Score: 813
Jobs considered: 287
(including 7 on nodes automatically marked offline)
Jobs ignored: 62
Failed jobs:
A stable jobs adds 3 to the score, an unstable job adds 1 and a failed job subtracts something between 1 and 500 (indicated in brackets after the job name if not equal 1), depending on the importance of the job for the setup. If the final score is below zero it will be set to zero. Finally, status is calculated by diving the score by three times the number of considered jobs and this gets multiplied with 255 to get a status between 0 and 255. (Ignored jobs are not counted at all.)
Ignored jobs, because the nodes these are running on are documented to be offline:
Ignored jobs, because they are disabled for reasons:
This page was last updated on Sun Feb 23 14:55:26 UTC 2025 by the reproducible_system_health job.