module\u00b6A dummy package to allow importing numpy and the unit-aware replacements of\n numpy functions without having to know which functions are overwritten.
\nThis can be used for example as import brian2.numpy_ as np
Exported members: \n-arange()
, byte
, float_power
, expm1()
, info()
, e
, histogramdd
, ma
, count_nonzero
, ogrid
, array
, hamming()
, modf
, fliplr
, savetxt
, reciprocal
, kaiser()
, sign
, union1d
, unique
, short
, iinfo
, emath
, acos
, busdaycalendar
, uint8
, round
, savez
, pad
, isposinf
, bitwise_xor
, info()
, packbits
, fromregex()
, arctanh()
, isfortran()
, bmat()
, genfromtxt()
, little_endian
, asmatrix()
, bincount
, issubdtype()
, isreal
, abs
, argmax
, hypot
, fmax
, array_split
, poly1d
\n \u2026 (504 more members)
module\u00b6A dummy package to allow wildcard import from brian2 without also importing\n the pylab (numpy + matplotlib) namespace.
\nUsage: from brian2.only import *