module\u00b6A dummy package to allow importing numpy and the unit-aware replacements of\n numpy functions without having to know which functions are overwritten.
\nThis can be used for example as import brian2.numpy_ as np
Exported members: \n-amax
, double
, median
, tanh()
, get_printoptions()
, ubyte
, minimum
, radians
, dot()
, nansum
, greater_equal
, trapz()
, lib
, broadcast_to
, polyval
, positive
, ogrid
, flexible
, linspace()
, real_if_close
, packbits
, hypot
, sctypeDict
, cumulative_prod
, argwhere
, bitwise_not
, fromfile
, bytes_
, polysub
, nonzero
, ulonglong
, testing
, int32
, tril_indices()
, argmin
, eye()
, vdot
, atleast_3d
, broadcast_to
, sctypeDict
, nanargmin
, blackman()
, add
, not_equal
, lexsort
, unstack
, positive
, nancumsum
, half
\n \u2026 (504 more members)
module\u00b6A dummy package to allow wildcard import from brian2 without also importing\n the pylab (numpy + matplotlib) namespace.
\nUsage: from brian2.only import *