t8b 95 c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%edx\n e8ef:\t8b 40 10 \tmov 0x10(%eax),%eax\n e8f2:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n e8f4:\t0f 8e b6 02 00 00 \tjle ebb0 \n e8fa:\t39 c2 \tcmp %eax,%edx\n e8fc:\t0f 8f ae 02 00 00 \tjg ebb0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1277\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1277\n e902:\t8b 85 84 fe ff ff \tmov -0x17c(%ebp),%eax\n e908:\t8b 44 90 fc \tmov -0x4(%eax,%edx,4),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1278\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1278\n e90c:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n e90e:\t0f 84 63 04 00 00 \tje ed77 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1281\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1281\n e914:\t83 78 48 01 \tcmpl $0x1,0x48(%eax)\n e918:\t0f 85 6a ff ff ff \tjne e888 \n e91e:\t83 78 50 08 \tcmpl $0x8,0x50(%eax)\n e922:\t0f 8e 60 ff ff ff \tjle e888 \n e928:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n e92a:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1282\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1282\n e92c:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n e92f:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n e935:\t8b 50 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%edx\n e938:\t8d 83 10 91 ff ff \tlea -0x6ef0(%ebx),%eax\n e93e:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n e940:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e941:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -17396,37 +17396,37 @@\n e959:\t8b 95 a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%edx\n e95f:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n e962:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e963:\t52 \tpush %edx\n e964:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e965:\te8 66 48 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n e96a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1260\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1260\n e96d:\t8b 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%eax\n e973:\t89 85 74 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x18c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1291\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1291\n e979:\te9 6e fb ff ff \tjmp e4ec \n e97e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n e980:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n read_machine_int32_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:552\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:552\n e982:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n e985:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n e98b:\t89 cf \tmov %ecx,%edi\n e98d:\t8b 50 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%edx\n e990:\t8d 83 38 93 ff ff \tlea -0x6cc8(%ebx),%eax\n e996:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n e998:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e999:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n e99f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e9a0:\t89 95 a8 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x158(%ebp)\n e9a6:\te8 55 48 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n e9ab:\tc7 04 24 04 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x4,(%esp)\n read_machine_flt64_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:619\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:619\n e9b2:\t8b 95 a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%edx\n e9b8:\t57 \tpush %edi\n e9b9:\t56 \tpush %esi\n e9ba:\t52 \tpush %edx\n e9bb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e9bc:\te8 0f 48 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n e9c1:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n@@ -17444,27 +17444,27 @@\n e9ef:\t50 \tpush %eax\n e9f0:\t89 95 a8 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x158(%ebp)\n e9f6:\te8 05 48 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n e9fb:\tc7 04 24 08 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x8,(%esp)\n ea02:\teb ae \tjmp e9b2 \n ea04:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n read_long_var_names():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:659\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:659\n ea08:\t56 \tpush %esi\n ea09:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ea0a:\t8d 83 04 96 ff ff \tlea -0x69fc(%ebx),%eax\n ea10:\tff 77 08 \tpushl 0x8(%edi)\n ea13:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ea14:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n ea1a:\te8 b1 47 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n ea1f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n ea22:\te9 8b e1 ff ff \tjmp cbb2 \n ea27:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1256\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1256\n ea29:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n ea2c:\t89 95 98 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x168(%ebp)\n ea32:\t8b 48 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%ecx\n ea35:\t8d 83 bc 8f ff ff \tlea -0x7044(%ebx),%eax\n ea3b:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n ea3d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ea3e:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -17479,34 +17479,34 @@\n ea69:\t56 \tpush %esi\n ea6a:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n ea6b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ea6c:\te8 5f 47 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n ea71:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n ea74:\te9 73 fa ff ff \tjmp e4ec \n read_machine_int32_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:564\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:564\n ea79:\t83 bd 00 ff ff ff 01 \tcmpl $0x1,-0x100(%ebp)\n ea80:\t75 73 \tjne eaf5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:573\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:573\n ea82:\tba d2 04 00 00 \tmov $0x4d2,%edx\n ea87:\te9 59 f5 ff ff \tjmp dfe5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:589\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:589\n ea8c:\t8b 95 0c ff ff ff \tmov -0xf4(%ebp),%edx\n ea92:\t8b 85 54 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1ac(%ebp),%eax\n ea98:\t89 50 60 \tmov %edx,0x60(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:595\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:595\n ea9b:\t83 fa 01 \tcmp $0x1,%edx\n ea9e:\t0f 84 60 01 00 00 \tje ec04 \n eaa4:\t83 fa 04 \tcmp $0x4,%edx\n eaa7:\t0f 84 57 01 00 00 \tje ec04 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:600\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:600\n eaad:\t8d 42 fb \tlea -0x5(%edx),%eax\n eab0:\t3d c2 00 00 00 \tcmp $0xc2,%eax\n eab5:\t0f 87 8d f1 ff ff \tja dc48 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:601\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:601\n eabb:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n eabe:\t8d 83 b4 94 ff ff \tlea -0x6b4c(%ebx),%eax\n eac4:\t8b 77 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%esi\n eac7:\t89 95 a8 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x158(%ebp)\n eacd:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n eacf:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ead0:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -17516,39 +17516,39 @@\n eae2:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n eae5:\t52 \tpush %edx\n eae6:\t56 \tpush %esi\n eae7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n eae8:\te8 e3 46 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n eaed:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n eaf0:\te9 53 f1 ff ff \tjmp dc48 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:565\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:565\n eaf5:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n eaf8:\t8b 77 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%esi\n eafb:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n eb01:\t8d 83 98 93 ff ff \tlea -0x6c68(%ebx),%eax\n eb07:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n eb09:\te9 72 fa ff ff \tjmp e580 \n eb0e:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n eb14:\t8b bd a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%edi\n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1190\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1190\n eb1a:\tc7 85 74 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x18c(%ebp)\n eb21:\t00 00 00 \n eb24:\te9 c3 f9 ff ff \tjmp e4ec \n eb29:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:936\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:936\n eb2f:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n eb32:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n eb38:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n eb3b:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n eb3d:\t8d 83 64 8b ff ff \tlea -0x749c(%ebx),%eax\n eb43:\te9 76 e6 ff ff \tjmp d1be \n eb48:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:941\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:941\n eb4e:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n eb51:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n eb57:\t8b 50 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%edx\n eb5a:\t8d 83 a4 8b ff ff \tlea -0x745c(%ebx),%eax\n eb60:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n eb62:\t50 \tpush %eax\n eb63:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -17560,25 +17560,25 @@\n eb7c:\tff b5 a8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x158(%ebp)\n eb82:\t52 \tpush %edx\n eb83:\t50 \tpush %eax\n eb84:\te8 47 46 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n eb89:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n eb8c:\te9 4d e6 ff ff \tjmp d1de \n eb91:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:944\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:944\n eb97:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n eb9a:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n eba0:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n eba3:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n eba5:\t8d 83 d0 8b ff ff \tlea -0x7430(%ebx),%eax\n ebab:\te9 0e e6 ff ff \tjmp d1be \n ebb0:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n ebb2:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1273\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1273\n ebb4:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n ebb7:\t89 95 98 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x168(%ebp)\n ebbd:\t8b 48 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%ecx\n ebc0:\t8d 83 2c 90 ff ff \tlea -0x6fd4(%ebx),%eax\n ebc6:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n ebc8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ebc9:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -17594,15 +17594,15 @@\n ebf5:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n ebf6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ebf7:\te8 d4 45 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n ebfc:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n ebff:\te9 69 fd ff ff \tjmp e96d \n ec04:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n read_machine_int32_info():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:596\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:596\n ec0a:\t8d b3 9b 99 ff ff \tlea -0x6665(%ebx),%esi\n ec10:\t83 fa 01 \tcmp $0x1,%edx\n ec13:\t74 12 \tje ec27 \n ec15:\t83 fa 04 \tcmp $0x4,%edx\n ec18:\t8d b3 a2 99 ff ff \tlea -0x665e(%ebx),%esi\n ec1e:\t8d 83 ac 99 ff ff \tlea -0x6654(%ebx),%eax\n ec24:\t0f 45 f0 \tcmovne %eax,%esi\n@@ -17610,63 +17610,63 @@\n ec2d:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n ec30:\t8b 78 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%edi\n ec33:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n ec35:\t8d 83 70 94 ff ff \tlea -0x6b90(%ebx),%eax\n ec3b:\te9 7c fb ff ff \tjmp e7bc \n ec40:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1050\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1050\n ec46:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n ec49:\t89 bd a8 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x158(%ebp)\n ec4f:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n ec55:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n ec58:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n ec5a:\t8d 83 58 8d ff ff \tlea -0x72a8(%ebx),%eax\n ec60:\te9 59 e5 ff ff \tjmp d1be \n ec65:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n ec6b:\t8b bd a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%edi\n ec71:\te9 f7 fc ff ff \tjmp e96d \n ec76:\t8b 95 7c fe ff ff \tmov -0x184(%ebp),%edx\n ec7c:\t89 85 7c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x184(%ebp)\n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1289\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1289\n ec82:\t89 95 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x150(%ebp)\n ec88:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n ec8b:\t0f 8e 9a 01 00 00 \tjle ee2b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1290\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1290\n ec91:\t8b 8d 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1289\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1289\n ec97:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1290\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1290\n ec9d:\t8b 11 \tmov (%ecx),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1289\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1289\n ec9f:\t89 85 58 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1a8(%ebp)\n eca5:\t8b 85 7c fe ff ff \tmov -0x184(%ebp),%eax\n ecab:\t89 bd 7c fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x184(%ebp)\n ecb1:\t89 cf \tmov %ecx,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1290\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1290\n ecb3:\t8b 72 48 \tmov 0x48(%edx),%esi\n ecb6:\t89 95 60 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x1a0(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1289\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1289\n ecbc:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1290\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1290\n ecc1:\t89 b5 5c fe ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x1a4(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1289\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1289\n ecc7:\t89 b5 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x150(%ebp)\n eccd:\teb 0c \tjmp ecdb \n eccf:\t90 \tnop\n ecd0:\t83 c2 01 \tadd $0x1,%edx\n ecd3:\t39 d0 \tcmp %edx,%eax\n ecd5:\t0f 84 3e 01 00 00 \tje ee19 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1290\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1290\n ecdb:\t8b 34 97 \tmov (%edi,%edx,4),%esi\n ecde:\t8b 4e 48 \tmov 0x48(%esi),%ecx\n ece1:\t3b 8d b0 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x150(%ebp),%ecx\n ece7:\t74 e7 \tje ecd0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1291\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1291\n ece9:\t8b 85 7c fe ff ff \tmov -0x184(%ebp),%eax\n ecef:\t83 f9 01 \tcmp $0x1,%ecx\n ecf2:\t8d 93 c3 80 ff ff \tlea -0x7f3d(%ebx),%edx\n ecf8:\t8b bd a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%edi\n ecfe:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n ed04:\t8d 83 c9 77 ff ff \tlea -0x8837(%ebx),%eax\n ed0a:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n@@ -17695,15 +17695,15 @@\n ed62:\tff b5 60 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x1a0(%ebp)\n ed68:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n ed69:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ed6a:\te8 61 44 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n ed6f:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n ed72:\te9 f6 fb ff ff \tjmp e96d \n ed77:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1279\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1279\n ed79:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n ed7c:\t89 95 98 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x168(%ebp)\n ed82:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n ed85:\t8d 83 90 90 ff ff \tlea -0x6f70(%ebx),%eax\n ed8b:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n ed8d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ed8e:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -17716,21 +17716,21 @@\n edaf:\t52 \tpush %edx\n edb0:\t56 \tpush %esi\n edb1:\t50 \tpush %eax\n edb2:\te8 19 44 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n edb7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n edba:\te9 ae fb ff ff \tjmp e96d \n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:780\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:780\n edbf:\t8b bd a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%edi\n edc5:\tc7 47 0c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0xc(%edi)\n edcc:\t8b bd 34 ff ff ff \tmov -0xcc(%ebp),%edi\n edd2:\t89 fe \tmov %edi,%esi\n edd4:\te9 66 e0 ff ff \tjmp ce3f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:800\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:800\n edd9:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n eddf:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n ede2:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n ede5:\t8d 83 bc 89 ff ff \tlea -0x7644(%ebx),%eax\n edeb:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n eded:\t50 \tpush %eax\n edee:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -17739,67 +17739,67 @@\n edfa:\t68 ff ff ff 07 \tpush $0x7ffffff\n edff:\t57 \tpush %edi\n ee00:\t56 \tpush %esi\n ee01:\t50 \tpush %eax\n ee02:\te8 c9 43 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n ee07:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:286\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:286\n ee0a:\tc7 85 84 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x17c(%ebp)\n ee11:\t00 00 00 \n ee14:\te9 99 dd ff ff \tjmp cbb2 \n ee19:\t8b 85 58 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1a8(%ebp),%eax\n ee1f:\t8b bd 7c fe ff ff \tmov -0x184(%ebp),%edi\n ee25:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1297\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1297\n ee2b:\t8b b5 c0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x140(%ebp),%esi\n ee31:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n ee33:\t0f 8e 72 05 00 00 \tjle f3ab \n ee39:\t8b 95 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edx\n ee3f:\t8b 8d 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%ecx\n ee45:\t89 bd 50 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x1b0(%ebp)\n ee4b:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n ee4d:\t89 95 58 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x1a8(%ebp)\n ee53:\t8b 95 a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%edx\n ee59:\t89 8d 5c fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x1a4(%ebp)\n ee5f:\t8b 8d 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%ecx\n ee65:\t89 95 7c fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x184(%ebp)\n ee6b:\t89 8d 60 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x1a0(%ebp)\n ee71:\teb 4d \tjmp eec0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1308\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1308\n ee73:\t8b bd 70 fe ff ff \tmov -0x190(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1307\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1307\n ee79:\tdd 85 b0 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x150(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1308\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1308\n ee7f:\t8b 4f 0c \tmov 0xc(%edi),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1307\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1307\n ee82:\tdd 1a \tfstpl (%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1308\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1308\n ee84:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n ee86:\t74 24 \tje eeac \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1309\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1309\n ee88:\t8b 8d b4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x14c(%ebp),%ecx\n ee8e:\t0f c9 \tbswap %ecx\n ee90:\t89 8d 20 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x1e0(%ebp)\n ee96:\t8b 8d b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%ecx\n ee9c:\t0f c9 \tbswap %ecx\n ee9e:\t89 8d 24 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x1dc(%ebp)\n eea4:\tdd 85 20 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x1e0(%ebp)\n eeaa:\tdd 1a \tfstpl (%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1311\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1311\n eeac:\t8b 8d c4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x13c(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1297\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1297\n eeb2:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1311\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1311\n eeb5:\t89 4a 0c \tmov %ecx,0xc(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1297\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1297\n eeb8:\t3b 85 c0 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x140(%ebp),%eax\n eebe:\t7d 42 \tjge ef02 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1299\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1299\n eec0:\t8b 8d 60 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1a0(%ebp),%ecx\n eec6:\t8b bd 7c fe ff ff \tmov -0x184(%ebp),%edi\n eecc:\tdd 04 c1 \tfldl (%ecx,%eax,8)\n eecf:\t8b 8d 5c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1a4(%ebp),%ecx\n eed5:\t8b 14 87 \tmov (%edi,%eax,4),%edx\n eed8:\t8b 09 \tmov (%ecx),%ecx\n eeda:\tdd 9d b0 fe ff ff \tfstpl -0x150(%ebp)\n@@ -17814,51 +17814,51 @@\n eefb:\t89 32 \tmov %esi,(%edx)\n eefd:\t8b 14 87 \tmov (%edi,%eax,4),%edx\n ef00:\teb aa \tjmp eeac \n ef02:\t8b 85 58 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1a8(%ebp),%eax\n ef08:\t8b bd 50 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1b0(%ebp),%edi\n ef0e:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n read_value_labels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1315\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1315\n ef14:\tc7 85 50 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x1b0(%ebp)\n ef1b:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1336\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1336\n ef1e:\t8d 83 10 92 ff ff \tlea -0x6df0(%ebx),%eax\n ef24:\t89 85 4c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1b4(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1315\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1315\n ef2a:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n ef2c:\t0f 8e 91 01 00 00 \tjle f0c3 \n ef32:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n ef38:\t89 bd 70 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x190(%ebp)\n ef3e:\t89 85 38 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x1c8(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1317\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1317\n ef44:\t8b 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%eax\n ef4a:\t8b bd 50 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1b0(%ebp),%edi\n ef50:\t8b 3c b8 \tmov (%eax,%edi,4),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1319\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1319\n ef53:\t8b 47 50 \tmov 0x50(%edi),%eax\n ef56:\t89 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x138(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1322\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1322\n ef5c:\t8b 87 94 00 00 00 \tmov 0x94(%edi),%eax\n ef62:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ef64:\t0f 84 87 01 00 00 \tje f0f1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1336\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1336\n ef6a:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1326\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1326\n ef70:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1336\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1336\n ef72:\t89 85 7c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x184(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1326\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1326\n ef78:\t8b 85 c0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x140(%ebp),%eax\n ef7e:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ef80:\t0f 8e 12 01 00 00 \tjle f098 \n ef86:\t89 bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x150(%ebp)\n ef8c:\teb 65 \tjmp eff3 \n ef8e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1333\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1333\n ef90:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n ef93:\t8d 83 d0 91 ff ff \tlea -0x6e30(%ebx),%eax\n ef99:\tdd 02 \tfldl (%edx)\n ef9b:\t89 8d 5c fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x1a4(%ebp)\n efa1:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n efa3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n efa4:\tff b5 7c fe ff ff \tpushl -0x184(%ebp)\n@@ -17870,48 +17870,48 @@\n efc2:\t8b 8d 5c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1a4(%ebp),%ecx\n efc8:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n efcb:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n efce:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n efcf:\t50 \tpush %eax\n efd0:\te8 fb 41 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n efd5:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1340\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1340\n efd8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n efdb:\t57 \tpush %edi\n efdc:\te8 4f 41 ff ff \tcall 3130 \n efe1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1326\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1326\n efe4:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n efe7:\t3b b5 c0 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x140(%ebp),%esi\n efed:\t0f 8d a5 00 00 00 \tjge f098 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1328\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1328\n eff3:\t8b bd b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%edi\n eff9:\t8b 85 a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%eax\n efff:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n f002:\tff 34 b0 \tpushl (%eax,%esi,4)\n f005:\tff b7 94 00 00 00 \tpushl 0x94(%edi)\n f00b:\te8 60 44 ff ff \tcall 3470 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1329\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1329\n f010:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1328\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1328\n f013:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1329\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1329\n f015:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n f017:\t74 cb \tje efe4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1332\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1332\n f019:\t8b 85 a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%eax\n f01f:\t8b 14 b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%edx\n f022:\t8b 85 70 fe ff ff \tmov -0x190(%ebp),%eax\n f028:\t8b 48 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%ecx\n f02b:\t8b 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%eax\n f031:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n f033:\t8b 40 48 \tmov 0x48(%eax),%eax\n f036:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n f038:\t0f 84 52 ff ff ff \tje ef90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1336\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1336\n f03e:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n f044:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n f047:\t89 95 5c fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x1a4(%ebp)\n f04d:\t89 8d 58 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x1a8(%ebp)\n f053:\t8b 50 50 \tmov 0x50(%eax),%edx\n f056:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n f058:\tff b5 4c fe ff ff \tpushl -0x1b4(%ebp)\n@@ -17925,47 +17925,47 @@\n f082:\t52 \tpush %edx\n f083:\tff b5 60 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x1a0(%ebp)\n f089:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n f08a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f08b:\te8 40 41 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n f090:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n f093:\te9 40 ff ff ff \tjmp efd8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1315\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1315\n f098:\t83 85 50 fe ff ff 01 \taddl $0x1,-0x1b0(%ebp)\n f09f:\t8b 85 50 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1b0(%ebp),%eax\n f0a5:\t3b 85 c4 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x13c(%ebp),%eax\n f0ab:\t0f 8c 93 fe ff ff \tjl ef44 \n f0b1:\t8b 85 38 fe ff ff \tmov -0x1c8(%ebp),%eax\n f0b7:\t8b bd 70 fe ff ff \tmov -0x190(%ebp),%edi\n f0bd:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1344\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1344\n f0c3:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n f0c6:\tff b5 a8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x158(%ebp)\n f0cc:\te8 7f 46 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1345\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1345\n f0d1:\t58 \tpop %eax\n f0d2:\tff b5 88 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x178(%ebp)\n f0d8:\te8 73 46 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1346\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1346\n f0dd:\t58 \tpop %eax\n f0de:\tff b5 90 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x170(%ebp)\n f0e4:\te8 67 46 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1347\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1347\n f0e9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n f0ec:\te9 57 eb ff ff \tjmp dc48 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1323\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1323\n f0f1:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n f0f4:\tff b5 98 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x168(%ebp)\n f0fa:\tff b5 6c fe ff ff \tpushl -0x194(%ebp)\n f100:\te8 ab 45 ff ff \tcall 36b0 \n f105:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n f108:\t89 87 94 00 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x94(%edi)\n f10e:\te9 57 fe ff ff \tjmp ef6a \n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:807\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:807\n f113:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n f119:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n f11c:\t8b 50 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%edx\n f11f:\t8d 83 fc 89 ff ff \tlea -0x7604(%ebx),%eax\n f125:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n f127:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f128:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -17976,21 +17976,21 @@\n f140:\t57 \tpush %edi\n f141:\tff b5 98 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x168(%ebp)\n f147:\t52 \tpush %edx\n f148:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f149:\te8 82 40 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n f14e:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:286\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:286\n f151:\tc7 85 84 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x17c(%ebp)\n f158:\t00 00 00 \n f15b:\te9 52 da ff ff \tjmp cbb2 \n f160:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n read_variables():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1034\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1034\n f166:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n f169:\t89 bd a8 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x158(%ebp)\n f16f:\t89 8d 90 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x170(%ebp)\n f175:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n f17b:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n f17e:\t8d 83 18 8d ff ff \tlea -0x72e8(%ebx),%eax\n f184:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n@@ -17998,32 +17998,32 @@\n f187:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n f18d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f18e:\te8 6d 40 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n f193:\t8b 8d 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%ecx\n f199:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n f19a:\te9 46 e8 ff ff \tjmp d9e5 \n f19f:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1073\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1073\n f1a5:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n f1a8:\t89 bd a8 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x158(%ebp)\n f1ae:\t8b bd 88 fe ff ff \tmov -0x178(%ebp),%edi\n f1b4:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n f1b7:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n f1b9:\t8d 83 90 8d ff ff \tlea -0x7270(%ebx),%eax\n f1bf:\te9 fa df ff ff \tjmp d1be \n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:512\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:512\n f1c4:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n f1ca:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n f1cd:\t8b 78 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%edi\n f1d0:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n f1d2:\t8d 83 40 98 ff ff \tlea -0x67c0(%ebx),%eax\n f1d8:\te9 df f5 ff ff \tjmp e7bc \n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:785\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:785\n f1dd:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n f1e3:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n f1e6:\t8b 78 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%edi\n f1e9:\t8d 83 4c 89 ff ff \tlea -0x76b4(%ebx),%eax\n f1ef:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n f1f1:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f1f2:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -18032,20 +18032,20 @@\n f1fe:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n f201:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f202:\t57 \tpush %edi\n f203:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f204:\te8 c7 3f ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n f209:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:286\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:286\n f20c:\tc7 85 84 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x17c(%ebp)\n f213:\t00 00 00 \n f216:\te9 97 d9 ff ff \tjmp cbb2 \n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:817\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:817\n f21b:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n f221:\t89 95 80 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x180(%ebp)\n f227:\tdd 9d 98 fe ff ff \tfstpl -0x168(%ebp)\n f22d:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n f230:\t8d 83 94 8a ff ff \tlea -0x756c(%ebx),%eax\n f236:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n f237:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n@@ -18061,15 +18061,15 @@\n f252:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f253:\te8 78 3f ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n f258:\t8b 85 4c fe ff ff \tmov -0x1b4(%ebp),%eax\n f25e:\t8b 95 80 fe ff ff \tmov -0x180(%ebp),%edx\n f264:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n f267:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n f269:\te9 67 dc ff ff \tjmp ced5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:812\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:812\n f26e:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n f274:\t8b 78 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%edi\n f277:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f278:\t8d 83 58 8a ff ff \tlea -0x75a8(%ebx),%eax\n f27e:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n f280:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f281:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -18078,15 +18078,15 @@\n f28d:\t68 ff ff ff 3f \tpush $0x3fffffff\n f292:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f293:\t57 \tpush %edi\n f294:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f295:\te8 36 3f ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n f29a:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:286\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:286\n f29d:\tc7 85 84 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x17c(%ebp)\n f2a4:\t00 00 00 \n f2a7:\te9 06 d9 ff ff \tjmp cbb2 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n f2ac:\t8b 85 90 fe ff ff \tmov -0x170(%ebp),%eax\n f2b2:\t8b 38 \tmov (%eax),%edi\n@@ -18108,34 +18108,34 @@\n f2e7:\t8b 34 06 \tmov (%esi,%eax,1),%esi\n f2ea:\t89 34 07 \tmov %esi,(%edi,%eax,1)\n f2ed:\t83 c0 04 \tadd $0x4,%eax\n f2f0:\t39 c8 \tcmp %ecx,%eax\n f2f2:\t72 ed \tjb f2e1 \n f2f4:\te9 97 dc ff ff \tjmp cf90 \n read_header():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:770\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:770\n f2f9:\tb9 13 00 00 00 \tmov $0x13,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:772\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:772\n f2fe:\t89 8d 88 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x178(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:773\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:773\n f304:\te9 9f da ff ff \tjmp cda8 \n f309:\t8b 85 80 fe ff ff \tmov -0x180(%ebp),%eax\n f30f:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n f315:\te9 8d dc ff ff \tjmp cfa7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:770\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:770\n f31a:\tb9 11 00 00 00 \tmov $0x11,%ecx\n f31f:\teb dd \tjmp f2fe \n sfm_read_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:311\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:311\n f321:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n f324:\tff b5 a4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x15c(%ebp)\n f32a:\te8 21 44 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:313\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:313\n f32f:\te8 6c 42 ff ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:312\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:312\n f334:\t5a \tpop %edx\n f335:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n f337:\te8 04 41 ff ff \tcall 3440 \n f33c:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n f33f:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n f341:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n f347:\t8b 78 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%edi\n@@ -18146,15 +18146,15 @@\n f359:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f35a:\te8 a1 3e ff ff \tcall 3200 \n f35f:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n f362:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f363:\t57 \tpush %edi\n f364:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f365:\te8 76 3e ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:297\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:297\n f36a:\t8b 85 74 fe ff ff \tmov -0x18c(%ebp),%eax\n f370:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n f373:\t8b 78 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%edi\n f376:\tff b5 b0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x150(%ebp)\n f37c:\te8 0f 44 ff ff \tcall 3790 \n f381:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n f384:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n@@ -18165,26 +18165,26 @@\n f395:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f396:\te8 65 3e ff ff \tcall 3200 \n f39b:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n f39e:\t57 \tpush %edi\n f39f:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f3a0:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f3a1:\te8 3a 3e ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:538\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:538\n f3a6:\te8 f5 50 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n f3ab:\t8b 8d c4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x13c(%ebp),%ecx\n f3b1:\te9 5e fb ff ff \tjmp ef14 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:345\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:345\n f3b6:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n f3bc:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n f3bf:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n f3c0:\t8d 83 20 8f ff ff \tlea -0x70e0(%ebx),%eax\n f3c6:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n f3c8:\te9 b3 f1 ff ff \tjmp e580 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:343\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:343\n f3cd:\t8b 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x150(%ebp),%eax\n f3d3:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n f3d6:\t57 \tpush %edi\n f3d7:\t8d 83 d4 8e ff ff \tlea -0x712c(%ebx),%eax\n f3dd:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n f3df:\te9 9c f1 ff ff \tjmp e580 \n memcpy():\n@@ -18195,426 +18195,426 @@\n f3f4:\te9 97 db ff ff \tjmp cf90 \n .L230():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n f3f9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 0000f400 :\n sfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1629\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1629\n f400:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n f401:\t57 \tpush %edi\n f402:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f403:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n f404:\te8 c7 44 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n f409:\t81 c3 f7 eb 00 00 \tadd $0xebf7,%ebx\n f40f:\t83 ec 6c \tsub $0x6c,%esp\n f412:\t8b bc 24 84 00 00 00 \tmov 0x84(%esp),%edi\n f419:\t8b 84 24 80 00 00 00 \tmov 0x80(%esp),%eax\n f420:\t89 7c 24 20 \tmov %edi,0x20(%esp)\n f424:\t8b bc 24 88 00 00 00 \tmov 0x88(%esp),%edi\n f42b:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1630\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1630\n f42f:\t8b 68 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1639\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1639\n f432:\t8b 77 10 \tmov 0x10(%edi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1629\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1629\n f435:\t65 8b 0d 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%ecx\n f43c:\t89 4c 24 5c \tmov %ecx,0x5c(%esp)\n f440:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1639\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1639\n f442:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n f444:\t0f 8e 9f 03 00 00 \tjle f7e9 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1644\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1644\n f44a:\t8b 75 10 \tmov 0x10(%ebp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1645\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1645\n f44d:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n f450:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n f452:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f453:\te8 98 42 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1647\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1647\n f458:\t8b 4d 18 \tmov 0x18(%ebp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1645\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1645\n f45b:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1647\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1647\n f45f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n f462:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n f464:\t0f 85 46 01 00 00 \tjne f5b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1644\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1644\n f46a:\tc1 e6 03 \tshl $0x3,%esi\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n f46d:\tff 75 00 \tpushl 0x0(%ebp)\n f470:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f471:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n f473:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f474:\te8 d7 3e ff ff \tcall 3350 \n sfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1651\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1651\n f479:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n f47c:\t39 c6 \tcmp %eax,%esi\n f47e:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n f482:\t0f 85 d8 00 00 00 \tjne f560 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1677 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1677 (discriminator 1)\n f488:\t8b 83 c0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x40(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1665 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1665 (discriminator 1)\n f48e:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1677 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1677 (discriminator 1)\n f490:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1665 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1665 (discriminator 1)\n f494:\t8b 47 08 \tmov 0x8(%edi),%eax\n f497:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n f499:\t0f 8e a7 00 00 00 \tjle f546 \n f49f:\t89 6c 24 14 \tmov %ebp,0x14(%esp)\n f4a3:\teb 5b \tjmp f500 \n f4a5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1675\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1675\n f4a8:\t8b 44 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1674\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1674\n f4ac:\tdd 01 \tfldl (%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1675\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1675\n f4ae:\t8b 40 0c \tmov 0xc(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1674\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1674\n f4b1:\tdd 5c 24 08 \tfstpl 0x8(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1675\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1675\n f4b5:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n f4b7:\t74 1c \tje f4d5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1676\n f4b9:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n f4bd:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n f4bf:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n f4c3:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n f4c7:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n f4c9:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n f4cd:\tdd 44 24 18 \tfldl 0x18(%esp)\n f4d1:\tdd 5c 24 08 \tfstpl 0x8(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1677\n f4d5:\t8b 44 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%eax\n f4d9:\tdd 44 24 08 \tfldl 0x8(%esp)\n f4dd:\tdd 40 28 \tfldl 0x28(%eax)\n f4e0:\tdf e9 \tfucomip %st(1),%st\n f4e2:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n f4e4:\t7a 0c \tjp f4f2 \n f4e6:\t75 0a \tjne f4f2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1677 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1677 (discriminator 1)\n f4e8:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n f4ec:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n f4ee:\tdd 5c 24 08 \tfstpl 0x8(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1677 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1677 (discriminator 4)\n f4f2:\tdd 44 24 08 \tfldl 0x8(%esp)\n f4f6:\tdd 1a \tfstpl (%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1665 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1665 (discriminator 2)\n f4f8:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n f4fb:\t39 77 08 \tcmp %esi,0x8(%edi)\n f4fe:\t7e 46 \tjle f546 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1667\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1667\n f500:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n f502:\t8b 04 b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1669\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1669\n f505:\t8b 90 9c 00 00 00 \tmov 0x9c(%eax),%edx\n f50b:\t83 fa ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%edx\n f50e:\t74 e8 \tje f4f8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1672\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1672\n f510:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n f514:\t8b 6c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ebp\n f518:\t8d 0c d1 \tlea (%ecx,%edx,8),%ecx\n f51b:\t8b 50 54 \tmov 0x54(%eax),%edx\n f51e:\t8d 54 d5 00 \tlea 0x0(%ebp,%edx,8),%edx\n f522:\t8b 68 48 \tmov 0x48(%eax),%ebp\n f525:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n f527:\t0f 84 7b ff ff ff \tje f4a8 \n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n f52d:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n f530:\tff 70 50 \tpushl 0x50(%eax)\n sfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1665\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1665\n f533:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n f536:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n f537:\tff 32 \tpushl (%edx)\n f539:\te8 42 3c ff ff \tcall 3180 \n f53e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n sfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1665\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1665\n f541:\t39 77 08 \tcmp %esi,0x8(%edi)\n f544:\t7f ba \tjg f500 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1683\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1683\n f546:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n f549:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n f54d:\te8 fe 41 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1684\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1684\n f552:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n f555:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n f55a:\teb 37 \tjmp f593 \n f55c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1653\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1653\n f560:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n f563:\tff 75 00 \tpushl 0x0(%ebp)\n f566:\te8 35 3c ff ff \tcall 31a0 \n f56b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n f56e:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n f572:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n f574:\t0f 85 7e 02 00 00 \tjne f7f8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1655\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1655\n f57a:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n f57c:\t0f 85 b1 02 00 00 \tjne f833 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1687\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1687\n f582:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n f585:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n f589:\te8 c2 41 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1688\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1688\n f58e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n f591:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1689\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1689\n f593:\t8b 5c 24 5c \tmov 0x5c(%esp),%ebx\n f597:\t65 33 1d 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%ebx\n f59e:\t0f 85 40 02 00 00 \tjne f7e4 \n f5a4:\t83 c4 6c \tadd $0x6c,%esp\n f5a7:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n f5a8:\t5e \tpop %esi\n f5a9:\t5f \tpop %edi\n f5aa:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n f5ab:\tc3 \tret \n f5ac:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n read_compressed_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1535\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1535\n f5b0:\t8b 54 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1541\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1541\n f5b4:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n f5b8:\t89 6c 24 48 \tmov %ebp,0x48(%esp)\n f5bc:\t89 7c 24 4c \tmov %edi,0x4c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1535\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1535\n f5c0:\t8b 72 24 \tmov 0x24(%edx),%esi\n sfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1645\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1645\n f5c3:\t89 4c 24 08 \tmov %ecx,0x8(%esp)\n read_compressed_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1537\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1537\n f5c7:\t8d 46 54 \tlea 0x54(%esi),%eax\n f5ca:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1538\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1538\n f5ce:\t8b 46 54 \tmov 0x54(%esi),%eax\n f5d1:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1541\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1541\n f5d5:\t8b 46 10 \tmov 0x10(%esi),%eax\n f5d8:\t8d 04 c1 \tlea (%ecx,%eax,8),%eax\n f5db:\t8b 4c 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%ecx\n f5df:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1600\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1600\n f5e3:\t8d 42 08 \tlea 0x8(%edx),%eax\n f5e6:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n f5ea:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1545\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1545\n f5f0:\t39 4c 24 14 \tcmp %ecx,0x14(%esp)\n f5f4:\t77 41 \tja f637 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1599\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1599\n f5f6:\t8b 46 44 \tmov 0x44(%esi),%eax\n f5f9:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n f5fb:\t74 05 \tje f602 \n f5fd:\t3b 46 48 \tcmp 0x48(%esi),%eax\n f600:\t72 1b \tjb f61d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1600\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1600\n f602:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n f606:\t8b 50 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%edx\n f609:\t8b 44 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%eax\n f60d:\te8 6e cf ff ff \tcall c580 \n f612:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n f614:\t0f 84 a5 01 00 00 \tje f7bf \n f61a:\t8b 46 44 \tmov 0x44(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1606\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1606\n f61d:\t8d 50 08 \tlea 0x8(%eax),%edx\n f620:\t8d 4e 4c \tlea 0x4c(%esi),%ecx\n f623:\t89 56 44 \tmov %edx,0x44(%esi)\n f626:\t8b 50 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%edx\n f629:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n f62b:\t89 56 50 \tmov %edx,0x50(%esi)\n f62e:\t89 46 4c \tmov %eax,0x4c(%esi)\n read_compressed_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1545\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1545\n f631:\t39 4c 24 14 \tcmp %ecx,0x14(%esp)\n f635:\t76 bf \tjbe f5f6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1546\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1546\n f637:\t0f b6 01 \tmovzbl (%ecx),%eax\n f63a:\t3c fd \tcmp $0xfd,%al\n f63c:\t0f 84 ee 00 00 00 \tje f730 \n f642:\t77 4c \tja f690 \n f644:\t84 c0 \ttest %al,%al\n f646:\t74 77 \tje f6bf \n f648:\t3c fc \tcmp $0xfc,%al\n f64a:\t0f 85 a4 00 00 00 \tjne f6f4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1553\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1553\n f650:\t8b 7c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edi\n f654:\t39 7c 24 10 \tcmp %edi,0x10(%esp)\n f658:\t0f 84 24 ff ff ff \tje f582 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1554\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1554\n f65e:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n f662:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n f665:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n f668:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n f66a:\t8d 83 d0 98 ff ff \tlea -0x6730(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1562\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1562\n f670:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f671:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n f677:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f678:\te8 83 3b ff ff \tcall 3200 \n f67d:\t5a \tpop %edx\n f67e:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n f67f:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f680:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f681:\te8 4a 3b ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n f686:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n f689:\te9 f4 fe ff ff \tjmp f582 \n f68e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1546\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1546\n f690:\t3c fe \tcmp $0xfe,%al\n f692:\t74 3c \tje f6d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1577\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1577\n f694:\tdd 46 28 \tfldl 0x28(%esi)\n f697:\t8b 7c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1578\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1578\n f69b:\t8b 46 0c \tmov 0xc(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1577\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1577\n f69e:\tdd 54 24 30 \tfstl 0x30(%esp)\n f6a2:\tdd 1f \tfstpl (%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1578\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1578\n f6a4:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n f6a6:\t0f 85 f4 00 00 00 \tjne f7a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1591\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1591\n f6ac:\t83 44 24 08 08 \taddl $0x8,0x8(%esp)\n f6b1:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1592\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1592\n f6b5:\t39 44 24 2c \tcmp %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n f6b9:\t0f 86 c1 00 00 00 \tjbe f780 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1545\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1545\n f6bf:\t83 c1 01 \tadd $0x1,%ecx\n f6c2:\te9 29 ff ff ff \tjmp f5f0 \n f6c7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n f6ce:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1571\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1571\n f6d0:\t8b 7c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edi\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n f6d4:\tc7 07 20 20 20 20 \tmovl $0x20202020,(%edi)\n read_compressed_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1571\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1571\n f6da:\t8d 47 08 \tlea 0x8(%edi),%eax\n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n f6dd:\tc7 47 04 20 20 20 20 \tmovl $0x20202020,0x4(%edi)\n read_compressed_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1572\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1572\n f6e4:\t39 44 24 2c \tcmp %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n f6e8:\t0f 86 92 00 00 00 \tjbe f780 \n f6ee:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n f6f2:\teb cb \tjmp f6bf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1588\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1588\n f6f4:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n f6f8:\tdb 44 24 30 \tfildl 0x30(%esp)\n f6fc:\tdc 66 1c \tfsubl 0x1c(%esi)\n f6ff:\t8b 7c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1589\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1589\n f703:\t8b 46 0c \tmov 0xc(%esi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1588\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1588\n f706:\tdd 54 24 30 \tfstl 0x30(%esp)\n f70a:\tdd 1f \tfstpl (%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1589\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1589\n f70c:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n f70e:\t74 9c \tje f6ac \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1590\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1590\n f710:\t8b 44 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%eax\n f714:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n f716:\t89 44 24 40 \tmov %eax,0x40(%esp)\n f71a:\t8b 44 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%eax\n f71e:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n f720:\t89 44 24 44 \tmov %eax,0x44(%esp)\n f724:\tdd 44 24 40 \tfldl 0x40(%esp)\n f728:\tdd 1f \tfstpl (%edi)\n f72a:\teb 80 \tjmp f6ac \n f72c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1559\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1559\n f730:\t8b 56 44 \tmov 0x44(%esi),%edx\n f733:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n f735:\t74 05 \tje f73c \n f737:\t3b 56 48 \tcmp 0x48(%esi),%edx\n f73a:\t72 1f \tjb f75b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1560\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1560\n f73c:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n f740:\t89 4c 24 30 \tmov %ecx,0x30(%esp)\n f744:\t8b 50 24 \tmov 0x24(%eax),%edx\n