module¶A dummy package to allow importing numpy and the unit-aware replacements of │ │ │ │ numpy functions without having to know which functions are overwritten.
│ │ │ │This can be used for example as import brian2.numpy_ as np
Exported members:
│ │ │ │ -divmod
, poly1d
, csingle
, astype
, vdot
, permute_dims
, euler_gamma
, histogram2d
, arccos()
, full_like
, heaviside
, isnan
, column_stack
, fliplr
, uintp
, repeat
, kron
, ptp()
, little_endian
, size
, intp
, integer
, left_shift
, longlong
, float96
│ │ │ │ +nanmean
, polyval
, ulonglong
, fromregex()
, clongdouble
, exp()
, vstack
, log1p()
, nanmax
, einsum
, min_scalar_type
, trunc
, concat
, in1d
, finfo
, heaviside
, negative
, allclose
, logical_or
, nancumprod
, lexsort
, conj
, log2
, uintc
, dtype
│ │ │ │ … (504 more members)
module¶A dummy package to allow wildcard import from brian2 without also importing │ │ │ │ the pylab (numpy + matplotlib) namespace.
│ │ │ │Usage: from brian2.only import *