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  1. New tag: package-installs-deprecated-python2-path (details)
  2. Refactor 'python-module-in-wrong-location' check (details)
  3. Remove strict check for comma in "Origin" field in DEP3 header (details)
Commit 47e58f3cf1d8ffe7597f10957af741fc040f54c9 by nilesh
New tag: package-installs-deprecated-python2-path

This check detects packages that are installing files in
"usr/lib/python2(.+)", which they should not be doing since Python 2 is

Closes: #1033294
The file was modified t/recipes/checks/languages/python/files-foo-in-bar/eval/hints
The file was modified lib/Lintian/Check/Languages/
The file was addedtags/p/package-installs-deprecated-python2-path.tag
The file was modified t/recipes/checks/languages/python/files-python-modules/eval/hints
Commit 3d9950ea92105cd6178287abb6e5c8e99ea3a135 by nilesh
Refactor 'python-module-in-wrong-location' check

A lot of the complexity in this check isn't needed anymore, since we
don't have to deal with Python 2 paths.
The file was modified lib/Lintian/Check/Languages/
The file was modified t/recipes/checks/languages/python/files-python-modules/eval/hints
Commit a1805c7ab887cf6ed949b9dfe3fa271deb0eab9b by nilesh
Remove strict check for comma in "Origin" field in DEP3 header

According to it is optional.
Added some extra validation checks for the value in origin field. It should
either be a commit prefixed by "commit:" or a URL prefixed by http:// or https://
The file was modified lib/Lintian/Check/Debian/Patches/