f747:\t8b 44 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%eax\n f74b:\te8 30 ce ff ff \tcall c580 \n f750:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n f752:\t74 79 \tje f7cd \n f754:\t8b 56 44 \tmov 0x44(%esi),%edx\n f757:\t8b 4c 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1565\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1565\n f75b:\t8d 42 08 \tlea 0x8(%edx),%eax\n f75e:\t89 46 44 \tmov %eax,0x44(%esi)\n f761:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n f765:\t8b 3a \tmov (%edx),%edi\n f767:\t8b 6a 04 \tmov 0x4(%edx),%ebp\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n f76a:\t8b 54 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edx\n read_compressed_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1565\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1565\n f76e:\t83 c0 08 \tadd $0x8,%eax\n memcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:34\n f771:\t89 3a \tmov %edi,(%edx)\n f773:\t89 6a 04 \tmov %ebp,0x4(%edx)\n read_compressed_data():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1566\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1566\n f776:\t39 44 24 2c \tcmp %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n f77a:\t0f 87 6e ff ff ff \tja f6ee \n f780:\t8b 6c 24 48 \tmov 0x48(%esp),%ebp\n f784:\t8b 7c 24 4c \tmov 0x4c(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1613\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1613\n f788:\t89 4c 24 30 \tmov %ecx,0x30(%esp)\n f78c:\t8b 4c 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%ecx\n f790:\t83 c1 01 \tadd $0x1,%ecx\n f793:\t89 4e 54 \tmov %ecx,0x54(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1614\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1614\n f796:\te9 ed fc ff ff \tjmp f488 \n f79b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n f79f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1579\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1579\n f7a0:\t8b 44 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%eax\n f7a4:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n f7a6:\t89 44 24 38 \tmov %eax,0x38(%esp)\n f7aa:\t8b 44 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%eax\n f7ae:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n f7b0:\t89 44 24 3c \tmov %eax,0x3c(%esp)\n f7b4:\tdd 44 24 38 \tfldl 0x38(%esp)\n f7b8:\tdd 1f \tfstpl (%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1580\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1580\n f7ba:\te9 ed fe ff ff \tjmp f6ac \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1602\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1602\n f7bf:\t8b 7c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edi\n f7c3:\t39 7c 24 10 \tcmp %edi,0x10(%esp)\n f7c7:\t0f 84 b5 fd ff ff \tje f582 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1562\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1562\n f7cd:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n f7d1:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n f7d4:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n f7d7:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n f7d9:\t8d 83 4c 99 ff ff \tlea -0x66b4(%ebx),%eax\n f7df:\te9 8c fe ff ff \tjmp f670 \n sfm_read_case():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1689\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1689\n f7e4:\te8 b7 4c 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1639 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1639 (discriminator 1)\n f7e9:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n f7ec:\t8d 83 84 98 ff ff \tlea -0x677c(%ebx),%eax\n f7f2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f7f3:\te8 e8 39 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1654\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1654\n f7f8:\te8 a3 3d ff ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n f7fd:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n f800:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n f802:\te8 39 3c ff ff \tcall 3440 \n f807:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n f809:\t8b 44 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%eax\n f80d:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n@@ -18626,15 +18626,15 @@\n f822:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f823:\te8 d8 39 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n f828:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n f82b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f82c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n f82d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f82e:\te8 ad 39 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/sfm-read.c:1656\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/sfm-read.c:1656\n f833:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n f837:\t8b 70 08 \tmov 0x8(%eax),%esi\n f83a:\t8d 83 a4 98 ff ff \tlea -0x675c(%ebx),%eax\n f840:\t57 \tpush %edi\n f841:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n f843:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f844:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -18646,2305 +18646,2305 @@\n f853:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f854:\te8 87 39 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n f859:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n f85b:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n f85d:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n f85f:\t90 \tnop\n getSPSSmissing():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:265\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:265\n f860:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n f861:\t57 \tpush %edi\n f862:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f863:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n f864:\te8 67 40 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n f869:\t81 c3 97 e7 00 00 \tadd $0xe797,%ebx\n f86f:\t83 ec 3c \tsub $0x3c,%esp\n f872:\t89 44 24 10 \tmov %eax,0x10(%esp)\n f876:\t89 54 24 0c \tmov %edx,0xc(%esp)\n f87a:\t89 4c 24 24 \tmov %ecx,0x24(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:271\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:271\n f87e:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n f880:\t75 1e \tjne f8a0 \n f882:\t8b 83 ac ff ff ff \tmov -0x54(%ebx),%eax\n f888:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n f88a:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:352\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:352\n f88e:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n f892:\t83 c4 3c \tadd $0x3c,%esp\n f895:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n f896:\t5e \tpop %esi\n f897:\t5f \tpop %edi\n f898:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n f899:\tc3 \tret \n f89a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:272\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:272\n f8a0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n f8a3:\t8b 74 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%esi\n f8a7:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f8a8:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n f8aa:\te8 11 38 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n f8af:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n f8b3:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n f8b6:\te8 e5 3d ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:274\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:274\n f8bb:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n f8be:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n f8c0:\t0f 8e a4 00 00 00 \tjle f96a \n f8c6:\t8d 83 fc 74 ff ff \tlea -0x8b04(%ebx),%eax\n f8cc:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n f8ce:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n f8d2:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n f8d8:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:319\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:319\n f8dc:\t8d 83 35 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fcb(%ebx),%eax\n f8e2:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:278\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:278\n f8e6:\t8d 83 8a 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6576(%ebx),%eax\n f8ec:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:275\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:275\n f8f0:\t8b 44 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%eax\n f8f4:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n f8f6:\t8b 3c b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:278\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:278\n f8f9:\t8b 57 60 \tmov 0x60(%edi),%edx\n f8fc:\t83 fa 09 \tcmp $0x9,%edx\n f8ff:\t0f 87 d8 02 00 00 \tja fbdd \n f905:\t8b 84 93 ec 9a ff ff \tmov -0x6514(%ebx,%edx,4),%eax\n f90c:\t01 d8 \tadd %ebx,%eax\n f90e:\tff e0 \tjmp *%eax\n f910:\t8b 7c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:344\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:344\n f914:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n f917:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n f919:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n f91b:\te8 a0 37 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:345\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:345\n f920:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n f923:\t50 \tpush %eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:344\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:344\n f924:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:345\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:345\n f926:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f927:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n f92b:\te8 60 3c ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:346\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:346\n f930:\t58 \tpop %eax\n f931:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n f935:\te8 a6 37 ff ff \tcall 30e0 \n f93a:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n f93d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f93e:\t8b 44 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n f942:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n f944:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n f945:\te8 26 3c ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:347\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:347\n f94a:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n f94d:\te8 8e 37 ff ff \tcall 30e0 \n f952:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n f955:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f956:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n f958:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n f959:\te8 32 3c ff ff \tcall 3590 \n f95e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:274\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:274\n f961:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n f964:\t3b 74 24 0c \tcmp 0xc(%esp),%esi\n f968:\t75 86 \tjne f8f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:350\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:350\n f96a:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n f96d:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n f96f:\te8 ac 3a ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:351\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:351\n f974:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:352\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:352\n f977:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n f97b:\t83 c4 3c \tadd $0x3c,%esp\n f97e:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n f97f:\t5e \tpop %esi\n f980:\t5f \tpop %edi\n f981:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n f982:\tc3 \tret \n f983:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n f987:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n f988:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:311\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:311\n f98c:\tba 02 00 00 00 \tmov $0x2,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n f991:\t83 00 01 \taddl $0x1,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:312\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:312\n f994:\t8d 83 63 9a ff ff \tlea -0x659d(%ebx),%eax\n f99a:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n f99e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n f9a0:\t89 54 24 1c \tmov %edx,0x1c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:323\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:323\n f9a4:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n f9a7:\t6a 02 \tpush $0x2\n f9a9:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n f9ab:\te8 10 37 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:324\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:324\n f9b0:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n f9b3:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n f9b7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f9b8:\t56 \tpush %esi\n f9b9:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n f9bd:\te8 ce 3b ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:325\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:325\n f9c2:\t5a \tpop %edx\n f9c3:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n f9c4:\t6a 02 \tpush $0x2\n f9c6:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n f9c8:\te8 f3 36 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n f9cd:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n f9d0:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n f9d2:\te8 c9 3c ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:326\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:326\n f9d7:\t58 \tpop %eax\n f9d8:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n f9dc:\te8 0f 37 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n f9e1:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n f9e4:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f9e5:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n f9e7:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n f9e8:\te8 d3 39 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:327\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:327\n f9ed:\t8d 83 8f 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6571(%ebx),%eax\n f9f3:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n f9f6:\te8 f5 36 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n f9fb:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n f9fe:\t50 \tpush %eax\n f9ff:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n fa01:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n fa02:\te8 b9 39 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:328\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:328\n fa07:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n fa0a:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n fa0b:\t8b 4c 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%ecx\n fa0f:\tff 31 \tpushl (%ecx)\n fa11:\t8b 6c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebp\n fa15:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n fa16:\te8 55 3b ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:329\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:329\n fa1b:\t58 \tpop %eax\n fa1c:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n fa20:\te8 bb 36 ff ff \tcall 30e0 \n fa25:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n fa28:\t50 \tpush %eax\n fa29:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n fa2b:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n fa2c:\te8 5f 3b ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:330\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:330\n fa31:\t8b 4f 48 \tmov 0x48(%edi),%ecx\n fa34:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n fa37:\t8b 54 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edx\n fa3b:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n fa3d:\t89 4c 24 20 \tmov %ecx,0x20(%esp)\n fa41:\t0f 85 e1 00 00 00 \tjne fb28 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:332\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:332\n fa47:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n fa4a:\t52 \tpush %edx\n fa4b:\t89 54 24 28 \tmov %edx,0x28(%esp)\n fa4f:\t6a 0e \tpush $0xe\n fa51:\te8 6a 36 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n fa56:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n fa58:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n fa5b:\te8 40 3c ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:333\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:333\n fa60:\t89 2c 24 \tmov %ebp,(%esp)\n fa63:\te8 d8 36 ff ff \tcall 3140 \n fa68:\t8b 54 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%edx\n fa6c:\t8b 4c 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%ecx\n fa70:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:334\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:334\n fa73:\tdd 44 cf 64 \tfldl 0x64(%edi,%ecx,8)\n fa77:\tdd 1c c8 \tfstpl (%eax,%ecx,8)\n fa7a:\t83 c1 01 \tadd $0x1,%ecx\n fa7d:\t39 d1 \tcmp %edx,%ecx\n fa7f:\t75 f2 \tjne fa73 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:341\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:341\n fa81:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n fa84:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n fa85:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n fa87:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n fa8b:\te8 00 3b ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:342\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:342\n fa90:\tc7 04 24 02 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x2,(%esp)\n fa97:\te8 84 39 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n fa9c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n fa9f:\te9 bd fe ff ff \tjmp f961 \n faa4:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n faa8:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:307\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:307\n faac:\tba 03 00 00 00 \tmov $0x3,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fab1:\t83 00 01 \taddl $0x1,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:308\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:308\n fab4:\t8d 83 69 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6597(%ebx),%eax\n faba:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n fabe:\te9 dd fe ff ff \tjmp f9a0 \n fac3:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n fac7:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fac8:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:303\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:303\n facc:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fad1:\t83 00 01 \taddl $0x1,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:304\n fad4:\t8d 83 71 9a ff ff \tlea -0x658f(%ebx),%eax\n fada:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n fade:\te9 bd fe ff ff \tjmp f9a0 \n fae3:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n fae7:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fae8:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:299\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:299\n faec:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n faf1:\t83 00 01 \taddl $0x1,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:300\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:300\n faf4:\t8d 83 76 9a ff ff \tlea -0x658a(%ebx),%eax\n fafa:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n fafe:\te9 9d fe ff ff \tjmp f9a0 \n fb03:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n fb07:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fb08:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:295\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:295\n fb0c:\tba 02 00 00 00 \tmov $0x2,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fb11:\t83 00 01 \taddl $0x1,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:296\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:296\n fb14:\t8d 83 7a 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6586(%ebx),%eax\n fb1a:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n fb1e:\te9 7d fe ff ff \tjmp f9a0 \n fb23:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n fb27:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:336\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:336\n fb28:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n fb2b:\t52 \tpush %edx\n fb2c:\t89 54 24 28 \tmov %edx,0x28(%esp)\n fb30:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n fb32:\te8 89 35 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n fb37:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n fb3a:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n fb3c:\te8 5f 3b ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:337\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:337\n fb41:\t8d 4f 64 \tlea 0x64(%edi),%ecx\n fb44:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n fb47:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n fb49:\t89 74 24 20 \tmov %esi,0x20(%esp)\n fb4d:\t89 ce \tmov %ecx,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:338\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:338\n fb4f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n fb52:\t56 \tpush %esi\n fb53:\t83 c6 08 \tadd $0x8,%esi\n fb56:\te8 95 35 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n fb5b:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n fb5e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n fb5f:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:337\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:337\n fb60:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:338\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:338\n fb63:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n fb64:\te8 57 38 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:337\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:337\n fb69:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n fb6c:\t3b 7c 24 1c \tcmp 0x1c(%esp),%edi\n fb70:\t75 dd \tjne fb4f \n fb72:\t8b 74 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%esi\n fb76:\te9 06 ff ff ff \tjmp fa81 \n fb7b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n fb7f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fb80:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n fb84:\t83 00 01 \taddl $0x1,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:292\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:292\n fb87:\t8d 83 80 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6580(%ebx),%eax\n fb8d:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n fb91:\te9 0a fe ff ff \tjmp f9a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fb96:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n fb9a:\t83 00 01 \taddl $0x1,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:288\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:288\n fb9d:\t8d 83 86 9a ff ff \tlea -0x657a(%ebx),%eax\n fba3:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n fba7:\te9 f4 fd ff ff \tjmp f9a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fbac:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:315\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:315\n fbb0:\tba 02 00 00 00 \tmov $0x2,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fbb5:\t83 00 01 \taddl $0x1,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:316\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:316\n fbb8:\t8d 83 5c 9a ff ff \tlea -0x65a4(%ebx),%eax\n fbbe:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n fbc2:\te9 d9 fd ff ff \tjmp f9a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fbc7:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n fbcb:\t83 00 01 \taddl $0x1,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:284\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:284\n fbce:\t8d 83 8b 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6575(%ebx),%eax\n fbd4:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n fbd8:\te9 c3 fd ff ff \tjmp f9a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fbdd:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:319\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:319\n fbe1:\t8b 7c 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:321\n fbe5:\t83 00 01 \taddl $0x1,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:322\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:322\n fbe8:\te9 27 fd ff ff \tjmp f914 \n .L15():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:322\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:322\n fbed:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n fread_pfm():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:583\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:583\n fbf0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n fbf1:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n fbf3:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:589\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:589\n fbf4:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:583\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:583\n fbf6:\t56 \tpush %esi\n fbf7:\t89 ce \tmov %ecx,%esi\n fbf9:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n fbfa:\te8 d1 3c ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n fbff:\t81 c3 01 e4 00 00 \tadd $0xe401,%ebx\n fc05:\t83 ec 1c \tsub $0x1c,%esp\n fc08:\t89 54 24 0c \tmov %edx,0xc(%esp)\n fc0c:\teb 19 \tjmp fc27 \n fc0e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:598\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:598\n fc10:\t83 f8 0a \tcmp $0xa,%eax\n fc13:\t74 63 \tje fc78 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:600\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:600\n fc15:\t83 f8 ff \tcmp $0xffffffff,%eax\n fc18:\t74 4e \tje fc68 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:602\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:602\n fc1a:\t88 44 3d 00 \tmov %al,0x0(%ebp,%edi,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:589\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:589\n fc1e:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n fc21:\t39 7c 24 0c \tcmp %edi,0xc(%esp)\n fc25:\t74 41 \tje fc68 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:590\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:590\n fc27:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n fc2a:\t56 \tpush %esi\n fc2b:\te8 d0 39 ff ff \tcall 3600 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:591\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:591\n fc30:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n fc33:\t83 f8 0d \tcmp $0xd,%eax\n fc36:\t75 d8 \tjne fc10 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:592\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:592\n fc38:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n fc3b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n fc3c:\te8 bf 39 ff ff \tcall 3600 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:593\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:593\n fc41:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n fc44:\t83 f8 0a \tcmp $0xa,%eax\n fc47:\t74 2f \tje fc78 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:594\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:594\n fc49:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n fc4c:\t56 \tpush %esi\n fc4d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n fc4e:\te8 0d 39 ff ff \tcall 3560 \n fc53:\tb8 0d 00 00 00 \tmov $0xd,%eax\n fc58:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:602\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:602\n fc5b:\t88 44 3d 00 \tmov %al,0x0(%ebp,%edi,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:589\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:589\n fc5f:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n fc62:\t39 7c 24 0c \tcmp %edi,0xc(%esp)\n fc66:\t75 bf \tjne fc27 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:608\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:608\n fc68:\t83 c4 1c \tadd $0x1c,%esp\n fc6b:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n fc6d:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n fc6e:\t5e \tpop %esi\n fc6f:\t5f \tpop %edi\n fc70:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n fc71:\tc3 \tret \n fc72:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:599\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:599\n fc78:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n fc7b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n fc7c:\te8 7f 39 ff ff \tcall 3600 \n fc81:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n fc84:\tb8 0a 00 00 00 \tmov $0xa,%eax\n fc89:\teb 8f \tjmp fc1a \n fread_pfm.constprop.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:599\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:599\n fc8b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n fc8f:\t90 \tnop\n is_PORT():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:612\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:612\n fc90:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:616\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:616\n fc91:\tba c4 00 00 00 \tmov $0xc4,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:617\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:617\n fc96:\t31 ed \txor %ebp,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:612\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:612\n fc98:\t57 \tpush %edi\n fc99:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n fc9b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:616\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:616\n fc9c:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:612\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:612\n fc9e:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n fc9f:\t81 ec 1c 05 00 00 \tsub $0x51c,%esp\n fca5:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n fcab:\t89 84 24 0c 05 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x50c(%esp)\n fcb2:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:616\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:616\n fcb4:\t89 e3 \tmov %esp,%ebx\n fcb6:\t89 d8 \tmov %ebx,%eax\n fcb8:\te8 33 ff ff ff \tcall fbf0 \n fcbd:\t3d c4 00 00 00 \tcmp $0xc4,%eax\n fcc2:\t74 24 \tje fce8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:656\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:656\n fcc4:\t8b 84 24 0c 05 00 00 \tmov 0x50c(%esp),%eax\n fccb:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n fcd2:\t0f 85 fa 00 00 00 \tjne fdd2 \n fcd8:\t81 c4 1c 05 00 00 \tadd $0x51c,%esp\n fcde:\t89 e8 \tmov %ebp,%eax\n fce0:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n fce1:\t5e \tpop %esi\n fce2:\t5f \tpop %edi\n fce3:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n fce4:\tc3 \tret \n fce5:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:622\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:622\n fce8:\t8d b4 24 0c 04 00 00 \tlea 0x40c(%esp),%esi\n fcef:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n fcf1:\tba 00 01 00 00 \tmov $0x100,%edx\n fcf6:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n fcf8:\te8 f3 fe ff ff \tcall fbf0 \n fcfd:\t3d 00 01 00 00 \tcmp $0x100,%eax\n fd02:\t75 c0 \tjne fcc4 \n fd04:\t89 d8 \tmov %ebx,%eax\n fd06:\t8d 9c 24 00 04 00 00 \tlea 0x400(%esp),%ebx\n fd0d:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n fd0f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:625 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:625 (discriminator 3)\n fd10:\tc7 02 ff ff ff ff \tmovl $0xffffffff,(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:624 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:624 (discriminator 3)\n fd16:\t83 c2 04 \tadd $0x4,%edx\n fd19:\t39 da \tcmp %ebx,%edx\n fd1b:\t75 f3 \tjne fd10 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:629\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:629\n fd1d:\t0f b6 94 24 4c 04 00 \tmovzbl 0x44c(%esp),%edx\n fd24:\t00 \n fd25:\tc7 04 94 40 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x40,(%esp,%edx,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:630\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:630\n fd2c:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n fd2e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:631\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:631\n fd30:\t0f b6 0c 16 \tmovzbl (%esi,%edx,1),%ecx\n fd34:\t83 3c 8c ff \tcmpl $0xffffffff,(%esp,%ecx,4)\n fd38:\t75 03 \tjne fd3d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:632\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:632\n fd3a:\t89 14 8c \tmov %edx,(%esp,%ecx,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:630 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:630 (discriminator 2)\n fd3d:\t83 c2 01 \tadd $0x1,%edx\n fd40:\t81 fa 00 01 00 00 \tcmp $0x100,%edx\n fd46:\t75 e8 \tjne fd30 \n fd48:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n fd4f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:636\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:636\n fd50:\t83 38 ff \tcmpl $0xffffffff,(%eax)\n fd53:\t75 06 \tjne fd5b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:637\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:637\n fd55:\tc7 00 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:635 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:635 (discriminator 2)\n fd5b:\t83 c0 04 \tadd $0x4,%eax\n fd5e:\t39 d8 \tcmp %ebx,%eax\n fd60:\t75 ee \tjne fd50 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:648\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:648\n fd62:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n fd64:\tba 08 00 00 00 \tmov $0x8,%edx\n fd69:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:643\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:643\n fd6b:\tc7 84 24 03 04 00 00 \tmovl $0x5c5c595c,0x403(%esp)\n fd72:\t5c 59 5c 5c \n fd76:\tc7 84 24 07 04 00 00 \tmovl $0x5d5b5859,0x407(%esp)\n fd7d:\t59 58 5b 5d \n fd81:\tc6 84 24 0b 04 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x40b(%esp)\n fd88:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:647\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:647\n fd89:\tc6 84 24 14 04 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x414(%esp)\n fd90:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:648\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:648\n fd91:\te8 5a fe ff ff \tcall fbf0 \n fd96:\t83 f8 08 \tcmp $0x8,%eax\n fd99:\t75 30 \tjne fdcb \n fd9b:\tba 5c 00 00 00 \tmov $0x5c,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:650\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:650\n fda0:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n fda2:\teb 0c \tjmp fdb0 \n fda4:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n fda8:\t0f b6 94 04 03 04 00 \tmovzbl 0x403(%esp,%eax,1),%edx\n fdaf:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:651\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:651\n fdb0:\t0f b6 0c 06 \tmovzbl (%esi,%eax,1),%ecx\n fdb4:\t3b 14 8c \tcmp (%esp,%ecx,4),%edx\n fdb7:\t75 12 \tjne fdcb \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:650 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:650 (discriminator 2)\n fdb9:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n fdbc:\t83 f8 08 \tcmp $0x8,%eax\n fdbf:\t75 e7 \tjne fda8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:655\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:655\n fdc1:\tbd 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%ebp\n fdc6:\te9 f9 fe ff ff \tjmp fcc4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:649 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:649 (discriminator 1)\n fdcb:\t31 ed \txor %ebp,%ebp\n fdcd:\te9 f2 fe ff ff \tjmp fcc4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:656\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:656\n fdd2:\te8 c9 46 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n fdd7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n fdde:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n \n 0000fde0 :\n xstrdup():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:41\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:41\n fde0:\t57 \tpush %edi\n fde1:\t56 \tpush %esi\n fde2:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n fde3:\t8b 7c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%edi\n fde7:\te8 e4 3a ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n fdec:\t81 c3 14 e2 00 00 \tadd $0xe214,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:42\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:42\n fdf2:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n fdf5:\t57 \tpush %edi\n fdf6:\te8 b5 36 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n fdfb:\t5a \tpop %edx\n fdfc:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:43\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:43\n fdfd:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n fdff:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n fe02:\t50 \tpush %eax\n fe03:\te8 e8 38 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n fe08:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n fe0a:\t58 \tpop %eax\n fe0b:\t5a \tpop %edx\n fe0c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n fe0d:\t56 \tpush %esi\n fe0e:\te8 4d 35 ff ff \tcall 3360 \n xstrdup():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:45\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:45\n fe13:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:46\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:46\n fe16:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n fe18:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n fe19:\t5e \tpop %esi\n fe1a:\t5f \tpop %edi\n fe1b:\tc3 \tret \n fe1c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 0000fe20 :\n new_dictionary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:51\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:51\n fe20:\t56 \tpush %esi\n fe21:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n fe22:\te8 a9 3a ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n fe27:\t81 c3 d9 e1 00 00 \tadd $0xe1d9,%ebx\n fe2d:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:52\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:52\n fe30:\t68 ac 00 00 00 \tpush $0xac\n fe35:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n fe37:\te8 b4 38 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n fe3c:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:54\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:54\n fe3e:\tc7 00 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:55\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:55\n fe44:\t58 \tpop %eax\n fe45:\t5a \tpop %edx\n fe46:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n fe48:\tff b3 e4 ff ff ff \tpushl -0x1c(%ebx)\n fe4e:\te8 5d 38 ff ff \tcall 36b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:56\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:56\n fe53:\tc7 46 08 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x8(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:55\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:55\n fe5a:\t89 46 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:76\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:76\n fe5d:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:58\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:58\n fe5f:\tc7 46 0c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0xc(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:60\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:60\n fe66:\tc7 46 10 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x10(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:62\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:62\n fe6d:\tc7 46 14 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x14(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:63\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:63\n fe74:\tc7 46 18 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x18(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:65\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:65\n fe7b:\tc7 46 1c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x1c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:67\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:67\n fe82:\tc7 46 20 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x20(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:68\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:68\n fe89:\tc7 46 24 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x24(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:70\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:70\n fe90:\tc7 46 28 ff ff ff ff \tmovl $0xffffffff,0x28(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:71\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:71\n fe97:\tc6 46 2c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x2c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:73\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:73\n fe9b:\tc6 46 6c 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x6c(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:76\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:76\n fe9f:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n fea2:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n fea3:\t5e \tpop %esi\n fea4:\tc3 \tret \n fea5:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n feac:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 0000feb0 :\n find_dict_variable():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:82\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:82\n feb0:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n feb1:\te8 1a 3a ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n feb6:\t81 c3 4a e1 00 00 \tadd $0xe14a,%ebx\n febc:\t83 ec 10 \tsub $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:83\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:83\n febf:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n fec3:\t8b 44 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n fec7:\tff 70 04 \tpushl 0x4(%eax)\n feca:\te8 91 38 ff ff \tcall 3760 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:84\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:84\n fecf:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n fed2:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n fed3:\tc3 \tret \n fed4:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n fedb:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n fedf:\t90 \tnop\n \n 0000fee0 :\n init_variable():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:122\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:122\n fee0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n fee1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n fee2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n fee3:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n fee4:\te8 e7 39 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n fee9:\t81 c3 17 e1 00 00 \tadd $0xe117,%ebx\n feef:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n fef2:\t8b 7c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edi\n fef6:\t8b 6c 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%ebp\n fefa:\t8b 74 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%esi\n common_init_stuff():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:92\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:92\n fefe:\t39 6c 24 28 \tcmp %ebp,0x28(%esp)\n ff02:\t74 12 \tje ff16 \n strcpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:90\n ff04:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n ff07:\t6a 41 \tpush $0x41\n ff09:\tff 74 24 30 \tpushl 0x30(%esp)\n ff0d:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n ff0e:\te8 2d 37 ff ff \tcall 3640 <__strcpy_chk@plt>\n ff13:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n common_init_stuff():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:96\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:96\n ff16:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n ff19:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n ff1a:\tff 77 04 \tpushl 0x4(%edi)\n ff1d:\te8 5e 36 ff ff \tcall 3580 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:98\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:98\n ff22:\t8b 44 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:99\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:99\n ff26:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:98\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:98\n ff29:\t89 45 48 \tmov %eax,0x48(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:99\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:99\n ff2c:\t8b 44 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%eax\n ff30:\t80 38 23 \tcmpb $0x23,(%eax)\n ff33:\t0f 94 c0 \tsete %al\n ff36:\t0f b6 c0 \tmovzbl %al,%eax\n ff39:\t89 45 5c \tmov %eax,0x5c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:100\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:100\n ff3c:\t8b 44 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%eax\n ff40:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n ff42:\t74 7c \tje ffc0 \n init_variable():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:124\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:124\n ff44:\t8d 46 0e \tlea 0xe(%esi),%eax\n common_init_stuff():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:100\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:100\n ff47:\t89 75 50 \tmov %esi,0x50(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:111\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:111\n ff4a:\t89 b5 80 00 00 00 \tmov %esi,0x80(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:114\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:114\n ff50:\t89 b5 8c 00 00 00 \tmov %esi,0x8c(%ebp)\n init_variable():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:124\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:124\n ff56:\t83 c6 07 \tadd $0x7,%esi\n ff59:\t0f 48 f0 \tcmovs %eax,%esi\n common_init_stuff():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:101\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:101\n ff5c:\tc7 45 60 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x60(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:110\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:110\n ff63:\tc7 45 7c 08 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x8,0x7c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:112\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:112\n ff6a:\tc7 85 84 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x84(%ebp)\n ff71:\t00 00 00 \n init_variable():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:124\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:124\n ff74:\tc1 fe 03 \tsar $0x3,%esi\n common_init_stuff():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:114\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:114\n ff77:\tc7 85 88 00 00 00 08 \tmovl $0x8,0x88(%ebp)\n ff7e:\t00 00 00 \n ff81:\tc7 85 90 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x90(%ebp)\n ff88:\t00 00 00 \n init_variable():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:125 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:125 (discriminator 4)\n ff8b:\t8b 47 10 \tmov 0x10(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:124 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:124 (discriminator 4)\n ff8e:\t89 75 58 \tmov %esi,0x58(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:126 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:126 (discriminator 4)\n ff91:\t01 c6 \tadd %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:125 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:125 (discriminator 4)\n ff93:\t89 45 54 \tmov %eax,0x54(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:126 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:126 (discriminator 4)\n ff96:\t89 77 10 \tmov %esi,0x10(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:127 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:127 (discriminator 4)\n ff99:\tc7 85 98 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x98(%ebp)\n ffa0:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:128 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:128 (discriminator 4)\n ffa3:\tc7 85 94 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x94(%ebp)\n ffaa:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:129 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:129 (discriminator 4)\n ffad:\tc7 85 9c 00 00 00 ff \tmovl $0xffffffff,0x9c(%ebp)\n ffb4:\tff ff ff \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:130 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:130 (discriminator 4)\n ffb7:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n ffba:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n ffbb:\t5e \tpop %esi\n ffbc:\t5f \tpop %edi\n ffbd:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n ffbe:\tc3 \tret \n ffbf:\t90 \tnop\n common_init_stuff():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:100\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:100\n ffc0:\tc7 45 50 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x50(%ebp)\n init_variable():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:124\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:124\n ffc7:\tbe 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%esi\n common_init_stuff():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:101\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:101\n ffcc:\tc7 45 60 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x60(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:104\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:104\n ffd3:\tc7 45 7c 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x7c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:105\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:105\n ffda:\tc7 85 80 00 00 00 08 \tmovl $0x8,0x80(%ebp)\n ffe1:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:106\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:106\n ffe4:\tc7 85 84 00 00 00 02 \tmovl $0x2,0x84(%ebp)\n ffeb:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:114\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:114\n ffee:\tc7 85 88 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x88(%ebp)\n fff5:\t00 00 00 \n fff8:\tc7 85 8c 00 00 00 08 \tmovl $0x8,0x8c(%ebp)\n ffff:\t00 00 00 \n 10002:\tc7 85 90 00 00 00 02 \tmovl $0x2,0x90(%ebp)\n 10009:\t00 00 00 \n init_variable():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:124\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:124\n 1000c:\te9 7a ff ff ff \tjmp ff8b \n 10011:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 10018:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1001f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00010020 :\n create_variable():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:140\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:140\n 10020:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 10021:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10022:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 10024:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10025:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 10026:\te8 a5 38 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 1002b:\t81 c3 d5 df 00 00 \tadd $0xdfd5,%ebx\n 10031:\t83 ec 14 \tsub $0x14,%esp\n 10034:\t8b 74 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:141\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:141\n 10038:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 1003c:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1003d:\te8 ce 37 ff ff \tcall 3810 \n 10042:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10045:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 10047:\t75 53 \tjne 1009c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:147\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:147\n 10049:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 1004c:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1004f:\t8d 04 85 04 00 00 00 \tlea 0x4(,%eax,4),%eax\n 10056:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10057:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 10059:\te8 02 31 ff ff \tcall 3160 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:148\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:148\n 1005e:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:147\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:147\n 10061:\t89 06 \tmov %eax,(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:148\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:148\n 10063:\t8d 2c 90 \tlea (%eax,%edx,4),%ebp\n 10066:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 10067:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 10068:\t68 60 01 00 00 \tpush $0x160\n 1006d:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 1006f:\te8 7c 36 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n 10074:\t89 45 00 \tmov %eax,0x0(%ebp)\n 10077:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:150\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:150\n 10079:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 1007c:\t89 47 44 \tmov %eax,0x44(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:151\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:151\n 1007f:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 10082:\t89 46 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:153\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:153\n 10085:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 10086:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 1008a:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 1008e:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 10092:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10093:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10094:\te8 e7 32 ff ff \tcall 3380 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:155\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:155\n 10099:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:157\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:157\n 1009c:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 1009f:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 100a1:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 100a2:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 100a3:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 100a4:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 100a5:\tc3 \tret \n 100a6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 100ad:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 000100b0 :\n val_lab_cmp():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:162\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:162\n 100b0:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 100b1:\te8 1a 38 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 100b6:\t81 c3 4a df 00 00 \tadd $0xdf4a,%ebx\n 100bc:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:163\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:163\n 100bf:\t8b 44 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:162\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:162\n 100c3:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n 100c7:\t8b 54 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:163\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:163\n 100cb:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:164\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:164\n 100cd:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 100cf:\t75 37 \tjne 10108 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:170\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:170\n 100d1:\tdd 01 \tfldl (%ecx)\n 100d3:\tdc 22 \tfsubl (%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:173\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:173\n 100d5:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:172\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:172\n 100da:\td9 ee \tfldz \n 100dc:\td9 c9 \tfxch %st(1)\n 100de:\tdb f1 \tfcomi %st(1),%st\n 100e0:\t77 16 \tja 100f8 \n 100e2:\td9 c9 \tfxch %st(1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:174\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:174\n 100e4:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 100e6:\tdf f1 \tfcomip %st(1),%st\n 100e8:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n 100ea:\t0f 97 c0 \tseta %al\n 100ed:\tf7 d8 \tneg %eax\n 100ef:\teb 0b \tjmp 100fc \n 100f1:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 100f8:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n 100fa:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:179\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:179\n 100fc:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 100ff:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 10100:\tc3 \tret \n 10101:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:165\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:165\n 10108:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 1010b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1010c:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 1010d:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 1010e:\te8 9d 36 ff ff \tcall 37b0 \n 10113:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:179\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:179\n 10116:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 10119:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 1011a:\tc3 \tret \n 1011b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1011f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00010120 :\n avlFlatten():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:184\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:184\n 10120:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10121:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10122:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 10123:\te8 a8 37 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 10128:\t81 c3 d8 de 00 00 \tadd $0xded8,%ebx\n 1012e:\t81 ec 9c 00 00 00 \tsub $0x9c,%esp\n 10134:\t65 8b 3d 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%edi\n 1013b:\t89 bc 24 98 00 00 00 \tmov %edi,0x98(%esp)\n 10142:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 10144:\t8b 84 24 ac 00 00 00 \tmov 0xac(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:192\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:192\n 1014b:\t8b 70 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:194\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:194\n 1014e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1014f:\te8 1c 2f ff ff \tcall 3070 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:195\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:195\n 10154:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 10155:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 10156:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n 10158:\t50 \tpush %eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:194\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:194\n 10159:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:195\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:195\n 1015b:\te8 90 35 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n 10160:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:191\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:191\n 10163:\t8d 5c 24 0c \tlea 0xc(%esp),%ebx\n 10167:\t89 da \tmov %ebx,%edx\n 10169:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:200\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:200\n 10170:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 10172:\t74 0c \tje 10180 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:203\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:203\n 10174:\t89 32 \tmov %esi,(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:204\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:204\n 10176:\t8b 76 04 \tmov 0x4(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:203\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:203\n 10179:\t83 c2 04 \tadd $0x4,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:200\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:200\n 1017c:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 1017e:\t75 f4 \tjne 10174 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:208\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:208\n 