: OK (0.02s)
: OK (0.02s)
has attributes preserved: OK (0.04s)

: OK (0.03s)

followed by text: OK (0.04s) samp inline samp block: OK (0.02s) var inline var block: OK (0.02s) Round trip: OK (83.24s) +++ OK, passed 25 tests. JATS inline code basic: OK (0.05s) lang: OK (0.02s) block code basic: OK (0.02s) lang: OK (0.01s) images basic: OK (0.02s) bullet list: OK (0.08s) definition lists with internal link: OK (0.07s) math escape |: OK (0.04s) tex-math only: OK (0.03s) math ml only: OK (0.22s) headers unnumbered sub header: OK (0.04s) containing image: OK (0.04s) Jira para Simple sentence: OK (0.02s) header header: OK list simple list: OK (0.02s) list with minus as bullets: OK (0.02s) ordered list / enumeration: OK block quote simple block quote: OK table table without header: OK (0.02s) table with header: OK (0.02s) table with column header: OK (0.03s) table after paragraph: OK inlines emphasis: OK (0.02s) deleted: OK monospaced: OK (0.02s) sub- and superscript: OK color: OK (0.02s) linebreak: OK link: OK (0.02s) image: OK (0.01s) HTML entity: OK non-strikeout dashes: OK Org Inlines Plain String: OK (0.05s) Emphasis: OK (0.05s) Strong: OK (0.04s) Strong Emphasis: OK (0.04s) Emphasized Strong preceded by space: OK (0.06s) Underline: OK (0.05s) Strikeout: OK (0.06s) Verbatim: OK (0.06s) Code: OK (0.04s) Math $..$: OK (0.04s) Math $$..$$: OK (0.04s) Math \[..\]: OK (0.04s) Math \(..\): OK (0.03s) Symbol: OK (0.06s) Superscript simple expression: OK (0.05s) Superscript multi char: OK (0.08s) Subscript simple expression: OK (0.05s) Subscript multi char: OK (0.08s) Linebreak: OK (0.05s) Inline note: OK (0.19s) Markup-chars not occurring on word break are symbols: OK (0.28s) No empty markup: OK (0.14s) Adherence to Org's rules for markup borders: OK (0.22s) Quotes are allowed border chars: OK (0.08s) Spaces are forbidden border chars: OK (0.05s) Markup should work properly after a blank line: OK (0.05s) Inline math must stay within three lines: OK (0.09s) Single-character math: OK (0.11s) Markup may not span more than two lines: OK (0.34s) Sub- and superscript expressions: OK (1.02s) Verbatim text can contain equal signes (=): OK (0.07s) Images Image: OK (0.03s) Image with explicit file: prefix: OK (0.03s) Multiple images within a paragraph: OK (0.22s) Image with html attributes: OK (0.05s) Explicit link: OK (0.22s) Self-link: OK (0.13s) Internal self-link (reference): OK (0.11s) Absolute file link: OK (0.37s) Link to file in parent directory: OK (0.30s) Empty link (for gitit interop): OK (0.07s) Image link: OK (0.11s) Image link with non-image target: OK (0.13s) Link to image: OK (0.08s) Plain link: OK (0.09s) Angle link: OK (0.08s) Absolute file link: OK (0.08s) File link: OK (0.08s) Anchor: OK (0.08s) Inline code block: OK (0.04s) Inline code block with arguments: OK (0.05s) Inline code block with a blank argument array: OK (0.04s) Inline code block with toggle: OK (0.04s) Inline LaTeX symbol: OK (0.16s) Inline LaTeX command: OK (0.17s) Inline LaTeX command with spaces: OK (0.28s) Inline math symbols: OK (1.15s) Inline LaTeX math command: OK (0.42s) Unknown inline LaTeX command: OK (0.43s) Export snippet: OK (0.07s) MathML symbol in LaTeX-style: OK (0.67s) MathML symbol in LaTeX-style, including braces: OK (0.42s) MathML copy sign: OK (0.38s) MathML symbols, space separated: OK (0.78s) Macro: OK (0.16s) Macro repeting its argument: OK (0.10s) Macro called with too few arguments: OK (0.13s) Citations Markdown-style citations Citation: OK (0.07s) Citation containing text: OK (0.15s) org-ref citations simple citation: OK (0.06s) simple citation with underscores: OK (0.06s) simple citation succeeded by comma: OK (0.05s) simple citation succeeded by dot: OK (0.04s) simple citation succeeded by colon: OK (0.04s) simple citep citation: OK (0.04s) extended citation: OK (0.13s) Berkeley-style citations Berkeley-style in-text citation: OK (0.07s) Berkeley-style parenthetical citation list: OK (0.12s) Berkeley-style plain citation list: OK (0.12s) LaTeX citation: OK (0.17s) Footnotes Footnote: OK (0.12s) Two footnotes: OK (0.20s) Emphasized text before footnote: OK (0.12s) Footnote that starts with emphasized text: OK (0.12s) Footnote followed by header: OK (0.15s) Footnote followed by two blank lines: OK (0.15s) Smart punctuation quote before ellipses: OK (0.07s) apostrophe before emph: OK (0.11s) apostrophe in French: OK (0.17s) Quotes cannot occur at the end of emphasized text: OK (0.14s) Dashes are allowed at the borders of emphasis': OK (0.06s) Single quotes can be followed by emphasized text: OK (0.09s) Double quotes can be followed by emphasized text: OK (0.12s) Basic Blocks Paragraph: OK (0.03s) Paragraph starting with an asterisk: OK (0.07s) Paragraph containing asterisk at beginning of line: OK (0.09s) Example block: OK (0.02s) Example block surrounded by text: OK (0.08s) Horizontal Rule: OK (0.07s) Not a Horizontal Rule: OK (0.09s) Comments Comment Block: OK (0.03s) Comment line: OK (0.03s) Empty comment line: OK (0.02s) Blocks and fragments HTML block: OK (0.02s) Quote block: OK (0.11s) Verse block: OK (0.41s) Verse block with blank lines: OK (0.09s) Verse block with varying indentation: OK (0.09s) Raw block LaTeX: OK (0.02s) Raw LaTeX line: OK (0.02s) Raw Beamer line: OK (0.02s) Raw HTML line: OK (0.02s) Export block HTML: OK (0.02s) LaTeX fragment: OK (0.04s) Convert blank lines in blocks to single newlines: OK (0.02s) Accept `ATTR_HTML` attributes for generic block: OK (0.08s) Headers First Level Header: OK (0.03s) Third Level Header: OK (0.06s) Compact Headers with Paragraph: OK (0.10s) Separated Headers with Paragraph: OK (0.11s) Headers not preceded by a blank line: OK (0.13s) Todo keywords Header with known todo keyword: OK (0.03s) Header marked as done: OK (0.03s) emphasis in first word: OK (0.05s) Header with unknown todo keyword: OK (0.04s) Custom todo keywords: OK (0.06s) Custom todo keywords with multiple done-states: OK (0.10s) Tagged headers: OK (0.11s) Untagged header containing colons: OK (0.06s) Untagged header time followed by colon: OK (0.07s) tag followed by text: OK (0.09s) Header starting with strokeout text: OK (0.08s) Comment Trees: OK (0.17s) Nothing but a COMMENT header: OK (0.03s) Tree with :noexport:: OK (0.13s) Subtree with :noexport:: OK (0.13s) Preferences are treated as header attributes: OK (0.03s) Headers marked with a unnumbered property get a clas...: OK (0.04s) planning information Planning info is