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  1. preseed (1.119) unstable; urgency=medium (details)
  2. optionally treat /preseed.cfg as internal to d-i (details)
  3. Update changelog for 1.110 release (details)
  4. optionally treat initrd's /preseed.cfg as internal (details)
  5. Update changelog for 1.120 release (details)
Commit 05b3bd0b9cc88abc8e7f4afaebe44baf4b8700d9 by kibi
preseed (1.119) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Switch auto-install/defaultroot to trixie.

[dgit import package preseed 1.119]
The file was addeddebian/network-preseed.templates
The file was addeddebian/po/se.po
The file was addeddebian/po/sq.po
The file was addeddebian/po/eu.po
The file was addeddebconf-set-selections
The file was addeddebian/copyright
The file was addedpreseed_fetch
The file was addeddebian/po/ku.po
The file was addeddebian/po/hu.po
The file was addeddebian/po/cy.po
The file was addeddebian/po/ast.po
The file was addeddebian/po/es.po
The file was addeddebian/po/oc.po
The file was addeddebian/po/am.po
The file was addedREADME.preseed_fetch
The file was addeddebian/po/dz.po
The file was addedt/01-auto-install.t
The file was addeddebian/po/id.po
The file was addeddebian/po/mr.po
The file was addeddebian/rules
The file was addeddebian/po/it.po
The file was addeddebian/po/ug.po
The file was addeddebian/file-preseed.postinst
The file was addeddebian/file-preseed.templates
The file was addeddebian/po/zh_CN.po
The file was addeddebian/po/uk.po
The file was addeddebian/po/kab.po
The file was addeddebian/po/eo.po
The file was addeddebian/po/et.po
The file was addeddebian/po/lt.po
The file was addeddebian/po/bg.po
The file was addeddebian/network-preseed.isinstallable
The file was addeddebian/po/sr.po
The file was addeddebian/po/ja.po
The file was addeddebian-installer-startup.d/S30initrd-preseed
The file was addeddebian/po/te.po
The file was addeddebian/po/bs.po
The file was addeddebian/po/bn.po
The file was addeddebian/po/nn.po
The file was addeddebian/po/mk.po
The file was addeddebian/po/gu.po
The file was addeddebian/po/is.po
The file was
The file was addeddebian/po/templates.pot
The file was addeddebian/env-preseed.install
The file was addeddebian/po/zh_TW.po
The file was addeddebian/initrd-preseed.install
The file was addedpost-base-installer.d/05preseed
The file was addeddebian/network-preseed.postinst
The file was addedMakefile
The file was addeddebian/po/sk.po
The file was addeddebian/po/
The file was addeddebian/po/tl.po
The file was addeddebian/po/ko.po
The file was addeddebian/po/output
The file was addedfinish-install.d/07preseed
The file was addeddebian/po/bo.po
The file was addeddebian/po/cs.po
The file was addeddebian/preseed-common.install
The file was addeddebian/po/pa.po
The file was addeddebian/po/gl.po
The file was addeddebian/preseed-common.dirs
The file was addeddebian/changelog
The file was addeddebian/po/kk.po
The file was addeddebian/po/vi.po
The file was addeddebian/po/fi.po
The file was addeddebian/po/ar.po
The file was addeddebian/po/ml.po
The file was addeddebian-installer-startup.d/S60auto-install
The file was addeddebian/po/tg.po
The file was addeddebian/po/pl.po
The file was addeddebian/po/lv.po
The file was addeddebian/gbp.conf
The file was addeddebian/po/ta.po
The file was addeddebian/file-preseed.isinstallable
The file was addeddebian/po/si.po
The file was addedenv2debconf
The file was addeddebian/po/da.po
The file was addeddebian/po/kn.po
The file was addeddebian/preseed-common.templates
The file was addeddebian-installer-startup.d/S33preseed_early_command
The file was addeddebian/control
The file was addeddebian/po/km.po
The file was addedpreseed_aliases
The file was addeddebian/po/pt_BR.po
The file was addeddebian/po/fa.po
The file was addeddebian/source/format
The file was addeddebian/po/ca.po
The file was addeddebian/po/be.po
The file was addeddebian/po/de.po
The file was addeddebian/po/fr.po
The file was addeddebian/po/ga.po
The file was addeddebian/po/ne.po
The file was addeddebian/po/el.po
The file was addeddebian-installer-startup.d/S32env-preseed
The file was addeddebian/po/ru.po
The file was addeddebian/po/tr.po
The file was addeddebian/env-preseed.dirs
The file was addeddebian/po/th.po
The file was addeddebian/po/nl.po
The file was addeddebian/po/hi.po
The file was addeddebian/po/lo.po
The file was addeddebian/po/pt.po
The file was addeddebian/po/he.po
The file was addeddebian/po/sl.po
The file was addeddebian/po/ka.po
The file was addedpreseed_command
The file was addeddebian/po/hr.po
The file was addeddebian/po/nb.po
The file was addeddebian/po/sv.po
The file was
The file was addeddebian/po/ro.po
The file was addeddebian/network-preseed.install
Commit 32ceaf9fec1720327f86520c4dbe8f090119c13f by Phil Hands
optionally treat /preseed.cfg as internal to d-i

Normally /preseed.cfg, if present, is treated as evidence of preseeding,
which prevents the user being prompted for a preseed url.

This adds a debconf variable auto-install/cloak_initrd_preseed, which if
set to true causes the presence of /preseed.cfg to be "cloaked" (or
ignored) when performing that check (although the file will still be
used for preseeding).

Effectively, the /preseed.cfg is treated as part of the standard D-I,
which allows the non-preseeded code paths to be explored, and would also
allow people to make lightly customised images that are still capable of
prompting the user of a preseed URL if they neglected to provide one
during an `auto` install.
The file was modified debian-installer-startup.d/S60auto-install
The file was modified debian/network-preseed.templates
Commit 332f954542a9635ef67f33da0800cf0b03937f3a by Phil Hands
Update changelog for 1.110 release
The file was modified debian/changelog
Commit 56c6c66b4094ec98af6ca847e3cadfe69bcb8661 by Phil Hands
optionally treat initrd's /preseed.cfg as internal

Normally /preseed.cfg, if present, is treated as evidence of preseeding,
which prevents the user being prompted for a preseed url.

This adds a debconf variable auto-install/cloak_initrd_preseed, which if
set to true causes the presence of /preseed.cfg to be "cloaked" (or
ignored) when performing that check (although the file will still be
used for preseeding).

Effectively, the /preseed.cfg is treated as part of the standard D-I,
which allows the non-preseeded code paths to be explored, and would also
allow people to make lightly customised images that are still capable of
prompting the user of a preseed URL if they neglected to provide one
during an `auto` install.
The file was modified debian/network-preseed.templates
The file was modified debian-installer-startup.d/S60auto-install
Commit 33e145be40f02b8186893b66ac8d241b022e8d31 by Phil Hands
Update changelog for 1.120 release
The file was modified debian/changelog