10180:\t39 da \tcmp %ebx,%edx\n 10182:\t74 1c \tje 101a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:210\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:210\n 10184:\t8b 4a fc \tmov -0x4(%edx),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:213\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:213\n 10187:\t83 ef 01 \tsub $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:210\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:210\n 1018a:\t83 ea 04 \tsub $0x4,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:214\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:214\n 1018d:\t8b 31 \tmov (%ecx),%esi\n 1018f:\t89 34 b8 \tmov %esi,(%eax,%edi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:215\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:215\n 10192:\t8b 71 08 \tmov 0x8(%ecx),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:200\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:200\n 10195:\teb d9 \tjmp 10170 \n 10197:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1019e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:218\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:218\n 101a0:\t8b 9c 24 8c 00 00 00 \tmov 0x8c(%esp),%ebx\n 101a7:\t65 33 1d 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%ebx\n 101ae:\t75 0a \tjne 101ba \n 101b0:\t81 c4 90 00 00 00 \tadd $0x90,%esp\n 101b6:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 101b7:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 101b8:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 101b9:\tc3 \tret \n 101ba:\te8 e1 42 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n 101bf:\t90 \tnop\n getSPSSvaluelabels():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:221\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:221\n 101c0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 101c1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 101c2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 101c3:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 101c4:\te8 07 37 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 101c9:\t81 c3 37 de 00 00 \tadd $0xde37,%ebx\n 101cf:\t83 ec 4c \tsub $0x4c,%esp\n 101d2:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n 101d6:\t89 54 24 28 \tmov %edx,0x28(%esp)\n 101da:\t65 8b 0d 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%ecx\n 101e1:\t89 4c 24 3c \tmov %ecx,0x3c(%esp)\n 101e5:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:230\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:230\n 101e7:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 101e9:\t75 2d \tjne 10218 \n 101eb:\t8b 83 ac ff ff ff \tmov -0x54(%ebx),%eax\n 101f1:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n 101f3:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:263\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:263\n 101f7:\t8b 44 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%eax\n 101fb:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 10202:\t0f 85 11 02 00 00 \tjne 10419 \n 10208:\t8b 44 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%eax\n 1020c:\t83 c4 4c \tadd $0x4c,%esp\n 1020f:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 10210:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 10211:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 10212:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 10213:\tc3 \tret \n 10214:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:231\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:231\n 10218:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1021b:\t8b 74 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%esi\n 1021f:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10220:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 10222:\te8 99 2e ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 10227:\t89 44 24 3c \tmov %eax,0x3c(%esp)\n 1022b:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1022e:\te8 6d 34 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:233\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:233\n 10233:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10236:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 10238:\t0f 8e 34 01 00 00 \tjle 10372 \n 1023e:\t8d 44 24 33 \tlea 0x33(%esp),%eax\n 10242:\tc7 44 24 14 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x14(%esp)\n 10249:\t00 \n 1024a:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n 1024e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:234\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:234\n 10250:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n 10254:\t8b 4c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ecx\n 10258:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n 1025a:\t8b 04 88 \tmov (%eax,%ecx,4),%eax\n 1025d:\t8b b0 94 00 00 00 \tmov 0x94(%eax),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:235\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:235\n 10263:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 10265:\t0f 84 f4 00 00 00 \tje 1035f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:236\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:236\n 1026b:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 1026e:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1026f:\te8 fc 2d ff ff \tcall 3070 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:237\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:237\n 10274:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:236\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:236\n 10277:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:237\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:237\n 10279:\te8 02 30 ff ff \tcall 3280 \n 1027e:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:238\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:238\n 10280:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 10281:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 10282:\t89 6c 24 18 \tmov %ebp,0x18(%esp)\n 10286:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 10287:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 10289:\te8 32 2e ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 1028e:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10291:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 10293:\te8 08 34 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:239\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:239\n 10298:\t8b 44 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%eax\n 1029c:\t8b 4c 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%ecx\n 102a0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 102a3:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n 102a5:\t8b 04 88 \tmov (%eax,%ecx,4),%eax\n 102a8:\t8b 68 48 \tmov 0x48(%eax),%ebp\n 102ab:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n 102ad:\t0f 85 d5 00 00 00 \tjne 10388 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:241\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:241\n 102b3:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 102b6:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 102ba:\t6a 0e \tpush $0xe\n 102bc:\te8 ff 2d ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 102c1:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n 102c5:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 102c8:\te8 d3 33 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:242\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:242\n 102cd:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 102ce:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 102d2:\te8 69 2e ff ff \tcall 3140 \n 102d7:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:243\n 102db:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 102df:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 102e2:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 102e4:\t7e 43 \tjle 10329 \n 102e6:\t89 e8 \tmov %ebp,%eax\n 102e8:\t89 fd \tmov %edi,%ebp\n 102ea:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 102ec:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:244\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:244\n 102f0:\t8b 44 bd 00 \tmov 0x0(%ebp,%edi,4),%eax\n 102f4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 102f7:\tff 70 08 \tpushl 0x8(%eax)\n 102fa:\te8 f1 2d ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 102ff:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10302:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10303:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10304:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10305:\te8 b6 30 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:245\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:245\n 1030a:\t8b 44 bd 00 \tmov 0x0(%ebp,%edi,4),%eax\n 1030e:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n 10310:\t8b 44 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%eax\n 10314:\tdd 54 24 18 \tfstl 0x18(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:243\n 10318:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:245\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:245\n 1031b:\tdd 1c f8 \tfstpl (%eax,%edi,8)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:243\n 1031e:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 10321:\t39 7c 24 10 \tcmp %edi,0x10(%esp)\n 10325:\t75 c9 \tjne 102f0 \n 10327:\t89 ef \tmov %ebp,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:256\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:256\n 10329:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 1032c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 1032d:\te8 1e 34 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:257\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:257\n 10332:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 10333:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 10334:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10335:\t8b 74 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%esi\n 10339:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1033a:\te8 51 2e ff ff \tcall 3190 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:258\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:258\n 1033f:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10342:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10343:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 10347:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 1034b:\te8 40 32 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:259\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:259\n 10350:\tc7 04 24 02 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x2,(%esp)\n 10357:\te8 c4 30 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n 1035c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:233\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:233\n 1035f:\t83 44 24 14 01 \taddl $0x1,0x14(%esp)\n 10364:\t8b 44 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%eax\n 10368:\t3b 44 24 28 \tcmp 0x28(%esp),%eax\n 1036c:\t0f 85 de fe ff ff \tjne 10250 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:261\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:261\n 10372:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10375:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 10377:\te8 a4 30 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:262\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:262\n 1037c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1037f:\te9 73 fe ff ff \tjmp 101f7 \n 10384:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:248\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:248\n 10388:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1038b:\t8b 6c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%ebp\n 1038f:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 10390:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 10392:\te8 29 2d ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 10397:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n 1039b:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1039e:\te8 fd 32 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:249\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:249\n 103a3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 103a6:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n 103a8:\t0f 8e 7b ff ff ff \tjle 10329 \n 103ae:\t31 ed \txor %ebp,%ebp\n 103b0:\t89 e8 \tmov %ebp,%eax\n 103b2:\t89 fd \tmov %edi,%ebp\n 103b4:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 103b6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 103bd:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:250\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:250\n 103c0:\t8b 44 bd 00 \tmov 0x0(%ebp,%edi,4),%eax\n 103c4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 103c7:\tff 70 08 \tpushl 0x8(%eax)\n 103ca:\te8 21 2d ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 103cf:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 103d2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 103d3:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 103d4:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 103d5:\te8 e6 2f ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:252\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:252\n 103da:\t8b 44 bd 00 \tmov 0x0(%ebp,%edi,4),%eax\n 103de:\t8b 50 04 \tmov 0x4(%eax),%edx\n 103e1:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n 103e3:\tc6 44 24 4b 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x4b(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:253\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:253\n 103e8:\t89 54 24 47 \tmov %edx,0x47(%esp)\n 103ec:\t89 44 24 43 \tmov %eax,0x43(%esp)\n 103f0:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 103f1:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 103f5:\te8 f6 2c ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 103fa:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 103fd:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 103fe:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:249\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:249\n 103ff:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:253\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:253\n 10402:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 10406:\te8 b5 2f ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:249\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:249\n 1040b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1040e:\t39 7c 24 10 \tcmp %edi,0x10(%esp)\n 10412:\t75 ac \tjne 103c0 \n 10414:\te9 0e ff ff ff \tjmp 10327 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:263\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:263\n 10419:\te8 82 40 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n getSPSSvaluelabels.isra.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:263\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:263\n 1041e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n \n 00010420 :\n do_read_SPSS():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:663\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:663\n 10420:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 10421:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10422:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10423:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 10424:\te8 a7 34 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 10429:\t81 c3 d7 db 00 00 \tadd $0xdbd7,%ebx\n 1042f:\t81 ec f8 00 00 00 \tsub $0xf8,%esp\n 10435:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 1043b:\t89 84 24 e8 00 00 00 \tmov %eax,0xe8(%esp)\n 10442:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:664\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:664\n 10444:\tff b4 24 0c 01 00 00 \tpushl 0x10c(%esp)\n 1044b:\te8 30 34 ff ff \tcall 3880 \n 10450:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10453:\te8 48 32 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n 10458:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1045b:\te8 20 30 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:665\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:665\n 10460:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:664\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:664\n 10463:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:665\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:665\n 10465:\te8 66 33 ff ff \tcall 37d0 \n 1046a:\t8d 93 00 70 ff ff \tlea -0x9000(%ebx),%edx\n 10470:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 10471:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 10472:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 10473:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10474:\te8 c7 30 ff ff \tcall 3540 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:669\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:669\n 10479:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1047c:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 1047e:\t0f 84 77 09 00 00 \tje 10dfb \n 10484:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:671\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:671\n 10486:\tba 04 00 00 00 \tmov $0x4,%edx\n 1048b:\t8d 84 24 d7 00 00 00 \tlea 0xd7(%esp),%eax\n 10492:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n 10494:\te8 57 f7 ff ff \tcall fbf0 \n 10499:\t83 f8 04 \tcmp $0x4,%eax\n 1049c:\t0f 85 2f 09 00 00 \tjne 10dd1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:677\n 104a2:\t81 bc 24 d7 00 00 00 \tcmpl $0x324c4624,0xd7(%esp)\n 104a9:\t24 46 4c 32 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:675\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:675\n 104ad:\tc6 84 24 db 00 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0xdb(%esp)\n 104b4:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:677\n 104b5:\t0f 84 8d 04 00 00 \tje 10948 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:681\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:681\n 104bb:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 104bd:\te8 ce f7 ff ff \tcall fc90 \n 104c2:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 104c4:\t0f 84 54 09 00 00 \tje 10e1e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:686\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:686\n 104ca:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 104cd:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 104ce:\te8 ed 2c ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n read_SPSS_PORT():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:357\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:357\n 104d3:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 104d6:\te8 a5 32 ff ff \tcall 3780 \n 104db:\t89 44 24 3c \tmov %eax,0x3c(%esp)\n 104df:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:359\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:359\n 104e1:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 104e2:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 104e3:\t8d 44 24 48 \tlea 0x48(%esp),%eax\n 104e7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 104e8:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 104e9:\te8 02 33 ff ff \tcall 37f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:360\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:360\n 104ee:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 104ef:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 104f0:\tff 70 08 \tpushl 0x8(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:359\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:359\n 104f3:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:360\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:360\n 104f5:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 104f7:\te8 c4 2b ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 104fc:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 104ff:\te8 9c 31 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n 10504:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:361\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:361\n 10508:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 10509:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 1050a:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n 1050d:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 1050f:\te8 ac 2b ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 10514:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10517:\te8 84 31 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:370\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:370\n 1051c:\tc7 44 24 4c 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4c(%esp)\n 10523:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:374\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:374\n 10524:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:361\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:361\n 10527:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:374\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:374\n 1052b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1052e:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 10530:\t0f 8e fa 07 00 00 \tjle 10d30 \n 10536:\t8b 06 \tmov (%esi),%eax\n 10538:\t8d 3c 90 \tlea (%eax,%edx,4),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:366\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:366\n 1053b:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 1053d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:375\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:375\n 10540:\t8b 08 \tmov (%eax),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:377\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:377\n 10542:\t83 c0 04 \tadd $0x4,%eax\n 10545:\t89 51 54 \tmov %edx,0x54(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:378\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:378\n 10548:\t03 51 58 \tadd 0x58(%ecx),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:374\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:374\n 1054b:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n 1054d:\t75 f1 \tjne 10540 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:380\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:380\n 1054f:\t89 56 10 \tmov %edx,0x10(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:381\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:381\n 10552:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 10554:\t0f 84 dd 07 00 00 \tje 10d37 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:383\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:383\n 1055a:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:385\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:385\n 1055d:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:383\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:383\n 1055f:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n 10561:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 10562:\te8 69 2b ff ff \tcall 30d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:385\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:385\n 10567:\t8b 6e 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:383\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:383\n 1056a:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:385\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:385\n 1056e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10571:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n 10573:\t7f 34 \tjg 105a9 \n 10575:\te9 bc 00 00 00 \tjmp 10636 \n 1057a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:393\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:393\n 10580:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 10583:\t6a 0a \tpush $0xa\n 10585:\t6a 0e \tpush $0xe\n 10587:\te8 34 2b ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 1058c:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 1058f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10590:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10591:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10595:\te8 f6 2f ff ff \tcall 3590 \n 1059a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:385\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:385\n 1059d:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 105a0:\t3b 7e 08 \tcmp 0x8(%esi),%edi\n 105a3:\t0f 8d 8d 00 00 00 \tjge 10636 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:386\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:386\n 105a9:\t8b 06 \tmov (%esi),%eax\n 105ab:\t8b 2c b8 \tmov (%eax,%edi,4),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:388\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:388\n 105ae:\t83 bd 9c 00 00 00 ff \tcmpl $0xffffffff,0x9c(%ebp)\n 105b5:\t74 e6 \tje 1059d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:391\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:391\n 105b7:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 105ba:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 105bb:\te8 30 2b ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 105c0:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 105c3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 105c4:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 105c5:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 105c9:\te8 f2 2d ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:392\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:392\n 105ce:\t8b 4d 48 \tmov 0x48(%ebp),%ecx\n 105d1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 105d4:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 105d6:\t74 a8 \tje 10580 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:395\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:395\n 105d8:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 105db:\t6a 0a \tpush $0xa\n 105dd:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 105df:\te8 dc 2a ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 105e4:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 105e7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 105e8:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:385\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:385\n 105e9:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:395\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:395\n 105ec:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 105f0:\te8 9b 2f ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:396\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:396\n 105f5:\t8b 54 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edx\n 105f9:\t8b 45 54 \tmov 0x54(%ebp),%eax\n 105fc:\t8d 0c c2 \tlea (%edx,%eax,8),%ecx\n 105ff:\t89 4c 24 20 \tmov %ecx,0x20(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:397\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:397\n 10603:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 10604:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 10605:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 10607:\t8b 45 50 \tmov 0x50(%ebp),%eax\n 1060a:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 1060d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1060e:\te8 bd 2a ff ff \tcall 30d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:396\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:396\n 10613:\t8b 4c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:398\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:398\n 10617:\t8b 54 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edx\n 1061b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:396\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:396\n 1061e:\t89 01 \tmov %eax,(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:398\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:398\n 10620:\t8b 45 54 \tmov 0x54(%ebp),%eax\n 10623:\t8b 0c c2 \tmov (%edx,%eax,8),%ecx\n 10626:\t8b 45 50 \tmov 0x50(%ebp),%eax\n 10629:\tc6 04 01 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%ecx,%eax,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:385\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:385\n 1062d:\t3b 7e 08 \tcmp 0x8(%esi),%edi\n 10630:\t0f 8c 73 ff ff ff \tjl 105a9 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:365\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:365\n 10636:\tc7 44 24 10 0a 00 00 \tmovl $0xa,0x10(%esp)\n 1063d:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:364\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:364\n 1063e:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:402\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:402\n 10640:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 10643:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10644:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10648:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 1064c:\te8 4f 31 ff ff \tcall 37a0 \n 10651:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10654:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n 10656:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 10658:\t0f 84 12 01 00 00 \tje 10770 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:403\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:403\n 1065e:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 10661:\t3b 7c 24 10 \tcmp 0x10(%esp),%edi\n 10665:\t0f 84 b5 00 00 00 \tje 10720 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:411\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:411\n 1066b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 1066d:\t0f 8e a0 00 00 00 \tjle 10713 \n 10673:\t8d 04 fd 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%edi,8),%eax\n 1067a:\t89 7c 24 14 \tmov %edi,0x14(%esp)\n 1067e:\t31 ed \txor %ebp,%ebp\n 10680:\t89 f7 \tmov %esi,%edi\n 10682:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n 10686:\teb 35 \tjmp 106bd \n 10688:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1068f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:418\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:418\n 10690:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 10693:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 10694:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10698:\te8 a3 2b ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 1069d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 106a0:\te8 9b 2a ff ff \tcall 3140 \n 106a5:\tdd 06 \tfldl (%esi)\n 106a7:\t8b 4c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%ecx\n 106ab:\tdd 54 24 30 \tfstl 0x30(%esp)\n 106af:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 106b2:\tdd 1c 08 \tfstpl (%eax,%ecx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:411\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:411\n 106b5:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n 106b8:\t3b 6f 08 \tcmp 0x8(%edi),%ebp\n 106bb:\t7d 50 \tjge 1070d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:412\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:412\n 106bd:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n 106bf:\t8b 04 a8 \tmov (%eax,%ebp,4),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:414\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:414\n 106c2:\t83 b8 9c 00 00 00 ff \tcmpl $0xffffffff,0x9c(%eax)\n 106c9:\t74 ea \tje 106b5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:417\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:417\n 106cb:\t8b 48 54 \tmov 0x54(%eax),%ecx\n 106ce:\t8b 54 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edx\n 106d2:\t8d 34 ca \tlea (%edx,%ecx,8),%esi\n 106d5:\t8b 48 48 \tmov 0x48(%eax),%ecx\n 106d8:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 106da:\t74 b4 \tje 10690 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:420\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:420\n 106dc:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 106df:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 106e1:\te8 0a 2a ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 106e6:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 106e8:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 106e9:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 106ea:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 106eb:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:411\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:411\n 106ef:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:420\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:420\n 106f2:\te8 49 2b ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 106f7:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 106fa:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 106fb:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 106ff:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10700:\te8 bb 2c ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n 10705:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:411\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:411\n 10708:\t3b 6f 08 \tcmp 0x8(%edi),%ebp\n 1070b:\t7c b0 \tjl 106bd \n 1070d:\t89 fe \tmov %edi,%esi\n 1070f:\t8b 7c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:424\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:424\n 10713:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 10716:\te9 25 ff ff ff \tjmp 10640 \n 1071b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1071f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:404\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:404\n 10720:\t8d 14 3f \tlea (%edi,%edi,1),%edx\n 10723:\t89 54 24 10 \tmov %edx,0x10(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:405\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:405\n 10727:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 10729:\t7e e8 \tjle 10713 \n 1072b:\t31 ed \txor %ebp,%ebp\n 1072d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:406\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:406\n 10730:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 10733:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 10734:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10738:\te8 03 2b ff ff \tcall 3240 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:407\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:407\n 1073d:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 1073e:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 1073f:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 10743:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10744:\te8 c7 2d ff ff \tcall 3510 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:408\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:408\n 10749:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 1074c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1074d:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:405\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:405\n 1074e:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:408\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:408\n 10751:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10755:\te8 36 2e ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:405\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:405\n 1075a:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 1075d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10760:\t39 c5 \tcmp %eax,%ebp\n 10762:\t7c cc \tjl 10730 \n 10764:\te9 02 ff ff ff \tjmp 1066b \n 10769:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:426\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:426\n 10770:\t3b 7c 24 10 \tcmp 0x10(%esp),%edi\n 10774:\t74 4a \tje 107c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:427\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:427\n 10776:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 10779:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 1077b:\t7e 43 \tjle 107c0 \n 1077d:\t89 7c 24 0c \tmov %edi,0xc(%esp)\n 10781:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 10783:\t8b 7c 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%edi\n 10787:\t89 6c 24 10 \tmov %ebp,0x10(%esp)\n 1078b:\t89 d5 \tmov %edx,%ebp\n 1078d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:428\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:428\n 10790:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 10793:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 10794:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10795:\te8 a6 2a ff ff \tcall 3240 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:429\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:429\n 1079a:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 1079b:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 1079c:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 107a0:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 107a1:\te8 6a 2d ff ff \tcall 3510 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:430\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:430\n 107a6:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 107a9:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 107aa:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:427\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:427\n 107ab:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:430\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:430\n 107ae:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 107af:\te8 dc 2d ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:427\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:427\n 107b4:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 107b7:\t3b 6e 08 \tcmp 0x8(%esi),%ebp\n 107ba:\t7c d4 \tjl 10790 \n 107bc:\t8b 6c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:434\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:434\n 107c0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 107c3:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 107c7:\te8 c4 30 ff ff \tcall 3890 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:437\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:437\n 107cc:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n 107cf:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 107d1:\te8 ea f9 ff ff \tcall 101c0 \n 107d6:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 107d8:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 107db:\te8 c0 2e ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:438\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:438\n 107e0:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 107e1:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 107e2:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 107e6:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 107e7:\te8 a4 29 ff ff \tcall 3190 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:439\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:439\n 107ec:\t8d 83 bc 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6544(%ebx),%eax\n 107f2:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 107f5:\te8 96 2e ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 107fa:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 107fd:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 107fe:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 107ff:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10803:\te8 68 2d ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:440\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:440\n 10808:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 1080f:\te8 0c 2c ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:443\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:443\n 10814:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 10815:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 10816:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n 10819:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:445\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:445\n 1081b:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:443\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:443\n 1081d:\te8 9e 28 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 10822:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n 10826:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10829:\te8 72 2e ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:445\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:445\n 1082e:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 10831:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10834:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 10836:\t7e 70 \tjle 108a8 \n 10838:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1083f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:446\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:446\n 10840:\t8b 06 \tmov (%esi),%eax\n 10842:\t8b 04 b8 \tmov (%eax,%edi,4),%eax\n 10845:\t8b 80 98 00 00 00 \tmov 0x98(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:447\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:447\n 1084b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 1084d:\t74 1d \tje 1086c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:449\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:449\n 1084f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:448\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:448\n 10852:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:449\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:449\n 10855:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10856:\te8 95 28 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 1085b:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 1085e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1085f:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10860:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 10864:\te8 57 2b ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n 10869:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:445\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:445\n 1086c:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 1086f:\t3b 7e 08 \tcmp 0x8(%esi),%edi\n 10872:\t7c cc \tjl 10840 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:452\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:452\n 10874:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n 10876:\t74 30 \tje 108a8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:453\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:453\n 10878:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1087b:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 1087f:\t8b 7c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%edi\n 10883:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10884:\te8 07 29 ff ff \tcall 3190 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:454\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:454\n 10889:\t8d 83 c8 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6538(%ebx),%eax\n 1088f:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10892:\te8 f9 2d ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 10897:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 1089a:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 1089b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1089c:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 108a0:\te8 cb 2c ff ff \tcall 3570 \n 108a5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:456\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:456\n 108a8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 108ab:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 108ad:\te8 6e 2b ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:459\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:459\n 108b2:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n 108b5:\t8d 4c 24 4c \tlea 0x4c(%esp),%ecx\n 108b9:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 108bb:\te8 a0 ef ff ff \tcall f860 \n 108c0:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 108c3:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 108c5:\te8 d6 2d ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:460\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:460\n 108ca:\t8b 6c 24 4c \tmov 0x4c(%esp),%ebp\n 108ce:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 108d1:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n 108d3:\t0f 85 bf 04 00 00 \tjne 10d98 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:464\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:464\n 108d9:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 108dc:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 108de:\te8 3d 2b ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:466\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:466\n 108e3:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 108e6:\te8 f5 2b ff ff \tcall 34e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:467\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:467\n 108eb:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n 108f1:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 108f4:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 108f8:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 108fa:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 108fe:\te8 6d 2c ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:468\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:468\n 10903:\tc7 04 24 02 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x2,(%esp)\n 1090a:\te8 11 2b ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:469\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:469\n 1090f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n do_read_SPSS():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:689\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:689\n 10912:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10915:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 10917:\te8 04 2b ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:690\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:690\n 1091c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:691\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:691\n 1091f:\t8b 84 24 dc 00 00 00 \tmov 0xdc(%esp),%eax\n 10926:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 1092d:\t0f 85 e6 04 00 00 \tjne 10e19 \n 10933:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n 10937:\t81 c4 ec 00 00 00 \tadd $0xec,%esp\n 1093d:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 1093e:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 1093f:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 10940:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 10941:\tc3 \tret \n 10942:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:677\n 10948:\tc7 44 24 2c 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x2c(%esp)\n 1094f:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:678\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:678\n 10950:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10953:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10954:\te8 67 28 ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n read_SPSS_SAVE():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:475\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:475\n 10959:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 1095c:\te8 1f 2e ff ff \tcall 3780 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:486\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:486\n 10961:\tc7 44 24 4c 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x4c(%esp)\n 10968:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:475\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:475\n 10969:\t89 44 24 38 \tmov %eax,0x38(%esp)\n 1096d:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:490\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:490\n 1096f:\tc7 84 24 b0 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0xb0(%esp)\n 10976:\t00 00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:491\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:491\n 1097a:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 1097b:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 1097c:\t8d 44 24 48 \tlea 0x48(%esp),%eax\n 10980:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10981:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 10982:\te8 a9 2d ff ff \tcall 3730 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:492\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:492\n 10987:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 10988:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 10989:\tff 70 08 \tpushl 0x8(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:491\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:491\n 1098c:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:492\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:492\n 1098e:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 10990:\te8 2b 27 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 10995:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10998:\te8 03 2d ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n 1099d:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:493\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:493\n 109a1:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 109a2:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 109a3:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n 109a6:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 109a8:\te8 13 27 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 109ad:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 109b0:\te8 eb 2c ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:496\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:496\n 109b5:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:493\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:493\n 109b8:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:496\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:496\n 109bc:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 109bf:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 109c1:\t0f 8e 69 03 00 00 \tjle 10d30 \n 109c7:\t8b 06 \tmov (%esi),%eax\n 109c9:\t8d 3c 90 \tlea (%eax,%edx,4),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:483\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:483\n 109cc:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 109ce:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:497\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:497\n 109d0:\t8b 08 \tmov (%eax),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:499\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:499\n 109d2:\t83 c0 04 \tadd $0x4,%eax\n 109d5:\t89 51 54 \tmov %edx,0x54(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:500\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:500\n 109d8:\t03 51 58 \tadd 0x58(%ecx),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:496\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:496\n 109db:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n 109dd:\t75 f1 \tjne 109d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:502\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:502\n 109df:\t89 56 10 \tmov %edx,0x10(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:503\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:503\n 109e2:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 109e4:\t0f 84 4d 03 00 00 \tje 10d37 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:505\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:505\n 109ea:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:507\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:507\n 109ed:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:505\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:505\n 109ef:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n 109f1:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 109f2:\te8 d9 26 ff ff \tcall 30d0 \n 109f7:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:507\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:507\n 109fb:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 109fe:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10a01:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 10a03:\t7f 36 \tjg 10a3b \n 10a05:\te9 c0 00 00 00 \tjmp 10aca \n 10a0a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:515\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:515\n 10a10:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 10a13:\tff 74 24 64 \tpushl 0x64(%esp)\n 10a17:\t6a 0e \tpush $0xe\n 10a19:\te8 a2 26 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 10a1e:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10a21:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10a22:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10a23:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10a27:\te8 64 2b ff ff \tcall 3590 \n 10a2c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:507\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:507\n 10a2f:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 10a32:\t3b 7e 08 \tcmp 0x8(%esi),%edi\n 10a35:\t0f 8d 8f 00 00 00 \tjge 10aca \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:508\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:508\n 10a3b:\t8b 06 \tmov (%esi),%eax\n 10a3d:\t8b 2c b8 \tmov (%eax,%edi,4),%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:510\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:510\n 10a40:\t83 bd 9c 00 00 00 ff \tcmpl $0xffffffff,0x9c(%ebp)\n 10a47:\t74 e6 \tje 10a2f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:513\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:513\n 10a49:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10a4c:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 10a4d:\te8 9e 26 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 10a52:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10a55:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10a56:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10a57:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 10a5b:\te8 60 29 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:514\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:514\n 10a60:\t8b 4d 48 \tmov 0x48(%ebp),%ecx\n 10a63:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10a66:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 10a68:\t74 a6 \tje 10a10 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:517\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:517\n 10a6a:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 10a6d:\tff 74 24 64 \tpushl 0x64(%esp)\n 10a71:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 10a73:\te8 48 26 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 10a78:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10a7b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10a7c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:507\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:507\n 10a7d:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:517\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:517\n 10a80:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10a84:\te8 07 2b ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:518\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:518\n 10a89:\t8b 54 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edx\n 10a8d:\t8b 45 54 \tmov 0x54(%ebp),%eax\n 10a90:\t8d 0c c2 \tlea (%edx,%eax,8),%ecx\n 10a93:\t89 4c 24 20 \tmov %ecx,0x20(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:519\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:519\n 10a97:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 10a98:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 10a99:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 10a9b:\t8b 45 50 \tmov 0x50(%ebp),%eax\n 10a9e:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 10aa1:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10aa2:\te8 29 26 ff ff \tcall 30d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:518\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:518\n 10aa7:\t8b 4c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:520\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:520\n 10aab:\t8b 54 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edx\n 10aaf:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:518\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:518\n 10ab2:\t89 01 \tmov %eax,(%ecx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:520\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:520\n 10ab4:\t8b 45 54 \tmov 0x54(%ebp),%eax\n 10ab7:\t8b 0c c2 \tmov (%edx,%eax,8),%ecx\n 10aba:\t8b 45 50 \tmov 0x50(%ebp),%eax\n 10abd:\tc6 04 01 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%ecx,%eax,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:507\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:507\n 10ac1:\t3b 7e 08 \tcmp 0x8(%esi),%edi\n 10ac4:\t0f 8c 71 ff ff ff \tjl 10a3b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:523\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:523\n 10aca:\t8b 6c 24 5c \tmov 0x5c(%esp),%ebp\n 10ace:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 10ad0:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n 10ad2:\t0f 8e d0 00 00 00 \tjle 10ba8 \n 10ad8:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 10adf:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:525\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:525\n 10ae0:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:526\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:526\n 10ae3:\t31 ed \txor %ebp,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:525\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:525\n 10ae5:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10ae6:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10aea:\tff 74 24 34 \tpushl 0x34(%esp)\n 10aee:\te8 dd 28 ff ff \tcall 33d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:526\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:526\n 10af3:\t8d 04 fd 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%edi,8),%eax\n 10afa:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10afd:\t89 44 24 20 \tmov %eax,0x20(%esp)\n 10b01:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 10b04:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 10b06:\t0f 8e 8f 00 00 00 \tjle 10b9b \n 10b0c:\t89 7c 24 10 \tmov %edi,0x10(%esp)\n 10b10:\t89 f7 \tmov %esi,%edi\n 10b12:\teb 31 \tjmp 10b45 \n 10b14:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:533\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:533\n 10b18:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 10b1b:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 10b1c:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10b20:\te8 1b 27 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 10b25:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10b28:\te8 13 26 ff ff \tcall 3140 \n 10b2d:\tdd 06 \tfldl (%esi)\n 10b2f:\t8b 4c 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%ecx\n 10b33:\tdd 54 24 28 \tfstl 0x28(%esp)\n 10b37:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10b3a:\tdd 1c 08 \tfstpl (%eax,%ecx,1)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:526\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:526\n 10b3d:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n 10b40:\t3b 6f 08 \tcmp 0x8(%edi),%ebp\n 10b43:\t7d 50 \tjge 10b95 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:527\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:527\n 10b45:\t8b 07 \tmov (%edi),%eax\n 10b47:\t8b 04 a8 \tmov (%eax,%ebp,4),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:529\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:529\n 10b4a:\t83 b8 9c 00 00 00 ff \tcmpl $0xffffffff,0x9c(%eax)\n 10b51:\t74 ea \tje 10b3d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:532\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:532\n 10b53:\t8b 48 54 \tmov 0x54(%eax),%ecx\n 10b56:\t8b 54 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edx\n 10b5a:\t8d 34 ca \tlea (%edx,%ecx,8),%esi\n 10b5d:\t8b 48 48 \tmov 0x48(%eax),%ecx\n 10b60:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 10b62:\t74 b4 \tje 10b18 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:535\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:535\n 10b64:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10b67:\tff 36 \tpushl (%esi)\n 10b69:\te8 82 25 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 10b6e:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 10b70:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 10b71:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 10b72:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 10b73:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:526\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:526\n 