not included in output: OK (0.04s) Properties after planning info are recognized: OK (0.04s) Planning info followed by test: OK (0.04s) third and forth level headers: OK (0.17s) Figures Figure: OK (0.21s) Figure with no name: OK (0.28s) Figure with `fig:` prefix in name: OK (0.28s) Figure with HTML attributes: OK (0.20s) LaTeX attributes are ignored: OK (0.16s) Labelled figure: OK (0.14s) Figure with empty caption: OK (0.08s) Lists Simple Bullet Lists: OK (0.09s) Indented Bullet Lists: OK (0.09s) Unindented *: OK (0.07s) Multi-line Bullet Lists: OK (0.17s) Nested Bullet Lists: OK (0.56s) Bullet List with Decreasing Indent: OK (0.10s) Header follows Bullet List: OK (0.14s) Bullet List Unindented with trailing Header: OK (0.07s) Empty bullet points: OK (0.02s) Simple Ordered List: OK (0.06s) Simple Ordered List with Parens: OK (0.06s) Indented Ordered List: OK (0.06s) Empty ordered list item: OK (0.02s) Nested Ordered Lists: OK (0.23s) Ordered List in Bullet List: OK (0.06s) Bullet List in Ordered List: OK (0.07s) Definition List: OK (0.20s) Definition list with multi-word term: OK (0.06s) Compact definition list: OK (0.16s) Definition List With Trailing Header: OK (0.12s) Definition lists double-colon markers must be surrou...: OK (0.06s) Loose bullet list: OK (0.09s) Recognize preceding paragraphs in non-list contexts: OK (0.33s) Markup after header and list: OK (0.09s) CodeBlocks Source block: OK (0.03s) Source block with indented code: OK (0.03s) Source block with tab-indented code: OK (0.03s) Empty source block: OK (0.02s) Source block between paragraphs: OK (0.07s) Source block with babel arguments: OK (0.03s) Source block with results and :exports both: OK (0.04s) Source block with results and :exports code: OK (0.04s) Source block with results and :exports results: OK (0.03s) Source block with results and :exports none: OK (0.03s) Source block with toggling header arguments: OK (0.03s) Source block with line number switch: OK (0.02s) Source block with multi-word parameter values: OK (0.03s) Example block: OK (0.02s) Code block with caption: OK (0.14s) Non-letter chars in source block parameters: OK (0.01s) Tables Single cell table: OK (0.03s) Multi cell table: OK (0.04s) Multi line table: OK (0.06s) Empty table: OK (0.02s) Glider Table: OK (0.11s) Table between Paragraphs: OK (0.10s) Table with Header: OK (0.11s) Table with final hline: OK (0.08s) Table in a box: OK (0.08s) Table with empty cells: OK (0.05s) Table with empty rows: OK (0.06s) Table with alignment row: OK (0.16s) Pipe within text doesn't start a table: OK (0.11s) Missing pipe at end of row: OK (0.07s) Table with differing row lengths: OK (0.10s) Table with caption: OK (0.13s) named table: OK (0.02s) Meta Information Comment: OK (0.01s) Not a comment: OK (0.05s) Comment surrounded by Text: OK (0.06s) Title: OK (0.06s) Author: OK (0.10s) Multiple authors: OK (0.12s) Date: OK (0.08s) Description: OK (0.03s) Properties drawer: OK (0.02s) LaTeX_headers options are translated to header-inclu...: OK (0.01s) LaTeX_class option is translated to documentclass: OK (0.03s) LaTeX_class_options is translated to classoption: OK (0.03s) LaTeX_class_options is translated to classoption: OK (0.03s) later meta definitions take precedence: OK (0.08s) Logbook drawer: OK (0.02s) Drawer surrounded by text: OK (0.08s) Drawer markers must be the only text in the line: OK (0.12s) Drawers can be arbitrary: OK (0.06s) Anchor reference: OK (0.18s) Search links are read as emph: OK (0.12s) Link to nonexistent anchor: OK (0.19s) Link abbreviation: OK (0.19s) Link abbreviation, defined after first use: OK (0.12s) Link abbreviation, URL encoded arguments: OK (0.10s) Link abbreviation, append arguments: OK (0.09s) emphasis config Changing pre and post chars for emphasis: OK (0.11s) setting an invalid value restores the default: OK (0.15s) Directives export options disable simple sub/superscript syntax: OK (0.04s) directly select drawers to be exported: OK (0.05s) exclude drawers from being exported: OK (0.04s) don't include archive trees: OK (0.02s) include complete archive trees: OK (0.05s) include archive tree header only: OK (0.05s) limit headline depth: OK (0.10s) turn all headlines into lists: OK (0.12s) preserve linebreaks as hard breaks: OK (0.04s) disable author export: OK (0.04s) disable creator export: OK (0.03s) disable email export: OK (0.03s) disable inclusion of todo keywords: OK (0.03s) remove tags from headlines: OK (0.03s) planning information include planning info after headlines: OK (0.03s) empty planning info is not included: OK (0.03s) unknown options unknown options are ignored: OK (0.03s) highlighting after unknown option: OK (0.07s) unknown option interleaved with known: OK (0.07s) Include file inclusion: OK (0.06s) Included file belongs to item: OK (0.10s) Default include preserves level: OK (0.04s) Minlevel shifts level leftward: OK (0.04s) Minlevel shifts level rightward: OK (0.04s) Include file as source code snippet: OK (0.03s) Include file as export snippet: OK (0.03s) include directive is limited to one line: OK (0.07s) RST line block with blank line: OK (0.15s) field list general: OK (1.94s) metadata: OK (0.21s) with inline markup: OK (0.59s) URLs with following punctuation: OK (0.34s) Reference names with special characters: OK (0.08s) Code directive with class and number-lines: OK (0.06s) Code directive with number-lines, no line specified: OK (0.05s) literal / line / code blocks indented literal block: OK (0.22s) line block with 3 lines: OK (0.13s) line blocks with blank lines: OK (0.23s) quoted literal block using >: OK (0.19s) quoted literal block using | (not a line block): OK (0.18s) class directive with single paragraph: OK (0.31s) class directive with two paragraphs: OK (0.28s) class directive around literal block: OK (0.05s) interpreted text roles literal role prefix: OK (0.08s) literal role postfix: OK (0.08s) literal text: OK (0.07s) code role: OK (0.05s) inherited code role: OK (0.06s) custom code role with language field: OK (0.06s) custom role with unspecified parent role: OK (0.05s) role with recursive inheritance: OK (0.07s) unknown role: OK (0.04s) footnotes remove space before note: OK (0.09s) inlines links can contain an URI without being parsed twice ...: OK (0.04s) inline markup cannot be nested: OK (0.05s) bare URI parsing disabled inside emphasis (#4561): OK (0.03s) include newlines: OK (0.04s) Docx document allow different document.xml file