module¶A dummy package to allow importing numpy and the unit-aware replacements of │ │ │ │ numpy functions without having to know which functions are overwritten.
│ │ │ │This can be used for example as import brian2.numpy_ as np
Exported members:
│ │ │ │ -uintc
, strings
, ubyte
, floor_divide
, isnan
, void
, sin()
, inexact
, f2py
, sinc
, uint64
, take_along_axis
, abs
, unpackbits
, str_
, seterr()
, flatiter
, bitwise_count
, dtype
, test()
, bytes_
, typename()
, histogram
, dstack
, broadcast_arrays
│ │ │ │ +asarray_chkfinite()
, nancumsum
, bitwise_and
, hypot
, asarray
, busdaycalendar
, trim_zeros
, ushort
, copy
, hanning()
, tril
, subtract
, convolve
, histogramdd
, half
, greater_equal
, finfo
, e
, geterrcall()
, datetime64
, acosh
, choose
, lib
, setbufsize()
, mean
│ │ │ │ … (502 more members)
module¶A dummy package to allow wildcard import from brian2 without also importing │ │ │ │ the pylab (numpy + matplotlib) namespace.
│ │ │ │Usage: from brian2.only import *