10b77:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:535\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:535\n 10b7a:\te8 c1 26 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 10b7f:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10b82:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10b83:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 10b87:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10b88:\te8 33 28 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n 10b8d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:526\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:526\n 10b90:\t3b 6f 08 \tcmp 0x8(%edi),%ebp\n 10b93:\t7c b0 \tjl 10b45 \n 10b95:\t89 fe \tmov %edi,%esi\n 10b97:\t8b 7c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:523\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:523\n 10b9b:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 10b9e:\t3b 7c 24 5c \tcmp 0x5c(%esp),%edi\n 10ba2:\t0f 8c 38 ff ff ff \tjl 10ae0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:540\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:540\n 10ba8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10bab:\tff 74 24 34 \tpushl 0x34(%esp)\n 10baf:\te8 9c 26 ff ff \tcall 3250 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:543\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:543\n 10bb4:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n 10bb7:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 10bb9:\te8 02 f6 ff ff \tcall 101c0 \n 10bbe:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10bc1:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 10bc3:\te8 d8 2a ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:544\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:544\n 10bc8:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 10bc9:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 10bcd:\te8 0e 27 ff ff \tcall 32e0 \n 10bd2:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 10bd3:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 10bd4:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10bd5:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10bd6:\te8 b5 25 ff ff \tcall 3190 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:545\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:545\n 10bdb:\t8d 83 bc 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6544(%ebx),%eax\n 10be1:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10be4:\te8 a7 2a ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 10be9:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10bec:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10bed:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10bee:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10bf2:\te8 79 29 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:546\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:546\n 10bf7:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 10bfe:\te8 1d 28 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:549\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:549\n 10c03:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 10c04:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 10c05:\tff 76 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esi)\n 10c08:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:551\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:551\n 10c0a:\t31 ed \txor %ebp,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:549\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:549\n 10c0c:\te8 af 24 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 10c11:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10c14:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 10c16:\te8 85 2a ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:551\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:551\n 10c1b:\t8b 46 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%eax\n 10c1e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10c21:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 10c23:\t7e 6a \tjle 10c8f \n 10c25:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:552\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:552\n 10c28:\t8b 06 \tmov (%esi),%eax\n 10c2a:\t8b 04 a8 \tmov (%eax,%ebp,4),%eax\n 10c2d:\t8b 80 98 00 00 00 \tmov 0x98(%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:553\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:553\n 10c33:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 10c35:\t74 1c \tje 10c53 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:554\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:554\n 10c37:\t83 44 24 2c 01 \taddl $0x1,0x2c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:555\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:555\n 10c3c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10c3f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10c40:\te8 ab 24 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 10c45:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10c48:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10c49:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 10c4a:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10c4b:\te8 70 27 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n 10c50:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:551\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:551\n 10c53:\t83 c5 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebp\n 10c56:\t3b 6e 08 \tcmp 0x8(%esi),%ebp\n 10c59:\t7c cd \tjl 10c28 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:558\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:558\n 10c5b:\t8b 44 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%eax\n 10c5f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 10c61:\t74 2c \tje 10c8f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:559\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:559\n 10c63:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 10c66:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 10c6a:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10c6b:\te8 20 25 ff ff \tcall 3190 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:560\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:560\n 10c70:\t8d 83 c8 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6538(%ebx),%eax\n 10c76:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10c79:\te8 12 2a ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 10c7e:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10c81:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10c82:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10c83:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10c87:\te8 e4 28 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n 10c8c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:562\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:562\n 10c8f:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10c92:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 10c94:\te8 87 27 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:565\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:565\n 10c99:\t8b 56 08 \tmov 0x8(%esi),%edx\n 10c9c:\t8d 4c 24 4c \tlea 0x4c(%esp),%ecx\n 10ca0:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 10ca2:\te8 b9 eb ff ff \tcall f860 \n 10ca7:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10caa:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 10cac:\te8 ef 29 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:566\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:566\n 10cb1:\t8b 6c 24 4c \tmov 0x4c(%esp),%ebp\n 10cb5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10cb8:\t85 ed \ttest %ebp,%ebp\n 10cba:\t0f 85 98 00 00 00 \tjne 10d58 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:570\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:570\n 10cc0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10cc3:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 10cc5:\te8 56 27 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:572\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:572\n 10cca:\t8d 83 e1 9a ff ff \tlea -0x651f(%ebx),%eax\n 10cd0:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10cd3:\te8 b8 29 ff ff \tcall 3690 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:573\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:573\n 10cd8:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:572\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:572\n 10cdb:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:573\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:573\n 10cdd:\te8 fe 27 ff ff \tcall 34e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:574\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:574\n 10ce2:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n 10ce8:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10ceb:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 10cef:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 10cf1:\t8b 74 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%esi\n 10cf5:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10cf6:\te8 75 28 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:575\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:575\n 10cfb:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 10cfc:\tff b4 24 ac 00 00 00 \tpushl 0xac(%esp)\n 10d03:\te8 b8 2a ff ff \tcall 37c0 \n 10d08:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10d0b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10d0c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10d0d:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10d0e:\te8 5d 28 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:576\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:576\n 10d13:\tc7 04 24 02 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x2,(%esp)\n 10d1a:\te8 01 27 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n do_read_SPSS():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:577\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:577\n 10d1f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10d22:\te9 eb fb ff ff \tjmp 10912 \n 10d27:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 10d2e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n read_SPSS_PORT():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:380\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:380\n 10d30:\tc7 46 10 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x10(%esi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:382\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:382\n 10d37:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10d38:\t8d 83 b2 9a ff ff \tlea -0x654e(%ebx),%eax\n 10d3e:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 10d40:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10d41:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 10d47:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10d48:\te8 b3 24 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 10d4d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10d50:\te8 8b 24 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 10d55:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n read_SPSS_SAVE():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:567\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:567\n 10d58:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10d5b:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 10d5f:\te8 7c 25 ff ff \tcall 32e0 \n 10d64:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 10d65:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 10d66:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10d67:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10d68:\te8 23 24 ff ff \tcall 3190 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:568\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:568\n 10d6d:\t8d 83 d8 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6528(%ebx),%eax\n 10d73:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10d76:\te8 15 29 ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 10d7b:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10d7e:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10d7f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10d80:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10d84:\te8 e7 27 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n 10d89:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10d8c:\te9 2f ff ff ff \tjmp 10cc0 \n 10d91:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n read_SPSS_PORT():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:461\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:461\n 10d98:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10d9b:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 10d9f:\te8 3c 25 ff ff \tcall 32e0 \n 10da4:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 10da5:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 10da6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10da7:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10da8:\te8 e3 23 ff ff \tcall 3190 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:462\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:462\n 10dad:\t8d 83 d8 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6528(%ebx),%eax\n 10db3:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10db6:\te8 d5 28 ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 10dbb:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10dbe:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10dbf:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10dc0:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 10dc4:\te8 a7 27 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n 10dc9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10dcc:\te9 08 fb ff ff \tjmp 108d9 \n do_read_SPSS():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:672\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:672\n 10dd1:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10dd4:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10dd5:\te8 e6 23 ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:673\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:673\n 10dda:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10ddd:\t8d 83 95 9a ff ff \tlea -0x656b(%ebx),%eax\n 10de3:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 10de5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10de6:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 10dec:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10ded:\te8 0e 24 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 10df2:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 10df3:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 10df4:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10df5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10df6:\te8 e5 23 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:670\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:670\n 10dfb:\te8 a0 27 ff ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n 10e00:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10e03:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 10e05:\te8 36 26 ff ff \tcall 3440 \n 10e0a:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10e0d:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 10e0f:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 10e11:\t8d 83 db 77 ff ff \tlea -0x8825(%ebx),%eax\n 10e17:\teb cc \tjmp 10de5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:691\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:691\n 10e19:\te8 82 36 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:682\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:682\n 10e1e:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 10e21:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10e22:\te8 99 23 ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:683\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:683\n 10e27:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 10e2a:\t8d 83 14 9b ff ff \tlea -0x64ec(%ebx),%eax\n 10e30:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 10e32:\teb b1 \tjmp 10de5 \n 10e34:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 10e3b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 10e3f:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00010e40 :\n spss_init():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:695\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:695\n 10e40:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 10e41:\te8 8a 2a ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 10e46:\t81 c3 ba d1 00 00 \tadd $0xd1ba,%ebx\n 10e4c:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:696\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:696\n 10e4f:\te8 ac 24 ff ff \tcall 3300 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/spss.c:697\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/spss.c:697\n 10e54:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 10e57:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 10e58:\tc3 \tret \n 10e59:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 10e5b:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 10e5d:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n 10e5f:\t90 \tnop\n InFloatBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:144\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:144\n 10e60:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 10e61:\te8 6a 2a ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 10e66:\t81 c3 9a d1 00 00 \tadd $0xd19a,%ebx\n 10e6c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:148\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:148\n 10e6f:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 10e71:\t8d 83 42 9b ff ff \tlea -0x64be(%ebx),%eax\n 10e77:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10e78:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 10e7e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10e7f:\te8 7c 23 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 10e84:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10e87:\te8 54 23 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n InFloatBinary.part.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:148\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:148\n 10e8c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n InByteBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:102\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:102\n 10e90:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10e91:\t89 d6 \tmov %edx,%esi\n 10e93:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 10e94:\te8 37 2a ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 10e99:\t81 c3 67 d1 00 00 \tadd $0xd167,%ebx\n 10e9f:\t83 ec 14 \tsub $0x14,%esp\n 10ea2:\t65 8b 0d 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%ecx\n@@ -20955,40 +20955,40 @@\n 10eaf:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10eb0:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 10eb2:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 10eb4:\t8d 44 24 17 \tlea 0x17(%esp),%eax\n 10eb8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10eb9:\te8 92 24 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n InByteBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:104\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:104\n 10ebe:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10ec1:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 10ec4:\t75 29 \tjne 10eef \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:106\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:106\n 10ec6:\t0f be 44 24 0b \tmovsbl 0xb(%esp),%eax\n 10ecb:\t3c 7f \tcmp $0x7f,%al\n 10ecd:\t75 0d \tjne 10edc \n 10ecf:\t83 e6 01 \tand $0x1,%esi\n 10ed2:\t75 08 \tjne 10edc \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:106 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:106 (discriminator 2)\n 10ed4:\t8b 83 f4 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc(%ebx),%eax\n 10eda:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:107\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:107\n 10edc:\t8b 4c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ecx\n 10ee0:\t65 33 0d 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%ecx\n 10ee7:\t75 0b \tjne 10ef4 \n 10ee9:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n 10eec:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 10eed:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 10eee:\tc3 \tret \n 10eef:\te8 6c ff ff ff \tcall 10e60 \n 10ef4:\te8 a7 35 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n 10ef9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n InIntegerBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:92\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:92\n 10f00:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 10f01:\t89 d7 \tmov %edx,%edi\n 10f03:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10f04:\t89 ce \tmov %ecx,%esi\n 10f06:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 10f07:\te8 c4 29 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 10f0c:\t81 c3 f4 d0 00 00 \tadd $0xd0f4,%ebx\n@@ -21001,181 +21001,181 @@\n 10f22:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10f23:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 10f25:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n 10f27:\t8d 44 24 14 \tlea 0x14(%esp),%eax\n 10f2b:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10f2c:\te8 1f 24 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n InIntegerBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:94\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:94\n 10f31:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10f34:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 10f37:\t75 43 \tjne 10f7c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:96\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:96\n 10f39:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 10f3b:\t75 33 \tjne 10f70 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:98\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:98\n 10f3d:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n 10f41:\t3d ff ff ff 7f \tcmp $0x7fffffff,%eax\n 10f46:\t75 0d \tjne 10f55 \n 10f48:\t83 e7 01 \tand $0x1,%edi\n 10f4b:\t75 08 \tjne 10f55 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:98 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:98 (discriminator 1)\n 10f4d:\t8b 83 f4 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc(%ebx),%eax\n 10f53:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:99\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:99\n 10f55:\t8b 7c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%edi\n 10f59:\t65 33 3d 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%edi\n 10f60:\t75 1f \tjne 10f81 \n 10f62:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10f65:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 10f66:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 10f67:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 10f68:\tc3 \tret \n 10f69:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:97\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:97\n 10f70:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n 10f74:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n 10f76:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n 10f7a:\teb c1 \tjmp 10f3d \n 10f7c:\te8 df fe ff ff \tcall 10e60 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:99\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:99\n 10f81:\te8 1a 35 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n 10f86:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 10f8d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n InStringBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:155\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:155\n 10f90:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 10f91:\te8 3a 29 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 10f96:\t81 c3 6a d0 00 00 \tadd $0xd06a,%ebx\n 10f9c:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 10f9f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10fa0:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 10fa2:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 10fa3:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 10fa4:\te8 a7 23 ff ff \tcall 3350 \n InStringBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:156\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:156\n 10fa9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 10fac:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 10faf:\t75 05 \tjne 10fb6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:158\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:158\n 10fb1:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 10fb4:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 10fb5:\tc3 \tret \n 10fb6:\te8 a5 fe ff ff \tcall 10e60 \n 10fbb:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 10fbf:\t90 \tnop\n OutIntegerBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:596\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:596\n 10fc0:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 10fc1:\te8 0a 29 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 10fc6:\t81 c3 3a d0 00 00 \tadd $0xd03a,%ebx\n 10fcc:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:600\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:600\n 10fcf:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 10fd1:\t8d 83 5f 9b ff ff \tlea -0x64a1(%ebx),%eax\n 10fd7:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10fd8:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 10fde:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 10fdf:\te8 1c 22 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 10fe4:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 10fe7:\te8 f4 21 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n OutIntegerBinary.part.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:600\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:600\n 10fec:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n OutIntegerBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:597\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:597\n 10ff0:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 10ff1:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 10ff2:\te8 d9 28 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 10ff7:\t81 c3 09 d0 00 00 \tadd $0xd009,%ebx\n 10ffd:\t83 ec 14 \tsub $0x14,%esp\n 11000:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:598\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:598\n 11004:\t8b b3 f4 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc(%ebx),%esi\n 1100a:\t39 06 \tcmp %eax,(%esi)\n 1100c:\t75 0b \tjne 11019 \n 1100e:\t83 e1 01 \tand $0x1,%ecx\n 11011:\tb9 ff ff ff 7f \tmov $0x7fffffff,%ecx\n 11016:\t0f 44 c1 \tcmove %ecx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:598 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:598 (discriminator 4)\n 11019:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:599 (discriminator 4)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:599 (discriminator 4)\n 1101d:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 1101e:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 11020:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n 11022:\t8d 44 24 18 \tlea 0x18(%esp),%eax\n 11026:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11027:\te8 e4 22 ff ff \tcall 3310 \n 1102c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1102f:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 11032:\t75 06 \tjne 1103a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:602\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:602\n 11034:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n 11037:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 11038:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 11039:\tc3 \tret \n 1103a:\te8 81 ff ff ff \tcall 10fc0 \n 1103f:\t90 \tnop\n OutStringBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:643\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:643\n 11040:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 11041:\te8 8a 28 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 11046:\t81 c3 ba cf 00 00 \tadd $0xcfba,%ebx\n 1104c:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:644\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:644\n 1104f:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 11051:\t75 0d \tjne 11060 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:647\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:647\n 11053:\t83 c4 08 \tadd $0x8,%esp\n 11056:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 11057:\tc3 \tret \n 11058:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1105f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:645\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:645\n 11060:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 11061:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 11063:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 11064:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11065:\te8 a6 22 ff ff \tcall 3310 \n 1106a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1106d:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 11070:\t74 e1 \tje 11053 \n 11072:\te8 49 ff ff ff \tcall 10fc0 \n 11077:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1107e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n OutByteBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:605\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:605\n 11080:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 11081:\te8 4a 28 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 11086:\t81 c3 7a cf 00 00 \tadd $0xcf7a,%ebx\n 1108c:\t83 ec 18 \tsub $0x18,%esp\n 1108f:\t88 44 24 0c \tmov %al,0xc(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:606\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:606\n 11093:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 11094:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 11096:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 11098:\t8d 44 24 18 \tlea 0x18(%esp),%eax\n 1109c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1109d:\te8 6e 22 ff ff \tcall 3310 \n 110a2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 110a5:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 110a8:\t75 05 \tjne 110af \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:608\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:608\n 110aa:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n 110ad:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 110ae:\tc3 \tret \n 110af:\te8 0c ff ff ff \tcall 10fc0 \n 110b4:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 110bb:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 110bf:\t90 \tnop\n writeStataValueLabel():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:663\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:663\n 110c0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 110c1:\t89 e5 \tmov %esp,%ebp\n 110c3:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 110c4:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 110c6:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 110c7:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 110c8:\te8 03 28 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n@@ -21184,121 +21184,121 @@\n 110d6:\t8b 45 0c \tmov 0xc(%ebp),%eax\n 110d9:\t89 55 d0 \tmov %edx,-0x30(%ebp)\n 110dc:\t89 4d c4 \tmov %ecx,-0x3c(%ebp)\n 110df:\t89 45 c8 \tmov %eax,-0x38(%ebp)\n 110e2:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 110e8:\t89 45 e4 \tmov %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)\n 110eb:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:667\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:667\n 110ed:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 110ee:\te8 6d 21 ff ff \tcall 3260 \n 110f3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 110f6:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 110f8:\t75 1e \tjne 11118 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:668\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:668\n 110fa:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:722\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:722\n 110fc:\t8b 4d e4 \tmov -0x1c(%ebp),%ecx\n 110ff:\t65 33 0d 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%ecx\n 11106:\t0f 85 55 03 00 00 \tjne 11461 \n 1110c:\t8d 65 f4 \tlea -0xc(%ebp),%esp\n 1110f:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 11110:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 11111:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 11112:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 11113:\tc3 \tret \n 11114:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:670\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:670\n 11118:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 1111b:\tff 75 c4 \tpushl -0x3c(%ebp)\n 1111e:\te8 8d 21 ff ff \tcall 32b0 \n 11123:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11126:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 11128:\t75 43 \tjne 1116d \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:671 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:671 (discriminator 1)\n 1112a:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 1112d:\tff 75 c4 \tpushl -0x3c(%ebp)\n 11130:\te8 bb 20 ff ff \tcall 31f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:670 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:670 (discriminator 1)\n 11135:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11138:\t83 f8 0d \tcmp $0xd,%eax\n 1113b:\t74 13 \tje 11150 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:671\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:671\n 1113d:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11140:\tff 75 c4 \tpushl -0x3c(%ebp)\n 11143:\te8 a8 20 ff ff \tcall 31f0 \n 11148:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1114b:\t83 f8 0e \tcmp $0xe,%eax\n 1114e:\t75 aa \tjne 110fa \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:672\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:672\n 11150:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11153:\tff 75 d0 \tpushl -0x30(%ebp)\n 11156:\te8 d5 1e ff ff \tcall 3030 \n 1115b:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 1115d:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 1115e:\tff 75 c4 \tpushl -0x3c(%ebp)\n 11161:\te8 ca 1e ff ff \tcall 3030 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:671\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:671\n 11166:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11169:\t39 c6 \tcmp %eax,%esi\n 1116b:\t75 8d \tjne 110fa \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:675\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:675\n 1116d:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11170:\tff 75 d0 \tpushl -0x30(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:677\n 11173:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:675\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:675\n 11175:\te8 a6 24 ff ff \tcall 3620 \n 1117a:\t89 7d bc \tmov %edi,-0x44(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:677\n 1117d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11180:\t8b 7d d0 \tmov -0x30(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:675\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:675\n 11183:\t8d 04 c5 08 00 00 00 \tlea 0x8(,%eax,8),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:676\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:676\n 1118a:\tc7 45 cc 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x34(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:675\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:675\n 11191:\t89 45 c0 \tmov %eax,-0x40(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:677\n 11194:\teb 34 \tjmp 111ca \n 11196:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1119d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:678\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:678\n 111a0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 111a3:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:677\n 111a4:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:678\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:678\n 111a7:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 111a8:\te8 63 25 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 111ad:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 111b0:\te8 cb 22 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n 111b5:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 111b8:\te8 f3 22 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 111bd:\t8b 4d cc \tmov -0x34(%ebp),%ecx\n 111c0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 111c3:\t8d 44 01 01 \tlea 0x1(%ecx,%eax,1),%eax\n 111c7:\t89 45 cc \tmov %eax,-0x34(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:677\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:677\n 111ca:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 111cd:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 111ce:\te8 4d 24 ff ff \tcall 3620 \n 111d3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 111d6:\t39 c6 \tcmp %eax,%esi\n 111d8:\t7c c6 \tjl 111a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:680\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:680\n 111da:\t8b 55 c8 \tmov -0x38(%ebp),%edx\n 111dd:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:679\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:679\n 111df:\t8b 45 c0 \tmov -0x40(%ebp),%eax\n 111e2:\t03 45 cc \tadd -0x34(%ebp),%eax\n 111e5:\t8b 7d bc \tmov -0x44(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:680\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:680\n 111e8:\te8 03 fe ff ff \tcall 10ff0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:681\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:681\n 111ed:\t8b 45 08 \tmov 0x8(%ebp),%eax\n 111f0:\t89 65 c0 \tmov %esp,-0x40(%ebp)\n 111f3:\t8d 50 01 \tlea 0x1(%eax),%edx\n 111f6:\t83 c0 10 \tadd $0x10,%eax\n 111f9:\t83 e0 f0 \tand $0xfffffff0,%eax\n 111fc:\t29 c4 \tsub %eax,%esp\n 111fe:\t89 e6 \tmov %esp,%esi\n@@ -21306,274 +21306,274 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 11200:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 11203:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 11204:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 11205:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 11206:\te8 b5 23 ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n writeStataValueLabel():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:683\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:683\n 1120b:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 1120e:\te8 9d 22 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 11213:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n nameMangleOut():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:651\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:651\n 11216:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 11218:\t8d 0c 06 \tlea (%esi,%eax,1),%ecx\n 1121b:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 1121d:\t74 10 \tje 1122f \n 1121f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:652\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:652\n 11220:\t80 3a 2e \tcmpb $0x2e,(%edx)\n 11223:\t75 03 \tjne 11228 \n 11225:\tc6 02 5f \tmovb $0x5f,(%edx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:651\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:651\n 11228:\t83 c2 01 \tadd $0x1,%edx\n 1122b:\t39 d1 \tcmp %edx,%ecx\n 1122d:\t75 f1 \tjne 11220 \n writeStataValueLabel():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:683\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:683\n 1122f:\t8b 7d c8 \tmov -0x38(%ebp),%edi\n 11232:\t8b 4d 08 \tmov 0x8(%ebp),%ecx\n 11235:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:691\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:691\n 11237:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:683\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:683\n 11239:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 1123b:\te8 00 fe ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:685\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:685\n 11240:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 11242:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 11244:\te8 37 fe ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:686\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:686\n 11249:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 1124b:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 1124d:\te8 2e fe ff ff \tcall 11080 \n 11252:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 11254:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 11256:\te8 25 fe ff ff \tcall 11080 \n 1125b:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 1125d:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 1125f:\te8 1c fe ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:687\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:687\n 11264:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11267:\tff 75 d0 \tpushl -0x30(%ebp)\n 1126a:\te8 b1 23 ff ff \tcall 3620 \n 1126f:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 11271:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 11273:\te8 78 fd ff ff \tcall 10ff0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:688\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:688\n 11278:\t8b 45 cc \tmov -0x34(%ebp),%eax\n 1127b:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 1127d:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:690\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:690\n 1127f:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:688\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:688\n 11281:\te8 6a fd ff ff \tcall 10ff0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:691\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:691\n 11286:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11289:\teb 37 \tjmp 112c2 \n 1128b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1128f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:692\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:692\n 11290:\t8b 55 c8 \tmov -0x38(%ebp),%edx\n 11293:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 11295:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11297:\te8 54 fd ff ff \tcall 10ff0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:693\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:693\n 1129c:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1129f:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:691\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:691\n 112a0:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:693\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:693\n 112a3:\tff 75 d0 \tpushl -0x30(%ebp)\n 112a6:\te8 65 24 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 112ab:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 112ae:\te8 cd 21 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n 112b3:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 112b6:\te8 f5 21 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 112bb:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 112be:\t8d 7c 07 01 \tlea 0x1(%edi,%eax,1),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:691\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:691\n 112c2:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 112c5:\tff 75 d0 \tpushl -0x30(%ebp)\n 112c8:\te8 53 23 ff ff \tcall 3620 \n 112cd:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 112d0:\t39 c6 \tcmp %eax,%esi\n 112d2:\t7c bc \tjl 11290 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:696\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:696\n 112d4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 112d7:\tff 75 c4 \tpushl -0x3c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:697\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:697\n 112da:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:696\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:696\n 112dc:\te8 cf 1f ff ff \tcall 32b0 \n 112e1:\t8b 7d c8 \tmov -0x38(%ebp),%edi\n 112e4:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 112e7:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 112e9:\t75 13 \tjne 112fe \n 112eb:\te9 b0 00 00 00 \tjmp 113a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:698\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:698\n 112f0:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n 112f3:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 112f5:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 112f7:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 112f9:\te8 f2 fc ff ff \tcall 10ff0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:697\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:697\n 112fe:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11301:\tff 75 d0 \tpushl -0x30(%ebp)\n 11304:\te8 17 23 ff ff \tcall 3620 \n 11309:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1130c:\t39 c6 \tcmp %eax,%esi\n 1130e:\t7c e0 \tjl 112f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:706\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:706\n 11310:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 11312:\teb 60 \tjmp 11374 \n 11314:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:712\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:712\n 11318:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1131b:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 1131c:\tff 75 d0 \tpushl -0x30(%ebp)\n 1131f:\te8 ec 23 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 11324:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 11327:\te8 54 21 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n 1132c:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1132f:\te8 7c 21 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 11334:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 11335:\t5e \tpop %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:713\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:713\n 11336:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 11337:\tff 75 d0 \tpushl -0x30(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:712\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:712\n 1133a:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:713\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:713\n 1133c:\te8 cf 23 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 11341:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 11344:\te8 37 21 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n 11349:\t8b 55 c8 \tmov -0x38(%ebp),%edx\n 1134c:\t89 f1 \tmov %esi,%ecx\n 1134e:\te8 ed fc ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:714\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:714\n 11353:\t8b 55 c8 \tmov -0x38(%ebp),%edx\n 11356:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 11358:\te8 23 fd ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:715\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:715\n 1135d:\t8b 45 cc \tmov -0x34(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:716\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:716\n 11360:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:715\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:715\n 11363:\t83 e8 01 \tsub $0x1,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:716\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:716\n 11366:\t29 f0 \tsub %esi,%eax\n 11368:\t89 45 cc \tmov %eax,-0x34(%ebp)\n 1136b:\t0f 88 d0 00 00 00 \tjs 11441 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:711\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:711\n 11371:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 11374:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11377:\tff 75 d0 \tpushl -0x30(%ebp)\n 1137a:\te8 a1 22 ff ff \tcall 3620 \n 1137f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11382:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n 11384:\t7c 92 \tjl 11318 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:718\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:718\n 11386:\t8b 55 cc \tmov -0x34(%ebp),%edx\n 11389:\t85 d2 \ttest %edx,%edx\n 1138b:\t0f 8f d5 00 00 00 \tjg 11466 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:720\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:720\n 11391:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n 11396:\t8b 65 c0 \tmov -0x40(%ebp),%esp\n 11399:\te9 5e fd ff ff \tjmp 110fc \n 1139e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:701\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:701\n 113a0:\t8b 7d c4 \tmov -0x3c(%ebp),%edi\n 113a3:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:702\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:702\n 113a6:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:701\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:701\n 113a8:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 113a9:\te8 42 1e ff ff \tcall 31f0 \n 113ae:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 113b1:\t83 f8 0d \tcmp $0xd,%eax\n 113b4:\t75 40 \tjne 113f6 \n 113b6:\teb 53 \tjmp 1140b \n 113b8:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 113bf:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:707\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:707\n 113c0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 113c3:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 113c4:\te8 77 1d ff ff \tcall 3140 \n 113c9:\t8b 55 c8 \tmov -0x38(%ebp),%edx\n 113cc:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 113ce:\tdd 04 f0 \tfldl (%eax,%esi,8)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:706\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:706\n 113d1:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:707\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:707\n 113d4:\td9 7d d6 \tfnstcw -0x2a(%ebp)\n 113d7:\t0f b7 45 d6 \tmovzwl -0x2a(%ebp),%eax\n 113db:\t80 cc 0c \tor $0xc,%ah\n 113de:\t66 89 45 d4 \tmov %ax,-0x2c(%ebp)\n 113e2:\td9 6d d4 \tfldcw -0x2c(%ebp)\n 113e5:\tdb 5d c4 \tfistpl -0x3c(%ebp)\n 113e8:\td9 6d d6 \tfldcw -0x2a(%ebp)\n 113eb:\t8b 45 c4 \tmov -0x3c(%ebp),%eax\n 113ee:\te8 fd fb ff ff \tcall 10ff0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:706\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:706\n 113f3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 113f6:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 113f9:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 113fa:\te8 21 22 ff ff \tcall 3620 \n 113ff:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11402:\t39 c6 \tcmp %eax,%esi\n 11404:\t7c ba \tjl 113c0 \n 11406:\te9 05 ff ff ff \tjmp 11310 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:702\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:702\n 1140b:\t8b 7d c4 \tmov -0x3c(%ebp),%edi\n 1140e:\teb 1c \tjmp 1142c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:703\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:703\n 11410:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11413:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 11414:\te8 b7 20 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 11419:\t8b 55 c8 \tmov -0x38(%ebp),%edx\n 1141c:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 1141e:\t8b 04 b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:702\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:702\n 11421:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:703\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:703\n 11424:\te8 c7 fb ff ff \tcall 10ff0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:702\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:702\n 11429:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1142c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 1142f:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 11430:\te8 eb 21 ff ff \tcall 3620 \n 11435:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11438:\t39 c6 \tcmp %eax,%esi\n 1143a:\t7c d4 \tjl 11410 \n 1143c:\te9 cf fe ff ff \tjmp 11310 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:716\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:716\n 11441:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 11444:\t8d 83 7d 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6483(%ebx),%eax\n 1144a:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:718\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:718\n 1144c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1144d:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 11453:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11454:\te8 a7 1d ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 11459:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1145c:\te8 7f 1d ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:722\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:722\n 11461:\te8 3a 30 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:718\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:718\n 11466:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11467:\t8d 83 99 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6467(%ebx),%eax\n 1146d:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 1146f:\teb db \tjmp 1144c \n 11471:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 11478:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1147f:\t90 \tnop\n InFloatBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:144\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:144\n 11480:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 11481:\t89 d6 \tmov %edx,%esi\n 11483:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 11484:\te8 47 24 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 11489:\t81 c3 77 cb 00 00 \tadd $0xcb77,%ebx\n 1148f:\t83 ec 24 \tsub $0x24,%esp\n 11492:\t65 8b 0d 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%ecx\n@@ -21584,59 +21584,59 @@\n 1149f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 114a0:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 114a2:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n 114a4:\t8d 44 24 24 \tlea 0x24(%esp),%eax\n 114a8:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 114a9:\te8 a2 1e ff ff \tcall 3350 \n InFloatBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:147\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:147\n 114ae:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 114b1:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 114b4:\t75 53 \tjne 11509 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:149\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:149\n 114b6:\t8b 44 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:150\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:150\n 114ba:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:151\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:151\n 114bc:\td9 83 84 9e ff ff \tflds -0x617c(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:150\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:150\n 114c2:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n 114c4:\t0f ca \tbswap %edx\n 114c6:\t0f 45 c2 \tcmovne %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:151\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:151\n 114c9:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n 114cd:\td9 44 24 0c \tflds 0xc(%esp)\n 114d1:\tdf e9 \tfucomip %st(1),%st\n 114d3:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n 114d5:\t7a 21 \tjp 114f8 \n 114d7:\t75 1f \tjne 114f8 \n 114d9:\t8b 83 c0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x40(%ebx),%eax\n 114df:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:152\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:152\n 114e1:\t8b 44 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 114e5:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 114ec:\t75 14 \tjne 11502 \n 114ee:\t83 c4 24 \tadd $0x24,%esp\n 114f1:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 114f2:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 114f3:\tc3 \tret \n 114f4:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:151\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:151\n 114f8:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n 114fc:\td9 44 24 0c \tflds 0xc(%esp)\n 11500:\teb df \tjmp 114e1 \n 11502:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:152\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:152\n 11504:\te8 97 2f 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n 11509:\te8 52 f9 ff ff \tcall 10e60 \n InFloatBinary.constprop.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:152\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:152\n 1150e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n InDoubleBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:134\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:134\n 11510:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 11511:\t89 d6 \tmov %edx,%esi\n 11513:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 11514:\te8 b7 23 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 11519:\t81 c3 e7 ca 00 00 \tadd $0xcae7,%ebx\n 1151f:\t83 ec 24 \tsub $0x24,%esp\n 11522:\t65 8b 0d 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%ecx\n@@ -21647,72 +21647,72 @@\n 1152f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11530:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 11532:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n 11534:\t8d 44 24 1c \tlea 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 11538:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11539:\te8 12 1e ff ff \tcall 3350 \n InDoubleBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:137\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:137\n 1153e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11541:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 11544:\t75 66 \tjne 115ac \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:139\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:139\n 11546:\tdd 44 24 10 \tfldl 0x10(%esp)\n 1154a:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n 1154d:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 1154f:\t75 3f \tjne 11590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:141\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:141\n 11551:\tdd 83 88 9e ff ff \tfldl -0x6178(%ebx)\n 11557:\tdd 54 24 08 \tfstl 0x8(%esp)\n 1155b:\tdd 04 24 \tfldl (%esp)\n 1155e:\tdf e9 \tfucomip %st(1),%st\n 11560:\tdd d8 \tfstp %st(0)\n 11562:\t7a 0d \tjp 11571 \n 11564:\t75 0b \tjne 11571 \n 11566:\t8b 83 c0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x40(%ebx),%eax\n 1156c:\tdd 00 \tfldl (%eax)\n 1156e:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:142\n 11571:\t8b 44 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%eax\n 11575:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 1157c:\t75 4c \tjne 115ca \n 1157e:\tdd 04 24 \tfldl (%esp)\n 11581:\t83 c4 24 \tadd $0x24,%esp\n 11584:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 11585:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 11586:\tc3 \tret \n 11587:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1158e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:140\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:140\n 11590:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n 11594:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n 11596:\t89 44 24 08 \tmov %eax,0x8(%esp)\n 1159a:\t8b 04 24 \tmov (%esp),%eax\n 1159d:\t0f c8 \tbswap %eax\n 1159f:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n 115a3:\tdd 44 24 08 \tfldl 0x8(%esp)\n 115a7:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n 115aa:\teb a5 \tjmp 11551 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:138\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:138\n 115ac:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 115ad:\t8d 83 42 9b ff ff \tlea -0x64be(%ebx),%eax\n 115b3:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 115b5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 115b6:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 115bc:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 115bd:\te8 3e 1c ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 115c2:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 115c5:\te8 16 1c ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:142\n 115ca:\te8 d1 2e 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n InDoubleBinary.constprop.