as defined in _rel...: OK (0.05s) inlines font formatting: OK (0.07s) font formatting with character styles: OK (0.05s) hyperlinks: OK (0.09s) hyperlinks in tag: OK (0.07s) inline image: OK (0.03s) VML image: OK (0.03s) inline image in links: OK (0.09s) handling unicode input: OK (0.01s) literal tabs: OK (0.01s) special punctuation: OK (0.01s) normalizing inlines: OK (0.02s) normalizing inlines deep inside blocks: OK (0.05s) move trailing spaces outside of formatting: OK (0.01s) remove trailing spaces from last inline: OK (0.01s) inline code (with VerbatimChar style): OK (0.02s) inline code in subscript and superscript: OK (0.03s) inlines inside of Structured Document Tags: OK (0.04s) Structured Document Tags in footnotes: OK (0.07s) nested Structured Document Tags: OK (0.01s) nested Smart Tags: OK (0.45s) remove anchor spans with nothing pointing to them: OK (0.02s) collapse overlapping targets (anchor spans): OK (0.03s) blocks headers: OK (0.09s) headers already having auto identifiers: OK (0.01s) avoid zero-level headers: OK (0.09s) nested anchor spans in header: OK (0.20s) single numbered item not made into list: OK (0.01s) enumerated headers not made into numbered list: OK (0.01s) i18n blocks (headers and blockquotes): OK (0.05s) lists: OK (0.07s) compact lists: OK (0.02s) lists with level overrides: OK (0.25s) lists continuing after interruption: OK (0.03s) lists restarting after interruption: OK (0.03s) sublists reset numbering to 1: OK (0.04s) definition lists: OK (0.04s) custom defined lists in styles: OK (0.04s) user deletes bullet after list item (=> part of item...: OK (0.02s) user deletes bullet after par (=> new par): OK (0.04s) footnotes and endnotes: OK (0.03s) links in footnotes and endnotes: OK (0.02s) blockquotes (parsing indent as blockquote): OK (0.10s) hanging indents: OK (0.06s) tables: OK (0.22s) tables with lists in cells: OK (0.09s) tables with one row: OK (0.04s) tables with variable width: OK (0.06s) code block: OK (0.05s) combine adjacent code blocks: OK (0.53s) dropcap paragraphs: OK (0.02s) track changes insertion (default): OK (0.02s) insert insertion (accept): OK (0.02s) remove insertion (reject): OK (0.01s) deletion (default): OK (0.02s) remove deletion (accept): OK (0.01s) insert deletion (reject): OK (0.02s) keep insertion (all): OK (0.03s) keep deletion (all): OK (0.02s) move text (accept): OK (0.03s) move text (reject): OK (0.03s) move text (all): OK (0.06s) comments (accept -- no comments): OK (0.05s) comments (reject -- comments): OK (0.05s) comments (all comments): OK (0.14s) paragraph insertion/deletion (accept): OK (0.01s) paragraph insertion/deletion (reject): OK (0.01s) paragraph insertion/deletion (all): OK (0.03s) comment warnings (accept -- no warnings): OK comment warnings (reject -- no warnings): OK comment warnings (all): OK media image extraction: OK (0.03s) custom styles custom styles (`+styles`) not enabled (default): OK (0.04s) custom styles (`+styles`) enabled: OK (0.07s) custom styles (`+styles`): Compact style is removed ...: OK (0.02s) metadata metadata fields: OK (0.09s) stop recording metadata with normal text: OK (0.13s) Odt bold: OK (0.36s) endnote: OK (0.27s) externalLink: OK (0.19s) footnote: OK (0.22s) formula: OK (0.32s) headers: OK (0.18s) italic: OK (0.29s) paragraph: OK (0.12s) strikeout: OK (0.32s) underlined: OK (0.25s) blockquote: OK (0.07s) image: OK (0.25s) imageIndex: OK (0.34s) imageWithCaption: OK (0.32s) inlinedCode: OK (0.42s) orderedListMixed: OK (0.51s) orderedListRoman: OK (0.53s) orderedListSimple: OK (0.59s) referenceToChapter: OK (0.29s) referenceToListItem: OK (0.38s) referenceToText: OK (0.28s) simpleTable: OK (0.25s) simpleTableWithCaption: OK (0.28s) textMixedStyles: OK (0.51s) tableWithContents: OK (0.24s) unicode: OK (0.69s) unorderedList: OK (0.30s) Txt2Tags Inlines Plain String: OK (0.04s) Emphasis: OK (0.03s) Strong: OK (0.02s) Strong Emphasis: OK (0.02s) Strikeout: OK (0.02s) Verbatim: OK (0.02s) Symbol: OK (0.01s) No empty markup: OK (0.07s) Inline markup is greedy: OK (0.05s) Markup must be greedy: OK (0.08s) Inlines must be glued: OK (0.04s) Macros: Date: OK (0.01s) Macros: Mod Time: OK (0.01s) Macros: Infile: OK (0.01s) Macros: Outfile: OK (0.02s) Autolink: OK JPEG Image: OK (0.02s) PNG Image: OK (0.03s) Link: OK (0.02s) Image link: OK (0.01s) Invalid link: No trailing space: OK (0.02s) Basic Blocks Paragraph, lines grouped together: OK (0.03s) Paragraph, ignore leading and trailing spaces: OK (0.03s) Comment line in paragraph: OK (0.05s) Paragraph: OK (0.01s) First Level Header: OK Third Level Header: OK (0.02s) Header with label: OK (0.01s) Invalid header, mismatched delimiters: OK (0.02s) Invalid header, spaces in label: OK (0.02s) Invalid header, invalid label character: OK (0.02s) Headers not preceded by a blank line: OK (0.04s) Paragraph starting with an equals: OK (0.01s) Paragraph containing asterisk at beginning of line: OK (0.02s) Horizontal Rule: OK (0.02s) Comment Block: OK Lists Simple Bullet Lists: OK (0.03s) Indented Bullet Lists: OK (0.03s) Nested Bullet Lists: OK (0.21s) Simple Ordered List: OK (0.04s) Indented Ordered List: OK (0.04s) Nested Ordered Lists: OK (0.14s) Ordered List in Bullet List: OK (0.04s) Bullet List in Ordered List: OK (0.03s) Definition List: OK (0.08s) Loose bullet list: OK (0.05s) Tables Single cell table: OK (0.03s) Multi cell table: OK (0.03s) Multi line table: OK (0.04s) Empty table: OK (0.02s) Glider Table: OK (0.08s) Table with Header: OK (0.04s) Table alignment determined by spacing: OK (0.08s) Pipe within text doesn't start a table: OK (0.03s) Table with differing row lengths: OK (0.05s) Blocks and fragments Source block: OK (0.02s) tagged block: OK (0.01s) Quote block: OK (0.04s) EPUB EPUB Mediabag features bag: OK (1.18s) EPUB3 cover bag: OK (29.90s) EPUB3 no cover bag: OK (1.11s) EPUB2 picture bag: OK (0.38s) EPUB2 cover bag: OK (0.36s) EPUB2 no cover bag: OK (0.35s) Muse Inlines Plain String: OK (0.08s) Muse is not XML: OK (0.07s) Emphasis: OK (0.07s) Newline in the beginning of emphasis: OK (0.10s) Newline in the end of emphasis: OK (0.21s) Comma after closing *: OK (0.11s) Letter after closing *: OK (0.20s) Letter before opening *: OK (0.13s) Digit after closing *: OK (0.19s) Emphasis tag: OK (0.07s) Strong: OK (0.05s) Strong tag: OK (0.05s) Strong Emphasis: OK (0.05s) Strong inside emphasis: OK (0.10s) Emphasis inside strong: OK (0.08s) Opening asterisk can't be preceded by another