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Search History (expand)

Supported keywords with an example

  1. -the modifier(s) must start with `-` and end with `:`:
  2. -r: regex. Regex will be used also if query contains .*
  3. -R: regex, but appended and prepended by .*
  4. -c: contains (default)
  5. -s: starts with
  6. -e: ends with
  7. -q: equals
  8. -Q: equals honoring case
  9. -a: and - query will be split on spaces, and all must match
  10. -o: or - query will be split on spaces, and at least one must match
  11. -p: match just name
  12. -f: match full path (default)
  13. -j: search only in jobs (default is in all -jw (-jvn))
  14. -v: search only in views (default is in all) -jw (-jvn)
  15. -n: search only in nested views (default is in all -jw (-jvn))
  16. -w: search only in views and nested views (default is in all -jw (-jvn))
  17. -#: will show job description
  18. -##: will search job description
  19. -!: invert result
  20. -t: sort results; have digital parameter:
  21. -1: default - by lenght of items
  22. -2: by date - requires B and/or L
  23. -3: alphabetically
  24. -Tyymmddhhmm: with B/S, will discard builds older then yymmddhhmm. Good with -t2
  25. -Xn: for NEXTn searches Nested View search will be turned off. n is optional number 1-9
  26. -eg "-Rjo: dacapo sp[ei]c": will find all Jobs which Matches .*dacapo.* or .*sp[ei]c.*
  27. - Project/build details in search: :
  28. -m: multiline instead of singe line
  29. -P: will include project details
  30. -Ln: will add information about last builds. Plain L c an be followed by mask of numbers 1-last,2-stable,3-green,4-yellow,5-red,6-unsuccess,7-completed
  31. -Bn: details about builds. N is limiting am amount of builds. Default is 10!
  32. -/: will show builds description
  33. -Sn: statistics (like weather, but in numbers). N is limiting am amount of builds. Default is 10! If you use SS, then all, even unused resutls will be shown
  34. -S x B x L: S and B switches are iterating to the past. This may have significant performance impact! L should be fast always
  35. -d: will search also in DisplayName. In addition it sets `-oB` as OR and Build details are required for it to work. The OR is enforcing you to filter jobs first and name as second
  36. -i: will search also in artifacts. In addition it sets `-oB` as OR and Build details are required for it to work. The OR is enforcing you to filter jobs first and artifact name as second
  37. -//: will search also in build description. In addition it sets `-oB` as OR and Build details are required for it to work. The OR is enforcing you to filter jobs first and build description as second
  38. -A: is controlling, how many artifacts in most to search through. Default 10. Reasonable numbers ends in some 100. Without i/I useless
  39. -D/I: Same as -d/-i, but only projects with at least one matching build will be shown. -d/-D -i/-I do not affect suggestions and can be acompanied by number - algorithm:
  40. -///: Same as //, but shows only projects with at least one matching description in build. Build descriptions do not affect suggestions and can be accompanied by number - algorithm:
  41. -1: : default, what mathced project name, is not used in displayName/artifact search. -! is weird here, not sure what to do better
  42. -2: : all yor expressions are used used in displayName/artifact search
  43. -note: Algortihm is shared between i/I/d/D and /// or // if you set it once, yo can not unset it.
This is Nested View plugin search extension
You can turn this on/off in jenkins global settings
You can turn this off temporarily by including X to query

Search for 'openwrt' returned: 12

  1. reproducible_openwrt-target-x86 
  2. reproducible_openwrt-target-omap 
  3. reproducible_openwrt-target-ath79 
  4. reproducible_openwrt-target-sunxi 
  5. reproducible_openwrt-target-lantiq 
  6. reproducible_openwrt-target-ramips 
  7. reproducible_openwrt-target-bcm47xx 
  8. reproducible_openwrt-target-mpc85xx 
  9. reproducible_openwrt-target-kirkwood 
  10. reproducible_openwrt-target-mediatek 
  11. reproducible_openwrt_rebuilder_today 
  12. reproducible_openwrt_rebuilder_future