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:142\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:142\n 115cf:\t90 \tnop\n RawByteBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:109\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:109\n 115d0:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 115d1:\te8 fa 22 ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 115d6:\t81 c3 2a ca 00 00 \tadd $0xca2a,%ebx\n 115dc:\t83 ec 18 \tsub $0x18,%esp\n 115df:\t65 8b 15 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%edx\n 115e6:\t89 54 24 0c \tmov %edx,0xc(%esp)\n 115ea:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n@@ -21721,869 +21721,869 @@\n 115ec:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 115ed:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 115ef:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 115f1:\t8d 44 24 17 \tlea 0x17(%esp),%eax\n 115f5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 115f6:\te8 55 1d ff ff \tcall 3350 \n RawByteBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:112\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:112\n 115fb:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 115fe:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 11601:\t75 17 \tjne 1161a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:115\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:115\n 11603:\t8b 4c 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%ecx\n 11607:\t65 33 0d 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:114\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:114\n 1160e:\t0f b6 44 24 0b \tmovzbl 0xb(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:115\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:115\n 11613:\t75 0a \tjne 1161f \n 11615:\t83 c4 18 \tadd $0x18,%esp\n 11618:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 11619:\tc3 \tret \n 1161a:\te8 41 f8 ff ff \tcall 10e60 \n 1161f:\te8 7c 2e 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n RawByteBinary.constprop.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:115\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:115\n 11624:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1162b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1162f:\t90 \tnop\n InShortIntBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:117\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:117\n 11630:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 11631:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n 11633:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 11634:\te8 55 2e 00 00 \tcall 1448e \n 11639:\t81 c7 c7 c9 00 00 \tadd $0xc9c7,%edi\n 1163f:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 11640:\t89 d6 \tmov %edx,%esi\n 11642:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 11643:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:122\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:122\n 11646:\te8 85 ff ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n 1164b:\t89 c3 \tmov %eax,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:123\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:123\n 1164d:\t89 e8 \tmov %ebp,%eax\n 1164f:\te8 7c ff ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n 11654:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:127\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:127\n 11656:\tc1 e0 08 \tshl $0x8,%eax\n 11659:\t09 d8 \tor %ebx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:124\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:124\n 1165b:\t83 bf 04 0a 00 00 01 \tcmpl $0x1,0xa04(%edi)\n 11662:\t75 07 \tjne 1166b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:125\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:125\n 11664:\t89 d8 \tmov %ebx,%eax\n 11666:\tc1 e0 08 \tshl $0x8,%eax\n 11669:\t09 d0 \tor %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:129\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:129\n 1166b:\t8d 90 00 00 ff ff \tlea -0x10000(%eax),%edx\n 11671:\t3d ff 7f 00 00 \tcmp $0x7fff,%eax\n 11676:\t0f 4f c2 \tcmovg %edx,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:130\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:130\n 11679:\t3d ff 7f 00 00 \tcmp $0x7fff,%eax\n 1167e:\t75 0d \tjne 1168d \n 11680:\t83 e6 01 \tand $0x1,%esi\n 11683:\t75 08 \tjne 1168d \n 11685:\t8b 87 f4 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc(%edi),%eax\n 1168b:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:131\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:131\n 1168d:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11690:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 11691:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 11692:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 11693:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 11694:\tc3 \tret \n InShortIntBinary.isra.0():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:131\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:131\n 11695:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1169c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 000116a0 :\n R_LoadStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:183\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:183\n 116a0:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 116a1:\te8 27 ad ff ff \tcall c3cd \n 116a6:\t81 c5 5a c9 00 00 \tadd $0xc95a,%ebp\n 116ac:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 116ad:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 116ae:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 116af:\t81 ec 1c 02 00 00 \tsub $0x21c,%esp\n 116b5:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 116bb:\t89 84 24 0c 02 00 00 \tmov %eax,0x20c(%esp)\n 116c2:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 116c4:\t8b bc 24 30 02 00 00 \tmov 0x230(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:198\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:198\n 116cb:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 116cd:\te8 fe fe ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:202\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:202\n 116d2:\t0f b6 c0 \tmovzbl %al,%eax\n 116d5:\t83 e8 69 \tsub $0x69,%eax\n 116d8:\t83 f8 0a \tcmp $0xa,%eax\n 116db:\t0f 87 6f 14 00 00 \tja 12b50 \n 116e1:\t8b 8c 85 ec 9d ff ff \tmov -0x6214(%ebp,%eax,4),%ecx\n 116e8:\t01 e9 \tadd %ebp,%ecx\n 116ea:\tff e1 \tjmp *%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:237\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:237\n 116ec:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:238\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:238\n 116ee:\t31 db \txor %ebx,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:237\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:237\n 116f0:\te8 db fe ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:238\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:238\n 116f5:\t83 f8 02 \tcmp $0x2,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:237\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:237\n 116f8:\t89 85 04 0a 00 00 \tmov %eax,0xa04(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:240\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:240\n 116fe:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:238\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:238\n 11700:\t0f 95 c3 \tsetne %bl\n 11703:\t89 5c 24 10 \tmov %ebx,0x10(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:240\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:240\n 11707:\te8 c4 fe ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:241\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:241\n 1170c:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 1170e:\te8 bd fe ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:242\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:242\n 11713:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n 11718:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 1171a:\te8 11 ff ff ff \tcall 11630 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:243\n 1171f:\t89 d9 \tmov %ebx,%ecx\n 11721:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:242\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:242\n 11726:\t89 44 24 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:243\n 1172a:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 1172c:\te8 cf f7 ff ff \tcall 10f00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:247\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:247\n 11731:\tba 20 00 00 00 \tmov $0x20,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:243\n 11736:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:247\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:247\n 1173a:\t8d 84 24 c6 00 00 00 \tlea 0xc6(%esp),%eax\n 11741:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n 11745:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 11747:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11749:\te8 42 f8 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:193\n 1174e:\tc7 44 24 24 0c 00 00 \tmovl $0xc,0x24(%esp)\n 11755:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:205\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:205\n 11756:\tc7 44 24 48 08 00 00 \tmovl $0x8,0x48(%esp)\n 1175d:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:204\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:204\n 1175e:\tc7 44 24 50 05 00 00 \tmovl $0x5,0x50(%esp)\n 11765:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:245\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:245\n 11766:\tc7 44 24 30 05 00 00 \tmovl $0x5,0x30(%esp)\n 1176d:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:258\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:258\n 1176e:\t8d 84 24 94 00 00 00 \tlea 0x94(%esp),%eax\n 11775:\tba 12 00 00 00 \tmov $0x12,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:262\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:262\n 1177a:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:258\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:258\n 1177c:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 11780:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 11782:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11784:\te8 07 f8 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:262\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:262\n 11789:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1178c:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 11790:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 11792:\te8 29 19 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 11797:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n 1179b:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1179e:\te8 fd 1e ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:266\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:266\n 117a3:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 117a4:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 117a5:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 117a7:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 117a9:\te8 12 19 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 117ae:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 117b1:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 117b3:\te8 e8 1e ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:267\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:267\n 117b8:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 117b9:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 117bd:\te8 2e 19 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 117c2:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 117c5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 117c6:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 117c8:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 117c9:\te8 f2 1b ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:268\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:268\n 117ce:\t8d 85 b6 9b ff ff \tlea -0x644a(%ebp),%eax\n 117d4:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 117d7:\te8 b4 1e ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 117dc:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 117df:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 117e0:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 117e1:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 117e5:\te8 86 1d ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:269\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:269\n 117ea:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 117f1:\te8 2a 1c ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:271\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:271\n 117f6:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 117f7:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 117f8:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 117fa:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 117fc:\te8 bf 18 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 11801:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 11804:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 11806:\te8 95 1e ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:272\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:272\n 1180b:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 1180c:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 11810:\te8 db 18 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 11815:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11818:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11819:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 1181b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1181c:\te8 9f 1b ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:273\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:273\n 11821:\t8d 85 c0 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6440(%ebp),%eax\n 11827:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1182a:\te8 61 1e ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 1182f:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11832:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 11833:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11834:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 11838:\te8 33 1d ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:274\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:274\n 1183d:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 11844:\te8 d7 1b ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:281\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:281\n 11849:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 1184a:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 1184b:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 1184f:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 11851:\te8 6a 18 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 11856:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n 1185a:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1185d:\te8 3e 1e ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:282\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:282\n 11862:\t8b 4c 24 60 \tmov 0x60(%esp),%ecx\n 11866:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11869:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 1186b:\t0f 8e ca 09 00 00 \tjle 1223b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:283\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:283\n 11871:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n 11875:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 11877:\t0f 8e b7 11 00 00 \tjle 12a34 \n 1187d:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 1187f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:284\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:284\n 11880:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:285\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:285\n 11882:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:284\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:284\n 11884:\te8 47 fd ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:285\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:285\n 11889:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:284\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:284\n 1188c:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:285\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:285\n 11890:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 11894:\te8 37 1c ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 11899:\t8b 54 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%edx\n 1189d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 118a0:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 118a2:\t0f b6 c2 \tmovzbl %dl,%eax\n 118a5:\t89 04 b1 \tmov %eax,(%ecx,%esi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:286\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:286\n 118a8:\t83 e8 62 \tsub $0x62,%eax\n 118ab:\t83 f8 0a \tcmp $0xa,%eax\n 118ae:\t0f 87 64 05 00 00 \tja 11e18 \n 118b4:\t8b 8c 85 18 9e ff ff \tmov -0x61e8(%ebp,%eax,4),%ecx\n 118bb:\t01 e9 \tadd %ebp,%ecx\n 118bd:\tff e1 \tjmp *%ecx\n 118bf:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:294\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:294\n 118c0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 118c3:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 118c7:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:299\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:299\n 118c9:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 118cb:\te8 f0 17 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 118d0:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 118d3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 118d4:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:283\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:283\n 118d5:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:299\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:299\n 118d8:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 118dc:\te8 af 1c ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:300\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:300\n 118e1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:283\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:283\n 118e4:\t3b 74 24 04 \tcmp 0x4(%esp),%esi\n 118e8:\t75 96 \tjne 11880 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:328\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:328\n 118ea:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 118ed:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 118ef:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 118f1:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 118f5:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 118f7:\te8 c4 17 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 118fc:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 11900:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 11903:\te8 98 1d ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:329\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:329\n 11908:\t8b 44 24 58 \tmov 0x58(%esp),%eax\n 1190c:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 1190f:\t89 44 24 38 \tmov %eax,0x38(%esp)\n 11913:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11916:\t8d 44 24 73 \tlea 0x73(%esp),%eax\n 1191a:\t89 7c 24 20 \tmov %edi,0x20(%esp)\n 1191e:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:330 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:330 (discriminator 3)\n 11920:\t8b 54 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%edx\n 11924:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 11928:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:331 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:331 (discriminator 3)\n 1192a:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:330 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:330 (discriminator 3)\n 1192c:\te8 5f f6 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:331 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:331 (discriminator 3)\n 11931:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11934:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 11935:\te8 b6 17 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 1193a:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 1193d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1193e:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:329 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:329 (discriminator 3)\n 1193f:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:331 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:331 (discriminator 3)\n 11942:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 11946:\te8 75 1a ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:329 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:329 (discriminator 3)\n 1194b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1194e:\t3b 74 24 04 \tcmp 0x4(%esp),%esi\n 11952:\t7c cc \tjl 11920 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:333\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:333\n 11954:\t8b 85 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebp),%eax\n 1195a:\t8b 7c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edi\n 1195e:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 11961:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 11965:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 11967:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 1196b:\te8 00 1c ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:334\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:334\n 11970:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 11977:\te8 a4 1a ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:338\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:338\n 1197c:\t8b 44 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%eax\n 11980:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11983:\t8d 5c 00 02 \tlea 0x2(%eax,%eax,1),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:328 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:328 (discriminator 3)\n 11987:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 11989:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:338 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:338 (discriminator 3)\n 11990:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11992:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n 11995:\te8 36 fc ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n 1199a:\t39 de \tcmp %ebx,%esi\n 1199c:\t7c f2 \tjl 11990 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:345\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:345\n 1199e:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 119a1:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 119a3:\t8b 74 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%esi\n 119a7:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 119a8:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 119aa:\te8 11 17 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 119af:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 119b3:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 119b6:\te8 e5 1c ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:346\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:346\n 119bb:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 119be:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 119c0:\t0f 8e db 10 00 00 \tjle 12aa1 \n 119c6:\t89 7c 24 20 \tmov %edi,0x20(%esp)\n 119ca:\t8b 7c 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%edi\n 119ce:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:347 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:347 (discriminator 3)\n 119d0:\t8b 54 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edx\n 119d4:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 119d8:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:348 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:348 (discriminator 3)\n 119da:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:347 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:347 (discriminator 3)\n 119dc:\te8 af f5 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:348 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:348 (discriminator 3)\n 119e1:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 119e4:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 119e5:\te8 06 17 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 119ea:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 119ed:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 119ee:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:346 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:346 (discriminator 3)\n 119ef:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:348 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:348 (discriminator 3)\n 119f2:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 119f6:\te8 c5 19 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:346 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:346 (discriminator 3)\n 119fb:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 119fe:\t3b 74 24 04 \tcmp 0x4(%esp),%esi\n 11a02:\t75 cc \tjne 119d0 \n 11a04:\t8b 7c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:350\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:350\n 11a08:\t8d 85 fa 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6406(%ebp),%eax\n 11a0e:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11a11:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11a12:\te8 79 1c ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 11a17:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11a1a:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 11a1e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11a1f:\t8b 74 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%esi\n 11a23:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 11a24:\te8 47 1b ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:351\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:351\n 11a29:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 11a30:\te8 eb 19 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:352\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:352\n 11a35:\t8d 85 8f 73 ff ff \tlea -0x8c71(%ebp),%eax\n 11a3b:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 11a3e:\te8 4d 1c ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 11a43:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11a46:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 11a4a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11a4b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 11a4c:\te8 1f 1b ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:358\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:358\n 11a51:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 11a52:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 11a53:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 11a57:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 11a59:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 11a5b:\te8 60 16 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 11a60:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 11a64:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 11a67:\te8 34 1c ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:359\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:359\n 11a6c:\t8b 44 24 58 \tmov 0x58(%esp),%eax\n 11a70:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 11a73:\t89 44 24 34 \tmov %eax,0x34(%esp)\n 11a77:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11a7a:\t8d 44 24 73 \tlea 0x73(%esp),%eax\n 11a7e:\t89 7c 24 20 \tmov %edi,0x20(%esp)\n 11a82:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 11a84:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:360 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:360 (discriminator 3)\n 11a88:\t8b 54 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%edx\n 11a8c:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 11a90:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:361 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:361 (discriminator 3)\n 11a92:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:360 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:360 (discriminator 3)\n 11a94:\te8 f7 f4 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:361 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:361 (discriminator 3)\n 11a99:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11a9c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 11a9d:\te8 4e 16 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 11aa2:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11aa5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11aa6:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:359 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:359 (discriminator 3)\n 11aa7:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:361 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:361 (discriminator 3)\n 11aaa:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 11aae:\te8 0d 19 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:359 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:359 (discriminator 3)\n 11ab3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11ab6:\t3b 74 24 04 \tcmp 0x4(%esp),%esi\n 11aba:\t75 cc \tjne 11a88 \n 11abc:\t8b 7c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:363\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:363\n 11ac0:\t8d 85 ef 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6411(%ebp),%eax\n 11ac6:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11ac9:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11aca:\te8 c1 1b ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 11acf:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11ad2:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 11ad6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11ad7:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 11adb:\te8 90 1a ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:364\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:364\n 11ae0:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 11ae7:\te8 34 19 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:368\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:368\n 11aec:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 11aed:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 11aee:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 11af2:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 11af4:\te8 c7 15 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 11af9:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 11afd:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 11b00:\te8 9b 1b ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:370\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:370\n 11b05:\t8b 44 24 40 \tmov 0x40(%esp),%eax\n 11b09:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11b0c:\t83 f8 08 \tcmp $0x8,%eax\n 11b0f:\t0f 8f 6b 03 00 00 \tjg 11e80 \n 11b15:\t83 f8 05 \tcmp $0x5,%eax\n 11b18:\t0f 85 72 03 00 00 \tjne 11e90 \n 11b1e:\t89 7c 24 20 \tmov %edi,0x20(%esp)\n 11b22:\t8b 7c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%edi\n 11b26:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:373 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:373 (discriminator 3)\n 11b28:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 11b2c:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n 11b2e:\tba 20 00 00 00 \tmov $0x20,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:374 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:374 (discriminator 3)\n 11b33:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:373 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:373 (discriminator 3)\n 11b35:\te8 56 f4 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:374 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:374 (discriminator 3)\n 11b3a:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11b3d:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 11b3e:\te8 ad 15 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 11b43:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11b46:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11b47:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:372 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:372 (discriminator 3)\n 11b48:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:374 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:374 (discriminator 3)\n 11b4b:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 11b4f:\te8 6c 18 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:372 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:372 (discriminator 3)\n 11b54:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11b57:\t3b 74 24 04 \tcmp 0x4(%esp),%esi\n 11b5b:\t75 cb \tjne 11b28 \n 11b5d:\t8b 7c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:387\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:387\n 11b61:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11b64:\t8d 85 cb 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6435(%ebp),%eax\n 11b6a:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 11b6c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11b6d:\te8 1e 1b ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 11b72:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11b75:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 11b79:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11b7a:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 11b7e:\te8 ed 19 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:389\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:389\n 11b83:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 11b8a:\te8 91 18 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:397\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:397\n 11b8f:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 11b90:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 11b91:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 11b93:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 11b95:\te8 26 15 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 11b9a:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 11b9e:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 11ba1:\te8 fa 1a ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:399\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:399\n 11ba6:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:398\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:398\n 11ba9:\tc7 44 24 24 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x24(%esp)\n 11bb0:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:399\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:399\n 11bb1:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11bb3:\te8 18 fa ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n 11bb8:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 11bba:\t0f 84 44 01 00 00 \tje 11d04 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:400\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:400\n 11bc0:\t83 7c 24 30 06 \tcmpl $0x6,0x30(%esp)\n 11bc5:\t0f 8e 75 02 00 00 \tjle 11e40 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:401\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:401\n 11bcb:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n 11bcf:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n 11bd4:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11bd6:\te8 25 f3 ff ff \tcall 10f00 \n 11bdb:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:405\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:405\n 11bdd:\t83 fe 42 \tcmp $0x42,%esi\n 11be0:\t0f 8e 71 02 00 00 \tjle 11e57 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:406\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:406\n 11be6:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n 11bea:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 11bed:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 11bef:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 11bf2:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n 11bf6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11bf7:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 11bfb:\te8 10 19 ff ff \tcall 3510 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:407\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:407\n 11c00:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:406\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:406\n 11c07:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:407\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:407\n 11c0b:\te8 10 18 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:408\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:408\n 11c10:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 11c11:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 11c15:\te8 86 1a ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:409\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:409\n 11c1a:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 11c1b:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 11c1c:\t6a 03 \tpush $0x3\n 11c1e:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 11c20:\te8 9b 14 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 11c25:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 11c28:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n 11c2c:\te8 6f 1a ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:410\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:410\n 11c31:\t8b 5c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%ebx\n 11c35:\tba 21 00 00 00 \tmov $0x21,%edx\n 11c3a:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11c3c:\t89 d9 \tmov %ebx,%ecx\n 11c3e:\te8 4d f3 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:411\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:411\n 11c43:\t89 5c 24 28 \tmov %ebx,0x28(%esp)\n 11c47:\t89 1c 24 \tmov %ebx,(%esp)\n 11c4a:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 11c4c:\te8 9f 14 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 11c51:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11c54:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11c55:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 11c57:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 11c5b:\te8 60 17 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:412\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:412\n 11c60:\t8b 5c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%ebx\n 11c64:\tba 21 00 00 00 \tmov $0x21,%edx\n 11c69:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11c6b:\t89 d9 \tmov %ebx,%ecx\n 11c6d:\te8 1e f3 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:413\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:413\n 11c72:\t89 1c 24 \tmov %ebx,(%esp)\n 11c75:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 11c77:\te8 74 14 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 11c7c:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11c7f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11c80:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 11c82:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 11c86:\te8 35 17 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:414\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:414\n 11c8b:\t8d 56 be \tlea -0x42(%esi),%edx\n 11c8e:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 11c8f:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 11c90:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 11c92:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 11c93:\t89 54 24 3c \tmov %edx,0x3c(%esp)\n 11c97:\te8 54 1a ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:415\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:415\n 11c9c:\t8b 54 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%edx\n 11ca0:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:414\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:414\n 11ca2:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:415\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:415\n 11ca4:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11ca6:\te8 e5 f2 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:416\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:416\n 11cab:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 11cae:\te8 3d 14 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 11cb3:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11cb6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11cb7:\t6a 02 \tpush $0x2\n 11cb9:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 11cbd:\te8 fe 16 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:417\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:417\n 11cc2:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11cc5:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 11cc9:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 11ccd:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 11cd1:\te8 ba 18 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:418\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:418\n 11cd6:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 11cd9:\te8 72 1a ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:419\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:419\n 11cde:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 11ce5:\te8 36 17 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:420\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:420\n 11cea:\t8b 44 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%eax\n 11cee:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11cf1:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:399\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:399\n 11cf5:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11cf7:\te8 d4 f8 ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n 11cfc:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 11cfe:\t0f 85 bc fe ff ff \tjne 11bc0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:424\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:424\n 11d04:\t8b 44 24 24 \tmov 0x24(%esp),%eax\n 11d08:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 11d0a:\t74 25 \tje 11d31 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:425\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:425\n 11d0c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11d0f:\t8d 85 d6 9b ff ff \tlea -0x642a(%ebp),%eax\n 11d15:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 11d17:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11d18:\te8 73 19 ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 11d1d:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11d20:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 11d24:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11d25:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 11d29:\te8 42 18 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n 11d2e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:427\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:427\n 11d31:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11d34:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 11d36:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 11d38:\te8 e3 16 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:428\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:428\n 11d3d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11d40:\t83 7c 24 30 06 \tcmpl $0x6,0x30(%esp)\n 11d45:\t0f 8f b5 04 00 00 \tjg 12200 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:431\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:431\n 11d4b:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n 11d50:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11d52:\te8 d9 f8 ff ff \tcall 11630 \n 11d57:\t89 44 24 54 \tmov %eax,0x54(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:432\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:432\n 11d5b:\t8b 44 24 54 \tmov 0x54(%esp),%eax\n 11d5f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 11d61:\t0f 85 2f 0e 00 00 \tjne 12b96 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:438\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:438\n 11d67:\t8b 74 24 50 \tmov 0x50(%esp),%esi\n 11d6b:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 11d6d:\t0f 8e 68 05 00 00 \tjle 122db \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:439\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:439\n 11d73:\t8b 4c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ecx\n 11d77:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 11d79:\t0f 8e 0d 0c 00 00 \tjle 1298c \n 11d7f:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n 11d83:\t8b 4c 24 54 \tmov 0x54(%esp),%ecx\n 11d87:\tc7 44 24 20 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x20(%esp)\n 11d8e:\t00 \n 11d8f:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 11d91:\t0f 49 c8 \tcmovns %eax,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:460\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:460\n 11d94:\t8d 85 9c 9c ff ff \tlea -0x6364(%ebp),%eax\n 11d9a:\t89 44 24 3c \tmov %eax,0x3c(%esp)\n 11d9e:\t89 4c 24 38 \tmov %ecx,0x38(%esp)\n 11da2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:440\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:440\n 11da8:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 11dac:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 11dae:\t8d 0c 85 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%eax,4),%ecx\n 11db5:\tc1 e0 03 \tshl $0x3,%eax\n 11db8:\t89 4c 24 24 \tmov %ecx,0x24(%esp)\n 11dbc:\t8b 4c 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%ecx\n 11dc0:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:463\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:463\n 11dc4:\t8d 84 24 17 01 00 00 \tlea 0x117(%esp),%eax\n 11dcb:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:440\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:440\n 11dcf:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 11dd1:\t0f 8e 8e 01 00 00 \tjle 11f65 \n 11dd7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 11dde:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:441\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:441\n 11de0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11de3:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 11de5:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 11de9:\te8 e2 16 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 11dee:\t8d 14 b5 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%esi,4),%edx\n 11df5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11df8:\t8b 04 b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%eax\n 11dfb:\t83 e8 62 \tsub $0x62,%eax\n 11dfe:\t83 f8 0a \tcmp $0xa,%eax\n 11e01:\t0f 87 d9 00 00 00 \tja 11ee0 \n 11e07:\t8b 8c 85 44 9e ff ff \tmov -0x61bc(%ebp,%eax,4),%ecx\n 11e0e:\t01 e9 \tadd %ebp,%ecx\n 11e10:\tff e1 \tjmp *%ecx\n 11e12:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:297\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:297\n 11e18:\t80 fa 7e \tcmp $0x7e,%dl\n 11e1b:\t0f 86 63 0d 00 00 \tjbe 12b84 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:299\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:299\n 11e21:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 11e24:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 11e28:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 11e2a:\te9 9a fa ff ff \tjmp 118c9 \n 11e2f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:289\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:289\n 11e30:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 11e33:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 11e37:\t6a 0e \tpush $0xe\n 11e39:\te9 8b fa ff ff \tjmp 118c9 \n 11e3e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:403\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:403\n 11e40:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n 11e45:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11e47:\te8 e4 f7 ff ff \tcall 11630 \n 11e4c:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:405\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:405\n 11e4e:\t83 fe 42 \tcmp $0x42,%esi\n 11e51:\t0f 8f 8f fd ff ff \tjg 11be6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:422\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:422\n 11e57:\t31 db \txor %ebx,%ebx\n 11e59:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 11e5b:\t0f 8e 50 fd ff ff \tjle 11bb1 \n 11e61:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:422 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:422 (discriminator 3)\n 11e68:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n 11e6d:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11e6f:\t83 c3 01 \tadd $0x1,%ebx\n 11e72:\te8 19 f0 ff ff \tcall 10e90 \n 11e77:\t39 de \tcmp %ebx,%esi\n 11e79:\t75 ed \tjne 11e68 \n 11e7b:\te9 31 fd ff ff \tjmp 11bb1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:370\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:370\n 11e80:\t8b 44 24 30 \tmov 0x30(%esp),%eax\n 11e84:\t83 e8 0a \tsub $0xa,%eax\n 11e87:\t83 e0 fd \tand $0xfffffffd,%eax\n 11e8a:\t0f 85 d1 fc ff ff \tjne 11b61 \n 11e90:\t89 7c 24 20 \tmov %edi,0x20(%esp)\n 11e94:\t8b 7c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%edi\n 11e98:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 11e9a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:383 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:383 (discriminator 3)\n 11ea0:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 11ea4:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n 11ea6:\tba 51 00 00 00 \tmov $0x51,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:384 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:384 (discriminator 3)\n 11eab:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:383 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:383 (discriminator 3)\n 11ead:\te8 de f0 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:384 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:384 (discriminator 3)\n 11eb2:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11eb5:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 11eb6:\te8 35 12 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 11ebb:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11ebe:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11ebf:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:382 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:382 (discriminator 3)\n 11ec0:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:384 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:384 (discriminator 3)\n 11ec3:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 11ec7:\te8 f4 14 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:382 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:382 (discriminator 3)\n 11ecc:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11ecf:\t3b 74 24 04 \tcmp 0x4(%esp),%esi\n 11ed3:\t75 cb \tjne 11ea0 \n 11ed5:\te9 83 fc ff ff \tjmp 11b5d \n 11eda:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n 11ee0:\t89 54 24 34 \tmov %edx,0x34(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:458\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:458\n 11ee4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11ee7:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 11ee9:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 11eed:\te8 de 15 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 11ef2:\t8b 54 24 44 \tmov 0x44(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:459\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:459\n 11ef6:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:458\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:458\n 11ef9:\t8b 1c 10 \tmov (%eax,%edx,1),%ebx\n 11efc:\t83 eb 7f \tsub $0x7f,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:459\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:459\n 11eff:\t81 fb f4 00 00 00 \tcmp $0xf4,%ebx\n 11f05:\t0f 8f 15 03 00 00 \tjg 12220 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:463\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:463\n 11f0b:\t8b 4c 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%ecx\n 11f0f:\t89 da \tmov %ebx,%edx\n 11f11:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 11f13:\te8 78 f0 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:464\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:464\n 11f18:\tc6 84 1c 17 01 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x117(%esp,%ebx,1)\n 11f1f:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:465\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:465\n 11f20:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11f23:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 11f25:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 11f29:\te8 c2 11 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 11f2e:\t89 44 24 44 \tmov %eax,0x44(%esp)\n 11f32:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 11f33:\t5a \tpop %edx\n@@ -22592,31 +22592,31 @@\n 11f39:\te8 02 13 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 11f3e:\t8b 54 24 44 \tmov 0x44(%esp),%edx\n 11f42:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11f45:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 11f46:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 11f4a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11f4b:\te8 70 14 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:466\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:466\n 11f50:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11f53:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 11f57:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:440 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:440 (discriminator 2)\n 11f58:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n 11f5b:\t3b 74 24 04 \tcmp 0x4(%esp),%esi\n 11f5f:\t0f 85 7b fe ff ff \tjne 11de0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:439 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:439 (discriminator 2)\n 11f65:\t83 44 24 20 01 \taddl $0x1,0x20(%esp)\n 11f6a:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 11f6e:\t3b 44 24 14 \tcmp 0x14(%esp),%eax\n 11f72:\t0f 85 30 fe ff ff \tjne 11da8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:506\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:506\n 11f78:\t83 7c 24 30 05 \tcmpl $0x5,0x30(%esp)\n 11f7d:\t0f 85 44 04 00 00 \tjne 123c7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:548\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:548\n 11f83:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 11f86:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 11f88:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 11f8c:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 11f8e:\te8 2d 11 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 11f93:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 11f96:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n@@ -22628,399 +22628,399 @@\n 11fae:\t89 44 24 0c \tmov %eax,0xc(%esp)\n 11fb2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36 (discriminator 3)\n 11fb8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 11fbb:\t89 f7 \tmov %esi,%edi\n R_LoadStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:550 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:550 (discriminator 3)\n 11fbd:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36 (discriminator 3)\n 11fc0:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 11fc2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 11fc3:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 11fc7:\t6a 51 \tpush $0x51\n 11fc9:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 11fcb:\tff 74 24 34 \tpushl 0x34(%esp)\n 11fcf:\te8 dc 18 ff ff \tcall 38b0 <__sprintf_chk@plt>\n R_LoadStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:551 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:551 (discriminator 3)\n 11fd4:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n 11fd7:\tff 74 24 24 \tpushl 0x24(%esp)\n 11fdb:\te8 10 11 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 11fe0:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 11fe3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 11fe4:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 11fe5:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 11fe9:\te8 d2 13 ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:549 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:549 (discriminator 3)\n 11fee:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 11ff1:\t3b 74 24 14 \tcmp 0x14(%esp),%esi\n 11ff5:\t7c c1 \tjl 11fb8 \n 11ff7:\t8b 74 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:553\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:553\n 11ffb:\t8b 85 f0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x10(%ebp),%eax\n 12001:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 12004:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12006:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12007:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 12009:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 1200d:\te8 5e 15 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:554\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:554\n 12012:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 12019:\te8 02 14 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:556\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:556\n 1201e:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 1201f:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 12020:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 12022:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 12024:\te8 97 10 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 12029:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1202c:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 1202e:\te8 6d 16 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:557\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:557\n 12033:\t8b 44 24 60 \tmov 0x60(%esp),%eax\n 12037:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 1203a:\t83 f8 f9 \tcmp $0xfffffff9,%eax\n 1203d:\t0f 45 44 24 40 \tcmovne 0x40(%esp),%eax\n 12042:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 12044:\te8 87 14 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 12049:\t89 38 \tmov %edi,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:558\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:558\n 1204b:\t8d 85 e7 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6419(%ebp),%eax\n 12051:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12054:\te8 37 16 ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 12059:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 1205c:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1205d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1205e:\t8b 7c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%edi\n 12062:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 12063:\te8 08 15 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:559\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:559\n 12068:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 1206f:\te8 ac 13 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:561\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:561\n 12074:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12077:\t83 7c 24 30 05 \tcmpl $0x5,0x30(%esp)\n 1207c:\t74 37 \tje 120b5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:562\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:562\n 1207e:\t8b 44 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%eax\n 12082:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 12084:\t74 20 \tje 120a6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:562 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:562 (discriminator 1)\n 12086:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 12089:\t8d 85 bc 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6544(%ebp),%eax\n 1208f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12090:\te8 fb 15 ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 12095:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 12098:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 1209c:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1209d:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 1209e:\te8 cd 14 ff ff \tcall 3570 \n 120a3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:563\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:563\n 120a6:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 120a9:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 120ab:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 120ad:\te8 6e 13 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n 120b2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:565 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:565 (discriminator 1)\n 120b5:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 120b8:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 120ba:\t6a 02 \tpush $0x2\n 120bc:\te8 5f 13 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:566 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:566 (discriminator 1)\n 120c1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:567 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:567 (discriminator 1)\n 120c4:\t8b 84 24 0c 02 00 00 \tmov 0x20c(%esp),%eax\n 120cb:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 120d2:\t0f 85 b9 0a 00 00 \tjne 12b91 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:567\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:567\n 120d8:\t8b 44 24 08 \tmov 0x8(%esp),%eax\n 120dc:\t81 c4 1c 02 00 00 \tadd $0x21c,%esp\n 120e2:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 120e3:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 120e4:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 120e5:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 120e6:\tc3 \tret \n 120e7:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 120ee:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:449\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:449\n 120f0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 120f3:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 120f4:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 120f8:\te8 43 11 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 120fd:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12100:\te8 cb 13 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 12105:\t8b 4c 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%ecx\n 12109:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 1210b:\t8d 1c 08 \tlea (%eax,%ecx,1),%ebx\n 1210e:\t8b 4c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ecx\n 12112:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12114:\te8 e7 ed ff ff \tcall 10f00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:450\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:450\n 12119:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:449\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:449\n 1211c:\t89 03 \tmov %eax,(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:450\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:450\n 1211e:\te9 35 fe ff ff \tjmp 11f58 \n 12123:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 12127:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:452\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:452\n 12128:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1212b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1212c:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 12130:\te8 0b 11 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 12135:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12138:\te8 93 13 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 1213d:\t8b 54 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%edx\n 12141:\t8d 1c 10 \tlea (%eax,%edx,1),%ebx\n 12144:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 12146:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12148:\te8 e3 f4 ff ff \tcall 11630 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:453\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:453\n 1214d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:452\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:452\n 12150:\t89 03 \tmov %eax,(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:453\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:453\n 12152:\te9 01 fe ff ff \tjmp 11f58 \n 12157:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1215e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:443\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:443\n 12160:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12163:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12164:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 12168:\te8 d3 10 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 1216d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12170:\te8 cb 0f ff ff \tcall 3140 \n 12175:\t8b 4c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%ecx\n 12179:\t8b 54 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edx\n 1217d:\t8d 1c 08 \tlea (%eax,%ecx,1),%ebx\n 12180:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12182:\te8 f9 f2 ff ff \tcall 11480 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:444\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:444\n 12187:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:443\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:443\n 1218a:\tdd 1b \tfstpl (%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:444\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:444\n 1218c:\te9 c7 fd ff ff \tjmp 11f58 \n 12191:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:446\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:446\n 12198:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1219b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1219c:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 121a0:\te8 9b 10 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 121a5:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 121a8:\te8 93 0f ff ff \tcall 3140 \n 121ad:\t8b 4c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%ecx\n 121b1:\t8b 54 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edx\n 121b5:\t8d 1c 08 \tlea (%eax,%ecx,1),%ebx\n 121b8:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 121ba:\te8 51 f3 ff ff \tcall 11510 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:447\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:447\n 121bf:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:446\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:446\n 121c2:\tdd 1b \tfstpl (%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:447\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:447\n 121c4:\te9 8f fd ff ff \tjmp 11f58 \n 121c9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:455\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:455\n 121d0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 121d3:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 121d4:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 121d8:\te8 63 10 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 121dd:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 121e0:\te8 eb 12 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 121e5:\t8b 4c 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%ecx\n 121e9:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 121eb:\t8d 1c 08 \tlea (%eax,%ecx,1),%ebx\n 121ee:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 121f0:\te8 9b ec ff ff \tcall 10e90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:456\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:456\n 121f5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:455\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:455\n 121f8:\t89 03 \tmov %eax,(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:456\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:456\n 121fa:\te9 59 fd ff ff \tjmp 11f58 \n 121ff:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:429\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:429\n 12200:\t8b 4c 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%ecx\n 12204:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n 12209:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 1220b:\te8 f0 ec ff ff \tcall 10f00 \n 12210:\t89 44 24 54 \tmov %eax,0x54(%esp)\n 12214:\te9 42 fb ff ff \tjmp 11d5b \n 12219:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:460\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:460\n 12220:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 12223:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12225:\tff 74 24 48 \tpushl 0x48(%esp)\n 12229:\te8 a2 0f ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n 1222e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:461\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:461\n 12231:\tbb f4 00 00 00 \tmov $0xf4,%ebx\n 12236:\te9 d0 fc ff ff \tjmp 11f0b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:304\n 1223b:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n 1223f:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 12241:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 12243:\t7f 50 \tjg 12295 \n 12245:\te9 ea 07 00 00 \tjmp 12a34 \n 1224a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:307\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:307\n 12250:\t3d fa 00 00 00 \tcmp $0xfa,%eax\n 12255:\t7f 79 \tjg 122d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:318\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:318\n 12257:\t80 fa f4 \tcmp $0xf4,%dl\n 1225a:\t0f 87 24 09 00 00 \tja 12b84 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:320\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:320\n 12260:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12263:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 12267:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 12269:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 12270:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12272:\te8 49 0e ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 12277:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 1227a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1227b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:304\n 1227c:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:320\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:320\n 1227f:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 12283:\te8 08 13 ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:321\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:321\n 12288:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:304\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:304\n 1228b:\t3b 74 24 04 \tcmp 0x4(%esp),%esi\n 1228f:\t0f 84 55 f6 ff ff \tje 118ea \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:305\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:305\n 12295:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:306\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:306\n 12297:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:305\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:305\n 12299:\te8 32 f3 ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:306\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:306\n 1229e:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:305\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:305\n 122a1:\t89 44 24 28 \tmov %eax,0x28(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:306\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:306\n 122a5:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 122a9:\te8 22 12 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 122ae:\t8b 54 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:307\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:307\n 122b2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:306\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:306\n 122b5:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 122b7:\t0f b6 c2 \tmovzbl %dl,%eax\n 122ba:\t89 04 b1 \tmov %eax,(%ecx,%esi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:307\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:307\n 122bd:\t3d fd 00 00 00 \tcmp $0xfd,%eax\n 122c2:\t7e 8c \tjle 12250 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:310\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:310\n 122c4:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 122c7:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 122cb:\t6a 0e \tpush $0xe\n 122cd:\teb a1 \tjmp 12270 \n 122cf:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:315\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:315\n 122d0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 122d3:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 122d7:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 122d9:\teb 95 \tjmp 12270 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:471\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:471\n 122db:\t8b 5c 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%ebx\n 122df:\t85 db \ttest %ebx,%ebx\n 122e1:\t0f 8e a5 06 00 00 \tjle 1298c \n 122e7:\t8b 44 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%eax\n 122eb:\t8b 4c 24 54 \tmov 0x54(%esp),%ecx\n 122ef:\tc7 44 24 20 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x20(%esp)\n 122f6:\t00 \n 122f7:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 122f9:\t0f 49 c8 \tcmovns %eax,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:492\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:492\n 122fc:\t8d 85 9c 9c ff ff \tlea -0x6364(%ebp),%eax\n 12302:\t89 44 24 3c \tmov %eax,0x3c(%esp)\n 12306:\t89 4c 24 38 \tmov %ecx,0x38(%esp)\n 1230a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:472\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:472\n 12310:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 12314:\t8b 5c 24 04 \tmov 0x4(%esp),%ebx\n 12318:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 1231a:\t8d 0c c5 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%eax,8),%ecx\n 12321:\tc1 e0 02 \tshl $0x2,%eax\n 12324:\t89 44 24 24 \tmov %eax,0x24(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:495\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:495\n 12328:\t8d 84 24 17 01 00 00 \tlea 0x117(%esp),%eax\n 1232f:\t89 4c 24 28 \tmov %ecx,0x28(%esp)\n 12333:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:472\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:472\n 12337:\t85 db \ttest %ebx,%ebx\n 12339:\t7e 6e \tjle 123a9 \n 1233b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1233f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:473\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:473\n 12340:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 12343:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12345:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 12349:\te8 82 11 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 1234e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12351:\t8b 04 b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%eax\n 12354:\t2d fb 00 00 00 \tsub $0xfb,%eax\n 12359:\t83 f8 04 \tcmp $0x4,%eax\n 1235c:\t0f 87 1f 04 00 00 \tja 12781 \n 12362:\t8b 8c 85 70 9e ff ff \tmov -0x6190(%ebp,%eax,4),%ecx\n 12369:\t01 e9 \tadd %ebp,%ecx\n 1236b:\tff e1 \tjmp *%ecx\n 1236d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:475\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:475\n 12370:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12373:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12374:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 12378:\te8 c3 0e ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 1237d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12380:\te8 bb 0d ff ff \tcall 3140 \n 12385:\t8b 54 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%edx\n 12389:\t8d 1c 10 \tlea (%eax,%edx,1),%ebx\n 1238c:\t8b 54 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edx\n 12390:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12392:\te8 e9 f0 ff ff \tcall 11480 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:476\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:476\n 12397:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:475\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:475\n 1239a:\tdd 1b \tfstpl (%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:476\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:476\n 1239c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:472 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:472 (discriminator 2)\n 123a0:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n 123a3:\t3b 74 24 04 \tcmp 0x4(%esp),%esi\n 123a7:\t75 97 \tjne 12340 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:471 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:471 (discriminator 2)\n 123a9:\t83 44 24 20 01 \taddl $0x1,0x20(%esp)\n 123ae:\t8b 44 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%eax\n 123b2:\t3b 44 24 14 \tcmp 0x14(%esp),%eax\n 123b6:\t0f 85 54 ff ff ff \tjne 12310 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:506\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:506\n 123bc:\t83 7c 24 30 05 \tcmpl $0x5,0x30(%esp)\n 123c1:\t0f 84 bc fb ff ff \tje 11f83 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:508\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:508\n 123c7:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 123ca:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 123cc:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 123ce:\t6a 13 \tpush $0x13\n 123d0:\te8 eb 0c ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 123d5:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 123d9:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 123db:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 123dc:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 123dd:\t8d 44 24 70 \tlea 0x70(%esp),%eax\n 123e1:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 123e2:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 123e3:\te8 78 10 ff ff \tcall 3460 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:509\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:509\n 123e8:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 123e9:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 123ea:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 123ec:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 123ee:\te8 cd 0c ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 123f3:\t89 44 24 54 \tmov %eax,0x54(%esp)\n 123f7:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n@@ -23028,58 +23028,58 @@\n 123fa:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 123fb:\t8d 44 24 74 \tlea 0x74(%esp),%eax\n 123ff:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12400:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 12401:\te8 5a 10 ff ff \tcall 3460 \n 12406:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12409:\t8d 44 24 73 \tlea 0x73(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:510\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:510\n 1240d:\tc7 44 24 38 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,0x38(%esp)\n 12414:\t00 \n 12415:\t89 44 24 40 \tmov %eax,0x40(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:514\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:514\n 12419:\t8d 85 42 9b ff ff \tlea -0x64be(%ebp),%eax\n 1241f:\t89 44 24 58 \tmov %eax,0x58(%esp)\n 12423:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n 12429:\t89 44 24 5c \tmov %eax,0x5c(%esp)\n 1242d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 12430:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 12431:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12433:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 12435:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n 12437:\tff 74 24 4c \tpushl 0x4c(%esp)\n 1243b:\te8 10 0f ff ff \tcall 3350 \n R_LoadStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:513\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:513\n 12440:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n fread():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:297\n 12443:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n R_LoadStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:513\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:513\n 12445:\te8 46 10 ff ff \tcall 3490 \n 1244a:\t89 44 24 5c \tmov %eax,0x5c(%esp)\n 1244e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12451:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 12453:\t0f 85 af 03 00 00 \tjne 12808 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:514\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:514\n 12459:\t83 fe 01 \tcmp $0x1,%esi\n 1245c:\t74 1d \tje 1247b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:514 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:514 (discriminator 1)\n 1245e:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 12461:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 12463:\tff 74 24 60 \tpushl 0x60(%esp)\n 12467:\tff 74 24 68 \tpushl 0x68(%esp)\n 1246b:\te8 90 0d ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 12470:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12473:\te8 58 0d ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n 12478:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:517\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:517\n 1247b:\t8b 44 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%eax\n 1247f:\t8b 74 24 68 \tmov 0x68(%esp),%esi\n 12483:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12486:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12488:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 1248b:\t89 44 24 3c \tmov %eax,0x3c(%esp)\n 1248f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n@@ -23088,309 +23088,309 @@\n 12499:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 1249b:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 1249f:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 124a0:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 124a1:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 124a2:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 124a3:\te8 c8 0d ff ff \tcall 3270 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:518\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:518\n 124a8:\t8b 74 24 7c \tmov 0x7c(%esp),%esi\n 124ac:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 124ad:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 124ae:\tff 74 24 3c \tpushl 0x3c(%esp)\n 124b2:\tff 74 24 50 \tpushl 0x50(%esp)\n 124b6:\te8 55 10 ff ff \tcall 3510 \n 124bb:\t89 44 24 54 \tmov %eax,0x54(%esp)\n 124bf:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 124c0:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 124c1:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 124c2:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 124c4:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 124c5:\te8 a6 0d ff ff \tcall 3270 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:520\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:520\n 124ca:\t8b 5c 24 50 \tmov 0x50(%esp),%ebx\n 124ce:\t8b 4c 24 58 \tmov 0x58(%esp),%ecx\n 124d2:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 124d4:\t8d 51 01 \tlea 0x1(%ecx),%edx\n 124d7:\t89 d9 \tmov %ebx,%ecx\n 124d9:\te8 b2 ea ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:521\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:521\n 124de:\t89 1c 24 \tmov %ebx,(%esp)\n 124e1:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 124e3:\te8 08 0c ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 124e8:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 124eb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 124ec:\tff 74 24 40 \tpushl 0x40(%esp)\n 124f0:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 124f1:\te8 ca 0e ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:522\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:522\n 124f6:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 124f8:\te8 d3 f0 ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n 124fd:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 124ff:\te8 cc f0 ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n 12504:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12506:\te8 c5 f0 ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:523\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:523\n 1250b:\t8b 74 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%esi\n 1250f:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n 12514:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12516:\t89 f1 \tmov %esi,%ecx\n 12518:\te8 e3 e9 ff ff \tcall 10f00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:524\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:524\n 1251d:\t89 f1 \tmov %esi,%ecx\n 1251f:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n 12524:\t89 74 24 20 \tmov %esi,0x20(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:523\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:523\n 12528:\t89 44 24 34 \tmov %eax,0x34(%esp)\n 1252c:\t89 c3 \tmov %eax,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:524\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:524\n 1252e:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12530:\te8 cb e9 ff ff \tcall 10f00 \n 12535:\t89 44 24 4c \tmov %eax,0x4c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:525\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:525\n 12539:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 1253a:\t89 de \tmov %ebx,%esi\n 1253c:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 1253d:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n 1253f:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 12540:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12542:\te8 a9 11 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n 12547:\t89 44 24 1c \tmov %eax,0x1c(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:526\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:526\n 1254b:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 1254c:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 1254d:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1254e:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 12550:\te8 6b 0b ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 12555:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n 12559:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1255c:\te8 3f 11 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:527\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:527\n 12561:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 12562:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 12563:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12564:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 12566:\te8 55 0b ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 1256b:\t89 44 24 30 \tmov %eax,0x30(%esp)\n 1256f:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12572:\te8 29 11 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:528\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:528\n 12577:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1257a:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 1257c:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 1257e:\t0f 8e c8 02 00 00 \tjle 1284c \n 12584:\t8b 44 24 0c \tmov 0xc(%esp),%eax\n 12588:\tc1 e2 02 \tshl $0x2,%edx\n 1258b:\t8b 74 24 10 \tmov 0x10(%esp),%esi\n 1258f:\t89 54 24 28 \tmov %edx,0x28(%esp)\n 12593:\t89 c3 \tmov %eax,%ebx\n 12595:\t01 d0 \tadd %edx,%eax\n 12597:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 1259b:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1259f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:529 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:529 (discriminator 3)\n 125a0:\t89 f1 \tmov %esi,%ecx\n 125a2:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n 125a7:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 125a9:\t83 c3 04 \tadd $0x4,%ebx\n 125ac:\te8 4f e9 ff ff \tcall 10f00 \n 125b1:\t89 43 fc \tmov %eax,-0x4(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:528 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:528 (discriminator 3)\n 125b4:\t3b 5c 24 2c \tcmp 0x2c(%esp),%ebx\n 125b8:\t75 e6 \tjne 125a0 \n 125ba:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 125bc:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:531 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:531 (discriminator 3)\n 125c0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 125c3:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 125c5:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 125c9:\te8 02 0f ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 125ce:\t8b 4c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ecx\n 125d2:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 125d4:\t8d 1c 30 \tlea (%eax,%esi,1),%ebx\n 125d7:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 125d9:\t83 c6 04 \tadd $0x4,%esi\n 125dc:\te8 1f e9 ff ff \tcall 10f00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:530 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:530 (discriminator 3)\n 125e1:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:531 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:531 (discriminator 3)\n 125e4:\t89 03 \tmov %eax,(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:530 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:530 (discriminator 3)\n 125e6:\t3b 74 24 28 \tcmp 0x28(%esp),%esi\n 125ea:\t75 d4 \tjne 125c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:532\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:532\n 125ec:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 125ef:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 125f1:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 125f3:\tff 74 24 48 \tpushl 0x48(%esp)\n 125f7:\te8 f4 10 ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:533\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:533\n 125fc:\t8b 54 24 4c \tmov 0x4c(%esp),%edx\n 12600:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:532\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:532\n 12602:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:533\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:533\n 12604:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12606:\te8 85 e9 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n 1260b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1260e:\t89 7c 24 28 \tmov %edi,0x28(%esp)\n 12612:\t8b 7c 24 4c \tmov 0x4c(%esp),%edi\n 12616:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1261d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:535 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:535 (discriminator 3)\n 12620:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 12623:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12625:\t8b 4c 24 18 \tmov 0x18(%esp),%ecx\n 12629:\t8b 04 b9 \tmov (%ecx,%edi,4),%eax\n 1262c:\t01 f0 \tadd %esi,%eax\n 1262e:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1262f:\te8 bc 0a ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 12634:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 12637:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12638:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:534 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:534 (discriminator 3)\n 12639:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:535 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:535 (discriminator 3)\n 1263c:\tff 74 24 2c \tpushl 0x2c(%esp)\n 12640:\te8 7b 0d ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:534 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:534 (discriminator 3)\n 12645:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12648:\t39 7c 24 24 \tcmp %edi,0x24(%esp)\n 1264c:\t75 d2 \tjne 12620 \n 1264e:\t8b 7c 24 28 \tmov 0x28(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:536\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:536\n 12652:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12655:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12657:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 1265b:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 1265f:\te8 2c 0b ff ff \tcall 3190 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:537\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:537\n 12664:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 12667:\tff 74 24 08 \tpushl 0x8(%esp)\n 1266b:\tff 74 24 40 \tpushl 0x40(%esp)\n 1266f:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 12673:\te8 18 0f ff ff \tcall 3590 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:538\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:538\n 12678:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 12679:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 1267d:\te8 ce 10 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:539\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:539\n 12682:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 12685:\te8 c6 10 ff ff \tcall 3750 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:540\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:540\n 1268a:\tc7 04 24 02 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x2,(%esp)\n 12691:\te8 8a 0d ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:510\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:510\n 12696:\t8b 44 24 44 \tmov 0x44(%esp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:512\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:512\n 1269a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:510\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:510\n 1269d:\t89 44 24 38 \tmov %eax,0x38(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:512\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:512\n 126a1:\te9 8a fd ff ff \tjmp 12430 \n 126a6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 126ad:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:481\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:481\n 126b0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 126b3:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 126b4:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 126b8:\te8 83 0b ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 126bd:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 126c0:\te8 0b 0e ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 126c5:\t8b 54 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%edx\n 126c9:\t8b 4c 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%ecx\n 126cd:\t8d 1c 10 \tlea (%eax,%edx,1),%ebx\n 126d0:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 126d2:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 126d4:\te8 27 e8 ff ff \tcall 10f00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:482\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:482\n 126d9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:481\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:481\n 126dc:\t89 03 \tmov %eax,(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:482\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:482\n 126de:\te9 bd fc ff ff \tjmp 123a0 \n 126e3:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 126e7:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:484\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:484\n 126e8:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 126eb:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 126ec:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 126f0:\te8 4b 0b ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 126f5:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 126f8:\te8 d3 0d ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 126fd:\t8b 4c 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%ecx\n 12701:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 12703:\t8d 1c 08 \tlea (%eax,%ecx,1),%ebx\n 12706:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12708:\te8 23 ef ff ff \tcall 11630 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:485\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:485\n 1270d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:484\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:484\n 12710:\t89 03 \tmov %eax,(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:485\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:485\n 12712:\te9 89 fc ff ff \tjmp 123a0 \n 12717:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 1271e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:487\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:487\n 12720:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12723:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12724:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 12728:\te8 13 0b ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 1272d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12730:\te8 9b 0d ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 12735:\t8b 54 24 34 \tmov 0x34(%esp),%edx\n 12739:\t8d 1c 10 \tlea (%eax,%edx,1),%ebx\n 1273c:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 1273e:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12740:\te8 4b e7 ff ff \tcall 10e90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:488\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:488\n 12745:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:487\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:487\n 12748:\t89 03 \tmov %eax,(%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:488\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:488\n 1274a:\te9 51 fc ff ff \tjmp 123a0 \n 1274f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:478\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:478\n 12750:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12753:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12754:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 12758:\te8 e3 0a ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 1275d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12760:\te8 db 09 ff ff \tcall 3140 \n 12765:\t8b 4c 24 38 \tmov 0x38(%esp),%ecx\n 12769:\t8b 54 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edx\n 1276d:\t8d 1c 08 \tlea (%eax,%ecx,1),%ebx\n 12770:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12772:\te8 99 ed ff ff \tcall 11510 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:479\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:479\n 12777:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:478\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:478\n 1277a:\tdd 1b \tfstpl (%ebx)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:479\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:479\n 1277c:\te9 1f fc ff ff \tjmp 123a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:490\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:490\n 12781:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 12784:\tff 74 24 18 \tpushl 0x18(%esp)\n 12788:\te8 43 0d ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:491\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:491\n 1278d:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:490\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:490\n 12790:\t8b 1c b0 \tmov (%eax,%esi,4),%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:491\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:491\n 12793:\t81 fb f4 00 00 00 \tcmp $0xf4,%ebx\n 12799:\t7f 55 \tjg 127f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:495\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:495\n 1279b:\t8b 4c 24 2c \tmov 0x2c(%esp),%ecx\n 1279f:\t89 da \tmov %ebx,%edx\n 127a1:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 127a3:\te8 e8 e7 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:496\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:496\n 127a8:\tc6 84 1c 17 01 00 00 \tmovb $0x0,0x117(%esp,%ebx,1)\n 127af:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:497\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:497\n 127b0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 127b3:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 127b5:\tff 74 24 38 \tpushl 0x38(%esp)\n 127b9:\te8 32 09 ff ff \tcall 30f0 \n 127be:\t89 44 24 44 \tmov %eax,0x44(%esp)\n 127c2:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 127c3:\t5a \tpop %edx\n@@ -23399,422 +23399,422 @@\n 127c9:\te8 72 0a ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 127ce:\t8b 54 24 44 \tmov 0x44(%esp),%edx\n 127d2:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 127d5:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 127d6:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 127da:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 127db:\te8 e0 0b ff ff \tcall 33c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:498\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:498\n 127e0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 127e3:\te9 b8 fb ff ff \tjmp 123a0 \n 127e8:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 127ef:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:492\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:492\n 127f0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 127f3:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 127f5:\tff 74 24 48 \tpushl 0x48(%esp)\n 127f9:\te8 d2 09 ff ff \tcall 31d0 \n 127fe:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:493\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:493\n 12801:\tbb f4 00 00 00 \tmov $0xf4,%ebx\n 12806:\teb 93 \tjmp 1279b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:542\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:542\n 12808:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1280b:\tff 74 24 4c \tpushl 0x4c(%esp)\n 1280f:\tff 74 24 28 \tpushl 0x28(%esp)\n 12813:\te8 78 09 ff ff \tcall 3190 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:543\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:543\n 12818:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 1281f:\te8 fc 0b ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:548\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:548\n 12824:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 12825:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 12826:\t8b 7c 24 1c \tmov 0x1c(%esp),%edi\n 1282a:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 1282b:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 1282d:\te8 8e 08 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 12832:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12835:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 12837:\te8 64 0e ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:549\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:549\n 1283c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1283f:\t85 ff \ttest %edi,%edi\n 12841:\t0f 8f 59 f7 ff ff \tjg 11fa0 \n 12847:\te9 af f7 ff ff \tjmp 11ffb \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:532\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:532\n 1284c:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1284f:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 12851:\tff 74 24 48 \tpushl 0x48(%esp)\n 12855:\te8 96 0e ff ff \tcall 36f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:533\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:533\n 1285a:\t8b 54 24 4c \tmov 0x4c(%esp),%edx\n 1285e:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:532\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:532\n 12860:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:533\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:533\n 12862:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12864:\te8 27 e7 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n 12869:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1286c:\te9 e1 fd ff ff \tjmp 12652 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:233\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:233\n 12871:\tc7 44 24 30 0c 00 00 \tmovl $0xc,0x30(%esp)\n 12878:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:232\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:232\n 12879:\tc7 44 24 24 31 00 00 \tmovl $0x31,0x24(%esp)\n 12880:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:231\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:231\n 12881:\tc7 44 24 48 20 00 00 \tmovl $0x20,0x48(%esp)\n 12888:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:230\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:230\n 12889:\tc7 44 24 50 f4 ff ff \tmovl $0xfffffff4,0x50(%esp)\n 12890:\tff \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:237\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:237\n 12891:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:238\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:238\n 12893:\t31 db \txor %ebx,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:237\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:237\n 12895:\te8 36 ed ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:238\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:238\n 1289a:\t83 f8 02 \tcmp $0x2,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:237\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:237\n 1289d:\t89 85 04 0a 00 00 \tmov %eax,0xa04(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:240\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:240\n 128a3:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:238\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:238\n 128a5:\t0f 95 c3 \tsetne %bl\n 128a8:\t89 5c 24 10 \tmov %ebx,0x10(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:240\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:240\n 128ac:\te8 1f ed ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:241\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:241\n 128b1:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 128b3:\te8 18 ed ff ff \tcall 115d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:242\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:242\n 128b8:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n 128bd:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 128bf:\te8 6c ed ff ff \tcall 11630 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:243\n 128c4:\t89 d9 \tmov %ebx,%ecx\n 128c6:\tba 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:242\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:242\n 128cb:\t89 44 24 04 \tmov %eax,0x4(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:243\n 128cf:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 128d1:\te8 2a e6 ff ff \tcall 10f00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:254\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:254\n 128d6:\tba 51 00 00 00 \tmov $0x51,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:243\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:243\n 128db:\t89 44 24 14 \tmov %eax,0x14(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:254\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:254\n 128df:\t8d 84 24 c6 00 00 00 \tlea 0xc6(%esp),%eax\n 128e6:\t89 44 24 18 \tmov %eax,0x18(%esp)\n 128ea:\t89 c1 \tmov %eax,%ecx\n 128ec:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 128ee:\te8 9d e6 ff ff \tcall 10f90 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:255\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:255\n 128f3:\te9 76 ee ff ff \tjmp 1176e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:198\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:198\n 128f8:\tc7 44 24 30 06 00 00 \tmovl $0x6,0x30(%esp)\n 128ff:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:193\n 12900:\tc7 44 24 24 0c 00 00 \tmovl $0xc,0x24(%esp)\n 12907:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:209\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:209\n 12908:\tc7 44 24 48 08 00 00 \tmovl $0x8,0x48(%esp)\n 1290f:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:208\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:208\n 12910:\tc7 44 24 50 06 00 00 \tmovl $0x6,0x50(%esp)\n 12917:\t00 \n 12918:\te9 74 ff ff ff \tjmp 12891 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:222\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:222\n 1291d:\tc7 44 24 30 08 00 00 \tmovl $0x8,0x30(%esp)\n 12924:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:193\n 12925:\tc7 44 24 24 0c 00 00 \tmovl $0xc,0x24(%esp)\n 1292c:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:221\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:221\n 1292d:\tc7 44 24 48 20 00 00 \tmovl $0x20,0x48(%esp)\n 12934:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:220\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:220\n 12935:\tc7 44 24 50 f8 ff ff \tmovl $0xfffffff8,0x50(%esp)\n 1293c:\tff \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:222\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:222\n 1293d:\te9 4f ff ff ff \tjmp 12891 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:198\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:198\n 12942:\tc7 44 24 30 07 00 00 \tmovl $0x7,0x30(%esp)\n 12949:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:193\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:193\n 1294a:\tc7 44 24 24 0c 00 00 \tmovl $0xc,0x24(%esp)\n 12951:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:217\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:217\n 12952:\tc7 44 24 48 20 00 00 \tmovl $0x20,0x48(%esp)\n 12959:\t00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:216\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:216\n 1295a:\tc7 44 24 50 f9 ff ff \tmovl $0xfffffff9,0x50(%esp)\n 12961:\tff \n 12962:\te9 2a ff ff ff \tjmp 12891 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:198\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:198\n 12967:\tc7 44 24 30 07 00 00 \tmovl $0x7,0x30(%esp)\n 1296e:\t00 \n 1296f:\tc7 44 24 24 0c 00 00 \tmovl $0xc,0x24(%esp)\n 12976:\t00 \n 12977:\tc7 44 24 48 20 00 00 \tmovl $0x20,0x48(%esp)\n 1297e:\t00 \n 1297f:\tc7 44 24 50 07 00 00 \tmovl $0x7,0x50(%esp)\n 12986:\t00 \n 12987:\te9 05 ff ff ff \tjmp 12891 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:506\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:506\n 1298c:\t83 7c 24 30 05 \tcmpl $0x5,0x30(%esp)\n 12991:\t0f 85 30 fa ff ff \tjne 123c7 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:548\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:548\n 12997:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1299a:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 1299c:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 129a0:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 129a2:\te8 19 07 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 129a7:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 129aa:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 129ac:\te8 ef 0c ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:553\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:553\n 129b1:\t8b 85 f0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x10(%ebp),%eax\n 129b7:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 129ba:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 129bb:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 129bd:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 129c1:\te8 aa 0b ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:554\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:554\n 129c6:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 129cd:\te8 4e 0a ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:556\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:556\n 129d2:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 129d3:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 129d4:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 129d6:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 129d8:\te8 e3 06 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 129dd:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 129e0:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 129e2:\te8 b9 0c ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:557\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:557\n 129e7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 129ea:\t83 7c 24 50 f9 \tcmpl $0xfffffff9,0x50(%esp)\n 129ef:\t0f 84 7b 01 00 00 \tje 12b70 \n 129f5:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 129f8:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 129f9:\te8 d2 0a ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 129fe:\tc7 00 05 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x5,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:558\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:558\n 12a04:\t8d 85 e7 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6419(%ebp),%eax\n 12a0a:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12a0d:\te8 7e 0c ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 12a12:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 12a15:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12a16:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12a17:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 12a1b:\te8 50 0b ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:559\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:559\n 12a20:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 12a27:\te8 f4 09 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n 12a2c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12a2f:\te9 81 f6 ff ff \tjmp 120b5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:328\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:328\n 12a34:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12a37:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12a39:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 12a3d:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 12a3f:\te8 7c 06 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 12a44:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12a47:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 12a49:\te8 52 0c ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:333\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:333\n 12a4e:\t8b 85 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebp),%eax\n 12a54:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 12a57:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12a58:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 12a5a:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 12a5e:\te8 0d 0b ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:334\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:334\n 12a63:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 12a6a:\te8 b1 09 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:338\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:338\n 12a6f:\t8b 44 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%eax\n 12a73:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12a76:\t8d 5c 00 02 \tlea 0x2(%eax,%eax,1),%ebx\n 12a7a:\t85 db \ttest %ebx,%ebx\n 12a7c:\t0f 8f 05 ef ff ff \tjg 11987 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:345\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:345\n 12a82:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12a85:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12a87:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 12a8b:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 12a8d:\te8 2e 06 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 12a92:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 12a96:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12a99:\te8 02 0c ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n 12a9e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:350\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:350\n 12aa1:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 12aa4:\t8d 85 fa 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6406(%ebp),%eax\n 12aaa:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12aac:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12aad:\te8 de 0b ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 12ab2:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 12ab5:\tff 74 24 20 \tpushl 0x20(%esp)\n 12ab9:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12aba:\t8b 74 24 14 \tmov 0x14(%esp),%esi\n 12abe:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12abf:\te8 ac 0a ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:351\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:351\n 12ac4:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 12acb:\te8 50 09 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:352\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:352\n 12ad0:\t8d 85 8f 73 ff ff \tlea -0x8c71(%ebp),%eax\n 12ad6:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12ad9:\te8 b2 0b ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 12ade:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 12ae1:\tff 74 24 10 \tpushl 0x10(%esp)\n 12ae5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12ae6:\t89 74 24 14 \tmov %esi,0x14(%esp)\n 12aea:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12aeb:\te8 80 0a ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:358\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:358\n 12af0:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 12af1:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 12af2:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 12af6:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 12af8:\te8 c3 05 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 12afd:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12b00:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 12b02:\te8 99 0b ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:363\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:363\n 12b07:\t8d 85 ef 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6411(%ebp),%eax\n 12b0d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12b10:\te8 7b 0b ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 12b15:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 12b18:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12b19:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12b1a:\tff 74 24 14 \tpushl 0x14(%esp)\n 12b1e:\te8 4d 0a ff ff \tcall 3570 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:364\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:364\n 12b23:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 12b2a:\te8 f1 08 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:368\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:368\n 12b2f:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 12b30:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 12b31:\tff 74 24 0c \tpushl 0xc(%esp)\n 12b35:\t6a 10 \tpush $0x10\n 12b37:\te8 84 05 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 12b3c:\t89 44 24 2c \tmov %eax,0x2c(%esp)\n 12b40:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12b43:\te8 58 0b ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n 12b48:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12b4b:\te9 11 f0 ff ff \tjmp 11b61 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:235\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:235\n 12b50:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 12b51:\t8d 85 2c 9c ff ff \tlea -0x63d4(%ebp),%eax\n 12b57:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:298\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:298\n 12b59:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12b5a:\t8d 85 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebp),%eax\n 12b60:\t89 eb \tmov %ebp,%ebx\n 12b62:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12b63:\te8 98 06 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 12b68:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12b6b:\te8 70 06 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:557\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:557\n 12b70:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 12b73:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12b74:\te8 57 09 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n 12b79:\tc7 00 f9 ff ff ff \tmovl $0xfffffff9,(%eax)\n 12b7f:\te9 80 fe ff ff \tjmp 12a04 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:298\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:298\n 12b84:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 12b87:\t8d 85 ef 74 ff ff \tlea -0x8b11(%ebp),%eax\n 12b8d:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 12b8f:\teb c8 \tjmp 12b59 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:567\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:567\n 12b91:\te8 0a 19 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:433\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:433\n 12b96:\t8d 85 50 9c ff ff \tlea -0x63b0(%ebp),%eax\n 12b9c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 12b9d:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 