one: OK (0.11s) Asterisk between words does not terminate emphasis: OK (0.08s) Two asterisks between words do not terminate emphasis: OK (0.07s) Three asterisks between words do not terminate empha...: OK (0.08s) Two asterisks between words do not terminate strong: OK (0.08s) Three asterisks between words do not terminate strong: OK (0.08s) Three asterisks between words do not terminate stron...: OK (0.08s) Six asterisks between words do not terminate strong ...: OK (0.08s) Underline: OK (0.07s) Superscript tag: OK (0.06s) Subscript tag: OK (0.06s) Strikeout tag: OK (0.06s) Opening inline tags: OK (0.30s) Closing inline tags: OK (0.19s) Tag soup: OK (0.29s) No multiparagraph inline tags: OK (0.30s) Linebreak: OK (0.06s) Trailing whitespace inside paragraph: OK (0.14s) Non-breaking space: OK (0.06s) Single ~: OK (0.07s) Code markup Code: OK (0.05s) Not code: OK (0.14s) Not code if closing = is detached: OK (0.16s) Not code if opening = is detached: OK (0.14s) Code if followed by comma: OK (0.09s) Not code if followed by digit: OK (0.12s) One character code: OK (0.04s) Code with equal sign: OK (0.05s) Three = characters is not a code: OK (0.08s) Multiline code markup: OK (0.12s) No multiparagraph code: OK (0.15s) Code at the beginning of paragraph but not first col...: OK (0.05s) Code tag: OK (0.05s) Math tag: OK (0.06s) Verbatim tag: OK (0.05s) Verbatim inside code: OK (0.06s) Verbatim tag after text: OK (0.06s) Verbatim tag escapes block level markup: OK (0.09s) Class tag: OK (0.06s) Class tag without name: OK (0.06s) RTL: OK (0.08s) LTR: OK (0.07s) Nested "" inside em tag: OK (0.09s) Links Link without description: OK (0.15s) Link with description: OK (0.14s) Link with empty description: OK (0.09s) Image: OK (0.04s) Closing bracket is not allowed in image filename: OK (0.09s) Image with description: OK (0.05s) Image with space in filename: OK (0.07s) Image with width: OK (0.06s) At least one space is required between image filenam...: OK (0.07s) Left-aligned image with width: OK (0.08s) Right-aligned image with width: OK (0.08s) Image link: OK (0.05s) Image link with description: OK (0.06s) No implicit links: OK (0.28s) Link with empty URL: OK (0.09s) No footnotes inside links: OK (0.28s) Image inside link: OK (0.50s) Link inside image description: OK (0.33s) Literal Inline literal: OK (0.19s) Single inline literal in paragraph: OK (0.11s) Blocks Round trip: OK (83.75s) +++ OK, passed 25 tests. Block elements end paragraphs: OK (0.12s) Horizontal rule Less than 4 dashes is not a horizontal rule: OK (0.06s) 4 dashes is a horizontal rule: OK 5 dashes is a horizontal rule: OK 4 dashes with spaces is a horizontal rule: OK Page breaks Page break: OK (0.04s) Page break with trailing space: OK (0.04s) Paragraphs Simple paragraph: OK (0.11s) Indented paragraph: OK (0.13s) Indentation in the middle of paragraph: OK (0.17s) Quote: OK (0.12s) Indentation does not indicate quote inside quote tag: OK (0.11s) Multiline quote: OK (0.20s) Div Div without id: OK (0.07s) Div with id: OK (0.07s) Biblio: OK (0.25s) Play: OK (0.04s) Verse: OK (0.11s) Verse in list: OK (0.04s) Verse line starting with emphasis: OK Multiline verse in list: OK (0.04s) Paragraph after verse in list: OK (0.08s) Empty quote tag: OK (0.01s) Quote tag: OK (0.08s) Nested quote tag: OK (0.10s) Indented quote inside list: OK (0.08s) Verse tag: OK (0.05s) Verse tag with empty line inside: OK (0.01s) Verse tag with verbatim close tag inside: OK (0.02s) Example Braces on separate lines: OK Spaces after opening braces: OK (0.02s) One blank line in the beginning: OK (0.02s) One blank line in the end: OK (0.02s) Indented braces: OK (0.04s) Tabs: OK (0.02s) One line: OK (0.01s) Example tag Tags on separate lines: OK (0.02s) One line: OK (0.01s) One blank line in the beginning: OK (0.01s) One blank line in the end: OK (0.02s) Example inside list: OK (0.04s) Empty example inside list: OK (0.03s) Example inside list with empty lines: OK (0.11s) Indented example inside list: OK (0.04s) Example inside definition list: OK (0.04s) Example inside list definition with empty lines: OK (0.14s) Example inside note: OK (0.07s) Literal blocks Literal block: OK (0.03s) Center: OK (0.07s) Right: OK (0.08s) Comments Comment tag: OK (0.07s) Line comment: OK Empty comment: OK Text after empty comment: OK (0.04s) Not a comment (does not start with a semicolon): OK (0.11s) Not a comment (has no space after semicolon): OK (0.10s) Not a comment (semicolon not in the first column): OK (0.08s) Headers Part: OK (0.02s) Chapter: OK (0.02s) Section: OK (0.02s) Subsection: OK (0.02s) Subsubsection: OK (0.02s) Whitespace is required after *: OK (0.15s) No headers in footnotes: OK (0.12s) No headers in quotes: OK (0.07s) Headers consume anchors: OK (0.02s) Headers don't consume anchors separated with a blank...: OK (0.05s) Headers terminate paragraph: OK (0.05s) Headers terminate lists: OK (0.06s) Paragraphs terminate Emacs Muse headers: OK (0.07s) Paragraphs don't terminate Text::Amuse headers: OK (0.06s) Empty header: OK (0.08s) Auto identifiers: OK (0.05s) Directives Title: OK (0.02s) Disable tables: OK (0.02s) Multiple directives: OK (0.04s) Multiline directive: OK (0.07s) Amusewiki's #cover is translated to pandoc's #cover-...: OK (0.03s) Anchors Anchor: OK (0.05s) Anchor cannot start with a number: OK (0.07s) Not anchor if starts with a space: OK (0.09s) Anchor inside a paragraph: OK (0.14s) Anchor with "-": OK (0.06s) Footnotes Simple footnote: OK (0.20s) Simple secondary footnote: OK (0.23s) Missing footnote: OK (0.04s) Missing secondary note: OK (0.04s) Wrong note type: OK (0.20s) Recursive footnote: OK (0.25s) Nested footnotes: OK (0.23s) No zero footnotes: OK (0.26s) Footnotes can't start with zero: OK (0.26s) Multiparagraph footnotes Amusewiki multiparagraph footnotes: OK (0.46s) Note continuation with verse: OK (0.11s) Footnote ending in self-terminating element and foll...: OK (0.10s) Footnote starting with empty line: OK (0.10s) Indentation in footnote starting with empty line: OK (0.11s) Emacs multiparagraph footnotes: OK (0.65s) Tables Two cell table: OK (0.07s) Table with multiple words: OK (0.10s) Not a table: OK (0.07s) Not a table again: OK (0.08s) Two line table: OK (0.09s) Table with one header: OK (0.09s) Table with two headers: OK (0.12s) Header and footer reordering: OK (0.27s) Table with caption: OK (0.16s) Table caption with +: OK (0.17s) Caption without table: OK (0.14s) Table indented