12b9f:\teb b8 \tjmp 12b59 \n .L150():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:433\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:433\n 12ba1:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 12ba8:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 12baf:\t90 \tnop\n \n 00012bb0 :\n do_readStata():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:573\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:573\n 12bb0:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 12bb1:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12bb2:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 12bb3:\te8 18 0d ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 12bb8:\t81 c3 48 b4 00 00 \tadd $0xb448,%ebx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:581\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:581\n 12bbe:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 12bc1:\tff 74 24 1c \tpushl 0x1c(%esp)\n 12bc5:\te8 66 09 ff ff \tcall 3530 \n 12bca:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12bcd:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 12bcf:\te8 9c 0b ff ff \tcall 3770 \n 12bd4:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12bd7:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 12bd9:\t74 4f \tje 12c2a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:584\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:584\n 12bdb:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12bde:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 12be0:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12be1:\te8 2a 0b ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 12be6:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12be9:\te8 92 08 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n 12bee:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12bf1:\te8 da 0b ff ff \tcall 37d0 \n 12bf6:\t8d 93 00 70 ff ff \tlea -0x9000(%ebx),%edx\n 12bfc:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 12bfd:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 12bfe:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 12bff:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12c00:\te8 3b 09 ff ff \tcall 3540 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:585\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:585\n 12c05:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:584\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:584\n 12c08:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:585\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:585\n 12c0a:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 12c0c:\t74 3a \tje 12c48 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:588\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:588\n 12c0e:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 12c11:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12c12:\te8 d9 06 ff ff \tcall 32f0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:589\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:589\n 12c17:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:588\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:588\n 12c1a:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:589\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:589\n 12c1c:\te8 9f 05 ff ff \tcall 31c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:590\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:590\n 12c21:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:591\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:591\n 12c24:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 12c26:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 12c27:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 12c28:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 12c29:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:582\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:582\n 12c2a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12c2b:\t8d 83 d8 9c ff ff \tlea -0x6328(%ebx),%eax\n 12c31:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 12c33:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12c34:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 12c3a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12c3b:\te8 c0 05 ff ff \tcall 3200 \n 12c40:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12c43:\te8 98 05 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:586\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:586\n 12c48:\te8 53 09 ff ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n 12c4d:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 12c50:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 12c52:\te8 e9 07 ff ff \tcall 3440 \n 12c57:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 12c5a:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 12c5c:\t8d 83 db 77 ff ff \tlea -0x8825(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -23828,52 +23828,52 @@\n 12c73:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12c74:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12c75:\te8 66 05 ff ff \tcall 31e0 \n 12c7a:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n \n 00012c80 :\n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:726\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:726\n 12c80:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:728\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:728\n 12c81:\tb9 0d 00 00 00 \tmov $0xd,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:726\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:726\n 12c86:\t89 e5 \tmov %esp,%ebp\n 12c88:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 12c89:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:728\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:728\n 12c8a:\t8d 7d b0 \tlea -0x50(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:730\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:730\n 12c8d:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:726\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:726\n 12c8f:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 12c90:\te8 3b 0c ff ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 12c95:\t81 c3 6b b3 00 00 \tadd $0xb36b,%ebx\n 12c9b:\t81 ec 5c 01 00 00 \tsub $0x15c,%esp\n 12ca1:\t8b 45 08 \tmov 0x8(%ebp),%eax\n 12ca4:\t89 85 e0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x120(%ebp)\n 12caa:\t8b 45 0c \tmov 0xc(%ebp),%eax\n 12cad:\t89 85 e4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x11c(%ebp)\n 12cb3:\t8b 45 14 \tmov 0x14(%ebp),%eax\n 12cb6:\t89 85 ac fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x154(%ebp)\n 12cbc:\t65 a1 14 00 00 00 \tmov %gs:0x14,%eax\n 12cc2:\t89 45 e4 \tmov %eax,-0x1c(%ebp)\n 12cc5:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:728\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:728\n 12cc7:\tc7 45 93 57 72 69 74 \tmovl $0x74697257,-0x6d(%ebp)\n 12cce:\tc7 45 97 74 65 6e 20 \tmovl $0x206e6574,-0x69(%ebp)\n 12cd5:\tc7 45 9b 62 79 20 52 \tmovl $0x52207962,-0x65(%ebp)\n 12cdc:\tc7 45 9f 2e 20 20 20 \tmovl $0x2020202e,-0x61(%ebp)\n 12ce3:\tc7 45 a3 20 20 20 20 \tmovl $0x20202020,-0x5d(%ebp)\n 12cea:\tc7 45 a7 20 20 20 20 \tmovl $0x20202020,-0x59(%ebp)\n 12cf1:\tc7 45 ab 20 20 20 00 \tmovl $0x202020,-0x55(%ebp)\n 12cf8:\tc7 45 af 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x51(%ebp)\n 12cff:\tc7 45 e0 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x20(%ebp)\n 12d06:\tf3 ab \trep stos %eax,%es:(%edi)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:730\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:730\n 12d08:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 12d0a:\tc7 85 2f ff ff ff 25 \tmovl $0x302e3925,-0xd1(%ebp)\n 12d11:\t39 2e 30 \n 12d14:\tc7 85 33 ff ff ff 67 \tmovl $0x67,-0xcd(%ebp)\n 12d1b:\t00 00 00 \n 12d1e:\tc7 85 37 ff ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0xc9(%ebp)\n 12d25:\t00 00 00 \n@@ -23887,17 +23887,17 @@\n 12d4d:\t00 00 00 \n 12d50:\tc7 85 4b ff ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0xb5(%ebp)\n 12d57:\t00 00 00 \n 12d5a:\tc7 85 4f ff ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0xb1(%ebp)\n 12d61:\t00 00 00 \n 12d64:\tc7 85 53 ff ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0xad(%ebp)\n 12d6b:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:739\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:739\n 12d6e:\t83 7d 10 06 \tcmpl $0x6,0x10(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:730\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:730\n 12d72:\tc7 85 57 ff ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0xa9(%ebp)\n 12d79:\t00 00 00 \n 12d7c:\tc7 85 5b ff ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0xa5(%ebp)\n 12d83:\t00 00 00 \n 12d86:\t66 89 b5 5f ff ff ff \tmov %si,-0xa1(%ebp)\n 12d8d:\tc7 85 61 ff ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x9f(%ebp)\n 12d94:\t00 00 00 \n@@ -23916,305 +23916,305 @@\n 12dd3:\tc7 85 7d ff ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x83(%ebp)\n 12dda:\t00 00 00 \n 12ddd:\tc7 45 81 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x7f(%ebp)\n 12de4:\tc7 45 85 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x7b(%ebp)\n 12deb:\tc7 45 89 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x77(%ebp)\n 12df2:\tc7 45 8d 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x73(%ebp)\n 12df9:\t66 89 7d 91 \tmov %di,-0x6f(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:739\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:739\n 12dfd:\t0f 8e 38 05 00 00 \tjle 1333b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:740\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:740\n 12e03:\t83 7d 10 09 \tcmpl $0x9,0x10(%ebp)\n 12e07:\t0f 8e c3 10 00 00 \tjle 13ed0 \n 12e0d:\tc7 85 cc fe ff ff 31 \tmovl $0x31,-0x134(%ebp)\n 12e14:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:751\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:751\n 12e17:\tc7 85 b8 fe ff ff 20 \tmovl $0x20,-0x148(%ebp)\n 12e1e:\t00 00 00 \n 12e21:\t83 7d 10 0a \tcmpl $0xa,0x10(%ebp)\n 12e25:\t0f 84 31 11 00 00 \tje 13f5c \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:753\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:753\n 12e2b:\t8b b5 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%esi\n 12e31:\tb8 02 00 00 00 \tmov $0x2,%eax\n 12e36:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 12e38:\te8 43 e2 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:754\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:754\n 12e3d:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 12e3f:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n 12e44:\te8 37 e2 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:755\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:755\n 12e49:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 12e4b:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 12e4d:\te8 2e e2 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:757\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:757\n 12e52:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 12e55:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 12e5b:\te8 c0 07 ff ff \tcall 3620 \n 12e60:\t89 85 dc fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x124(%ebp)\n OutShortIntBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:624\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:624\n 12e66:\t88 85 ef fe ff ff \tmov %al,-0x111(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:625\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:625\n 12e6c:\t88 a5 f0 fe ff ff \tmov %ah,-0x110(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:627\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:627\n 12e72:\t8d 85 ef fe ff ff \tlea -0x111(%ebp),%eax\n 12e78:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12e79:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 12e7b:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 12e7d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12e7e:\te8 8d 04 ff ff \tcall 3310 \n 12e83:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 12e86:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 12e89:\t0f 85 e2 10 00 00 \tjne 13f71 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:629\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:629\n 12e8f:\t8d 85 f0 fe ff ff \tlea -0x110(%ebp),%eax\n 12e95:\tff b5 e0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x120(%ebp)\n 12e9b:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 12e9d:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 12e9f:\t89 85 d0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x130(%ebp)\n 12ea5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12ea6:\te8 65 04 ff ff \tcall 3310 \n 12eab:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12eae:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 12eb1:\t0f 85 ba 10 00 00 \tjne 13f71 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:759\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:759\n 12eb7:\t8b b5 e4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x11c(%ebp),%esi\n 12ebd:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12ec0:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 12ec2:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12ec3:\te8 78 03 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 12ec8:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12ecb:\te8 50 07 ff ff \tcall 3620 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:760\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:760\n 12ed0:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 12ed6:\tb9 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:759\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:759\n 12edb:\t89 85 bc fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x144(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:760\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:760\n 12ee1:\te8 0a e1 ff ff \tcall 10ff0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:762\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:762\n 12ee6:\t8d 83 b6 9b ff ff \tlea -0x644a(%ebx),%eax\n 12eec:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12eef:\te8 9c 07 ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 12ef4:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 12ef5:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 12ef6:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 12ef7:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12ef8:\te8 33 09 ff ff \tcall 3830 \n 12efd:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12f00:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 12f02:\te8 99 07 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:763\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:763\n 12f07:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 12f0a:\te8 a1 03 ff ff \tcall 32b0 \n 12f0f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12f12:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 12f14:\t0f 84 53 0f 00 00 \tje 13e6d \n 12f1a:\t8d 45 93 \tlea -0x6d(%ebp),%eax\n 12f1d:\t89 85 c0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x140(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:765\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:765\n 12f23:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 12f26:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 12f28:\te8 f3 04 ff ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:767\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:767\n 12f2d:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 12f33:\t8b 85 c0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x140(%ebp),%eax\n 12f39:\tb9 51 00 00 00 \tmov $0x51,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:766\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:766\n 12f3e:\tc6 45 e3 00 \tmovb $0x0,-0x1d(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:767\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:767\n 12f42:\te8 f9 e0 ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:771\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:771\n 12f47:\t8d 8d 0e ff ff ff \tlea -0xf2(%ebp),%ecx\n 12f4d:\t8d 85 fc fe ff ff \tlea -0x104(%ebp),%eax\n 12f53:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12f56:\t89 8d b4 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x14c(%ebp)\n 12f5c:\t89 c2 \tmov %eax,%edx\n 12f5e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:771 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:771 (discriminator 3)\n 12f60:\tc6 02 00 \tmovb $0x0,(%edx)\n 12f63:\t83 c2 01 \tadd $0x1,%edx\n 12f66:\t39 ca \tcmp %ecx,%edx\n 12f68:\t75 f6 \tjne 12f60 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:772\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:772\n 12f6a:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 12f70:\tb9 12 00 00 00 \tmov $0x12,%ecx\n 12f75:\te8 c6 e0 ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:783\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:783\n 12f7a:\t8b b5 dc fe ff ff \tmov -0x124(%ebp),%esi\n 12f80:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12f83:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 12f84:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 12f86:\te8 35 01 ff ff \tcall 30c0 \n 12f8b:\t89 85 c4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x13c(%ebp)\n 12f91:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12f94:\te8 07 07 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:784\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:784\n 12f99:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 12f9c:\t83 7d 10 07 \tcmpl $0x7,0x10(%ebp)\n 12fa0:\t0f 8f c4 03 00 00 \tjg 1336a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:785\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:785\n 12fa6:\t8b 85 dc fe ff ff \tmov -0x124(%ebp),%eax\n 12fac:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 12fae:\t0f 8e 65 10 00 00 \tjle 14019 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:804\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:804\n 12fb4:\t8d 83 fc 9c ff ff \tlea -0x6304(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:785\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:785\n 12fba:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:804\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:804\n 12fbc:\t89 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x138(%ebp)\n 12fc2:\teb 27 \tjmp 12feb \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:788\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:788\n 12fc4:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 12fca:\tb8 62 00 00 00 \tmov $0x62,%eax\n 12fcf:\te8 ac e0 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:789\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:789\n 12fd4:\t8d 47 01 \tlea 0x1(%edi),%eax\n 12fd7:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:785 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:785 (discriminator 2)\n 12fdd:\t8b bd d4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x12c(%ebp),%edi\n 12fe3:\t39 bd dc fe ff ff \tcmp %edi,-0x124(%ebp)\n 12fe9:\t7e 5e \tjle 13049 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:786\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:786\n 12feb:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 12fee:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 12fef:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 12ff5:\te8 46 02 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 12ffa:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 12ffd:\te8 ee 01 ff ff \tcall 31f0 \n 13002:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13005:\t83 f8 0e \tcmp $0xe,%eax\n 13008:\t0f 84 ad 05 00 00 \tje 135bb \n 1300e:\t0f 8f f1 03 00 00 \tjg 13405 \n 13014:\t83 f8 0a \tcmp $0xa,%eax\n 13017:\t74 ab \tje 12fc4 \n 13019:\t83 f8 0d \tcmp $0xd,%eax\n 1301c:\t0f 85 fd 10 00 00 \tjne 1411f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:791\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:791\n 13022:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 13028:\tb8 6c 00 00 00 \tmov $0x6c,%eax\n 1302d:\te8 4e e0 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:792\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:792\n 13032:\t8d 47 01 \tlea 0x1(%edi),%eax\n 13035:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:785\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:785\n 1303b:\t8b bd d4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x12c(%ebp),%edi\n 13041:\t39 bd dc fe ff ff \tcmp %edi,-0x124(%ebp)\n 13047:\t7f a2 \tjg 12feb \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:847\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:847\n 13049:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n 1304f:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13052:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 13054:\t89 85 a4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x15c(%ebp)\n 1305a:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 1305c:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 13062:\te8 c9 07 ff ff \tcall 3830 \n 13067:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n 1306d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13070:\te8 2b 06 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:848\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:848\n 13075:\t8b b5 b4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x14c(%ebp),%esi\n 1307b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1307e:\t03 b5 b8 fe ff ff \tadd -0x148(%ebp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:849 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:849 (discriminator 3)\n 13084:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13087:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 13088:\tff b5 b0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x150(%ebp)\n 1308e:\te8 7d 06 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 13093:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13096:\te8 e5 03 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106 (discriminator 3)\n 1309b:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 1309e:\tff b5 b8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x148(%ebp)\n 130a4:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 130a5:\tff b5 b4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x14c(%ebp)\n 130ab:\te8 10 05 ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n nameMangleOut():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:651 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:651 (discriminator 3)\n 130b0:\t8b 85 b4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x14c(%ebp),%eax\n 130b6:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 130b9:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:652\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:652\n 130c0:\t80 38 2e \tcmpb $0x2e,(%eax)\n 130c3:\t75 03 \tjne 130c8 \n 130c5:\tc6 00 5f \tmovb $0x5f,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:651\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:651\n 130c8:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 130cb:\t39 c6 \tcmp %eax,%esi\n 130cd:\t75 f1 \tjne 130c0 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:850\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:850\n 130cf:\t8b 8d b8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x148(%ebp),%ecx\n 130d5:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:848\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:848\n 130db:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:850\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:850\n 130de:\t8b 85 b4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x14c(%ebp),%eax\n 130e4:\te8 57 df ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:851\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:851\n 130e9:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 130ef:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 130f1:\te8 8a df ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:848\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:848\n 130f6:\t39 bd dc fe ff ff \tcmp %edi,-0x124(%ebp)\n 130fc:\t7f 86 \tjg 13084 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:857\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:857\n 130fe:\t8b 85 dc fe ff ff \tmov -0x124(%ebp),%eax\n 13104:\t8d 74 00 02 \tlea 0x2(%eax,%eax,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:847 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:847 (discriminator 3)\n 13108:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 1310a:\t89 b5 d8 fe ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x128(%ebp)\n 13110:\t89 fe \tmov %edi,%esi\n 13112:\t8b bd e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:857 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:857 (discriminator 3)\n 13118:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 1311a:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 1311c:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n 1311f:\te8 5c df ff ff \tcall 11080 \n 13124:\t3b b5 d8 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x128(%ebp),%esi\n 1312a:\t7c ec \tjl 13118 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:861\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:861\n 1312c:\t8b 8d dc fe ff ff \tmov -0x124(%ebp),%ecx\n 13132:\t85 c9 \ttest %ecx,%ecx\n 13134:\t0f 8e 1e 0f 00 00 \tjle 14058 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:868\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:868\n 1313a:\t8d b5 2f ff ff ff \tlea -0xd1(%ebp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:861\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:861\n 13140:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 13142:\t8d 83 02 9c ff ff \tlea -0x63fe(%ebx),%eax\n 13148:\t89 f7 \tmov %esi,%edi\n 1314a:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n 13150:\t89 ce \tmov %ecx,%esi\n 13152:\teb 20 \tjmp 13174 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:868\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:868\n 13154:\t8b 8d cc fe ff ff \tmov -0x134(%ebp),%ecx\n 1315a:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 13160:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 13162:\te8 d9 de ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:861\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:861\n 13167:\t8d 46 01 \tlea 0x1(%esi),%eax\n 1316a:\t39 85 dc fe ff ff \tcmp %eax,-0x124(%ebp)\n 13170:\t74 74 \tje 131e6 \n 13172:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:862\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:862\n 13174:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13177:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 13178:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 1317e:\te8 bd 00 ff ff \tcall 3240 \n 13183:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13186:\te8 65 00 ff ff \tcall 31f0 \n 1318b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1318e:\t83 f8 10 \tcmp $0x10,%eax\n 13191:\t75 c1 \tjne 13154 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:865\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:865\n 13193:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13196:\tff b5 c4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x13c(%ebp)\n 1319c:\te8 2f 03 ff ff \tcall 34d0 \n sprintf():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/stdio2.h:36\n 131a1:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 131a2:\tff 34 b0 \tpushl (%eax,%esi,4)\n@@ -24222,25 +24222,25 @@\n 131ab:\tff b5 d4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x12c(%ebp)\n 131b1:\t6a 32 \tpush $0x32\n 131b3:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 131b5:\t89 85 d8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x128(%ebp)\n 131bb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 131bc:\te8 ef 06 ff ff \tcall 38b0 <__sprintf_chk@plt>\n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:866\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:866\n 131c1:\t8b 85 d8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x128(%ebp),%eax\n 131c7:\t8b 8d cc fe ff ff \tmov -0x134(%ebp),%ecx\n 131cd:\t83 c4 20 \tadd $0x20,%esp\n 131d0:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 131d6:\te8 65 de ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:861\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:861\n 131db:\t8d 46 01 \tlea 0x1(%esi),%eax\n 131de:\t39 85 dc fe ff ff \tcmp %eax,-0x124(%ebp)\n 131e4:\t75 8c \tjne 13172 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:876\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:876\n 131e6:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 131e9:\t8d 83 ef 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6411(%ebx),%eax\n 131ef:\t89 b5 cc fe ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x134(%ebp)\n 131f5:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 131f7:\t89 85 9c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x164(%ebp)\n 131fd:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 131fe:\te8 8d 04 ff ff \tcall 3690 \n@@ -24248,52 +24248,52 @@\n 13204:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 13205:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13206:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 1320c:\te8 1f 06 ff ff \tcall 3830 \n 13211:\t89 85 a8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x158(%ebp)\n 13217:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1321a:\te8 81 04 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:877\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:877\n 1321f:\t8b 83 ac ff ff ff \tmov -0x54(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:876\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:876\n 13225:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13228:\t8b 8d b8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x148(%ebp),%ecx\n 1322e:\t89 b5 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %esi,-0x12c(%ebp)\n 13234:\t8b bd e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edi\n 1323a:\t89 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x138(%ebp)\n 13240:\t8b 85 b4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x14c(%ebp),%eax\n 13246:\t01 c8 \tadd %ecx,%eax\n 13248:\t89 85 a0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x160(%ebp)\n 1324e:\t8d 41 01 \tlea 0x1(%ecx),%eax\n 13251:\t89 85 d8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x128(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:878\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:878\n 13257:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1325a:\tff b5 d4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x12c(%ebp)\n 13260:\tff b5 ac fe ff ff \tpushl -0x154(%ebp)\n 13266:\te8 d5 ff fe ff \tcall 3240 \n 1326b:\t8b 8d c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%ecx\n 13271:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13274:\t39 01 \tcmp %eax,(%ecx)\n 13276:\t0f 84 5d 03 00 00 \tje 135d9 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:882\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:882\n 1327c:\t8b b5 a8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x158(%ebp),%esi\n 13282:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13285:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 13286:\te8 25 00 ff ff \tcall 32b0 \n 1328b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1328e:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 13290:\t75 14 \tjne 132a6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:882 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:882 (discriminator 1)\n 13292:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13295:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 13296:\te8 c5 ff fe ff \tcall 3260 \n 1329b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1329e:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 132a0:\t0f 85 a2 08 00 00 \tjne 13b48 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:886\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:886\n 132a6:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 132a9:\tff b5 d4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x12c(%ebp)\n 132af:\tff b5 b0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x150(%ebp)\n 132b5:\te8 56 04 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 132ba:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 132bd:\te8 be 01 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n strncpy():\n@@ -24305,820 +24305,820 @@\n 132d2:\te8 e9 02 ff ff \tcall 35c0 \n 132d7:\t8b 85 b4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x14c(%ebp),%eax\n 132dd:\t8b 95 a0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x160(%ebp),%edx\n 132e3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 132e6:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 132ed:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n nameMangleOut():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:652\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:652\n 132f0:\t80 38 2e \tcmpb $0x2e,(%eax)\n 132f3:\t75 03 \tjne 132f8 \n 132f5:\tc6 00 5f \tmovb $0x5f,(%eax)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:651\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:651\n 132f8:\t83 c0 01 \tadd $0x1,%eax\n 132fb:\t39 c2 \tcmp %eax,%edx\n 132fd:\t75 f1 \tjne 132f0 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:887\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:887\n 132ff:\t8b 85 b4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x14c(%ebp),%eax\n 13305:\t8b 8d b8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x148(%ebp),%ecx\n 1330b:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 1330d:\te8 2e dd ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:888\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:888\n 13312:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 13314:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 13316:\te8 65 dd ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:877 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:877 (discriminator 2)\n 1331b:\t8b 8d d4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x12c(%ebp),%ecx\n 13321:\t8d 41 01 \tlea 0x1(%ecx),%eax\n 13324:\t39 8d cc fe ff ff \tcmp %ecx,-0x134(%ebp)\n 1332a:\t0f 84 c9 02 00 00 \tje 135f9 \n 13330:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n 13336:\te9 1c ff ff ff \tjmp 13257 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:737\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:737\n 1333b:\tc7 85 cc fe ff ff 0c \tmovl $0xc,-0x134(%ebp)\n 13342:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:736\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:736\n 13345:\tc7 85 b8 fe ff ff 08 \tmovl $0x8,-0x148(%ebp)\n 1334c:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:745\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:745\n 1334f:\t0f 85 d6 fa ff ff \tjne 12e2b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:746\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:746\n 13355:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 1335b:\tb8 6c 00 00 00 \tmov $0x6c,%eax\n 13360:\te8 1b dd ff ff \tcall 11080 \n 13365:\te9 c1 fa ff ff \tjmp 12e2b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:834\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:834\n 1336a:\t8d 83 fc 9c ff ff \tlea -0x6304(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:815\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:815\n 13370:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:834\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:834\n 13372:\t89 85 c8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x138(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:815\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:815\n 13378:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 1337a:\t7f 37 \tjg 133b3 \n 1337c:\te9 98 0c 00 00 \tjmp 14019 \n 13381:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:818\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:818\n 13388:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 1338e:\tb8 fb 00 00 00 \tmov $0xfb,%eax\n 13393:\te8 e8 dc ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:819\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:819\n 13398:\t8d 47 01 \tlea 0x1(%edi),%eax\n 1339b:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:815 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:815 (discriminator 2)\n 133a1:\t8b bd d4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x12c(%ebp),%edi\n 133a7:\t39 bd dc fe ff ff \tcmp %edi,-0x124(%ebp)\n 133ad:\t0f 8e 96 fc ff ff \tjle 13049 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:816\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:816\n 133b3:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 133b6:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 133b7:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 133bd:\te8 7e fe fe ff \tcall 3240 \n 133c2:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 133c5:\te8 26 fe fe ff \tcall 31f0 \n 133ca:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 133cd:\t83 f8 0e \tcmp $0xe,%eax\n 133d0:\t0f 84 c7 01 00 00 \tje 1359d \n 133d6:\t0f 8f 01 01 00 00 \tjg 134dd \n 133dc:\t83 f8 0a \tcmp $0xa,%eax\n 133df:\t74 a7 \tje 13388 \n 133e1:\t83 f8 0d \tcmp $0xd,%eax\n 133e4:\t0f 85 35 0d 00 00 \tjne 1411f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:821\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:821\n 133ea:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 133f0:\tb8 fd 00 00 00 \tmov $0xfd,%eax\n 133f5:\te8 86 dc ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:822\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:822\n 133fa:\t8d 47 01 \tlea 0x1(%edi),%eax\n 133fd:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n 13403:\teb 9c \tjmp 133a1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:786\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:786\n 13405:\t83 f8 10 \tcmp $0x10,%eax\n 13408:\t0f 85 11 0d 00 00 \tjne 1411f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:799\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:799\n 1340e:\t8d 47 01 \tlea 0x1(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:798\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:798\n 13411:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:799\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:799\n 13413:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 13415:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n 1341b:\t8b 85 bc fe ff ff \tmov -0x144(%ebp),%eax\n 13421:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 13423:\t0f 8e f6 0a 00 00 \tjle 13f1f \n 13429:\t89 bd d8 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x128(%ebp)\n 1342f:\t89 d7 \tmov %edx,%edi\n 13431:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:800\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:800\n 13438:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1343b:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13441:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 13447:\te8 f4 fd fe ff \tcall 3240 \n 1344c:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 1344d:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 1344e:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1344f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13450:\te8 bb 02 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 13455:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13458:\te8 23 00 ff ff \tcall 3480 \n 1345d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13460:\te8 4b 00 ff ff \tcall 34b0 \n 13465:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:801\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:801\n 13468:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n 1346a:\t0f 4c f8 \tcmovl %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:799\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:799\n 1346d:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n 13470:\t39 b5 bc fe ff ff \tcmp %esi,-0x144(%ebp)\n 13476:\t75 c0 \tjne 13438 \n 13478:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 1347a:\tbe f4 00 00 00 \tmov $0xf4,%esi\n 1347f:\t8b bd d8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x128(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:803\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:803\n 13485:\t81 fa f4 00 00 00 \tcmp $0xf4,%edx\n 1348b:\t0f 4e f2 \tcmovle %edx,%esi\n 1348e:\t8d 46 7f \tlea 0x7f(%esi),%eax\n 13491:\t0f b6 c0 \tmovzbl %al,%eax\n 13494:\t7e 23 \tjle 134b9 \n 13496:\t89 85 d8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x128(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:804\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:804\n 1349c:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1349f:\tff b5 d4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x12c(%ebp)\n 134a5:\tff b5 c8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x138(%ebp)\n 134ab:\te8 20 fd fe ff \tcall 31d0 \n 134b0:\t8b 85 d8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x128(%ebp),%eax\n 134b6:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:806\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:806\n 134b9:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 134bf:\te8 bc db ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:807\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:807\n 134c4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 134c7:\tff b5 c4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x13c(%ebp)\n 134cd:\te8 fe ff fe ff \tcall 34d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:808\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:808\n 134d2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:807\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:807\n 134d5:\t89 34 b8 \tmov %esi,(%eax,%edi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:808\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:808\n 134d8:\te9 00 fb ff ff \tjmp 12fdd \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:816\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:816\n 134dd:\t83 f8 10 \tcmp $0x10,%eax\n 134e0:\t0f 85 39 0c 00 00 \tjne 1411f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:829\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:829\n 134e6:\t8d 47 01 \tlea 0x1(%edi),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:828\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:828\n 134e9:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:829\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:829\n 134eb:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 134ed:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n 134f3:\t8b 85 bc fe ff ff \tmov -0x144(%ebp),%eax\n 134f9:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 134fb:\t7e 7a \tjle 13577 \n 134fd:\t89 bd d8 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x128(%ebp)\n 13503:\t89 d7 \tmov %edx,%edi\n 13505:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:830\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:830\n 13508:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1350b:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13511:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 13517:\te8 24 fd fe ff \tcall 3240 \n 1351c:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 1351d:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 1351e:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1351f:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13520:\te8 eb 01 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 13525:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13528:\te8 53 ff fe ff \tcall 3480 \n 1352d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13530:\te8 7b ff fe ff \tcall 34b0 \n 13535:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:831\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:831\n 13538:\t39 c7 \tcmp %eax,%edi\n 1353a:\t0f 4c f8 \tcmovl %eax,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:829\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:829\n 1353d:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n 13540:\t39 b5 bc fe ff ff \tcmp %esi,-0x144(%ebp)\n 13546:\t75 c0 \tjne 13508 \n 13548:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 1354a:\tbe f4 00 00 00 \tmov $0xf4,%esi\n 1354f:\t8b bd d8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x128(%ebp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:833\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:833\n 13555:\t81 fa f4 00 00 00 \tcmp $0xf4,%edx\n 1355b:\t0f 4e f2 \tcmovle %edx,%esi\n 1355e:\t7e 17 \tjle 13577 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:834\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:834\n 13560:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13563:\tff b5 d4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x12c(%ebp)\n 13569:\tff b5 c8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x138(%ebp)\n 1356f:\te8 5c fc fe ff \tcall 31d0 \n 13574:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:836\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:836\n 13577:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 1357d:\t89 f0 \tmov %esi,%eax\n 1357f:\te8 fc da ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:837\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:837\n 13584:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13587:\tff b5 c4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x13c(%ebp)\n 1358d:\te8 3e ff fe ff \tcall 34d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:838\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:838\n 13592:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:837\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:837\n 13595:\t89 34 b8 \tmov %esi,(%eax,%edi,4)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:838\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:838\n 13598:\te9 04 fe ff ff \tjmp 133a1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:824\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:824\n 1359d:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 135a3:\tb8 ff 00 00 00 \tmov $0xff,%eax\n 135a8:\te8 d3 da ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:825\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:825\n 135ad:\t8d 47 01 \tlea 0x1(%edi),%eax\n 135b0:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n 135b6:\te9 e6 fd ff ff \tjmp 133a1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:794\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:794\n 135bb:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 135c1:\tb8 64 00 00 00 \tmov $0x64,%eax\n 135c6:\te8 b5 da ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:795\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:795\n 135cb:\t8d 47 01 \tlea 0x1(%edi),%eax\n 135ce:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n 135d4:\te9 04 fa ff ff \tjmp 12fdd \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:879\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:879\n 135d9:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 135db:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 135df:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:879 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:879 (discriminator 3)\n 135e0:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 135e2:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 135e4:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n 135e7:\te8 94 da ff ff \tcall 11080 \n 135ec:\t3b b5 d8 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x128(%ebp),%esi\n 135f2:\t75 ec \tjne 135e0 \n 135f4:\te9 22 fd ff ff \tjmp 1331b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:891\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:891\n 135f9:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 135fc:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 135fe:\te8 1d fe fe ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:897\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:897\n 13603:\t8d 83 cb 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6435(%ebx),%eax\n 13609:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1360c:\te8 7f 00 ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 13611:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 13612:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 13613:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13614:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 1361a:\te8 11 02 ff ff \tcall 3830 \n 1361f:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13622:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 13624:\te8 77 00 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:898\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:898\n 13629:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 1362c:\te8 7f fc fe ff \tcall 32b0 \n 13631:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13634:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 13636:\t75 14 \tjne 1364c \n 13638:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 1363b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1363c:\te8 1f fc fe ff \tcall 3260 \n 13641:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13644:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 13646:\t0f 85 78 09 00 00 \tjne 13fc4 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:906\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:906\n 1364c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 1364f:\t8d 83 08 9c ff ff \tlea -0x63f8(%ebx),%eax\n 13655:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13656:\te8 35 00 ff ff \tcall 3690 \n 1365b:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 1365c:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 1365d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1365e:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 13664:\te8 c7 01 ff ff \tcall 3830 \n 13669:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1366c:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 1366e:\te8 2d 00 ff ff \tcall 36a0 \n 13673:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:899 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:899 (discriminator 3)\n 13676:\t89 bd d8 fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x128(%ebp)\n 1367c:\t8b bd c0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x140(%ebp),%edi\n 13682:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:908 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:908 (discriminator 3)\n 13684:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13687:\t56 \tpush %esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:907 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:907 (discriminator 3)\n 13688:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:908 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:908 (discriminator 3)\n 1368b:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13691:\te8 7a 00 ff ff \tcall 3710 \n 13696:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13699:\te8 e2 fd fe ff \tcall 3480 \n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106 (discriminator 3)\n 1369e:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 136a1:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n 136a3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 136a4:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 136a5:\te8 16 ff fe ff \tcall 35c0 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:910 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:910 (discriminator 3)\n 136aa:\tb9 51 00 00 00 \tmov $0x51,%ecx\n 136af:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:909 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:909 (discriminator 3)\n 136b1:\tc6 45 e3 00 \tmovb $0x0,-0x1d(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:910 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:910 (discriminator 3)\n 136b5:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 136bb:\te8 80 d9 ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:907 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:907 (discriminator 3)\n 136c0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 136c3:\t39 b5 dc fe ff ff \tcmp %esi,-0x124(%ebp)\n 136c9:\t7f b9 \tjg 13684 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:912\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:912\n 136cb:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 136ce:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 136d0:\te8 4b fd fe ff \tcall 3420 \n 136d5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:914\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:914\n 136d8:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 136db:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 136dd:\te8 3e fd fe ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:921\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:921\n 136e2:\t8d 83 d6 9b ff ff \tlea -0x642a(%ebx),%eax\n 136e8:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 136eb:\te8 a0 ff fe ff \tcall 3690 \n 136f0:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 136f1:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 136f2:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 136f3:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 136f9:\te8 32 01 ff ff \tcall 3830 \n 136fe:\t89 85 cc fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x134(%ebp)\n 13704:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 13706:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13709:\te8 92 ff fe ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:922\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:922\n 1370e:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 13711:\te8 9a fb fe ff \tcall 32b0 \n 13716:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13719:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 1371b:\t0f 84 80 04 00 00 \tje 13ba1 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:943\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:943\n 13721:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13724:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 13726:\te8 f5 fc fe ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:945\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:945\n 1372b:\t8b b5 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%esi\n 13731:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 13733:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 13735:\te8 46 d9 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:946\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:946\n 1373a:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 1373c:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 1373e:\te8 3d d9 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:947\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:947\n 13743:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 13745:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 13747:\te8 34 d9 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:948\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:948\n 1374c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1374f:\t83 7d 10 06 \tcmpl $0x6,0x10(%ebp)\n 13753:\t0f 8f f7 06 00 00 \tjg 13e50 \n OutDataByteBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:611 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:611 (discriminator 1)\n 13759:\t8b 83 f4 ff ff ff \tmov -0xc(%ebx),%eax\n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:955 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:955 (discriminator 1)\n 1375f:\t8b b5 bc fe ff ff \tmov -0x144(%ebp),%esi\n 13765:\tc7 85 d8 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x128(%ebp)\n 1376c:\t00 00 00 \n OutDataByteBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:611 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:611 (discriminator 1)\n 1376f:\t89 85 c0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x140(%ebp)\n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:955 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:955 (discriminator 1)\n 13775:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 13777:\t0f 8e 2a 01 00 00 \tjle 138a7 \n 1377d:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:956\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:956\n 13780:\t8b 85 d8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x128(%ebp),%eax\n 13786:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n 13788:\t8d 0c c5 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(,%eax,8),%ecx\n 1378f:\tc1 e0 02 \tshl $0x2,%eax\n 13792:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n 13798:\t8b 85 dc fe ff ff \tmov -0x124(%ebp),%eax\n 1379e:\t89 8d c8 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x138(%ebp)\n 137a4:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 137a6:\t7f 70 \tjg 13818 \n 137a8:\te9 e1 00 00 00 \tjmp 1388e \n 137ad:\t8d 76 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:959\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:959\n 137b0:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 137b3:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 137b4:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 137ba:\te8 81 fa fe ff \tcall 3240 \n 137bf:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 137c2:\te8 69 fc fe ff \tcall 3430 \n 137c7:\t8b 8d d4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x12c(%ebp),%ecx\n OutDataByteBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:611\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:611\n 137cd:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:959\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:959\n 137d0:\t8b 14 08 \tmov (%eax,%ecx,1),%edx\n OutDataByteBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:611\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:611\n 137d3:\t8b 8d c0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x140(%ebp),%ecx\n 137d9:\t0f b6 c2 \tmovzbl %dl,%eax\n 137dc:\t3b 11 \tcmp (%ecx),%edx\n 137de:\tba 7f 00 00 00 \tmov $0x7f,%edx\n 137e3:\t0f 44 c2 \tcmove %edx,%eax\n 137e6:\t89 85 f0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x110(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:612\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:612\n 137ec:\tff b5 e0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x120(%ebp)\n 137f2:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 137f4:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n OutDoubleBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:637\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:637\n 137f6:\tff b5 d0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x130(%ebp)\n 137fc:\te8 0f fb fe ff \tcall 3310 \n 13801:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13804:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 13807:\t0f 85 64 07 00 00 \tjne 13f71 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:956 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:956 (discriminator 2)\n 1380d:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 13810:\t39 bd dc fe ff ff \tcmp %edi,-0x124(%ebp)\n 13816:\t74 76 \tje 1388e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:957\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:957\n 13818:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1381b:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 1381c:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 13822:\te8 19 fa fe ff \tcall 3240 \n 13827:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1382a:\te8 c1 f9 fe ff \tcall 31f0 \n 1382f:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13832:\t83 f8 0e \tcmp $0xe,%eax\n 13835:\t0f 84 ad 02 00 00 \tje 13ae8 \n 1383b:\t0f 8f df 01 00 00 \tjg 13a20 \n 13841:\t83 f8 0a \tcmp $0xa,%eax\n 13844:\t0f 84 66 ff ff ff \tje 137b0 \n 1384a:\t83 f8 0d \tcmp $0xd,%eax\n 1384d:\t0f 85 ac 06 00 00 \tjne 13eff \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:962\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:962\n 13853:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13856:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:956\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:956\n 13857:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:962\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:962\n 1385a:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 13860:\te8 db f9 fe ff \tcall 3240 \n 13865:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13868:\te8 63 fc fe ff \tcall 34d0 \n 1386d:\t8b 8d d4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x12c(%ebp),%ecx\n 13873:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 13879:\t8b 04 08 \tmov (%eax,%ecx,1),%eax\n 1387c:\t31 c9 \txor %ecx,%ecx\n 1387e:\te8 6d d7 ff ff \tcall 10ff0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:963\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:963\n 13883:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:956\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:956\n 13886:\t39 bd dc fe ff ff \tcmp %edi,-0x124(%ebp)\n 1388c:\t75 8a \tjne 13818 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:955\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:955\n 1388e:\t83 85 d8 fe ff ff 01 \taddl $0x1,-0x128(%ebp)\n 13895:\t8b 85 d8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x128(%ebp),%eax\n 1389b:\t39 85 bc fe ff ff \tcmp %eax,-0x144(%ebp)\n 138a1:\t0f 85 d9 fe ff ff \tjne 13780 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:985\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:985\n 138a7:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 138aa:\tff b5 9c fe ff ff \tpushl -0x164(%ebp)\n 138b0:\te8 db fd fe ff \tcall 3690 \n 138b5:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 138b6:\t5f \tpop %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:986\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:986\n 138b7:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:985\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:985\n 138b9:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 138ba:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 138c0:\te8 6b ff fe ff \tcall 3830 \n 138c5:\t89 85 d8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x128(%ebp)\n 138cb:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 138ce:\te8 cd fd fe ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:995\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:995\n 138d3:\t8b 83 ac ff ff ff \tmov -0x54(%ebx),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:986\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:986\n 138d9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:995\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:995\n 138dc:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:986\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:986\n 138e2:\t8b 85 dc fe ff ff \tmov -0x124(%ebp),%eax\n 138e8:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 138ea:\t7f 1b \tjg 13907 \n 138ec:\te9 c9 00 00 00 \tjmp 139ba \n 138f1:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:986 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:986 (discriminator 2)\n 138f8:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n 138fb:\t39 bd dc fe ff ff \tcmp %edi,-0x124(%ebp)\n 13901:\t0f 84 b3 00 00 00 \tje 139ba \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:987\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:987\n 13907:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1390a:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 1390b:\tff b5 ac fe ff ff \tpushl -0x154(%ebp)\n 13911:\te8 2a f9 fe ff \tcall 3240 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:988\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:988\n 13916:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:987\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:987\n 13919:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:988\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:988\n 1391b:\te8 90 f9 fe ff \tcall 32b0 \n 13920:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13923:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 13925:\t75 d1 \tjne 138f8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:990\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:990\n 13927:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 1392a:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13930:\te8 7b f9 fe ff \tcall 32b0 \n 13935:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13938:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 1393a:\t75 19 \tjne 13955 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:990 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:990 (discriminator 1)\n 1393c:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 1393f:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13945:\te8 16 f9 fe ff \tcall 3260 \n 1394a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1394d:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 1394f:\t0f 85 24 02 00 00 \tjne 13b79 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:993\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:993\n 13955:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13958:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 13959:\tff b5 b0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x150(%ebp)\n 1395f:\te8 ac fd fe ff \tcall 3710 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:986\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:986\n 13964:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:993\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:993\n 13967:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1396a:\te8 11 fb fe ff \tcall 3480 \n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 1396f:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 13972:\tff b5 b8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x148(%ebp)\n 13978:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13979:\tff b5 b4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x14c(%ebp)\n 1397f:\te8 3c fc fe ff \tcall 35c0 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:995\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:995\n 13984:\t8b 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x12c(%ebp),%eax\n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 1398a:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:995\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:995\n 1398d:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 1398f:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13992:\tff b5 e0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x120(%ebp)\n 13998:\t8b 08 \tmov (%eax),%ecx\n 1399a:\tff b5 b8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x148(%ebp)\n 139a0:\t8b 85 b4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x14c(%ebp),%eax\n 139a6:\te8 15 d7 ff ff \tcall 110c0 \n 139ab:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:986\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:986\n 139ae:\t39 bd dc fe ff ff \tcmp %edi,-0x124(%ebp)\n 139b4:\t0f 85 4d ff ff ff \tjne 13907 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:998\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:998\n 139ba:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 139bd:\t8d 83 bc 9a ff ff \tlea -0x6544(%ebx),%eax\n 139c3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 139c4:\te8 c7 fc fe ff \tcall 3690 \n 139c9:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 139ca:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 139cb:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 139cc:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 139d2:\te8 59 fe fe ff \tcall 3830 \n 139d7:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 139da:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 139dc:\te8 bf fc fe ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:999\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:999\n 139e1:\t89 3c 24 \tmov %edi,(%esp)\n 139e4:\te8 07 f8 fe ff \tcall 31f0 \n 139e9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 139ec:\t83 f8 13 \tcmp $0x13,%eax\n 139ef:\t0f 84 89 05 00 00 \tje 13f7e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1024\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1024\n 139f5:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 139f8:\t6a 04 \tpush $0x4\n 139fa:\te8 21 fa fe ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1025\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1025\n 139ff:\t8b 45 e4 \tmov -0x1c(%ebp),%eax\n 13a02:\t65 33 05 14 00 00 00 \txor %gs:0x14,%eax\n 13a09:\t0f 85 20 07 00 00 \tjne 1412f \n 13a0f:\t8d 65 f4 \tlea -0xc(%ebp),%esp\n 13a12:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 13a13:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 13a14:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 13a15:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 13a16:\tc3 \tret \n 13a17:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 13a1e:\t66 90 \txchg %ax,%ax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:957\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:957\n 13a20:\t83 f8 10 \tcmp $0x10,%eax\n 13a23:\t0f 85 d6 04 00 00 \tjne 13eff \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:969\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:969\n 13a29:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13a2c:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 13a2d:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 13a33:\te8 08 f8 fe ff \tcall 3240 \n 13a38:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 13a39:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 13a3a:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13a40:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13a41:\te8 ca fc fe ff \tcall 3710 \n 13a46:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13a49:\te8 d2 fb fe ff \tcall 3620 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:970\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:970\n 13a4e:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13a51:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 13a53:\t0f 84 b7 06 00 00 \tje 14110 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:972\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:972\n 13a59:\t3d f4 00 00 00 \tcmp $0xf4,%eax\n 13a5e:\tbe f4 00 00 00 \tmov $0xf4,%esi\n 13a63:\t0f 4e f0 \tcmovle %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:973\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:973\n 13a66:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13a69:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 13a6a:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 13a70:\te8 cb f7 fe ff \tcall 3240 \n 13a75:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 13a76:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 13a77:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13a7d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13a7e:\te8 8d fc fe ff \tcall 3710 \n 13a83:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13a86:\te8 f5 f9 fe ff \tcall 3480 \n 13a8b:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 13a91:\t89 f1 \tmov %esi,%ecx\n 13a93:\te8 a8 d5 ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:974\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:974\n 13a98:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 13a99:\tff b5 c4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x13c(%ebp)\n 13a9f:\te8 2c fa fe ff \tcall 34d0 \n 13aa4:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13aa7:\t8b 04 b8 \tmov (%eax,%edi,4),%eax\n 13aaa:\t29 f0 \tsub %esi,%eax\n 13aac:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 13aae:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 13ab0:\t0f 8e 57 fd ff ff \tjle 1380d \n 13ab6:\t89 bd cc fe ff ff \tmov %edi,-0x134(%ebp)\n 13abc:\t8b bd e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edi\n 13ac2:\t8d b6 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:974 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:974 (discriminator 3)\n 13ac8:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 13aca:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n 13acc:\te8 af d5 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n 13ad1:\t83 ee 01 \tsub $0x1,%esi\n 13ad4:\t75 f2 \tjne 13ac8 \n 13ad6:\t8b bd cc fe ff ff \tmov -0x134(%ebp),%edi\n 13adc:\te9 2c fd ff ff \tjmp 1380d \n 13ae1:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:965\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:965\n 13ae8:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13aeb:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 13aec:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 13af2:\te8 49 f7 fe ff \tcall 3240 \n 13af7:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13afa:\te8 41 f6 fe ff \tcall 3140 \n 13aff:\t8b 8d c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%ecx\n 13b05:\tdd 04 08 \tfldl (%eax,%ecx,1)\n 13b08:\tdd 95 f0 fe ff ff \tfstl -0x110(%ebp)\n OutDoubleBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:636\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:636\n 13b0e:\tdd 1c 24 \tfstpl (%esp)\n 13b11:\te8 fa f8 fe ff \tcall 3410 \n 13b16:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13b19:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 13b1b:\t74 23 \tje 13b40 \n 13b1d:\tdd 85 f0 fe ff ff \tfldl -0x110(%ebp)\n 13b23:\tdd 9d f0 fe ff ff \tfstpl -0x110(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:637\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:637\n 13b29:\tff b5 e0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x120(%ebp)\n 13b2f:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 13b31:\t6a 08 \tpush $0x8\n 13b33:\te9 be fc ff ff \tjmp 137f6 \n 13b38:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 13b3f:\t90 \tnop\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:636\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:636\n 13b40:\tdd 83 88 9e ff ff \tfldl -0x6178(%ebx)\n 13b46:\teb db \tjmp 13b23 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:883\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:883\n 13b48:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13b4b:\tff b5 a8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x158(%ebp)\n 13b51:\te8 da f4 fe ff \tcall 3030 \n 13b56:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13b59:\t3b 85 d4 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x12c(%ebp),%eax\n 13b5f:\t0f 8e 41 f7 ff ff \tjle 132a6 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:884\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:884\n 13b65:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13b68:\tff b5 d4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x12c(%ebp)\n 13b6e:\tff b5 a8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x158(%ebp)\n 13b74:\te9 3c f7 ff ff \tjmp 132b5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:990 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:990 (discriminator 2)\n 13b79:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13b7c:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13b82:\te8 a9 f4 fe ff \tcall 3030 \n 13b87:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13b8a:\t39 f8 \tcmp %edi,%eax\n 13b8c:\t0f 8e c3 fd ff ff \tjle 13955 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:991\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:991\n 13b92:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13b95:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 13b96:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13b9c:\te9 be fd ff ff \tjmp 1395f \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:922 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:922 (discriminator 1)\n 13ba1:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13ba4:\tff b5 cc fe ff ff \tpushl -0x134(%ebp)\n 13baa:\te8 41 f6 fe ff \tcall 31f0 \n 13baf:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13bb2:\t83 f8 13 \tcmp $0x13,%eax\n 13bb5:\t0f 85 66 fb ff ff \tjne 13721 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:922 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:922 (discriminator 2)\n 13bbb:\t8b 55 10 \tmov 0x10(%ebp),%edx\n 13bbe:\t8b 45 10 \tmov 0x10(%ebp),%eax\n 13bc1:\tc1 fa 1f \tsar $0x1f,%edx\n 13bc4:\t31 d0 \txor %edx,%eax\n 13bc6:\t29 d0 \tsub %edx,%eax\n 13bc8:\t83 f8 06 \tcmp $0x6,%eax\n 13bcb:\t0f 8e 50 fb ff ff \tjle 13721 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:928\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:928\n 13bd1:\t8b 85 b8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x148(%ebp),%eax\n 13bd7:\t8b b5 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:923\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:923\n 13bdd:\tc7 85 d4 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x12c(%ebp)\n 13be4:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:928\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:928\n 13be7:\t8d 4c 00 02 \tlea 0x2(%eax,%eax,1),%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:924\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:924\n 13beb:\t83 c0 0f \tadd $0xf,%eax\n 13bee:\tc1 e8 04 \tshr $0x4,%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:928\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:928\n 13bf1:\t89 8d c8 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x138(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:924\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:924\n 13bf7:\t89 85 98 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x168(%ebp)\n 13bfd:\teb 17 \tjmp 13c16 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:940 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:940 (discriminator 2)\n 13bff:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13c02:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 13c04:\te8 17 f8 fe ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:923 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:923 (discriminator 2)\n 13c09:\t83 85 d4 fe ff ff 01 \taddl $0x1,-0x12c(%ebp)\n 13c10:\t8b a5 c0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x140(%ebp),%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:923 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:923 (discriminator 1)\n 13c16:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13c19:\tff b5 cc fe ff ff \tpushl -0x134(%ebp)\n 13c1f:\te8 0c f4 fe ff \tcall 3030 \n 13c24:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13c27:\t3b 85 d4 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x12c(%ebp),%eax\n 13c2d:\t0f 8e ee fa ff ff \tjle 13721 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:924 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:924 (discriminator 3)\n 13c33:\t8b 85 98 fe ff ff \tmov -0x168(%ebp),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:923 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:923 (discriminator 3)\n 13c39:\t89 a5 c0 fe ff ff \tmov %esp,-0x140(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:924 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:924 (discriminator 3)\n 13c3f:\tc1 e0 04 \tshl $0x4,%eax\n 13c42:\t29 c4 \tsub %eax,%esp\n 13c44:\t89 e7 \tmov %esp,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:925 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:925 (discriminator 3)\n 13c46:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13c49:\tff b5 d4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x12c(%ebp)\n 13c4f:\tff b5 cc fe ff ff \tpushl -0x134(%ebp)\n 13c55:\te8 e6 f5 fe ff \tcall 3240 \n 13c5a:\t89 85 d8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x128(%ebp)\n 13c60:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13c63:\te8 38 fa fe ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:926 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:926 (discriminator 3)\n 13c68:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 13c69:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13c6f:\te8 3c f6 fe ff \tcall 32b0 \n 13c74:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13c77:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 13c79:\t75 84 \tjne 13bff \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:926 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:926 (discriminator 1)\n 13c7b:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13c7e:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13c84:\te8 d7 f5 fe ff \tcall 3260 \n 13c89:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13c8c:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 13c8e:\t0f 84 6b ff ff ff \tje 13bff \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:926 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:926 (discriminator 2)\n 13c94:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13c97:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13c9d:\te8 8e f3 fe ff \tcall 3030 \n 13ca2:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13ca5:\t83 f8 03 \tcmp $0x3,%eax\n 13ca8:\t0f 85 51 ff ff ff \tjne 13bff \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:927\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:927\n 13cae:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 13cb0:\tb8 01 00 00 00 \tmov $0x1,%eax\n 13cb5:\te8 c6 d3 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:928\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:928\n 13cba:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13cbd:\t6a 02 \tpush $0x2\n 13cbf:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13cc5:\te8 46 fa fe ff \tcall 3710 \n 13cca:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13ccd:\te8 4e f9 fe ff \tcall 3620 \n 13cd2:\t8b 8d c8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x138(%ebp),%ecx\n@@ -25147,15 +25147,15 @@\n 13d21:\t89 85 a8 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x158(%ebp)\n 13d27:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 13d29:\t89 0c 02 \tmov %ecx,(%edx,%eax,1)\n 13d2c:\t83 c0 04 \tadd $0x4,%eax\n 13d2f:\t3b 85 a8 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x158(%ebp),%eax\n 13d35:\t72 f2 \tjb 13d29 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:930\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:930\n 13d37:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 13d38:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 13d39:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 13d3b:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13d41:\te8 ca f9 fe ff \tcall 3710 \n 13d46:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13d49:\te8 32 f7 fe ff \tcall 3480 \n@@ -25163,20 +25163,20 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 13d4e:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 13d51:\tff b5 b8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x148(%ebp)\n 13d57:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13d58:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 13d59:\te8 62 f8 fe ff \tcall 35c0 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:931\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:931\n 13d5e:\t8b 8d b8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x148(%ebp),%ecx\n 13d64:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 13d66:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 13d68:\te8 d3 d2 ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:932\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:932\n 13d6d:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 13d6f:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 13d71:\te8 0a d3 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n memset():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:71\n 13d76:\tc7 07 00 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x0,(%edi)\n 13d7c:\t89 fa \tmov %edi,%edx\n@@ -25195,15 +25195,15 @@\n 13daa:\t89 95 a8 fe ff ff \tmov %edx,-0x158(%ebp)\n 13db0:\t31 d2 \txor %edx,%edx\n 13db2:\t89 0c 10 \tmov %ecx,(%eax,%edx,1)\n 13db5:\t83 c2 04 \tadd $0x4,%edx\n 13db8:\t3b 95 a8 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x158(%ebp),%edx\n 13dbe:\t72 f2 \tjb 13db2 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:934\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:934\n 13dc0:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 13dc1:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 13dc2:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 13dc4:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13dca:\te8 41 f9 fe ff \tcall 3710 \n 13dcf:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13dd2:\te8 a9 f6 fe ff \tcall 3480 \n@@ -25211,24 +25211,24 @@\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106\n 13dd7:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 13dda:\tff b5 b8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x148(%ebp)\n 13de0:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13de1:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 13de2:\te8 d9 f7 fe ff \tcall 35c0 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:935\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:935\n 13de7:\t8b 8d b8 fe ff ff \tmov -0x148(%ebp),%ecx\n 13ded:\t89 f8 \tmov %edi,%eax\n 13def:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 13df1:\te8 4a d2 ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:936\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:936\n 13df6:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 13df8:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 13dfa:\te8 81 d2 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:937\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:937\n 13dff:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 13e00:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 13e01:\t6a 02 \tpush $0x2\n 13e03:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13e09:\te8 02 f9 fe ff \tcall 3710 \n 13e0e:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13e11:\te8 0a f8 fe ff \tcall 3620 \n@@ -25239,48 +25239,48 @@\n 13e1c:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 13e22:\te8 e9 f8 fe ff \tcall 3710 \n 13e27:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13e2a:\te8 51 f6 fe ff \tcall 3480 \n 13e2f:\t89 f9 \tmov %edi,%ecx\n 13e31:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 13e33:\te8 08 d2 ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:938\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:938\n 13e38:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 13e3a:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 13e3c:\te8 3f d2 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n 13e41:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13e44:\te9 b6 fd ff ff \tjmp 13bff \n 13e49:\t8d b4 26 00 00 00 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:949\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:949\n 13e50:\t8b b5 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%esi\n 13e56:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 13e58:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 13e5a:\te8 21 d2 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:950\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:950\n 13e5f:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 13e61:\t31 c0 \txor %eax,%eax\n 13e63:\te8 18 d2 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n 13e68:\te9 ec f8 ff ff \tjmp 13759 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:763 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:763 (discriminator 1)\n 13e6d:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13e70:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 13e71:\te8 ea f3 fe ff \tcall 3260 \n 13e76:\t8d 4d 93 \tlea -0x6d(%ebp),%ecx\n 13e79:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13e7c:\t89 8d c0 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x140(%ebp)\n 13e82:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 13e84:\t0f 84 99 f0 ff ff \tje 12f23 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:763 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:763 (discriminator 2)\n 13e8a:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13e8d:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 13e8e:\te8 9d f1 fe ff \tcall 3030 \n 13e93:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13e96:\t83 f8 01 \tcmp $0x1,%eax\n 13e99:\t0f 85 84 f0 ff ff \tjne 12f23 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:764\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:764\n 13e9f:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13ea2:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 13ea4:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 13ea5:\te8 66 f8 fe ff \tcall 3710 \n 13eaa:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13ead:\te8 ce f5 fe ff \tcall 3480 \n strncpy():\n@@ -25291,487 +25291,487 @@\n 13eb8:\tff b5 c0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x140(%ebp)\n 13ebe:\te8 fd f6 fe ff \tcall 35c0 \n 13ec3:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13ec6:\te9 58 f0 ff ff \tjmp 12f23 \n 13ecb:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n 13ecf:\t90 \tnop\n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:747\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:747\n 13ed0:\t83 7d 10 07 \tcmpl $0x7,0x10(%ebp)\n 13ed4:\t75 53 \tjne 13f29 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:748\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:748\n 13ed6:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 13edc:\tb8 6e 00 00 00 \tmov $0x6e,%eax\n 13ee1:\te8 9a d1 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:737\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:737\n 13ee6:\tc7 85 cc fe ff ff 0c \tmovl $0xc,-0x134(%ebp)\n 13eed:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:739\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:739\n 13ef0:\tc7 85 b8 fe ff ff 20 \tmovl $0x20,-0x148(%ebp)\n 13ef7:\t00 00 00 \n 13efa:\te9 2c ef ff ff \tjmp 12e2b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:977\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:977\n 13eff:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 13f02:\t8d 83 13 9c ff ff \tlea -0x63ed(%ebx),%eax\n 13f08:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:810\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:810\n 13f0a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13f0b:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 13f11:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13f12:\te8 e9 f2 fe ff \tcall 3200 \n 13f17:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13f1a:\te8 c1 f2 fe ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:799\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:799\n 13f1f:\tb8 7f 00 00 00 \tmov $0x7f,%eax\n 13f24:\te9 90 f5 ff ff \tjmp 134b9 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:749\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:749\n 13f29:\t83 7d 10 08 \tcmpl $0x8,0x10(%ebp)\n 13f2d:\t0f 85 ca 01 00 00 \tjne 140fd \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:750\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:750\n 13f33:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 13f39:\tb8 71 00 00 00 \tmov $0x71,%eax\n 13f3e:\te8 3d d1 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:737\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:737\n 13f43:\tc7 85 cc fe ff ff 0c \tmovl $0xc,-0x134(%ebp)\n 13f4a:\t00 00 00 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:739\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:739\n 13f4d:\tc7 85 b8 fe ff ff 20 \tmovl $0x20,-0x148(%ebp)\n 13f54:\t00 00 00 \n 13f57:\te9 cf ee ff ff \tjmp 12e2b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:752\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:752\n 13f5c:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 13f62:\tb8 72 00 00 00 \tmov $0x72,%eax\n 13f67:\te8 14 d1 ff ff \tcall 11080 \n 13f6c:\te9 ba ee ff ff \tjmp 12e2b \n OutDoubleBinary():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:638\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:638\n 13f71:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 13f74:\t8d 83 5f 9b ff ff \tlea -0x64a1(%ebx),%eax\n 13f7a:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 13f7c:\teb 8c \tjmp 13f0a \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1000\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1000\n 13f7e:\t8b 85 a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%eax\n 13f84:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 13f87:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 13f89:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 13f8a:\te8 a1 f8 fe ff \tcall 3830 \n 13f8f:\t89 85 dc fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x124(%ebp)\n 13f95:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 13f97:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13f9a:\te8 01 f7 fe ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1001\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1001\n 13f9f:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 13fa2:\te8 09 f3 fe ff \tcall 32b0 \n 13fa7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13faa:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 13fac:\t0f 84 fe 01 00 00 \tje 141b0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1021\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1021\n 13fb2:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13fb5:\t6a 01 \tpush $0x1\n 13fb7:\te8 64 f4 fe ff \tcall 3420 \n 13fbc:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13fbf:\te9 31 fa ff ff \tjmp 139f5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:898\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:898\n 13fc4:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13fc7:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 13fc8:\te8 63 f0 fe ff \tcall 3030 \n 13fcd:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 13fd0:\t39 85 dc fe ff ff \tcmp %eax,-0x124(%ebp)\n 13fd6:\t0f 84 82 01 00 00 \tje 1415e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:906\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:906\n 13fdc:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 13fdf:\t8d 83 08 9c ff ff \tlea -0x63f8(%ebx),%eax\n 13fe5:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13fe6:\te8 a5 f6 fe ff \tcall 3690 \n 13feb:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 13fec:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 13fed:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 13fee:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 13ff4:\te8 37 f8 fe ff \tcall 3830 \n 13ff9:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 13ffc:\t89 c7 \tmov %eax,%edi\n 13ffe:\te8 9d f6 fe ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:907\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:907\n 14003:\t8b 85 dc fe ff ff \tmov -0x124(%ebp),%eax\n 14009:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1400c:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 1400e:\t0f 8f 62 f6 ff ff \tjg 13676 \n 14014:\te9 b2 f6 ff ff \tjmp 136cb \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:847\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:847\n 14019:\t8b 83 e0 ff ff ff \tmov -0x20(%ebx),%eax\n 1401f:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 14022:\t89 85 a4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x15c(%ebp)\n 14028:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 1402a:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 14030:\te8 fb f7 fe ff \tcall 3830 \n 14035:\t89 85 b0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x150(%ebp)\n 1403b:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1403e:\te8 5d f6 fe ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:857\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:857\n 14043:\t8b 85 dc fe ff ff \tmov -0x124(%ebp),%eax\n 14049:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1404c:\t8d 74 00 02 \tlea 0x2(%eax,%eax,1),%esi\n 14050:\t85 f6 \ttest %esi,%esi\n 14052:\t0f 8f b0 f0 ff ff \tjg 13108 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:876\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:876\n 14058:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 1405b:\t8d 83 ef 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6411(%ebx),%eax\n 14061:\t89 85 9c fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x164(%ebp)\n 14067:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 14068:\te8 23 f6 fe ff \tcall 3690 \n 1406d:\t8b b5 e4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x11c(%ebp),%esi\n 14073:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 14074:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 14075:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 14076:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 14077:\te8 b4 f7 fe ff \tcall 3830 \n 1407c:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1407f:\te8 1c f6 fe ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:891\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:891\n 14084:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 1408b:\te8 90 f3 fe ff \tcall 3420 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:897\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:897\n 14090:\t8d 83 cb 9b ff ff \tlea -0x6435(%ebx),%eax\n 14096:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 14099:\te8 f2 f5 fe ff \tcall 3690 \n 1409e:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 1409f:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 140a0:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 140a1:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 140a2:\te8 89 f7 fe ff \tcall 3830 \n 140a7:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 140aa:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 140ac:\te8 ef f5 fe ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:898\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:898\n 140b1:\t89 34 24 \tmov %esi,(%esp)\n 140b4:\te8 f7 f1 fe ff \tcall 32b0 \n 140b9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 140bc:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 140be:\t75 10 \tjne 140d0 \n 140c0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 140c3:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 140c4:\te8 97 f1 fe ff \tcall 3260 \n 140c9:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 140cc:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 140ce:\t75 68 \tjne 14138 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:906\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:906\n 140d0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 140d3:\t8d 83 08 9c ff ff \tlea -0x63f8(%ebx),%eax\n 140d9:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 140da:\te8 b1 f5 fe ff \tcall 3690 \n 140df:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 140e0:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 140e1:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 140e2:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 140e8:\te8 43 f7 fe ff \tcall 3830 \n 140ed:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 140f0:\te8 ab f5 fe ff \tcall 36a0 \n 140f5:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 140f8:\te9 ce f5 ff ff \tjmp 136cb \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:737\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:737\n 140fd:\tc7 85 cc fe ff ff 0c \tmovl $0xc,-0x134(%ebp)\n 14104:\t00 00 00 \n 14107:\te9 0b ed ff ff \tjmp 12e17 \n 1410c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:971\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:971\n 14110:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 14113:\t8d 83 3c 9d ff ff \tlea -0x62c4(%ebx),%eax\n 14119:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1411a:\te8 c1 f0 fe ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:810\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:810\n 1411f:\t83 ec 04 \tsub $0x4,%esp\n 14122:\t8d 83 ef 74 ff ff \tlea -0x8b11(%ebx),%eax\n 14128:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 1412a:\te9 db fd ff ff \tjmp 13f0a \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1025\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1025\n 1412f:\te8 6c 03 00 00 \tcall 144a0 \n 14134:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:898 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:898 (discriminator 2)\n 14138:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 1413b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1413c:\te8 ef ee fe ff \tcall 3030 \n 14141:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 14144:\t3b 85 dc fe ff ff \tcmp -0x124(%ebp),%eax\n 1414a:\t0f 85 8c fe ff ff \tjne 13fdc \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:899\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:899\n 14150:\t8b 85 dc fe ff ff \tmov -0x124(%ebp),%eax\n 14156:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 14158:\t0f 8e 7a f5 ff ff \tjle 136d8 \n 1415e:\t31 ff \txor %edi,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:900 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:900 (discriminator 3)\n 14160:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 14163:\t57 \tpush %edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:899 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:899 (discriminator 3)\n 14164:\t83 c7 01 \tadd $0x1,%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:900 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:900 (discriminator 3)\n 14167:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 14168:\te8 a3 f5 fe ff \tcall 3710 \n 1416d:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 14170:\te8 0b f3 fe ff \tcall 3480 \n strncpy():\n /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/string_fortified.h:106 (discriminator 3)\n 14175:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 14178:\t6a 50 \tpush $0x50\n 1417a:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1417b:\tff b5 c0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x140(%ebp)\n 14181:\te8 3a f4 fe ff \tcall 35c0 \n R_SaveStataData():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:902 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:902 (discriminator 3)\n 14186:\t8b 95 e0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x120(%ebp),%edx\n 1418c:\t8b 85 c0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x140(%ebp),%eax\n 14192:\tb9 51 00 00 00 \tmov $0x51,%ecx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:901 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:901 (discriminator 3)\n 14197:\tc6 45 e3 00 \tmovb $0x0,-0x1d(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:902 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:902 (discriminator 3)\n 1419b:\te8 a0 ce ff ff \tcall 11040 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:899 (discriminator 3)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:899 (discriminator 3)\n 141a0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 141a3:\t39 bd dc fe ff ff \tcmp %edi,-0x124(%ebp)\n 141a9:\t75 b5 \tjne 14160 \n 141ab:\te9 28 f5 ff ff \tjmp 136d8 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1001 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1001 (discriminator 1)\n 141b0:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 141b3:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 141b4:\te8 77 ee fe ff \tcall 3030 \n 141b9:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 141bb:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 141bc:\tff b5 dc fe ff ff \tpushl -0x124(%ebp)\n 141c2:\te8 69 ee fe ff \tcall 3030 \n 141c7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 141ca:\t39 c6 \tcmp %eax,%esi\n 141cc:\t0f 85 e0 fd ff ff \tjne 13fb2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1002\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1002\n 141d2:\tc7 85 e4 fe ff ff 00 \tmovl $0x0,-0x11c(%ebp)\n 141d9:\t00 00 00 \n 141dc:\teb 07 \tjmp 141e5 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1002 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1002 (discriminator 2)\n 141de:\t83 85 e4 fe ff ff 01 \taddl $0x1,-0x11c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1002 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1002 (discriminator 1)\n 141e5:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 141e8:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 141e9:\te8 42 ee fe ff \tcall 3030 \n 141ee:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 141f1:\t3b 85 e4 fe ff ff \tcmp -0x11c(%ebp),%eax\n 141f7:\t0f 8e b5 fd ff ff \tjle 13fb2 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1003\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1003\n 141fd:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 14200:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 14206:\tff b5 dc fe ff ff \tpushl -0x124(%ebp)\n 1420c:\te8 ff f4 fe ff \tcall 3710 \n 14211:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 14214:\te8 67 f2 fe ff \tcall 3480 \n 14219:\t89 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x12c(%ebp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1005\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1005\n 1421f:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 14220:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 14226:\te8 85 f0 fe ff \tcall 32b0 \n 1422b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1422e:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 14230:\t75 19 \tjne 1424b \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1005 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1005 (discriminator 1)\n 14232:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 14235:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 1423b:\te8 20 f0 fe ff \tcall 3260 \n 14240:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 14243:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 14245:\t0f 85 84 00 00 00 \tjne 142cf \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1013\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1013\n 1424b:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 1424e:\tff b5 e4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x11c(%ebp)\n 14254:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 14255:\te8 e6 ef fe ff \tcall 3240 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1014\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1014\n 1425a:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1425d:\t89 85 d0 fe ff ff \tmov %eax,-0x130(%ebp)\n 14263:\te8 48 f0 fe ff \tcall 32b0 \n 14268:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1426b:\t8b 8d d0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x130(%ebp),%ecx\n 14271:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 14273:\t0f 85 65 ff ff ff \tjne 141de \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1015\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1015\n 14279:\t8b 85 a4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x15c(%ebp),%eax\n 1427f:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 14282:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 14284:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 14285:\t89 8d d0 fe ff ff \tmov %ecx,-0x130(%ebp)\n 1428b:\te8 a0 f5 fe ff \tcall 3830 \n 14290:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 14293:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 14295:\te8 06 f4 fe ff \tcall 36a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1016\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1016\n 1429a:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 1429b:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 1429c:\t89 f2 \tmov %esi,%edx\n 1429e:\tff b5 e0 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x120(%ebp)\n 142a4:\t8b 8d d0 fe ff ff \tmov -0x130(%ebp),%ecx\n 142aa:\t8b 85 d4 fe ff ff \tmov -0x12c(%ebp),%eax\n 142b0:\tff b5 b8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x148(%ebp)\n 142b6:\te8 05 ce ff ff \tcall 110c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1017\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1017\n 142bb:\tc7 04 24 01 00 00 00 \tmovl $0x1,(%esp)\n 142c2:\te8 59 f1 fe ff \tcall 3420 \n 142c7:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 142ca:\te9 0f ff ff ff \tjmp 141de \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1006\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1006\n 142cf:\t31 f6 \txor %esi,%esi\n 142d1:\teb 36 \tjmp 14309 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1007\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1007\n 142d3:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 142d6:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 142d7:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 142dd:\te8 2e f4 fe ff \tcall 3710 \n 142e2:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 142e5:\te8 96 f1 fe ff \tcall 3480 \n 142ea:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 142ed:\tff b5 b8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x148(%ebp)\n 142f3:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 142f4:\tff b5 d4 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x12c(%ebp)\n 142fa:\te8 b1 f4 fe ff \tcall 37b0 \n 142ff:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 14302:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 14304:\t74 18 \tje 1431e \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1006 (discriminator 2)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1006 (discriminator 2)\n 14306:\t83 c6 01 \tadd $0x1,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1006 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1006 (discriminator 1)\n 14309:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 1430c:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 14312:\te8 19 ed fe ff \tcall 3030 \n 14317:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1431a:\t39 f0 \tcmp %esi,%eax\n 1431c:\t7f b5 \tjg 142d3 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1010\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1010\n 1431e:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 14321:\tff b5 d8 fe ff ff \tpushl -0x128(%ebp)\n 14327:\te8 04 ed fe ff \tcall 3030 \n 1432c:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1432f:\t39 f0 \tcmp %esi,%eax\n 14331:\t0f 8e 14 ff ff ff \tjle 1424b \n 14337:\te9 a2 fe ff ff \tjmp 141de \n 1433c:\t8d 74 26 00 \tlea 0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi\n \n 00014340 :\n do_writeStata():\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1028\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1028\n 14340:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 14341:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 14342:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 14343:\t53 \tpush %ebx\n 14344:\te8 87 f5 fe ff \tcall 38d0 <__cxa_finalize@plt+0x10>\n 14349:\t81 c3 b7 9c 00 00 \tadd $0x9cb7,%ebx\n 1434f:\t83 ec 28 \tsub $0x28,%esp\n 14352:\t8b 7c 24 3c \tmov 0x3c(%esp),%edi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1037\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1037\n 14356:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 14357:\te8 d4 f1 fe ff \tcall 3530 \n 1435c:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 1435f:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 14361:\te8 0a f4 fe ff \tcall 3770 \n 14366:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 14369:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 1436b:\t0f 84 b7 00 00 00 \tje 14428 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1040\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1040\n 14371:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 14374:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 14375:\te8 46 ef fe ff \tcall 32c0 \n 1437a:\t89 c5 \tmov %eax,%ebp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1041\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1041\n 1437c:\t58 \tpop %eax\n 1437d:\t8d 83 7f 73 ff ff \tlea -0x8c81(%ebx),%eax\n 14383:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 14384:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 14385:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 14386:\te8 65 f2 fe ff \tcall 35f0 \n 1438b:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n 1438e:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 14390:\t0f 84 ed 00 00 00 \tje 14483 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1044\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1044\n 14396:\t83 ec 08 \tsub $0x8,%esp\n 14399:\t6a 00 \tpush $0x0\n 1439b:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1439c:\te8 6f f3 fe ff \tcall 3710 \n 143a1:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 143a4:\te8 d7 f0 fe ff \tcall 3480 \n 143a9:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 143ac:\te8 1f f4 fe ff \tcall 37d0 \n 143b1:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 143b2:\t8d 93 ba 79 ff ff \tlea -0x8646(%ebx),%edx\n 143b8:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 143b9:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 143ba:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 143bb:\te8 80 f1 fe ff \tcall 3540 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1045\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1045\n 143c0:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1044\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1044\n 143c3:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1045\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1045\n 143c5:\t85 c0 \ttest %eax,%eax\n 143c7:\t0f 84 84 00 00 00 \tje 14451 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1047\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1047\n 143cd:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 143d0:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 143d1:\te8 da ef fe ff \tcall 33b0 \n 143d6:\t5a \tpop %edx\n 143d7:\t59 \tpop %ecx\n 143d8:\t6a 0d \tpush $0xd\n 143da:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 143db:\te8 40 f3 fe ff \tcall 3720 \n 143e0:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 143e3:\te8 e8 f0 fe ff \tcall 34d0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1049\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1049\n 143e8:\t83 c4 10 \tadd $0x10,%esp\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1047\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1047\n 143eb:\t8b 10 \tmov (%eax),%edx\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1049\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1049\n 143ed:\t8d 42 fa \tlea -0x6(%edx),%eax\n 143f0:\t83 f8 04 \tcmp $0x4,%eax\n 143f3:\t77 51 \tja 14446 \n 143f5:\t89 54 24 0c \tmov %edx,0xc(%esp)\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1051\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1051\n 143f9:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 143fc:\t57 \tpush %edi\n 143fd:\te8 8e ec fe ff \tcall 3090 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1053\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1053\n 14402:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 14403:\t8b 54 24 20 \tmov 0x20(%esp),%edx\n 14407:\t52 \tpush %edx\n 14408:\t55 \tpush %ebp\n 14409:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1440a:\te8 91 ef fe ff \tcall 33a0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1054\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1054\n 1440f:\t83 c4 14 \tadd $0x14,%esp\n 14412:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 14413:\te8 a8 ed fe ff \tcall 31c0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1055\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1055\n 14418:\t8b 83 ac ff ff ff \tmov -0x54(%ebx),%eax\n 1441e:\t8b 00 \tmov (%eax),%eax\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1056\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1056\n 14420:\t83 c4 2c \tadd $0x2c,%esp\n 14423:\t5b \tpop %ebx\n 14424:\t5e \tpop %esi\n 14425:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 14426:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 14427:\tc3 \tret \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1038\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1038\n 14428:\t51 \tpush %ecx\n 14429:\t8d 83 d8 9c ff ff \tlea -0x6328(%ebx),%eax\n 1442f:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1042\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1042\n 14431:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 14432:\t8d 83 19 70 ff ff \tlea -0x8fe7(%ebx),%eax\n 14438:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 14439:\te8 c2 ed fe ff \tcall 3200 \n 1443e:\t89 04 24 \tmov %eax,(%esp)\n 14441:\te8 9a ed fe ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1050\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1050\n 14446:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 14447:\t8d 83 c8 9d ff ff \tlea -0x6238(%ebx),%eax\n 1444d:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 1444f:\teb e0 \tjmp 14431 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1045 (discriminator 1)\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1045 (discriminator 1)\n 14451:\te8 4a f1 fe ff \tcall 35a0 <__errno_location@plt>\n 14456:\t83 ec 0c \tsub $0xc,%esp\n 14459:\tff 30 \tpushl (%eax)\n 1445b:\te8 e0 ef fe ff \tcall 3440 \n 14460:\t83 c4 0c \tadd $0xc,%esp\n 14463:\t89 c6 \tmov %eax,%esi\n 14465:\t8d 83 a0 9d ff ff \tlea -0x6260(%ebx),%eax\n@@ -25781,15 +25781,15 @@\n 14474:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 14475:\te8 86 ed fe ff \tcall 3200 \n 1447a:\t5f \tpop %edi\n 1447b:\t5d \tpop %ebp\n 1447c:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1447d:\t50 \tpush %eax\n 1447e:\te8 5d ed fe ff \tcall 31e0 \n-/build/1st/foreign-0.8.79/src/stataread.c:1042\n+/build/2/foreign-0.8.79/2nd/src/stataread.c:1042\n 14483:\t8d 83 74 9d ff ff \tlea -0x628c(%ebx),%eax\n 14489:\t56 \tpush %esi\n 1448a:\t6a 05 \tpush $0x5\n 1448c:\teb a3 \tjmp 14431 \n __x86.get_pc_thunk.di():\n 1448e:\t8b 3c 24 \tmov (%esp),%edi\n 14491:\tc3 \tret \n" }, { "source1": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "source2": "readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}", "comments": [ "stderr from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment", "stderr from `readelf --wide --decompress --hex-dump=.gnu_debuglink {}`:", "readelf: Error: no .dynamic section in the dynamic segment" ], "unified_diff": "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@\n \n Hex dump of section '.gnu_debuglink':\n- 0x00000000 66643766 34383538 65633537 62646534 fd7f4858ec57bde4\n- 0x00000010 31663930 37356133 31643034 64373562 1f9075a31d04d75b\n- 0x00000020 62613961 31612e64 65627567 00000000 ba9a1a.debug....\n- 0x00000030 8051dc63 .Q.c\n+ 0x00000000 61356565 32396234 33653936 61303530 a5ee29b43e96a050\n+ 0x00000010 36663734 64396338 66633532 31363539 6f74d9c8fc521659\n+ 0x00000020 37653035 30632e64 65627567 00000000 7e050c.debug....\n+ 0x00000030 6b931ef8 k...\n \n" } ] } ] } ] } ] }, { "source1": "r-cran-foreign-dbgsym_0.8.79-1_i386.deb", "source2": "r-cran-foreign-dbgsym_0.8.79-1_i386.deb", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 4 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 debian-binary\n -rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 520 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 control.tar.xz\n--rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 126320 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 data.tar.xz\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 0 0 126136 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 data.tar.xz\n" }, { "source1": "control.tar.xz", "source2": "control.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "control.tar", "source2": "control.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "./control", "source2": "./control", "unified_diff": "@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@\n Architecture: i386\n Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel \n Installed-Size: 144\n Depends: r-cran-foreign (= 0.8.79-1)\n Section: debug\n Priority: optional\n Description: debug symbols for r-cran-foreign\n-Build-Ids: 8dfd7f4858ec57bde41f9075a31d04d75bba9a1a\n+Build-Ids: 9aa5ee29b43e96a0506f74d9c8fc5216597e050c\n" }, { "source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "./md5sums", "source2": "./md5sums", "comments": [ "Files differ" ], "unified_diff": null }, { "source1": "line order", "source2": "line order", "unified_diff": "@@ -1 +1 @@\n-usr/lib/debug/.build-id/8d/fd7f4858ec57bde41f9075a31d04d75bba9a1a.debug\n+usr/lib/debug/.build-id/9a/a5ee29b43e96a0506f74d9c8fc5216597e050c.debug\n" } ] } ] } ] }, { "source1": "data.tar.xz", "source2": "data.tar.xz", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "data.tar", "source2": "data.tar", "unified_diff": null, "details": [ { "source1": "file list", "source2": "file list", "unified_diff": "@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/\n-drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/8d/\n--rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 136572 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/8d/fd7f4858ec57bde41f9075a31d04d75bba9a1a.debug\n+drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/9a/\n+-rw-r--r-- 0 root (0) root (0) 136552 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/lib/debug/.build-id/9a/a5ee29b43e96a0506f74d9c8fc5216597e050c.debug\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/share/\n drwxr-xr-x 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/share/doc/\n lrwxrwxrwx 0 root (0) root (0) 0 2020-04-26 13:55:37.000000 ./usr/share/doc/r-cran-foreign-dbgsym -> r-cran-foreign\n" } ] } ] } ] } ] }