with space: OK (0.15s) Empty cells: OK (0.16s) Empty cell in the middle: OK (0.13s) Grid table: OK (0.08s) Grid table inside list: OK (0.11s) Grid table with two rows: OK (0.17s) Grid table inside grid table: OK (0.08s) Grid table with example: OK (0.08s) Lists Bullet list: OK (0.11s) Ordered list: OK (0.11s) Ordered list with implicit numbers: OK (0.24s) Ordered list with roman numerals: OK (0.19s) Bullet list with empty items: OK (0.06s) Ordered list with empty items: OK (0.07s) Bullet list with last item empty: OK (0.05s) Nested lists Nested bullet list: OK (0.30s) Nested ordered list: OK (0.31s) Mixed nested list: OK (0.36s) Text::Amuse includes only one space in list marker: OK (0.11s) List continuation: OK (0.09s) List continuation after nested list: OK (0.07s) Blank lines Blank lines between list items are not required: OK (0.07s) One blank line between list items is allowed: OK (0.07s) Two blank lines separate lists: OK (0.08s) No blank line after multiline first item: OK (0.13s) One blank line after multiline first item: OK (0.17s) Two blank lines after multiline first item: OK (0.22s) No blank line after list continuation: OK (0.12s) One blank line after list continuation: OK (0.14s) Two blank lines after list continuation: OK (0.12s) No blank line after blockquote: OK (0.09s) One blank line after blockquote: OK (0.09s) Two blank lines after blockquote: OK (0.09s) No blank line after verse: OK (0.06s) One blank line after verse: OK (0.06s) Two blank lines after verse: OK (0.07s) List ending in self-terminating element and followed...: OK (0.04s) Not a definition list: OK (0.14s) Emacs Muse definition list: OK (0.09s) Definition list: OK (0.10s) Definition list term cannot include newline: OK (0.08s) One-line definition list: OK (0.08s) Definition list term may include single colon: OK (0.06s) Definition list term with emphasis: OK (0.05s) Definition list term with :: inside code: OK (0.18s) Multi-line definition lists: OK (0.39s) Definition list with verse: OK (0.28s) Definition list with table: OK (0.12s) Definition list with table inside bullet list: OK (0.10s) Multi-line definition lists from Emacs Muse manual: OK (0.70s) Multi-line definition lists from Emacs Muse manual w...: OK (0.60s) One-line nested definition list: OK (0.07s) Nested definition list: OK (0.22s) Definition lists with multiple descriptions Correctly indented second description: OK (0.18s) Incorrectly indented second description: OK (0.15s) Two blank lines separate definition lists: OK (0.11s) No headers in list continuation: OK (0.17s) Bullet list inside a tag: OK (0.19s) Ordered list inside a tag: OK (0.14s) Do not consume whitespace while looking for end tag: OK (0.12s) Unclosed quote tag: OK (0.14s) Unclosed quote tag inside list: OK (0.19s) No indented closing tags: OK (0.20s) Creole Basic Text Formatting bold, single line, fully delimited: OK (0.06s) italics, single line, fully delimited: OK (0.05s) bold in italics, fully delimited: OK (0.07s) italics in bold, fully delimited: OK (0.06s) escape bold marker: OK (0.04s) escape italics marker: OK (0.05s) inline nowiki, simple: OK (0.05s) inline nowiki, curly braces inside: OK (0.04s) placeholder: OK (0.03s) placeholder escaped: OK (0.08s) Headers header level 1, no space, no trailing =: OK header level 1, leading space, trailing =: OK (0.01s) header level 2, no space, no trailing =: OK (0.01s) header level 2, leading space, no trailing =: OK (0.01s) header level 3, no space, no trailing =: OK header level 3, no space, > 3 trailing =: OK header level 4, no space, no trailing =: OK (0.01s) header level 4, no space, < 4 trailing =: OK (0.02s) header level 5, no space, no trailing =: OK header level 6, no space, no trailing =: OK Paragraphs paragraphs: multiple, one line: OK (0.04s) Lists unordered list, two entries, one separating space: OK (0.07s) unordered list, three entries, one separating space: OK (0.11s) para followed by, unordered list, two entries, one s...: OK (0.10s) nested unordered list, one separating space: OK (0.17s) nested many unordered lists, one separating space: OK (0.80s) nested unordered list, mixed separating space: OK (0.18s) nested unordered list, one separating space, trailin...: OK (0.16s) ordered list, two entries, one separating space: OK (0.06s) ordered list, three entries, one separating space: OK (0.10s) para followed by, ordered list, two entries, one sep...: OK (0.09s) nested ordered list, one separating space: OK (0.17s) nested ordered list, one separating space, trailing ...: OK (0.17s) nested many ordered lists, one separating space: OK (0.91s) nested ordered list, mixed separating space: OK (0.22s) mixed nested ordered and unordered lists, one separa...: OK (0.94s) NoWiki quoted block, simple: OK (0.02s) quoted block, curly bracket exception: OK (0.01s) forced line breaks: OK (0.07s) quoted block, after trailing white space: OK (0.08s) Images and Links image simple: OK (0.02s) image with alt text: OK (0.08s) auto link: OK (0.06s) escaped auto link: OK (0.05s) wiki link simple: OK (0.05s) wiki link with name: OK (0.05s) image link: OK (0.03s) Table Table with Header: OK (0.14s) Table without Header: OK (0.13s) Table without Header, no markers at line ends: OK (0.10s) Table with Header, with formatting: OK (0.14s) Man Macros Bold: OK (0.01s) Italic: OK (0.01s) BoldItalic: OK (0.01s) H1: OK (0.01s) H2: OK (0.01s) Macro args: OK (0.02s) Argument from next line: OK (0.02s) comment: OK link: OK (0.01s) Escapes fonts: OK (0.01s) nested fonts: OK (0.02s) nested fonts 2: OK (0.02s) skip: OK (0.01s) replace: OK (0.04s) replace2: OK (0.01s) comment with \": OK comment with \#: OK two letter escapes: OK (0.01s) bracketed escapes: OK unicode escapes: OK unicode escapes (combined): OK (0.04s) unknown escape (#5034): OK (0.01s) Lists bullet: OK (0.03s) ordered: OK (0.03s) upper: OK (0.03s) nested: OK (0.05s) change in list style: OK (0.03s) CodeBlocks cb1: OK (0.02s) Tables t1: OK (0.06s) longcell: OK (0.04s) FB2 Emphasis: OK (0.10s) Titles: OK (0.07s) Epigraph: OK (0.03s) Poem: OK (0.08s) Meta: OK (0.08s) Notes: OK (0.06s) DokuWiki inlines Bold: OK (0.03s) Italic: OK (0.03s) Underlined: OK (0.03s) Monospaced: OK (0.03s) Monospaced with nowiki: OK (0.02s) Combined: OK (0.03s) Nowiki: OK (0.06s) Percent: OK (0.11s) Subscript: OK (0.03s) Superscript: OK (0.02s) Deleted: OK (0.02s) Inline code: OK (0.04s) Inline file: OK (0.04s) Inline HTML: OK (0.03s) Inline PHP: OK (0.02s) Linebreak: OK (0.36s) External links Autolink: OK (0.03s) Link without description: OK (0.02s) Link with description: OK (0.04s) Trim whitespace around link and description: OK (0.04s) Email address: OK (0.03s) Internal links Current namespace: OK Current namespace starting with dot: OK (0.01s) Current namespace starting with dot and colon: OK (0.02s) Root namespace: OK (0.01s) Parent namespace: OK (0.02s) Parent namespace with colon: OK (0.02s) Beneath the root namespace: OK (0.02s) Explicitly beneath the root namespace: OK (0.02s) Interwiki links Interwiki without description: OK (0.02s) Interwiki link with description: OK (0.02s) Footnote: OK (0.07s) Images Image: OK (0.02s) Image with caption: OK (0.06s) Image with } in caption: OK (0.09s) Wiki namespace starting with dot: OK (0.02s) Left aligned image: OK (0.02s) Right aligned image: OK (0.02s) Centered image: OK (0.02s) Image with width: OK (0.02s) Image with width and height: OK (0.02s) Linkonly: OK (0.02s) Ignore ~~NOTOC~~: OK (0.07s) Ignore ~~NOCACHE~~: OK (0.07s) Sectioning Headline level 1: OK (0.04s) Headline level 2: OK (0.04s) Headline level 3: OK (0.04s) Headline level 4: OK (0.04s) Headline level 5: OK (0.04s) Only two closing = are required: OK (0.04s) One closing = is not enough: OK (0.16s) One closing = is not enough: OK (0.04s) Horizontal line: OK Lists Unordered list: OK (0.17s) Ordered list: OK (0.21s) Multiline list items: OK (0.17s) Block HTML: OK (0.02s) Block PHP: OK (0.01s) Quote: OK (0.11s) Code block: OK (0.01s) Java code block: OK (0.01s) File with filename and no language: OK (0.01s) Table: OK (0.06s) Table with header: OK (0.04s) Table with colspan: OK (0.42s) Indented code block: OK (0.03s) Lua Lua filters inline elements can be round-tripped through the lua stack: OK (5.17s) +++ OK, passed 20 tests. block elements can be round-tripped through the lua stack: OK (5.21s) +++ OK, passed 20 tests. meta blocks can be round-tripped through the lua stack: OK (44.17s) +++ OK, passed 20 tests. documents can be round-tripped through the lua stack: OK (7.75s) +++ OK, passed 20 tests. macro expansion via filter: OK (0.26s) convert all plains to paras: OK (0.27s) convert display math to inline math: OK (0.21s) make hello world document: OK (0.25s) implicit doc filter: OK (0.22s) parse raw markdown blocks: OK (0.31s) allow shorthand functions for quote types: OK (0.27s) Count inlines via metatable catch-all: OK (0.21s) Count blocks via Block-specific catch-all: OK (0.30s) Smart constructors: OK (0.25s) Convert header upper case: OK (0.21s) Attribute lists are convenient to use: OK (0.21s) Filter list of inlines: OK (0.31s) Filter list of blocks: OK (0.31s) Filter Meta: OK (0.31s) Script filename is set: OK (0.28s) Pandoc version is set: OK (0.34s) Pandoc types version is set: OK (0.30s) Allow singleton inline in constructors: OK (0.27s) Elements with Attr have `attr` accessor: OK (0.31s) module `pandoc.system` is present: OK (0.26s) informative error messages: OK (0.32s) Lua modules pandoc: OK (0.42s) +++ Success: 22 Lua tests passed pandoc.List: OK (0.28s) +++ Success: 22 Lua tests passed pandoc.mediabag: OK (0.31s) +++ Success: 4 Lua tests passed pandoc.types: OK (0.34s) +++ Success: 16 Lua tests passed pandoc.util: OK (0.33s) +++ Success: 9 Lua tests passed All 2304 tests passed (2708.29s) Test suite test-pandoc: PASS Test suite logged to: dist-ghc/test/pandoc- 1 of 1 test suites (1 of 1 test cases) passed. touch check-ghc-stamp Adding cdbs dependencies to debian/pandoc.substvars dh_installdirs -ppandoc \ dh_haskell_blurbs "ghc" -ppandoc Adding cdbs dependencies to debian/libghc-pandoc-dev.substvars dh_installdirs -plibghc-pandoc-dev \ . /usr/share/haskell-devscripts/Dh_Haskell.sh && \ install_dev_recipe "libghc-pandoc-dev" Running cd debian/tmp-inst-ghc Running mkdir -p usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib Running find usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/ \( \! -name \*_p.a \! -name \*.p_hi \! -type d \) -exec install -Dm 644 \{\} ../libghc-pandoc-dev/\{\} \; Running install -Dm 644 pandoc- debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/var/lib/ghc/package.conf.d/pandoc- Running rm -f pandoc- Running dh_haskell_provides -plibghc-pandoc-dev Running dh_haskell_depends -plibghc-pandoc-dev Running dh_haskell_shlibdeps -plibghc-pandoc-dev dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: binaries to analyze should already be installed in their package's directory dh_haskell_blurbs "ghc" -plibghc-pandoc-dev Adding cdbs dependencies to debian/libghc-pandoc-prof.substvars dh_installdirs -plibghc-pandoc-prof \ . /usr/share/haskell-devscripts/Dh_Haskell.sh && \ install_prof_recipe "libghc-pandoc-prof" Running cd debian/tmp-inst-ghc Running mkdir -p usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib Running find usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/ \! \( \! -name \*_p.a \! -name \*.p_hi \) -exec install -Dm 644 \{\} ../libghc-pandoc-prof/\{\} \; Running dh_haskell_provides -plibghc-pandoc-prof Running dh_haskell_depends -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_haskell_blurbs "ghc" -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installdocs -ppandoc ./BUGS README.md dh_installexamples -ppandoc dh_installman -ppandoc man/pandoc.1 dh_installinfo -ppandoc dh_installmenu -ppandoc dh_installcron -ppandoc dh_systemd_enable -ppandoc dh_installinit -ppandoc dh_installdebconf -ppandoc dh_installemacsen -ppandoc dh_installcatalogs -ppandoc dh_installpam -ppandoc dh_installlogrotate -ppandoc dh_installlogcheck -ppandoc dh_installchangelogs -ppandoc dh_installudev -ppandoc dh_lintian -ppandoc dh_bugfiles -ppandoc dh_install -ppandoc dh_systemd_start -ppandoc dh_link -ppandoc dh_buildinfo -ppandoc dh_installmime -ppandoc dh_installgsettings -ppandoc dh_bash-completion dh_installdocs -plibghc-pandoc-dev ./BUGS README.md dh_installexamples -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installman -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installinfo -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installmenu -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installcron -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_systemd_enable -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installinit -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installdebconf -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installemacsen -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installcatalogs -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installpam -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installlogrotate -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installlogcheck -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installchangelogs -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installudev -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_lintian -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_bugfiles -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_install -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_systemd_start -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_link -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_buildinfo -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installmime -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installgsettings -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_installdocs -plibghc-pandoc-prof ./BUGS README.md dh_installexamples -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installman -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installinfo -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installmenu -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installcron -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_systemd_enable -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installinit -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installdebconf -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installemacsen -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installcatalogs -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installpam -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installlogrotate -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installlogcheck -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installchangelogs -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installudev -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_lintian -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_bugfiles -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_install -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_systemd_start -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_link -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_buildinfo -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installmime -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_installgsettings -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_strip -ppandoc --no-automatic-dbgsym dh_strip_nondeterminism -ppandoc dh_compress -ppandoc -X .haddock -X .hs -X .txt dh_fixperms -ppandoc dh_makeshlibs -ppandoc -XlibHS dh_strip -plibghc-pandoc-dev --no-automatic-dbgsym dh_strip_nondeterminism -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_compress -plibghc-pandoc-dev -X .haddock -X .hs -X .txt dh_fixperms -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_makeshlibs -plibghc-pandoc-dev -XlibHS dh_strip -plibghc-pandoc-prof --no-automatic-dbgsym dh_strip_nondeterminism -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_compress -plibghc-pandoc-prof -X .haddock -X .hs -X .txt dh_fixperms -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_makeshlibs -plibghc-pandoc-prof -XlibHS dh_installdeb -ppandoc dh_perl -ppandoc dh_shlibdeps -ppandoc -- --ignore-missing-info dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/pandoc/usr/bin/pandoc was not linked against librt.so.1 (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/pandoc/usr/bin/pandoc was not linked against libutil.so.1 (it uses none of the library's symbols) dh_installdeb -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_perl -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_shlibdeps -plibghc-pandoc-dev -- --ignore-missing-info dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- contains an unresolvable reference to symbol stg_SRT_13_info: it's probably a plugin dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: 59 other similar warnings have been skipped (use -v to see them all) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSbase-orphans-0.8.2-1Y1ZqNmIsRFEurBzE3x0AA-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHShxt- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSerrors-2.3.0-BAU93V4YvdA2FpVKQDj8LC-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHStls-1.5.4-Cz8hzgEvBw3KTlPKtlj54U-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHShxt-unicode- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSQuickCheck-2.13.2-4wWbKcyoHya6ofaj2IHJWD-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSdata-default-class- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSvector- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSregex-pcre- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSmime-types- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSghc-boot-th-8.8.4-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSansi-terminal-0.10.3-DS0jBrus2yKFjX9eUfmc3L-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSdata-default-instances-containers-0.0.1-CZSFwk2WpjvKV1t2R2Qle2-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSpem-0.2.4-JEK3LDyLgpi7ZoHNXbCwdm-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHScookie-0.4.5-6ZoL28K4BO1HjQ0spJ0kIE-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSasn1-types-0.3.4-BWL5rKXMos136NAYzFvlKU-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSasn1-parse-0.9.5-8dYysajvCgWIqrVluAwKYn-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSth-abstraction- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSconnection-0.3.1-DRww9ntUXlP4NhxQNP9NMu-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libgmp.so.10 (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libdl.so.2 (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSutf8-string- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSstm- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSsplitmix-0.0.5-j9K9krpGkdGhQ6Sn7hT5L-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSold-locale- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSstreaming-commons- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHStemplate-haskell- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHScolour-2.3.5-HwkwGdq0zHOAgUmo2lVa4V-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSasn1-encoding-0.9.6-8Rh9v4MTdOLFUauYnshDHA-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSbase-compat-batteries-0.11.1-LOY5lyev4zYDDSw7XooUgP-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHShourglass-0.2.12-5G4WuDRIFI9IS7mzcOyRUd-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHShxt-regex-xmlschema- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHShxt-charproperties- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSregex-base- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSbitarray- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHStime-compat-1.9.3-I8Rym0skYuI1tMugxAzG4l-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHShashable- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSdata-default- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libpthread.so.0 (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSasync-2.2.2-1jIe70QEPH1GVJJWPbuUZ4-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libutil.so.1 (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSinteger-logarithms-1.0.3-Io2BpkYkr962ot9Aw78Hlo-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSsocks-0.6.1-5Qhdf8SzS9C3E1VD3cu4Ed-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSdata-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1-26yQMJ7x0xCF8E8NsOHD2F-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSprimitive- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libm.so.6 (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSdigest- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libz.so.1 (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHScereal- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against librt.so.1 (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSbase-compat-0.11.1-4oueEGUxmwHC6tuHqQ6hE2-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSarray- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSblaze-builder- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSbase16-bytestring- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSx509-store-1.6.7-41Gb1WcyIut6Z1PW4rcbHt-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSx509-1.7.5-6C90JQFjjKNC9lQcytVvoI-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libcmark-gfm-extensions.so.0.29.0.gfm.0 (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHStagged-0.8.6-FYc8l1vwILF5OSKkSTSNII-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSpretty- (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libcmark-gfm.so.0.29.0.gfm.0 (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSx509-validation-1.6.11-6qaqE2O2vaFBNW1JxahM4K-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSuuid-types-1.0.3-FhMEClLs6wcFg4Ad7mfYKz-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSbasement-0.0.11-2YL1SjOhLXc7VnIkv32HlL-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libpcre.so.3 (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHStransformers-compat-0.6.5-A4x1bZ0pdPp2fWbX7DA2EW-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSmemory-0.15.0-CvAXtSHMVzo3aLnxNdTcZ9-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSx509-system-1.6.6-L4i6hYZETCUEyB4C3BQD3e-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHSdata-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1-72EdwHnhzfDCuEvGNlvtHO-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: package could avoid a useless dependency if debian/libghc-pandoc-dev/usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/arm-linux-ghc-8.8.4/libHSpandoc- was not linked against libHScryptonite-0.26-2ZUwwapgR1s38IBjIh8WCr-ghc8.8.4.so (it uses none of the library's symbols) dh_installdeb -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_perl -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_shlibdeps -plibghc-pandoc-prof -- --ignore-missing-info dh_gencontrol -ppandoc -- -V"pandoc:Abi=1.20-1" dpkg-gencontrol: warning: Depends field of package pandoc: substitution variable ${cdbs:Depends} used, but is not defined dpkg-gencontrol: warning: Recommends field of package pandoc: substitution variable ${cdbs:Recommends} used, but is not defined dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package pandoc: substitution variable ${haskell:ghc-version} unused, but is defined dh_md5sums -ppandoc dh_builddeb -ppandoc dpkg-deb: building package 'pandoc' in '../pandoc_2.9.2.1-1+deb11u1_armhf.deb'. dh_gencontrol -plibghc-pandoc-dev -- '-DGHC-Package=${haskell:ghc-package}' dpkg-gencontrol: warning: Depends field of package libghc-pandoc-dev: substitution variable ${cdbs:Depends} used, but is not defined dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package libghc-pandoc-dev: substitution variable ${haskell:Blurb} unused, but is defined dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package libghc-pandoc-dev: substitution variable ${haskell:ghc-version} unused, but is defined dh_md5sums -plibghc-pandoc-dev dh_builddeb -plibghc-pandoc-dev dpkg-deb: building package 'libghc-pandoc-dev' in '../libghc-pandoc-dev_2.9.2.1-1+deb11u1_armhf.deb'. dh_gencontrol -plibghc-pandoc-prof dpkg-gencontrol: warning: Suggests field of package libghc-pandoc-prof: substitution variable ${cdbs:Suggests} used, but is not defined dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package libghc-pandoc-prof: substitution variable ${haskell:Blurb} unused, but is defined dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package libghc-pandoc-prof: substitution variable ${haskell:ShortBlurb} unused, but is defined dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package libghc-pandoc-prof: substitution variable ${haskell:ghc-version} unused, but is defined dh_md5sums -plibghc-pandoc-prof dh_builddeb -plibghc-pandoc-prof dpkg-deb: building package 'libghc-pandoc-prof' in '../libghc-pandoc-prof_2.9.2.1-1+deb11u1_armhf.deb'. dpkg-genbuildinfo --build=binary dpkg-genchanges --build=binary >../pandoc_2.9.2.1-1+deb11u1_armhf.changes dpkg-genchanges: info: binary-only upload (no source code included) dpkg-source --after-build . dpkg-buildpackage: info: binary-only upload (no source included) dpkg-genchanges: info: not including original source code in upload I: copying local configuration I: unmounting dev/ptmx filesystem I: unmounting dev/pts filesystem I: unmounting dev/shm filesystem I: unmounting proc filesystem I: unmounting sys filesystem I: cleaning the build env I: removing directory /srv/workspace/pbuilder/32642 and its subdirectories I: Current time: Sun Mar 17 01:18:05 -12 2024 I: pbuilder-time-stamp: 1710681485